Each agenda item in Arabic numerals. Protocol: purpose, composition of details, features of design and text. Recording methods. protocol forms. Rules for filling out the protocol

landscaping 08.03.2022

Protocol Features

The general meeting of employees is convened only to make an important decision, in order to resolve existing disagreements, or to force the employer to comply with the regulations adopted at the enterprise.

The meeting of employees is considered competent if more than half of the employees of the enterprise are present at it. The conference is considered eligible if it is attended by at least two thirds of the elected delegates - .

Demands can only be put forward by employees or their representatives - art. , Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The employer is obliged to provide employees with premises for holding a general meeting, in addition, the employer does not have the right to interfere with the holding of a general meeting of employees.

Important! Obstruction in holding a meeting of employees, including failure to provide premises for holding a meeting, is punishable by a fine or disciplinary action -.

The parties must provide each other no later than two weeks from the date of receipt of the relevant request with the information they have that is necessary for conducting collective bargaining -.

The International Labor Organization has adopted a special recommendation ILO No. 129 that an organization must provide its employees with the following information:

  • General working conditions,
  • Terms of employment, dismissal and transfer,
  • Training and promotion prospects,
  • Safety regulations,
  • Social security of employees,
  • Social services for employees, etc.

Negotiators are obliged to comply with the agreement on non-disclosure of legally protected secrets. Moreover, Art. , the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for criminal liability for the disclosure of commercial, state and official secrets.

The minutes of the general meeting of employees are essentially ordinary minutes and must contain the following information:

  • Date, place and time of its compilation.
  • The total number of employees of the enterprise and the names of those present, including the number of participants in the general meeting is necessary to determine the presence.
  • Brief information about the election of the chairman of the meeting and the secretary.
  • Agenda and its adoption.
  • The topic of the meeting, or its summary, if it is issued as a separate document, in the latter case, a copy of the document must be attached to the minutes.
  • The decision of the general meeting, as well as the number of those who voted "for" and "against" the decision. When resolving several issues, the decision on each of the issues raised is considered separately, and the voting results are also recorded for each decision taken separately.
  • Signature of the secretary and chairman of the meeting.

According to a single representative body created by the primary trade union organizations of the enterprise, it has the right to send the employer or his representative a proposal to start collective negotiations on the preparation, conclusion or amendment of the collective agreement on behalf of all employees.

According to the Requirements, or their copies can be sent to the appropriate state body for the settlement of collective labor disputes. In this case, the state body for the settlement of collective labor disputes is obliged to verify the receipt of the claims or their copies by the other party to the collective labor dispute.

Completed sample document

Limited Liability Company "Baromir"

general meeting of employees

________________ "___" _____________ 20__

Total employees of the organization -_____ people

Present at the meeting - _____ people (the list is attached).

It was proposed: to elect the chairman of the meeting ___________, the secretary - ___________.


Elect ___________ as chairman of the meeting, ___________ as secretary.


Lagovazov K.M. - proposed to approve the agenda of the meeting on the approval of the employer's requirements for non-fulfillment of the collective agreement in terms of the provisions of the collective agreement in terms of providing employees who have been working for more than 10 years of additional leave, 7 calendar days.


Approve the agenda.


On the approval of the employer's requirements for the fulfillment of the collective agreement in terms of the provisions of the collective agreement in terms of providing employees working over 10 years of additional leave, 3 calendar days.


Frodorova E.A., Chairman of LLC Baromir, spoke about the violation by the employer of the provisions of the collective agreement regarding the provision of additional leave to employees who have been working for more than 10 years, 3 calendar days. Ivanov A.A. suggested:


1.R.R. Simonova, laboratory assistant - offered to support the proposal of the chairman of the trade union committee A.A. Frodorov.

2. M.M. Frolova, accountant - proposed to approve the requirements for the fulfillment of the terms of the collective agreement, for which, before "__" _________ 20__, issue an order to provide employees who have been working for more than 10 years with additional leave, 3 calendar days at a meeting of employees.


