Aivankhov Omraam Mikael. Books online. Omraam Mikael Aivankhov Omraam Mikael Aivankhov nature calendar

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Omraam Mikael Aivankhov... Who is he? What's behind this name? Why do we remember and talk about him?

French philosopher and teacher, born in Bulgaria in 1900, initiate, one of the greatest modern Teachers of humanity, founder of the Universal White Brotherhood. A man of inexhaustible power of the Spirit, full of the deepest Love and compassion for people, for all living things on this Earth. What truth did he bring to us, what did he teach?

The versatility of his Teaching and the variety of points of view from which he considers the only task: man and his improvement are amazing.

The political connotation of the word “freedom” makes us forget the true meaning of the meaning of freedom for man as the relationship between Spirit and Matter, which Teacher Aivankhov is trying to restore: “No creature can exist without receiving certain elements from the outside. Only the Creator is outside this law - He is not needs nothing from the outside. But since He left in every human being a spark, a spirit that has the same nature as Him, each person can, thanks to the spirit, create what he needs... The Teaching that I bring to you, is the Teaching of the Spirit, the Creator, and not the teaching of matter and creation. That is why I tell you: enter the sphere of the creative spirit, which shapes, educates, and you will avoid dependence on the outside world, you will be free! "

Teacher Aivankhov is not with us, he left the Earth quite recently, in 1986, but the teaching that he brought to us and which became the work and greatest work of his entire life, like small grains sown into prepared soil with a caring hand, is already giving wonderful shoots Love, Reason, Harmony.

No one before him had presented esoteric truths so clearly, so brilliantly simply that they became understandable even to the most primitive mind. His predecessors were based on the eastern traditions of Tibet and India, which made it almost impossible for Westerners to perceive this Knowledge. Aivankhov bases his esoteric teaching entirely on Christianity, using this only possible path to the minds and hearts of his students.

So let's give the floor to the Teacher himself, let's hear the voice of boundless cosmic life, clothed in this word, and try to enter into harmony and agreement with him.

“My dear brothers and sisters,” said Teacher Aivankhov, “all my life I have been looking for an answer to only one question: how to be useful to people. This is my only concern, my only occupation. I know the conditions in which they live; I am not blind ", so as not to notice the difficulties they encounter. But in order not to become completely depressed and demoralized, they should know some methods to strengthen their inner life every day."

And one of these methods given by the Teacher is the striving of every person for the High Ideal. This is what he said about this: “... for a person, everything depends on what he focuses on: what goal he has set for himself, what is his ideal, what he wants to achieve, where he wants to go. This is everything, so how this ideal already affects him and produces changes in him: it deepens, purifies, organizes, harmonizes. This is a wonderful work that it can do in us!

How simply and clearly Teacher Aivankhov speaks about the great principles of the construction of the Universe, discovered and proclaimed by Hermes Trismegistus - the principle of mentalism and the principle of correspondence.

“In life, everything is arranged, formed, formed according to our ideal. If your ideal is not high, not noble, but only earthly and material, then everything that a person does, feels and thinks is directed and formed according to this ideal, and there is no need for it later be surprised if a person is unhappy."

“What is an ideal? An ideal is a living, powerful, real being that has the means to bring everything that we lack. This is what people did not want to understand, choosing a close, easy, material goal, and they lost the most beautiful thing. People do not are familiar with magic, they do not know what happens when one can realize one's ideal too easily, and their whole existence fails. Our ideal is connected with us, and if it is sublime, it constantly brings to us particles, streams of inspiration. ...And Someday we will definitely find in our lives other conditions that the ideal has prepared for us.

Those who are not familiar with these great truths are working with fragile materials and under very precarious conditions. They had no lofty goal, they were satisfied with small trifles, not knowing that trifles are formed from very ordinary matter, therefore, by the law of similarity, they attracted to themselves the most dull, fragile and oxidizable elements. A person must always look very high, in the sky, in the light, in the infinity, in the depths of his being, for materials that will form all the organs, all the particles of his body and his brain from light elements."

So, “Be ye perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect,” as Jesus said.

The truth is that man is a spirit, a spark that came out of God, which will one day return to Him. The day a person understands, sees and feels this, he becomes free from suffering and worries, and he enters eternity.

So what is the path to truth, to eternity, to the Creator? What can we do, how should we live in order to get closer to our Ideal?

“This path,” says Omraam Mikael Aivankhov, “is harmony. But to harmonize with several people: with your wife, with your husband, with your children, with your parents, with your neighbors and friends - this is only the first, tiny step, this is not enough. We must agree , to enter into harmony with the life of the universe, limitless life, cosmic life. You must feel yourself as an integral part of this whole, this cosmic life and feel its relationship with everything that exists, with each of us.

People must learn not to waste their life, but to be able to devote it to a sublime purpose: then life is enriched, it increases in strength and intensity, just as capital, which is not wasted, but, when placed in a bank, brings benefit. But for this it is necessary that you place your "capital" in the heavenly bank."

But remember that you will never get anything without spending something.

“Life,” says the Teacher, “is nothing more than a constant exchange between the universe and the small atom, which each of us to some extent represents. Cosmic life enters a person, he permeates it with his own emanations and returns it to the universe. Then he again absorbs cosmic life and returns it again. This is the constant exchange between man and the universe, which is called nutrition, breathing, and also love. Life is an exchange between worlds, and the one who does not exchange dies.

And also,” the Teacher adds, “I will tell you that the biggest secret of maintaining the best conditions of life and activity, maintaining harmony within and outside yourself is to learn to always live and work with love. Since love strengthens, enlivens, resurrects... We must understand the effectiveness, the power of love. Whatever you do, do it with love... or don't do it at all. Everything you do without love tires you, even poisons you, and then don’t be surprised that you are exhausted and sick. Do everything with love! Try your best, it's up to you. Love awakens all the strength in a person.

So, while living, you are in the divine School, where you are taught to reconstruct yourself. You have not yet appreciated the importance of this task, but rejoice, because you have the prospect of finally being able to put your existence in order.

Try to find at least one thing every day that excites you and place it in your heart and mind. If you thank God every day, if you are happy with everything he has given you, then you will have a magical secret that can transform your life, and the bright spirits of nature will approach you to help you. This world will give you strength, strength will bring you fullness of life, and you will begin to feel eternal Life.

What does a farmer do? He sows - this is his half of the work.

Then the rain, the sun and many creatures living in the water, in the air, in the earth, begin to work with the grains - this is the other half of the work, which the farmer does not have to worry about. In the same way, the Initiate sows the seeds: he sets in motion certain processes, directs them, and then all nature and all the forces of the Cosmos take care of the rest.

About himself and about his mission on Earth, he says the following: “Most of the Eastern teachings have the goal of liberation. The initiates of India, Tibet, Japan worked for thousands of years to find methods that would allow them to break away from the Earth - that’s why they went into caves, into the forests so that nothing would prevent them from working only on the problem of liberation. But I don’t like this kind of behavior, I find it selfish. Why liberate myself? I don’t want to be free, I want, on the contrary, to limit myself, and I limit myself consciously. When they only think about how to free themselves, all that remains is to withdraw, leaving everyone and everything - nothing is more valuable. It is so good to be free - to swim in the sea of ​​light, in happiness, in ecstasy, to try nirvana, but for me personally this does not promise anything ; being happy alone is not what I'm looking for, so I completely oblige and limit myself.

I descended to Earth; I considered it selfish to remain above, in great freedom and happiness. I realized that it is better to come to Earth - let them push you, blacken you, dirty you, criticize you. You will say that you don't understand what I'm talking about. Have patience, a little later you will understand everything.

When one is completely liberated and has no debts to pay, he will no longer be incarnated on Earth, but will remain above in bliss and light: no more obligations pull him to Earth. But sometimes among these creatures there is someone who, seeing the suffering of people, decides to help them.

Many of those who completed earthly evolution would say that all this happiness, all this joy, all this light was enough for them. But among the great Initiates who lived on Earth, many cannot completely erase from their memory everything that they experienced on Earth and break ties with it. They are free, they have conquered everything, they live in eternity, but, however, from time to time they have a desire to glance at these poor people among whom they lived and with whom they still feel connected, despite the distance that they divides. After centuries, even millennia, they remember earthly life and in the wealth, greatness and generosity of their hearts, they decide to go down and help people.

And that's what I did. Happiness, joy, means freeing yourself, but not throwing everything away, no, just freeing yourself internally from your weaknesses in order to be able to better delve into helping others.

This is how I understand the meaning of life and freedom. Difficult living conditions helped me think a lot. If I had not found myself very early, apparently in the most terrible conditions, I would not have discovered anything and would not have done anything.

