Dream interpretation wall calendar. Why does the Calendar dream in a dream? Dream interpretation of the medium miss Hasse

Stoves, fireplaces 05.07.2020
Stoves, fireplaces

The authors of many dream books interpret dreams with calendars in different ways, but everyone confidently claims that a calendar in a dream prepares a person for certain difficulties in life. The calendar is a reminder that time is fleeting.

What if dreaming about a calendar?

Catherine the Great in her dream book described in detail dreams about calendars, if you take a calendar in hand, it means that you are accurate in deeds and in thoughts, and a slow but sure rise is foreshadowed in your career and life. If you dreamed that you were buying a calendar, this predicts a series of minor and minor troubles. Seeing the calendar for the past years means that some events from the past haunt you, and the calendar in a dream for the future suggests that the events of the present have predetermined the future.

It is necessary to interpret such a dream only from personal feelings of self, but, unfortunately, a dream, as a rule, warns of dangers and troubles. Knowing what the calendar is for, you can remember the dates seen in the calendar in a dream and decipher their meaning.

Such a dream can be quite significant for the one who dreamed about it. It is extremely important in what form and for what purpose the calendar appeared, then you can understand what events in life you need to prepare for. The dream calendar is quite rare and therefore not all interpreters of dreams paid their attention to it. A calendar in a dream means disappointment in your hopes. Dream Interpretation Hasse says that the calendar dreams of paying debts.

Marking a date on the calendar means that there will be important news. If there are no holidays in the calendar, then this dream is a long and tedious work that will not bring proper reward.

What portends?

Seeing in a dream how someone else looks at the calendar portends surprises from the people on whom you are dependent. Looking through and flipping through the calendar means that joyful events will be replaced by sadness and despair, but they will be empty in their essence and not significant.

Seeing a calendar in a dream can also mean a desire to relax and change the environment. To break the calendar in a dream means, contrary to all plans, to spontaneously go on a long journey.

Losing and looking for a calendar means that hopes and expectations are in vain. Finding a calendar means you've forgotten something important, but you can fix it. Writing something on the calendar portends a measured and calm lifestyle for a long time.

The banal calendar that we see every day takes on a completely mystical meaning in a dream. It can symbolize the frailty of life, indicate the exact date, or even serve as a prophecy. To figure out what this accessory is dreaming of, the dream book recommends turning to the details.

Symbol of change

If in a dream you happened to see a wall or other calendar, then you should know that your subconscious mind reminds you that it is at least not wise to waste your life on meaningless things.

On the other hand, the same vision is a symbol of change or a very significant event in fate. This is especially true if you dreamed that you personally mark a number or a certain date has already been circled. Other elements of night vision will tell you what kind of change will take.

Prophetic dream

By the way, the dream book advises you to set up your mind in advance in such a way as to remember the day, month, year and other numbers in night dreams as accurately as possible. Why do you need to do this?

It is known that in dreams we get the most accurate predictions of the future, but often we do not know how to decipher them. So the time of the year, the animal encountered, the peculiarities of clothing, and so on can indicate the time of the prophetic dream. But only the calendar gives a clear indication of a particular day.

If you still failed to remember the number, you should not be upset. If this is really important, then, according to the dream book, you will be given another warning, more eloquent and understandable.

Time to pay off debts

What else is the calendar for? It can be a direct indication of certain terms and the need to pay debts. Perhaps you have an unpaid loan or you forgot about some event, then you will certainly see a calendar and the right number in a dream.

By the way, if you dreamed that you had lost the calendar or there was no necessary sheet in it, then in reality you are clearly wasting time and most likely you will not be able to meet the deadlines.

If in your nightly dreams you were aimlessly looking at a wall calendar, then in the real world you lack order and certainty. Moreover, if you dreamed that you personally hung a very beautiful wall-mounted copy, then in reality it is time to take a vacation and rest a little.

Statute of limitations

When interpreting such a dream, the dream book recommends recalling the age of the calendar. If it is for the current year, then all predictions relate to the present. It is not difficult to understand why the printing industry is dreaming about the past or future years.

