For which xbox live can be banned. Ban. And everything connected with it. Unlocking Xbox One

Glass and glass products 18.07.2020

Find out why your Xbox Live account was suspended or request a review of your case

Log into the Enforced Restrictions Log with your Microsoft account to review our decisions or submit a request to review your case.

Note. To maintain your privacy, Xbox Support representatives do not have access to information about enforced restrictions applied to your account, nor can they answer your questions or cancel your account suspension.

Xbox Live is designed as a place where all users can interact and enjoy their time online. To help keep our users safe in these activities, we track users whose behavior violates the Microsoft Service Agreement and Code of Conduct. Depending on the nature and severity, violations of the Rules of Conduct can lead to the application of various measures. This page describes several types of enforced restrictions and their effect on accounts.

Pay attention to the following general rules regarding blocking Xbox Live.

  • The blocking usually ends at approximately the same time of day at which it began, rather than at the beginning of the calendar day. For example, a 24 hour lock applied at 3:00 pm will end at approximately 3:00 pm the next day, not at midnight.
  • Microsoft is under no obligation to send warnings prior to blocking or other enforcement restrictions. By agreeing to the Microsoft Code of Conduct, you acknowledge that you understand and accept the Xbox Live Service Guidelines.
  • The blocking period depends on the severity of the violation. Particularly egregious violations may result in immediate permanent suspension.

Communication blocking

Communication bans are imposed for inappropriate communication behavior on Xbox Live. Blocking disables all Xbox Live communications, including texting, voice messages, video calling, using Skype in Xbox one, game and team chats. Communication is blocked for a specific period of time, often 1, 7 or 14 days.

If you are blocked, you can still access Xbox Live with your account, including multiplayer games. When the lock is completed, all communication functions will be restored automatically.

Account suspension

If your account is locked out, you cannot sign in to Xbox Live during the lockout period. The account is locked for a specific period of time, often 1, 7 or 14 days. However, egregious or repeated violations may result in permanent suspension.

Account may be blocked for various violations of the Microsoft Code of Conduct. These include, but are not limited to:

  • offensive or inappropriate content on your Xbox Live profile;
  • inappropriate gaming behavior or fraud;
  • attempts to manipulate the Xbox Live service through network interference, feedback fraud, abuse of complaints, or other system interference;
  • insulting other Xbox Live users, trying to impersonate Microsoft employees or partners;
  • attempts to use the Xbox Live Marketplace or Xbox Support for financial gain;
  • account theft, phishing, or other attempts to defraud Microsoft or other players.

Forced gamertag changes

When you force a gamertag change, the involved account is automatically assigned a new tag in much the same way as when you assign a system-generated gamertag when you subscribe to Xbox Live.

If a player is dissatisfied with the assigned gamertag and wishes to change it, they can purchase a new gamertag by following the standard gamertag change process. However, the forced gamertag will remain unavailable.

A gamertag can be forcibly changed if it looks or sounds similar, hints, abbreviates, or otherwise resembles any of the following.

  • obscene language and obscene language;
  • topics or content of a sexual nature;
  • aggressive statements;
  • discussions on controversial issues of religion;
  • discussion of infamous individuals or organizations;
  • discussion of contemporary and historical events of a delicate nature;

Blocking privileges

Xbox One and Xbox for Windows use Privileges to determine what you can and cannot do with each Xbox Live account. Benefits may be suspended if an account is associated with abuse of a specific Xbox Live feature or violation of the Code of Conduct, which does not necessarily result in a complete account ban. Choice Privilege Lockdown allows you to isolate inappropriate content or prevent inappropriate player behavior without blocking all your Xbox account capabilities.

Here are some of the privileges you can block for violating the Code of Conduct.

  • Record game clips and screenshots
  • Sharing content in Kinect
  • Participation in multiplayer games
  • joining teams;
  • communication with other players;
  • Sharing Profile Content

For example, if a player takes a screenshot of offensive content, their privileges may be blocked. He will temporarily lose the ability to record content, but will be able to continue to play multiplayer games and use other Xbox Live features.

The duration of a privilege lock depends on the severity and nature of the particular violation.

To create this topic, I was prompted by a large number of the same questions about the ban, recently. And I'm just tired of answering them. Read this first and very carefully, so as not to produce unnecessary posts and topics.

First, what is a ban? Ban (bath, banana), in the context of xBox 360 - blocking the exit to xBox LIVE. That's it, nothing else will happen to your console. You can continue to play, but only off-line. The HDD remains at your disposal, and the console remains exactly the same.