That is why I bless Heaven for the losses, difficulties and misfortunes that it sent me. There are many qualities that do not develop unless you go through some trials. And even, I would tell you, often our enemies are our hidden friends, because they force us to make efforts that free us. This is why you must love your enemies. Jesus said, "Love your enemies." Yes, it's worth it.

Loving friends is very easy, everyone can do it. But loving your enemies is very difficult. You can love them by discovering that they are hidden friends through whom you progress towards freedom, self-control and liberation..."

Read this Teacher and you will love him. He will become your main adviser in all life's difficulties.

Jiddu Krishnamurti
Annie Besant
Alice Bailey
Rudolf Steiner
Sri Aurobindo

Aivankhov Omraam Mikael(1900, Macedonia - 1986, Frejus, France) - Bulgarian philosopher, teacher, spiritual Teacher, occultist, alchemist and astrologer. Lived in France since 1937. He was a student of Pyotr Denov. Founded the French branch World White Brotherhood . Teaching Aivankhova is a creative synthesis of Christianity and Eastern religions.

At the age of 17, after a childhood full of hardships, Aivankhov met Teacher Pyotr Denov. In 1937, Denov instructed him to carry the Teaching to France. Over the next 49 years, until his death, he transmitted the Teachings World White Brotherhood , having given more than 5,000 lectures.
He has primarily taught in France, but has also traveled to Switzerland, Canada, the USA, the UK and the Scandinavian countries. His books are based on his lectures, which were transcribed or audio/videotaped. They are published by Prosveta Publishing House.

Philosophy Aivankhova says that all people, regardless of race, religion, social status, intellectual ability or material level, are capable of taking part in creating a new period of brotherhood and peace on Earth. This happens through the personal transformation of everyone, namely through development and improvement in harmony with the divine world.

Whatever the topic of discussion, Aivankhov invariably focused on how man could better spend his life on Earth. Any topic he touched on was invariably interpreted from the perspective of the benefits that a person can derive for self-knowledge, self-improvement and better organization of his life, thus helping to realize the Kingdom of God on Earth.

“Spiritual work is significantly different from physical work. You need to know what you can expect from it and what you cannot. From spiritual work you can expect light, peace, harmony, health, intelligence, but not money, fame, recognition or admiration of the crowd, otherwise you "You will mix two different worlds and you will be unhappy. You cannot expect any material benefits from spiritual activity. What you create remains invisible and intangible for a long time."

Aivankhov taught the ancient principles of initiatory science. He described the cosmic laws that govern the universe and every human being, the macrocosm and the microcosm, and the interchanges that constantly take place between them. This knowledge has taken different forms over the centuries. This "timeless wisdom" is expressed through various religions, adapting to a particular time, people and level of spiritual evolution.

“Initiation is the name given to the path that a person must go through in an effort to find and attract his divine soul to himself so that it will settle in him... An initiate is one who has completely changed himself, wanting to attract his divine soul to himself: his whole being has become harmonious , he vibrates in unison with the Cosmic Mind, whose guide and servant he has become."


Full composition of writings
Second birth
Spiritual alchemy

mustard seed
Forces of life
Mysteries of Jesiod
The language of symbolism, the language of nature
"In the beginning was the Word"
Splendors of Tiphareth
The main key to solving problems of existence
Laws of cosmic morality
New Earth. Methods, exercises, formulas, prayers

Keep yoga. Alchemical meaning of nutrition
“Know yourself” Zhnani yoga
Thoughts for every day
New religion: solar and universal
Aquarius and the coming of the golden era
Pedagogy of initiation
Life and work in the divine school
Fruits of the tree of life. Kabbalistic tradition

Collected works “Izvor” (selected)

Toward solar civilization

A man taking control of his destiny
Education starting before birth
Yoga nutrition
Sexual power, or winged dragon
Philosophy of Unity
Who is a spiritual Master?
Egregor of the Dove, or the kingdom of peace
Christmas and Easter in the tradition of Initiation
Light, living spirit
Human nature and divine nature
Spiritual electroforming and the future of humanity
The True Teachings of Christ
Secrets of the book of nature
Language of geometric shapes
Centers and subtle bodies. Aura, solar plexus, hara center, chakras
Zodiac, the key to man and the universe
Alchemical work, or the search for perfection
Mental life: elements and structures
The powers of thought
Book of Divine Magic
Golden rules of daily life
Looking at the Unseen
Path of Silence

Mikhail Ivanov, or in French transcription Mikael Aivankhov(1900 -1986), a Bulgarian by birth, lived half his life in France, from where recordings of lectures and conversations made by his friends and followers began to spread throughout the world.

Conversations by M. Aivankhov, giving inspiration and strength, transformed the lives of thousands of people. Everyone who has read his books and listened to his conversations notes that they radiate light, harmony and moral purity.

The recordings of his conversations from various points of view highlight issues of self-knowledge and self-improvement, touch on various areas of human existence and help to pass through the labyrinth of life to truth, happiness and insight.

Mikael Aivankhov was truly a New Man, whose wisdom and harmony serve as an example for the development of our personality and the realization of our lives.

Let the story of your life with Mikael Aivankhov will be transformed from simple existence into the Mystery of Life!


1. So that you have an angel!


2. Not many astrologers understand anything about happiness.

3. Don't use astrology as your excuse.


4. Even if there is no God, what goes around comes around...

5. God sees everything, but will not tell you soon.

6. You don’t have to be smarter than the Lord God.

7.If God exists, then it is inside you!

8. Do not go to court, but above.


9. The difference between an unhappy and a spiritual person.

Spiritual work is significantly different from physical work... From spiritual work you can expect light, peace, harmony, health, intelligence, but not money, fame, recognition or admiration of the crowd, otherwise you will mix two different worlds and be unhappy...

It can be said that the difference between material and spiritual man is that the spiritual man goes everywhere with his “home”! Yes, a spiritual man, for whom his treasures are within himself, can never be separated from them, even after death.

Since only internal achievements belong to a person, only they take root in him, and when he must go to another world, he takes with him in his soul and spirit “precious stones” - his dignity and virtues, and his name is written in the book of eternal life...

10. You don't know how rich you are.

11.Everything that is in your Heaven.

12.You will have what you are thinking about now.

13.Hoarding leads to degradation.

14. Only what you admire belongs to you.

Don't assume that something is yours just because you own it. Only then is he yours when thanks to him you internally feel joy or light, even if the item doesn't actually belong to you. So, the whole world with the sun and stars can belong to you...

You have a wife and you think that since you can sleep with her or hit her, then she belongs to you. No, you're wrong. But if you admire her, if you perceive her as a dear being, as the form of the Divine Mother, then yes, she belongs to you, even if you do not touch her. You think that in order to possess, you need to hold it tightly in your hands... No, unfortunately, often it is what you hold tightly that least of all belongs to you.


15. The main condition for inspiration.

The main condition for inspiration is lifestyle. Lifestyle precedes inspiration...

16. Set the stage for inspiration.

In winter, when the flowers, fruits and leaves fall, what remains of the trees? Branches, trunk and roots. As you can see, the most material parts resist and hold on throughout the year, while the subtlest, most sublime elements manifest only periodically.

Indeed, the next year comes, and leaves, flowers and fruits appear again. If people did not know the laws that govern nature, they might be alarmed at the sight of all these black and bare trees. But these laws are known to everyone, and everyone is waiting for next spring to see the revival of the plant world.

Now let’s give an analogy: what do flowers, leaves and fruits of a tree correspond to in a person’s life? The inspiration that visits him from time to time and which is a manifestation of his soul and spirit. Inspiration comes and goes, and when it leaves us, there is no need to despair. Since our soul and our spirit have given flowers and fruits, they will bloom and bear fruit again. We just have to work, prepare the conditions so that these flowers and fruits become more beautiful, more aromatic, and tastier.


17.D Internets do not save you from fascism

I know that those who practice various diets recommend some foods and do not recommend others. They may be right, but you especially need to pay attention to your eating habits. Eat what you want, but the right way and in reasonable quantities, and you will feel good.

I have seen many people follow macrobiotic diets or something like that, but very often these regimens not only did not cure them, but even weakened them. I have nothing against macrobiotics; I admit that there is a rational grain in it. But what I don't agree with is the emphasis placed on the products themselves. No, food is only a means. What is most important is mental, spiritual life, and only then food.

The best food has never stopped some from being evil, vicious and dreaming of devastation of the whole world. Even Vegetarianism is not omnipotent: Hitler was a vegetarian!

