Saint Antipas toothache. Orthodox prayers. Days of remembrance of the newly deceased

Corrugated sheet 06.01.2024
Corrugated sheet

First prayer

Oh, glorious holy martyr Antipos, quick helper to Christians in illness! I believe with all my soul and thoughts that the Lord has given you the gift of healing the sick, healing the sick, and strengthening the weak. For this reason, to you, as a gracious physician of diseases, I am weak [weak] and I come running to you and kiss your venerable image with reverence, I pray: through your intercession from the Heavenly King, ask me who is sick [sick] for healing from the dental disease that depresses me, even if I am unworthy [unworthy] ] I am you, my most gracious father and ever-present intercessor, but you, being an imitator of God’s love for mankind, make me worthy [worthy] of your intercession through my conversion from evil deeds to a good life, heal the ulcers and scabs of my soul and body with the grace abundantly given to you, Grant me health and salvation and good haste in everything, so that having lived such a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, I may be worthy to glorify the all-holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with all the saints. Amen.

Second prayer

To the Bishop of God, Hieromartyr of Christ, Most Blessed Antipos, co-throne with the Apostle, and glory to the Hierarch, you are, Bishop, the luminary of the Church and the affirmation of the faith, before the opposing atheists you boldly confessed Christ, and you were offered like a fragrant censer, and like a gentle lamb and a righteous martyr. , the ox of the Medans was kindled and thrown into the saint, and sending up prayers of thanksgiving in it to God and the Father, as if the sun had risen, and with your torment you crushed the tormentor of Belial to the end. For this reason, Christ glorified you in heaven, and on earth you illuminated the entire universe with the grace given to you, giving healing to those suffering from inconsolable dental disease, who constantly call on you with faith. And now, hear me, Thy sinful and unworthy servant (name), at this hour calling you with faith, as I offer you prayerful singing as an intercessor and prayer book to God.

Prayer three

Bishop of God, Hieromartyr Antipo, hear me, your sinful servant (name), at this hour, in which I bring you prayer, and pray for me, a sinner, to the Lord God for the remission of my sins, and deliver me from unbearable and inconsolable dental disease with your prayers, holy , yours.

Troparion to the Hieromartyr Antipas of Pergamon

Troparion, tone 4

You abolished idolatrous flattery, Antipos, and trampled down the power of the devil, before the atheists you boldly confessed Christ. In the same way, with the angelic ranks, he settled in the highest, bringing praise to the Lord of all, and offering prayerful thanksgiving for us, bestowing the grace of healing. For this reason we honor you, Hieromartyr Antipos, pray to Christ God to save our souls.

When your teeth hurt, you just want to climb the wall, it’s so unbearable. Many people do not realize that prayer for toothache can work better than any painkiller.

The power of prayer is known and confirmed by more than one Orthodox generation. If only it was read from the heart and with faith in healing and help from above. Prayers also treat toothache: aching and throbbing, weak and acute, periodic and constant. To correctly carry out the sacrament of reading a healing prayer, little is required.

Here are the basic rules:

  • Believe in the power of the read prayer text.
  • Feel every word of the prayer with your heart.
  • It is better to pray in front of images with candles, but if the pain comes suddenly, you can do it in any quiet nook.
  • Read the prayer monotonously with the inner mindset that the pain will go away. While reading, you can stroke your cheek with your hand where the tooth hurts.
  • The sacred text should be recited until the pain subsides. If you feel like sleeping, rest. When you wake up, there will be no pain anymore.

Traditional healers advise praying a rinse solution (soda or herbal)

Before the procedure, you will need to read the words of the prayer three times over the prepared liquid.
After relief, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible: sometimes toothache signals other serious problems of the oral cavity (periodontitis, caries, fungal infection, etc.).

Who should I read a prayer for toothache to?

All prayers that heal dental disease are quite simple and short (except for the prayer to the Mother of God). Orthodox people consider the prayers to the Mother of God, Saint Antipas and Matrona of Moscow to be the most powerful and effective. Requests for health to St. Jonah, the Apostle James and St. Lawrence also help.

A healing prayer to the Mother of God is read over the “Quick to Hear” icon.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary “For toothache”

“O Most Holy Virgin, All-Merciful Lady Lady Theotokos, Thy Life-Giving Source, Thou hast given us healing gifts for the health of our souls and bodies and for the salvation of the world, and with the same gratitude we earnestly pray to Thee, the Most Holy Queen, pray to give us Thy Son and our God
forgiveness of sins and mercy and consolation to every grieving and embittered soul, and freedom from troubles, sorrows and illnesses. Grant, O Lady, protection to this temple and these people (and observance of this holy monastery), preservation of the city, and protection of our country from misfortunes. deliverance and protection, so that we may live a peaceful life here, and in the future we will be worthy to see You, our Intercessor, in the glory of the Kingdom of Your Son and our God. To him be glory and power with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen."

This picturesque icon (depicting the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus in her arms) is prayed for healing not only from dental ailments, but also from other, even fatal, diseases. The Most Holy Virgin, as the history of the Athos Monastery tells, promised to intercede before God and her Son for all who would turn to her image (which she called “Quick to Hear”).

Saint Antipas, like no one else, knows what unbearable, irrepressible pain is. During his lifetime, he experienced suffering for preaching Christianity: the pagans executed him by imprisoning him inside a red-hot bull made of copper. In this firebox, Antipas, barely breathing, prayed to the Almighty with a request to grant him an easy death and to give him the ability to save people from the most terrible pains and torments.

Prayer to Saint Antipas “For toothache”

“Oh, glorious holy martyr Antipos and quick helper to Christians in illness! I believe with all my soul and thoughts that you have been given from the Lord the gift of healing the sick and strengthening the weakened, for this reason I come to you, as a grace-filled physician of illnesses, and I, the weak (or infirm), come to you, your venerable image
Kissing (or kissing) with reverence, I pray: through your intercession from the Heavenly King, ask me who is sick (or sick) for healing from the dental disease that depresses me, even if I am unworthy (or unworthy) for you, my most gracious father and ever-present intercessor: but you, being imitator of God's love for mankind, make me worthy (or worthy) of your intercession through my conversion from evil deeds to a good life: heal the ulcers and scabs of my soul and body with the grace abundantly given to you, grant me health and salvation and good haste in everything, so quiet and having lived (or having lived) a silent life in all piety and purity, I will be deemed worthy to glorify the All-Holy Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with all the saints. Amen."

