What is a person’s aura and how to understand its meaning? Aura or human biofield - what is it

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The concept of “aura” can be given two explanations at once. For example, from the point of view of esotericism, this is a certain substance that is a continuation of the human body. But from a scientific point of view, this is nothing more than the bioenergetic field (biofield) of a person, where his physical shell constantly resides, as if in a cocoon.

It is quite difficult for a person who does not have special skills to consider the energy background. But this can be learned. Why is this necessary, and how can a person’s aura indicate personality traits, character, emotions and thoughts, as well as how to restore a person’s biofield?

Basic concepts and meanings

When clarifying what a person’s aura is, it is necessary to note its peculiarity - physicality. The fact is that the energy biofield is a material substance. Such a shell has a certain color, which is explained by the individuality of the person to whom it belongs. Both the human and the energy shell are formed from infancy. Therefore, the basic color that it acquires remains unchanged throughout the individual’s life.

At the same time, you can consider other shades in it, which tend to change depending on the mood, emotional or physical state, and interests of the object. And, turning their inner vision to their mental screen, esotericists can not only see it, they can diagnose it and tell almost everything about a person.

But you should know that people who study the human biofield (esotericists, mediums, scientists) can perceive the image that appears on the mental screen differently. Therefore, it will be quite difficult to find out the first time and with 100% probability what the main color of a particular person’s aura is.

How to find out what color a person’s bioenergy shell is and what does it mean? It is generally accepted that the state and color of a personality’s biofield can be perceived by people with extraordinary abilities. But there is also an opinion that all people can see such a phenomenon from the moment of their birth. However, not everyone retains this ability throughout their lives.

Currently, scientists have developed special techniques that help maintain or develop the ability to see the biofield independently, as well as teaching how to restore the aura. They are a set of special exercises. By practicing them, you can not only learn how to learn to see a person’s aura, but also diagnose it in order to be able to draw up a profile of its owner.

Methods and techniques to master the skill

For those who want to try their hand at this area, you can try the following techniques:

1. This method will allow you to understand how to see your own biofield in a mirror image. To do this, you need to prepare a large, full-length mirror. Opposite the mirror, make a plain background that would not interfere with viewing the aura. Standing between the background and the mirror (at a distance of 0.5-3 meters from it), relax your body and close your eyes. Begin to sway smoothly from side to side, maintaining slow and deep breathing.

At this stage, meditation is very important, since the practitioner will act as both an object and an observer. When you feel that you are completely relaxed and ready to see your energetic shell, slowly open your eyes. Focus on the image in the background, avoiding the clear boundaries of the body silhouette. If you look closely, you will see a faint flicker that will follow the silhouette of your moving body.

2. The following exercise will help you learn how to see a person’s aura at home. When learning a new skill, ask someone to help you. Having placed your opponent near a light background, stand in front of him, face to face, about 4-5 steps away from him.

Both of you will need to completely relax. And while your partner stands motionless, try to close your eyes and mentally draw his image in your head. Then, slowly opening your eyes, try to consider the person’s biofield without concentrating your attention on the clear lines of his body.

It is quite possible that you will not be able to examine the aura of another person the first time. Know that such experience comes with practice. Therefore, if you want to professionally master the skill to see the aura, you will need to practice for a long time and study special literature.

What does the biofield palette say?

But why is this necessary? Why do you need to learn to see a person’s biofield and diagnose it? It is believed that a person’s bioenergetic shell preserves every moment of his life. And these are not only emotional outbursts, different memories and images of objects, but also the experience gained, as well as physical changes in people.

Consequently, a complete diagnosis of the aura will make it possible to draw up a characteristic of the subject: to find out his character, characteristics, interests, and even make a conclusion regarding the state of health of the subject. That is why many scientists argue that the human aura is of the greatest importance not only for psychology, but also for the future of medicine, since it provides reliable information for the study of a wide variety of human problems.

But what role does the color of the aura play in this? What is its significance in making a diagnosis? Each personality has a certain aura color, which is combined with a lot of other shades. As stated earlier, this is due to the individuality of each of us.

And the color of the bioenergetic shell, which is located in the center and personifies the predominant energy flows, is the main key to the characteristics of the object. That is why mediums and scientists study in detail the human aura, in particular the relationship between the color and character of an individual, his desires, and state of health.

As a rule, each shade has a specific indicator. Thus, by studying this or that color of a person’s aura, you can get an idea of ​​the state of his mental and physical layers. But in general, it will be useful to study both your biofield and the state of the energy shell of the people around you. For those interested in how to find out the color of their aura and decipher its meaning, the classification below will help.

How to decipher the colors of the biofield

When studying the mental shell, you need to pay attention to the central area - the base color is located there. This will allow us to characterize the owner of the biofield.

Thus, the red aura is a powerful energy shell that indicates assertiveness, determination and leadership qualities of an individual. The predominant red shades indicate that this person has a strong biofield and the main qualities of his character are: responsibility, independence, ambition. Those with a red aura constantly strive to improve the quality of their lives while always remaining honest, optimistic and brave.

Those who have a violet aura detected during diagnosis can easily be classified as a higher “spiritual society”, since they represent the category of people constantly striving for new knowledge, wisdom, and development. If the violet color predominates in other areas of the individual’s shell, it means that throughout his life he will be fascinated by the solution to things that are inexplicable logically and scientifically.

An orange aura is characteristic of subjects who prefer family and home comfort, respect others and are always open in communication. They are practical, self-confident and at the same time have excellent intuition.

People whose biofield is dominated by yellow shades need self-expression. They can be classified as creatively developed individuals, endowed with a sharp mind and an inexhaustible supply of optimism. In general, a person’s yellow aura hints that the individual is hypersensitive, energetic, and ready to achieve his goal by any means necessary.