1. Approve the requirements for the fulfillment of the terms of the collective agreement, for which, before "__" _________ 20__, issue an order to provide employees who have been working for more than 10 years with additional leave, 3 calendar days at a meeting of employees.

2. If the employer refuses to satisfy the demand or fails to communicate its decision to enter into a collective labor dispute:

create a conciliation commission, authorizing to represent the interests of workers in conciliation procedures of the chairman of the trade union committee Fodorov A.A., a member of the trade union committee Lagovazova I.I.

3. Grant the right to representatives of employees to participate in all conciliation procedures for the consideration of a collective labor dispute, make decisions on the settlement of a collective labor dispute, and conclude agreements with the right to sign.

Chairman of meeting

Management Documentation


Option 4

1. Protocol, types of protocols, design features 4

2. Handling outgoing mail 9

3. Issue an act of writing off property 11

4. Compile a memorandum 12

References 14

1. Protocol, types of protocols, design features

Minutes - a document that records the course of discussion and decision-making at meetings, meetings and meetings of collegial bodies.

A feature of the protocol is that it is used to document the activities of collegiate bodies: temporary (meetings, conferences, meetings, commissions) and permanent (boards of ministries and committees, academic councils of scientific institutions, presidiums).

The preparation and execution of protocols is entrusted to the secretaries of the relevant collegiate bodies (regular or elected in the course of their work). The secretary, along with the chairman of the collegiate body, is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the minutes. The protocol is drawn up on the basis of handwritten, including verbatim or tape recordings of the meeting, as well as documents prepared for the meeting: agenda, texts or abstracts of reports and speeches, draft decisions.

The main types of protocol:

    Brief protocol - fixes the issues discussed at the meeting, the names of the speakers and the decisions taken. It is recommended to conduct it in cases where the meeting is of an operational nature.

    The full protocol records not only the issues discussed, the decisions made and the names of the speakers, but also the content of the reports and speeches of the meeting participants in sufficient detail.

    The verbatim record is drawn up on the basis of the verbatim record of the meeting (transcript) and verbatim conveys the process of discussing each issue and making a decision on it.

Minutes are drawn up on the forms of the organization and contain the following details: the name of the organization, the name of the type of document, the date of the meeting, the number of the minutes, the place where the minutes were drawn up (the place of the meeting), the title to the text, the text, signatures, familiarization visas. The heading to the text of the protocol is the name of the event being recorded (meeting, session, meeting) and the name of the collegial body whose work is being recorded.

The text of the protocol consists of two parts: introductory and main. The introductory part of the text of the protocol should show: who led the event being recorded; who kept the protocol; who was present at the meeting (session, meeting, etc.) from among the officials who are members of the collegiate body holding the meeting; who was invited (if necessary) to the meeting from among the employees of the organization or from other organizations; what issues were discussed at the meeting.

Information about the head of the meeting, the secretary and those present includes the names and initials of officials, indicated respectively after the words: “Chairman”, “Secretary”, “Attended” (without quotes). For persons additionally invited to the meeting from among the employees of the organization, in addition to the surname and initials, the position held is indicated, and for specialists from other organizations, the position and name of the organization. Information about the persons invited to the meeting can be included in the "Attendance" section or in the special "Invitees" section.

At such collective events as meetings, there are often a large number of participants, listing which in the introductory part of the text of the protocol is inappropriate. In this case, a separate list of those present at the meeting is drawn up, which is subsequently attached to the minutes.

