What perfume is suitable for fish women. Famous virgin women. Celebrity women - Cancers

Putties 24.11.2020

Fragrances by the zodiac sign!

Perfumery, Eau de toilette or Perfume - it's not just a smell, it's like a dress or underwear. This is our everything - look, style, image. Spirits reflect us like a mirror and this mirror can change depending on our mood. Today you can be cute girl, like baby doll and use light, sweet aromas... And tomorrow you will be confident in yourself and self-sufficient woman who knows her worth and there will be a scent in your purse rich and spicy... The more you use perfume, the clearer you will understand how much it affects your life. As Jacques Polge, Chanel perfumer, said, " clothes adorn the appearance, and the perfume reflects the inner world". We choose them intuitively. And the choice of smell gives out almost everything: how you perceive yourself, how you want to appear. Moreover, it affects our mood too.

Stars influence our character, on how we relate to life, to people, to things. Astrologers are confident that each zodiac sign has the most perfume scent suitable for him... In aromatherapy, there are guidelines for the use of fragrances for each zodiac sign. Knowing the month of birth of a person, you can determine which scents are suitable for which sign of the zodiac, even the names perfume or toilet water.

Find out which scent is right for you (CLICK YOUR ZODIAC SIGN):

The element of this sign - FIRE , patron - planet Mars, which symbolizes active action and even some kind of belligerence. Those born under this sign tend to dynamic and adventurous... They are not afraid to take risks and move forward.

Aries feel more than reflect. They can be extremely generous, adore make gifts and give orders... This courageous, often stoic type, full of original ideas, gravitates towards everything new. When something sinks into the soul of Aries, they are ready to break into all closed doors in order to achieve the desired goal.

In love, the representatives of this sign are very passionate. If they met their soul mate, then their feelings are deep and may even be long lasting. They are impressionable and extravagant natures.

Aries love a classic perfume with a strong aroma.. Sharp odors activate them, make them persistent and attentive. Woody notes improve well-being and inspire them to do good deeds. They love intense and persistent odors, because the main thing is to attract and intoxicate, in the full sense of the word.

They like to consider themselves non-standard, they like everything bright, modern, so they often prefer spirits of the most extravagant fashion designers, but not alien to them, and more "mundane" smells with a refreshing bouquet for every day. For an elegant evening, Aries will prefer a perfume with notes vanilla, cloves or heather, myrrh, juniper, nutmeg, ylang ylang and cinnamon.

For her: , , .

For him: ,

The period of this sign is the time of love and rebirth.
His element is Earth, and he obeys Venus, symbol of love... Taurus representatives are feminine and ardent, enjoy all the pleasures of life, differ in charm and femininity, an insatiable love for beautiful things, flowers, dresses, fine cuisine, wines, cosmetics and perfumes... Brave, hardworking, they are able to take on the most responsible, the most difficult positions, but on condition that they are not pressured.

In love, they are very faithful and need stability. Men born under the sign of Taurus they know how to find joy in everything... They seem to draw innumerable strength from the Earth, have a healthy instinct and a sense of beauty and harmony.

Fragrances for Taurus are inherent sweet notes woven into herbal, floral and fruity compositions as well fresh bergamot accord that stimulates a sense of beauty and encourages an inclination to laziness. Notes forest moss help to adapt more easily to any changes by making Taurus more adventurous and active. In general, he prefers plant-based accords.

The only difference from other zodiac signs is thickness and richness of aroma... He appreciates perfumes that betray him the desired status and respectability, prefers refined beautiful packaging: Taurus will be delighted with a large bottle in a bright red or bright green "frame". In addition, the stars are actively recommending verbena scents to soothe passions, as well as the scents of jasmine, magnolia, anise and hyacinths, lilies, red roses, rose hips, chamomile, fennel, hyssop, sage and palmarosa.

For her: , .

For him: , .

Their element is Air
, patron - Mercury which symbolizes harmony between spirit and body. Representatives of this sign are inner intellectuals, they are smart and inquisitive, light and changeable. They quickly grasp everything love arguments and fun have the ability to live a double life. Gemini love meetings, travel, fleeting contacts and connections. They are daring and resourceful., inventive and sweet, laid-back and accommodating. Sometimes they amaze others with their caustic remarks. Waiting for new ideas, they hate conformism and routine.

In love, they do not make long-term projects. If the representatives of this sign have enough partner, then they will be faithful to him. But, if they get bored, they may decide on rash acts.
Irrepressible experimenters Gemini is able to change smells depending on the time of day., and sometimes combine them to your liking. This always confuses even the smartest partner, as their essence remains elusive.

The Gemini sign controls the nervous system.... Fresh, especially citrusy notes suit their active lifestyle. This smell has a positive effect on their psyche and has an effect on composure. The aromas of spices and fresh herbs are able to stabilize the nervous system.
In society, Gemini want to shine tirelessly, therefore they prefer new fashionable smells ranging from heavy perfumes to stunning youthful compositions with notes of orchids or peonies.

The stars recommend them to use the scents of iris, lavender, violets, rosemary, mint, mastic, camellias, sandalwood, eucalyptus, fir, vetiver, and other flower and herbal mixtures. It is hard for Gemini to stop at one scent, as they quickly get bored with even the best range of perfumes.

For her: ,

For him: , .

The element of this sign is Water
, and manages it moon- a symbol of a dream. - sensitive nature, endowed with a rich imagination and preferring the cozy comfort of her inner world to the reality of everyday life. Representatives of the water element more often listen to their inner voice and do not give outside world of great importance.

In love they are desperate romantics who dream only of tenderness and security. A woman born under this sign is tender, charming and attractive, however, she can also be unbridled, carried away by her fantasies. Soft and feminine, she can be a desperate flirt applying all the known tricks of Eve.

Perfume - "setting" for the soul of Cancer, because by the will of heaven, they often go into the space of inner experiences. Cancer palette - delicate and soft scents that are often practically not felt by others. Only over time can they remain in the consciousness of the partner. Usually frugal Cancers have the best relationship with spirits. donated by their beloved family, they themselves do not want to bear the costs for these purposes.