They say that when the oven was opened, Antipas’ body was neither burned nor mangled - he seemed to be sleeping.

After his death, the saint truly miraculously removed the pain from everyone who turned to him in prayer.

Prayer to Saint Matronushka helps to weaken and relieve sudden, acute pain that arises in the mouth. Blessed Matrona herself was blind during her life, therefore she knows and understands that illness can cause suffering to a person. She also promised that she would not refuse intercession and help to all those who pray and are sick.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow “For toothache”

“Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. In times of need, I turn to you. Calm the sudden toothache and help me endure it until the doctor. Just as you heal people from terrible diseases, help me relieve toothache. Just as the Lord God forgives sinners, so toothache will quickly disappear. Thy will be done. Amen."
sinful custom; For my mind is nailed down by earthly things: what I will do, I do not know. And to whom shall I resort, that my soul may be saved? Only to you, Saint John, give the same name of grace, for you are before the Lord through the Mother of God greater than all those born, for you have been vouchsafed to touch the heights of the King Christ, who takes away the sins of the world, the Lamb of God: pray for Him also for my sinful soul, and from now on, at the first ten hour, I will bear a good burden and receive reward with the last. To her, the Baptist of Christ, the honest Forerunner, the extreme prophet, the first (in grace) torment, the mentor of fasters and hermits, the teacher of purity and the neighbor of Christ, I pray to you: do not reject me from your intercession, but raise me up, having fallen through many sins; renew my soul with repentance, as with the second baptism, of which you are the ruler: with baptism wash away the original sin, and with repentance cleanse every bad deed; cleanse me with the sins of the defiled and compel me to enter, even if nothing bad enters, into the Kingdom of Heaven, Amen.”

Toothache will subside with prayer only for those who truly believe in miraculous healing. If it does not go away immediately, read the sacred text for three days. Be sure to visit your dentist, even if the pain leaves you.


Toothache, who doesn’t know this disease? And how happy is the one who has not experienced this. A prayer and a spell for toothache will help in cases where a doctor’s help cannot be provided: a tooth aches unexpectedly, you are in a village, at the dacha, on the road, but you simply cannot get to the doctor. Just so that the pain will recede, give you the opportunity to fall asleep, temporarily forget yourself and wait for the right moment, the participation of a doctor, Orthodox prayers and conspiracies to help you.

To help prayers, we read how to read prayers correctly and how.

And don’t forget, before any prayer we first read

Who to pray for when you have a toothache

We have already said more than once which saints to pray to during illness and healing. You can turn to such saints as:

Prayer for toothache to Saint Antipas

It is believed that Saint Antipus is the patron saint of all those suffering from pain and is able to heal even the most incurable patients, of course, if the Lord deems it necessary. It is believed that the Saint was severely punished by the pagans for his Christian preaching and thrown inside a red-hot copper bull. The sufferer prayed that the Lord would call him to himself and give him the gift of healing people from unbearable pain. The Lord heard his requests...

When they opened the oven, everyone was surprised that Antipas’ body was not burned, he seemed to be sleeping.

Therefore, the prayer to Antipus for toothache is considered one of the most effective.

“Oh, glorious holy martyr Antipos and quick helper to Christians in illness! I believe with all my soul and thoughts that the Lord has given you the gift of healing the sick and strengthening the weakened, for this sake I come running to you, as the blessed physician of illnesses, as the weak (or: weak) and kiss your venerable image with reverence (or: kissing) , I pray: by your intercession from the Heavenly King, ask me, who is sick (or: sick), for healing from the dental disease that depresses me: even though you are unworthy (or: unworthy) of seven to you, my most gracious father and ever-present intercessor: but you, being an imitator of God’s love for mankind, make me worthy (or: worthy) of your intercession through my conversion from evil deeds to a good life; heal the ulcers and scabs of my soul and body with the grace abundantly given to you, grant me health and salvation and good haste in everything, so that, having lived a quiet and silent life (or: having lived) in all piety and purity, I will be worthy to glorify the All-Holy Name with all the saints Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer for toothache to the Blessed Virgin Mary

It is read on the icon “Quick to Hear”; in the absence of one, read on any one that is near you.

“O Most Holy Virgin, All-Merciful Lady Lady Theotokos, Thy Life-Giving Source, Thou hast given us healing gifts for the health of our souls and bodies and for the salvation of the world, and with the same gratitude we earnestly pray to Thee, the Most Holy Queen, pray to give us Thy Son and our God forgiveness of sins and mercy and consolation to every grieving and embittered soul, and freedom from troubles, sorrows and illnesses. Grant, O Lady, protection to this temple and these people (and observance of this holy monastery), preservation of the city, our country from misfortunes, deliverance and protection, so that we may live a peaceful life here, and in the future we will be honored to see You, our Intercessor, in the glory of the Kingdom Your Son and our God. To him be glory and power with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer for toothache in children

Most often, young children suffer from toothache during teething. At this moment there is no peace for all family members. At such moments, prayer can especially help, because baby teeth are healthy teeth, this is how they pave their earthly path. And a child is still a sinless creature, which is why all the Saints are especially supportive of little ones. It is precisely the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos that has such power. Read it and let it help you.

Conspiracies for toothache

We have already said more than once that you can safely use conspiracies for healing. Conspiracies from the Siberian healer and healer Natalya Stepanova have great power, which has been tested more than once on ourselves.

Conspiracy for toothache using water from Natalia Stepanova

This plot helps not only against toothache, but also against gum problems and loose teeth. The plot must be read on the new moon, on the new moon, at exactly midnight, over water in a glass. Bring the glass as close to your lips as possible so that your breath touches the surface of the water and say the following words.

The month is young, you have a brother Filat,
His teeth don’t ache and his gums don’t hurt.
So that the servant of God (name)
My gums didn’t ache and my teeth didn’t hurt.


