Lean cabbage soup with fresh cabbage. Lean cabbage soup. Fresh cabbage soup with tomatoes

Ladders and railings 17.09.2020
Ladders and railings

Cabbage soup is a favorite delicacy from Russian cuisine. This is a fat-free liquid dish that will appeal to both gourmets and housewives looking to prepare a delicious quick lunch. It is also recommended for those who want to eat without gaining weight, since the soup contains very few calories. If you want to shine in front of your loved ones a new taste today, at home, then cooking cabbage soup is an excellent way out. Many exquisite culinary recipes have been written about how to cook lean cabbage soup, remember a couple of delicious and very budgetary ones, in which the process is available, and it is also systematized step by step.

Lean cabbage soup "Molodist"

In order not to put off until later, but to cook lean cabbage soup yourself, you will need the most common products in the refrigerator:

  • cabbage (half a head);
  • bow (pair of heads);
  • potatoes (3-4 large pieces);
  • one carrot;
  • frying oil;
  • lavrushka;
  • a pinch of salt, a handful of your favorite spices, a bunch of herbs (to taste).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. You need to conjure over vegetables before cooking. To do this, wash and peel potatoes, onions, carrots. It is better to choose good potatoes so that they boil quickly and without problems. The top leaves must be removed from the cabbage. They are usually sluggish and can spoil the taste of the dish. Cut the potatoes the way you like. Be sure to put it in water, otherwise it will turn black and look unaesthetic in a dish.
  2. The main task is to chop fresh cabbage into thin strips, filigree, with cobwebs, holding the knife at an angle. You can simplify your task, and take some miracle - a shredder for this. But the knife will do just as well, you just have to practice a few times. After that transfer it to a bowl, massage it with your hands, crush it, shake it. You can flavor it with a pinch of salt, then the juice will appear many times faster. These manipulations will allow the cabbage, letting in the juice, to speed up the cooking process.
  3. All vegetables for cabbage soup are waiting for their fate, we put a pot of water on the stove. Wasting no time, you need to put a frying pan to preheat.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into the pan, it is better to take sunflower oil (olive has a strong taste), and as soon as it is warmed up, add the chopped onion and carrots, lightly sauté until the onion is honey-colored, remove from heat. The main thing is not to overdo it, since burnt onions will irrevocably spoil our lean cabbage soup. In addition, it will not be the best product for health.
  5. While the roast was being fried, the water boiled. Cabbage soup without meat will be rich and tasty if you add a little spices to the water. A bay leaf or a mixture of fragrant herbs will do. Be sure to salt the water.
  6. Add potatoes, you can add carrots if you wish. Let it boil, after that, you need to tighten the fire to medium level. Try potatoes, if they are semi-boiled, you can add cabbage.
  7. Remember that when boiling, cabbage loses in volume, so if necessary, add it to the dish in two steps.
  8. We wait until it boils a little, and reduce the heat by half. We are waiting for about 5-7 minutes. How much to cook depends on how soft you prefer the cabbage.
  9. Add vegetable frying and spices. Bring to a boil, and after a minute, turn off the stove.

Fresh cabbage soup, fully cooked. If you like, add sour cream or finely chopped greens to a bowl of soup.

Lean cabbage soup with fresh cabbage and mushrooms

You can cook original cabbage soup without meat. Mushrooms successfully replace it. This tasty dish is very popular among the visitors of Russian cuisine restaurants. Below is a diagram of the cooking process. So, you will need:

  • sauerkraut (200 gr.);
  • onions (2 pcs.);
  • dried mushrooms, preferably white (60 gr.);
  • a couple of tablespoons of oil for frying;
  • a pinch of salt, a handful of your favorite spices, a bunch of herbs.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Soak the mushrooms for 3-4 hours in a liter of water.
  2. Peel the onion, finely chop, fry in a frying pan or stewpan in butter until a beautiful golden hue
  3. We squeeze the cabbage and in the same pan where the onions are sauteed, cook until it loses its stiffness.
  4. Cooking a colander. We put the mushrooms on it, but do not pour out the water. Wash the mushrooms well with running water.
  5. Filter the mushroom infusion and mix with a liter of water.
  6. Bring the resulting mixture over a fire to a boil, then add the cabbage with onions and mushrooms. Throw in a pinch of salt and a handful of spices. Then we cook the soup for 30-40 minutes until cooked.