Their favorite scent is floral-fruity, but they gladly take advantage of the delicate waters with a scent reminiscent of a summer sea breeze. According to the stars, first of all, Cancers should pay attention to smells. iris, violets, camphor, as well as ambiguous, with a deep smell, orchids reminiscent of the brilliance of the moon - the guardian of Cancers. Fit them jasmine, grapefruit, basil.

For her: , .

For him: , .

The element of this sign is Earth, his patron - Mercury, which symbolizes the harmony between the state of mind and body. Representatives of this sign - secretive natures and rarely reveal their souls to the people around them. They are naturally somewhat suspicious and do not like changes. They are smart, efficient and reliable.; can be the greatest thinkers. Individualists, sensual and unassuming, Virgos love and appreciate quality things. They wear carefully selected clothing that makes a good impression.

In love as in everything, they are more rely on reason rather than instinct... Virgos very rarely decide on crazy things. And yet, under the external coldness, there is a great sensuality. Women of this sign are examples of perfection and virtue. Most Virgos are reasonable, they like everything to be according to the rules. They have excellent taste. They are elegance itself. They prefer classics in everything.

Virgos always strive to preserve the image of an intellectual and cultural person, and spirits play an important role in this. For them The best way tell about your feelings - use the language of scent... Sometimes Virgos become attached to the scent for a long time. As representatives of the earth's elements, they do not remain indifferent to citrus and chypre perfumes. Strong floral scents and exotic scents able to tune them to romantic mood unless the sense of reality outweighs. They also do not avoid popular novelties, aromatized oils, which evoke images of magnolia vets or vanilla creams.

The stars are "reserved" for Virgo hyacinth, lily, verbena, sandalwood, mint, myrrh, oregano, valerian, lemon... They like smells fresh herbs, cypress... They prefer chypre and oriental aromas... However, Virgos do not approve of perfumes with too frank erotic "lining"... But they are completely delighted with the elegant aromas in which you can catch the scent lilies of the valley, hyacinth or lilac.

For her: , .

For him: ,

The element of this sign is Air
, and patronizes him Venus- a symbol of love. Smart and educated Libra is constantly on the lookout for balance and harmony... By the actions of this sign driven by instincts... Libra hates conflict and prefers "Escape" to the battle... Libra women are gentle and charming, they can adapt to any man. They are ideal helpers who find happiness in the success of her husband... Libra men do not pose as a conqueror, but often expect first step from a woman.

In love, the representatives of this sign have two principles coexist: romantic, rather conformist, and passionate-adventurous. It is very difficult to guess which side will tip the scales... Libra can easily deal with what causes sleepless nights for others. They take pride in their looks and sophistication. They have a wonderful gift of friendship, they are the most disinterested and devoted comrades. Libra is talented in love, gentle and sexy. Respect for money.

This sign is very sympathetic to perfumery... Libra prefer classic things, therefore buy famous perfumes. This does not mean that they are old-fashioned and outdated. Many of them prefer abstract compositions of famous designers... In the arsenal of their seduction prevails floral-aldehyde and oriental scales, but in priority - lightweight fresh versions... Libra is believed to have a weakness for rose and freesia since sweet smells make them more self-confident. Warm tobacco smells give them decisiveness in different situations. Star sign flower palette made up of sharp carnations, jasmine, verbena, mysterious orchids... Fit thyme, myrtle, ginger, marjoram... The representative of this sign will be satisfied only with the most exquisite and expensive aroma, and it is necessary unsharp, gentle, unobtrusive.

The stars prescribe them the scent of the queen of flowers - the rose. In the flower palette - cloves, jasmine, orchid, verbena, mimosa, marjoram, orange, magnolia.

For her: , .

For him: ,

The element of this sign is Water
, and they manage it Mars- a symbol of militancy and active action, as well as Pluto - a symbol of impulsivity. His motto is: " All or nothing!". If you can win him over, then consider that you have a very loyal friend. Scorpios are people with character... With good intuition and intelligence, they are never afraid of situations in which the balance of power is not in their favor. Individualists despising public opinion and customs, they carry strong passions, sometimes hidden, but not dormant. This character does not change: Scorpios are happy with themselves, despite external changes. The essence of their nature is decisiveness..

Scorpions in love - one continuous passion... They live in a constant boiling point, on a constantly active volcano. And, although life with them is not much like a vacation, they attract many, because they have irresistible charm.

Scorpios are always extravagant, sexy and unpredictable often prefer perfumes "for her" and "for him"... Their palette of aromas is complex and varied, and, as a rule, it is famous perfume, because the main task of Scorpios is to arouse a partner, intrigue and even psychologically provoke. And many get hooked... Often they put on the scents of a partner, making the sphere of intimacy more diverse and reckless. Scorpios love to use from time to time perfume with a strong exotic and voluptuous scent.

The sign is full riddles and secrets. They tend to dominate. They attract the opposite sex. Most sexy sign Zodiac. Scorpio has excellent taste. The stars recommend him Perfume with pheromones... Likes to fork out from time to time for perfume with a strong exotic and voluptuous scent... Citrus aromas stimulate their spiritual strength, while the vanilla accord improves mood, softening emotional conflicts and making them more accessible.

For her: , , .

For him: , .

The element of this sign is Fire
, and manages it Jupiter- a symbol of balance. Sagittarius is a strong personality, he lives in step with the times and spares no energy for the good of people. Sagittarius always fights for justice; he is noble and honorable n, generously gifting others spiritual and material values... This is the nature of the fiery Sagittarius: the more he gives himself to people, the more he receives in return. Most Sagittarius born optimists... Sagittarius is always energetic, full of energy, prefers activity, he is a good strategist... Due to its positive attitude towards the world and people, they have many friends.

In love, Sagittarius strives for a calm, measured life without complications... Energetic, in constant motion, he loves tried and true smells... He interprets each of his scent as an additional trump card at business meetings and in society. Smells emphasize once again his courage, good taste and constant composure, willingness, if necessary, to fight back and go on the offensive.