The pink biofield reflects the loving and sociable nature of the face. A subject with a pink aura is prone to careful planning and strives for financial well-being. Such people are very persistent and, setting a high bar for themselves, always overcome it.

The green color of the aura indicates a positive attitude and responsiveness of its owner. Such a person is reliable, persistent in his intentions, intellectually developed, very demanding, but at the same time self-critical. It is interesting to know that people who have a green aura often find themselves with healing or other paranormal gifts.

The blue color of the aura is the personification of the spirituality of the object, a symbol of harmony and spiritual potential. Those who have shades of blue predominant in the central region are in most cases associated with the other world and mysticism. In real life, people who have a blue aura often devote themselves to serving the church or science.

Those with a blue shell love variety and travel. Sincere, intuitively gifted, they are devoted to their loved ones and always come to the rescue. The life of those with a blue aura resembles the pursuit of adventure.

The white aura is the purest, almost perfect spiritual shell. A biofield of this color indicates sincerity, readiness for self-sacrifice, caring, mercy and modesty of a person. The life goal of individuals who have a white aura is to serve the “highest”. They feel a craving for constant improvement, development, and gaining wisdom.

Unlike a white aura, a black aura indicates signs of otherworldly influence, a tendency towards denial, destruction and negativity. Often this color indicates cruelty and the depressed state of the subject. It is worth noting that people with such a biofield are constantly exposed to troubles, they experience powerful energy shocks and in the end “eat themselves.”

How to take care of your energy field

By studying what kind of aura a person has, you can find out his train of thoughts and interests, emotional mood and main life goals. The biofield is not characterized by stability, and cleansing of the aura can occur regularly, which is associated with a change in a person’s thoughts, mood or well-being. But in order to carry out intentional cleansing of the aura, you can use special exercises.

Usually people are interested in how to cleanse the aura or how to restore the biofield after serious shocks, pursuing the following goals:

  • Healing and improving your own well-being.
  • Development of special abilities (paranormal).
  • Elimination of the consequences of external negative influence.

In the latter case, in order for cleaning the aura to bring the desired results and the energy field to become free, it is important to eliminate not only the consequences, but also the source of negative phenomena in a person. Otherwise, the biofield will have to be restored very often, because negative energy will return again and again.

Aura restoration can also be carried out for no apparent reason. In this case, the procedure will be part of a complex for caring for the energy field. After all, both the physical and spiritual shell of a person needs special attention.

So, before you clean the aura yourself, you need to decide for what purpose the procedure will be carried out. If cleaning is preventive in nature, you can use the following techniques:

  • Pranayama (yogic breathing techniques for cleaning the chakras and aura, saturating the body with oxygen).
  • Meditation (exercises to stimulate blood circulation and release positive energy).
  • Reading mantras (special prayers in Sanskrit for relaxation and filling with good energy).

But in order to cleanse the biofield from negative influences coming from outside, special rituals will be required. They are usually held on certain dates of the month and involve the use of auxiliary paraphernalia.

By regularly cleansing and restoring your spiritual shell, you will know that such a biofield will be harmonious and filled with positive energy, and this will allow you to move through life easily and confidently. Author: Elena Suvorova

The human aura is also the human energy field, it is also part of the entire energy space of the universe, it is also the biofield (psi field), which has a complex structure.

What is a human aura

The human aura is also the human energy field, it is also part of the entire energy space of the universe, it is also the biofield (psi field), which has a complex structure. The human biofield includes electric and magnetic fields known to science. It is likely that the biofield is also formed by torsion fields, the existence of which is confirmed by some studies. The energy field of each living organism, along with other fields, form the energy field of the Earth and Space.

At the same time, a person’s aura is an indicator of his psycho-emotional and psychophysiological state. A person’s aura allows one to diagnose various ailments of a physical and spiritual nature. You can see the aura using a number of devices, for example, the Korotkov GDV apparatus. The International Academy of Spiritual Practices “I Love Love” uses both the Korotkov GDV apparatus and a device based on the Kirlian effect as equipment for aura visualization.

The aura is characterized by such concepts as shape, size and density.

The shape of the human aura is an oval, which more or less evenly surrounds the human physical body. In a psychologically stable person, as well as in a person full of strength and energy, the shape of the aura is harmonious. And vice versa: if a person is not internally stable, then the shape of his aura is less symmetrical.

The size of a person's aura is the area of ​​radiation that extends beyond the boundaries of his body. This area can be removed from the human body at a distance of several centimeters to several meters. Spiritually developed people and people with high energy potential have an aura size significantly larger than people who are internally weak: both spiritually and energetically.

The density of a person's aura is a measure of the strength of his personality. Purposeful, harmonious people have an aura of high density. Depressed, energetically weakened people have a low-density aura.

The basis of knowledge about man is that man is not a body, man is consciousness, that is, capable of self-awareness, possessing memory and intelligence, living energy. The body is just a temporary home for human consciousness.

The spiritual level, mental and emotional states of a person make up the bioenergy fields of a person, on which the state of his physical body fully depends. Low spirituality, negative thoughts, negative emotions - all this is deposited on a person’s subtle bodies, which results in him attracting similar destructive energies from space. The aura is destroyed, chakras are destroyed, energy channels (nadis) are destroyed. You can influence all bioenergy-informational components of a person, freeing him from accumulated negative energy, using methods: cosmoenergetics or mandala therapy. These techniques make it possible to transform negative radiation from the tissues of the human body into positive ones, which ultimately allows for healing and rejuvenation of the entire body. And again, all changes in the aura, and therefore the psychophysiological state, can be tracked using the Korotkov GDV apparatus, as well as using medical examination data. The method of cosmoenergetics and mandala therapy makes it possible to act at the causal level, i.e. allows you to eliminate the causes of illnesses, not their consequences.

Here is an example of a healer's aura.

Here is a picture of an average person.

