United Kingdom Elizabeth 2. Royal dynasty. For wedding dresses Queen collected coupons for clothes

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Published: March 20, 2013 at 01:15

Queen of England - Another iconic symbol of London. British Queen Elizabeth 2. Located on the throne for more than sixty years.

During this time, the map of the planet has changed repeatedly, the states appeared and disappeared, coup, revolution and war, and its Royal Majesty Elizabeth 2 personified the stability and sustainable development of its country - Great Britain.

Neither fascism, nor communism, nor any forms of extremism here have passed here. The United Kingdom and her queen were, there will always be.

And although the great imperial times have long left the past, the glory of Britain will not fade, the country is developing, its standard of living has been and remains one of the highest in the world, and the English Queen Elizabeth love millions of subjects. The recently celebrated the diagnosing anniversary of its board is a sixty-year-old anniversary - a direct evidence.

BornElizabeth Alexander Maria (Full Queen Elizabeth Name 2) April 21, 1926 In the London district, which remains rich and aristocratic soynet. The house, where the future Queen was born, unfortunately, was not preserved, but today, waging on the streets in the area of \u200b\u200bBerkeley Square and Street Breuton, to feel the spirit of the glorious Windsor past quite real.

In 1947, Princess Elizabeth got married For Lieutenant Fleet Great Britain Philip Mountbetten, Member of several royal families in Europe, the greatness of three monarchs, including the Russian emperor Nicholas 2. The Queen had the only younger sister - Princess Margaret (1930 - 2002).

British monarch Elizabeth became February 6, 1952 After the death of his father George 6. Coronation took place June 2, 1953 In Westminster Abbey.

During this time, with her together, the country was ruled by more than a dozen prime ministers and several thousand deputies of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Queen Elizabeth 2 survived and sad and joyful moments in the history of the country, crises, war, the Olympics, World Cups and European Football, Flight of the British in space and much more.

Lives the Queen of Great Britain in, in the heart of London.

To visit the palace closed. Only a few of his halls open for tourists in the summer, when her royal majesty leaves one of its country residences.

In the usual time, country residences are open to visiting the public, unlike the Buckingham Palace.

One of the most interesting country residences of Queen is a palace with a huge garden located in.

This is 20 miles from London east.

The queen and her husband Phillipa, Duke of Edinbrg four children. Kids Queen Elizabeth 2: Prince Charles, Princess AnnaPrince Andrewand Prince. Edward.

The image of Queen Elizabeth II and the English monarchy as a whole manifests itself in London at every step - in souvenirs, in the names of streets, squares, theaters and pubs, in street advertising, and it seems even in the air itself in London.

Hello, my wonderful readers!

Have you ever thought that if you look at the world history over the past 60 years, the only thing that remains unchanged is Elizabeth the second - Queen of England? Is it not surprising that having survived 60 years of change and shocks around the world, she still remains a loved one?

Therefore, today I suggest you to plunge into the history of the Great Woman, find out her brief biography, what was her childhood, as she fought for her only love and why it still remains a constant symbol of Britain.

And, as a bonus, I will share with you some amazing stories from the life of Elizabeth second.

The beginning of time!

If we talk about a brief biography of Elizabeth second, it is worth it, naturally, from birth. On April 21, 1926, a little girl was born in one of London's homes, the appearance of which did not produce absolutely no excitement in the family. Guess why? Because no one even suggested that one day this little girl will become. The country at the time of the rules of her grandfather, and the throne was supposed to take her uncle and his heirs.. So a little Lilibet, as her affectionately was called in the family, was just one of the many members of the royal family.

But Uncle Elizabeth - Eduard - could not cope with the fate of the heir of the throne. He decided to marry twice the divorced lady named Wallis Simpson (and, as the head of the Anglican Church, he is forbidden such a marriage), for which he was denied the throne. So, the king was the father of Elizabeth - Albert Frederick. And Elizabeth herself at 11 years old became a full heir to the royal throne.

Elizabeth grew by a quiet child. She spent all his free time with horses and dogs. But in a quiet baby buried the rebellious character. Once she as a protest against the excessive rigor of a French teacher poured a jar with a jar with ink.

Love and marriage!

You know, if you remember all the fairy tales that we read in childhood, then you want the princess to find his prince, they loved each other and lived long and happily.

And Elizabeth performed this particular dream of many girls. She fell in love. Fell in love once and forever. She met her husband in the Naval School.

It would seem that the Greek Prince is the perfect party for the future queen. But the royal family resulted in this union. Philip, though he was a titled prince, but nothing but this very title was no longer. His mother graduated from life in a psychiatric hospital, and his father became a playman. And Britain took a little boy in the Navy to provide him with the future.

But Elizabeth still defended his right to love. She wrote to him the whole of the war, and after her end, he proposed to engage in the Greek prince. On November 20, 1947, the 21-year-old heiress of the throne married.

In 1952, the young decided to rest in Kenya to relax. They lived at the hotel among the branches of the ficus. And it was the only time in history when "the princess climbed into a tree, and he descended from there Queen." Yes, unfortunately, her father died.

Why people love to eat in the second way so much!

Elizabeth rules Great Britain for 60 years. And still remains a favorite of the people. Of course, now the Queen is practically nothing solves in the management of the country, but, according to polls, 2 out of 3 citizens of Britain do not represent their country without mONARCHY. In general, the Queen Elizabeth in particular.

People love her for dedication. She suffered the second world war, being another young girl. She supported his fellow citizens, appealed to the affected children on the radio. But she was just a small 13-year-old girl. And then also went to the front when she was only 18.

She is loved for exposure and self-control. Once, during the celebration of the Birthday of the Queen in 1981, in the immediate vicinity of Elizabeth, squeezed on the horse, they sounded shots forced everyone around. But, to the general delight, the queen was kept in the saddle and did not even lend an eye.

People love her for the kindness, which is eloquently telling the love of animals. As already mentioned, in the youth of Elizabeth, the second was an excellent rider. And agile journalists made hundreds of times her photo with cute redhead dogs, which turned into one of the symbols of the British monarchy.