Then drink half the water and pour the other half outside through the window. Within a week you will notice an improvement in the condition of your teeth and gums; if not, repeat the ritual on the next new moon.

Spell for toothache on the moon

If toothache begins to bother you at night, do the following:

Stand by the window, and looking at the moon, massage the base of the thumb and index finger on the opposite hand (towards the sore tooth), reading the words of the spell:

« Mother Moon, come down from heaven, take away my toothache and send me beyond the clouds, your strength is strong, my pain will calm down, take me beyond the clouds, my pain is small in the sky, lost and gone from me.”

Repeat the steps until the pain begins to subside, usually about 10 minutes is enough. When you feel relief, say at the end of the spell three times: “Amen!”

Spell for toothache on the full moon

Read during the full moon three times in a row, pressing your index finger to the painful tooth.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The old month has come to the new

And he says: “Take from the servant of God (name) a turnip tooth, and give her a bone one.”

Spell for toothache on an aspen knot

Take a small aspen knot and read the following spell over it three times:

On the sea, on the ocean,

On the large island of Buyan, there are three tall trees.

And how is the first tree Petriy, and the second tree Cunning

And the third tree is Cypress. A hare lies under them.

You, toothache, moved to that hare.

Conspiracy for toothache using water

Pour water into an ordinary glass glass, either holy water or melted spring water. We pronounce the words of the water spell three times so close that the water sways:

Four sistersZachary and Macarius,

Sisters Daria and Maria,Yes, sister Ulyana,

They spoke,So that the servant of God (Name of rivers)

Cheeks are not swollenMy teeth didn't hurtNow and forever.

In these words, key and lock,The key is in the water, the lock is in the mountain.

After speaking three times, drink the entire glass at once in small sips and wait until you feel better.

These are some simple prayers and conspiracies that can make your life easier with toothache. Be healthy!

Religious reading: prayer to the martyr Antipas for toothache to help our readers.

When your teeth hurt, you just want to climb the wall, it’s so unbearable. Many people do not realize that prayer for toothache can work better than any painkiller.

The power of prayer is known and confirmed by more than one Orthodox generation. If only it was read from the heart and with faith in healing and help from above. Prayers also treat toothache: aching and throbbing, weak and acute, periodic and constant. To correctly carry out the sacrament of reading a healing prayer, little is required.

Here are the basic rules:

  • Believe in the power of the read prayer text.
  • Feel every word of the prayer with your heart.
  • It is better to pray in front of images with candles, but if the pain comes suddenly, you can do it in any quiet nook.
  • Read the prayer monotonously with the inner mindset that the pain will go away. While reading, you can stroke your cheek with your hand where the tooth hurts.
  • The sacred text should be recited until the pain subsides. If you feel like sleeping, rest. When you wake up, there will be no pain anymore.

Traditional healers advise praying a rinse solution (soda or herbal)

After relief, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible: sometimes toothache signals other serious problems of the oral cavity (periodontitis, caries, fungal infection, etc.).

All prayers that heal dental disease are quite simple and short (except for the prayer to the Mother of God). Orthodox people consider the prayers to the Mother of God, Saint Antipas and Matrona of Moscow to be the most powerful and effective. Requests for health to St. Jonah, the Apostle James and St. Lawrence also help.

A healing prayer to the Mother of God is read over the “Quick to Hear” icon.

This picturesque icon (depicting the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus in her arms) is prayed for healing not only from dental ailments, but also from other, even fatal, diseases. The Most Holy Virgin, as the history of the Athos Monastery tells, promised to intercede before God and her Son for all who would turn to her image (which she called “Quick to Hear”).

Saint Antipas, like no one else, knows what unbearable, irrepressible pain is. During his lifetime, he experienced suffering for preaching Christianity: the pagans executed him by imprisoning him inside a red-hot bull made of copper. In this firebox, Antipas, barely breathing, prayed to the Almighty with a request to grant him an easy death and to give him the ability to save people from the most terrible pains and torments.

They say that when the oven was opened, Antipas’ body was neither burned nor mangled - he seemed to be sleeping.

After his death, the saint truly miraculously removed the pain from everyone who turned to him in prayer.

Prayer to Saint Matronushka helps to weaken and relieve sudden, acute pain that arises in the mouth. Blessed Matrona herself was blind during her life, therefore she knows and understands that illness can cause suffering to a person. She also promised that she would not refuse intercession and help to all those who pray and are sick.

Toothache will subside with prayer only for those who truly believe in miraculous healing. If it does not go away immediately, read the sacred text for three days. Be sure to visit your dentist, even if the pain leaves you.

Other types of protective prayers:

Prayers for toothache: comments

One comment

As a child, when my teeth hurt, my grandmother would read prayers to make them go away. When I was little, I laughed, asked my grandmother to leave me alone and did not believe in all this supposed nonsense. Now I have grown up and I have a son whose teeth often hurt. And I myself already believed in the miracle of prayers, I read a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos. And I believed in her strength, because my child began to suffer less. And no, we not only heal with prayers, but when an attack of pain happens unexpectedly, you try with all your might to help your child.

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Strong prayer for toothache

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Today, more and more people have begun to turn to saints for help. Probably, the faith of the Orthodox people simply strengthened and became not strong enough. Sometimes we even go to church instead of the hospital for one reason or another. Of course, you shouldn’t neglect medicine, but you shouldn’t give up prayer either.

Sometimes there are situations when there is not enough time to run to the doctor or, for example, he does not have an appointment, then to relieve the pain we recommend turning to the saint in prayer for help. As a rule, if you encounter difficulties in an appointment, you can see a doctor such as a dentist. The clergy read a strong prayer for toothache.

Who do you pray to for toothache?

For pain caused by a tooth, it is customary to pray to such saints as:

A prayer for toothache to Saint Antipas can heal even the most severe pain. This saint was thrown by the pagans inside a red-hot copper bull for his zealous preaching. While in this oven, he began to pray that the Lord would quickly accept him and give him the gift of healing people from unbearable pain.