By completing training or a course of therapeutic and health sessions, you can eventually achieve the same level of energy as a healer. As a result, your psycho-emotional and physical state will change, you will achieve great success in business, improve relationships with loved ones, be able to build a strong family and raise healthy children.

What does the human aura consist of?

The human aura is heterogeneous in its structure. It is divided into several layers. Each layer performs its own functions and has a certain color.

Yoga identifies seven key layers. But the aura also contains other substances that are responsible both for the functions of the physical existence of the organism and for the evolution of the astral body.

Barbara Ann Briand's book "Hands of Light" examines all auric layers in detail.

According to the author’s observations, all layers of the aura have a clear division into even and odd. The structure of odd layers is similar to standing waves of light and has a clearly defined structure. The even layers located between them have an amorphous structure, representing substances of a certain color - ectoplasm. Ectoplasm is a kind of liquid that is in constant motion. In the aura configuration, ectoplasm flows through a frame formed by standing waves of light from odd layers. “Standing” is a conditional concept, since the frame itself is not something stationary. The frame is a collection of luminous particles flickering in an asynchronous rhythm. Micro discharges constantly move around the perimeter of the frame. That is, the odd layers of the aura are clearly structured in their composition. Even ones have no structure and consist of an amorphous liquid-like substance. However, even layers have a certain shape, which they acquire when interacting with the frames of odd layers. All layers interact with each other in a descending hierarchy, from top to bottom. Each layer is a level of increasing vibrations, which, passing through the space of lower vibrations, go beyond its limits. The space is a combination of all seven levels, each subsequent one extending beyond the previous one.

It is impossible to observe this kind of structure in everyday life, because there are almost no analogues in nature. In part, the aura can be thought of as a multi-layered surface, like the skin of an onion, which reveals a new layer over and over again. The comparison is quite approximate, since each layer of the aura is intertwined with all systems that exist in the physical body, including the musculoskeletal and circulatory systems, and some forms that do not exist in the body. The auric field running through the spinal cord is a vertical column of pulsating energy. The pulsating flow - the central canal - has exits from the spinal canal below the level of the coccyx and above the head. Also, a certain part of the biofield is occupied by cone-shaped structures that resemble an ordinary funnel - chakras.

Seven Layers of the Auric Field

Each of the seven layers of a person’s aura has its own purpose and has only its own characteristics. Each layer interacts with chakras (energy vortexes).

Firstthe biofield layer and the first chakra are associated with involuntary and autonomous functions of the body. They have a connection with the physical sensations of pain and pleasure.

Secondlayer and second chakra - the environment that influences the emotional component of human existence.

Thirdlevel is responsible for mentality and linear thinking.

Fourthlevel and the fourth chakra are associated with the heart. This combination is responsible for the human capacity for love. The chakra transforms the energy of love, and depending on the intensity of its activity, the object of love can become either a single object or all of humanity as a whole.

Fifththe level belongs to higher powers. He is more connected with God than with man. The fifth level and the fifth chakra transform words and plans into reality. The more developed the fifth level of the biofield, the higher the responsibility for deeds and actions.

Sixthlevel and the sixth chakra are associated with unearthly love, the object of which cannot be defined in a physical sense. Such love has a Divine origin and extends far beyond the boundaries of human existence.

Seventhlevel and the seventh chakra are responsible for communication with the Higher Mind, knowledge of the unknown and the connection of the physical and spiritual essence.

Detailed characteristics of each layer of the human aura:

The first layer is the etheric body.

Ether is the borderline between energy and matterstate. The etheric body consists of the finest jets through which energy flows are distributed. Externally, the etheric body resembles a network of sparkling rays of light, roughly reminiscent of the blank screen of a working TV. The etheric body is the light and energy matrix of the physical body, completely repeating all the anatomical formations and organs of the earthly essence.

The etheric essence of a person has a tangible structure of lines of oriented forces on which the material substrates of the physical body rely. Actually, the very existence of the physical tissues of the body is possible only because it has a basis in the form of a field of vital energy.

The existence of the etheric body proves the primacy of energetic existence over the gross matter of the physical body.

For example: a plant leaf has a green matrix, which appears before its physical appearance; during the process of growth, the leaf fills the existing form.

The network to which the etheric body is represented is in constant motion. People with extrasensory abilities can see the movement of light blue highlights along the rays of the etheric body, and its penetration into the physical body.

The etheric body is separated from the physical body at a distance of 5 mm to 5 cm. The pulsation occurs with a frequency of 15-20 times per minute.

The color of the etheric body varies from light blue to all shades of gray.

The etheric body of subtle structure has a bright blue color. That is, a refined and sensitive nature with a delicate physique has the soft blue color of the first layer of the aura. A tougher person with an athletic build will have a gray first layer of aura.

The color of the first layer chakras corresponds to the color of the etheric body, but can change color from light blue to dark gray. Externally, chakras resemble light swirls of the substance that makes up the etheric body.

At the level of the astral body, the observer perceives the physical body of a person, only all organs have shades of blue. By analogy with a plant, the etheric body is a matrix, the structure of which determines the development of the tissues of the physical body - the cells of the body grow in the directions of the lines of the etheric body, which arises before the material one.

It is practically impossible to separate the etheric body from the physical, but if you imagine this theoretically, you can see flickering and luminous lines of a bluish color that make up the human silhouette.

At dusk, against a wall of uniform color - white, black or dark blue, the observer can see the pulsation of the etheric body in the shoulder area. From the shoulder, the pulsation travels down the arm in waves. At the same time, between the outlines of the physical body and the foggy cloud there is an unfilled space, turning into a layer of bright light. The light spreads and at a certain distance from a person begins to weaken.

The speed of movement of the cloud is quite high, so that without certain skills it is difficult to follow its movement. While the gaze is fixed on the shoulder girdle, the cloud moves lower. You can fully monitor the pulsation after several workouts.