However, the dream book also has a couple of unusual transcripts. So the old diary gives a hint that all the dreamer's problems lie in the mistake of the days gone by. But the date indicating the coming years symbolizes predestination due to one's own actions and behavior.

By the way, it is very good for a patient to see a calendar in a dream. The dream interpretation believes that it gives an indication of the period of treatment and recovery from an illness.

Think about the soul

The dream book gives special meaning to a dream in which one dreams church calendar... It is impossible to simply dismiss such a dream, especially if you are far from a religious person.

Had a dream about a church calendar with holidays and icons of saints? It's time to think about your own soul. The dream book believes that, of course, nothing threatens you, only the time has come to change your views and priorities.

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

  • Prepare for the solemn

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

  • The calendar - prepare for the solemn
    an event that will bring you many unexpected and unwanted surprises.

New family dream book

  • If you saw in a dream that you were holding a calendar - you will be very careful and methodical in your habits throughout the year.
  • Just saw the calendar - you will be disappointed in your calculations.
  • Carefully read the calendar - ahead of you worry about trifles that, in essence, are not worth your attention.

New family dream book

  • If you saw in a dream that you were holding a calendar in your hands, you will be very careful and methodical in your habits throughout the year.
  • You just saw the calendar - you will be disappointed in your calculations.
  • If you read the calendar attentively, there is anxiety ahead of trifles that, in fact, are not worth your attention.

Eastern female dream book

  • Seeing the calendar is disappointing. If you mark the numbers on the calendar, try to remember them, perhaps on these days something significant should happen in your life.

Eastern female dream book

  • See the calendar - to disappointment.
  • If you mark numbers on the calendar - try to remember them, perhaps on these days something significant should happen in your life.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

  • hindrances, difficulties.

Modern dream book

  • Seeing a calendar in a dream means disappointment. If in a dream you mark the numbers on the calendar, then in reality you are very neat, organized and punctual.

Dream interpretation Hasse

  • Hardly making your way in life.

Dream interpretation Hasse

  • The calendar - you can hardly make your way in life.

  • To see a calendar in a dream - to disappointment, abandonment of plans and hopes in relation to to a loved one... Those who were going to tie the knot in the near future, this dream will make them think about the expediency of their actions.
  • If you are holding the calendar in your hands and leafing through it, in the near future you should be extremely careful, attentive and sensitive. Otherwise, the upcoming meeting with a loved one may be the last.

Dream Interpretation Danilova (Erotic)

  • See a calendar in a dream - to disappointment, abandonment of plans and hopes in relation to a loved one. For those who were going to tie the knot in the near future, this dream will make them think about the expediency of their actions.
  • If you hold the calendar in your hands and leaf through it - in the near future you should be extremely careful, attentive and sensitive. Otherwise, the upcoming meeting with a loved one may be the last.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • The calendar is a pleasant surprise.
  • Saturday, Friday in a dream - bad, to a quarrel.
  • Sunday, Monday in a dream - good.
  • The end of the working day or week is the beginning of a pleasant period in your life.
  • A day off in a dream is a happy change.

Dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy

  • payment of debts.

Women's dream book

  • Hold the calendar in your hands in a dream - means being accurate and methodical in your habits throughout the year.
  • Just see the calendar - to unsuccessful calculations in your plans.
  • Studying, reading the calendar - portends constant anxiety, annoyance and discouragement about things that are small and empty in nature.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

  • The calendar - period of execution.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

  • Calendar - due date.

Russian dream book

  • news

Zhou-gun's Chinese dream book

  • You get a calendar. - You pass the exam for an academic title.