In the protocol itself, in the "Attendance" section, only the total number of those present with a link to the attached list is indicated. It should be emphasized that the sections "Attended" and "Invited" are of particular importance in relation to other sections of the protocol, as they directly affect the legal force of this document, showing the legitimacy of holding a collective event. These sections reflect the presence of a quorum of the meeting, i.e. the minimum required number of members of the collegiate body sufficient to start the work of the meeting (sessions, conferences). In the absence of a quorum (simple majority or 2/3) established for this collegial body, the meeting is unacceptable, since its decisions will be illegal. The words "Chairman", "Secretary", "Attended", "Invited" are printed from the zero position of the printing device, a dash is put from the 2nd position, the surnames are written in the nominative case, then the initials are put. The names of those present and invited are arranged in alphabetical order and printed with 1 line spacing.

The issues considered at the meeting are listed in the AGENDA section. The words AGENDA are printed from the zero position of the printing device, followed by a colon. The agenda items are numbered. Each new question is typed from the 1st tab stop. The sequence of questions is determined by the degree of their importance. The wording of the agenda items should begin with the prepositions about (about), the name of the position and the surname of the speaker are given in the genitive case. The main part of the text of the protocol is built in accordance with the agenda items. The construction of a record of the discussion of each issue on the agenda is carried out according to the scheme: LISTENED SPEECHED RESOLVED (DECIDED). These words are printed in capital letters. Before the word LISTENED put the number of the agenda item, after the colon. The surname of the speaker is printed in the nominative case from the 1st position of the printing device; after the surname put initials, then a dash and with a capital letter write the content of the report in the form of direct speech. If the text of the report (speech) is verbatim or presented by the speaker in writing, then after the dash, they also write with a capital letter “The report is attached” (without quotes in the protocol).

The discussion of the report may be preceded by questions to the speaker, which, together with the answers, are included in the LISTENED section. Before recording each question, the initials, surname and position of its author are indicated and a dash is put. The content of the question is written with a capital letter in the form of direct speech. Before formulating the answer, the word “Answer” is written (in the protocol without quotes), a dash is put and the answer is written in the form of direct speech. The progress of the discussion of the report is reflected in the SPEAKERS section. A colon is placed after the word SPEAKED. The surname of the speaker is written in the nominative case from the 1st position of the printing device, then the initials and position of the speaker are indicated, a dash is put and the content of the speech is printed in capital letters in the form of indirect speech.

The adopted decisions are contained in the RESOLVED (DECIDED) section. If there are several solutions, they are numbered with Arabic numerals with a dot. As a rule, each decision is accompanied by an indication of the position, surname and initials of the person responsible for its implementation and contains the deadline for implementation. Decisions made collectively often require a vote. In this case, after the RESOLVED section, the following is indicated: “Voting” or “Voted” (without quotes in the minutes) and the voting results are given: unanimously or for ..., against ..., abstained ...

In practice, abbreviated and short forms of protocols are often used when a detailed record of the discussion of issues is not required. In abbreviated minutes, after the list of those present or invited, the serial number of the issue on the agenda is indicated and the title of the report is printed. The last line of the title of the report (agenda item) is underlined, and under the line (in brackets) the names of the speakers are printed in the order of their presentation. The title of each report ends with a protocol decision or resolution. The minutes of the short form indicate only the issues considered and the decisions taken. The operative part of the text of the protocol may contain a clause on the approval of any document. In this case, the approved document is attached to the protocol and has a reference to its number and date. In practice, very often you have to make extracts from the protocols. An extract from the protocol contains the following details:

    all details of the heading part of the minutes: name of the organization, name of the type of document (EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES), date (date of the meeting), number of the minutes (serial number of the meeting), place of compilation (place of the meeting);

    title to the text;

    all the details of the introductory part of the text of the protocol: "Chairman", "Secretary", "Attended", "Invited", "AGENDA";

    separate details of the main part of the protocol text: “HEARD”, “DECIDED”, “Voting”;

    details of the formal part of the protocol: the details "Signature", including the words "Chairman", "Secretary", initials and surnames of the chairman and secretary (without their personal signatures, as extracts, as a rule, are not signed with original signatures, but are certified by the secretary); copy certification mark.