Often, the perfume families that Sagittarius choose from are thick shades. floral citrus, oriental and chypre fragrances... Notes lavender and moss acts on Sagittarius as "living water".

The stars offer him scents orchids, peas, lavender, tree aloe or musk, orange, tangerine, rosewood, rose. Smells highlight it good taste, composure, readiness to go on the offensive. Loves flower arrangements reducing stress. Sagittarius are prescribed scents of orchid, lavender, aloe, musk, orange, tangerine, rose, vanilla and sandalwood.

For her: ,

For him: , .

His element is Earth, and he is under the rule Saturn, a symbol of concentration and good performance. This sign has features of the period winter calm... Representatives of this sign patient and ambitious... They think about entertainment only after achieving their goal. They lend themselves little to influence, and no one, and nothing can force them to deviate from the chosen path. The main features of Capricorn are determination, tenacity and perseverance... The basis of his life is service, career, awards, titles, regalia, ranks, power. For people of this zodiac, traditions, order and a sense of responsibility are not empty phrases. People born under the sign of Capricorn great analysts.

In love, Capricorns find it difficult to overpower themselves and say "I love you", but behind the external coldness hides passionate nature... Capricorns walk confidently through life and stand firmly on the ground. Capricorns are spectacular, a little conservative, balanced.

Capricorn possesses refined taste in the field of fragrances and knows how to use them not for external paraphernalia. A bit conservative by nature, Capricorn loves traditionally scented formulations, familiar to him from a young age. He likes perfumes with tobacco aroma and leather scent... Captivates him and the aroma jasmine... Pungent odor moss, wood and medicinal herbs stimulates their performance and has a positive effect on mental focus.

The stars offer them beautiful, expensive smells, extraordinary and exciting, with notes belladonna, cypress, Indian spices, lemon balm, anise, ginger, lemongrass... Capricorns love camellia... It is these shades that can revive Capricorn, disturb his sensuality, give an extraordinary charm to his appearance. The scents he chooses intrigue those around him. For a business conversation, Capricorn chooses suitable smells: with notes sage, eucalyptus, sandalwood, iris, ylang-ylang.

For her:

The element of this sign is Air
... Aquarius obeys Saturn, which symbolizes good performance and concentration, and Uranus, the symbol of an independent mind. Originality prevents Aquarius from walking the beaten path. They only feel happy when invent and create something new. Aquarians extremely self-confident, implement their ideas and plans despite any opposition and with exceptional originality. If the work inspires them, then they are able to invest their full potential in it, take it up decisively and work with great tenacity and persistence. Aquarians are not tame and do not like to burden themselves with obligations.

In love they dreamy and idealistic... The partner appreciates the riddle and can erect object of worship on the pedestal, but on condition that he does not encroach on their personal freedom. Aquarius women seem fragile, shy, but in reality they have tremendous energy.
Has an attraction to perfume with elegant floral aroma, especially odor rose and orange tree... These aromas simultaneously intoxicate him, act soothingly, and stimulate his spiritual powers.

The stars prescribe to Aquarius strong but somewhat dreamy scents, based on notes. fresh spring herbs, bergamot, tea tree... They are very fond of sea smells, as well as smells. coolness, freshness.

For her: The element of this sign is Water, and it obeys Jupiter, a symbol of balance, and Neptune, a symbol of deep transformation. Sensitive and emotional representatives of this sign, like a sponge, they absorb the experiences of other people and cannot remain indifferent. Despite the fact that Pisces delicate and sensitive, they are capable of vigorous action allowing them decisively deal with adversity... They are distinguished deep mind and a fascination with thousands of things. Sometimes it is difficult for them to make a choice, so the list of hobbies can include anything from a professional sports before knitting.

good-natured, benevolent, sensual, sexy but very ambitious. Pisces is characterized by artistry, the art of reincarnation and seduction. As for personal life, for the sake of love they are capable sacrifice oneself... Pisces always let their partner's joys and sorrows pass through themselves. This is complete mutual penetration.
Pisces always correctly assess the design of living space by smells.

The sense of beauty finds expression in Pisces in preference aroma of rare flowers and moss. Heavy, balsamic amber scents awaken the feeling in them tenderness and fantasy... In addition, they have a highly developed subconscious connection with lily and orchid... Smell mimosa inspires and stimulates Pisces to do new things, strengthens their abilities get used to the feelings and moods of loved ones.

A good addition to Pisces' evening dress is perfume with exciting smell thyme, violets, roses and irises, lavender verbena... Women of this sign embody all the advantages and disadvantages of the weaker sex. The Stars Prescribe Smells to Pisces thyme, violets, roses, irises, verbena, lavender... As a rule, women of this sign have a rich collection of fragrances for different times of the day, situations.

Oh this smell! There are so many controversies and dilemmas on this score. How exactly to me choose your scent that suits my skin and my sense of smell. When I come to the store, I just can't decide on the perfume. A sales assistant with a sweet, pleasant face and voice comes up to me and advises me a scent, usually some kind of novelty that is required in advertising. The story begins about what kind of composition is contained and what notes are revealed at the beginning and at the end, and I do not consciously imagine how I walk down the street and everyone turns into my trail and tries to smell what kind of aroma ... Then I am offered to try the aroma and then disappointment comes. The smell is either too cloying, or it smells like surf, like air freshener, or alcohol and I can't smell it anymore. Of course, I understand that perhaps someone will definitely like this perfume. Well, what about Me ??? I say thank you to the girl and go to other showcases. And here I am trying to find something, perhaps I will be lucky and from the first, second or third attempt I will find it - my dream. But I usually end up finding nothing, because my sense of smell no longer works, even after coffee. In this situation, I am often ... But over time, I began to understand how to do it, I realized that I love! I love the classic, slightly tart, light and slightly sweet and sour aromas. My favorites are, and Burberry Brit Sheer,!

Women's and men's perfumery for the signs of the zodiac!