While others, even eating meat or very bad foods, became saints and prophets. They learned nothing, ate what they found, did not observe hygiene, but gave preference to the spirit and worked miracles thanks to some truths that they knew, a great love for these truths and an unyielding determination to put them into practice.

18.Results of eating meat.

19. Meat eaters are like animals.


20. To your children did not join sects.

21.You drag everyone down or up.

You feel distant and separated from others. No, this is self-deception.

Even if you don't see anything, everything you do is reflected somewhere in the subtle sphere. You are connected to the members of your family and society, and as you progress, the wealth and light you receive is reflected on all beings with whom you are connected.

Because you move forward, they move forward too. Maybe they don’t notice it, but Heaven sees that they are developing thanks to you. And in the same way, if you begin to lose your light, to degrade, all those who are associated with you are subject to bad influence because of you. This is how people are carried away either to Heaven or to Hell.

Yes, we are responsible, but people do not know the laws, and this ignorance is the cause of many troubles. If you want to be useful, to help all of humanity, even animals and plants, you must grow spiritually, because in doing so you lead all things to the top, and the invisible one will thank you, because you attract blessings to all beings. But beware if you lead them down an evil path!

22. You yourself need to be educated, not your children.

Perhaps some of you are wondering why, as a teacher, I so rarely talk about raising children... Simply because I believe that we need to start with educating parents.

I do not believe in any pedagogical theory, I am convinced that only the lifestyle of parents before and after the birth of a child matters... If parents do nothing for their own upbringing, then how can they raise their children well?

23.You can awaken hell or heaven in a child.

Take care of your children!... Both Heaven and Hell lie dormant in every child! And the future of the child depends on the tendencies that his parents will try to awaken in him...

24.Your children are the ones you love divinely.

25. So that your child is extraordinary.

26.First of all, the word educates.

27. There is no education without practice.

28.Kindness is harmful without wisdom.

29.Impulse for good.

30. Don’t kill the sense of beauty in children.

31.Childhood determines your whole life.

Parents and close relatives greatly influence children. That's why don't let your children visit people who can push them down a dubious path by telling them what's wrong. In childhood, everything that children see, everything that they hear, permeates them, is imprinted, and they then find themselves under this influence throughout their lives. You need to watch your children, even choose friends for them, if possible...

Childhood defines your entire life. The imprints you received as a child are never erased...

32.Give your children a sense of the higher world.

33.Do not confuse love and weakness.

34. Do not give children guillotines.

35. There is nurturing love.

36.How to hit children correctly.

37. How many children - so many educational systems.

38. It is not schools that educate, but a living example.

39. Not to give education, but to educate a person.

40. Four types of educators.


41. Hunger prolongs life.

42. Overeating leads to wars.

... Misunderstandings, revolutions and wars are caused by lust, greed, lack of sense of proportion among those who accumulate wealth, food, land, things, real estate, which others are deprived of. But the collective consciousness is not developed enough to understand and anticipate the long-term consequences and upheavals that these trends may lead to.

This need to take, to absorb more than necessary, pushes some to enslave others, and even to destroy them at the slightest resistance or opposition. Even a tiny cause can be the starting point of major disasters. Therefore, we must learn very early to tame, measure and regulate this instinct. If it is not monitored, it can reach such gigantic proportions in all spheres of existence that it will become the source of the greatest misfortunes.

That is why the student must learn not to exceed the limit in nutrition. He must be able to stop before satiety sets in. If we do not know how to stop, then we harbor unnatural desires and become the same as the rich, who have a painful need to seize everything. They are already rich, but their ambitions and desires are so gigantic that they want to devour the whole world.

43.Fasting is a healing habit.

44. Get rid of misfortunes by fasting.

In fact, the problem of starvation is connected to such a distant past that you cannot even imagine. It is the impurities from a person’s previous lives that attract troubles to him. Every sin, every mistake remains in him as sediment, and all misfortunes are the result of these sediments that have not been eliminated. By fasting, a person gets rid of these harmful elements, light appears, and he feels lighter, happier. This is why fasting has been recommended by all religions and spiritual teachings.


45. The form of government does not matter.

Throughout history, people have not stopped conducting more or less successful experiments, trying to find the best form of government: monarchy, republic, synarchy, etc.

In fact, there is no perfect solution: whatever the form of government, there will be no order, peace and harmony anywhere until people learn to establish order, peace and harmony within themselves.

To realize this ideal state, it is necessary first of all to study the mental structure of man.

Man has an intellect, a heart and a will. With the help of the intellect he thinks, with the heart he feels, and with the help of the will he acts. Through these three factors a person manifests himself in this world.

When he succeeds in bringing wisdom into his intellect, love into his heart and strength into his will, he realizes in himself the trinity, which makes him similar to the divine trinity of light, heat and life.

This is how he manages his existence. From this moment on, the form of government does not matter.

In order to establish order, peace and harmony in the world, one must start from the beginning, and the beginning is the person himself, who has become the head, the king of his own kingdom.


46. The best solution to problems.

47. Cause of environmental pollution.

More and more people are complaining about pollution.

Scientists are alarmed and are increasingly convinced that everything is polluted: land, water, air; and that plants, fish, birds, people are already in a state of extinction.

Scientists don't know how to fix this. However, even if they found such a remedy, it would only serve to improve the situation externally, which is not enough.

Since miasma is also spreading in the spiritual world, which is killing humanity, and if people were subtly and strongly sensitive, they would feel that the psychic atmosphere of the world is even more suffocating than the physical one.

They complain about car exhaust fumes.

But what is even worse is that people do nothing but poison the spiritual atmosphere with “toxic gases”: their bad thoughts and feelings of hatred, jealousy, anger and sexuality.

Everything that molds and rots in a person in the form of unclean thoughts and feelings produces infectious, suffocating secretions. They blame cars, but what are cars compared to five billion ignorant creatures who have never learned to manage their inner lives?

If there are now so many sick people, it is not only as a result of air, water and food pollution. If the psychic atmosphere were not so polluted, a person would be able to neutralize the effect of all external poisons.

Trouble arises first within. When a person lives in harmony, the internal forces that he possesses throw away all impurities on the physical plane, and the body is able to defend itself.

48. Pay attention to both spiritual and material things.

49.To keep your spirit up.

50. Do you want eternal results or temporary success?

51. Give food to the soul!

Many consider themselves impeccable because they live according to the laws of society: they do not harm anyone, they consciously and conscientiously fulfill their professional and family responsibilities.

But despite this, the divine world is closed to them, and they do not have this joy, this happiness, fullness and light that spiritual life gives. Yes, they consider themselves perfect, but what kind of perfection is this? Strange perfection, where there is never time for soul and spirit!

Of course, you need to work to support yourself and not burden anyone, but you also need to find a few minutes to give food to your soul and spirit. We came to this earth to fulfill a great mission, but many forget about this and think only about their success in society; and they consider themselves models! But what are these samples? No light emanates from them, and they do not devote a single minute to spiritual life, to their improvement.

You came to earth for a very short time, and when you leave, you will not take your cars and houses there. All this will remain here, and you will only take away your internal acquisitions, only they will not leave you.

52.Stand with your feet on the ground and touch your head to the Sky.

53.You need a completely different diploma.

How many people constantly criticize someone, complain, talk about how unhappy they are, how desperate they are, because this, because that... because for no reason! The reason for this state is that they did not understand anything about what is called the truth of life...

Your diplomas, the entire libraries you have read, are certainly proof that you are educated, erudite people, but all this does not at all prove that you have understood at least something in life.

The proof would be your ability to simply provide evidence of your understanding, and these are calmness, self-control, generosity towards others, the ability to solve problems.

If you can provide this evidence, even if you don't have a degree or read anything, you're amazing!

54.Only internal results are always with you.

55. Don’t stop your soul from blossoming.


56. A woman creates beauty to elevate a man.

Everyone must work for it to be embodied on earth beauty, and I may be the only one who does not condemn the coquetry of women, the desire to embellish themselves.

A woman must love beauty, she must maintain it and work to pass it on to her children, because if she behaves like a man who is not interested in this issue, all future generations will be terribly ugly.

It is a woman who, wanting to be beautiful, maintains beauty in the world. The only question is to know how they want to use this beauty.

Instead of using it to seduce men, saying to themselves: “Oh, how beautiful I am, attractive, I will take advantage of this” ... and thus satisfying their vanity, women must begin the work of reviving humanity.

Unfortunately or fortunately, nature has given a lot of strength to women, that's for sure. But it's all about how she uses this power...

When she feels that she has a charm that men can hardly resist, instead of using these powers and inspiring men, showing them the way, making them more honest, more noble, she pushes them to fall...

And beauty was given to women not to satisfy the sensual needs of men, but to help them rise...