Thus, only those elements that need to be brought to the attention of interested officials are taken from the content of the protocol. To confirm the established facts and events, an act is drawn up by several persons. Acts are drawn up based on the results of audits of the activities of the enterprise or its structural unit and individual officials, when accepting and transferring cases, preparing documents for destruction, accepting objects for operation.


Documentation of management activities covers all processes related to recording (fixing) on ​​various media and processing, according to established rules, the information necessary for the implementation of management actions. Documentation is carried out in natural language (handwritten, typewritten documents, including telegrams, telephone messages, typescripts), as well as in artificial languages ​​using new media (punched cards, punched tapes, magnetic tapes, cards, diskettes, etc.)"

The composition of management documents is determined by the competence and functions of the organization, the procedure for resolving issues, the volume and nature of relationships with other organizations, and is fixed in the report card. The unity of the rules for documenting management actions at all levels of management is ensured by the use of the State Documentation Management System (GSDOU) and unified documentation systems (UDS).

Unified documentation systems are a set of interrelated documents created according to uniform rules and requirements, containing information necessary for management in a particular area of ​​activity. DDD are intended for use both with the help of computer technology and with traditional methods of information processing.

Management documents in terms of name, form and composition of details must comply with the DDD, the requirements of the State Standards for Documents and Regulations, regulations (charters) on the organization and other regulatory documents containing the rules for documenting.

The purpose of this test is to give the concept of a protocol, reflect the rules for its design, and also show what forms of protocols are.

1. The concept of the protocol and its purpose.

In a number of management documents, a special place belongs to protocols. They are part of the unified system of organizational and administrative documentation.

Minutes - a document that fixes the course of discussion of issues and decision-making at meetings, meetings, sessions, conferences

It must be borne in mind that in the activities of organizations and enterprises, documents called “Protocols” are often drawn up, but they do not fall under the above definition. So, in the field of contractual relations, protocols of intent, protocols of disagreements, protocols of approvals are drawn up; among the main documents of the general meeting of shareholders, the legislation names the minutes of the counting commission, etc. Such types of protocols are similar in purpose to acts: they record and confirm facts or events.

Protocols are drawn up in any organization where there are temporary or permanent collegiate bodies, commissions, etc. The form of their activity is the discussion of current issues at meetings or meetings and joint decision-making, often by voting.

With the advent of joint-stock companies in our country, attention to this type of document has increased. The supreme governing bodies of a joint-stock company are collegiate, and the protocols reflecting their activities become one of the most important management documents. We are talking about the minutes of general meetings of shareholders, meetings of the board of directors and the board. It is no coincidence that the Federal Law “On Joint Stock Companies” and other legal acts pay special attention to the content of these documents.

2. Rules for registration of protocols

Minutes - a document containing a consistent record of the discussion of issues and decision-making at meetings, meetings, conferences and meetings of collegial bodies.

The protocol reflects the activities of joint decision-making by a collegial body or a group of employees. From the minutes of meetings created in the management activities of organizations, one should distinguish between the minutes of investigative, some administrative bodies and public order bodies (for example, the protocol of a sanitary inspector, the protocol of a traffic accident, etc.), as well as protocols of a contractual type (minutes of disagreements, protocols negotiation of disagreements, price negotiation protocols, etc.).

Meetings of permanent and temporary collective bodies (boards of federal executive bodies, meetings of labor collectives, meetings of shareholders, meetings of boards of directors, etc.) are subject to mandatory recording. Minutes are drawn up on the basis of a record of the course of meetings, transcripts, sound recordings and materials prepared for the meeting (texts of reports, speeches, references, draft decisions, agenda, lists of invitees, etc.).

The minutes reflect all opinions on the issues under consideration and all decisions taken. The minutes are kept by the secretary or other designated person. The chairman and the secretary leading the meetings are responsible for the correctness of the entries in the minutes. The mandatory details of the protocol are:

· name of company;

the name of the document type;

date and registration number;

place of compilation or publication;

title to the text


3.Types of protocols

There are two types of protocols: full and short.