Cooking will not take much effort. You can devote time, while the cabbage soup is being prepared, to yourself. After completion, decorate the dish with herbs.

Lean cabbage soup with fresh cabbage and beans

Cabbage soup is a versatile dish. Its creation can be changed, varied, added novelty, change unloved ingredients, depending on your taste preferences. One of the delicacies recommended for weight loss or in Lent is cabbage soup with beans. You will definitely like a tasty and dietary dish, especially in the summer heat, when the stomach does not accept heavy and fatty meals. You will need:

  • cabbage (700 gr.);
  • a jar of beans, take the one in the tomato;
  • potatoes (half a kilo);
  • onion;
  • carrot (1 pc.);
  • ripe tomato (1 pc.);
  • tomato paste (70 gr.);
  • frying oil;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • a little salt, a little spice, a bunch of any greens.

Cooking process:

  1. For 3 liters of cool water, put a pound of potatoes in cubes, a leaf of lavrushka, a couple of peas of allspice. We put it on the oven for about half an hour.
  2. While the water is boiling, cut the onion, carrot and clove of garlic. Fry in a skillet in oil. When the onion is golden, add the chopped ripe tomato and tomato paste. We tighten the fire to a minimum.
  3. We cut the cabbage, as thin as you can. Then you will not need to catch huge sandals in a plate.
  4. Open the canned beans, drain the sauce.
  5. 30 minutes for water with potatoes have passed, pour beans there, a whisper of salt, 1 clove of garlic and season with spices that you like.
  6. Let everything boil, then we introduce frying, let it boil for a couple of minutes.
  7. Time to plant the cabbage. After that, after a couple of minutes, set aside from the stove. The cabbage in this recipe should not be soft or boiled, otherwise the dish will lose its taste, and it will resemble cotton wool.

Classic lean cabbage soup (sour cabbage soup)

Lean cabbage soup with sauerkraut is a classic of cooking. Our ancestors knew a lot about cooking! You can join the story by cooking sour cabbage soup yourself at home. To do this, you need:

  • sauerkraut (250 gr.);
  • a couple of carrots;
  • a couple of potatoes;
  • one onion;
  • frying oil,
  • some salt, pepper, mixtures of dried herbs.

Lean cabbage soup recipe step by step:

  1. Make the cabbage less acidic, so place it under the tap with water in a colander for a few minutes.
  2. Peel the potatoes, cut them into medium-sized cubes.
  3. Wash the carrots and grate them.
  4. Pour four liters of water into a saucepan, boil, and throw carrots and potatoes there.
  5. Before introducing cabbage, you need to try so that the carrots and potatoes are already completely boiled.
  6. Finely chop the onions and sauté in any oil in a convenient container. It is better to choose a pan with a thick bottom. Add cabbage to it and increase the heat.
  7. We fry the cabbage with onions for a couple of minutes, pour boiling water at the end so that it covers the vegetables until the middle, cover it with a lid and stew for a quarter of an hour, if necessary, add water. The cabbage will darken by the end of stewing.
  8. After that, put all the products from the pan into a saucepan with potatoes, let it boil, put a handful of your favorite spices at will and a pinch of salt. It should be remembered that sauerkraut is already salty, so do not be zealous when adding salt to the cabbage soup.
  9. Cook the cabbage soup for 10 minutes. Upon completion, you can add parsley or green onions in portions to the plate, or sour cream.