Since then, people have prayed to the saint for relief from various types of pain. Also, the prayer to Antipas for toothache is considered one of the most powerful.

Text of the prayer to Antipas:

“Oh, glorious holy martyr Antipos and quick helper to Christians in illness! I believe with all my soul and thoughts that the Lord has given you the gift of healing the sick and strengthening the weakened, for this sake I come running to you, as the blessed physician of illnesses, as the weak (or: weak) and kiss your venerable image with reverence (or: kissing) , I pray: by your intercession from the Heavenly King, ask me, who is sick (or: sick), for healing from the dental disease that depresses me: even though you are unworthy (or: unworthy) of seven to you, my most gracious father and ever-present intercessor: but you, being an imitator of God’s love for mankind, make me worthy (or: worthy) of your intercession through my conversion from evil deeds to a good life; heal the ulcers and scabs of my soul and body with the grace abundantly given to you, grant me health and salvation and good haste in everything, so that, having lived a quiet and silent life (or: having lived) in all piety and purity, I will be worthy to glorify the All-Holy Name with all the saints Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer for toothache in children

Children especially suffer from toothache. When the baby is teething, the whole family does not sleep. What parents don’t resort to. They try to try absolutely all methods of modern medicine to get rid of the baby’s pain. They buy various tablets, gels, ointments, etc. But in addition to pain relief, they can also harm his health.

It is best to say a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for toothache and you will see for yourself that you can do without medication during this significant period of the appearance of teeth in your baby. You can also read a prayer to Saint Antipas. It will also help relieve your baby from painful teething.

Orthodox prayers: miraculous relief from toothache

Toothache is one of the most painful pains in our body. It’s impossible to get used to it, and caries or periodontal disease alone brings enormous torment. Some people cannot afford a doctor due to lack of money, and some people simply do not have enough time. In such emergency cases, prayer for toothache will help.

Who should I pray to?

Many cannot believe that prayer can be much better than various medications. There are people of the old school who believe more in higher powers and resort to them. They hope for a miracle of prayer that this will relieve their illness and discomfort.

However, you also need to be able to pray correctly, and for this there is a small list of rules:

  • You must believe what you read and feel the meaning of prayer with all your heart.
  • Pray in a quiet corner, along with candles.
  • The prayer must be read with understanding for the pain to subside.
  • He must say a prayer until the pain stops.. If you want to sleep, then lie down - when you wake up, the pain will immediately go away.
  • It is advised to often charm water with a prayer, reading a prayer over it three times. Even if the pain has gone away, you should never hesitate: you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, because this may indicate huge health difficulties.

In order for the pain to subside, they pray to such saints as:

All of these prayers are easy to remember and quite simple, so there should be no difficulties.

Saint Antipas

If you are tormented by unbearable pain, then a strong prayer to the Hieromartyr Antipas will help you. He was executed by pagans for preaching Christianity, after which he asked God for an easy death and to help people. It can help get rid of various pains, but it provides the most powerful relief from toothache. After his repose, he truly gave people peace from pain.

“Oh, glorious holy martyr Antipos and quick helper to Christians in illness! I believe with all my soul and thoughts that the Lord has given you the gift of healing the sick and strengthening the weakened, for this sake I come running to you, as the blessed physician of illnesses, as the weak (or: weak) and kiss your venerable image with reverence (or: kissing) , I pray: by your intercession from the Heavenly King, ask me, who is sick (or: sick), for healing from the dental disease that depresses me: even though you are unworthy (or: unworthy) of seven to you, my most gracious father and ever-present intercessor: but you, being an imitator of God’s love for mankind, make me worthy (or: worthy) of your intercession through my conversion from evil deeds to a good life; heal the ulcers and scabs of my soul and body with the grace abundantly given to you, grant me health and salvation and good haste in everything, so that, having lived a quiet and silent life (or: having lived) in all piety and purity, I will be worthy to glorify the All-Holy Name with all the saints Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Holy Mother of God

The prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos should be read on a special icon. It shows the Virgin Mary with the baby, Jesus Christ. It helps not only get rid of toothache, but also a number of other ailments.

Text of the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos:

“O Most Holy Virgin, All-Merciful Lady Lady Theotokos, Thy Life-Giving Source, Thou hast given us healing gifts for the health of our souls and bodies and for the salvation of the world, and with the same gratitude we earnestly pray to Thee, the Most Holy Queen, pray to give us Thy Son and our God forgiveness of sins and mercy and consolation to every grieving and embittered soul, and freedom from troubles, sorrows and illnesses. Grant, O Lady, protection to this temple and these people (and observance of this holy monastery), preservation of the city, our country from misfortunes, deliverance and protection, so that we may live a peaceful life here, and in the future we will be honored to see You, our Intercessor, in the glory of the Kingdom Your Son and our God. To him be glory and power with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen."

Matrona of Moscow

Prayer to Matrona makes it possible to console even the most burning pain. Saint Matrona, when she was still alive, had problems with her eyesight. Therefore, she knows and understands what it is like to live with enormous pain. She promised to help all the sick and those who ask for help.

Text of the prayer to Matrona of Moscow, to prevent tooth pain:

“Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. In times of need, I turn to you. Calm the sudden toothache and help me endure it until the doctor. Just as you heal people from terrible diseases, help me relieve toothache. Just as the Lord God forgives sinners, so toothache will quickly disappear. Thy will be done. Amen."

If a child has a toothache

Toothache is unbearable for young children. Parents try all means to prevent their baby from suffering: various painkillers, gels and ointments. But instead of helping, they can bring further pain to the child.

For children against toothache, the prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary is best suited.. And if your child is teething, then for a less painful feeling, read a prayer to Saint Antipas.


Hieromartyr Antipas, Bishop of Pergamon

And having been a communicant in character, and a vicar of the throne, having become an apostle, you found your deed, inspired by God, in a vision rising: for this sake, correcting the word of truth, for the sake of faith, you suffered even to the point of blood, Hieromartyr Antipos, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

You were the co-throne of the apostles and the adornment of the saints, O blessed one. Having glorified yourself as a martyr, you shone forth. Like the sun, enlightening everyone, Anti-sacredly, you destroyed the deep night of godlessness. For this reason we honor you, as the Divine being of the holy martyr and giver of healing.

