A cold lapel will help get rid of unrequited love. Spell to cool down: the right ritual to cool your feelings Spell to avoid suffering from love

Painting 13.12.2023

Since ancient times, magical operations have been used to get rid of love addiction, and spells have reduced suffering. If they didn’t know how to get rid of unhappy love, they performed a ritual and cast a spell against unrequited love.

And now, more about the conspiracies themselves.

Love plot for blood and food from unrequited love

In this case, conspiracies for unrequited love or unrequited love are made using one’s own blood. This ritual is a little similar to a sexual love spell, which is a very powerful love spell, but its actions are not so destructive and do not entail serious consequences. The ceremony is performed only on the waxing moon at any time of the day.
  1. You need to take a piece of meat tenderloin and fry it thoroughly, put it on a plate.
  2. Drip 2-5 drops of blood from your finger and say the following: “ With the blood of God's servant (my name) I will feed the heart of God's servant (the name of my beloved). And he will be attached to me, but he will never be able to tear himself away from me. Amen».
It is important that your chosen one eats all the meat completely.

Conspiracy from unhappy love

You can also get rid of unrequited love with the help of magic; spells for unrequited love will help here. They belong to white magic and do not have much power, but they will help attract the attention of a man.

Only unmarried girls can perform it.

For magical actions, you need to buy a new ring in the store without trying it on. Wait for the waxing moon and a sunny clear day.

  1. You need to go out into the open, ideally if the sun is at its zenith.
  2. Place the ring on the ring finger of your right hand and lift it up and say once: “ The sun is clear, I turn my gaze to you, I open my soul, I beg for help. The heart of the good fellow (Servant of God name) burns, takes away vital strength. Help me, Sun, direct his gaze to me, let him see my face, feel my heartbeat and desire, feel melancholy. Let me crown my finger with a ring, and swear eternal love. Amen».
  3. The ring must be worn until the young man admits his feelings, then remove the ring and hang it on a chain.
As long as you keep him with you, your loved one will be nearby.

The simplest conspiracy against unrequited love

This magical effect does not require any additional props, but it will make it possible to get rid of painful love. You need to say the words before going to bed, imagine your love, to whom you want to cool off and say: “ Your face is with me, but your soul and heart are not with me, just as you don’t see me, don’t love me and don’t want me, so I cool you down, free your heart" The result will not be long in coming, and in the morning the feelings will not be so strong.”

Get rid of love magic - cool down

If you need a cooldown from love, then simple love magic spells can help with this.
  1. For the ritual you only need a photo of a person over whom you need to say the following words: “ Just as the fire burns your image, so my feelings will forever burn and turn to ashes.».
  2. After this, burn the photo and scatter the ashes.

Magic rituals require a very serious approach and preparation.

To a greater extent they are based on sincere faith. The main thing is to remember that love for a person can pass, but the ritual will not lose its power and the bewitched person will continue to experience loving feelings, but will you need them then...

In the old days, if a girl was overcome by longing for a guy who did not reciprocate her feelings, she would definitely choose a suitable ritual - a conspiracy against unhappy love, so as not to waste her spiritual strength and quickly marry the one destined for her by the gods.

One of these Slavic rituals was a conspiracy against unhappy love, a reprimand using water and an egg.

If you decide to use this proven remedy, prepare for the ceremony in advance. Choose a suitable day, always on the waning moon (since the conspiracy will act on the decline of “vain feelings”). Make a small bag with your own hands (one that can easily fit an egg and can be tied in a knot) from linen or silk.

The day before the report, buy a fresh chicken egg at the market; eggs that have been in the refrigerator cannot be used. At night, place it under the bed or at the head of the head so as not to accidentally break it. At dawn, look at yourself and wish yourself happiness.

Then go to the bathroom, strip naked and start rolling the egg over your body from head to toe from left to right with the words of reprimand:

“Dear Gods, having created my flesh, having created my soul, turning to you, I (your name) was born of a loving mother, protected by the care of the bright Gods, girded with Yarilo the sun, looked after by Dazhdbog with the powers, save from painful melancholy, heal spiritual ailments. Take away my sadness, Mother Earth of cheese, and wash me with the spring dead water, and anoint me with the spring water of life! Take the forces of darkness away from me, and put me in a circle of fire, let it burn out black melancholy and love—rebellious melancholy. I will bow to the stone - Alatyr and may he give me a new betrothed.”