Fullprotocol contains a record of all speeches at meetings.

Brief Protocol - only the names of the speakers and a brief note about the topic of the speech.

The decision on what form of protocol to keep at the meeting is made by the head of the collegiate body or the head of the organization.

The title of the protocol is the name of the collegiate body or meeting (Minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission ...; minutes of the meeting ...).

The text of the full protocol consists of two parts: introductory and main.

The introductory part is drawn up in the same way in the full and short forms of the protocol. It indicates the names of the chairman and secretary, the names or the total number of participants in the meeting and invited persons (if there are many participants, a note is made next to their number - "The list of participants is attached"), the agenda.

The names of those present are recorded in the protocol, if there are no more than 15, - in alphabetical order, indicating the place of work and position; if there are more present, a separate list is drawn up. In the minutes of permanent meetings and commissions, the positions of those present are not indicated. The enumeration of those present is drawn up in the entire width of the line through one line spacing.

In this case, the words "Chairman", "Secretary", "Attended" (without quotes) are printed to the left of the field, separated by two intervals from the title and from each other.

The introductory part ends with the agenda. Items on the agenda are arranged according to their degree of complexity, importance and estimated time of discussion. Questions are formulated in the nominative case, numbered with Arabic numerals and begin with the prepositions "O", "About". It is not recommended to formulate a question or a group of questions with the word "Miscellaneous". Along with the question, the name of the speaker is indicated with an indication of his position.

The words "Agenda" are centered two or three intervals from the list of participants.

The main part of the text of the protocol for each issue on the agenda is built according to the scheme: LISTENED ... SPEAKED ... DECIDED (DECIDED) ...

The surname of the speaker (speaker) and the topic of his speech are indicated in the short protocols in the section "HEARD" in the short protocols. In the full form of the protocol, the surname and initials of the speaker, the content of his report (message, information, report) are given. If the text of the report is presented by the speaker in writing, it is allowed to make a note after indicating the topic of the speech: "the text of the report is attached." In the section "THE SPEAKERS" in the short protocols, only the names of the persons who spoke in the discussion are indicated; in the full protocols, their speeches are also recorded, including questions to the speaker. If necessary, after the name of the speaker, his position is indicated. In the section "DECIDED (DECIDED)" the decision is recorded, which is formulated briefly, precisely, concisely in order to avoid double interpretation. Along with the decision, the number of votes cast "for", "against", "abstentions", as well as a list of persons who did not participate in the voting, are indicated. The decision may contain one or more items, they are arranged in order of importance, each of them is numbered.

The word "HEARD" is preceded by a number in accordance with the agenda. The words "HEARD", "SPEAKED", "RESOLVED (DECIDED)" are typed from the left margin in capital letters and end with a colon. The text of the sections "HEARD", "SPEAKED", "DECIDED (DECIDED)" is printed with 1.5 line spacing from the red line. Each surname and initials of the speakers are printed from a new line in the nominative case, the record of the speech is separated from the surname by a hyphen.

A participant in a meeting or meeting may submit a dissenting opinion on the decision taken, which is set out on a separate sheet and attached to the minutes. The presence of a dissenting opinion shall be recorded in the minutes after the recording of the decision.

The text of the short protocol also consists of two parts. In the introductory part, the initials and surnames of the presiding (chairman), as well as the positions, initials, surnames of the persons present at the meeting are indicated.

The word "Attended" is printed from the border of the left margin, underlined, a colon is placed at the end of the word. Below are the names of positions, initials and surnames of those present. Job titles may be generic. Multi-line job titles of those present are indicated with 1 line spacing. The list is separated from the main part of the protocol by a solid line.