Oh, glorious holy martyr Antipos and quick helper to Christians in illness! I believe with all my soul and thought that the Lord has given you the gift of healing the sick and strengthening the weak, for this reason I come to you as a grace-filled physician of illnesses, even though I am weak ( or infirm) I come running and kiss your venerable image with reverence ( or kissing), I pray: through your intercession from the Heavenly King, ask me who is sick ( or sick) healing from the dental disease that depresses me, even though I am unworthy ( or unworthy) I am to you my most gracious father and ever-present protector: but you, being an imitator of God’s love for mankind, make me worthy ( or worthy) of your intercession through my conversion from evil deeds to a good life: heal the ulcers and scabs of my soul and body with the grace abundantly given to you, grant me health and salvation and good haste in everything, and have lived such a quiet and silent life ( or having lived) in all piety and purity, I am worthy to glorify the All-Holy Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with all the saints. Amen.

Prayers for toothache

Here are prayers that can be read to relieve toothache. You can ask for yourself and for your child (for example, when teething).

Prayer to Antipas of Pergamon for toothache

Oh, glorious holy martyr Antipos and quick helper to Christians in illness!

I believe with all my soul and thoughts that the Lord has given you the gift of healing the sick and strengthening the weakened, for this reason I come to you as a grace-filled physician of diseases,

I am weak (weak) and I come running, and kissing your venerable image with reverence, I pray:

by your intercession from the Heavenly King, ask me who is sick (sick) for healing from the dental disease that is depressing me:

even if you are unworthy (unworthy) of seven you, my most gracious father and ever-present intercessor:

but you, being an imitator of God’s love for mankind, make me worthy (worthy) of your intercession through my conversion from evil deeds to a good life;

heal the ulcers and scabs of my soul and body with the grace abundantly given to you, grant me health and salvation and good haste in everything,

so, having lived a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, I will be worthy to glorify the All-Holy Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with all the saints, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Prayer for toothache to Matrona of Moscow

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow.

In times of need, I turn to you.

Calm the sudden toothache and help me endure it until the doctor.

Just as you heal people from terrible diseases, help me relieve toothache.

Just as the Lord God forgives sinners, so toothache will quickly disappear.

Thy will be done.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear” for tooth pain

Oh, Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord Most High, Quick to Hear the Intercessor of all who come running to You with faith!

Look down from the heights of Your heavenly majesty upon me, who is indecent, falling before Your icon, and quickly hear the humble prayer of the sinner me and bring it to Your Son:

beg Him to illuminate my gloomy soul with the light of His Divine grace and cleanse my mind from vain thoughts, to calm my suffering heart and heal its wounds,

may He enlighten me to do good deeds and strengthen me to work for Him with fear, may He forgive all the evil I have done, may He deliver me from eternal torment and may I not deprive Him of His heavenly Kingdom.

O Most Blessed Mother of God: You have deigned to be named in Your image, Quick to Hear, commanding everyone to come to You with faith:

Do not look upon me who is sorrowful and do not allow me to perish in the abyss of my sins.

According to God, all my hope and hope of salvation is in You, and I entrust myself to Your protection and intercession forever.

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Hieromartyr Antipas of Pergamon, bishop

Memorial Days:

Brief Life of the Hieromartyr Antipas, Bishop of Pergamon

At that time, by order of the emperor, everyone who did not sacrifice to idols was executed or expelled. Then the holy Apostle John the Theologian was imprisoned on the island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea, to whom the Lord revealed the future destinies of the world and the Holy Church.

“And write to the Angel of the Church of Pergamum: Thus says He who has a sharp sword on both sides: I know your works, and that you live where the throne of Satan is, and that you keep My Name, and have not denied My faith even in those days in which you, where Satan dwells, My faithful witness Antipas was killed” (Rev. 2 :12-13).

Saint Antipas, by his example, firm faith and tireless preaching about Christ, achieved that the inhabitants of Pergamon began to shy away from sacrifices to idols. The pagan priests reproached the bishop for turning the people away from worshiping their native gods, and demanded that he stop preaching about Christ and sacrifice to idols.

The Complete Life of the Hieromartyr Antipas, Bishop of Pergamon

With the arrival of Bishop Antipas in Pergamum, the demons could not withstand his spiritual power and fled from the city. The elder’s prayer burned them like fire and drove them away, and his fiery word and holiness of life converted many pagans to Christ. The inhabitants of Pergamon stopped making sacrifices in pagan temples. Having neither the strength nor the power to tempt the saint, the demons began to appear to their earthly servants - the magicians and priests, complaining that they could no longer smell the sacrificial incense or hear praise, since the leader of the Christians was driving them away.

In a rage, the pagan priests dragged the holy man to the temple of Artemis and threw him into a red-hot copper ox, in which they made sacrifices. Saint Antipas prayed for a long time in a red-hot will, and then peacefully surrendered his spirit into the hand of God, as if falling asleep. The Christians took his holy relics and buried them with honor in Pergamum, and from them flowed myrrh, which healed all diseases. Since then, believers, resorting to the Hieromartyr Antipas as a quick helper in sorrows and illnesses, have invariably received consolation and healing. He also has the special grace of being an ambulance for those suffering from dental diseases.

Troparion of the Hieromartyr Antipas

You abolished idolatrous flattery, Antipos,/ and, trampling down the devil’s power,/ you boldly confessed Christ before the atheists./ Also, with the ranks of the Angels, you are established in the Highest,/ bringing praise to the Lady of all,/ and you offer prayerful thanksgiving for us,/ bestowing the grace of purpose. / For this sake we honor you, / Hieromartyr Antipos, / pray to Christ God, / / ​​that he may save our souls.

Kontakion of the Hieromartyr Antipas

The co-throne of the apostles and the adornment of the saints/ you were, blessed,/ having glorified yourself as a martyr,/ you shone like the sun, enlightening everyone,/ you are antithetical to the sacred,/ you destroyed the deep night of godlessness./ For this reason we honor you,/ as the Divine being of the holy martyr// and healer of the giver.