57. A woman is a man’s teacher.

A woman is a man’s educator: with her thoughts, her views, her behavior, she is able to captivate him to perform the most noble deeds.

A man, inspired by a woman, wants only to rise, so while women do not have this ideal in their heads, but will only think about how to give themselves to the first person they meet, in order to satisfy their desires and receive pleasure, they will remain away from their true calling.

A woman’s calling is to be a man’s educator...


58. Don't waste your life on trifles.

I have met many people of all categories in my life. All these people, however primitive they may be, were created in the same workshops as the greatest geniuses and the greatest Initiates. The time has not yet come for them to demonstrate the same abilities and the same virtues, but this time will come for them too, and they will strive for limitlessness, completeness, Divinity. They will understand that activities and objects of the material plane are needed only as a support, a reservoir, a shell in order to support, contain or store divine life, the life of the spirit...

59. I found the meaning of life, but this is not enough.

60. Life is a theater.

61. Wake up from life!

62.Live among your dreams!

63.You are only spectators!


64. Conception is a sacred act.

You may say: “Prepare... How to prepare?”

To be prepared is to have the thoughts, feelings, and lifestyle that will attract exceptional beings into your family.

The science of initiates teaches that it is not at all by chance that this or that child appears in a family: consciously or unconsciously - most often still unconsciously - it is the parents who attract him by their qualities.

That is why parents must consciously call upon geniuses and deities. Because they can choose their children - and that’s what many don’t know.

...Future parents do not even think that they need to prepare for conception for months and even years - this is a sacred act.

How often does conception occur after an evening of revelry, too much food and drink!

These are the moments that are sometimes chosen, if it is still permissible to say that they were “chosen”! And they could decide to wait for a moment of peace and clarity - a moment of complete harmony between them, with each other.

But no, they are waiting for a case of excitement with alcohol and self-forgetfulness until they lose the sense of place and time; and in this wonderful state the conception of a child occurs!

And what do you think they introduce into it? A child who comes into the world loaded with such elements can only be the first victim of his own parents. Who should be educated now? I’m telling you: not children, but parents.

I know that the future lies in children, but I deal with parents: I want to make them understand that the birth of a child should not just be the result of an atavistic animal instinct of reproduction.

This instinct naturally exists, but it must be understood in a more spiritual sense: it is necessary that thought, soul, spirit participate in this act, so that the child is connected with the higher world.

Most people are content with animal life: they eat, drink, reproduce like animals - there is nothing spiritual in their acts.

Love has no meaning, only pleasure is worth something, and then all their lives they and their children pay for these few minutes of pleasure.

Already before conception, parents must prepare in order to be able to attract a higher spirit, because a higher being can agree to incarnate only with parents who have already achieved a certain degree of purity and self-control...

Very few men and women have the necessary qualities to embody great spirits - that is why the earth is so populated by ordinary, sick, criminal people instead of being populated by deities.

65. The upbringing of a child begins before his birth.

During the nine months of pregnancy, the mother works not only on the formation of the physical body of the child: without knowing it, she works on the embryo given to her by the man, creating favorable or unfavorable conditions for the development of various properties inherent in it. And how does it work? In accordance with her thoughts, feelings and the lifestyle she leads.

Most mothers have no idea what impact their internal state has on the child they carry in their womb, and they begin to take care of him after his birth, looking for doctors, educators, teachers, etc...

But it’s late, when the child is born, these worries come very late: he has formed and everything is determined! No teacher or educator can transform a child when the elements he received in his mother's womb are of poor quality.

A mentor or teacher can only train a child, but can never change his deep nature. If it is defective, you can give him the best educators - it will not change. No matter what treatment you put on lead, it will remain lead; you can polish it well, grind it, cut it so that it shines, but after a few minutes it will darken again: since it is lead.

The child should be made of gold, not lead. Then, even if he has to live in terrible conditions, he will remain uncorrupted, for his essence is pure.

You understand now how important it is for a woman to put bright thoughts into her head. Thanks to these thoughts, the fetus growing in her womb will receive pure, precious materials every day, and the world will be given a wonderful artist, a brilliant scientist or a saint - a messenger of the Lord.

The mother can perform great miracles because she holds the key to the forces of life.

66. How to help the soul to be born.

67.What do you do during conception?

68. Conception is a divine service.

69. Preparation for divine conception.

70.Parents improve each other in a child.

71.The mother’s lifestyle enriches the child.

72.The conditions of a pregnant woman create the qualities of children.


73. Protect yourself by changing the state sphere.

One day you feel sad, dejected: it seems to you that the whole world is against you... But suddenly you fall asleep, that is, you rise to another world, and when you wake up you feel that everything has changed.

What happened? You simply ran away and those who were chasing you could not keep up with you...

You would save yourself a lot of suffering if you knew how to change the spheres of states. If you feel sad or disappointed, then try to go to a place where you will escape them. If worries trouble your intellect, send them to your heart. If something is haunting you in both your heart and intellect, rise into your soul.

If you are persecuted in your soul, take refuge in your spirit - there, in the spirit, nothing can reach you.

74.Place customs officers at the border of the soul.

You must know that your body will be constructed from the materials that you absorb. So if these materials are unclean, you will be unclean, you will be sick.

This is an absolute law, valid not only on the physical, but also on the mental plane. Just as you must be careful to eat only well-cleaned and washed foodstuffs, so in your thoughts and in your feelings you must monitor day and night what is happening within you.

Customs officers work at the borders of all states to check everyone who crosses the border. Do you have “customs officers” to prevent anything harmful and dangerous from entering you?

No! And anyone comes in, coming from nowhere, and you are poisoned.

Set up customs officers, and say to every incoming thought: “Wait a little, where did you come from? ...What will you bring me if I let you in?” This is how you must prevent the undesirable consequences of the thought that has appeared to you.

This is a whole science - to carry out selection and sorting. Different thoughts and different feelings are not “made” of the same “materials”, and the more prepared you are by your development for the selection of materials, the more pure they will be, however, on the physical plane it is well known that pure elements are lighter and float up, while what is unclean is heavy and is located at the bottom in the form of sediment or mud.

And the purer the materials, the more resistance they have. That is why construct your body from the purest materials and you will be able to resist suffering.

A person suffers so many unpleasant events in life because he allows the forces of evil to cling to him and penetrate him.

...When the house is clean, no insects appear. But leave a few dirty spots of rotting food and the insects will come. How did they know there was something for them? And why do fleas and bedbugs bite only some people? Because their blood contains waste, which serves as excellent food for these creatures, because they only love uncleanness, the rest does not attract them.

If you want to be captured by insects, clean your house; if you don't want to be bitten, cleanse your blood; and if you do not want to let bad creatures into you, do not prepare food for them, that is: do not allow impurities to enter you anymore!


75. To avoid getting sick, eat the sun!

Disease is nothing more than the result of the accumulation of foreign substances in the body, and in order to recover, you must cleanse yourself of them.

Here it is, the key to health: cleaning!

That’s why it’s so important to be able to collect solar particles in the morning so that they don’t clog us with all sorts of dirt.

Everything you eat, drink, and breathe always leaves some toxins - this is inevitable.

Only the rays of the sun are woven from such matter that leaves no waste behind. Therefore, we must learn to feed on this highest substance – light.

76. Be like the sun, and you will have light!

…If what you give is light, radiantly beneficial, then in return you will receive elements of the same quality, equally shining and radiant in their essence. But if you emit dirt, then your tank will not be slow to fill with it...

77. The cause of human diseases.

First of all, a person is vulnerable internally, and little by little this weakness manifests itself externally.

Let us take for example a person who has exceptional faith and very pure blood: he can live among contagious patients, lepers, tuberculosis, and not become infected. While others, even if they run away to avoid infection, are captured by germs.

Because internally they are engulfed in some kind of rotting, and the products of this rotting serve as good food for microbes.

I have already explained to you that purity of blood and thought destroys all favorable conditions for unwanted beings, even on the physical plane.

Whereas, if bad things have penetrated into thoughts, feelings, hearts, desires, then the door is open on the physical plane: illnesses so easily sneak into you and wreak havoc! Science hasn't figured this out yet.

In this sense, she is behind, in another she is far ahead - she sends mechanisms and people to other planets.

But she was very late in studying the inner world. That's why there are no more healthy people on Earth. First, you need to find purity internally: in thoughts, feelings, desires, views, words.

78. Concentration of thought improves health.

One of the best exercises in concentration that I have indicated to you is meditation before sunrise: you concentrate on the sun, not allowing any other thought to enter into you, and remain for quite a long time in this sacred position.