The element of this sign is Water, and the Moon controls it - a symbol of dreams. Cancer is a sensitive nature endowed with a rich imagination and prefers the cozy comfort of its inner world to the reality of everyday life. Representatives of the water element often listen to their inner voice and do not attach much importance to the outside world.
In love, they are desperate romantics who dream only of tenderness and security. A woman born under this sign is tender, charming and attractive, however, she can also be unbridled, carried away by her fantasies. Soft and feminine, she can be a desperate flirt with all of Eve's known tricks.
Spirits are a "frame" for the Cancer's soul, because by the will of heaven they often go into the space of inner experiences. Cancer palette - delicate and soft scents that are often practically not felt by others. Only over time can they remain in the consciousness of the partner. Usually thrifty, Cancers relate best to the spirits donated by their beloved family, but they themselves do not want to bear the costs for these purposes.
Their favorite scent is floral-fruity, but they gladly take advantage of the delicate waters with a scent reminiscent of a summer sea breeze. According to the stars, first of all, Cancers should pay attention to the smells of iris, violets, camphor, as well as ambiguous, with a deep smell, orchids, reminiscent of the shine of the moon - the guardian of Cancers. Jasmine, grapefruit, basil will suit them.


Poppy is odorless, but Kenzo in his new creation gives it a powdery floral scent. Flower by Kenzo is an unexpected union of nature and the city, which is so lacking for modern city dwellers who are always in a hurry on their urgent business. Top notes of wild hawthorn and black currant blend smoothly into the heart of Bulgarian rose, jasmine and Parma violet. Warm light trail of vanilla and white musk gives the composition sensuality and originality.


The Boss Woman is a dynamic, cheerful and optimistic person with her own unique and modern style... She achieves her goals by finding harmony between her personal life and career through inner strength and self-confidence. Boss Woman is the freshness and energy of mandarin, mango and exotic kumquat, a symbol of inner strength in South Indian culture. The temptation and femininity of the fragrance is conveyed by the combination of freesia and sophisticated passion flower. A balanced range of white cedar and sandalwood extracts give the scent a harmonious base note.


Giorgio Armani Acqua Di Gio light and dizzy scent, the scent of flowering grapes on the sunny seaside. Satellite summer vacation with its indispensable attributes - a sandy beach, warm sea water and fresh air. The sparkling fruity-floral top of violet, peach, pineapple and lemon turns into a completely floral delicate “heart” of a whole bunch of flowers, including jasmine, hyacinth, lily of the valley and ylang-ylang. The trail of musk and sandalwood adds softness and completeness to the scent.


Delicate, sensual, mysterious Jivago 24K by Ilana Jivago is designed for a passionate, attractive woman who realizes the full power of her feminine attractiveness. The fragrance immerses its owner in a world full of mysterious ancient power that helps her to conquer and dominate. Basic notes: Bulgarian rose, jasmine, tuberose, iris, amber.


Mystere de Rochas is a passionate, intoxicating, divine fragrance for seducers, for real women who love to combine classics and refined charm, sexuality and elegance. The fragrance went on sale a long time ago, namely in 1978, which allows it to be classified as a classic fragrance for women.
To many, this fragrance is similar to the composition Rochas Absolu, which was also created in order to defeat men on the spot with its mere appearance. The fragrance Mystere de Rochas belongs to the group of oriental fragrances, it enchants from the opening of the first notes, it bewitches, beckons and attracts to itself.


"Love is a treasure!" Is a slogan that reflects the inner essence of Lancome Tresor, which is successful all over the world due to its subtle combination of notes and shades. The Tresor woman is sophisticated, elegant and gentle, in a state of harmonious tranquility. Top notes of peach, apricot, pineapple and bergamot intertwine with a “heart” of regal rose, heliotrope and white jasmine. In the base note, the combination of sandalwood, musk and vanilla shades creates a sense of calm and serenity.


This fragrance was released in 1997, ten years after the resounding success of the men's perfume of a similar version. It was the element of water that prompted the famous designers of the Davidoff brand to create a fragrance that would emphasize feminine beauty and give confidence, give a lot of pleasure from the touch of fresh water spray and an ocean light breeze.
Cool Water Women is filled with cool notes that saturate the perfume with freshness and color, giving a feminine look with lightness and wonderful charm.


Versace Bright Crystal perfume has become a real masterpiece in the world of fragrances. It is this alluring, captivating and heady scent that can emphasize the uniqueness of female beauty. It changes along with the mood of its owner: it is gentle and calm, then temperamental and bright. Only Versace Bright Crystal will envelop you with its delicate and persistent scent, which leaves a luxurious and refined sillage. Versace Bright Crystal perfume has a very elegant bottle that emphasizes the uniqueness and femininity of this delicate perfume.


Euphoria blossom, a scent inspired by the delightful scent of a blossoming flower. Clean. Modern. Shining.
Euphoria blossom has become a modern, fresh variation of euphoria. Euphoria draws its charm from the intense sexuality of the black orchid, while Euphoria blossom is inspired by the delicate freshness of the white orchid. And if Euphoria is mysterious, sensual and has pronounced creamy notes, Euphoria blossom is a light, sparkling fragrance.
Euphoria blossom belongs to the fresh floral citrus family, all notes of its composition emphasize the heart of the fragrance, where the orchid reigns, delicate flowers with dewdrops and watery scent of fruit. It is a delicate and attractive floral elixir.


A passionate oriental floral scent is contained in a traditional curved, deep red glass bottle. Delicately crafted and beautifully packaged, it just grabs the eye. A sexy and slightly heady scent, it is addressed to a real seductress who knows the art of bringing pleasure. The top of the aroma of Cafe Intenso is represented by notes of apple with spices, piquant rhubarb makes the aroma slightly sour, the sweetness of mandarin fills the heart with joy, green bamboo refreshes and the freshness of grapefruit imbues the aroma with light bitterness. Heart notes of the fragrance are fragrant lily of the valley, watery notes of lotus and lily. Energetic and elegant notes of coffee, sweet vanilla, musk and sandalwood complete the harmonious, sensual and heady with its frankness feminine image. The aroma of Eau de Toilette Café Intenso is chosen only by self-confident women who always very carefully choose their circle of contacts.