Prayer to the Hieromartyr Antipas

Oh, glorious holy martyr Antipos and quick helper to Christians in illness! I believe with all my soul and thoughts that the Lord has given you the gift of healing the sick, healing the sick, and strengthening the weak. For this reason, to you, as a blessed doctor of diseases, I, the weak, come running and, kissing your venerable image with reverence, I pray: through your intercession from the Heavenly King, ask me, the sick one, for healing from the dental disease that depresses me, even though I am unworthy of you, my most gracious father and ever-present intercessor, but you, being an imitator of God’s love for mankind, make me worthy of your intercession through my conversion from evil deeds to a good life, heal the ulcers and scabs of my soul and body with the grace abundantly given to you, grant me health and salvation and in Good haste to all, yes, having lived such a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, I will be deemed worthy to glorify the all-holy Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit with all the saints. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to the Hieromartyr Antipas of Pergamon

Chosen as a miracle worker and a great healer of ailments, according to the grace given to you from the Lord, as if you have boldness towards the Giver of health, free us from all troubles and ailments, let us call to you:

The Creator of the angels and all creation, who revealed you to the Church of the Holy Ones, the all-bright lamp of faith and for the faith of the hardest adamant - the holy martyr, teaches us to praise your exploits and glorify you, holy martyr Antipo, here:

Rejoice, God-wise teacher of the Orthodox faith.

Rejoice, for you have flowed forth rivers of teaching, feeding the faithful.

Rejoice, for you have consumed the muddy waters of polytheism.

Rejoice, for you taught the servants of the demon to honor the True God.

Rejoice, for you brought erring people out of the depths of godlessness and guided them on the path of salvation.

Rejoice, for through the slumber of wickedness you aroused those possessed to the understanding of the true knowledge of God.

Rejoice, Antipos, quick helper in our illnesses.

Seeing the fierce persecution of the unrighteous against pious Christians, you were not afraid of their rebuke and torment, chosen by God, but boldly before their face you confessed the True God, admonishing them to turn from vain idols to Christ the Savior and to sing to Him: Alleluia.

Among the tongues that sit in darkness and the shadow of death, having preserved the integrity of your life, Holy Antipos, you were honored to be an Angel with your fellow man and with them to sing the Trinity hymn to God in heaven, hear us singing this praiseworthy song to you on earth:

Rejoice, jealous of the life of the ethereal.

Rejoice, thou who hast become like an Angel in purity.

Rejoice, you who appeared in the flesh as if you were incorporeal.

Rejoice, alive spiritually in the body, on earth in heaven.

Rejoice, heavenly man. Rejoice, earthly Angel.

Rejoice, Antipos, quick helper in our illnesses.

By the power of God’s grace, while still in body, you shone like the sun, enlightening everyone and dispelling the deep night of godlessness. For this reason, honoring you as the co-throne of the Apostles and the giver of healing, we sing to God: Alleluia.

Having vigilant concern for the salvation of souls in the darkness of idolatry of those who were perishing, God-wise Antipo, did not cease to call those to a God-pleasing life, setting an example of perfect Christian piety; For this reason, we earnestly bring you this praise:

Rejoice, O righteous way of life.

Rejoice, pointer to the unfaithful path leading to heaven.

Rejoice, guide faithful to salvation.

Rejoice, diligent in admonishing those who are mistaken.

Rejoice, having shown complete selflessness in converting idolaters to faith in Christ.

Rejoice, O bishop of God, who has kindly shepherded your verbal flock.

Rejoice, Antipos, quick helper in our illnesses.

The great storm of the wrath of Dometian, breathing murder, thundered against the temple of your soul, Holy Antipo, but it cannot be shaken, for it was founded on the solid faith of Christ, on which you, God's chosen one, remaining motionless, you sang to the Lord Jesus who strengthens you: Alleluia.

Having heard words of wisdom from you, the wicked hegemon and the priests of idolatry, I flared up with anger at you, even more so when you said: “One thing is true, oh hegemon, because I am a Christian, I do not at all wish to obey the king’s insane and wicked command.” Remembering this, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, having preserved your faith in Christ well until death.

Rejoice, thou girded with power from above to fight against the tormentors.

Rejoice, clothed with victorious glory from Christ the Victor.

Rejoice, imitator of the Apostles in the confession of Christ.

Rejoice, let us participate in the passion of Christ.

Rejoice, having established orthodoxy with your blood.

Rejoice, Antipos, quick helper in our illnesses.

Thou hast appeared a rich source of wondrous miracles, O venerable Antipos: thou hast received from the Lord the gift of healing ailments, so that the unbelievers may know God, that you work miracles, and sing to Him: Alleluia.

Having seen the people of the city of Pergamum, as if the grace had been given to heal the weak and deliver them from all bodily and mental sorrows, they were amazed; We, for the many healings you have poured out on us, please you with these praises:

Rejoice, healing of the sick.

Rejoice, strengthening of the weakened.

Rejoice, blessed physician of those who are ill.

Rejoice, unashamed refuge for those who mourn.

Rejoice, for through you sinners are healed from many wounds.

Rejoice, for through you those who call upon you with faith are delivered from all illnesses.

Rejoice, Antipos, quick helper in our illnesses.

As a preacher of truth, jealous of Christ's Apostle, you were not afraid of the bestial tormentors, nor were you horrified by forgiveness, but with boldness you preached to them Christ God, for whose sake you were cast into the ruthless vessel of the coppers, so that for your sake the Lord, wondrous in the saints, may be glorified, to whom you and in the lights called out to you: Alleluia.

Having great zeal for the people of God, you were pained for those mired in the abyss of idolatry, and for the sake of saving the infidels, you were ready, like the divine Paul, to be excommunicated from Christ, whom you loved. For this reason, we call upon you with tenderness:

Rejoice, thou who imitated the Father of the Believers, Abraham, in his intercession for sinners.

Rejoice, jealous of Moses the Seer of God in his fiery prayer for the salvation of unbelievers.