There is one more side effect ban: profiles launched on the banned console (transferred using a flash drive, for example) stop working on non-banned consoles (banned consoles will read normally), displayed as "Damaged profile", but there is a way out - read the spoiler.

SpoilerTarget "\u003e Spoiler: Spoiler :)

You will have to do this operation with the profile every time after you run the profile on the banned console.

Why can I get banned?
Now banned only for two and a half reasons:
  1. use of burned points;
  2. FreeBoot;
  3. There have been reports of bans due to Halo 4 being played with xBox LIVE connected prior to the game's official release. But there can be no talk of a wave of bans, messages are NOT massive.
I have failed AP25, is it dangerous?
No, at the moment, everything related to the drive firmware (the firmware itself, check failures, errors when starting games, discs burned to 97%, etc.) is absolutely safe in xBox LIVE.

My console is banned.
So what, marking a ban does not equal a ban and you can safely go to xBox LIVE.

What about drive emulators like xKey or Wassaby?
Everything is exactly the same as with the firmware - everything is safe.

My console is already banned, can I unban it?
No, It is Immpossible. Information about the ban is contained not only on the console, but also on the M $ servers.
, was only once, in the entire history of xBox LIVE.

Now I will explain the essence of why the waves of bans for stitched drives stopped. The fact is that the banned console is completely out of Microsoft circulation (hereinafter M $) and they no longer receive a dime from these consoles. Even if the console has a flashed drive, M $ still receives money from users for all sorts of buns, Gold status, DLC, gear for avatars, etc. drives or drive emulators.
There is another option for canceling bans - the firmware and emulators are so perfect that M $ simply cannot clearly distinguish between flashed (or with an emulator) and non-flashed consoles, and is simply afraid to ban honest users. For example, you are an ardent person who is not very careful with discs. I put my scratched face into the console, the console says "Disk not supported" or "Disk not recognized" or something else and pops the AP25 check failure flag. He pulled out the disc, rubbed it, shuffled about the shirt, put it back into the console - a successful launch. But the failure remained, and, theoretically, the console falls under the banana, although the console has never even been dismantled. M $ read this garbage since the release of the AP25 itself and stopped banning the consoles.

Something like that.

It is not very pitiful to play games before the official release. it is fired with 100% accuracy.

That's all for now.
Perhaps I will update it over time.

PS For those who are in the tank - do not bathe and do as D3migod said:
With a small caveat. M $ may start a bans wave before the release of his new console. It is possible, but it seems to me unlikely. In any case, it won't be very soon. There is also a small possibility of the imminent closure of live for 360 after the release of the same new console from M $.

PS The last paragraph, these are only assumptions, and may not have any relation to reality.

Live is a kind social networklinking Microsoft gaming platforms together. Thanks to this service, you can buy and download games from the Marketplace, chat with other users, view their achievements and trophies, play online and much more.

Connect Xbox One to Xbox Live it is possible at the very first start of the console. If there was no Internet at that time, this can be done when entering the online store.

If you have used services from Microsoft or bought their programs, for Xbox One, login and passwordthat you entered when registering them. Among them: Skype, Office 360, OneDrive and others.

After registration, you can read more information about the paid features of the service, and then decide whether you need an Xbox One subscription and what benefits you will get from it.

Ban Xbox One and everything related to it

Moving on to the main topic of this article - blocking accounts in Live.

The first and most important rule is not to buy accounts from unverified individuals. There are several popular resources, many of which are not at all related to gaming and console topics, such as message boards and multi-faceted forums. There you can meet unscrupulous people trading stolen profiles with games.

Often prices for "hijacked" accounts are super low, which is very attractive to inexperienced people. However, the risks they face are very high.

The fact is that the profile of a stranger that you can buy is restored in just a couple of clicks. The bottom line is that you are left without money, without games and without the ability to play online from any profile. The worst thing is that these restrictions can be lifelong, that is, the console will lose a huge part of attractive functions.

In addition, such accounts can be linked to other people's bank cards, also stolen. For this, you can be prosecuted if suspicion of theft falls on you.

To find out if your Xbox One is banned, you just need to sign in to Xbox Live. If successful, there is no ban.

It's another matter if you will to acquire games jointly... If you study this topic in detail and find a proven resource where all users are watched by moderators, the risk of being banned is minimal, but still it exists if you use the "scheme" incorrectly.

Less severe penalties can be applied to those who abuses obscene language in multiplayer chat. If other players complain about you, your profile may be blocked.