The main part of the protocol includes the issues under consideration and the decisions taken on them. The name of the question is numbered with a Roman numeral and begins with the preposition "O" ("About"), is printed in the center in font size No. 15 and is underlined by one line below the last line. Below the line are the names of the officials who spoke during the discussion of this issue. Surnames are printed with 1 line spacing. Then the decision made on the issue is indicated.

During the course of their activities, legal entities often make decisions on issues submitted to the general meeting, which may be attended by founders, shareholders, heads of departments, as well as representatives of parties that are business partners. In such a situation, the tasks to be solved at the meeting are drawn up using a form such as the minutes of the general meeting. This is a rather specific document that briefly displays the progress of the entire event, and may also contain a summary of the information presented.

Issues resolved on the basis of the minutes of the general meeting

The minutes of the general meeting are necessary to solve various problems that are an integral part of the activities of an organization or enterprise. With the help of this document, changes in the composition of the founders or shareholders, the issue of shares, the reorganization or liquidation of the enterprise can be formalized.

In matters requiring a collective decision, the minutes of the general meeting must be used. The compilation template is the same for all such events within the boundaries of one organization. Thus, being a reflection of the economic activity of the enterprise, this document has an important legal significance.

The minutes of the general meeting, the sample of its preparation and the norms applicable to its content are established by various legislative acts of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the established requirements for its execution, since during inspections the regulatory authorities have the right to invalidate the decisions of a legal entity on the basis of existing violations and failure to comply with the basic requirements for the protocol.

Legal requirements for registration

The minutes of the general meeting of members participating in the economic activities of the organization must be drawn up no later than 15 days from the date of its holding. The document is drawn up in two copies and must contain a certain set of data:

  • Date and place of the meeting.
  • The number of votes the participants own.
  • The total number of votes including absent participants.
  • Surname and name of the chairman of the meeting.
  • The composition of the presidium.
  • Agenda.

As a rule, the minutes indicate in the form of abstracts the main issues submitted for discussion and voting, and the results that were approved.

The purpose of the protocol

The minutes of the general meeting is a document setting out the course of making any decisions that determine the direction of the legal entity's activities, collectively. All forms and types of protocols are aimed at documenting the decisions taken by collegial bodies. Also, the protocol is drawn up during business meetings, meetings of commissions, negotiations, advisory meetings. The purpose of the protocol is to document collective decisions and agreements reached.

Any enterprise or organization must use the methods of collegial decision-making and be able to competently draw up the minutes of their meetings. The importance of recording collegial decisions is a good support for the correct conduct of its activities by a legal entity.

If in a company the founder or director makes a sole decision regarding the conduct of business activities, an advisory meeting is necessarily grouped to make important decisions about the company's activities. Thus, the consideration of such decisions and the issues that have arisen is recorded in the minutes of the general meeting.

Important Procedure

The process of drawing up a protocol consists of several stages:

  • Setting and preparing the agenda.
  • Drawing up and preparation of the necessary documentation.
  • Notification of all participants about the place of the general meeting.
  • Distribution of the necessary information data for participants in preparation for the agenda of the meeting, highlighting its individual issues.

Before starting the negotiation processes, it is necessary to enter the registration data of the meeting participants into the minutes. For this purpose, a list of all participants is drawn up, the number of which must correspond to the number of votes required to make a legally valid decision.

For further documentation of information about the decisions made and the course of the general meeting, modern technical means of sound or video recording are used, which are used to record and process all speeches and decisions taken. Also, at the same time as recording, it is necessary to draw up rough drafts of the protocol in writing throughout the entire meeting. The list of documents that took part in the submission of issues for voting or discussion must be indicated. These are reports, projects, references used in the general meeting.

Design rules

The minutes of the general meeting of owners or participants must be correctly drawn up and fully comply with the regulatory requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

According to its content, the document can be either a detailed or a summary of the meeting. All speeches that took place at the general meeting of the deliberative body are displayed in full form. The short form contains only data about the speakers, the topic of the speech. The short form is called a schema protocol. The form of drawing up the minutes is determined by the chairman of the meeting or in the course of making a collegiate decision. A sample of the minutes of the general meeting of participants is presented below.