The second layer is the emotional body.

The second auric body follows the etheric body and has a more subtle structural structure. The emotional body is associated with the area of ​​feelings and follows the contours of the physical body.

The second auric body has a more mobile structure, compared to the etheric one. The second layer looks like a moving light cloud, in constant motion. The distance between the boundaries of the emotional body and the physical body is from 2.5 to 8 centimeters.

The emotional body has access to denser layers of the body with which it has points of contact and which it surrounds.

It is not entirely correct to talk about the color of the emotional body, since it is more of a light than a color. The light can be transparent and clean if a person is in a state of peace of mind, and have a cloudy-dirty appearance, with confusion of feelings and uncontrolled emissions of negative energy. With harmony of feelings, as well as with a pronounced state - love, excitement, joy, anger - the emotional body has a transparent consistency. With confused and uncertain feelings, the emotional body becomes dull and dark.

When correcting a person’s psychological state, through outside psychotherapeutic intervention, excluding circumstances that cause confusion, with internal work on the psychological state and other positive influences, the state of the emotional body changes to brightness and complete transparency.

The transparent structure of the emotional body does not mean a complete absence of color. The transparency of the structure contains all the colors of the rainbow that appear when light is refracted. Therefore, each chakra is colored in the color of the vortex surrounding it. The chakras of the emotional body can be colored in the following colors: red, red-orange, yellow, emerald green, sky blue, indigo, milky white.

The emotional body consists of colored clumps that move chaotically within the framework of the emotional body with little movement beyond its limits. During particularly acute emotional arousal, light clots spill out from the boundaries of the emotional body into the space surrounding a person.

The third layer is the mental body.

The third body of the biofield is called mental. It is broader than the emotional body and consists of an even more delicate substance compared to the first and second layers. The mental body is associated with thinking.

The observer sees the mental body in the form of sheaves of yellow rays, originating in the area of ​​the person’s head and shoulders, and continuing along the entire physical body.

At the moment of intense mental activity of the owner, the mental body expands in area and acquires a more pronounced color. The mental body extends above the surface of the physical body at a distance of 8 to 20 centimeters.

The structure of the mental body is interesting. It is formed by the ideas of a particular individual. As already mentioned, the mental body is yellow. But this color is not uniform. Within a solid color, shades stand out that give mental images.

Mental images are clumps in the form of clouds of varying density, shape and brightness. The shade of the mental image is formed under the influence of the color of the emotional body, which complements the yellow shades of the mental layer.

That is, the color of the mental image depends on the emotional coloring of the thought. Moreover, the more specifically the thought is expressed, the clearer the outline of the thought clot and the more specific the color.

A habitual way of thinking that has a clearly structured structure can have material power. Depending on which string of thought is tuned to, it can be either a destructive or a creative force.

The mental body is inherent only to thinking beings, and since the conscious use of intelligence by man began later than all other functions, scanning the mental body is quite difficult.

The fourth layer is the astral body.

The astral body has no structural structure. It is amorphous and consists of a cluster of light clouds. In appearance, the clouds are similar to the clouds of the emotional body, but have a more attractive appearance.

The colors of the astral body correspond to the colors of the emotional body, but are interspersed with pink shades due to feelings of love.

The astral body is separated from the physical body at a distance of 15 to 30 centimeters. Like the chakras of the emotional body, the chakras of the astral body can be painted in all the colors of the rainbow, but they always contain, to one degree or another, a shade of love - pink. The heart chakra of a person experiencing a feeling of sincere love at the time of examination may consist entirely of pink substances.

With a mutual feeling of love between the partners’ hearts, a pink arc is formed, which is clearly visible to the experienced gaze of a psychic. The sincerity of relationships between people can be determined by the pulsation of the aura in the area of ​​the pituitary gland, to the golden hue of which a pinkish glow is added, its intensity depends on the strength and degree of reciprocity.

Relationships between people are manifested at the astral level by connecting threads between similar chakras. The duration and depth of the relationship leads to strengthening of the threads.

The more intense the pain is when such a relationship is broken - the threads begin to stretch and break. At the moment of the final rupture, the threads are completely disconnected and their ends are fixed on the astral body of each organism.

The astral level controls relationships between people. When such people come into contact between their chakras, an exchange of myriads of energy clots in the form of light clouds occurs. The action of energy clots can cause a variety of sensations, sometimes not the most pleasant.

Sometimes you can feel discomfort from the presence of a complete stranger in the room, even though he doesn’t even know it. This happens at the level of ordinary consciousness.

At other levels of communication, a different picture may emerge, invisible to the uninitiated eye. Two people who want to hide their relationship with each other can conduct a violent exchange of substances on the astral level.

The fifth layer is the etheric double (template).

Why is the fifth layer called the etheric double? Because it contains all the forms of the physical plane in the form of a drawing (template). The fifth layer can be compared to a photographic negative.

The distance between the fifth layer and the contours of the physical body ranges from 15 to 60 centimeters. The essence of the functioning of the etheric double is the correction of the activity of the first auric layer. As a result of the disease, the human etheric body is deformed. The etheric double acts as support, during which it also renews the structure of the diseased layer.

In the fifth layer, it is possible to create matter through sound influence. When treating with sound, the fifth auric layer is affected.

The fifth layer appears to the observer as lines on a cobalt background. In part, the layer design resembles a graphic image made in an alternative dimension.

From the point of view of Euclidean geometry, to construct a drawing of a ball, a reference point is selected, from which a radius is drawn in three coordinates. In etheric space, a spherical body is built according to a different principle - countless planes are assembled from the outside, which form the volume of a ball, hollow inside.

Thus, the etheric double is a hollow space in which the etheric field structures that make up the first auric layer are located. The template substance is a lattice of energy fields on which material structures are layered. As a result, all planar forms of the physical body are reflected in the form of a negative on the fifth layer.