Dream interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

  • The sun-raven and the hare-moon are in a hurry, as always.
  • Sunsets, sunrises - a series of days and nights.
  • Fast - you can't stop - the years rush, fly,
  • Time rushes by like a foal that has snatched the reins from its hands ...
  • Don't be a fool, my friend!
  • Guan Hanydin (1240-1310)
  • The primary elements are fire, earth, water.
  • Emotions - joy, depression, thoughtfulness, despair, fear, hope, poise, nervousness.
  • Elements - heat, cold, humidity. Organs - heart, small intestine, spleen, stomach, kidneys, bladder.
  • Planets - Mars, Mercury, Saturn.
  • The concept of calendar time conventionally exists only in the mind of a person. Artificial division of the day into parts and the year into months and weeks is necessary for the unity of society's actions. But the more psychologically a person subordinates his perception of the world to the notions of artificial time, the more he loses connection with natural rhythms and, therefore, deprives his self of realization. Sleep is a state of being detached from the public, personal perception of life, not subject to social restrictions. Penetration into the sleep space of rigid and even materially insignificant symbols of the day is a sign of complete absorption of consciousness by orders imposed from the outside. To see a calendar in a dream / keep / calculate the time according to it - the external action of the yang on the internal self is in imbalance, the external pressures the internal. The calendar to see / keep in a dream - deprivation of an individual internal rhythm automatically deprives of his own life Tao, In the minds of a puppet - a person is dominated by anxiety, uncertainty, a lack of understanding of the meaning of movement in general, all this is often hidden behind external activity and aggression. After some possible social success, failure and illness will follow (see organs). Seeing a calendar for past years is to be fixated on a certain moment of the past: from there came failures and illnesses. Such a dream is a hint where to look for errors. Seeing a calendar for the future (year, decade) - past actions and emotions have already determined the course of events in the future. It is interpreted depending on the dreamer's sensations, but more often the dream is unfavorable, or it is a warning from above about the impending danger.

Dream interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

  • See calendar in a dream - deprivation of an individual internal rhythm automatically deprives of his own life Tao, in the mind of a puppet - a person is dominated by anxiety, uncertainty, a lack of understanding of the meaning of movement in general, all this is often hidden behind external activity and aggression.
  • See the calendar for past years - to be fixated on a certain moment of the past: from there came failures and illnesses. Such a dream is a hint where to look for errors.
  • See the calendar for the future (year, decade) - past actions and emotions have already determined the course of events in the future. It is interpreted depending on the dreamer's feelings, but more often the dream is unfavorable, or it is a warning from above about the impending danger.

Dream Interpretation of Health

  • To stress the psyche nervous systemtoo high for you life rhythm; For the patient - slowly and gradually, within a year, recovery will come.

Dream interpretation of Medea

  • The calendar - serves as a reminder that time is passing by.
  • Look at the calendar - your past work will be rewarded.
  • Look for some date - to disappointment.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

  • Dream calendar is a direct reminder of the deadline. Moreover, the date on the calendar most often has some kind of symbolic meaning.
  • Tear-off calendar - says that the deadlines allotted for certain cases are running out, and if they do not meet them, the time may run out irrevocably.
  • Leafing through the calendar in a dream - means that your plans lack certainty.
  • Lose or search your calendar - a sign that in reality you have forgotten about something important and are at risk of wasting time.

Modern combined dream book

  • A dream in which you mark numbers on the calendar - means that you will be neat, organized and punctual for a long time.
  • See a calendar in a dream - means disappointment in your calculations.

Complete dream book of the New Era

  • Exploring the calendar - reflection of the desire to arrange something (also the need and / or the possibility of this).

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

  • Flip through the calendar in a dream to see what days the holidays fall on - to a breakdown.

Dream interpretation of birthdays of September, October, December

  • Hang a calendar on the wall in a dream - to longing for rest.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

  • The calendar - to a fast-flowing life, a waste of time.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

  • See a calendar in a dream - a sign that you can achieve success in life only through hard, sometimes unbearable work. Throw away the old calendar - to pay debts. Search the calendar for the day of the week or day of the month, and find that the calendar is last year - such a dream portends incorrect calculations at a loss to yourself.
  • Reading in a dream because of nothing to do old calendars - get a ridiculous, boring and boring occupation in reality. Seeing a calendar in someone's hands - means that you will be extremely scrupulous in relations with subordinates, constantly observing a certain distance between yourself and them.
  • Buy a new calendar in a dream - portends minor troubles for you in the near future. Set fire to the calendar or heat the stove with it - means that in reality you will be discouraged and annoyed that does not deserve special attention.