Her Royal Highness is modest, easy to communicate, hardworking, demanding, valid and attentive.

In addition, Elizabeth Second - the head of the family itself in Britain. The family of them, of course, as on the selection. Prince Charles became famous for a polygaman, Prince Harry - a walk and a scandalist. And just until I disappointed the cute old woman Prince William. But she doesn't care as the kindly long-life grandmother, loves all his children, grandchildren and great-Grandsons.

What does an 89-year-old old woman do?

What do you think, what does the Queen do during the day? Now you tell me: walks around the garden with your dogs, looks at the flowers and breathes with air. And here is a nonubwow! Let even the thought even appear in your heads that, being a 89-year old old woman, can be lying in bed to lunch and do nothing! Here is what schedule adheres to the Government of Britain.

  • She wakes up at 8 am, breakfast and browsing the morning newspapers.
  • At 9 am, the Queen goes to his office and begins to work with documents. Every day she gets approximately 200-300 letters, but she always browsing his mail, and then dictates his assistants. She answers almost all letters.
  • Then the time of the "red box" comes. These are documents from the government and representatives of other states.
  • At 11 o'clock undergo important meetings. The queen meets with important people.
  • The queen dins usually in the Buckingham Palace, where he lives and spends all his time.
  • After dinner, the queen inflicts public visits. It can be schools, hospitals, military units, nurses for the elderly, homeless hostels and other places.
  • At 17 o'clock Queen ... Guess, drink tea!
  • Dinner usually takes place in the official setting. In the evening, she can take part in the premiere of the film, visit the concert, to hold a charity event.
  • And only late at night almost the most recently, the light turns off in her room.

Interesting facts and stories from the life of Elizabeth Second:

  • The queen lives without ... passport!
    It would seem that we are not in middle ages. Now almost every person, with the exception of any aborigines from the distant islands, there is a passport, but she is also a queen. Queen of the modern European state. Queen, which visited 120 countries of the world. The thing is that in the UK all documents certifying the identity are issued on behalf of Her Majesty. Therefore, personally, they do not need them! The same acts in relation to driver's licenses.
  • "Unfortunately a birthday only once in the Goo ..."! But this does not apply to Elizabeth second. Queen of Great Britain 2 birthday! She was born on April 21 and she celebrates this date solely in a family circle: their children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. But the country celebrates the birthday of the queen in the first, second and - oh God! - Third Saturday of June!
  • Suddenly, Elizabeth The second drove a truck during World War II. The 18-year-old princess overpowered the king to let her go to the front. When the king, still agreed, Elizabeth put on a military uniform, graduated from the preparatory courses and began to work as a mechanic and driver of military cargo cars.
    Naturally, after such a bright example, the members of her family - the grandchildren of William and Harry - did not even dare to refuse his military service.
  • Elizabeth The second one among state rulers who served during World War II.
  • Queen The first ruler of the country that took advantage of e-mail. She sent the first email back in 1976, when the majority had not yet known, did not guess what the Internet is.
  • Once a stranger climbed into the queen's room. One night of 1982, Queen Elizabeth, the second woke up to his bedroom and found a man sitting near her bed. It was a patient of a psychiatric hospital. Fortunately, the queen did not panic, and began to ask a stranger about his family, children, difficulties. Hearing the conversation, one of the Laces entered the room and arrested the intruder. As it turned out later, he climbed into the palace on the drain pipe and did it not for the first time. Last time he grabbed a bottle of wine from the reserves of Prince Charles.
  • Elizabeth The second is the most elderly from the operating heads of various states.
  • Did you know that the name of Elizabeth (in English Elizabeth) means "God's oath" or "God's help"? Yes, I am 100% sure now that any Elizabeth, which is rising to the British throne, is simply doomed to universal love.
  • And you knew that the queen in all laws is the owner of all whales and dolphins in British waters. If you need even greater proof of the kindness and humanity of the queen - let me know!

We can talk long about why we, in Russia, do not understand such a frantic adoration of the British of their Queen. We can die by force and the nature of 89-year-old British granny. But one remains unchanged: Elizabeth second is the symbol of the country. The symbol, losing which, the country will grieve very and very long.

And if you, my dear, you want to learn even more and more information about English culture, history and language - then subscribe to the newsletter of my blog. You are waiting for the Sea of \u200b\u200bUseful Information and Interesting Stories.

Thank you.
To new meetings!

Elizabeth II (Elizabeth II) Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - from February 6, 1952
Coronation: June 2, 1953
Predecessor: George VI
Heir: Charles, Prince Wales
Head of the Commonwealth of Nations
Religion: Anglicism
Birth: April 21, 1926
London, Great Britain
Rod: Windsor Dynasty
Birth name: Elizabeth Alexander Maria
Father: Georg VI
Mother: Elizabeth Bowl Lyon
Spouse: Philip Mountbatten

queen Elizabeth Biography 2

Elizabeth II. (English ELIZABETH II), the full name - Elizabeth Alexander Maria (Eng. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; April 21, 1926, London) - Queen of Great Britain from 1952 to the present.
Elizabeth II. Comes from the Windsor Dynasty. He climbed the throne on February 6, 1952 at the age of 25 after the death of his father King George VI.

It is the head of the British Commonwealth of Nations and, in addition to the UK, Queen 15 independent states: Australia, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, Canada, New Zealand, Papua - New Guinea, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Jamaica. He is also the head of the Anglican Church and the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Armed Forces of Great Britain.