Rejoice, new Samuel, who in his prayer for the wicked said: “Do not wake me up, so that I may not cry out in prayer to the Lord for you.”

Rejoice, imitator of Archdeacon Stephen, who, during his suffering in the copper will of his tormentors, made the prayer: “Lord! Do not put this sin on them.”

Rejoice, for you who are not evil, for those who kill you, you prayed for, as for those who do good.

Rejoice, loving shepherd, who laid down his life for your verbal sheep.

Rejoice, Antipos, quick helper in our illnesses.

I want to turn you, Antipo, to the lawless tormentor with flattering words, from the True God to a soulless idol, you, God-wise, answered: “Having come to the last old age and approaching death, I will not change my faith in Jesus Christ, my God, who is with the Father and the Holy I sing in the Spirit ever and the imam sings forever and ever: Alleluia.”

The Lord showed a new miracle to you, when you, at the behest of the evil tormentor, were thrown into the kindled copper konob, in which you were baked like sweet bread and you were offered into the stench of the fragrance of the Holy Trinity. Reverently remembering this great patience of yours, we bless you with these praises:

Rejoice, you have overthrown the pride of the tormentor by the shameful casting into a flaming vessel.

Rejoice, for you have preserved the fire of love for God in your heart until the end of your life.

Rejoice, for for Christ's sake you suffered death by fire.

Rejoice, you who were harder than stone in patience.

Rejoice, for strengthened by Christ our God, you have gloriously ended your life on earth.

Rejoice, thou who art numbered with the bright martyr's face.

Rejoice, Antipos, quick helper in our illnesses.

It is strange not to see with a tongue ignorant of God’s power how, in a weak, senile body, you were able, Saint Antipos, to endure the most severe torments for Christ. We, thanking God for this, who has granted you such strength, cry out with love: Alleluia.

You were completely devoted to Jesus the Most Sweet, Saint Antipos, and for the sake of His sweet torment you endured bitter torment in the fires, for you said: “The cup of suffering that the Lord has given me, shall not the Imam drink?” In the same way, you yourself seemed like a cup, pouring out the sweetness of miraculous healings to everyone who cried out to you like this:

Rejoice, loving Jesus with all your soul.

Rejoice, shepherd, showing the way to the verbal sheep in the Holy of Holies.

Rejoice, river, irrigating the world with the waters of God’s grace.

Rejoice, inexhaustible source of miraculous healings.

Rejoice, vessel who endlessly pours out healing for all ailments.

Rejoice, for the Lord has shown wondrous powers in you.

Rejoice, Antipos, quick helper in our illnesses.

Thou hast acquired every miraculous power through the grace of the wondrous God in His saints, Saint Antipos; not only didst thou terrify the demons with thy prayers, but thou didst completely drive them out of the city of Pergamum. Remembering this victory of yours over evil spirits, we cry out to God with gratitude: Alleluia.

Human infamy does not suffice, since you have received from the Lord, Holy Antipos, the power to drive out the devil and the wicked demons from people, for which we praise you:

Rejoice, destroyer of all the wiles of the devil.

Rejoice, shamer of Satan.

Rejoice, liberator of those who are chilled by demons.

Rejoice, you who drive away demons.

Rejoice, intimidator of the dark forces of hell.

Rejoice, because the spirits of evil disappear like smoke.

Rejoice, Antipos, quick helper in our illnesses.

To save your soul, you despised the flesh and were not afraid of those who killed the body, Saint Antipo, when you heard the condemnation to be burned in copper, you joyfully accepted it, singing to the Lord: Alleluia.

Thou art a wall that protects from all evils those who diligently call for help, Saint Antipo: not only to those living in Asia, but also to those living in all places who are Christians through your effective prayer and grant spiritual gifts; For their sake we, Holy Father, bless you:

Rejoice, vessel that exudes the oil of God's mercy.

Rejoice, life-giving fountain, pouring out streams of healing for us.

Rejoice, speedy restorer of health to those who lie in weakness.

Rejoice, healer of all severe diseases, especially severe dental diseases.

Rejoice, free physician of mental and physical illnesses.

Rejoice, giver of healing to all who flow to you in faith.

Rejoice, Antipos, quick helper in our illnesses.

You offered a song auspicious to the Most Holy Trinity, worthy successor of the Apostles, Antipos, not just in mind, word and spirit, but by sacrificing your whole self alive. Moreover, even if we are not satisfied with the praise of such thy deeds, still give thanks to the being, and sing to God, who is wondrous in the saints: Alleluia.

A luminous lamp, illuminated by the True Light, appearing to those on earth, Equal-to-the-Apostles Antipo, enlightening the hearts of the faithful and instructing everything in the Divine mind, teaching us to cry out with tenderness:

Rejoice, dawn of God's light.

Rejoice, star of the Sun of Truth.

Rejoice, radiance of the Gospel teaching.

Rejoice, luminary of heavenly radiance.

Rejoice, enlighten the souls of the faithful.

Rejoice, illumine the hearts of those who seek truth.

Rejoice, Antipos, quick helper in our illnesses.

The grace given to you from God, we joyfully remember your name, Saint Antipos, and with warm prayer flowing to your all-honorable image, we diligently pray to you: grant healing to those suffering from severe dental disease and deliver us all from all need and sorrow, let us sing to God: Alleluia.

Singing your glorious death, O bishop of God, and remembering your warm prayer to God for Christians, we praise the Lord of hosts, who has done wonderful things on you; You hear us, touchingly crying out to you:

Rejoice, warm prayer book before the Lord for us.

Rejoice, our intercessor before God.

Rejoice, our good mentor.

Rejoice, I am a mighty intercessor for the salvation of us sinners.

Rejoice, speedy propitiator of the Heavenly King.

Rejoice, thou merciful helper of all who piously honor thy memory.

Rejoice, Antipos, quick helper in our illnesses.