The authors of many dream books interpret dreams with calendars in different ways, but everyone confidently claims that a calendar in a dream prepares a person for certain difficulties in life. The calendar is a reminder that time is fleeting.

What if dreaming about a calendar?

Catherine the Great in her dream book described in detail dreams about calendars, if you take a calendar in hand, it means that you are accurate in deeds and in thoughts, and a slow but sure rise is foreshadowed in your career and life. If you dreamed that you were buying a calendar, this predicts a series of minor and minor troubles. Seeing the calendar for the past years means that some events from the past haunt you, and the calendar in a dream for the future suggests that the events of the present have predetermined the future.

It is necessary to interpret such a dream only from personal feelings of self, but, unfortunately, a dream, as a rule, warns of dangers and troubles. Knowing what the calendar is for, you can remember the dates seen in the calendar in a dream and decipher their meaning.

Such a dream can be quite significant for the one who dreamed about it. It is extremely important in what form and for what purpose the calendar appeared, then you can understand what events in life you need to prepare for. The dream calendar is quite rare and therefore not all interpreters of dreams paid their attention to it. A calendar in a dream means disappointment in your hopes. Dream Interpretation Hasse says that the calendar dreams of paying debts.

Marking a date on the calendar means that there will be important news. If there are no holidays in the calendar, then this dream is a long and tedious work that will not bring proper reward.

What portends?

Seeing in a dream how someone else looks at the calendar portends surprises from the people on whom you are dependent. Looking through and flipping through the calendar means that joyful events will be replaced by sadness and despair, but they will be empty in their essence and not significant.

Seeing a calendar in a dream can also mean a desire to relax and change the environment. To break the calendar in a dream means, contrary to all plans, to spontaneously go on a long journey.

Losing and looking for a calendar means that hopes and expectations are in vain. Finding a calendar means you've forgotten something important, but you can fix it. Writing something on the calendar portends a measured and calm lifestyle for a long time.

Dreaming about the Calendar - Holding a calendar in your hands in a dream means being accurate and methodical in your habits throughout the year. Just seeing the calendar means unsuccessful calculations in your plans. Studying, reading the calendar portends constant anxiety, annoyance and discouragement about things that are small and empty in nature.

The dreamed 😴 dream was

Normal 0 Nightmare 0

2 Slavic dream book

Calendar - some deadline is coming to an end - be prepared for new circumstances, you may have to pay bills or fulfill some obligations.

The more strange a dream seems to us, the deeper meaning it has.

Sigmund Freud

3 Slavic dream book

Seeing the calendar is disappointing.

If you mark the numbers on the calendar, try to remember them, perhaps it is on these days that something significant should happen in your life.

4 Dream interpretation of E. Erickson

A dream with a calendar means:

What does the Calendar mean in a dream - daily difficulties.

Calendar for what it is. 1. If a calendar appears in a dream, then it has several meanings. Our attention can be riveted to the past, present or future, or to something significant in our life; we may also be warned that the allotted time has passed. 2. Time is a self-imposed limitation. Therefore, if something appears in a dream that shows the time, we are warned of the possibility of limitation. 3. We should become more aware of the schedule of holidays and festivals.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, an uncontrollable wild beast slumbers, which wakes up when we sleep ...


5 Dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Sleep calendar meaning:

payment of debts.

6 Dream interpretation of Stuart Robinson

Seeing the calendar is disappointing. If you mark the numbers on the calendar - try to remember them, perhaps it is on these days that something significant should happen in your life. Calendar - prepare for a festive event that will bring you many unexpected and unwanted surprises. Calendar - payment of debts. To hold in your hands and leaf through - nothing can shake your punctuality and accuracy. Reading a calendar is a petty concern, a waste of time. Seeing a calendar in a dream is a sign that you can achieve success in life only through hard, sometimes unbearable work. Throwing away the old calendar - to pay off debts. Seeing the calendar in someone's hands means that you will be extremely scrupulous in relations with subordinates, constantly keeping a certain distance between yourself and them.