Elizabeth II. - The oldest in the age of British (English) monarch in history. Currently, it ranks second in history in the duration of stay at the British throne (after Queen Victoria) and also second place in the world in the duration of stay as the head of state among the current heads of states (after the king of Thailand Phuumipon Aduwadta). It is also the most elderly in the world among women - the operating heads of state.
For the period of board Elizabetha very wide period of British history falls out: the decolonization process ended, which was marked by the final decay of the British Empire and its transformation into the Commonwealth of Nations. This period also included many other events, such as a long-term ethnopolitical conflict in Northern Ireland, the Falkland War, War in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Throughout his reign, the Queen has repeatedly been criticized not only by the British Republicans, but also various British media, as well as a simple public. Nevertheless, Elizabeth II was able to preserve the prestige of the British monarchy and its popularity in the UK is at the height

Childhood and Youth Elizabeth II
Senior daughter Prince Albert, Duke York (future king George VI, 1895-1952) and Lady Elizabeth Bose-Lyon (1900-2002). Her grandfathers and grandmothers: by Father - King Georg V (1865-1936) and Queen Maria, Princess Tekskaya (1867-1953); According to Mother - Claude George Bowl Lyon, Count Strathmore (1855-1944) and Cecilia Nina Bose Lion (1883-1961).
Princess Elizabeth Alexander Maria was born in the London district of Maifer in the residence of Count Strathmore on Breuton Street, house number 17. Now the area is rebuilt, and the house no longer exists, but this place has a memorial plaque. He received his name in honor of Mother (Elizabeth), grandmothers (Maria) and great-grandmothers (Alexander).
At the same time, the father insisted that the first name of his daughter was like a duchess. At first, the girl wanted to give the name Victoria, but then changed his mind. Georg V noticed: "Bertie discussed the name of the girl with me. He called the three name: Elizabeth, Alexander and Maria. The names are all good, I so said, and I absolutely agree with him about Victoria. It was unnecessary. " The christening Princess Elizabeth took place on May 25 in the chapel of the Buckingham Palace, later destroyed during the war years.
In 1930, the only sister of Elizabeth - Princess Margaret was born.

Elizabeth received a good home education, mostly humanitarian orientation - studied the history of the Constitution, lawwork, religion, art history, and also (actually independently) French. From the young age of Elizabeth was interested in horses and was engaged in horse riding. For this hobby, it is true for many decades.
At birth Elizabeth She became the Duchess York and was the third in the line of inheritance of the throne after his uncle Edward, Prince of Wales (future king Edward VIII) and the Father. Since the prince of Edward was young enough and, as it was believed, was to marry and raise children, originally, Elizabeth was not considered as a real candidate for the throne. However, Edward was forced to renounce the throne later, literally a few months after the death of George V in 1936. The King was the prince Albert (Georg VI), and the 10-year-old Elizabeth became the heiress of the throne and moved with his parents from Kensington to the Buckingham Palace. At the same time, it remained in the role of "Heir Presumptive" ("Estimated Heir") (English) Russian., And in the case of the birth of George Vi, the sown of the throne would have inherited.

The Second World War began when Elizabeth was 13 years old. October 13, 1940, she first spoke on the radio - with the appeal to children affected by the disasters of war. In 1943, her first independent appearance was held in the public - a visit to the regiment of the Guards Grenadiers. In 1944, it became one of the five "state advisers" (persons with the right to perform the functions of the king in the event of its absence or incapacity). In February 1945 Elizabeth joined the "supporting territorial service" - the female devils of self-defense - and was trained as a mechanic-driver of a sanitary car, having received the military rank of lieutenant.

In 1947, Elizabeth accompanied his parents on the trip in South Africa and on the day of his 21st anniversary spoke on the radio with a solemn promise to devote their lives by the service of the British Empire.

In the same year, the 21-year-old Elizabeth married the 26-year-old Philip Mountbetten - officer of the British fleet, a member of the Greek and Danish Royal Families and the Rights of Queen Victoria. They met in 1934, and fell in love with each other, as it is believed, after visiting Elizabeth of the Naval College in Dartmut, where Philip learned, in 1939. Becoming the spouse Princess, Philip received the title of Duke Edinburgh.

A year after the wedding, in 1948, Elizabeth and Philip had a senior son Prince Charles. And on August 15, 1950 daughter - Princess Anna.

Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II
Coronation and Beginning of the Board of Elizabeth II
King Georg VI, father Elizabeth, died on February 6, 1952. Elizabeth, at that time, together with her husband on vacation in Kenya, was proclaimed Queen of Great Britain.
The Coronation Ceremony Elizabeth II was held in Westminster Abbey on June 2, 1953. It was the first coronation of the British monarch broadcasting on television, and, as it is believed, this event has noticeably contributed to the growth of television broadcast.

After that, in 1953-1954. The queen committed a six-month tour of the Commonwealth States, British colonies and other countries of the world. Elizabeth II became the first monarch who visited Australia and New Zealand.

Second half of the 1950s - early 1990s
In 1957, after the resignation of the Prime Minister Sir Anthony, Incen, due to the lack of a clear rule of the leader's choice in a conservative party, Elizabeth II had to appoint a new chapter of the government from among the conservatives. After consulting with prominent members of the Party and Ex-Prime Minister Churchill, the head of the government was appointed 63-year-old Harold McMilllan.
In the same year Elizabeth first made visits to the United States and Canada as the Queen of Canada. In the same year, first made the UN General Assembly sessions. Present at the opening of the session of the Canadian Parliament (for the first time in history with the participation of the British Monarch). He continued his journeys in 1961, when he made visits to Cyprus, in Vatican, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Iran, as well as Ghana.
Meeting Elizabeth II with the heads of the Commonwealth countries in 1960
In 1960, the Queen was born the second son, Prince Andrew, and in 1964 - the third son, Prince Edward.
In 1963, after the resignation of Prime Minister McMill, on his advice Elizabeth appointed Alexander Douglas Hume Prime Minister.
In 1974, he began to arrange the political crisis after elections to parliament, as a result of which none of the parties received most of the votes. Although the largest party in Parliament was the Conservative Party, the Prime Minister was appointed Leiborist leader Harold Wilson. A year later, the political crisis also occurred in Australia (Eng.) Russian, during which Elizabeth II refused to abolish the decision of the Governor-General's resignation of the Prime Minister of the country.

In 1976. Elizabeth II.solemnly opened (like Queen Canada) XXI Olympic Games in Montreale.

In 1977, he became an important date for the queen - the 25th anniversary of the stay of Elizabeth II was noted at the British throne, in honor of which many solemn enterprises were conducted in the Commonwealth countries.