Oh, glorious and all-praised Hieromartyr Antipos! Accept this praiseworthy song from us, unworthy, brought to you in tenderness, and with your God-pleasing intercession, beg the Lord to grant the sick mental and physical health, to deliver us all from troubles and misfortunes in this life, after our death, on the day of the Last Judgment at the right hand of the Righteous The judges will sing to Him in the Kingdom of Glory: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

First prayer

Oh, glorious holy martyr Antipos, quick helper to Christians in illness! I believe with all my soul and thoughts that the Lord has given you the gift of healing the sick, healing the sick, and strengthening the weak. For this reason, to you, as a blessed doctor of diseases, I, who am weak, come running and kiss your venerable image with reverence, and pray: through your intercession from the Heavenly King, ask me, who is sick, for healing from the dental disease that depresses me. Even though I am unworthy of you, my most gracious father and ever-present intercessor, but you, being an imitator of God’s love for mankind, make me worthy of your intercession through my conversion from evil deeds to a good life, heal the ulcers and scabs of my soul and body with the grace abundantly given to you, Grant me health and salvation, and good haste in everything, so that having lived such a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, I may be worthy to glorify the all-holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with all the saints. Amen.

Second prayer

To the Hierarch of God, Hieromartyr of Christ, Most Blessed Antipos, co-Apostle and Glory to the Hierarch, you are, Bishop, the luminary of the Church and the affirmation of the faith, before the opposing atheists you boldly confessed Christ and offered yourself as a sacrifice to Him, like a fragrant incense and like a gentle lamb and a martyr. righteous, he was cast into the ox of the Medes, set on fire, to the saint, and sending up prayers of gratitude in him to God and the Father, as if the sun had risen and with your torment you had completely crushed the tormentor Belial. For this reason Christ glorified you in heaven and on earth; You illuminate the entire universe with the grace given to you, you give healing to those suffering from incessant dental disease, who constantly call on you with faith. And now, hear me, a sinner and unworthy of Your servant (name), at this hour calling on you with faith, in which I bring you a prayer song, and pray for me, a sinner, to the Lord God for the remission of my sins, and deliver unbearable and inexorable dental diseases me through your prayers, holy one. Amen.

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Quote of the Day

Woe to us that, having given ourselves over to vain worries and vanity, we have forgotten the fear of God

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Hieromartyr Antipas, Bishop of Pergamum of Asia

The Hieromartyr Antipas was thrown by his tormentors into a red-hot copper bull and asked God for the grace to heal people with “inconsolable toothache” (Ap. 2:13).

Oh, glorious holy martyr Antipos, quick helper to Christians in illness! I believe with all my soul and thoughts that the Lord has given you the gift of healing the sick, healing the sick, and strengthening the weak. For this reason, to you, as a gracious physician of diseases, I am weak [weak] and I come running to you and kiss your venerable image with reverence, I pray: through your intercession from the Heavenly King, ask me who is sick [sick] for healing from the dental disease that depresses me, even if I am unworthy [unworthy] ] I am you, my most gracious father and ever-present intercessor, but you, being an imitator of God’s love for mankind, make me worthy [worthy] of your intercession through my conversion from evil deeds to a good life, heal the ulcers and scabs of my soul and body with the grace abundantly given to you, Grant me health and salvation and good haste in everything, so that having lived such a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, I may be worthy to glorify the all-holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with all the saints. Amen.

Venerable Jonah of Moscow and All Rus', Wonderworker

Saint Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus', wonderworker, during his lifetime had the gift of healing from toothache

Troparion 1, tone 4

From your youth, having dedicated everything to yourself to the Lord, in prayers, and in labor, and in fasting, becoming an image of virtue, from there God saw your good will, and he ordains you as a bishop and shepherd of His Church. By the same token, your honorable body is preserved whole and incorruptible, Saint John, pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Troparion 2, tone 3

We have received the yoke of the Lord from our youth, and You have followed His footsteps with an irrevocable desire, and the sanctified feat of having achieved holiness has been accepted by the flock and miracles have been received from God, with faith you have given to those who come to the race of your relics healing in sparingly for various ailments, Our Father Jonah, Saint of Christ, pray to Christ God grant us great mercy.

Troparion 3, tone 3

Having been enlightened by divine grace and after death showing the lightness of your life, exuding the fragrance of the world, flowing to the race of your relics, and instructing the people of Muscovy to the light of God's understanding, Jonah, our father, pray to Christ God to grant us great mercy.

Prayer to all saints and ethereal heavenly powers

Holy God and rest in the saints, glorified by the thrice-holy voice in heaven from Angels, praised on earth by man in His saints: having given grace to each by Thy Holy Spirit according to the bestowal of Christ, and by that ordaining Thy holy Church to be Apostles, prophets, and evangelists , you are shepherds and teachers, preaching in their own words. You yourself act all in all, many saints have been accomplished in every generation and generation, having pleased you with various virtues, and leaving us with an image of your good deeds, in the joy that has passed, prepare, in it the temptations themselves were, and help us who are attacked . Remembering all these saints and praising their godly lives, I praise You Himself, who acted in them, and believing in Your goodness, the gift of being, I diligently pray to You, Holy of Holies, grant to me a sinner to follow their teaching, moreover, by Your all-effective grace, heavenly ones with them be worthy of glory, praising Your most holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Jonah of Moscow and All Rus', the Wonderworker

O most honorable and sacred head and filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit, the abode of the Savior with the Father, the great bishop, our warm intercessor, Saint Jonah, standing at the Throne of all the King and enjoying the light of the consubstantial Trinity and cherubically with the angels proclaiming the trisagion hymn, having great and unexplored boldness To the all-merciful Master, pray for the salvation of Christ's flock of people, establish the well-being of the holy churches: decorate the bishops with the splendor of holiness, strengthen the monastics with the feat of the good trend, preserve the reigning city and all cities and countries well, and keep the holy immaculate faith, pray for the whole world through your intercession, deliver us from famine and destruction, and save us from the attacks of foreigners, console the old, guide the young, make the foolish wise, have mercy on widows, protect the orphans, grow up the babies, return the captives, free the weak and those who pray to you from all misfortunes and troubles through your intercession: pray for us The All-generous and Humane-loving Christ our God, and on the day of His Terrible Coming He will deliver us from this standing state, and He will create the joys of the saints as partakers with all the saints forever and ever. Amen.

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