Each individual is identified with a special scent of perfume inherent only to him. The words of the famous perfumer Paloma Picasso, who called the perfume "an autograph of a personality", are quite justified.

The idea of ​​matching a scent to your personality can be quite interesting. What if there was an easier way to find the perfect perfume? What if you just have to answer one question to find the right scent? And this question is extremely common, and you have probably heard it more than once: what is your zodiac sign?

If you pay attention to your horoscope in order to build your life correctly, you will find that it can answer other questions that you never imagined. So which scent suits you best?

Even in ancient times, astrologers who studied the map of the starry sky and divided the year in accordance with the constellations, discovered a very curious feature: each sign of the zodiac corresponds not only to a certain set of characterological features, but also preferences in fragrances.

Each individual has an individuality. Someone is an admirer of light aromas, while someone likes graceful essential oils... Over the centuries, the secrets of astrology are still relevant. Today, following the usual recommendations, you can select the perfect perfume that combines plant extracts of your zodiac sign.

It's great if, on an intuitive level, you can choose a scent that suits you, which will create a special aura and attract a sea of ​​positiveness. But if the intuition is silent, then the advice of astrologers will come to the rescue.


Aquarians are fair, truthful, and extremely creative individuals. They also show extreme determination and a strong inner core. But they easily go astray. The use of a scent with notes of bitter orange and neroli is perfect for these people of art. This perfume will help Aquarius maintain balance and develop their creativity.


These people are dreamy and creative. They perceive the world at the level of intuition. They are said to be the most imaginative of all zodiac signs. So which scent would make this sign more mundane? It is claimed to be sandalwood!


People born under this zodiac sign have a high energy potential. It is known that these individuals see the possibilities of all projects that they carry out, long before their completion.

Aries are enthusiastic leaders who can handle a task of any complexity. It’s not easy to get these tough nuts to get distracted, and once they lose interest, it’s hard for them to concentrate on the task until it’s complete. The ideal "antidote" would be the scent of cedar, which would help this zodiac sign to maintain peace of mind and keep its attention on the task.

People born under this sign are known to be sensual, trustworthy and creative. They have a certain sophistication. But these individuals can also be very stubborn and even somewhat limited. The tobacco flower is an effective scent for calves due to its superior nature and the fact that it can calm emotions and lift the mood.

Gemini are social butterflies that thrive on great companionship. They are smart and witty. Being in a company with people of this zodiac sign brings positive emotions.

On the other hand, these people love to gossip and are also prone to some exaggeration. High-altitude lavender perfectly soothes, educates and balances the mind of Gemini, who have increased activity in everything.


A sensitive Cancer is a very passionate, hopeful, loyal and determined individual. As wonderful as these qualities are, with such virtues these people can go too far.

Even a little overwork can make the representatives of this sign extremely moody. The gardenia scent is ideal for lifting the mood and correcting the emotional imbalance of Cancer.

The Mighty Leo is an eternal optimist, romantic, and also extremely dedicated individual. These people seek attention and can also be quite boastful. The pink scent perfectly complements their royal style and passionate, romantic nature. This scent also helps to sustain some of their extravagant qualities.

The sign of Virgo makes people loyal but demanding. They become perfectionists. The best fragrance for this sun sign is incense. It evokes feelings of calmness and serenity, and also helps the Virgo to relax.

Libras have an innate desire to please people. These people are intelligent, charismatic and diplomatic. They hate confrontation. This calm trait can trick people into assuming they are lazy and alienated. A spicy scent similar to black pepper can be the perfect choice for the sensual side of Libra, as well as revitalize and balance their life.

Scorpios are personalities with charisma. They attract the people around them like a magnet. These people have a very strong aura. Nature has really endowed them with character, thanks to which they end up making a large number of enemies and a small number of friends.

The essential oil of tuberose is ideal for the beauty and energy of this sign. This scent also has a calming effect on their emotions.

The Sagittarius woman is confident, sociable, adventurous, generous and exceptional. She can sometimes be overly energetic. To keep your emotions in check, a Vetiver-tinged scent can be extremely helpful in this case.

There are two qualities that distinguish a Capricorn personality: determination and sincerity. These individuals are true leaders and demonstrate tremendous strength and focus on their goals.

Capricorns are very utilitarian, but sometimes they make mistakes. Fragrances with notes of jasmine help these stubborn people get in touch with their sensual side.

Well, maybe everything that was described in this article goes beyond your expectations, but you must agree that the information is very interesting.

Personality traits defined by your zodiac sign can lead you to the right choice perfume notes that will lift your mood and stabilize your inner state.

These are the sensual and emotionally vulnerable of all zodiac signs ladies. They are not adapted to housekeeping, but they are beautiful in bed. Cancers are characterized by irrepressible ardor in love, interspersed with bouts of shyness and reflection. They are easily aroused and, frightened by their own feelings, rush to break the nascent emotional connection.

Cancers diligently mask their tender feelings. The first step in a relationship with a man is also a big problem, so it is better to entrust it to ... the scent.

The image of a Cancer woman is reflected in the perfume "Mystere Rochas" - their warm and sensual scent combines the scent of blossoming flowers of jasmine, geranium and rose with the resinous scent of sandalwood and vetiver. Notes of exotic resins and balms are slightly flavored with citrus freshness. These spirits make the blood run faster through the veins, the eyes begin to see more than they should.

No one cares about their bodies as much as Cancer women. They tirelessly groom their hair and skin, dress up in the most exquisite fabrics, lace and silk.
They are constantly enveloped in a haze of mystery and even mysticism. They, without resisting, float along the course of life. Their credo is to surprise and bewitch.

And for this, the enchanting aroma of Kashaya (Kenzo) is irreplaceable - they "hypnotize" those around them with oriental incense, which are dissolved in the sweet flower nectar and the aroma of raspberries. Vanilla and amber make the scent rich and sophisticated, while the warm aura of the bark soothes the nerves.