If you manage to do this correctly, you will soon feel stronger, illuminated, and filled with energies. And if you have, for example, some diseased organ, you can improve its condition by directing the sun's rays to it... rays of light, love, kindness, vitality and joy.

Yes, by focusing your thoughts you can contribute to improving your health.

Of course, some will find this to be a waste of time. Why concentrate when there are so many drugs, pills, medicines and you just have to open your mouth. But this is unreasonable, because with such a passive method you will not achieve your development, you will not be able to set in motion great internal forces.

79. Remedies for nervousness.

There are very simple remedies for nervousness. You started talking or working in excitement; if you don't do anything, you will remain in a high-strung state all day and all your energies will flow out because you forgot to turn the taps on...

So stop for a moment, don't talk, don't move... and then take a different rhythm, a different direction.

If you eat in peace and quiet, you will then maintain this state throughout the day. Even if you have to run and fuss, you only need to stop for a second to feel that peace does not leave you. Because you ate right. Otherwise, no matter what you do: rest or try to speak calmly, you will still be excited, restless, and nervous.

81. Well-being is in the freedom of energies.

Our body has inexhaustible reserves. If there are times when they seem exhausted, it is because we no longer have access to them.

Even when a person dies, and when it seems that he has used up all his reserves, this is not so, he has them, he just no longer has access to them, that’s all.

If someone had come with the knowledge to restore the flow, the patient would have been saved.

What alchemists called the elixir of eternal life does not in itself bring immortality, but makes it possible to cleanse spiritually and physically, to open the channels of the human body so that the energies that we possess and which are inexhaustible can circulate.

So, do not seek the elixir of immortality, work every day to purify, fill with light your thoughts, feelings, and actions so that divine life can circulate freely within you.


82.If you don’t make mistakes, you will become petrified!

If you want to live peacefully and do nothing, then you will not develop, you will not learn anything, you will not achieve anything.

You will not make any mistakes, but you will be petrified, and stones, of course, do not make mistakes!

It is preferable to make mistakes, even to pollute the environment around you, but to learn. How can you trust that not a drop of cement or paint will fall if there are builders working in the house? This is unrealistic. There will, of course, be drops and stains while the house is being raised, while the work is going on. Then you wash everything, wipe it off, and everything will change, take on a different look, but only when the house is completed.

I give you a small book to learn the alphabet. In a year you will return it to me. Some of you will return it completely clean, never opened: they, therefore, will not recognize anything, will not learn anything; others, on the contrary, will return it to me tattered, with marks, stained: they opened and closed it hundreds of times, took it everywhere, they even ate on it... Yes, but now they can read!

And how many mistakes will be made, how many stains and lumps of dirt will be caused, how much more criticism and injustice will be - it doesn’t matter anymore. You have to be able to read, you have to work so that “the house is completed.” And those who are always reasonable, careful not to compromise themselves, will not move forward. And then, my God, where will these people be?

Don't be afraid to make mistakes. When you learn a foreign language and try not to speak for fear of making mistakes and appearing funny, you will never learn to speak that language.

You have to dare and speak, make mistakes and be funny, but learn the language. And it’s the same with fate: you don’t need to be paralyzed by the fear of making mistakes, you just need to be able to correct them. Because as you gain experience, giving divine meaning to your actions, you will accumulate gratitude and blessings from Heaven.

83.Hate is as strong as love.

When you hate someone, it is the same as if you love him: you establish a connection with him. Hate is as strong as love.

If you want to get rid of someone, never see him again, don’t hate him or love him, be indifferent to him.

If you hate him, then you are bound to him by chains that no one can break, you are attracted to each other, and you will have common affairs for centuries. Yes, of course you don't know that. People imagine that hatred breaks ties.

On the contrary, hatred is a force that binds you to the object of your hatred. So is love. But the connection here, of course, is completely different: love brings you some events, hatred brings you others, but they are just as durable and just as strong as love. These are the truths that all nations must understand, and they will see how funny it is to hate each other.

84.God loves the wicked.

85. Hellish roads to Paradise.

It is said that God's plans are incomprehensible. This means that even if the fate of a person appears from the outside in the most unfavorable form, in the end it is not known whether his development of events will not lead to the greatest good.

You marry a certain man or woman, you choose such and such a profession, you move to live in such and such a city, you get sick with such and such a disease... and you don’t know where all this will lead you.

Even if your marriage or profession does not bring you luck, even if illness has confined you to bed for many months, perhaps it is fate that, in roundabout ways, leads you to what will ultimately be the best for you. You will not be able to express your opinion about this until your life has come to its end, for in such “incomprehensible” ways it is often the invisible world leads you to the light.

86. Stop enjoying horror.

Evil exists, we need to see it and take some precautions. But this does not mean that since evil exists, then only it should be seen everywhere.

Unfortunately, there are people who enjoy evil as if it were food: scandals, disasters, dirty tricks - they are delighted with it. They claim that they speak about evil in order to expose it. No that's not true. They talk about it because they love it, enjoy it.

Without him they would be bored, they would have nothing to talk about, nothing to write about. It would be necessary for people, from childhood, to become accustomed to being interested only in what is beautiful, noble, and filled with kindness and purity.

And, by the way, this is what real pedagogy consists of - try to instill in children a love for the best, since only love of beauty, kindness, justice will allow us to truly neutralize evil.

87.Which is more – good or bad?

There is more good in life than bad, so constantly showing your dissatisfaction means admitting that you are unable to see reality clearly.

We must try to at least see two sides of life. Anyone who sees only the good and constantly looks contented and cheerful does not abide in the truth.

But to be in a state of anger all the time because someone said or did something that you don’t like, or because you had to pay more for some item than you expected, or - what’s even stupider - due to the fact that the food was overcooked, over-salted or under-salted, and reacting to these small inconveniences as disasters will ultimately lead you to become stupid.

Bring these little things into balance with all the riches that life brings you. When you notice that, because of annoying little things, you are ready to forget about how much is beautiful and good in the world, and disturb the life of your family and everyone around you, you will feel ashamed...

88.The usefulness of evil.

For thousands and thousands of years people have been praying: “Lord, God, destroy evil!”

But the Lord will scratch his head, smile and say: “Poor things! When they understand the usefulness of evil, they will stop begging Me.”

But for now - how many prayers! Of course, you need to pray, but here’s what you need to ask for: “Lord God, enlighten me - how You created this world, how You conceived all things... Give me this understanding, this wisdom, this intelligence, which will allow me to be, like You, above evil, so that it does not touch me, but so that I can use it to accomplish great things.”

Anyone who thinks this way sees that evil has a positive role in the universe. You will say that you were taught differently. Perhaps, but this is incomplete teaching, it is good and true for children, but the reality is completely different.

Everything that has been created confirms that evil is necessary in the Cosmic economy.

89. Our vices are our friends.

90. Is your sensitivity sick?

91. Do not fight evil, but strengthen yourself.

What do you do when it rains or hails, when the wind blows, or there is a storm?

The thought of going outside to fight against these forces of nature does not occur to you, you are taking care of your home: sealing cracks, replacing broken tiles, insulating the house... Having strengthened the house, making it durable, you calm down.

You know very well what to do when it comes to the forces of nature, why don’t you know this when it comes to the forces of evil? You believe that you can fight the forces of evil and defeat them, but you also find yourself defeated. Instead of fighting the forces of evil, we need to strengthen ourselves so that we can resist better, understand better and act better.

Michael the Archangel himself did not destroy evil - this is written in the Apocalypse - he did not kill the dragon, he only put it on a chain, pacified it. And we, we are so much weaker than Michael the Archangel, how can we believe that if we fight evil, we will be able to destroy it?

92.There are areas within you where evil has no power.

What is stability? So that evil cannot throw you off balance.

And so that it cannot do this, it is necessary to get away from it, rising to a region where it will not be able to exert its influence.

You say: “But do such regions exist?”

Yes, they exist. Just as they exist in the universe, so they exist within you. Only you are not aware of this, since you have not acquired the habit of observing yourself.

Have you ever been surprised that certain events that made you sad and despair, if they happened under different circumstances, no longer bothered you? Why? Have you lost all sensitivity?

No, but you have managed to rise to a level of consciousness where they no longer affect you. This confirms that there are areas in a person over which evil has no power.


93.You will definitely improve if...

The highest ideal is to regard the sun as a model. If you want to be like some scientist, philosopher, or even a hero, a saint, an Initiate, you will no doubt be able to adopt some part of their virtues, but you will never be able to do this with such completeness and perfection as if you took the sun as a model.