Visually, you can compare the structure of the field with a mold for casting metal parts. The template creates the shape of the physical body, including all its organs, through formative voids in space. Thus, a minus space is created in which the structural lattice of the etheric field is located.

By tuning into the frequency of the fifth layer, you can begin to perceive all other forms.

The sixth layer is the celestial (celestial) body.

The sixth layer is the embodiment of the spiritual plane. It is separated from the surface of the physical body at a distance of 60-80 centimeters. At this level, a person is able to experience spiritual ecstasy - the highest manifestation of the symbiosis of spiritual and physical pleasure. This state can be induced by meditation.

During this state, human unity with the Universe occurs. There is an awareness of the essence of love in its highest manifestation, an indescribable immersion in the element of light, when light penetrates all layers and is radiated back by the physical body.

Anyone who is able to rise to the sixth auric level feels unity with the Higher powers. In this state, the individual’s heart chakra connects with the heavenly chakra, which open towards.

The flow of love that opens at the sixth auric level goes beyond physical understanding and reality and represents a phenomenon that in the teachings of yoga is called unconditional love.

The observer sees the celestial body as a flickering light of pastel colors. The layer shimmers with mother-of-pearl, opal, and gold-silver colors. There is no form as such - just light without clearly defined boundaries. Inside the space, even brighter rays can be discerned.

The seventh layer is the ketheric, causal (causal) body.

The seventh layer is the mental aspect of the spiritual plane. It is 40-105 centimeters away from the physical body. Upon reaching the seventh level, a person achieves unity with the Almighty.

The seventh layer has the shape of a classic egg. This layer contains all the layers of the aura associated with the current incarnation of the individual.

The kether body is a clearly structured frame of intertwined threads, gold and silver in color. The crystalline grid of the layer supports the entire essence of a person, both physical and auric.

The outer surface of the layer is dense and can be from 6 to 12 mm thick. Such density and stability of the structure protects the entire essence of a person, just as a shell protects a chick.

The observer sees a golden light pulsating with such intensity that it is perceived as a flickering, covering the entire space around the physical body. The layer is located unevenly - under the feet the field is insignificant, above the head the auric crown can reach a height of up to 90 cm and higher. The pattern of the layer can be compared to a standing light wave, the vibration frequency of which in some cases is capable of producing sounds.

Under the shell of the layer there are traces of past physical incarnations. They are colored belts that can be read by an experienced clairvoyant.

The Keter layer is the last auric spiritual level of the current incarnation. Beyond it lies the cosmic plane.

Space plan

The cosmic plane consists of the eighth and ninth levels and is associated with the eighth and ninth chakras located above the head. In accordance with the structure of the entire auric field, the eighth level is in an amorphous state, the ninth has a crystalline structure. The ninth layer is the template for all underlying structures.

So far, the space plan has been little studied.

This is what it is - a person’s aura!

Word aura came to us from time immemorial and translated from Greek means a breath, a breeze, a stream. Ancient philosophers believed that something invisible emanates from the human body (more precisely, accessible to visual perception only by some people with exceptional abilities), a certain “subtle substance”, special for each individual person.

Today, numerous scientific studies (mainly in the field of physics and medicine) have established that a person’s aura is his biofield, emitted into space and performing energy-information functions, that is, the ancient scientists were right in their own way!

Currently, under the concept " biofield“means the electromagnetic field that underlies any phenomenon in Nature, the Universe, emitted by a living cell during its life (Neumyvakin I.P., 2010). This field has the shape of a shining cocoon, painted in various colors of the rainbow, evenly surrounding the person on all sides; under normal conditions, only people with extrasensory abilities can see it, sometimes small children (hence the “orange mother”, the first Indigo child). The colors of auras are different. There are single-color auras, as well as rainbow ones. Color can change over time depending on the mental and emotional activity of a person. He always talks about the inner life of a person. Specialists visualize the aura and obtain a graphic color image of it using special equipment. It has been proven that a person’s aura (together with nerve energy centers - chakras, which are registered simultaneously) carries comprehensive information about a person’s psychotype, emotional state, properties and characteristics of his personality, character, mentality, abilities, creative, business and personal potential, as well as about the state of energy and physical health.

Biofield from the perspective of natural sciences

What is the human biofield? To facilitate understanding, it is worth starting with the cell of the human body - its structural unit, in order to understand what a person is from a modern point of view, and, therefore, come closer to understanding the essence of the biofield. A cell is an incredibly complex energy-information system. She has everything to provide herself with everything necessary - nutrition, assimilation, purification; the cell has respiratory, energy, excretory and other structures, including the specialization program embedded in it (the cells of each organ not only have their own characteristic structure, but also perform their own, inherent function). The Austrian scientist P. Weiss suggested that a certain “morphogenetic” field is formed around the embryo (fetus), which creates individual organs and the organism as a whole from cells. In 1923, A.G. Gurvich, examining a cell, discovered a mitogenetic glow around it, which he called a biological field, or biofield, but he could not explain its nature.

Back at the beginning of the twentieth century, Academician V.I. Vernadsky. argued that any substance is surrounded by a physical field, and the difference between living and nonliving lies only in the ability of the former to change its radiation (and, as it turned out later, in the presence of a bioenergetic shell). There is always an energy field around a person, which represents the common energy component of all his organs and systems. Indeed, today none of us is surprised or puzzled by the well-known fact of the existence of brain biocurrents that none of us sees, but at the same time we are sure that they exist and are recorded using electroencephalography. The same can be attributed to the biocurrents of the heart, which can be studied by electrocardiography, the biocurrents of muscles - by electromyography, etc. We are also accustomed to the fact that these studies are necessary to formulate a doctor’s understanding of our health.