If you banned Xbox One due to complaints, it will most likely be lifted after a certain period of time... The more often this happens, the longer you will not be able to enter Live, and therefore play online.

Unlocking Xbox One

If you received ban for accounts on Xbox One, it will hardly be possible to remove the restriction. The same applies to the use of stolen credit cards.

Resale of accounts is prohibited terms of the license agreement, which we are usually used to scrolling through. Theft of accounts or any other personal information is generally prosecuted by law. Of course, no one will pass an acquittal.

If you really know that you have been banned by mistake, write to support and provide them with as much information as possible regarding the subject line.

Generally, you can unban Xbox One, but in order to do this, you will have to give a lot of really worthwhile arguments that fully prove your case.

By the way, if you see an inscription on your Xbox One when you enter Live: "Error 1170000" or something similar, do not rush to write in support. Sometimes all of these warnings are not related to restrictions. Try restart your console and internet routerand also look for information on how to fix similar problems.

10. Buying an account

A new generation of consoles is just around the corner, but not yet close enough to scare off all neophytes from buying a console. The most annoying thing about buying a set-top box and getting an appropriate account is to lose it soon, and sometimes for a completely incomprehensible reason. Therefore, today we will remember 10 reasons why you can lose your account on PSN or Xbox Live.

10. Buying an account

Let's start with a rather obvious point: if for some reason you decided to purchase a certain account “hand-held”, then be prepared for the fact that you may be blocked at any time. Stolen accounts are most often sold, and if its real owner finds out that someone else is using his accounts and contacts support, you will almost certainly be banned.

9. Offensive nickname

Not all players are aware that Sony or Microsoft can block you not only for specific actions, but also simply for the name of your account, but this is so. One of the most significant such cases happened quite recently - in March of this year, Sony blocked a Russian player with the nickname "blya" for "offensive nickname".

The most interesting thing in this story is that before the ban, the player had been using this account for 11 years, and could not change the account name due to the rules and restrictions of the PlayStation itself. Fortunately, everything ended well: Sony changed its mind and restored the gamer's account, but often the situation unfolds in a different scenario, and the blocking is never canceled.

8. Using "exploits"

It is unlikely that anyone will be surprised that the creators of consoles are actively banning cheaters, but not everyone knows that sometimes companies equate with cheaters and those players who use "exploits" - bugs missed by developers that can be purposefully used to get some dishonest advantage in Game. Usually developers take responsibility for such problems, but there are cases when Microsoft still severely punished "exploiters" with a banhammer.

7. Request to the bank for a refund for the purchase of games

It would seem that you have every right to ask the bank for a refund for a PSN purchase made through your credit card, but Sony in this situation has every right to ban you for this. And, it is likely that she will actually do it - you can find many stories on the Internet to support this. At the same time, Sony does not care at all if the purchase was not made by you, but, for example, by hackers who hacked your account.

6. Hacking the console

This should be obvious to everyone, but if you suddenly do not know - do not even try to log in to your set-top box if you hacked it. Sony and Microsoft will very quickly realize that you have done something with your console, and will simply block you, since hacking consoles is prohibited by the rules of the companies.

5. Offensive messages

All major gaming companies have tightened their policies on toxic gamers in recent years, and Sony and Microsoft are no exception. To get banned, you do not have to use abusive words or offend your opponent directly - the definition of the so-called “hate speech” is very broad, and you risk getting banned for almost any openly negative comment directed towards a specific person or group of people.

4. Insults towards the platform itself

In fact, you can get banned not only for insulting other players, but also for swearing at Sony and Microsoft themselves and their consoles. Of course, these companies pay little attention to swearing from ordinary gamers, but if you are any famous streamer, and scold the platform - do not be surprised if, in response to your emotional criticism, companies do not rush to fix the problems of their consoles, but instead simply will ban you. There were already precedents.

3. Using Lag Switch

The Lag Switch is a device that causes network delays in an online game, preventing your console and game servers from communicating with each other. In online games that do not have dedicated servers, Lag Switch allows you to deceive opponents, since while the device prevents your console from sending your data to the server, you simply freeze on the screens of enemies. However, in reality, you can continue to move and act freely, and during an artificially created lag it may well kill a helpless opponent. Of course, a ban is required for this.

2. "Hateful Messages"

Another point related to indirect verbal attacks on other players. What distinguishes this point from offensive messages is that you can not call anyone names at all, even veiled. We are talking about those situations when a certain "troll" simply "gets" other players - for example, chases a certain gamer from one game to another, sends him some senseless, crazy messages in a personal message, etc. It would seem that you are not offending anyone formally, but you will not deceive Sony and Microsoft - they know that these are all “hateful messages”.