Place the egg in a bag and tie it tightly with a knot. Take a shower (you need to stand under running water for 15 minutes, preferably so that the water pours onto the top of your head). Bury the egg in the ground in the yard. If after a reprimand you feel sleepy, this is a very good sign, it means that the ancient conspiracy for unhappy love has worked.

If you have the opportunity to perform the ritual not in a city apartment, but in nature and swim in a clean river after it, this is an ideal option. Instead of a mirror, you can look at your reflection in the water. The main condition is that the water is not stagnant, so that all negative emotions and thoughts are carried away by the flow of the river.

A spell against melancholy and sadness is a magical ritual that helps restore your energy after parting with a loved one. This type of magic will help you recover from a breakup and start a new life by overcoming sadness and depression.

Many poems and prose works, paintings and sculptures, songs and plays are devoted to love themes.

It is this feeling that pushes a person to the most reckless actions.

And everything is wonderful when the love is mutual, and the eyes of two lovers sparkle with joy.

But it also happens that love passes, leaving a place for emptiness and melancholy. You can deal with these consequences yourself, or you can resort to magical help.

A spell for melancholy is a magical ritual that will help you recover from a breakup or breakup and start a new life, overcoming sadness and depression.

Various conspiracies and prayers are considered the optimal solution to various problems. And unhappy and unrequited love is no exception.

Special rituals against melancholy help to survive a difficult period and restore peace of mind.

There are two types of conspiracy against melancholy and sadness:

to the first type include prayers designed to get rid of melancholy, which appeared as a result of magical influence. Simply put, conspiracies of this type help against love spells and love spells.

to the second type include rituals to help cope with sadness and sadness left after the end of a relationship. After all, it often happens that even the interruption of an unhappy and unpromising relationship causes pain. After all, a sudden change in lifestyle and the absence of a certain person can become the main cause of depression. In such a situation, a conspiracy against melancholy and sadness will help.

If you decide to resort to magic to find peace of mind, then decide which spell is right for you. Only after this do you begin to implement it. In addition, all conspiracies against depressive moods can be performed both for yourself and for a loved one.

This conspiracy is most often read in a situation where a person wants to recover from melancholy or help a loved one.

As a rule, you can get rid of not only lovesickness, but also depression.

This spell is read out of boredom throughout the week, without missing a single day. It is recommended to perform the ritual at the same time early in the morning. The words of the prayer are repeated three times.

After reading the magic words, the ritual is considered completed.

And after a week, the first improvements in the condition of the person against whom the conspiracy was read should be observed.

Conspiracy words:

“In the distant sea-ocean, on the magical island of Buyan,
In a wide green meadow, under a mighty oak tree
The servant of God (name) sits, he is sad and sad.
Eight elders are coming, uninvited, uninvited,
Goy, you'll sit here, goy, you'll be bored here,
Trouble has found a place for itself, away from you, the servant of God (name),
She left the zeal of her heart, she left her young head.
So that the elders can break the sadness together,
So that she rushes from west to east,
From the sea to the river, from the road to the crossroads,
Nowhere and no one accepted that melancholy, did not wing it and did not shelter it.
I speak to the servant of God (his name) out of melancholy, to this day, to this very minute,
No one can overcome my word, either in spirit or in flesh.

A ritual with a marigold will help with longing and sadness for a living or dead person.

Conspiracies of this type are carried out on the waning moon.

As centuries-old practice has shown, it is at this time that rites of deliverance will be the most powerful.

The ritual is performed late in the evening or closer to midnight.

To perform the ritual, you need to find a hole in the wooden floor and put a freshly cut piece of nail into it.

It is believed that it will be possible to notice the effect of the ritual within the first two weeks.

While performing this action, the words of the prayer are read:

“Like this nail will no longer grow to my finger,
So the melancholy will no longer take hold of my soul.
Language, key, lock.
Everything is forever.

The plot is repeated three times. After the nail is lowered into the hole and the words of the prayer are said, you need to go to bed.