But at the same time, for some reason, despite the accumulated centuries-old store of scientific knowledge regarding the human biofield and the significance of the information obtained during its analysis about a person in general and about his health in particular, few of us (including representatives of official medicine) think about , What, Having such a powerful total potential of biocurrents, a person cannot help but radiate some equivalent of it into the surrounding space . However, on a purely intuitive level, many of us use the concept of “aura” very broadly in everyday life. It is considered quite legitimate to assert that a person with whom it is easy and pleasant to communicate has a “good aura”, “positive energy”, while a subject with whom contact is difficult, burdensome, costs mental effort and is physically tiring, may acquire the image of an “energy vampire” ”, individuals with a “heavy, bad aura”; and the territory is gloomy, causing incomprehensible anxiety and a desire to leave it as soon as possible - be it a forest, an apartment or an office - we often characterize it as “a place with a bad, oppressive aura.”

The main carriers of information about human health are free electrons

Scientists from different countries were interested in the question of what the human aura is in a purely physical sense. Its electrical (electromagnetic) nature has been absolutely proven, but what are the details...

Engineer Grishchenko V.S. in 1944, he expressed the idea that in addition to the three known states of matter (solid, liquid and gaseous), there is a fourth, inherent only to living things, also consisting of atoms and molecules, and called it bioplasma. Grishchenko said: “Imagine that we have turned off all 5 senses with which we perceive the world (vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste), but there remains one more, no less important sensory, emotional side of human life, which is the same material substrate of activity as everything else.”

Since the 1950s human energy field Professor Ilyushin from Kazakh University studied in depth. The results of his experiments also gave him reason to claim that the aura is a bioplasmic energy field consisting of ions, protons and free electrons.

Physician L. Ravitz in 1959 came to the conclusion that the human energy field fluctuates depending on psychological and mental activity. He suggested that this field is associated with mental processes.

Dr. R. Becker in 1979 succeeded in mapping the complex electrical field of a person, which follows the shape of the body and the central nervous system; He also discovered that this field changes shape and density in accordance with physiological and mental changes in the human body. He also revealed the presence of electrons moving freely through this field.

It is very interesting that in 1978, under the auspices of the USSR Academy of Sciences, a large program was launched to study the human biofield, including diagnosing it, studying the connection between the characteristics of the aura and the state of physical and psychological health. Data were obtained on the dependence of the intensity and configuration of radiation on the electrical conductivity of the body, and the latter, as is known, depends on the psycho-emotional state of the subject, the functioning of his cardiovascular system, other organs and systems. Unfortunately, this work was curtailed due to funding difficulties and other problems experienced by the country at that time.

First dissertation on Kirlian effect was carried out after the classification was lifted in the 1970s by physicist V. Adamenko. The author made very interesting conclusions - the main carrier of information about the biological (physical) and psychophysiological state of a person is free electrons. He considered the Kirlian photograph to be an intravital electron image obtained, unlike an electron microscope, not in a vacuum, but at atmospheric pressure, that is, under normal conditions. Let us recall the data of other physicists who independently determined the presence of free electrons in the auric field, which, as it turned out, are the main carriers of information about human health!

What is meant by the concept of "chakras"

The human aura is directly related to chakras, they are displayed when registering the biofield. Man is an energy information system. The energy of the body is connected with the energy of consciousness and subconscious with the help of special energy structures, or centers, the name of which in the original transcription sounds like chakras (translated from Sanskrit, chakra means “disc”, “wheel”), and reflects the idea of ​​the ancients about the rotation of each of them with its own special frequency. For ease of understanding, they are often called nerve centers. It is the chakras that accumulate and distribute physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies, on which the well-being of the body depends. The chakras work well - the body is healthy, as they say, body and soul, and vice versa.

There are only seven main chakras. They are interconnected by energy channels running throughout and are located along the main channel that passes through the spinal column. The energy centers correspond to the seven colors of the rainbow spectrum, the seven musical notes. Therefore, a person’s aura (biofield) can be colored. Each of the seven major chakras affects a different aspect of the body.

When analyzing a person’s bioelectrogram, it is necessary, along with the indicators of the biofield itself, to diagnose energy centers (chakras), without this it is impossible to get a correct idea of ​​the state of the biofield.

What is the “ideal” biofield?

First of all, there are no bad or good biofields, they are just all different, and, despite the possible color similarity, they are absolutely individual and unique and carry traces of both all the successes and all the vicissitudes of fate. Simply, the smoother the boundaries of the oval cocoon, the more transparent and brighter the main color, the fewer areas of clouding, darkening, (especially blackness), the more balanced and energetically saturated the chakras - the better, this is the possible ideal to which we should strive . The larger the size of the aura, the more active a person’s energy potential. Also, biofield analysis includes many different parameters, including energy levels, biodata indicators, and other aspects...

What is an aura? An aura is a completely physical object - scientists have already proven this - which surrounds the body of every person with an intangible cocoon. But not each of us understands why his aura as a whole is needed, how he can use it, and does not know the purpose, structure and capabilities of his yet another “body” or organ. For some, the aura is just a shell, others imagine it in the form of an egg and know nothing more about it. Someone even has photographs of their aura - there are such computer programs - but perceives them as simple entertainment.

But the aura is also an energy-informational object. But let’s not analyze the moments of increased complexity now; let’s consider the aura as a whole from the point of view of biology. This structure, which is imperceptible to many people sensory, but is as important to humans as any other organ. Accordingly, by caring for it, working on it, improving its quality characteristics, we achieve changes in ourselves, health both on the physical and mental level.

Human health always starts from the energy level, just like problems. The first very important function of the aura is protecting our physical body, so to speak, on the distant approaches to it. The aura is truly a very important protective organ. The qualitative characteristics of our biofield (aura) influence all physical manifestations of the body’s protective functions. That is, this is our main protected perimeter, the line of filtering what we receive from the external environment. It prevents the penetration of the influences of any negative fields, including the destructive influence of people with negative energy. Everyone already knows that interactions with other people can be negative. The same energy vampirism is an “illegal” connection to our aura and the taking of our vital energy, which we can - and should - use for ourselves. We will talk more about vampirism and corruption later. Here I will outline the main characteristics of the human aura or biofield.