7 Dream interpretation of the witch Medea

Dream to see about Calendar - Calendar serves as a reminder that time is running fast. Looking at the calendar - your past efforts will be rewarded. Looking for a date is disappointing.

After sleep, hands should be washed immediately, because when we fall asleep, the unclean spirit is applied to our hands and it is still there. The face should be washed without touching the eyes.

8 Home dream book

A calendar in a dream means:

Calendar in a dream - The calendar you dreamed about indicates that in life you are distinguished by accuracy and pedantry. These qualities of yours will not be shaken in the future. If you just see the calendar, it tells you that your calculations have failed. If you carefully read the calendar, or even study it, then in reality you will have to worry a lot about trifles, you will be discouraged and annoyed that, in fact, is not at all worth your attention. If you had a dream about the Calendar - If you saw in a dream that you were holding a calendar in your hands, you will be very careful and methodical in your habits throughout the year. You just saw the calendar - you will be disappointed in your calculations. If you read the calendar attentively, there is anxiety ahead of trifles that, in fact, are not worth your attention.

9 Dream interpretation of Nina Grishina

The calendar is a pleasant surprise.

Saturday, Friday in a dream - bad, to a quarrel.

Sunday, Monday in a dream - good.

The end of the working day or week is the beginning of a pleasant period in your life.

A day off in a dream is a happy change.

10 Universal dream book

We start looking at the calendar more often when there are many new things to do and worries. In a dream, do you think about some kind of calendar date? Is this date in the past or in the future? Your answer will determine whether you are living with thoughts of the future or the past. Does the calendar have many different dates and appointments, or is it relatively blank? What do you think about it? Are you happy to be constantly in business, or does it tire you? Do you like it when you have few appointments and appointments in your calendar? In a dream, do you see that a special date is marked on the calendar? Why is it important to you? What calendar did you see in your dream? Is it sunny or moon calendarin which it is noted when male or female power is dominant?

Perhaps the calendar symbolizes your subconscious desire to put all your affairs in order so as not to forget or miss anything.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling, do not respond and do not look out the window - it is one of the deceased relatives who calls you to him.

11 Russian dream book

Why does a woman dream of a calendar:

Calendar - news.

12 Russian dream book

Seeing a calendar in a dream means:

What does the Calendar mean in a dream - to pay debts.

13 Danilova's erotic dream book

A dream with a calendar in the dream book is interpreted as:

To see a calendar in a dream - to disappointment, abandonment of planned plans and hopes in relation to a loved one. Those who were going to tie the knot in the near future, this dream will make them think about the expediency of their actions.

If you are holding the calendar in your hands and leafing through it, in the near future you should be extremely careful, attentive and sensitive. Otherwise, the upcoming meeting with a loved one may be the last.

14 Dream interpretation of a housewife

A dream with a calendar means:

Calendar - the passage of time; something important.

15 Dream interpretation Hasse

Sleep calendar meaning:

Calendar - you can hardly make your way in life.

16 Dream interpretation 2012

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a calendar:

The study of the calendar is a reflection of the desire to organize something (also the need and / or the possibility of this).

If someone shudders in a dream, then this person is growing.

17 Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

What a calendar might dream about:

hindrances, difficulties.

18 Miller's dream book

A calendar in a dream means:

Seeing in a dream that you are holding a calendar in your hands means that you will be very careful and methodical in your habits throughout the year.

Just seeing the calendar means disappointment in your calculations.

Careful reading of the calendar, studying it - portends to you in the future anxiety over trifles; You will be discouraged and annoyed that, in essence, not worth your attention.

19 Historical women's dream book

If a girl dreams of a calendar, then this means:

See - disappointment in your calculations;

keep records in the calendar - throughout the year you will remain faithful to your habits and will be extremely careful in words and deeds.

20 Zhou Gong's Chinese dream book

Why does a woman dream of a calendar:

Receive - Successfully passed the academic title exam.