The image of perfection is the sun, and if you take it as a model, if, like it, you think only of illuminating, warming, and enlivening people, then you are sure to change. Because, even if you never achieve the light, warmth and life of the sun, then just the desire to find them will lift you to the heavenly heights, where you will create true miracles. The desire to illuminate, warm and enliven the souls of people will make you brighter, warmer and more alive.

94. You need the highest ideal.

Many people believe that it is enough to go to church from time to time, light a candle, then return to your place and take care of your small household - and now, you are already a good Christian.

What a profanation of the ideal! How can one hope for the coming of the Kingdom of God? Ah, poor Christians, they stubbornly see this as a reasonable rule - not to demand too much from a human being, otherwise it is pride.

But I say the opposite: we must have in our heart, in our soul, in our spirit the highest ideal - to become a true instrument in the hand of God, so that He thinks through us, feels through us, acts through us. You surrender to the will of wisdom, light, you are in the service of the light, and the light, which knows everything, will lead you.

95. Look only for the inaccessible.

96.What is the benefit of unfulfilled desires.

Often your requests are not fulfilled because what you ask may, according to the Cosmic Mind, bring you more harm than good, and he refuses to provide it to you. But the benefit of this request is that you managed to touch the peak that is within yourself, and you set in motion the highest force, which, spreading, produces sounds, aromas, colors and affects all your cells, all beings, who live in you. In this way you will be able to acquire unusually precious elements.

So, in order to really accomplish something, you need to touch the center - the point that organizes everything, puts everything in order. Let's take an example: you occupy some insignificant place in society, you are unknown, and, therefore, you cannot change anything in the destinies of the country.

To be able to change something, you must reach the center: where the president or king is. From now on you can do a lot in the country because you have touched the center. If you remain on the periphery, no one will obey you.

We find the same law in the inner world. As long as you don't concentrate on your top, you can, of course, get some little things, that's clear, but the main thing is not up to you. Whereas, if you touch your center, then you can turn your whole world upside down, since the center will give you all the possibilities, everything will depend on you.

You see why truly intelligent people do not engage in fleeting, insignificant accomplishments.

They work and work towards their peak, not caring about the time it will take them to reach it, even if it is centuries. One single person can change the fate of the whole world , but provided that it is really was able to reach the top.

97. The benefits of wishing for the unreal.

98. Method of developing intuition.

99.Cleanliness develops intuition.

102.If you are rich inside, you are not alone.

103. Three stages of finding yourself.

104.If you want to get along with people.

105.Why do you need to be in harmony with the whole world?

106. Expand your circle of concerns to infinity.


100. When you lose connection with others, you lose the light in yourself.

101.Only collective life harmonizes us.

Humanity is like a big orchestra.

Each person can be compared to a musical instrument: clarinet, cello, trumpet, violin, piano, guitar... and the divine life that permeates every being blows into these instruments and touches their strings.

Each creature produces certain sounds, and the Cosmic Mind tunes them all so that a symphony arises in the Universe.

Only here on earth this symphony does not exist, because people, driven by their instincts and passions, cannot vibrate the way God intended: in universal harmony.

People fail to do this because their lower nature limits their field of consciousness.

But from the day that people begin to consider life in a community, or rather in brotherhood, as their goal, they will vibrate in harmony with the entire Universe, and therefore receive better currents from the cosmos: they will restore the road along which they can circulate and come heavenly energies to them.

There is nothing worse than a purely personal life that is not consistent with the collective, universal life, since it clogs the passages and interferes with the circulation of energies.

102.If you are rich inside, you are not alone

When good feelings and love live in you, you try to give them to others, because they flow, overflowing... But, feeling tired, sad, despair, you feel the need to go somewhere far away.

So strive to live in the Collective - this is already a good sign, while the desire to constantly remain in your narrow crevice characterizes you very badly. Even if you think that you are extremely smart, know that this is not so: your mind is far from perfect. For, I repeat, when a person is truly rich internally, he feels the need to give his wealth to others.

106.Expand your circle of concerns to infinity.

When you feel lonely, abandoned, it means that you are internally moving in a very limited circle.

In this case, change a little the center or direction of your interests, your activities, and you will attract streams and beings from the universe that will come to support you, to bring you light.

I will offer you one method: expand the circle of your mental activity, and if until now the center of your interests was only yourself or your family, then expand your concerns even more, even if you are a mayor, prefect, minister or... president of the republic.

Yes, expand them indefinitely. Embrace the solar system, the entire cosmos, and you will no longer feel so small, so miserable, abandoned and abandoned, for you will become a beneficial factor for humanity, you will become a true creator.


107.We participate in the creation of everything beautiful or..

108. Save wonderful moments!

109.Look only at what is beautiful.

What happens when you look at a landscape? Outwardly, of course, you remain as you were, but internally, on the psychic plane, whether consciously or not, you become identified with what you are looking at.

This is a natural, biological law. And your ability to evolve and improve depends on this correctly understood and consciously applied law. Therefore, learn to look only at what is beautiful, harmonious, radiant, perfect.


110. Love, and clairvoyance will open in you.

111.You live to find the other half of your soul.

There is nothing more essential for a person than meeting his complementary principle. The greatest problems in men and women, which are themselves manifestations of these two principles, arise from a poor understanding of this matter.

Consciously or unconsciously, all creatures react in the same way to the question of the two principles: everyone recognizes its absolute significance. When a man believes that he has found in a woman this complementary principle he needs, he is ready to give up everything.

Even a king is capable of leaving his kingdom with all his subjects, army and treasures for the sake of this woman.

What does this woman have to devalue the nation and millions of subjects in his eyes?..

In reality, he is not looking for the woman herself, but for a complementary principle, because for him there is nothing more important.

And the same thing happens to a woman: she will oppose herself to her entire family, to the whole world, if necessary, in order to follow the person she loves.

Is she to blame for this? Not at all. It was the Heavenly Father and Mother Nature, his wife, who wrote this law into the hearts of people: “You will leave your father and your mother, and you will follow your wife or your husband.”

It is written at the core of every being that it must seek its complementary principle. But people do not always know this, since this search takes on a wide variety of forms depending on the area in which it is carried out: it can be in science, philosophy, art, religion...

Why does a man fall in love with just one woman? Because this woman corresponds to something in himself, and this is precisely the other side of his being. Man is polarized, and this polarization makes him look for another part of himself in women or men and even in the Supreme. Behind the outer appearance of a person there is always hidden another part of him that he is looking for.

112. You will meet your soul mate if you find it within yourself.

Each of you is looking for your soul mate. But know: in Initiatory Science it is said that nothing can be found externally if it has not already been found internally, since even if you meet something externally that has not yet been found internally, you will pass nearby and not notice anything. The more you discover inner beauty, the more you will discover it on the outer physical plane.

Maybe you think that if you haven’t seen this beauty before, then it wasn’t there... No, it was there, but it remained invisible to you, because something inside you had not yet awakened, had not revealed itself.

But now that you have seen it internally, you also see it externally, because the external world is only a reflection of the internal world.

Never look for anything externally unless you have first made the effort to find it internally. When you see internally, find your soul mate in your meditations and contemplations, you will find it everywhere throughout the world: in the faces of people, in lakes, in plants, in birds, and you will hear its voice.

This is an important truth that everyone who loves each other needs to know, otherwise their marriage, their relationship, will become a disaster. If a man has found a feminine principle in himself, and a woman has found a masculine principle, if they want to serve him and work for him, then let them love each other, let them get married, their love will become a source of blessing.

That is why a woman must see the Heavenly Father in the man she loves; symbolically, this man for her is the representative of God on earth.

And he must see the Mother of God in his beloved and love her, admire her, serve her. Then all the treasures will be revealed to them, and they will live day and night in admiration, ecstasy and beauty.

113.Shared ideals are more important than passion.

Let's take for example the case of a young girl: she needs love and quickly, without hesitation, without understanding well the character of the boy she likes, she chooses him, and they get married.

In order to satisfy the need that she feels, she is obliged to accept everything about this young man - his character, his thoughts, his feelings, which may be rude and with which she does not always agree. Of course, he gives her something, but for this she is obliged to endure everything else.

And this happens to all boys and girls. In order to experience some sensations, to get a few crumbs of joy and happiness, they must endure various kinds of inconvenience. And then all their lives they complain, they are unhappy, they don’t know what to do, and sometimes they even break many laws to try to get out of this situation.

Yes, this is the sad reality! To get a little satisfaction, everyone flounders in unimaginable difficulties. They have a need, and for the sake of this need they sacrifice everything else. Because they only need a few crumbs, they are forced to put up with the vices, with all the ugliness of the one from whom they want to get these crumbs!

That’s why I give this advice to young people: don’t rush, don’t rush to ruin your life with the first person you meet.

Study, try to understand this person well.