Celebrity women - Cancers

The Moon has the main influence on the sign of Cancer.
From June 22 to July 1, under this constellation, passionate and sensitive people are born, who know how to carve love even from stone. Let us recall, for example, Marina Ladynina (1908). Anna Akhmatova (Gorenko) was born on June 23, and American actress Liv Tyler (1977) was born on July 1.

The charm of these women can be easily felt by inhaling Magie Noir - a perfume that embodies the inexplicable charm of the Asian night from the tales of Scheherazade, where the scent of rose, jasmine and carnation argue with the aromas of exotic woods, resins, balsams and amber.

For those born in the period from 2 to 11 July, Mercury has an additional effect. These people are frivolous, light, ironic. They, like all Cancers, are prone to introspection, but they do it without hysteria and even with humor. A striking example of such a Cancer is Leah Akhedzhakova, as well as singer and actress Courtney Love (1964).

The perfume Tresor (Lancome) will tell about this hidden treasure wonderfully - a floral scent, as if shaded with a delicate powder, hides a "heart" note of the scent - a slightly sad oriental "wave" that has mixed the scent of iris, lilac and musk.

Born in the last decade in the constellation Cancer - women are restless, bohemian, in some ways even mystically inclined. They have a talent for seeing what is hidden from ordinary people... New facets of your own soul will help to reveal the aroma of Hypnotic Poison (Cr. Dior) - a "sacred", amber, spicy aroma with notes of hay, rose, jasmine, shades of caramel, vanilla and chocolate.

Cancer women often treat their chosen ones with excessive reverence. They elevate them to an unattainable pedestal of perfection and listen with delight to every word and opinion. Including about perfumery. But in this matter, it is still better to rely on your own taste - after all, a scent that is discordant with your mood can be the cause of ill health or severe prolonged stress.

If you are going to change jobs, start the employment process with the perfume Eternity (C. Klein). Their aroma is defiant and attractive. It is full of floral melodies, green foliage and ripe fruits. A good touch - tart woody shades (oak moss, sandalwood).
It's a good idea to use Escada perfume. They amaze the imagination by combining aromas of flowers (rose, tuberose, ylang-ylang) with notes of vanilla and amber. Taking advantage of this perfume, claiming a low salary is simply stupid.

For those who buy a gift to Cancer

Cancers are incorrigible romantics. They dream of love at any age. Any aroma should be presented in a romantic setting.

Colors: white, light blue
Stones: moonstone, emerald, ruby
Metal: silver
Happy days: Monday, Thursday
Unhappy days: Tuesday, Saturday
Favorable numbers: 2, 4, 5, 8
Anatomical emphasis: stomach, lungs, intestines
Symbols: cancer, crab, heart
Talisman: clover, heart

Prepared by Olga Karpova

Fragrances by zodiac signs

Certain smells correspond to each sign of the zodiac. This information can be helpful when choosing perfumes and other perfumes.

This sign has a strong, cheerful character. The path to success of Aries awaits with Happy Clinique, this fragrance will help you gather your thoughts and spirit, and the work will be done quickly and easily! Aries women are very vulnerable, but this is deeply hidden in their souls. When choosing a perfume, most likely they will suit a fragrance with a hidden heart note, it does not open immediately, but it is the center of the composition, revealing the sensitive nature of Aries. The motto of this fire sign is "Always forward!" Aries make plans with enthusiasm, but not always translate into reality. Women of this sign are spontaneous and sociable, beautiful and reasonable, tactful and very romantic. They love a classic perfume with a strong scent. Sharp aromas activate them, make them more persistent and attentive. Woody notes improve well-being and inspire them to do good deeds. Aries are impressed by a gift in a cherry-red package.

Fragrance notes for Aries: rose, amber, sandalwood, jasmine, poppy, patchouli, cedar

For women: Bvlgari Rose Essentielle, Carolina Herrera 212, Elizabeth Arden Green Tea, Givenchy Amarige Mariage, Hugo Boss Woman, Cacharel Liberte.

For men: Alfred Dunhill X-Centric, Carolina Herrera 212 Men, Chanel Egoistе Platinum, Estee Lauder Pleasures For Men, Armani Pour Homme, Armani Attitude, Hugo Boss Boss (Boss # 6), Jil Sander Jil Sander.

For this sign, peace and harmony are in the first place, both internal and in the environment. Taurus doesn't like to change their habits. Persistence is both a virtue and a disadvantage of this sign: usually calm, but very scary if angry. Taurus choose perfumery "for the soul", the complexity of the composition or the big name of the designer does not play any role here, therefore, often, their choice may seem unexpected to those around them. The most suitable perfumes for Taurus are characterized by floral-sweet notes, as well as a fresh scent of bergamot. This perfume stimulates their aesthetics and tendency to laziness. A whiff of forest moss scent helps them to adapt more easily to any changes and innovations, making them more adventurous and active. Taurus will be delighted with a large bottle in bright red or bright green packaging.

Fragrance notes for Taurus: musk, lavender, lotus, bergamot, rose.

For women: Christian Dior Diorissimo, Estee Lauder Pleasures, Giorgio Armani Gio, Sergio Tacchini O-zone Woman, Fendi Life Essence, Versace Versace, Moschino Funny.

For men: Angel Schlesser Homme, Donna Karan Be Delicious Men, Fendi Life Essence, Lanvin L "Homme, Hugo Boss Energise, Issey Miyake L" Eau D "Issey Pour Homme, Tokyo By Kenzo.

This sign is characterized by wit, curiosity and inconstancy. They are fidgets, overwhelmed by a sense of activity. The most unpredictable sign, the behavior of which is often incomprehensible to others, but these are very self-confident people with a lot of talents and skills, which simply delights friends and relatives. Heart notes should be clearly delineated and understandable. The aromas of spice and fresh herbs are able to stabilize their nervous system. Present them an extravagant and at the same time mischievous bottle of light yellow or sky blue, than give Gemini great pleasure.