Rituals for water from melancholy and sadness

If the melancholy is too obvious and it seems to a person that it has a magical origin, then other rituals are performed.

The most popular among them are water rituals.

Prayer for water from melancholy and sadness

A ritual with a prayer for river or running water is carried out early in the morning near a river or natural stream.

When approaching a river or stream, you should wash your hands, face and neck, then sharply splash water on yourself and say the following words of prayer:

“Mother of water, you wash and wash away everything and everyone,
Take away the melancholy and sadness from me, servant of God (name),
Take her into your abyss, rinse her, swallow her,
Like water from the sand, leave me longing,
So that I don’t miss you, I don’t shed tears for anyone,
Day and night I didn’t expect one person,
Bleach, wash away pain and sorrow,
Son of God, Jesus Christ,
Strengthen my heart and soul.

You need to repeat the words of the prayer seven times. At this point the ritual is considered completed.

A spell for a glass of water against boredom

This spell is excellent for any type of melancholy, whether it is caused by magic or not.

The duration of the ritual is seven days. Every day at the same time the ritual is repeated. It should be done early in the morning, after waking up.

A spell is read over a glass of running water:

“No pain and no aching, my heart,
Do not yearn and do not be sad, my soul!
I will rely on the Lord God,
May he come down from his throne,
And I, the servant of God (name), will pray to him and bow to him.
I ask you to take away the terrible melancholy and boredom from me,
Let it be so.

By visualizing your desire, you make the spell strong and effective. In addition, reading the prayer “Our Father” will help from any sadness and depression. It is advisable to repeat it every day until the problem is solved.

Herbal spell for melancholy and sadness

This method is suitable for girls who cannot forget their lover, with whom they parted ways.

To perform this ritual, you need to sew a small bag with your own hands, into which you put a little bit of dried herbs of five types.

When sewing up the herbs, you need to say to this bag:

How to forget a loved one

Prayers and conspiracies that help get rid of melancholy are an excellent remedy for this illness. A properly selected ritual will help you begin to enjoy life and enjoy everything that happens.

Many of us have suffered and continue to suffer from unrequited love. I can’t say anything - the test is not easy, especially when jealousy is mixed in... Sleepless nights, uncontrollable tears, life is not nice, friends are not needed... What do many of us do in this situation?
They turn to fortune tellers and witches, receive various recipes, without really understanding what they are intended for, and begin to cast spells. There is great joy when, having picked up the telephone receiver, we hear our native voice, which we have been missing for so long and painfully... So, it was not in vain that we ran through the alleys at night, whispering some kind of abracadabra, it was not in vain that we paid money... They whispered, maybe not in vain . Although, I am sure that no one understood the meaning of the words. But they paid in vain...

Remember that paying money to a sorcerer means paying off his words, his evil spells

Why is it customary to give money to gypsies? Because in this way we pay off their evil eye. Paying off damage is an ancient way to make the spell stop working.


How does a fortuneteller live, what money do you probably ask? Don’t worry, there are enough things in magic that should only be done for money, but not for a set fee, but for a symbolic one - whoever gives how much. So, you came to a fortune teller and asked to bewitch your lover. They received instructions, and following the instructions, they received their lover. But did you know, dear readers, that the most common method of love spell - mixing menstrual blood into a man's wine - is not a method of love spell at all, but belongs to the category of love spell.

Love spell differs from a love spell in that a man, having tasted such a love potion, does not at all begin to burn with passion for the woman who did it, but rather, on the contrary, begins to hate her fiercely. It happens as follows: first he really comes, you spend a happy, but not very long time together, and then complete nonsense begins, because, without explaining anything, your lover disappears from your field of vision. But he disappears solely as your lover. And instead of him, a petty dirty trick appears in your life, who makes absolutely absurd claims to you - that you stole money or jewelry from him, or because of you he broke his arm, because the tram closed the doors ahead of time, and so on, and so on, and other...