The dream seen by the church on the holiday can be fulfilled no later than half of the next day. They say: "Holiday sleep - before lunchtime", and on Friday it is "valid" all day. Whoever cries in a dream will laugh in reality.

21 The newest dream book

To see a calendar in a dream means:

Calendar - prepare for the gala

an event that will bring you many unexpected and unwanted surprises.

22 Modern dream book

Interpretation of a dream about a calendar:

The dream in which you mark the numbers on the calendar means that for a long time you will be neat, organized and punctual.

Seeing a calendar in a dream means disappointment in your calculations.

23 Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Interpretation of a dream about a calendar:

Flip through the calendar in a dream to see what days the holidays fall on - to a breakdown.

You should never sleep along the floorboards (only the dead are laid along the floor), but you should definitely make the bed across the boards.

24 Dream interpretation of birthdays of September, October, November, December

The calendar in a dream predicts:

Hanging a calendar on the wall in a dream is a longing for rest.

25 Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Why is the Calendar dreaming:

Calendar - to a fast flowing life, a waste of time.

26 Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing a calendar in a dream is a pleasant surprise, reading it carefully is a warning: you may be disappointed in your plans.

27 Dream interpretation for bitches

Calendar - payment of debts.

To hold in your hands and leaf through - nothing can shake your punctuality and accuracy.

28 Wanderer's dream book - Terenty Smirnov

Calendar - due date.

29 Imperial dream book

To see a calendar in a dream - deprivation of an individual internal rhythm automatically deprives of his own life Tao, in the mind of a puppet - anxiety, uncertainty, lack of understanding of the meaning of movement in general prevail in the mind of a puppet, all this is often hidden behind external activity and aggression.

Seeing the calendar for past years is to be fixated on a certain moment in the past: from there came failures and illnesses. Such a dream is a hint where to look for errors.

Seeing a calendar for the future (year, decade) - past actions and emotions have already determined the course of events in the future. It is interpreted depending on the dreamer's feelings, but more often the dream is unfavorable, or it is a warning from above about the impending danger.

30 Dream interpretation of health

Why is the Calendar dreaming:

Calendar - to stress the psyche of the nervous system, too high a rhythm of life for you; for the patient - slowly and gradually, during the year, recovery will come.

31 Dream book alphabetically

Seeing a calendar in a dream is a sign that you can achieve success in life only through hard, sometimes unbearable work. Throwing away the old calendar - to pay off debts. Look in the calendar for what day of the week or day of the month is today, and find that the calendar is last year - such a dream portends incorrect calculations at a loss to yourself.

Reading old calendars in a dream because of nothing to do - in reality, get a ridiculous, boring and boring occupation. Seeing a calendar in someone's hands means that you will be extremely scrupulous in relations with subordinates, constantly keeping a certain distance between yourself and them.

Buying a new calendar in a dream foreshadows minor troubles in the near future. Setting fire to a calendar or lighting a stove with it means that in reality you will be discouraged and annoyed that you do not deserve special attention.

32 Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Expect fateful events. If there is a certain number on the calendar, the event will happen on that day. Tear-off - decision time is coming to an end. Be more persistent! Wall - your proposals will lead to the collapse of the common cause. Pocket - your desire to keep everything under control will turn colleagues against you. Read - worrying about little things will distract you from important information. Look for a date - you have to pay a debt that you have long forgotten about. Seeing the calendar for past years - an event from the past will overtake you in the most unexpected place. Seeing the calendar of future years - the actions and emotions of today will determine the course of upcoming events. Mark dates on the calendar - your meeting with your loved one may be your last.

Try to prepare for this day: complete all important matters, make peace with your enemies.

33 Dream interpretation of the 20th century

This is a direct reminder of the timing.

In this case, the date on the calendar most often has some kind of symbolic meaning.

Tear-off calendar: says that the deadlines allotted for certain cases are running out, and if they do not meet them, the time can go away forever.

Leafing through the calendar in a dream: means that your plans lack certainty.