Fragrance notes for Gemini: sandalwood, rose, cedar, violet, pine, musk, strawberry.

For women: Desir De Rochas Femme, Une Fleur De Chanel, Givenchy Hot Couture, Flower By Kenzo, Lancome Tresor, Lancome Hypnose, Lalique Le Parfum.

For men: Calvin Klein Euphoria Men, Donna Karan Red Delicious Men, Givenchy Pour Homme, Giorgio Armani Acqua Di Gio Pour Homme, Ralph Lauren Polo Double Black, Lancome Hypnose Pour Homme, Lanvin Arpege Pour Homme.

Vulnerable, emotional and impressionable, it is very easy to offend him. You can choose a scent for every day, and the mood is different every day. For example, Monday - good spirits and optimism will give Chanel Allure, Wednesday - will help to focus and concentrate on the work of Christian Dior Dolce Vita, Friday - will cheer up before the weekend and give energy to the evening of Davidoff Good Life! Cancer is a water sign, so it is best to rest by the sea, where it gets a boost of energy. The fresh scent of the sea and the mysterious scent of cactus flowers inspire the creative spirit of Cancer. His favorite scent is a summer floral-fruity scent. Jasmine gives Cancer strength. Best gift is a rounded bottle in a dark yellow package. Often they also like white, a symbol of light and purity. The Cancer woman is loyal and responsive, she carefully hides her inner world, believing that the manifested feelings will speak of her weakness, which gives the impression of a cold and insensitive nature. She is looking for a bright love that will correspond to her inner ideals.

Fragrance notes for Cancers: jasmine, sandalwood, poppy, rose, amber, musk.

For women: Cacharel Noa, Agent Provocateur Maitresse, Cerruti Image Woman, Christian Lacroix Eau Florale Bleue, Laura Biagiotti Laura, Versace Bright Crystal, Ralph Lauren Style.

For men: Burberry London For Men, Calvin Klein Truth Men, Carolina Herrera 212 Sexy Men, Christian Dior Fahrenheit, Fendi Life Essence, Hugo Boss In Motion, Hugo Boss Boss (Boss N6).

A bright, cheerful, friendly, active, temperamental, sometimes a little stubborn, but good-natured sign. Most often, people born under this sign become leaders. The sign of Leo is very sensual and passionate, therefore, perfumery for Leo should be chosen with some peculiarities. Lions love expensive things, therefore, new items from famous designers, original luxurious bottles (perhaps even with elements of gold in the design) will do. The fresh scent of narcissus inspires him and is able to drive away his gloomy thoughts. Woody notes develop a sense of self-confidence and enhance self-esteem. Leo will not resist a large bottle, decorated with fantasy in yellow, green or gold packaging. The Leo woman is very sexy and attractive, energetic and emotional. She lives with feelings, bathes in love and does not understand how it could be otherwise. Requires increased attention. The lion man is a real lover, he is gentle and affectionate, skillful and passionate. No woman can resist his romantic and sentimental nature, but at the same time he is very jealous.

Fragrance notes for Lviv: rose, amber, patchouli, jasmine, coconut.

For women: Cacharel Noa Perle, Christian Dior J "Adore, Donna Karan For Woman TO GO, Gucci Envy Woman, Davidoff Cool Water Woman, Lancome Mille & Une Roses, Roberto Cavalli Serpentine.

For men: Bvlgari Pour Homme Soir, Versace Man Eau Fraiche, Chanel Egoiste Platinum, Christian Dior Higher Energy, Tokyo By Kenzo, Viktor & Rolf Antidote, Davidoff Zino Davidoff.

Calm, balanced and principled sign. Virgo keeps all her experiences and emotions in herself. As a rule, the choice of Virgo perfumery is especially scrupulous. Strong floral scents and exotic scents and scents can tune them in a romantic way, unless the sense of reality outweighs. Virgos like the bottle with strict geometric shapes. They can be strongly affected by blue or green packaging. Women of this sign are very mysterious creatures. Gentle Virgo is cold and inaccessible in appearance, but internally open and vulnerable. She is responsive, practical and calculating in everyday life. Man. Caring, loyal, gentle romantic. He keeps all his experiences and emotions in himself, is principled and balanced. He is smart, confidently strides up the "service" ladder - his career is growing rapidly. As a rule, the choice of Virgo perfumery is especially scrupulous.

Fragrance notes for Virgo: musk, myrrh, rose, strawberry.

For women: Aramis Always Her, Bvlgari Omnia Crystalline, Carolina Herrera Chic, Chanel Coco Mademoiselle, Giorgio Armani Armani Mania Femme, Cacharel Eden, Escada Into The Blue, Calvin Klein Euphoria.

For men: Ralph Lauren Polo Blue, Aramis Always Him, Angel Schlesser Essential Pour Homme, Cacharel Pour Homme, Cartier Declaration, Chanel Antaeus, Giorgio Armani Acqua Di Gio Pour Homme.

Balance and harmony are what the representatives of this sign are striving for all the time. Libra's nature is very gentle, the incessant search for balance often fosters the development of talents such as poetry, art, singing, acting and others. Sweet smells make them more confident. Warm tobacco smells give them confidence and determination. Libra will be pleased if you give them a bottle of the correct shape with rounded edges in a blue-green package. Women of this sign are friendly, inquisitive, polite, tactful and sweet. She is feminine and loves to be admired. These gentle creatures have an innate grace, elegance, delicate beauty. A man, charms and falls in love with himself at first sight. It is very difficult to adapt to the difficult conditions of our world, which is why sometimes it seems withdrawn and aloof.

Fragrance notes for Libra: rose, lavender, sandalwood, jasmine, pine.

For women: Bvlgari Rose Essentielle, Cacharel Noa Fleur, Calvin Klein Truth, Ralph Lauren Style, Agent Provocateur Eau Emotionnelle, Gucci Eau De Parfum II, Yves Saint Laurent Nu.