Cabbage soup will decorate your table and diversify the menu, because cooking them is as easy as shelling pears, you won't have to spend much money and run in search of exclusive ingredients, but they will certainly delight you with their taste!

Video: How to cook lean cabbage soup without meat

Lean cabbage soup is an aromatic, tasty, healthy and light dish. Even after the fast is over, many people continue to cook lean cabbage soup because they are low in calories, tasty, and great for any meal.

Cabbage soup was cooked in Russia for a long time both from fresh and from sauerkraut. Lean cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage is especially good - they have a very special delicate taste that is to the liking of both adults and children. Treat yourself to fragrant cabbage soup in Lent. It is unlikely that you will remain indifferent to this delicious dish in all respects.

How to cook lean cabbage soup

Such cabbage soup is boiled in vegetable or mushroom broth. Chopped cabbage, sautéed onions and carrots are placed in the finished broth. If you want to make the cabbage soup even lighter and healthier, do not fry it. After all, it is, in fact, hard to digest - neither children nor people with sensitive stomachs need it. This makes the cooking process even easier. Without any frying, the vegetables are sent to the pan and cooked until tender.

You can add potatoes, mushrooms, barley and even turnips to lean cabbage soup. Shchi is also cooked with the addition of legumes - for example, beans and green peas. Beans are used very different - white, red, variegated. Green peas should be fresh frozen or fresh (canned peas will not work - they are only suitable for salad). It should be noted that cabbage soup with peas is more tender than with beans.

To create sourness, a tomato is best suited (after all, the cabbage is fresh, not sour, so some of the sourness will not be enough). Seasonings such as bay leaf, black pepper can be added to the cabbage soup. The parsley root will give a spicy taste.

To make the lean cabbage soup more fragrant, after turning off the pan, they must be allowed to stand for a couple of minutes. Sprinkle with herbs on top.

Of course, at first you may miss the taste of sour cream in this dish, but this is just a matter of habit, in addition, sour cream can be replaced. The cabbage soup will perfectly complement black bread, with it this dish is what you need! For a change, brown bread can be replaced with lean croutons - regular or with garlic.

Note that the cabbage soup tastes even better on the second day, so you can cook the dish for several days. And do not be afraid that you will get bored with cabbage soup - such yummy will not bore you!

Shchi is the main traditional dish of the national Russian cuisine. They have a unique aroma and there are dozens of recipes for their preparation. Since ancient times, this soup has been cooked on the basis of broth from poultry, meat, less often - fish. Initially, they were cooked in a clay pot, but today it can be done in a miraculous multicooker or on a stove - gas or electric. Vegetable cabbage soup in a slow cooker is prepared in the same way as the classic ones on the stove. Cooking times may vary slightly, but not significantly.

The lean version of cabbage soup is a simple hot dish that will appeal to both strict vegetarians and gustatory aesthetes who decide to make an appetizing soup quickly. The low calorie content of such cabbage soup made them a favorite among dietary dishes.

Below is a recipe for meatless cabbage soup, which is cooked from fresh cabbage. This is the original simplified variation of everyone's favorite hot soup. The cooking process generally takes about 20 minutes.

But, if you plan to cook dinner for a large company, the cooking time will increase in accordance with the amount of fresh cabbage and other vegetables that must be washed, peeled, chopped and boiled.

Vegetable cabbage soup is a very simple dish. There is no need for them to cook meat or chicken broth for a long time, and vegetables give them the taste. This recipe for lean cabbage soup will also appeal to those who fast.

Diet vegetable soups are often preferred in summer. In hot weather, you want something light and at the same time satisfying, and this is just cabbage soup, cooked without meat, chicken or fish.

The step-by-step description makes the process of preparing cabbage soup from fresh cabbage clear and easy to perform.