In the late 1970s - early 1980s, a number of attempts were performed on the royal family. In particular, in 1979, the terrorists of the "Temporary Irish Republican Army" were killed by the uncle Prince Philip - the influential statesman and the leadership of Lord Louis Mountbatten. And in 1981 there was a unsuccessful attempt on Elizabeth II during a military parade in honor of the official birthday of the Queen.
In 1981, the wedding of Son Elizabeth II Prince Charles and Diana Spencer who later becomes a big problem for the royal family.

Elizabeth II for a walk near Windsor Castle with Ronald Reagan (1982)
At this time in 1982, as a result of changes in the Constitution of Canada, the British Parliament has lost a role in Canadian affairs, but the British Queen still remained the head of the Canadian state. In the same year, the first for the past 450 years was held by the visit of the Roman Pope John Paul II to the UK (the Queen, which is the head of the Anglican Church, took him personally).
In 1991, Elizabeth became the first British monarch speaking at a joint session of the US Congress Chambers.
Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Queen Elizabeth II. London. 2010.
Elizabeth II and Chet Obama.

Start 1990 - 2000s in Life Elizabeth II

1992 became the "terrible year", by definition of Elizabeth II itself. Two of the four children of Queen - Prince Andrew and Princess Anna - divorced with her spouses, Prince Charles broke up with a princess Diana, Windsor Castle suffered a lot from the fire, introduced the duty for the Queen to pay income tax, the financing of the royal yard was noticeably reduced.
In 1994, the visit of Elizabeth II to Russia took place. It was the first visit of the head of the British Royal House to the Russian state in the history of bilateral relations, leading countdown from 1553.
In 1996, at the insistence of the queen, a formal divorce between Prince Charles and Princess Diana was signed. A year later, in 1997, the tragic death of Princess Diana in a car accident in Paris, which shocked not only the royal family, but also millions of ordinary Britons. For the restraint and lack of any reaction to the death of ex-daughter-in-law, critical comments immediately fell into the Queen.

In 2002, solemn events were held in honor of the 50th anniversary of the stay of Elizabeth II at the British Prerest (Golden Anniversary. But in the same year there was a concent of the Queen's sister - Princess Margaret and Queen - the Queen of Elizabeth.
In 2008, for the first time in History, the Anglican Church, the head of which Elizabeth, held a worship in the Great Thursday, in which the reigning monarch traditionally participates, outside of England or Wales - in the Cathedral of St. Patricks in Arma in Northern Ireland.

In 2010, a second time he made a meeting at the UN General Assembly. Representing the Queen, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called it "anchor of our era."

In 2011, the first state visit of the British Monarch in independent Ireland took place. In the same year, the wedding of Prince William (grandson of Elizabeth II) and Catherine Middleton took place.
In 2012, the XXX Olympic Games in London were held, solemnly open by Elizabeth II, and a new law was approved, changing the procedure for the preclusion, according to which men-heirs lose their priority over women.

In the same year, 60-year-old ("Diamond") Anniversary of the residence of Elizabeth II on the throne was solemn in the UK and other countries. Culmination of festive events have become weekends on June 3-4, 2012:
On June 3, a solemn water parade of more than a thousand ships and boats took place at Thames. It is believed that this is the most ambitious river procession in history;
June 4, 2012 A concert with the participation of such stars of British and world music was held on the square in front of the Buckingham Palace as Paul McCartney, Robbie Williams, Cliff Richard, Elton John, Grace Jones, Stevie Wonder, Annie Lennox, Tom Jones and others. The organizer of the evening was the soloist of the Take That Gary Barlow group.

Elizabeth II and Prince Philip (2013)
In 2013, Elizabeth II, for the first time in 40 years, refused to go to the summit of the heads of the British Commonwealth, passing to Sri Lanka. Britain at the summit will be represented by Prince Charles, which indicates a gradual transfer of the powers of Elizabeth Son.

In the same year, the 60th anniversary of the coronation of Elizabeth II was celebrated in the UK, but already with a smaller scale.

Role in political and public life
In accordance with the British tradition of the constitutional monarchy, Elizabeth II performs mainly executive functions, practically without affecting the Office of the country. However, during his reign, it successfully supports the authority of the British monarchy. Its responsibilities include visiting various countries with diplomatic visits, receiving ambassadors, meetings with high-ranking states (especially with the Prime Minister), reading the annual Messages to Parliament, the presentation of awards, dedication to the knights, etc. Also Queen looks at the best British newspapers and responds daily Using servants for some letters, which she is sent in huge quantities (200-300 pcs. daily).

Throughout his stay on the throne, the queen supported correct relations with all the prime ministers. At the same time, she always remained faithful to the tradition of the English kings of the newest time - to be above the political fights.

Also Elizabeth II is actively engaged in charity. It is a trustee of more than 600 different public and charitable organizations.

Main article: Royal Prelrogatives
In addition to the responsibilities of Elizabeth II, also has certain inalienable rights as a monarchine (royal prerogatives), which, however, is quite formal. For example, she can dissolve the parliament, reject the candidacy of the Prime Minister (which seems to it inappropriate), etc.
Financial expenses
For the maintenance of the queen, certain means from the so-called civil sheet, which is controlled by the government is spent.

So, according to the data from the Buckingham Palace, in 2008-2009 the fiscal year for the maintenance of the monarchy, each British spent 1 dollar 14 cents, which in total was $ 68.5 million.
In 2010-2011, in view of the new economic program of the government, the Queen was forced to reduce its expenses to $ 51.7 million.
But, since 2012, the incomes of Elizabeth began to rise again (with an approximate speed of 5% per year).

Such figures cause dissatisfaction with the republican-configured part of the UK population, which considers it necessary to cut them.