But first of all, take the time to consider whether this person is really ready to do joint work with you and walk the same path, otherwise your existence will turn into mutual destruction.

Carefully analyze whether you both are in perfect harmony in three planes: physical, emotional and intellectual, or whether you are giving in only to physical attraction.

If you and your partner have different opinions on important issues, don’t say “Oh! It does not matter! Gradually we will understand each other, everything will work out.” Everything will be completely the opposite. After a while, having become fed up with certain pleasures, when these feelings become dull, you will notice that your thoughts, aspirations, your tastes are different, and quarrels, suffering will begin and it will all end in divorce.

Agreement in terms of ideas and tastes is very important. Physical attraction, even with a little love, is not enough: it is very quickly satisfied and satiated. If mental abilities are poor and lovers do not know how to maintain a conversation about interesting things and something new, then they begin to get bored in each other’s presence.

114. The ideal is agreement on three levels.

There are people who are not physically in love, but they adore each other because they always need to discuss a thousand things, explain and tell something, and that’s great!

The ideal is when there is agreement on three levels. First, let both feel mutual physical attraction. Then there must be agreement in the area of ​​feelings and tastes, because if one prefers noise and the other prefers silence, one likes to read and the other likes to dance, if one always wants to go somewhere and the other wants to stay at home, this ends in conflicts.

Finally, and most importantly, we need a greater community of ideas, goals, and ideals. If this harmony exists in three planes, then there is nothing more beautiful than the union of these two, because it is an inexhaustible source of joy, happiness, and understanding.

115. Monopoly love will strangle you.

Most people's consciousness is so limited that, loving their husband or wife, they forget about everything in the world; nothing else exists for them.

And they themselves, however, become so small, limited and insignificant that they seem to be lost somewhere in space.

They cannot understand love in a broader sense, they belittle it, impoverish it, mutilate it - it is no longer the divine love that wells up and nourishes creation.

Although men and women must understand that true love is the one that does not take root around one single being in order to strangle it.

True love embraces all creation, and such broad love is more beneficial for a couple than exclusive love.

116. To love all in one, One in all.

Do you think it is wise to concentrate all your attention, all your thoughts, all your love on one man or one woman? The need to love is a natural need, but you need to know where to focus this need, on whom and how. Get married, have children and be faithful to your chosen one or chosen one, but do not create illusions: your husband and wife will give you only what they can give.

Each woman on earth reflects only a very small part of the splendor of the cosmic Woman. All the beauty that we see distributed among all women is the beauty of one single woman - the cosmic Woman, the Mother of God, who unites all splendor, all perfection.

And every man on earth reflects only part of the radiance of the Heavenly Father, some a little more, others a little less. This means that by loving only one man or one woman, people can never be satisfied, because neither she nor he has all the perfection.

I personally know and have studied only one path - the path of the power of love. But you need to know how to love, since hysteria, neuroses, and depression always come from a poor understanding of love, when the energies are poorly ordered and poorly oriented. We must constantly raise love higher and higher, elevate it to the spheres of the Heavenly Father and the Mother of God.

Of course, one cannot demand from everyone to love only the Mother of God in all women and the Heavenly Father in all men, since very few are capable of this: the majority can currently love only one man or one woman, at least for some time time.

Yes, it is very good to love, to love only one woman or one man, but why not try to see in this woman or in this man all the women and all the men on Earth?.. It may still be difficult to reach this concept, but over time and thanks to the light of wisdom it will come. Men and women will no longer be so possessive, jealous, and narrow-minded.

When people have more light on this problem, this order of things will change. You will say that this will be the disappearance of the family, disorder, anarchy! No, you didn't understand anything.

The love I am telling you about is true love, which does not stop at one person, which does not die in him, but goes further, washing and covering everything with flowers on its way, rising to the Lord.

Man and woman understand each other, work to rise together, they are allies in divine work, there is no jealousy between them, and their union has a beneficial effect on the whole world.

117. There is only one way to be loved.

118.If someone stops loving you, then...

Even assume that your wife no longer loves you. Then tell yourself that this soul is free, that it will not be with you forever, that before you, in its previous incarnations, it has already loved hundreds of men and that after it it will still love many more men.

Why are you racking your brains if she doesn't love you anymore? And you, will you always love her? Have you loved her since the creation of the world? No. Well, remain calm and know that it is unfair to demand everything from a being, while you consider yourself free to do what comes into your head.

119. Never put your loved ones first.

120.Love means connecting to the source.

121. Don't eat peeled people!

Ordinary people are like cats who swallow mice, skin and entrails, and then they complain and shout: “How unhappy I am with my wife!” or “What a husband I got!”

But why do they have the mental makeup of cats? Why did they rush to “eat” this woman or this man, that is, why did they accept, without thinking, their feelings, thoughts, breathing, their aura?

Now analyze and reconsider your existence... You will come to the conclusion that until now you have always stopped only on external details, without going deeper to see what desires, what feelings, thoughts or ideals were among those with whom you wanted to connect.

The initiates are very particular, and they are right; They understood the lesson that nature gives us every day as a consequence of nutrition, they know that we must act in the same way in mental life.

We know that every day we need to peel, peel, throw away, but in the mental area we have not yet understood the lesson that nature gives us.

Look how even a mother who adores her child, ready to do anything for him, when he comes to her for a kiss, having rolled around in the mud, will first send him to wash himself and only then hug him. Why doesn’t she hug him right away, because she loves him?..

Each creature is like a fruit or any other product, of which only the digestible and tasty part must be left. God has placed a spark in every being, and only with it should you seek contact.

If you are not content to study only the external side, then you can find this spark even in animals, plants and stones. All beings have this spark hidden within them, even criminals, and if you know how to awaken it and revive it in them, you can turn to it and communicate with it.

This is the most developed, highest form of love: to be able to connect only with the divine spark in every being in order to nourish and strengthen it. Here you do not need to be careful, waste time studying it before you start loving it, because this spark is pure... As for the personality, it is better to study it first before accepting it, but immediately accept the divine spark that sparkles in every creature.

122.Love to spite everyone!

123.Through one you connect with all others like you.

124.Love is a relay baton.

125.Love all women and all men.

126. It is better to be deprived than to become a swamp.

127.Death sentence: loves no one.

128.Hide your love carefully.

129.Become more poetic, then people will love you.

When you leave your house in the morning, say hello to all the creatures of the visible and invisible world.

This way you will establish a connection with them, and thanks to this simple gesture of greeting you will feel in the world of poetry, in the light, all day long.

You send your love, and from all corners of outer space it returns to you. How much can be done to make life beautiful and poetic!

In addition, you should not allow yourself to be completely overwhelmed by worries and material matters, and leave some time and energy for those activities that give more meaning to your existence. 145. You cannot find happiness without finding wisdom.

146.When will you become wise?

147. Passions are justified by reason.

148. Combine eternity with the current day.


149. Love, that is, sing in chorus!

150. Singing is nourished by harmony.


152. Without belief in reincarnation (reincarnation), you do not have a full life.


153. The highest meaning of nutrition.

154.Food as a sacred act.

155.Eat to give impetus to business.

156.Nutrition is a way to control yourself.

157.How you eat is how you live.

158.Nutrition as a way of improvement.

159.We must eat with love.

160. Food as a way to calm down.

161. Don't eat what you don't like.

162.Eat the sun!

163.Food is conception.

164.Eating is the best prayer.


165. Proof of the existence of the invisible world.

166.Spiritual life can be studied with great accuracy.

167.Proof of the existence of invisible beings.

168. You need to deal with the invisible world.


169. How to transform your life.

170. Experience of transformation.

171.Method of getting rid of difficulties.

172.Plant an apple tree in the cemetery.

173.Transform at least one creature.


174. Any progress requires new thinking .

175. Does technological progress help the good of humanity?

176. A sign of your development.

177. Don't be afraid of shocks.

178. You must be able to be dissatisfied with yourself.


179. Are you glowing?

180.To get you off the ground.

181. Unequal ties are sanctified by the Law.

182.Read living books!


183. There is one real profession.


184. Keep coming back to the best with conditions.

185. Pay attention only to the good.

186. What is needed for high states.

187.How long will they crucify you.

188.Only gratitude will save you.


189. If your science, art and religion are one, you are invincible.

190. What is the benefit of being baptized?

191. Does the cross help you?

192. Your faith alone is not enough.

193.The Church must improve.


194. Learn self-control.

195. In the face of any adversity.


196. The best defense against loneliness is to enjoy freedom.

197.Freedom begins with paying debts.


198. Wash your soul before love.

199.Is your sexual intercourse criminal or holy?