At first you are surprised and perplexed, but your ex-lover’s attacks become more and more aggressive. He can watch you in the evening and greatly frighten you, to say the least. He can do very real nasty things to you by telling someone something that you don’t want to tell at all... He starts to go crazy, he sees you in his dreams, but he doesn’t love you, you bother him, and he tries get rid of you in all available and inaccessible ways. Is tragedy possible? It’s possible because something subconsciously tells him that the cause of his troubles is you, or something connected with your name, your words, or some action of yours. The minimum that awaits the failed Romeo is impotence at a fairly early age, nervous exhaustion, which often leads to complete madness. This damage does not stop with him alone, and passes from generation to generation, since in strength it is equivalent to a curse.

It is quite obvious that the grandfather or great-grandfather of the famous bastard Chekatilo was bewitched precisely with the help of menstrual blood. What will happen to you? Firstly, this is the crown of celibacy, which is very difficult, almost impossible to remove. (Do not believe advertisements that promise to do this in one day. Sometimes it takes years to remove the cursed crown from yourself. Moreover, you must remember that you can only remove the crown of celibacy from yourself.) The crown of celibacy is when all the men who appear next to you disappear from your life after a short time, without spending too much effort and words to explain. Or they just die. Your loneliness and women's diseases will remain with you, and by the age of forty-five you will be accidentally diagnosed with cancer at the last stage... It is for such cases that there are methods of TURNING AWAY.

Look at the methods below and you can choose the one most suitable for your case. If you assume that you have become the object of a love spell or love spell, your mood constantly changes, you are constantly drawn to some person of the opposite sex, but at the same time you realize that you do not need him at all, you should use a witchcraft lapel. To do this, you will need black and white thread (the length of each thread is 15-20 centimeters), as well as a chicken bone (breastbone, slingshot-shaped).

Start witchcraft on any day of the flawed Moon. Light a candle (any color, preferably white or church). Soak both threads with an infusion of St. John's wort, purchased at any pharmacy. Wrap one of the arcs of the slingshot with white thread, and the other with black thread. Take the bone by both ends - with your right hand the part around which the white thread is wrapped, and with your left hand hold the end of the bone with the black thread. Hold it so that its middle is above the candle flame and the burning of the candle settles on the bone. Say the spell: I conjure with the Black Moon, I command with the Dead Bone, retreat from me, everything alien and corrupt, everything dark and deceitful! Move all your sorrows and worries to the left, and all your hopes and lusts to the right. Break the bone in half. Read: Just as this dead bone will never grow together, so I will never get along with (name). Notice how this happened.

If the upper part of the bone goes to a bow with a black thread, then a witchcraft effect was really exerted on you, which you just got rid of. If the part of the bone with a white thread turns out to be larger than the other, it means that the witchcraft influence did not have the desired effect on you or did not exist at all, and your depressed state was caused by something else. But in both cases, you must bury the bone fragments in different places as far as possible from each other and read: Just as these bones are far from each other, so we should be far from each other. This will be enough to get rid of the uncertainty of feelings and spiritual tension. When you need to cool someone's love for you, pour sleepy poppy seeds into a black bag.

At midnight, walk three times around the house of the person you want to ward off, sprinkle poppy seeds on the ground and read: Love, fall asleep, don’t wake up again. Close your heart, don’t open up anymore. Just as this poppy can’t get everything together again, so I and God’s servant (name) will never be together again. As the poppy woke up, love left, as love left, the road became overgrown, from heart to heart, from soul to soul, from you to me, from me to you. Perform this witchcraft only on the debilitated Moon, on Saturday or Monday. If a married man is bewitched by a young mistress and through this he decides to abandon his family, then you need to remember the cherished words: I will get up at an early dawn, I will wash myself in spring water, I will go out into clean fields, into green meadows, straight to the ocean-sea. And just as the shores of that ocean-sea stand straight, They don’t push each other in arcs and won’t come together, so the servant of God (husband’s name) and the servant of God (name of mistress) would no longer get together, They wouldn’t push each other. This spell should be pronounced when a man is sleeping or recited over the water with which he will wash his face in the morning.