Family and Children
On November 20, 1947, Elizabeth married Lieutenant Philippe Mountbetten (born on June 10, 1921), the son of the Greek Prince Andrei, who received the title of Duke of Edinburgh.
Four children were born in their family:
Name Date Birthday Marriage Children Grandchildren
Prince Charles,
prince Wales on November 14, 1948 Lady Diana Spencer July 29, 1981
(Divorce: August 28, 1996) Prince William, Duke Cambridge Prince George Cambridge
Prince Henry (Harry) Wales
Camilla Stand April 9, 2005
Princess Anna,
"Princess Royal" ("Princess Royal") August 15, 1950 Mark Phillips November 14, 1973
(Divorce: April 28, 1992) Peter Phillips Savanna Phillips

Ayla Elizabeth Phillips.
Zara Phillips.
Timothy Laurens December 12, 1992
Prince Andrew,
duke Yorksky February 19, 1960 Sarah Ferguson July 23, 1986
(Divorce: May 30, 1996) Princess Beatris York
Princess Evgenia (Eugene) York
Prince Eduard,
count Wessek March 10, 1964 Sophie Rice-Jones June 19, 1999 Lady Louise Windsor
James, Viscount Severn
Official titles, awards and coat of arms

The full title of Elizabeth II in the UK sounds like "Her Majesty Elizabeth II, God's grace of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and other kingdoms and territories of Queen, head of the Commonwealth, defender of faith."

During the reign of Elizabeth II in all countries recognizing the British monarch, the laws were adopted, according to which, in each of these countries, the British monarch acts as the head of this particular state (English) Russian, regardless of its titles itself in the UK. or in third countries. Accordingly, in all these countries, the Queen title sounds the same way, with the replacement of the state name. In some countries, the words "defender of faith" are excluded from the title. For example, in Australia, the title sounds as follows: "Her Majesty of Elizabeth II, God's grace of Queen of Australia and other kingdoms and territories, head of the Commonwealth."

On the islands of Guernsey and Jersey, Elizabeth II, the title of Duke of Normandsky, on the island of Maine - the title "Lord Mane".
States whose chapter was or is Elizabeth II
The map shows Commonwealth member countries (Fiji membership suspended)

At the end of the throne, in 1952, Elizabeth became the queen of seven states: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon.

During its reign, some of these countries became republics. At the same time, as a result of the decolonization process, numerous British colonies have gained independence. In some of them, the Queen of Great Britain retained the status of the head of state, in others - no.

Cancellation of the monarchy in the initial possessions of Elizabeth II:

Pakistan - In 1956 (former Dominion Pakistan).
South Africa - in 1961 (former YUS).
Ceylon (Sri Lanka) - in 1972 (former Dominion Ceylon).

Blue marked states in which the monarchy is preserved

New independent states who have preserved the monarchy:

Antigua and Barbuda
Papua New Guinea
Saint Vincent and Grenadines
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Solomon islands

New independent states that refused to monarchy:

Sierra Leone
Trinidad and Tobago

Main article: Titles and Awards Elizabeth II

Elizabeth II in the UK and the Commonwealth countries, as well as in other states, is the head of a number of knightly orders, and also has military ranks, numerous honorary titles, scientific degrees. In addition, it is a cavalier of various domestic British awards, as well as a number of different awards of foreign states.

Coat of arms in different period of time and in different countries

Coat of arms Princess Elizabeth (1944-1947)

Coat of arms Princess Elizabeth, Duchess of Edinburgh (1947-1952)

Royal coat of arms in the UK (except Scotland)

Royal coat of arms in Scotland

Royal coat of arms in Canada

Public perception

At the moment, most British are positively assessed by Elizabeth II, as a monarch (about 69% believe that without the monarchy the country would be worse; 60% believe that the monarchy contributes to raising the image of the country abroad and only 22% were against the monarchy).


Despite the positive attitude of the majority of their subjects, the queen for his reign has repeatedly criticized, in particular:

In 1963, when a political crisis arose in Britain, Elizabeth was criticized for the fact that Alexander Douglas-Huym's prime minister had been criticized.
In 1997, for the lack of an instant response to the death of Princess Diana, not only the anger of the British public, but even many large British media (for example, The Guardian) was collapsed.
In 2004, after Elizabeth II on the hunt, the cane scored a pheasant to death, a wave of indignation from environmental organizations on the actions of the monarch swept across the country.

Hobbies and personal life
Map of visits by Elizabeth II of different countries of the world

Among the interests of the queen - breeding dogs (among them Cords, spaniels and Labradors), photo, horseback riding, as well as travel. Elizabeth II, supporting his prestige of the community of the Commonwealth, very actively travels in their possessions, and also happens in other countries of the world (for example, in 1994 she visited Russia). In her account, more than 325 foreign visits (during his reign of Elizabeth, more than 130 countries visited).

Since 2009, he began to engage in gardening.

In addition to English, it also fluent in French.
In culture
Films about Elizabeth II

In 2004, Churchill was released: The Hollywood Years - "Churchill goes to war!", Where Elizabeth's role was performed by Niv Campbell.
In 2006, the biographical film "Queen" came out. The role of Queen played actress Helen Mirren. The film is a laureate of the BAFTA Award in the "Best Film" category. Actress Helen Mirren, who performed the main role in the picture, was awarded the Oscar awards, the Golden Globe, BAFTA, as well as the Velpi Cup at the Venetian Film Festival for the best female role. In addition, the film was nominated for the Oscar Award as the "best film".
In 2009, the 4th channel of British television (Channel 4) was filmed by the Queen ("The Queen", Directors Edmund Coulthard, Patrick Rims). Queen at different periods of her life played 5 actresses: Emilia Fox, Samantha Bond, Susan Jameson, Barbara Flynn, Diana Kuep.
On July 27, 2012, the television broadcast of the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympic Games in London began a video involving James Bond (Daniel Craig) and Queen (Kameo). At the end of the roller, they both jump with parachutes from a helicopter over the Olympic Stadium arena. On April 5, 2013, the BAFTA Award was presented for this role, for the best execution of the role of James Bond.

In architecture

In honor of the Queen, Alley Elizabeth is named after Singapore.
The famous Big Ben, the symbol of London, since September 2012 is officially called the "Elizabeth Tower".
In honor of Queen is also named Bridge in Daford, built in 1991.
On August 1, 2013, Olympic Park Elizabeth II was opened in London.

