Phipi kim yege early period computer science. History exam changes

Sheet glass 01.08.2020
Sheet glass

Early period

This year Unified State Exam in Mathematics passed traditionally with a division into two waves - early and main. On March 21, schoolchildren passed early exam in mathematics basic level, and on March 28 - profile level... Also, those who, for good reason, could not appear for the exam on the appointed dates, had the opportunity to pass the exam of both levels at reserve day - April 16. results Unified State Exam in Mathematics of the Early Period were published on April 4th. And on April 22, a press conference was held in Moscow dedicated to the results of the early passing the exam in all subjects. According to Rosbrnadzor, this year 5.5 thousand students took part in the USE in mathematics ahead of schedule. At the same time, about a thousand of the participants in the exam turned out to be graduates of previous years, who took the exam again. It is noteworthy that this was the first time in uSE history, when the examination materials were printed immediately before the start of the exam, which was due to the need by all means to prevent the leakage of information about real exam tasks. In general, according to the testimony of representatives of Rosbrnadzor, the exam passed without failures and leaks, although it was not without the cancellation of some examination papers in connection with the violations identified.
Real CMMs early waves of the USE in mathematics in 2016 are available for review after they are published by the authors of the USE in the public domain. We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of the options found on the Internet (they were provided by unofficial sources, so we cannot guarantee their authenticity).

Main period

USE in mathematics of the main period scheduled for June 2 for basic math and June 6 for profile math. There will also be an examination in reserve day - June 28 - for mathematics of both levels. The last day to pass the exam in mathematics this year will be June 30 - a reserve day for all subjects. On this day, the main wave of passing the USE will end, however, graduates who have not passed or received unsatisfactory results based on the results of the early or main periods will be able to retake the USE in the next academic year, approximately on September 10.
Real CMMs The main wave of the USE in mathematics in 2016 will appear on our portal immediately after they are made publicly available by the authors of the USE (of course, after the exam is held and its results are published).

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79% of able-bodied Russians suffer from depletion of emotional and personal resources, 90% experience stress at work. Almost a third of Petersburgers admitted that they feel like a squeezed lemon at the end of the working day. In the field of education, this problem is especially acute. What are the causes of professional burnout and what signs indicate its appearance? Natalya Aleksyutina visited the International Labor Forum and found out what experts think about this.

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Good day, dear applicants. Many of you are interested in what happened behind the scenes of the early USE 2016. This was preceded by dozens of messages in my personal VKontakte and I will open the veil of mystery for you, tell you about my impressions of checking the second part and we will analyze with you the real version of the second part and tell you about what the early USE looks like in the history of this year

Impressions from the early stage

Let's start with my impressions of the first part, which, I confess, I saw briefly. But with a quick run through the variant, I can say the following: the early USE was not difficult. I will justify this on real assignments. As you know, this year the structure of all work has been radically altered - the test part has been removed and the tasks of the current first have been shoveled. According to a quick analysis of the option, the first five tasks and No. 7-9, 11 were given without any difficulties to those who worked out the dates and worked with official documents, including the list of dates from the FIPI. There would be no surprises, as I believe, for a prepared person.

Then you are greeted with the following type of tasks: work with a map and illustrative material. From the maps I can recall the map of the settlement of the tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs, there was a map on the era of feudal fragmentation, the Battle of Kursk met, the socio-economic development of Russia in the XIX century ... Something, of course, could cause difficulties, but there were no surprises from the compilers , like the names of merchants / names of plants and factories, like last year

"Pictures" pleased most of the entrants. The only difficulty was caused by a comrade, whose famous children's song is attached below. Who found out, write in the comments 🙂 It was necessary to choose 2 positions for him and the composer with whom he / she collaborated (-). I'm waiting for your suggestions. As for the rest: Vysotsky, Tsoi, the main architectural monuments of the 18th century, posters from the 20-30s of the 20th century

Well, now let's move on to the analysis of the tasks of the second part:

Assignments number 20-22: early USE on the history of 2016

No. 20. What period in the history of the USSR is the article talking about? Name, using knowledge from the course of history, two main opposition I.V. Stalin directions among the party elite of the described time. What were the features of their views?

No. 21. What is the purpose of the repressions organized by I.V. Stalin against authoritative party and state leaders. Give at least two facts and phenomena related to this process in the army.

No. 22. Indicate at least five reasons that, according to S.A. Kislitsyn, led to the destruction of the internal party opposition to Stalin

Test solution

So how can you complete this task? Naturally, reading the text 🙂 The Murder of Kirov, for knowledgeable boys and girls, already says that this is the 1930s. The groups are secretly highlighted in the text: S. Syrtsova and T. Ryutin (supporters of liberalization of the Soviet Union and moderate reforms). Well, let's touch on the "party boyars", tell who it is and get 2 points for the twentieth task

Purpose: establishment of a centralized system of state power and management of the popular masses

Facts and phenomena:
1) Many representatives of the Red Army were repressed (example: Tukhachevsky, Blucher)
2) During the years of the Soviet-Finnish war, a serious blow was dealt to the country's defense

  1. Fetishization of the VKP (b)
  2. Infantilism
  3. Separation from the people
  4. Party members' ambition
  5. Detachment from human values

We will continue working on the option in the next articles, very, very soon, if this article gets a response. Like it, share articles on social networks, so you help the project and then we will analyze the early USE in history 2016 as soon as possible. See you soon, Ivan Nekrasov was with you. Bye everyone!

Do you want to understand all the topics of the history course? Sign up to study at Ivan Nekrasov's school with a legal guarantee of passing the exam for 80+ points!