200. Reason does not interfere with the joy of love.

201.Love is nutrition.

202.What do you put in the hearts of your loved ones?

203.When you are alone with your loved one, you are not alone.

204. They do not reach heights in the mountains.

205. Don’t break into other people’s bedrooms.

206.Culture is better than nudism.

207.Not a sexual revolution, but a pogrom.


208. Put family in second place after Family.

209.The mission of the family is to join the Family.

210.You are attached to your family out of selfishness.


211. The desire for fame is wonderful.

212.С what purpose are you talking about?


213. When you leave this world...


214. Go to work in the invisible world.

215.Getting ready for bed.

216.Whoever does not know how to fall asleep will not be able to die well.

217.The main moment of the day is the time before bed.

218.Protect yourself while you sleep.

219.Study while you sleep.

220. Benefit from dreams.

221. Real knowledge comes only from dreams.

222.Work while you sleep.


223. Your participation in the fate of the world.

224.Do not change the course of events, but resist them.

225. How not to make “debts” to your destiny.

226.How to create a happy destiny.

227.We do not create destiny, we give it direction.

228.Your fate will improve in one case.

229.A person’s needs determine his destiny.

230.Only in this way will you escape your destiny.

232.Your thoughts and desires will definitely come true.

233. Become the master of your destiny.

234. Repeat offenders of fate.


235. Either true love or no love.

236.Happiness is between marriage and freedom.

237.Your spouse does not belong to you.

238.Marriage is cooperation.

239.To be happy you need to philosophize.

240. In a happy marriage, they are united by soul.

241.Marriage is a sacrifice.

242. For some it is more beneficial to be married, and for others it is more harmful.


243. Your happiness depends on the betterment of society.

244.The main job of a happy person.

245.Creating a happy person.

246.The main quality of a happy person.

247.The cause of human misfortunes.

248.The difference between a happy and an ordinary person.

249. The secret of happiness.

250. The source of all misfortunes.

251.Don’t pass by happiness.

252.Not only shine, but also warm!


253. Elevate with creativity, not feed with waste.


254. It is not your success that depends on you, but your efforts.

255.How to succeed in business.

256.Luck depends on the beginning.


257. How you greet the morning is how the day will be.

258. Live a day of eternal life at least once!


259.V The highest values ​​of the colors of the rainbow.


260. If you want to become a clairvoyant...

Bulgarian philosopher, educator, spiritual Teacher, alchemist and astrologer

At the age of 17, after a childhood full of hardships, Aivankhov met Teacher Pyotr Denov. In 1937, Denov instructed him to carry the Teaching to France. Over the next 49 years, until his death, he transmitted the Teachings of the Universal White Brotherhood, giving more than 5,000 lectures.
He has primarily taught in France, but has also traveled to Switzerland, Canada, the USA, the UK and the Scandinavian countries. His books are based on his lectures, which were transcribed or audio/videotaped. They are published by Prosveta Publishing House.

Ivankhov's philosophy says that all people, regardless of race, religion, social status, intellectual ability or material level, are capable of taking part in creating a new period of brotherhood and peace on Earth. This happens through the personal transformation of everyone, namely through development and improvement in harmony with the divine world.
Whatever the topic of discussion, Aivankhov invariably focused on how man could better spend his life on Earth. Any topic he touched on was invariably interpreted from the perspective of the benefits that a person can derive for self-knowledge, self-improvement and better organization of his life, thus helping to realize the Kingdom of God on Earth.

Aivankhov taught the ancient principles of initiation science. He described the cosmic laws that govern the universe and every human being, the macrocosm and the microcosm, and the interchanges that constantly take place between them. This knowledge has taken different forms over the centuries. This "timeless wisdom" is expressed through various religions, adapting to a particular time, people and level of spiritual evolution.


Full composition of writings

Second birth
Spiritual alchemy
Two Trees of Paradise
mustard seed
Forces of life
Mysteries of Jesiod
The language of symbolism, the language of nature
"In the beginning was the Word"
Splendors of Tiphareth
The main key to solving problems of existence
Laws of cosmic morality
New Earth. Methods, exercises, formulas, prayers
Love and sexuality
Keep yoga. Alchemical meaning of nutrition
“Know yourself” Zhnani yoga
Thoughts for every day
New religion: solar and universal
Aquarius and the coming of the golden era
Pedagogy of initiation
Life and work in the divine school
Fruits of the tree of life. Kabbalistic tradition
Collected works “Izvor” (selected)

Toward solar civilization
A man taking control of his destiny
Education starting before birth
Yoga nutrition
Sexual power, or winged dragon
Philosophy of Unity
Who is a spiritual Master?
Egregor of the Dove, or the kingdom of peace
Christmas and Easter in the tradition of Initiation
Light, living spirit
Human nature and divine nature
Spiritual electroforming and the future of humanity
The True Teachings of Christ
Secrets of the book of nature
Language of geometric shapes
Centers and subtle bodies. Aura, solar plexus, hara center, chakras
Zodiac, the key to man and the universe
Alchemical work, or the search for perfection
Mental life: elements and structures
The powers of thought
Book of Divine Magic
Golden rules of daily life
Looking at the Unseen
Path of Silence

Excerpt from the book "Golden Rules of Daily Life":
The most valuable good is life
How many times have you wasted your life in pursuit of acquisitions that are not as important as life itself! Have you thought about this? If life were the greatest good for you, if you thought about how to support it, protect it, keep it in the greatest integrity, in the greatest purity, you would have more and more opportunities to get what you want. It is a bright, illuminated, intense life that can give you everything.
You think that as long as you are alive, everything is allowed to you. This is wrong. If you work for many years to satisfy your ambitions, you will one day feel so exhausted, so fed up, that if you compare what you have achieved with what you have lost, you will notice that you have lost almost everything and gained very little . How many people say: “As long as I am alive, I use life to achieve everything I desire: money, pleasures, knowledge and fame...” And they draw, are satisfied, and the forces of life are depleted and, finally, there is nothing left for them , how to stop your activities. There is no point in acting this way, because when you lose your life, you lose everything. The most important thing is life, and you must protect it, cleanse it, strengthen it, remove everything that interferes with it, holds it back, because through life you can get health, beauty, strength, intelligence, love and true wealth.
So, work to beautify, strengthen and sanctify your life. You will soon feel that this pure, harmonious life will extend into other areas where it will influence many other entities who will then come to inspire and help you.
read the whole book

Omraam Mikael Aivankhov - about the author

At the age of 17, after a childhood full of hardships, Aivankhov met Teacher Pyotr Denov. In 1937, Denov instructed him to carry the Teaching to France. Over the next 49 years, until his death, he transmitted the Teachings of the Universal White Brotherhood, giving more than 5,000 lectures.

He has primarily taught in France, but has also traveled to Switzerland, Canada, the USA, the UK and the Scandinavian countries. His books are based on his lectures, which were transcribed or audio/videotaped.

Ivankhov's philosophy says that all people, regardless of race, religion, social status, intellectual ability or material level, are capable of taking part in creating a new period of brotherhood and peace on Earth. This happens through the personal transformation of everyone, namely through development and improvement in harmony with the divine world.

Whatever the topic of discussion, Aivankhov invariably focused on how man could better spend his life on Earth. Any topic he touched on was invariably interpreted from the perspective of the benefits that a person can derive for self-knowledge, self-improvement and better organization of his life, thus helping to realize the Kingdom of God on Earth.

Omraam Mikael Aivankhov - books for free:

Sexuality is a self-centered tendency that pushes a person to seek only pleasure, even if it is to the detriment of others. Love, on the contrary, thinks, first of all, about the happiness of another...

Spirituality is exactly where it begins, where...

The book talks about the symbol of human instinctual powers - the dragon. If this snake-tailed monster also has wings, this proves that the powers it embodies also have a spiritual purpose.

“Yezod, which in Hebrew means foundation, foundation, is the ninth sephira of the Tree of Life. In its highest region reigns the Lord Shadai El Hay, whose name means: Almighty Living God. Next to Him is the angelic order of Kerubim...

In contrast to numerous esoteric thinkers who believe that their role is limited to leading their students to the purity of a subtle intellectual understanding of certain religious and philosophical doctrines, Teacher Omraam...

Morality of Nutrition (From the book "Yoga of Nutrition") - about hunger, amount of food, vegetarianism.

Even if we know the astronomical essence of heliocentrism, we have not yet drawn from this all the consequences in the biological, psychological, cultural and spiritual spheres. Now, when a person is trying to directly capture solar energy...,

“Get used to viewing your daily life, with all the actions you are obliged to perform, the events that appear before you, the people with whom you live and meet, as matter on which you must work in order...

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