Ingredients for Meatless Vegetarian Soup for 4 Persons:

So, when all the products are ready, you can start cooking cabbage soup from fresh cabbage

  1. First, select vegetables in the required amount, wash them thoroughly, preferably with running water. Peel carrots, potatoes and onions for further processing. The cabbage needs to be freed from the upper leaves.
  2. Cut potatoes and onions into small cubes.
  3. Tomatoes are peeled and finely chopped.
  4. Carrots for cabbage soup without meat can be grated on a medium grater or chopped into rings. The grated part is used for frying, and the annular part is simply thrown into the water at the same time as the potatoes.
  5. Fresh cabbage is cut at an angle into thin strips. The shredded product is placed in a deep plate and slightly crumpled with your fingers. This procedure is needed so that the cabbage becomes softer and can be cooked faster.
  6. When vegetables for lean cabbage are cooked, you can put a container of water to boil. In parallel, frying will be prepared in a frying pan, which later needs to be put into fresh cabbage soup.
  7. Vegetable oil is poured into a frying pan, and after it is well heated, grated carrots, tomatoes and onions are poured into it. Everything should be mixed vigorously and fry for a few minutes, until the tomatoes are slightly browned and the onions acquire a light golden hue.
  8. After the water begins to boil, you need to throw the bay leaves into the pan. The taste of vegetable soup without meat will be more appetizing if you add a little spices. Then you need to salt.
  9. Next, put rings of carrots (if cut) and potatoes in boiling water. The soup is brought to a boil, after heating it is reduced to medium. After 3-4 minutes, try the potatoes. If it has reached the half-cooked stage, you can throw cabbage into the pot. All the chopped cabbage at once may not fit into the pan. But it is worth waiting, and literally in a minute it will enter completely, because the first part during this time will decrease in volume under heating, and there is enough space to add all the cabbage. Vegetable cabbage will be much tastier with more cabbage.
  10. After adding heat, you need to wait for boiling again, then, reducing the heat, you need to cook for another 5-6 minutes. Next, you should try the cabbage. Those who prefer very softened should cook a little longer so that the vegetable is completely boiled.
  11. Now it's time to add the carrot and onion frying, stir and add spices if necessary.
  12. You also need to boil the ingredients for a minute and remove from heat.

In summer, such a dish should definitely be decorated with fresh herbs, which, if finely chopped, will add an interesting touch to the cabbage soup.

Soups play an important role in the nutrition of every person, it is not for nothing that there is a proverb - "once a day, soup should be in the stomach." In dietary nutrition, they also occupy an important place - there are diets based only on soups.

Even by limiting yourself in food, you can cook your favorite soup, the main thing is to adapt the recipe to your nutritional system. For example, instead of rich, you can cook lean cabbage soup from fresh cabbage, in vegetable broth. And it is possible to cook in a dietary version and use as an alternative to the fatty thick soup of the same name.

Sometimes, in order to reduce the calorie content of a dish, it is enough to replace or remove any product from the composition. A great example is that by eliminating nuts and oils from ingredients, you significantly reduce calories without noticeably losing flavor.

The main secret to getting delicious lean cabbage soup is to use vegetable broth. It can be replaced with water, but this will greatly affect the taste of the soup. If you decide to cook cabbage soup, but there is no broth, then you can use a little trick.

Place an onion, half a carrot, and a celery stalk, if available, in boiling water. 30 minutes is enough for the vegetables to transfer their taste to the broth. Strain the quick-cooked vegetable broth through a sieve to separate the boiled vegetables that should be discarded.

Lean cabbage soup recipe with fresh cabbage


  • 20-250 grams of white cabbage
  • 3-4 medium potatoes
  • Half a small carrot
  • 1 head of onion
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil
  • 1 dessert spoon of tomato paste
  • Ground black pepper
  • Parsley
  • 1.8 - 2 liters of vegetable broth

How to cook cabbage soup without meat (step by step)

Definitely try it, like cabbage soup, belongs to lean dishes and has a relatively low calorie content.