FIPI 2016 Early Unified State Exam in Social Studies with answers and solutions.answers to the early exam in social studies 2016. options for the early exam in social studies 2016 with answers


2.the legal entity
3. 15
4. 345
5. 33221
6. 356
7. 125
8. 11222
9. 126
10. 125
11. 145
12. 145
13. 245
14. 21231
15. 136
16. 235
17. 31221
18. 156
19. 13332
20. 649521

21. The correct answer must contain the following elements:
1) According to the author, true democracy is distinguished by what it is political systemin which certain people gain access to power and the right to make decisions as a result of free elections.
2) There are two types of republican forms of government: Presidential and parliamentary republics
3) In a presidential republic, power is transferred through direct elections, and in a parliamentary republic, as a result of advancing to a leading position in one or another influential party.

22. The correct answer must contain the following elements:
1. Named one of the "considerations":
Consideration: Citizens vote on the basis of generally accepted opinions and ideologies, rather than a careful comparison of political options for solving the problems facing the country.
2. Named one negative and one positive consequence:
Negative consequence: there is a possibility that a leader will come to power who is not able to solve the acute political problems of the state. A positive consequence: people who make a choice in this way feel sympathy for this government in advance and support it, which means there will be no discontent,
revolutionary outbreaks, etc.
Other positive and negative consequences can be written.

23. The correct answer must contain the following elements:
1. Answer to the first question: Proportional.
2. An explanation is given in what the protection of parties is manifested: This protection is manifested in the fact that under a proportional electoral system, each party receives in the representative body of power the number of mandates in proportion to the number of votes cast for its candidates in the elections. Consequently, strong political parties receive more votes.
3. The function of political parties, which manifests itself in the electoral process, is named and illustrated by an example: In the electoral process, the electoral function of political parties is manifested (for example, Party D presented its election program on TV).
The elements of the answer can be given in other, similar formulations.

24. The following arguments can be given:
1) a democratic state is based on democracy, and elections are one of the channels that allows citizens to take direct part in political life;
2) elections guarantee the replacement of outdated personnel with new ones interested in solving acute problems of the state;
3) democratic elections are public, which means that every citizen has the opportunity to get into the supreme power.

25. The correct answer must contain the following elements:
1) the meaning of the concept, for example: Globalization is the process of integration of states and peoples in different areas of activity; (A different, similar definition or explanation of the meaning of the concept may be given.)
2) one sentence with information about one of the manifestations of globalization in the economic sphere: One of the manifestations of the development of globalization trends is the domination of transnational corporations in the world economy .;
(Another proposal may be drawn up containing information on one of the manifestations of globalization in the economic sphere.)
3) one sentence, based on the knowledge of the course, one of the negative manifestations of globalization, for example: The negative manifestations of globalization include an increase in the number of armed conflicts; manifestation of separatism, terrorism.
(Another proposal may be made, revealing, based on knowledge of the course, one of the negative manifestations of globalization.)

26. In the correct answer, the following positive formal social sanctions can be named and illustrated by examples:
1. Awards (For example, a novice marketer R. was awarded an award for developing a promising sales strategy).
2. State awards (For example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation announced a reward to FSB officers (letters of thanks, certificates and hours) for solving the murder of a policeman's family near Syzran).
3. Admission to high positions and honorary functions (For example, the General Director of a large company T.Sh. was elected Chairman of the Board of the Association of European Businesses (AEB).
Other positive formal social sanctions can be named, other examples are given.

27. The correct answer must contain the following elements:
1) the answer to the first question is given, the justification for the answer:
Yes, the tax authorities are required to provide information to the taxpayer about the taxes they pay. According to Article 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, taxpayers have the right to complete and accurate information about tax legislation, about the rights and amounts of taxes represented by laws.
2) The names of any two duties of the taxpayer:
1. the taxpayer is obliged to pay the legally established taxes in full and within the specified period;
2. is obliged to keep records of income, expenses, objects of taxation in the prescribed manner;
3. is obliged to eliminate the violations revealed by the tax authorities.
Other duties of the taxpayer may be named.

28. One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic:
1. The concept of competition as a self-regulation mechanism of the market economy.
2. The main types of competition:
a) competition between sellers; competition of buyers;
b) perfect (pure) and imperfect competition;
c) intra-industry and inter-industry competition;
d) price (explicit and hidden) and non-price competition.
3. Functions of competition in a market economy:
a) stimulating the growth of production efficiency;
b) lower prices and higher quality;
c) ensuring focus on consumer needs.
4. Positive aspects:
a) contributes to the development of scientific and technological progress;
b) responsive to changes in demand.
5. Negative sides:
a) leads to income differentiation;
b) creates conditions for unemployment, inflation.
6. Protection of competition by the state from monopolization in a market economy (Antimonopoly legislation).
In the answer, a different number and other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan is possible. They can be presented in denominational, question or mixed forms. Absence of any two of 3, 4 and 5 points of the plan
(presented in the form of paragraphs or subparagraphs) in this or similar formulation will not allow to reveal the content of this topic in essence

Here for you all the control and measuring materials compiled by the FIPI for the Unified State Exam for the early period of this year are presented and posted. Just don't think that they just took and put everything on the shelves so that you use the ready-made material. In fact, everything is much more commonplace, because this is not the 2016 Kim's exam, but this year, and therefore we must assume that this is only suitable in order to be aware of what approximately tasks you will have to solve during the real exam. You will have to do this, because no one except you can help you when you start drowning in the real tasks lying in front of you in the audience. And if the cameras work properly, if they don't let you with your phone at the entrance, then where to go, what to do, and how to solve all this without knowledge in your head?

The real tasks of the exam 2016?

This development will help you anyway, since it is real uSE assignments, because the Kims are made by FIPI for you specifically. We list the main subjects for which these tasks of the exam are compiled.

Early examination period in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics of basic and specialized level, geography, history, social studies, literature, computer science, Russian language, English language, Spanish language, german language and French.

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