For men: Burberry Touch For Men, Christian Dior Higher, Estee Lauder Pleasures For Men, Giorgio Armani Attitude, Rochas AquaMan, Valentino V Pour Homme, Paco Rabanne Ultraviolet Man.

Emotional, loving sign. Representatives of this sign are hardworking and punctual. They love the subtle scent of daffodil. Citrus aromas stimulate their spiritual strength. The vanilla aroma improves the mood of the nervous Scorpio, softening his emotional conflicts and making him more accessible. Scorpio is an extravagant woman, temperamental, domineering and ambitious. She is stubborn, failures do not frighten her, she is not subject to sentimentality. Possesses strong passion and sensuality. Its decisions are swift, sentences are not subject to appeal. She is beautiful, attractive, in love she shows a noble directness and unbridled passion, which becomes ideal under the influence of love shocks. Men of this sign are stubborn and selfish, but loyal to the family. Very domineering and jealous. It attracts others like a magnet. Scorpio can be impressed by an asymmetrical bottle in dark blue, dark red or deep green packaging.

Fragrance notes for Scorpions: lavender, rose, marjoram, patchouli, musk, amber, jasmine, violet.

For women: Jean Paul Gaultier La Femme, Lancome Miracle, Yves Saint Laurent Nu, Chanel N5, Lalique Le Parfum, Lolita Lempicka Lolita Lempicka, Paco Rabanne Black XS Pour Femme

For men: Chanel Allure Homme Sport, Zegna Intenso, Angel Schlesser Homme, Viktor & Rolf Antidote, Lancome Hypnose Pour Homme, Lalique Encre Noir, Bvlgari Aqua Pour Homme

This sign indicates deep insight and intuition. She has a personable appearance, she is elegant and ambitious. Her flowing gestures, calm speech betray great inner harmony. Sagittarius men are loyal and devoted friends, noble and romantic lovers. This is an irreplaceable and responsible employee. They are rarely possessive and jealous. The bouquet of gerberas makes the heart of Sagittarius flinch, and the scent of lavender, citrus fruits and moss acts on Sagittarius as "living water". He will love the unconventional bottle of royal blue or fiery red color.

Fragrance notes for Sagittarius: lavender, rose, musk, patchouli, amber, jasmine, violet.

For women: Cartier So Pretty, Chanel N5, Christian Dior Diorissimo, Versace Woman, Givenchy Amarige Mariage, Salvador Dali Sea & Sun In Cadaques, Angel Schlesser Essential Femme

For men: Burberry London For Men, Calvin Klein Euphoria Men, Clinique Happy For Men, Fendi Life Essence, Giorgio Armani Armani Pour Homme, Hugo Boss Hugo Boss (green), Lacoste Essential Pour Homme, Yves Saint Laurent L "Homme.

Soft and stubborn, he is always accompanied by success, he is very practical, Capricorns are generally distinguished by a special organization and endurance. Capricorn men often reach heights in business, and Capricorn women are just real workers, they are also persistent and inclined to achieve their goals. Present them a tart fresh perfume with a floral-fruity accent in a massive bottle and dark packaging, for example, anthracite, dark blue or dark green.

Fragrance notes for Capricorn: sandalwood, rose, lotus, jasmine, amber, pine.

For women: Cerruti Image Woman, Chanel Coco Mademoiselle, Christian Dior J "Adore, Estee Lauder Pleasures Exotic, Gucci Rush 2, Hugo Boss Deep Red, J. Del Pozo Halloween.

For men: Cartier Must De Cartier, Chanel Allure Pour Homme, Christian Dior Fahrenheit, Estee Lauder Pleasures For Men, Jean Paul Gaultier Gaultier 2, Gucci Pour Homme II, Dolce & Gabbana Pour Homme.

Originality, perseverance and tenacity - these are the qualities inherent in Aquarius. This is a kind, gentle and sympathetic sign. He is in constant search of everything new, more interesting and better. Woman - she is attractive and charming, she lives outside the present. These thin women, adapted to everything new, are capable of deeply feeling, but they quickly forget. Her life is waiting for a miracle. Men of this sign are strong and strong-willed, they put the spiritual over the material. The desirable gift wrapping for Aquarius is violet-red or cold-blue and always with silvery shades.

Fragrance notes for Aquarius: lemon, patchouli, amber, strawberry, sandalwood, lotus, rose.

For women: Chanel N19, Christian Dior Forever & Ever Dior, Estee Lauder Intuition, Givenchy Ange Ou Demon, Gucci Eau De Parfum II, Cerruti 1881 Collection Pour Femme, Gian Marco Venturi Woman.

For men: Ralph Lauren Polo Double Black, Lancome Miracle Homme, Clinique Happy For Man, Cacharel Pour Homme, Angel Schlesser Essential For Men, Azzaro Chrome, Donna Karan Red Delicious Men.

Mysteriousness and romance are most noticeable in Pisces. Pisces are easily vulnerable and can often get upset, but they are still more prone to joy and fun when everyone around them is happy and good. She is a controversial woman with a rich imagination and magnetic charm. She is beautiful and knows how to use it. Men fall in love with such women immediately and without looking back. A man is attentive and romantic, but he can be very indecisive because of the fear of being rejected. He is very generous and sympathetic, in difficult times he is always there. Heavy, balsamic aromas of moss and amber awaken in them a sense of tenderness and fantasy. You can please Pisces with a bottle of an unusually delicate shape in a pastel package.

Fragrance notes for Pisces: cedar, lotus, lavender, violet, sandalwood, rose.

For women: Laura Biagiotti Laura, Chopard Wish Pink Diamond, Estee Lauder Estee, Guerlain Samsara, Nina Ricci Premier Jour, Shiseido Feminite Du Bois, Nina Ricci Love In Paris.

For men: Bvlgari Pour Homme, Carolina Herrera Chic For Men, Donna Karan Be Delicious Men, Paco Rabanne Ultraviolet Men, Chopard Pour Homme, Hermes Ter D "Hermes, Shiseido Basala.

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