Printermed monuments

Printermed monuments

Statue of Elizabeth II in Ottawa, Parlement Hill, Canada

Statue in Regina, Saskatchewan, installed in 2005

Statue in Big Windsor Park

In Botanica

In honor of Elizabeth II, Rosa Rose variety Rosa "Queen Elizabeth" was named.
On coins and philately

Coins and postage stamps

On Canadian Mark, 1953

On the Australian brand in honor of the coronation

On the brand of Northern Ireland, 1958

On a 1953 coin

On the coin of yas, 1958

Coin with Elizabeth 1961

In geography

The name Elizabeth II was repeatedly assigned to various territories, among them:
Land Princess Elizabeth in Antarctic
Land Queen Elizabeth in Antarctic
Queen Islands Elizabeth in Canada

Such age is already in itself the achievement for any person, not only for the monarch. And the 90-year-old Elizabeth today is not just calmly lives his age in the palace surrounded by servants and relatives, she, as many years in a row, performs a rather laborious and routine work. On the eve of her anniversary on the screens, the documentary "Our Queen in 90" came out. "The Queen's labor ethics was struck most of all," the director of the film Ashley Goeting shared. - We shot it at 9 am and at 11 pm. It is surprising that in her 90 she, as before, works seven days a week from dawn to sunset. And so over the past 64 years! I was struck by the intensity of the schedule of events during her official visit to Germany or during the reception of a delegation from China. At the end of the day I felt emptinable, I just don't understand how her majesty and her husband, the Duke of Minorisky, which was already 95 years old! "

First Palace

In 1926, when Elizabeth was born, in England, as in the whole of Europe, was restless - everyone was expected or war or revolution. And at eight months, parents left the baby on the care of nannies to go with a long official visit to Australia. The mother princess was very upset, but ... the debt is above all. The English aristocrats tried to copy their king George V, grandfather of a little Elizabeth, who had new, modern rules for monarchs, topical to this day: come out of the palace, shown on people, work hard!

When in 1936, Georg V died, his eldest son, Uncle Yuni Elizabeth, Prince Edward climbed into the throne. But soon he renounced the throne due to the novel from the divorced woman. And the crown moved to the father of the girl, Georgi VI, who was not ready for such a burden at all, but nevertheless coped with his fears and doubts and showed himself as a wise monarch. By the way, this interesting historical period lay down the basis of a recent Oscar-like picture "King says."

Despite the palace problems of adults, childhood Lilibet, as it was called in the family, until a certain age was happy and cloudless. When the baby was four years old, she had a sister Margaret. On the sixth birthday, Elizabeth gave a small house in the Bordeaux of the Windsor Palace, he became a place where she could play, engage and cares about their pets - dogs of Corgy. This small cottage was made in such a way that the girl and her little guests felt cozy - the ceilings of the house were designed for children's growth, and adults had to bend almost twice as much as to go into it. With the plush toys scattered everywhere, soft sofas, small tea tables and the same sets, chests and cabinets, he looked at the Alice fabulous dwelling, and Lilibet felt himself in him a real princess. At the same time, parents took care that the daughter does not grow by the Belarusian: the house was equipped with a small, but actor, gas stove, washing and washing machine. Elizabeth here received its first culinary lessons and learned to keep the house clean and order. Later, she will contain their palaces in the same order.

This children's house later moved to her children, and then grandchildren. Today, the granddaughter of Elizabeth, Princess Beatrice, is responsible for him, who made repairs there for several years ago. "The queen spent a lot of happy hours here, she also loves to look here from time to time," Princess Margaret shared. - This is wonderful when there is a place where your parents grew and played, where they grew and played you, your brothers and sisters. We have long been adults, but still love our garden house, and he is ready to accept new small owners. "

The future queen did not go to school, the family invited teachers, and her mother picked up literature for his daughter. The first adult books of Elizabeth became novels of the popular British humorist Pelama Woodhaus. Father considered his duty to share with the eldest daughter, and therefore with the future queen, his own opinion on the history, politics and modern device of the world.

Youth under bombs

The period of growing Elizabeth fell on the second world war. When the United Kingdom entered the war with Nazi Germany, Lilibets and sister remained in Windsor Castle, while King Georg and his wife were in London - from there the monarch with parliament led the defense of the country. London was regularly and intensely bombed: in September 1940, one of the bombs landed right into the courtyard of the Buckingham Palace - the king with the queen miraculously avoided death. They would be a few meters closer to the epicenter of the explosion - would have died. Elizabeth recalled that parents in conversations with children constantly came up with jokes about the German bomb, as if we experienced some fun adventure. Thus, they tried to calm the children and teach them with dignity to look in the face of danger. In the 40th year, 14-year-old Lilibet, following the example of the monarch of the father, who strengthened the Spirit of the British with his radio programs, led from Windsor Radio Castle for the young British.

Childhood Elizabeth has passed among people in uniforms who are accustomed to serve and knew what a sense of duty. When she climbed the throne, it was these qualities that wanted to see in their subjects and herself sought to meet the high standards that her father had adhered to, Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the British military.

Closer to the end of the war, the young princess, as was accepted at the English yard, and herself went to the service. It was determined in one of the London parts for the position of mechanics. Elizabeth learned to drive and serve heavy army trucks. When Germany announced the surrender and on the streets of London, universal fun, the princesses in the company of several of their cousin were quietly slipped out of the Buckingham Palace and joined the lonaking crowds of Londoners.

According to historians, it was during the years of the war of Elizabeth to truly got close to his father. She saw what burden lies on the king's shoulders, how much strength and health it takes away, and understood that the day would come when she herself had to do the same work. Georg VI was the only and best teacher. "It all depends on the training. You can do a lot if we prepare you well, "so calmed the father of Princess, who doubted his abilities, because he knew well that he would need from her. When the crown was put on her head on her head, she approached the performance of their duties as seriously as her father. "When grandmother climbed the throne, she was much younger than I am now. It was a time when the world ruled the men. In my age it is difficult to always keep seriousness, and it is even difficult to imagine what severely there was a burden, which she had to be taken over, "said William recently, Duke Cambridge.