So that a woman stops yearning and killing herself for a man, read the plot:

I will get up at early dawn, wash myself in spring water, go out into an open field, into green meadows, to the mother river (name of the river). And just as this river runs quickly, does not yearn for its banks, does not grieve, so the servant of God (woman’s name) would not yearn, would not grieve for the servant of God (man’s name), from this day and forever. Say all these words into the water, with which the one whose name you mentioned will then have to wash herself. When you need an annoying groom to forget the way to your house, take a spruce branch that was thrown in front of the coffin with the deceased, divide it into three parts, throw them in front of the threshold of your house and say three times:

Just as the deceased crossed this tree for the last time, so (name) will cross the threshold of this house for the last time. So that he can live well, make good money, and no longer walk through these doors. All this needs to be done just before the arrival of the uninvited guest. If he still has intentions to disturb you even after this, then you can repeat the witchcraft after 9 days and the last time after 40 days. There is an old-fashioned way to get your ex-fiancé to stop bothering you. Before he comes to you, hang scissors over the front door of your house so that their ends are slightly apart and directed downward. After he arrives and takes off his shoes in the hallway, take a moment to throw one pinch of salt into each of his shoes. When he leaves, remove the scissors and cut the air with them several times, imagining that you are cutting all the threads connecting you.

To ward off someone whom you foolishly bewitched,

take a handful of soil from the fresh grave and a leaf from the funeral wreath. Put them in a black silk bag, which should already contain a rusty iron ring, three rusty nails, a photograph of you and his. Wrap this pouch seven times with black cord and seal the ends of the cord with red sealing wax (or red wax, but it's better to get sealing wax). At midnight, go around the house of someone you don't like. At the same time, hold the bag with photographs in your left hand behind your back, and press your right hand to your heart. While making this round, recite the spell: Aspero laeto kafes labur, main pabo ami bur, Kesto libos as vigor, ade lais atabor. Toras kada ies kad, alu harva apirat. And when you finish it, throw the bag into a river or lake. If you don't have the photos you need, use your hair and his. Or simply write your first and middle names on two separate pieces of paper.

If parting with your old feelings and dreams is very painful for you, then perform a special cleansing ritual.

You will definitely need a photograph or any other personal item of your ex-lover that can be destroyed by fire. Wait until the moon begins to wane. It is best that your actions coincide with the twenty-fifth or twenty-seventh day of the lunar calendar. When the due date comes, light a candle (preferably a church candle or a white one) and walk around the room in which you will perform witchcraft in a circle. Pour clean water into a small basin or bucket. Undress partially or completely. Pick up a photograph (or his thing) and spit on it three times, saying the name of the person depicted on it. Burn the photo over a candle flame. Collect the ash and rub it on the heart area and forehead. Wet three fingers of your right hand in clean water and say: Clean water, flow through the sadness of my heart, cleanse my thoughts and blood from the dead longing for love that lurks in my heart. Wash me with a clean stream. cleanse your mind and feelings. save my heart. from this day and forever and ever. After this, make a cross sign on your chest and forehead with your fingers dipped in water. Wash off all the blackness with water. Put on clean linen and clothes, and pour all dirty water and remaining ash into a latrine.

To get rid of someone else's witchcraft, take a simple but very effective action.

Retire yourself in a sparsely populated place, where no one can disturb you. Dig a small hole. Take a handful of small needles in both hands (as many as you can take) and say: Akel faas ises belo, nokta avi, abi ra nose. Imagine that all the sensuality you don’t need and the negative energy associated with it has flowed onto the needles. Continue: Zael kala, balle phos. Unclench your fists and with a sharp movement throw all the needles into the pit. Bury it and place a lit candle on top. Leave it to burn out and return home without looking back.

The power of love magic

The magic of love is a powerful force and at the same time one of the greatest mysteries of human life. It helps us bear the burdens of life and overcome difficulties. For many millennia, there have been various magical formulas that, through energetic verbal expression and convincing repetition, can charge with positive energy and influence events. By correctly applying the magical formula of love, you can create love.