1. Using your real name as a nickname

Yes, on Xbox Live and PSN you can even be used for using your real name as your account nickname. True, only under certain circumstances: this can happen if yours are not very successful in choosing a name for you, choosing something offensive or defiant. In such cases, even proof in the form of presenting a passport usually does not help - the banhammer's blow is inevitable. For example, this is exactly the fate that befell the player with the speaking name “Jihad”.

faq about a banned console

What does this mean to you, and what to do about it?
First, the most important is the inability to log into the Xbox Live service from this console. This means for you: no more game updates (aka title updates), XBLA games (live games), marketplace content, netflix / sky player, etc. And nothing can be done about this, all the network capabilities of your console are blocked FOREVER AND EVER.

Most likely, your gamertag WAS NOT BANCHED.When your gamertag is banned, Microsoft will email you why you were banned (details of the ban). If you haven't received a notification, then everything should be fine with your profile, except for a few features.

Installing the game on a hard drive in a banned console is LOCKED.
This means that it will not be possible to play any game from the hard drive. If you try to play the installed game, the console will display a message stating that the game was installed on another console and you need to uninstall and reinstall it, and when you try to reinstall the game the console will display a message stating that this function is not supported. So far, there are no ways to fix this problem, this function simply disappears from the banned console.

The hard drive itself is not affected - you can transfer it to another console that has not yet been banned and it will work fine. You will NOT HAVE to reformat it to restore functionality. All installed games will need to be reinstalled on the console on which you will play. This is a completely normal situation when replacing hard drives in the console.

Windows Media Center functionality is locked.
BUT it is possible to stream video / audio through the media library.

Your gamertag may be damaged.
This does not mean that your gamertag is banned, you can restore it in an unbanned XBOX 360, however, ANYTHING YOU GET AFTER THE BAN WILL BE LOST !! Your gamertag data will be corrupted EVERY time you use it on a banned console. This means that you will not be able to play offline to receive achievements - this will not work, and secondly, when you return your profile to an unbanned XBOX 360, it will damage the profile and the entire game process will be lost. Nothing can be done about it.

Some reservations about saves - if you use a save save in a banned XBOX 360, it will also affect the profile in the unbanned / licensed console! BE CAREFUL! There is nothing that can be done about this.

Your XBLA (Live Arcade) games and DLC (downloadable content) will work, but you will need to log into Xbox Live to play them on different consoles. This is normal on non-banned / licensed consoles. They can be damaged and can also be downloaded again if you try to run them on a banned console. You can submit your downloaded content here:, but remember that you can only do this once every 12 months.

So in general:
What promises your console as a result of the ban:
* Unable to sign out to Xbox Live
* Inability to install games on HDD
* Inability to use Windows Media Center extender
* Inability to receive achievements from a backup of a damaged profile

There is nothing you can do about it other than buying a new console..

There may be OTHER possibilities for blocking your console's functionality besides those described here, but they have not been discovered so far.

1.How to check if I'm banned without going to live?
-No, at the moment the only way is to go to live and play roulette.

2.What is banned for? Sector Curves? Game before release? Firmware?
-Previously, the ban was given only for the curves of the sector and the game before the releases, in the autumn season M $ learned how to ban for a flashed console.
The evidence already contains a lot of posts from users in the net, and I also quote a post from the scene:
I bought 2 new consoles XBOX 360 and i let them all week conected to LIVE.

Banned: YES
Drive Model: Lite On
FW: 1.6
I only played 1 game: Gears.Of.War.2.NTSC.XBOX360-x360inT and it isn "t NUKED. I Never played before release date. And it was check 100% verify abgx. LEVEL 3
After burned the game: yes i check it was 100% verify abgx. Everything GRREN.

Baneed: YES
Drive Model: Lite On
Flash Mode: Conective Kit (CK3 PROBE)
Game Played: ZERO, NONE, 000000000 Game played. Not a single backup. Never PLAy a backup in this Xbox360.

Think what you want, because ME I DONT HAVE more +++++++ Doubt MS CAN DETECT FIRMWARE.
For those who did not understand:
The guy bought 2 new consoles, both light-ons, and updated 1.6 iExtrime.
On the 1st I played only kettlebell 2, 100% tested by abgx.
The second one was simply connected to live and did not insert ANY disc, it lasted about a week (it was live online all the time) and got banned.
Conclusion: M $ now detects flashed consoles.

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