The best choice

In the summer of 1939, preparing for the upcoming war, King Georg and his family visited the Royal Sea College, where Elizabeth met the Greek Prince. Philip was a 18-year-old high cadet, and he was very marine form. For Elizabeth, it was love at first glance, the future officer also liked the young English princess. True, the genus Filippe was depleted and was in exile, which made the chance of a guy for success very foggy. But he did not think to surrender. When the royal yacht left the port, the cadet was waiting for the ship at the exit from the bay on the boat to wave a princess and her relatives. Since it was hot, Philip was shirtless, and, apparently, made an indelible impression on the young Elizabeth, since she had never wanted to hear about English aristocrats, whom she wanted to suck her mother.

Philipse as part of the British naval forces took part in the battles with the Germans, and the princess was worried not only about parents, but also about her beloved. After the end of the war, she showed a character and convinced the Father to accept marriage. In 1947, Elizabeth and Philip married in London Westminster Abbey. This wedding became the first large post-war holiday and was enthusiastic perceived by English society. The princess was adored, and the fact that she chose himself into her husbands is not some kind of unwashed noble aristocrat, but a poor, but beautiful combat officer, only strengthened her popularity.

Philip received the title of Duke of Edinburgh. A year later, the newlyweds were born firstborn Charles. At this time, a happy father served ... In Malta, where his military part was quartered. These are the incomprehensible these British royal families. Debt above all is not just a beautiful phrase, but a rule of life. Following Charles, Elizabeth and Philip were born daughter Anna, and then sons Andrew and Edward. Charles, Prince Wales, the first in line on the throne, behind him there is his eldest son William, Duke Cambridge.

Looking for a long marriage of the queen, it becomes clear that Elizabeth was not mistaken when he fought for her husband with his relatives. All the time Philip was supporting for her, and, that is important, he remains it to this day in his 95 years! "The husband was my strength of all these years, and I owe him much more than he could ask," the queen admitted.

Tradition lives

Elizavet was taught that the main thing for a person is his duty, and personal life and feelings are in the second plan. That is why she did not allow Charles to marry a divorced Camille Parker Bowls, which she loved. And the son was forced to conclude marriage with Lady Diana from the point of view of the yard. As a result, neither he nor Diana was happy, everything ended with a scandalous break, and then the death of the princess.

However, in England, it is believed that the Queen so long has been successfully ruled by the Great Britain and the Commonwealth countries because it has the ability to change and learn from their mistakes. She was seriously worried about the charlza gap with Diana and the scandals accompanying this rupture. On the intimate life of the heirs of Elizabeth began to write tabloids, and it seemed that the royal family would never have to have the level of adoration and confidence in the society that she had after the war. But years have passed, the foam smalleled, Prince Charles married the love of his life Camilla, and the young prince William chose himself a girl of Nekorolev's blood Kate Middleton.

Today the royal family rating is more than ever, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Catherine, can safely qualify for the title of the most popular monarch of the planet couple. He does not lag behind the older brother and Prince Harry - he is the most desired bachelor of England. And the small, but very important figure of their grandmother, who remains a living embodiment of great British traditions to all of them.

Yaroslav Stepanenko

About the throne Little Elizabeth and did not think: the king was to become her uncle, her place in line on the throne was completely hopeless, and therefore the future government was hardly suspected of rapid changes in his fate. But Eduard Viii unexpectedly refused the crown for love for a dysfunctional American, and the feather of Elizabeth turned out to be the helm, the girl at that time was only ten years old, in a very young age of Princess Lilibet (so called her homework) turned into a crown Princess Elizabeth. Queen Elizabeth, I must say, from childhood I was distinguished by an iron character, so, despite the plans of crowded parents, the future government of Great Britain was confident: she married a farmer. And it is better: for the farmer of the horseman, Elizabeth from the Small years passionately loved horses and riding riding, so the owner of a dozen stables as a spouse would be quite by the way. True, then Lilibet still refused the tempting idea, because they fell in love with the Sail Cadet, which, by the way, in the view of the royal family was a little better than the farmer.

Philipp Prince Greek and Danish was born in 1921 on the island of Corfu in the royal family who lost power. His grandfather, the king of Greece Georg I, was killed in 1913, Uncle - overthrown from the throne, and his father - Pava in severe depression after the loss of all regalia, fled from Greece with disgrace, taking the whole family with him. Later, the Parents of Philip parted - Prince Andrei settled in Monte Carlo, where the family spent the family condition, the former wife with children moved to Paris, where he soon lost his mind because of all the troubles who fell on his family. After the sad event, Philip took her father to himself, identified the boy in a closed school, so that he did not prevent Papyk to have fun and practically forgot about him. A few years later, Philip independently, without having a penny in his pocket, reached England, where his relatives sheltered. Yes, such a narrowed parents of Elizabeth definitely did not want her daughter. And although the next relatives on the part of the bridegroom more than once hinted the Mother's Queen and King Georg about a possible wedding, they were only dishwashed, they had options and reinterfast. But Elizabeth, seeing once a prince could no longer think about anyone, so that her parents were absolutely not worried about her. At all events, where the poor prince and Kronprinzess have come to meet, Elizabeth walked the tail for Philip, and it seems despite the hopes of the parents, was not going to retreat from the target target.

One of the official "to wedding" photos of Elizabeth and Philip, August 19, 1947

The future husband Elizabeth graduated from studying in 1940 in the rank of Michman. In order to enter the service in the Navy Britain, he is forced to be renounced from all his titles and become Prince Mountbatten. Already in the status of the British Military Philip, went to the front, from where he wrote his Lilibet the most tender and passionate letters, parents, however, were still adamant. There is an opinion that even during the war, taking advantage of the lack of a son, a deadly sick prince Andrei asked George VI to marry between Philip and Elizabeth, but immediately received a categorical refusal. First, by that time, the groom's family reincarnated completely, and secondly, it seemed to be much more problem - during the war, almost the entire Filipp family was on the side of the Nazis - his sisters of Margarita, Theodore and Sophia married the Nazi officers. Such a relationship could throw the shadow on the reputation of the British monarchy. Neither Elizabeth, neither Philip know nothing about the maneuver, did not know anything, loved after the long separation. By the way, Elizabeth and herself wanted to go to the front, but the father of strictly setting banned the girl to do it - the crownpringess was necessary to leave safe and safety.