Lose or look for a calendar: a sign that in reality you have forgotten about something important and are at risk of wasting time.

34 Rommel's dream book

A calendar hanging on the wall - to pay debts, disappointment.

This is a warning dream: you have to break your own plans.

37 Historical women's dream book

Calendar - Expect fateful events. If there is a certain number on the calendar, the event will happen on that day. Try to prepare for this day: complete all important matters, make peace with your enemies.

38 Dream interpretation of Catherine the Great

Calendar - You saw a calendar in a dream - in reality, everything will develop in a completely different way than you expected; you will be disappointed in your visionary abilities. You take the calendar in hand - this dream says that you are a neat person; you have everything laid out on the shelves, you have order everywhere - in the household, and in deeds, and in thoughts; if misunderstandings occur with you, it is by pure chance or through the fault of others; you have good prospects; your life, your career, is a slow but sure rise. It is as if you are reading a calendar - some little things will distract you from important matters; you have such a character that you cannot leave something in a mess, you definitely need a burr; therefore you move slowly where others are moving quickly; but everything you do is thorough.

Seeing a calendar in a dream is a sign that you can achieve success in life only through hard, sometimes unbearable work. Throwing away the old calendar - to pay off debts. Look in the calendar for what day of the week or day of the month is today, and find that the calendar is last year - such a dream portends incorrect calculations at a loss to yourself.

Reading old calendars in a dream because of nothing to do - in reality, get a ridiculous, boring and boring occupation. Seeing a calendar in someone's hands means that you will be extremely scrupulous in relations with subordinates, constantly keeping a certain distance between yourself and them.

Buying a new calendar in a dream foreshadows minor troubles in the near future. Setting fire to a calendar or lighting a stove with it means that in reality you will be discouraged and annoyed that you do not deserve special attention.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream book alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Calendar

If you saw in a dream that you were holding a calendar in your hands, you will be very careful and methodical in your habits throughout the year.

You just saw the calendar - you will be disappointed in your calculations.

If you read the calendar carefully, you will be concerned about little things that, in fact, are not worth your attention.

Interpretation of dreams from

In their calculations.

Carefully reading the calendar, studying it - portends to you in the future anxiety over trifles; you will be discouraged and frustrated that, in essence, not worth your attention.

Dream interpretation of Medea

The calendar - serves as a reminder that time is passing by.

Look at the calendar - your past work will be rewarded.

Look for some date - to disappointment.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Dream calendar is a direct reminder of the deadline. Moreover, the date on the calendar most often has some kind of symbolic meaning.

Tear-off calendar - says that the deadlines allotted for certain cases are running out, and if they do not meet them, the time may run out irrevocably.

Leafing through the calendar in a dream - means that your plans lack certainty.

Dream interpretation of Solomon

The calendar - payment of debt.

Dream interpretation for bitches

The calendar - payment of debts.

Hold and leaf - nothing can shake your punctuality and accuracy.

New family dream book

If you saw in a dream that you were holding a calendar - you will be very careful and methodical in your habits throughout the year.

Just saw the calendar - you will be disappointed in your calculations.

Carefully read the calendar - ahead of you worry about trifles that, in essence, are not worth your attention.

Modern combined dream book

A dream in which you mark numbers on the calendar - means that you will be neat, organized and punctual for a long time.

See a calendar in a dream - means disappointment in your calculations.

Eastern female dream book

See the calendar - to disappointment.

If you mark numbers on the calendar - try to remember them, perhaps on these days something significant should happen in your life.

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

The calendar - prepare for the solemn
an event that will bring you many unexpected and unwanted surprises.

Complete dream book of the New Era

The calendar - to the tension of the psyche of the nervous system, too high a rhythm of life for you; for the patient - slowly and gradually, during the year, recovery will come.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be discouraged - this is just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is sleep. All good things stay, all bad things leave ”.

Open the tap and tell the dream to pouring running water.

Wash your face three times with the words "Where the water flows, there the dream goes."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt melted, my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn the linens inside out.

Don't tell anyone your bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

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