  1. Ready to bring in a saucepan to a boil. If it is not there, then prepare an express version as described above.
  2. Chop white cabbage into thin shavings, pour it into boiling vegetable broth. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes until potatoes are laid. Very often they ask the question - how much to cook cabbage in cabbage soup? If this cabbage is fresh, but winter, as in this case, then you need to cook it no more than 20-25 minutes, and young, green and even less - about 15.
  3. Cut the peeled potatoes into 1 * 1 cm cubes and add to the saucepan. Stir the soup, add salt and continue to cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Quickly fry the grated carrots and finely chopped onions in a lightly oiled frying pan. Add tomato paste, a couple of tablespoons of broth from a saucepan and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Then add salt, a pinch of sugar and ground black pepper, add a little broth if necessary. Simmer the vegetables for a few more minutes and place them in a pot with potatoes and cabbage.
  5. Do you know what is the difference between cabbage soup and borscht? In beets. Borsch is always cooked with beets and cabbage, but beetroot is not used in cabbage soup. Using this recipe, you can also cook lean borscht. To do this, add the grated boiled beets to the pan along with the frying. Leave the rest of the recipe unchanged. Now you know not only how to cook cabbage soup without meat, but also how to cook the same borscht.
  6. Stir the soup well and let it simmer for about five minutes. Taste the cabbage soup, you may need to add a little salt.
  7. Add one bay leaf and a crushed garlic clove to the saucepan. Place the lid on the pot and turn off the heat immediately. As you can see, cooking lean cabbage soup with fresh cabbage does not take so much time.

There is one trick in cooking cabbage soup without meat - there should be enough cabbage. If you scolded more than necessary, then you can use the excess.

Let the soup stand for at least 15 minutes before serving, then stir it gently to distribute the flavor of the spices evenly throughout the soup.

Lean cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage is a traditional dish of Russian national cuisine. They can be cooked even without meat - they will be delicious. The recipe for such cabbage soup will be very useful during Lent. And in summer, cold, they perfectly satisfy hunger.

Fresh cabbage soup with tomatoes


  • 400 gr. cabbage;
  • 600 gr. potatoes;
  • 150 gr. carrots;
  • 100 g white onions;
  • 100 g fresh tomatoes;
  • 1.5 l. water;
  • 35 gr. vegetable oil;
  • 15-20 gr. garlic;
  • 30 gr. dill greens;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


  1. We take a saucepan with a volume of more than 2 liters. Pour water and set to boil.
  2. We do not waste time and prepare vegetables for laying. The first to go into the water is cabbage. We cut it into medium-sized squares and leave it on the plank to wait for the water to boil.
  3. Clean and cut potatoes into large cubes. In order not to darken - fill with water.
  4. Peel the onion and chop it in half rings. Chop the carrots into medium cubes.
  5. For tomatoes, cut the skin in the upper part crosswise and scald with boiling water. Then we immediately dip it into cold water and immediately take it out. Remove the skin and cut them into slices.
  6. Throw cabbage into boiled water and leave to cook for 3-4 minutes. Cook for another quarter of an hour, adding potatoes.
  7. Meanwhile, simmer the carrots and onions until soft. Add the tomatoes and simmer a little more under the lid closed.
  8. As soon as the potatoes have become soft, add the sautéed vegetables to the pan. Season with salt and spices to taste. Cook until tender (about 10-15 minutes).
  9. Finely chop the garlic and chop the herbs. Mix them together and add some salt.
  10. Pour cabbage soup into plates, serve with black bread and garlic herbs. It can be added immediately to plates, or it can be placed on the table on a separate plate so that everyone can add as much as they like.

You can also cook such cabbage soup with tomato paste if you don't have fresh tomatoes at hand.