This exercise goes back to the ancient traditions of White Magic.
Take a regular mirror with a handle or some small mirror that you use all the time and love it.
Before use, wipe the mirror glass with cold water. It is best to use spring water. The mirror should be held under running cold water for 15 minutes, then dried. After the session, the mirror should be wrapped in your personal silk scarf (do not use ordinary towels or scarves!) and placed in a secluded place.
If the mirror is ready for the ritual, concentrate on the person you are interested in. It must be “drawn” by your inner gaze and “photographed” - that is, it will remain in memory. Then dive into yourself while saying the following words:
You, given (gifted) to me, you are for me, you are always there, I love you!
With these words, those forces are released that you can use to cope with a difficult situation, turning it in the direction you need. In order to use them, you need to concentrate on a specific goal and force your thought process.
As you clean your mirror, think about what you want to achieve. Remember that the positive connects you to the other person you want to see in your mind.
Your lover should respond positively to your “challenge”, this means that he should behave the way you wanted him to. As you instilled in him, as you hoped. After the session, the mirror should be rinsed under running cold water for 10 minutes and, after drying, wrapped again in a silk scarf, put away in a secluded place.
If you want to have a wonderful evening with your lover, in whom you have a passionate interest and desire intimacy with him, then know that it is not only the external preparation and table setting that will bring success. You must be internally ready to radiate love. This does not require much time or effort, but it will require the strength of your desire. Put all your positive thoughts into all your meals and approach the preparation of dinner with all the love, as thoughts and energies can have both positive and negative influences. A dish prepared with love will evoke loving feelings. And the magic word here is LOVE.
Today you will get acquainted with the recipes of those dishes that have been tested many times. But don't expect a quick miracle. Remember. When the feeling of love weakens, it is necessary to pay attention to the external causes of the situation. Anyone who is constantly exposed to external pressure from a partner should not expect that frequent feeding of his chosen one with crabs or greens can put everything in its place, after which the fire of passion will suddenly flare up with a bright flame, out of nowhere.

Valerian renews the ability to love

Longing, despondency, blues, melancholy, despair, pessimism are expelled by “catnip” - Velerian. It is considered a powerful means of increasing potency, enhancing sexual instinct, desire, and increases visual acuity in many things that are usually not paid attention to. 1 valerian root, 14 liters of white wine, 14 liters of water
Rinse and clean valerian root. Heat white wine, dip the whole root into it and cook until completely soft. Cool the broth, put it in a pipette and drop it drop by drop into your eyes. This will give you visual acuity.
Strong valerian tea kindles the inner fire with renewed vigor and strengthens the human body.

Celery increases potency

Great efforts at work, mental stress, fatigue, health concerns, fear of old age and stress can reduce natural desires and potency. Celery will come to your aid. 5 celery roots, approximately 1 liter of sweet wine.
Peel the celery, remove the greens, wash and cut into thin strips. Place in a saucepan and pour in wine. Heat over low heat for 15 minutes.
Strain, remove the sediment, pour the strained liquid into a bottle and leave to infuse for a week in a warm place or in sunlight.
Drink 1 glass daily before each meal.
After a while, you will find that the anger and despair have passed. In addition, celery, due to its high content of essential oils, normalizes blood circulation. The high content of vitamins has a beneficial effect on overall health.

Cherry pits

Cherry seed extract is especially effective for increasing tone and relieving tension, and also for stimulating potency. 20 g of cherry pits, 120 g of wine alcohol, cherry pit kernels are ground and poured with wine alcohol. Leave to infuse for several weeks, then strain. Take 1 teaspoon daily morning and evening.

Artichoke - the source of eternal youth 6 artichoke hearts, 1 tomato, 1 green pepper, for marinade: 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar or juice of 1 lemon, 1 clove of garlic, 1 bunch of parsley, green pepper, salt, sugar
Cut the artichoke hearts into thin strips and cook. Add thinly sliced ​​tomato and pepper. Mix the ingredients for the marinade thoroughly. Add vegetables to the prepared marinade and let it cook for 2 hours.
As an artichoke infusion, pressed juice or vegetable, this plant is a natural fountain of youth.

Foods to stimulate love power

Flirting soup: from stomach to heart: 1 celery root, 2 tablespoons butter, 15 liters of meat broth, 2 egg yolks, 6 tablespoons. cream, 1 pinch of ground nutmeg, salt, pepper.
Melt the butter over low heat and simmer the celery in it. Pour in strong meat broth and add salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste. Leave on very low heat for 20-30 minutes. Remove from stove. Whisk the yolks with cream and stir into the soup. You can't cook the soup anymore.