The structure of the aura is not the same for all people. The difference in biofields, visible to experienced senses, is associated with the development of human energy centers: to what extent they are in constant operation - open, closed, partially closed; energy centers are the so-called chakras. Thus, the aura depends on the state of the chakras. The size of the aura varies greatly from person to person. On average, about half a meter, more precisely from half a meter to a meter. People who engage in their own development not only physically build muscles, but also pump up their own subtle spiritual energy, develop their minds, work with spiritual values, and can increase their own aura to 18 meters or more. This is, of course, a rare case, such a rather powerful energy machine. But it is quite possible. The biofield, like muscles, can be developed. The size of the aura is directly related to the amount of energy a person possesses. The qualitative characteristics of the body and aura of any person very much depend on what he takes inside, what his physical and spiritual food is.

Someone argues that there is no way to change your aura: as it is given by nature, so you will have half a meter or a meter. Supposedly it is impossible to increase the size of the aura. I absolutely disagree with this. I won’t say that I have an aura of 18 meters; to be honest, I don’t measure it by the length of the field. Because I don’t just strive for some number, the purity and intensity of my biofield is important to me. They give me advantages both in life and in communication, because my work is directly related to people. Of course, I will tell you about the methods of working on developing the aura in this book in the corresponding chapter. Here I will tell you how to see the aura.

How to see the aura?

In fact, it is not difficult to see the aura. If a person sets a task for himself, wants to see at least some radiation from his hands - this is elementary. You can start by standing in a relatively dark room and looking at your hand against a white background. You can use a mirror to see your whole self. To do this, you need to turn off the lights in the room, relax and look at the edges of your body in the mirror. Look not intently, but defocused, relaxed at the shoulders, arms, head. You can look at any part of the body, but it is easiest to notice the aura in these places.

If a person who is not trained at all does this for the first time, then he may simply see some kind of glow, a slight nebula, and may even see almost indistinguishable or barely visible colors. At first he may think that this is a play of his imagination, hallucinations, fiction, but in fact this is the aura. With each attempt you will see the biofield more and more clearly; everyone has this ability. Anyone can train themselves to see the aura. How to train? Watch more often.

I’ll tell you a big “secret”: any object has an aura. But the deader the object, the harder it is to see its aura. It is easier to examine a living being, to see this thin shell, perhaps even to read some information in it. It always starts with curiosity. A person does this first for himself, and then goes into esotericism. A more or less serious study of all the subtle structures of the world begins. At least for yourself - this is an internal need. The desire to see something like this awakens, the inner desire comes to life. A person doesn’t just come here like that. You can't just open this book. It’s the same as in medicine: you don’t just become a surgeon, because “mom and dad forced me, so I became a surgeon.” This happens very rarely. Almost never. I give this “warning” to those who are now standing with my book in their hands in a dark room near the mirror and peering at the contours of their body against the background of a white sheet. But in fact, there is nothing wrong with expanding the horizon of knowledge. These skills will definitely never harm you, but they can serve the benefit of life. I know this from myself.

Vision of the aura can be trained further; you can ask someone to show you their biofield. It’s easier to see not your own aura, but the biofield of another person. Because when a person focuses on himself, there may be distortions. In any case, it is difficult for a person to see himself in a mirror in a dark room. It is much easier to put another person on a white background, dim or better yet turn off the light and try to see the contours of the human body. But you can start with your own hand: look at it under the same conditions, examine the details. Try to notice differences, the slightest shades of color or glow.

I won’t say that everything works out right away. People always have some difficulties, as in any new field of knowledge. Some people will immediately, literally the first time, see the aura when they start training. Someone will despair and only for the “very last” time will they finally discern a barely perceptible light. The question is how much do you need it and why? Just learning the method and then telling everyone: “I see auras” - there is no such goal. That's not how it works. One day, even while boasting, a person will be faced with a choice: what to do with what he saw? After all, the aura of a person (or an object) is only the leading edge of interaction with the world. But what this interaction is like is not for us to decide. Or rather, only partly for us, and in the other part of any situation there is a force at work under the exotic Indian name of karma.

Alexey Vashchenko “Health of the Aura”, Publishing House “E”, 2017

", we have already encountered visual illusions. Pay attention to this article, since today's topic is very closely related to it.

Aura - what is it and how to see it? Let's start with what an aura is. Aura is a radiance observed around the head and entire body of a person. In mystical literature it is described as visible only with supersensible perception a shining oval shape surrounding the entire human body, in fine art - a halo, a halo. By the way, it is fundamentally wrong to identify halos around saints with an aura; these are phenomena of different causes.

Thus, the source of the aura is the subtle energy centers of a person, which in Eastern science are called " chakras" (in Russian - " wheels"). The human aura is not just energy that envelops the physical body. It is divided into special energy layers, so that each layer is responsible for its own function and has its own color. The halo is a “divine sign” that has nothing to do with the chakras relationship.

The average person's aura is egg-shaped, surrounding the physical body like a butterfly's cocoon. The thickness of the “cocoon-aura” of an ordinary person is about five centimeters. As spirituality grows, the aura begins to grow in the upper region of the body, i.e. in the chest and head area. This process leads to the emergence of the so-called solar aura, which has a spherical shape with a center in the brain centers, i.e. in my head. The size of the solar aura varies from 25 to 37 centimeters, and its size increases.