  • carrots - 120 gr. (of which 30 gr. for broth);
  • leeks (part of white) - 50 gr.;
  • celery root - 60 gr. (of which 20 gr. for broth);
  • bulgarian pepper - 90 gr.;
  • potatoes - 150 gr.;
  • white cabbage - 300 gr.;
  • tomatoes - 150 gr.;
  • garlic - 20 gr.;
  • white onions - 35-40 gr. (for broth);
  • black peppercorns and allspice - 5 gr. (for broth);
  • cloves - 2 gr. (for broth);
  • vegetable oil - 50 gr.;
  • table salt - to taste.


  1. Cooking vegetable broth. We take about 2 liters of water. Add carrots, celery and parsley root, onions (cut crosswise). We also add spices - cloves and peppers. For a richer taste of the broth, you can add cabbage stalk, celery stalks, dill and parsley. The more vegetables you add to the broth, the tastier and richer your cabbage soup will be.
  2. Cook over very low heat for about an hour. Do not simmer actively, otherwise the broth will be cloudy.
  3. After the broth is cooked, it must be filtered so that the boiled vegetables do not get into the cabbage soup. They are no longer suitable for this.
  4. While the broth is cooking, you can prepare vegetables for the cabbage soup. Wash and clean thoroughly.
  5. We remove the skin from the tomato, making it a "contrasting procedure" - first in boiling water, and then in cold water. This will cleanse them without any problem. You can chop finely with a knife or grate on a coarse grater - as you like.
  6. Chop the cabbage into small strips, chop the carrots and celery into strips, cut the potatoes into cubes, as for frying. Chop the leeks with quarter-rings, rub the garlic on a fine grater or press with a special press.
  7. In a skillet, sauté the carrots and celery until half cooked. Then add the leeks to the pan and simmer for another 5 minutes. Remove from the stove.
  8. Put the potatoes in the broth and boil again. Season with salt to taste.
  9. Add chopped bell peppers to the frying - cook for another 5 minutes.
  10. Then we throw cabbage into a saucepan and cook until vegetables are ready. The cabbage soup according to this recipe will turn out thick. If you want to make them thinner, add water and spices, or reduce the amount of cabbage.
  11. At the end of cooking, add the tomatoes and after boiling, boil for another 5 minutes.
  12. Remove the cabbage soup from the stove and add the garlic. We close the lid and let it brew for at least another quarter of an hour.

You can serve such cabbage soup both hot and cold. Place finely chopped greens on the table. Serve sour cream if you want.


  • 1 kg. white cabbage;
  • 500 gr. mushrooms (champignons);
  • 300 gr. white onions;
  • 30 gr. wheat flour;
  • 50 gr. vegetable refined oil;
  • bay leaf, parsley, peppercorns.


  1. Wash the mushrooms and cook in two liters of water for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Pour the mushroom broth into a separate container, and slightly simmer the mushrooms in a frying pan, adding vegetable oil.
  3. Add the onion to the mushrooms and continue to fry until the onion is soft. Then we throw chopped cabbage, bay leaf and finely chopped parsley into a frying pan. Let it soak in oil a little, stirring occasionally. Then add some water and continue to simmer until the cabbage is soft.
  4. In a separate skillet, fry the flour until brown and add to the pan with mushrooms and cabbage. Stir and simmer a little more.
  5. Pour mushroom broth into a saucepan and let it boil. Reduce heat and pour the frying out of the pan. Stir and keep on fire, not letting it boil. Stir occasionally so as not to burn.

This recipe is found in the monastic books of the Valaam Monastery in the "Recipes for Great Lent" section.

  • The recipe for classic cabbage soup involves the use of raw vegetables that are not heat-treated. But if, nevertheless, the vegetables are pre-sautéed, then the dish will turn out to be more tasty and rich.

Lean cabbage soup with fresh cabbage is the best recipe for a cold summer first course. But if you want to add calories, you can serve them with sour cream.

  • Cabbage soup is cooked at any time of the year, lean and in meat broth. They can be served hot or cold. Find your recipe - and your whole family will be full and happy.

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