Upon returning home, Philip first went to the beloved. During hostilities, other applicants for the hand of the future queen melted in the air, someone married someone simply pretended to continue the search. In addition to Philip, no one left. It was impossible to pull further. The fans of the British royal family say that Elizabeth, no longer wait any longer, herself made an offer to Philip, as her right-Prababka, Queen Victoria - the Genes make themselves felt. Parents, although they were not fully satisfied, but still gave consent to marriage, the stubbornness of Elizabeth was disgraving.

Parade wedding photo, November 20, 1947

Wedding Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philippe, November 20, 1947

On the engagement announced in July 1947. The wedding was scheduled for November of the same year. By tradition, the wedding took place in Westminster Abbey. If the bride was represented by the entire British courtyard, then the bride was allowed to invite only the mother to the celebration, which for many years has been balanced on the verge of reality and non-existence. As it should be, a father accompanied the bride to the altar. It was an ivory satin dress, embroidered with thousands of pearl beads and crystal. For its creation, Court Fashioner Siru is needed by Norman Harnell for several months. However, rich outfits with incredibly long loops of this royal family in honor - remember at least Princess Diana.

After the wedding, the newlyweds led an active secular life, went to the races, visited secular events and even from time to time appeared on dance sites, where representatives were not at all hidden. It was then that the first rumors have arisen about the liberal moral prince. Charter from constant surveillance - on the heels of Philippe walked the secretary, who in fact was intended to obey the honor of the Queen, and the prince at the same time, the journalists were not given a minute of peace, - Lilibet more often showed an iron character, insisting on their own, accepting decisions without consulting With my husband, in short, in full strength was preparing to become a queen not only in the country, but also in my own family. The romantic prince has ever more often spent the time away from the young spouse, and, judging by the confidence of the experts, they even fell in love with the singer Pat Kirkwood. True, the pair did not reach the bed, in spite of everything, Philip was devoted to his queen, probably sometimes he just needed to forget that his fate is always to be a shadow of a crowded wife.

The conversations stopped after Elizabeth gave birth to the firstborn - Charles. Then the spouses went along to Malta together, where the duty was sent by Philip. It melted everything, it may be, precisely then, a strong, volitional, increhensible Kronpringess of Elizabeth truly felt his wife and mother. She prepared independently, invited Filippe colleagues to visit the wing, gossipped and played with a small Charles. Harmony and happiness collapsed in one second - the king of England Georg Vi died. Philip learned about his death first. At this time, they with Elizabeth made a trip by Kenya, and he knew that this news would be a real shock. Philip has always been a major support for his wife. And he became the first one who traditionally with his knee, brought an oath of loyalty to his queen: "I, Philip, Duke Edinburgh, I become your life-lifelong vassal and the lowest servant; I promise to serve you faith and truth and die for you, whatever happens. God will help me! "

After the ascent of Elizabeth on the throne, a serious argument broke out at the court. After the death of George VI, Uncle Philippe, Dicky, raised the question that the ruling home should be home Mountbettenov, and not vintage - this statement was perceived in the bayonets by the queen-mother Elizabeth. The queen was in confusion, on the advice of the Wise Prime Minister Winston Churchill, she refused to take the surname of her husband, but seeing how the Philip was upset about this, herself came to despair.

Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philippe with the firstborn - Charles and Anna, 1951. To the coronation of Elizabeth still 2 years of freedom.

In the spring of 1959, the queen again became pregnant. This time, she decided to revise the question of their surname, changing it to Mountbetten. She wanted to make a pleasant spouse she continued to love immensely. The result of a long discussion was that Charles and Anna will remain vagazni, the rest of the heirs will be the name Mountbetten-vintar. So, in February 1960, the second son of the royal couple appeared to the world - Andrew Mountbetten-Vinovo. Elizabeth as a sign of his devotion to her husband called the boy in honor of Filippe Andrei Father. Filipp after such a turn got rid of the complexes and found himself a matter of the soul - began to engage in charity. The center of his attention was sport, young people and education issues.

Staying in public life always on a step behind his wife, in the family, Philip still achieved the right of the first voice. He was engaged in issues of education of children, household problems - in this Elizabeth could completely rely on her husband. By the way, it was Philipples who insisted sometime on the marriage of Charles. Despite the resistance from the Son, Philip literally in one movement of the hand stopped all sorts of controversy: Charles was supposed to leave his mistress Camilla and marry a decent girl. How it all ended, we know perfectly well. Actually, since the princess Diana, the father with his son radically changed the relationship. Several times Charles even accused the Father in numerous treasures, Philip remained coolly.

After the divorce of Charles with Diana, the queen officially stated that Prince Charles lost the right to the throne and the throne was declared William. After years after the marriage of Charles on Camille Elizabeth, he stated that her son was still "may take responsibility for the monarchy." Today Elizabeth again doubted the abilities of the son. After many years, Correspondence of Philip and Diana was unexpectedly published, from which it became obvious - the prince referred to Spencer as his native daughter. He was very well known how difficult it was to feel his own in the royal family, especially if you were not happy about it. Diana wrote a long emotional letters. Philip responded with short notes, sausage copies. Diana called him "Pa" - as a father. With its own children, the relationship with the Queen and her spouse has developed cool - offspring more disappointed, which was pleased, maybe that's why the venge couple loves grandchildren, and now the great-grandchildren.

Today in the royal house calmly. The queen spends a lot of time in his estate, where she walks under his arm with his beloved spouse, engaged in the training of dogs, grows horses, and does not like to disturb them with Philip.

Anniversary portrait of Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, made to the 70th anniversary of their wedding. November 2017.

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