The aura has a color that can vary from person to person. There are single-color auras, as well as rainbow ones, i.e. consisting of different colors. The color of the aura changes depending on the mental and emotional activity of a person. We are talking about both conscious and unconscious mental activity. The latter fact makes the color of the aura absolutely not subject to the rational activity of the naked mind. That is, the color of the aura speaks about the true inner life of a person. The aura cannot be faked by any tricks.

Accordingly, the color of the aura dictates a certain method of action. For example, a person with a predominance of emerald color in the aura will be distinguished by a tendency to a synthetic perception of life and multifaceted action, because emerald color indicates the work of a certain chakra. A person with a predominance of ruby ​​color will be characterized by a tendency towards heroic actions. If these two people work in the same group, they will conflict due to their adherence to different lifestyles. The first will be distinguished by thoughtfulness and leisurely decisions, the second by pressure and speed.

So, we have familiarized ourselves in general terms with what an aura is, and now it is time to take the issue of the aura and its vision seriously.

To do this, from the very beginning you need to distinguish between two very important things. One of them is NOT an aura.

But you can start working with the second one. At the beginning, I didn't know that these two options even existed. I knew only the second (well-known, it would seem) option. However, by aura, as it turned out, some people understand something completely different from what should be understood and not what an aura is.

The impetus for this distinction came from history:

Once upon a time there was a woman. And she had a son (don’t think anything, they still exist). The woman was slightly obsessed with “magic”, and efficiently cultivated cockroaches in her head. Everything would be fine, but one day her son mentioned that he saw a “glow” around his mother’s head. The mother was amazed at her son’s abilities and began to encourage this “vision”, explaining in detail to her son that what he sees is called an aura, it can be used to diagnose, etc. and so on.

Well, it would seem, he sees and sees - you never know how many capable people there are in the world. However, I somehow managed to talk to the boy. And find out HOW he sees the aura. What did he do for this: looked at this or that object or person for a long time. I just looked, without taking my eyes off and without blinking. And after a while he saw a glow around the object or person he was looking at.

I suspected something was wrong (and perhaps you did too - especially if you read the article The Magic of Visual Illusions). And I chose a monochromatic spot - a pillow green colors - as a test task. And he asked me to look at her for a while. And he asked what color he sees the “aura”. Naturally, he saw the aura of the glowing red colors.

Further questions clarified the situation: an illiterate mother taught her son to see nothing more than an ordinary afterimage under the guise of an aura.

What is an afterimage? Afterimage is a phenomenon of visual perception, consisting in the fact that after prolonged visual fixation on any object (for example, when you look for a long time at a spot of color or at a source of bright light), or after a bright flash, a person (or animal) continues to see a trace of the image , even if the object has already disappeared from view. Moreover, the color of the afterimage is opposite (complementary) to the color of the object (or the color of a person’s clothing).

The afterimage is very easy to see. So, we offer you this picture for this:

What should you do to see the afterimage? It's very simple - look at the center of the red circle for about 30-40 seconds without taking your eyes off. Over time, you will notice that a sort of glow appears around the circle. After you turn your gaze to a light background nearby, a greenish glowing spot will hang in front of your eyes. This is the same afterimage. If you look at the dark background, you will also see the afterimage. You can read more about them in the article “The Magic of Visual Illusions”.

So, the afterimage is common physical and biological phenomenon, which is typical for everyone - both people and animals. Let us recall that the aura is a radiance observed around the head and entire body of a person, observed through supersensible perception and produced by the chakras. That is, the aura is a completely immaterial manifestation.

Accordingly, you may notice that:

afterimage and aura are DIFFERENT things.

Their differences: afterimage- this is the result ordinary physical laws, everyone can see it and its color depends on the color of the object in question (most often the afterimage has a complementary, opposite color). Whereas aura does not depend on the color of the object in question and is visible not with physical vision, but with supersensible perception (which is not surprising - after all, it is simply impossible to see immaterial things with material eyes).

So, there are two options for seeing the aura -

  • seeing her as an afterimage, and
  • attempts to examine the aura itself using extrasensory perception.

Now you know what aura differs from afterimage. And now you can evaluate various “recommendations” from the Internet and other authoritative sources on how to see the aura. And if you come across text like:

To see the aura, follow these steps:

  1. Sit back and try to relax.
  2. Close your eyes and try to look into the void. Open your eyes. Try to unfocus your gaze according to the “Stare at one point” principle. Try to defocus your eyes so that the image appears double. With enough experience in defocusing the eyes, people can achieve this state in a matter of seconds.
  3. Repeat this exercise several times, and don't be discouraged if you don't succeed.
  4. Take colored paper, approximately 10 x 10 cm in size. Dark green or blue is best.
  5. Hold the piece of paper at a distance of approximately 50 cm from your view and make sure that there is a light or dark background behind it, ideally black or white.
  6. Peer with a defocused gaze at the piece of paper, try to zoom in and out of the image.
  7. Concentrate your attention on the corners of the paper. The most powerful energy accumulates in acute forms.
  8. Look through it as if through a piece of paper. You don’t need to look only at the piece of paper and only at the dark background behind it, try to generalize your view. If you did everything correctly, you will see a faint, barely noticeable white glow along the edges of the object.

However, this is not an aura yet, but only its component - the etheric body.

Don't despair if you don't see anything the first time. Each person has a different body condition and adaptability to sensitive abilities.

You may ask: “How can you see the real aura? You promised...” Well, this is a somewhat subtle point. According to the author, learning to see an aura from a book is a vain hope. We need a trained, qualified specialist who will say: “Do this, and then do that. And you are looking at afterimages. This is your glitch. But this already looks like the truth...”.

So the answer to the question “How to see an aura?” very simple:

Learn to see the aura from a person who really sees the AURA, and not afterimages and other visual hallucinations.

A counter question may arise: “How can we understand that what the teacher candidate sees is really an aura, and not an afterimage or a glitch?” Well, the answer is also simple:

Observe, look for patterns and draw conclusions.

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