The Ministry of Internal Affairs' home front curator resigned. Deputy interior minister resigns after corruption scandal with subordinate Resignation of deputy interior minister

landscaping 16.10.2020

As it became known to Kommersant, the recent arrest of Andrei Nechaev, head of the NPO Spetstechnika and Spetssvyaz (STiS) of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, accused of abuse of power by the ICR, led to personnel changes in the top management of the department. Deputy Interior Minister for Logistics Alexander Makhonov, who recommended Mr. Nechaev to the position and oversaw the activities of STiS, submitted a resignation letter, and his duties during the search for a new chief logistics officer will be performed by another deputy minister, State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Igor Zubov.

According to a Kommersant source, Nechaev, who is now in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center on charges of abuse of power with grave consequences (part 3 of article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), is still at the stage of operational development, the FSB officers and investigators of the TFR have questions to his immediate chief Alexander Makhonov. He approved, as a curator, suspicious contracts concluded by STiS as part of the creation of the so-called unified system of information and analytical support for the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which are now being studied by law enforcement agencies.

On October 18, the day after the arrest of Andrei Nechaev, his curator Alexander Makhonov, whom the investigation is still considering as a witness in the STiS case, flew away from Moscow on a business trip, where he performed an uncharacteristic function for a rear guard - he introduced the staff of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kemerovo Region to their new chief . Returning to Moscow and having held several meetings with high-ranking officials, Mr. Makhonov, according to Kommersant's interlocutor, submitted a resignation letter to Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev on own will. “This once again emphasizes that the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs strictly adheres to the principle of personal responsibility of leaders for misconduct committed by their subordinates,” Irina Volk, an official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, told Kommersant, confirming that the deputy minister resigned of his own free will.

The report of the only civilian specialist Makhonov out of six deputy heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (before joining the department in 2012, he was involved in the development of television and telecommunications systems in the capital, holding various positions in the Moscow City Hall), is likely to be satisfied. However, the formal dismissal of the deputy minister from office, apparently, will not happen soon. Sources of "Kommersant" claim that before the dismissal, Alexander Makhonov, according to the established procedure, will take off all the accumulated holidays and take sick leave in order to improve his health in departmental medical institutions. Then he will wait for the decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who appointed him to the post, and until this document reaches the department of civil service and personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Mr. Makhonov will be considered the current deputy minister.

For the transitional period, which can stretch for months, the duties of the chief police officer in the rear, obviously (the order on the redistribution of powers between his deputies, Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev has not yet signed), will be performed by State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Igor Zubov. It should be noted that a retired colonel-general, a participant in hostilities and a holder of the Order of Courage Zubov, who now oversees the interaction of the ministry with state authorities, as well as its contractual and legal department, has not only been serving in law enforcement agencies since 1973, but also has some work experience in commercial structures: he was vice president of AFK Sistema.

“There is simply no one else,” the Kommersant source explained. The fact is that all the other deputy ministers have a narrow specialization that is quite far from rear issues: First Deputy Minister Alexander Gorovoy traditionally oversees public security, Mikhail Vanichkin - the criminal bloc, Arkady Gostev - staff work, and Alexander Romanov - police investigation.

It should be noted that in connection with the report of Mr. Makhonov, Secretary of State Zubov will have to take responsibility, in addition to NPO STiS and his contracts that have not yet been completed, a “huge layer”, as Kommersant’s source put it, problems. The rear sphere of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was supervised by the resigning Mr. Makhonov, includes the logistics of the department, medical care for employees, personnel work, capital construction and distribution of housing, protection of departmental information and communications. "In the rear" are traditionally the Academy of Management and the Central Club of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, dozens of other federal state institutions.

Voluntarily resigned from his post after a corruption scandal with his subordinate. This was reported to journalists by the official representative of the department.

“This once again emphasizes that the Russian Interior Ministry strictly adheres to the principle of personal responsibility of leaders for misconduct committed by their subordinates,” she said.

A Gazeta.Ru source familiar with the situation noted that Makhonov was nevertheless asked to resign, but he could not refuse.

Scandal with a subordinate

Since 2012, Makhonov has served as head of the Department of Information Technology, Communications and Information Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In February 2015, by presidential decree, Makhonov was appointed Deputy Minister of the Interior. However, in October 2017, his subordinate Andrei Nechaev was arrested on charges of abuse of power. According to the decision of the Basmanny Court of Moscow, he will remain in custody until December 17.

At the time of his arrest, Nechaev served as interim head of the Research and Production Association "Special Equipment and Communications" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (FKU NPO "STiS" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia). According to some reports, the detention of a police official took place right at the Interpolitech-2017 exhibition, which takes place every year at the VDNKh complex.

Later, publications appeared in the press that employees of the “M” department had been checking the activities of “STiS” for six months. In particular, the special services found out that Nechaev abused his official position when creating a software and hardware complex for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which included several subsystems and programs. For example, the economic security program for GUEBiPK.