Pages of love magic

If there is a discord in your family or you cannot start a relationship and are ready to do anything for love, conspiracies and love spells will help you. Ancient folk wisdom will help restore faded feelings, attract the attention of a lover and get rid of unrequited love.

Love is a wonderful feeling that people can experience at any age. However, the irresponsibility and indifference of the chosen one turns into complete disappointment for the person in love. The site's experts have collected for you the most effective conspiracies and love spells that will help you get rid of love problems.

Even in ancient times, girls and boys used love spells and conspiracies to evoke tender feelings in the heart of their beloved. White love spells and conspiracies do not cause serious consequences, unlike those practiced in black magic. We have prepared for you a list of white love spells and conspiracies that over time will help you awaken the feelings of your chosen one.

Conspiracies for unrequited love

A conspiracy to forget. Before you pronounce this spell, draw in your head an image of the object of your adoration, and then say:

“Your face is in front of me, but your heart is not with me, just as you don’t love me, so I will stop loving you.”

It is advisable to pronounce this spell late in the evening, before going to bed. Perhaps, when you wake up, you will already feel a slight indifference to the person for whom you suffered so much just yesterday.

Conspiracy based on photography. One of the most common ways to attract a person is a photo spell. The image is perceived as a kind of double of the person. Through it you can transmit information to its carrier.

Light a candle and place a photo of your lover in front of you (it is important that there is no one else nearby in the photo, otherwise the plot will not be fully effective). Tilt the candle, and as soon as the wax begins to flow down into the photo, say 3 times:

“I tie you to me - I oblige you to love. If you love me, you will be with me forever. Just as wax melts from fire, so you will melt from me.”

The conspiracy will work best if pronounced at midnight, since it is at this time that the turning point occurs - the transition from one day to another, accompanied by an accumulation of energy that will increase the power of the conspiracy on your lover.

A photo spell to make you fall out of love. If you just want to get rid of the love feelings that bring strong emotions into your life every day, take a photo of your unsuccessful love and say:

“Just as fire burns your image, so my feelings will forever burn and turn into ashes.”

After this, set the photo on fire and make sure it burns completely.

Conspiracy for the growing moon. Conspiracies pronounced on the growing moon are considered the most powerful and effective. During these phases, the energy of the Moon becomes stronger, the daily surge of strength gives words a special impetus, and conspiracies pronounced at this time have incredible power.

At night, look out the window or, if possible, go outside to a deserted place, look at the sky and say:

“As the Moon grows and gains strength, so (name)’s love for me will be stronger.”

Say this spell every night at the time of the waxing Moon. And perhaps soon you will hear a call from your loved one.

Love spells

Another effective way to evoke feelings and melancholy in a person is a love spell. However, you must understand that a love spell is a violent way of tying another person to you. But if you are confident in your actions and believe that the person you have chosen is worth spending the rest of your life with, then love spells will be an excellent way for you to attract feelings.

Love spell on a photograph. As we wrote above, photography has great power. A love spell on a person's image is one of the fastest and most effective. Here is one such way.

Take a photo of your beloved, on the back write your wishes regarding this person (I want him to love you, pay attention, miss me, think about me, and so on). The more wishes you write, the stronger the effect of the ritual. After writing your last wish, say:

“Just as I, servant of God (name), fell in love with you, so you, servant of God (name), will love me and fulfill all my desires.”

Put the photo in a secluded place so that no one can see it or read your wish list.

Love spell on water. It is known that water has the ability to perceive and transmit any information it hears. Love spells on water are often called dryness - this means that a person begins to suffer greatly, suffer and literally “dry from love.” This method is easiest to use for people who live in marriage and over time begin to feel coldness from their spouse. Take a glass of water and say over it:

“Just as sugar dissolves in water, so you, God’s servant (name), will dissolve in me and will dote on me. Just as your love for me, God’s servant (name), has gone, so it will burn with a bright flame.”

After this, give this glass of water to your husband or wife to drink.

The effect of conspiracies and love spells is primarily based on the strength of your faith and love for the person to whom you apply these magical techniques. But don’t forget that tomorrow you can fall in love with another person, and the bewitched person will continue to have strong feelings for you. In this case, tips on how to remove a love spell at home will help you. Love and be loved, and don't forget to press the buttons and

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