This document is drawn up in compliance with all the norms and requirements of office work for entering details in accordance with GOST.

Protocol content. Organization data

The minutes of the general meeting, a sample of which is under development, must necessarily contain data on the full name of the organization, as well as accepted abbreviations regarding the legal form (LLC, JSC, etc.). In this case, the name must correspond to the one indicated in the charter of the enterprise and entered in the Unified State Register, and also have a full decoding without the use of abbreviations.

If this is the protocol of the general meeting of an LLC, the sample is drawn up according to the same rules and regulations as for organizations with a different organizational and legal form of ownership. It fixes the location of the legal entity, reflected in the form of a record of the legal address of the organization, and must correspond to that entered in the constituent documents, as well as registration in the Unified State Register.

Meeting data

In the next section, after specifying legal data that reflects the actual name of the location of the enterprise, you must specify information related to the time and form of the meeting. First of all, the type of general meeting is indicated, which can be annual, extraordinary, scheduled, etc. The minutes of the general meeting of participants in an LLC in accordance with the current legislation are determined at least once a year.

Meeting Forms

The form of the meeting can be defined as:

  • Personal presence of authorized representatives or participants-shareholders.
  • Absentee form by collecting documentation sent earlier to ascertain opinions on voting issues.

The date and place of the meeting of the advisory board are also noted, the actual address at which the participants gathered is indicated.

The main part of the protocol

The topic, issues on which the meeting was held are indicated. In the case of annual meetings, the legislation defines a number of issues that must be considered. In the rest of the meeting, participants are free to choose the topics they need to solve.

It is obligatory to indicate the time of the beginning and completion of the registration of persons having the right to be present and participate in the discussion. In this case, the organizer or secretary carries out the procedure for registering all arrivals by identifying those present and entering these data into the "Attendance" section of the protocol. Full name must be indicated. participant, as well as the position held and the number of votes belonging to him. In the case of joint-stock companies, data on an identity card or issued powers of attorney may also be entered.

This part also indicates the time of opening and closing of the collegiate meeting, the voting results, which are recorded at the time of counting votes.

When considering each item on the agenda, the following shall be indicated:

  • The number of votes entitled to participate in the meeting.
  • The number of votes that took part.
  • The number of votes cast for the different voting options.
  • Formulation of decisions made.

This is followed by a section where all the main points of the listened speeches are recorded, as well as the names of the persons who spoke on each issue. The information is presented in the form of abstracts, constituting a summary of the speeches.

Final part

After drawing up, the minutes of the general meeting of founders, shareholders or other participants are sealed with the signatures of the chairman, as well as the secretary of the meeting. The date of its compilation is also put, which may not coincide with the date of the meeting.

Special Minutes and Meetings

Another interesting example of such documentation is the minutes of the general meeting of the owners of a house or a gardening partnership. Such meetings and their recording are distinguished by the fact that the participants have equal rights, and in the event that a large number of persons do not appear, decisions can still be made based on the opinions of those who arrived and participated in resolving the issues raised for discussion. On the basis of such a protocol, the remaining members of the housing fund or gardening partnership are obliged to comply with the decisions made, regardless of whether they took part in this meeting or not.

When drawing up such a document, it usually indicates the composition of the commission for the recount of votes. Both authorized persons and those selected by voting from among the participants present may act as the chairman and secretary of the meeting. The method of managing apartment buildings or a gardening partnership is chosen by the general meeting of owners of residential premises or land plots. Decisions made on the indicated issues are binding on all owners.

Drawing up the minutes of the general meeting requires special attention and the presence of certain skills in documentary work. Neglect of the rules established for the execution of this document should not be allowed, since it is the only documentary reflection of the legitimacy of the decisions made by the collegiate meeting, which are important, and also have great legal force and are provided during audits to regulatory authorities.

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