State contracts worth more than 1.5 billion rubles were signed for the creation of programs for the information system. The contractors did not manage to complete the work on time, but all the work was paid. This is due to the need to close reporting in the accounting department so that unspent funds do not have to be returned to the budget. At the same time, Nechaev, as investigators suspect, could also receive large “kickbacks” from contractors.

The products of the enterprise "Special Equipment and Communications" are used by law enforcement officers in carrying out operational-search activities. In particular, STiS is engaged in the creation and implementation of special technical means, including personal armor protection, special weapons, operational and forensic equipment, communications and special vehicles.

Panama Dossier

As for Deputy Minister Makhonov, who voluntarily resigned, this person worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a relatively short time - since 2012. In the 1990s, he was an employee where he dealt with the development of television systems and telecommunications. In March 1999, he was appointed General Director of OJSC Mostelecom, a company developing cable television networks. Then this structure was the flagship of the city's telecommunications market.

Since August 2006, Makhonov has served as Advisor to the General Director of the MTK Telecom group of companies. From 2006 to December 2009, he was a strategic consultant for leading Western European companies - telecommunications operators, manufacturers of telecommunications equipment and software. Then he became the General Director of JSC "Electronic Moscow", created for the active introduction of modern information technologies, further development of the information and communication infrastructure in the capital and providing Muscovites with access to information resources. And from there, Makhonov was appointed to the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Meanwhile, earlier, the press got materials that compromised not only Nechaev, who fell under investigation, but also Makhonov himself. Since April 3, 2016, the German Suddeutsche Zeitung and media from other countries have published dozens of articles based on materials from the database of the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, a registrar of offshore and trusts. In particular, there

it was reported that Alexander Makhonov in 2012 became a shareholder of the offshore company Nortwest Management Inc, parent company for Nemo TV. The journalists could not find documents on the change of ownership since the registration of Nortwest Management.

As an official, Makhonov is prohibited from doing business, while in one of the documents, allegedly created on August 13, 2013, Alexander Makhonov is listed as a co-owner of a 50% stake in an offshore company - however, since November 2012 he has already served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Makhonov's duties, according to Kommersant, may be assigned to another deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs -.

The Interior Ministry's logistics supervisor has resigned.

As it became known to Kommersant, the recent arrest of Andrei Nechaev, head of the NPO Spetstechnika and Spetssvyaz (STiS) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, who is accused of abuse of power by the ICR, led to personnel changes in the top management of the department. Deputy Interior Minister for Logistics Alexander Makhonov, who recommended Mr. Nechaev to the position and oversaw the activities of STiS, submitted a resignation letter, and his duties during the search for a new chief logistics officer will be performed by another deputy minister, State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Igor Zubov.

According to a Kommersant source, Nechaev, who is now in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center on charges of abuse of power with grave consequences (part 3 of article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), is still at the stage of operational development, the FSB officers and investigators of the TFR have questions to his immediate chief Alexander Makhonov. He approved, as a curator, suspicious contracts concluded by STiS as part of the creation of the so-called unified system of information and analytical support for the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which are now being studied by law enforcement agencies.

On October 18, the day after the arrest of Andrei Nechaev, his curator Alexander Makhonov, whom the investigation is still considering as a witness in the STiS case, flew away from Moscow on a business trip, where he performed an uncharacteristic function for a rear guard - he introduced the staff of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kemerovo Region to their new chief . Returning to Moscow and having held several meetings with high-ranking officials, Mr. Makhonov, according to Kommersant's interlocutor, submitted a resignation letter to Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev of his own free will. “This once again emphasizes that the Russian Interior Ministry strictly adheres to the principle of personal responsibility of leaders for misconduct committed by their subordinates,” Interior Ministry spokeswoman Irina Volk told Kommersant, confirming that the deputy minister resigned of his own free will.

The report of the only civilian specialist Makhonov out of six deputy heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (before joining the department in 2012, he was involved in the development of television and telecommunications systems in the capital, holding various positions in the Moscow City Hall), is likely to be satisfied. However, the formal dismissal of the deputy minister from office, apparently, will not happen soon. Sources of "Kommersant" claim that before the dismissal, Alexander Makhonov, according to the established procedure, will take off all the accumulated holidays and take sick leave in order to improve his health in departmental medical institutions. Then he will wait for the decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who appointed him to the post, and until this document reaches the department of civil service and personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Mr. Makhonov will be considered the current deputy minister.

For the transitional period, which can stretch for months, the duties of the chief police officer in the rear, obviously (the order on the redistribution of powers between his deputies, Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev has not yet signed), will be performed by State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Igor Zubov. It should be noted that a retired colonel-general, a participant in hostilities and a holder of the Order of Courage Zubov, who now oversees the interaction of the ministry with state authorities, as well as its contractual and legal department, has not only been serving in law enforcement agencies since 1973, but also has some work experience in commercial structures: he was vice president of AFK Sistema.

“There is simply no one else,” the Kommersant source explained. The fact is that all the other deputy ministers have a narrow specialization that is quite far from rear issues: First Deputy Minister Alexander Gorovoy traditionally oversees public security, Mikhail Vanichkin is in charge of the criminal bloc, Arkady Gostev is in charge of staff work, and Alexander Romanov is in charge of police investigation.

It should be noted that in connection with the report of Mr. Makhonov, Secretary of State Zubov will have to take responsibility, in addition to NPO STiS and his contracts that have not yet been completed, a “huge layer”, as Kommersant’s source put it, problems. The rear sphere of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was supervised by the resigning Mr. Makhonov, includes the logistics of the department, medical care for employees, personnel work, capital construction and distribution of housing, protection of departmental information and communications. "In the rear" are traditionally the Academy of Management and the Central Club of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, dozens of other federal state institutions.

According to Dmitry Abzalov, reshuffles are coming in the power structures, which will affect the state of affairs in the service department. For example, Alexander Gorovoy could become the new minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. His predecessor Kolokoltsev has already resigned, but officially leaves the post after the 2018 World Cup. Perhaps he will have to take the place of the plenipotentiary for the federal district of the Southern Federal District.

From the biography of Kolokoltsev it is known that he began his career in 1981. Then, back in the Moscow police, a young duty officer guarded the diplomatic mission of Kazakhstan. In the early 2000s, he became the head of the bureau, engaged in operational-search activities. Since 2007, Vladimir has headed the senior position of the Internal Affairs Directorate. In 2009, Kolokoltsev returned to Moscow as the manager of the MUR, then there was the Ministry of the Interior.

Interior Minister Kolokoltsev resigned: he only dreams of peace

Observing the official ups and downs of the Interior Minister Kolokoltsev, it can be noted that he was sent more than once to the hottest criminal spots. Presumably, the change in the position of a high-ranking official of law enforcement agencies this time is connected with the problem regions of the Russian Federation. According to some reports, South federal district characterized by high levels of corruption.

It must be understood that the voyage of the future plenipotentiary of the Ural Federal District to Orel is due to a wide range of issues that need to be addressed immediately. According to Yury Chaika, criminal ties in this region have become so strong that they require a large-scale study. Uncontrolled state raiding today is in "tandem" with gangster groups, which does not allow small and medium-sized businesses to develop normally.

To solve the accumulated problems, well-thought-out strategies are specially created, the purpose of which is to abolish the unhealthy influence of local law enforcement agencies. Over the long years of service, Vladimir Kolokoltsev has earned respect from his colleagues and senior officials. Many questions were repeatedly put before him, with which the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs successfully coped.

The follower of Kolokoltsev has a great responsibility. Alexander Gorovoy was supposed to be responsible for the safe conduct of international sports competitions. Information has recently been leaked that when leaving the post of Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, one can even expect a shift in the power block of Patrushev-Ustinov.

The girl was marked by a series of scandals, but only the minister is aware of the achievements

Scandalous Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 25-year-old Anastasia Deeva, hired in 2016 without competition, was dismissed at the next government meeting. It is reported that she wrote a statement of her own free will. At the same time, Interior Minister Arsen Avakov thanked her for her service, writing on his social network page that she "brilliantly implemented all the projects that were planned." What exactly, no one in Ukraine, including the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs himself, can really say.

Recall that young Anastasia Deeva was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs for European Integration in the fall of 2016. The appointment itself caused a considerable scandal, since the girl was taken out of competition. In addition, she did not have professional experience, but she was noted in social networks with her nude photos. Because of what, in fact, there were jokes about her duties in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Over the past year, no intelligible information about the professional achievements of the young deputy minister has appeared in open sources. But high-profile stories arose regularly. Then the young “police chief” made a scandal at the Boryspil airport about the fact that the low-cost airline demanded a baggage fee from her. The “European integrator” did not bother to get acquainted with the rules of baggage transportation of a Western company and began to blaspheme it in social networks, which surprised avid travelers quite a lot.​

The residents of the Square were surprised a lot when they learned that the Deputy Minister put up a lot "Breakfast with Anastasia Deyeva" on Prozorro, which was sold for 11 million hryvnias. Moreover, the lady who won the lot refused to pay for it and said that it was not she who would come for breakfast, but a certain citizen of Russia. At the same time, it was not hidden that the rich citizen of the Russian Federation regards the meeting with the deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as an encouraging date. The next blow for the citizens of Ukraine was the income declaration of the young policewoman. It turned out that in 2016 she declared 630,895 hryvnias of income (with an average salary in Ukraine of 6,000 hryvnias). At the same time, she received only 65,968 hryvnias for her work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD). And the remaining 564,917 hryvnias received ... from the US Department of Justice under the International Program for Advanced Training for Criminal Investigation Bodies. Perhaps this internship was the only significant achievement of the Deputy Minister in his post.

"Today, Anastasia Deeva completed her tenure as deputy minister. I will say frankly: she is doing well," Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said. Still, at such an age, and such successes ...

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