Crafts for the garden from scrap materials - new items and original ideas. DIY home crafts: ideas for decoration and interior Crafts from what you have

Laminate 14.10.2023

Transforming home walls into a cozy nest is definitely an exciting activity. Sometimes it is not necessary to explore all the stores in the area; it is enough to use your own imagination and find interesting ideas for your home with your own hands. The magazine site offers various original ideas that are not so difficult to implement on your own.

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The most interesting thing about DIY home crafts: choosing the material to create something new in decor

You can make numerous little things for home decor with your own hands. The same should be said about more. It all depends on the availability of material at hand and the ability to use it. Depending on the skills and preferences of the creator, we suggest considering handmade wooden crafts, knitted or sewn items, amazing lampshades, and also choose a glass product to decorate your home.

DIY crafts for the home: warm and elegant wood in the apartment

What beautiful thing would you like to decorate your home? The answer will most likely be “everything.” Let's look at different options for DIY home ideas.

Noble wood is subject to sensitive hands and certain skills in working with. To create something wooden for an apartment, they first develop a concept for the future product, prepare tools and materials, then get to work. They mostly make do with sandpaper, varnish and wood glue.

Beautiful DIY crafts at home: practical benefits and decorativeness of homemade lampshades

Decoupage technique for furniture restoration

You can almost always update it yourself. Very interesting and useful for the home. Furniture that has been restored using decoupage takes on a real second life and looks even better than after purchase.

Creative ideas for decorating the interior of your home with your own hands

Designers and hobbyists always have different home interior ideas in stock that are worth trying to implement with your own hands. Each room in the house has its own solution and some zest.

Hallway and corridor

We entered an apartment or house - and... So what? And we were amazed at how much it conveyed the homely mood. To come to your home with joy, you should take care of the appearance of the hallway.

We remove clutter mercilessly from the space, but we select the decor in such a way that it does not interfere with movement along the corridor.

Living room and bedroom

In DIY home design, the specifics of the room play a role. there is a central place in the house - for receiving guests and gathering all household members. This place should express the general mood of the house, so the choice of decor should be careful and appealing to all family members.

Each family member has a separate chronicle of the history of this house. Every member of the household has the right to write their own story in design.

Children's room

Fantasy should not be limited by anything. We take into account the character traits of the small owner of the room and begin to decorate the room. whatever you like, we make hanging structures, select creative furniture: let your childhood be bright!

Kitchen and bathroom

You can decorate the refrigerator in any way.

A bathroom can be very original; you should not limit yourself to the desire to make it surprising and unusual.

Ideas for the yard and garden of your home: using cinder blocks and other available materials

Those who own their own should also try using scrap materials or cinder blocks left over from construction.

What you can do with your own hands for the yard of a house from cinder blocks of a flowering wall.

To build a fire pit you don’t need a special master class. This is the same element of construction as the construction of a wall, with the difference that it is not necessary to use cement mortar.

What they do for the garden from scrap materials

What is applicable as improvised material: tires, plastic bottles, branches, firewood, old furniture. Each material has its own series of solutions and ideas.

What else can be made from cement for the garden and in what way, the video will tell you.

This unusual craft is designed to surprise everyone. The shape of the craft, the material used, or the purpose of the craft may be unexpected.

  • It happens that you yourself cannot come up with an unusual craft. Then the Internet can come to the rescue. But after seeing the idea, you then understand on your own how and from what you can make the craft.
  • People with a rich imagination can take a closer look at natural materials and discover a lot of amazing things from which they can make unusual crafts.
  • Interesting ideas are often born in children's heads. The main thing is to support the child at the beginning of the journey into the interesting world of fantasy and handicrafts.

You can use any material to create an unusual masterpiece. An activity that does not require a special tool is especially exciting. It will be enough to have scissors, a needle, knitting needles, a crochet hook, and paint brushes. All you need is imagination and patience when doing the work, no special skills.

Awaken your imagination

You can create many amazing and unusual things with your own hands:

Celebrating the New Year with a Christmas tree

An unusual Christmas tree can be made from wine corks.

  • The barrels are glued together, forming the shape of a Christmas tree: 2 pyramids, which are connected between soda first with toothpicks, and then glued together.
  • A small stick in the shape of a stump will be the base for this tree. The ends of the barrels are covered with green paint and some are painted in different colors to give the feeling of New Year's balls on the tree.

A gift for the Christmas tree can be packed in a box made in the shape of a heart.

Sweet craft

A bouquet of sweets can be an interesting craft.

  • Strips of 150x40 mm are cut from multi-colored paper.
  • They need to be twisted in the center and bent in half. This is how the petals are formed.
  • The candy is strung on an elongated toothpick. This will be the stem of the flower; it needs to be wrapped in green corrugated paper.
  • The petals are glued to the candy itself.
  • The bouquet will be decorated with organza. Figures with sides 13-16 cm are cut from it.
  • The resulting squares are placed on the stem in the center and rise close to the made flower bud. The organza adheres to the candy, creating a slight waviness.

Now you can form a bouquet and decorate it with a satin ribbon.

Crafts made from natural materials

An unusual craft would be a cake maker made from a cut tree.

  • The saw cut must be coated with wood varnish, which will highlight its design even more clearly.
  • One board will serve as a cake stand.
  • And wooden cuts connected into 2 or 3 tiers will resemble a dessert stand.

Keyboard for creating jewelry

Many interesting and unusual crafts can be made from a keyboard. A little fashionista can make a personalized bracelet out of a keyboard.

  • A word is assembled from the letters of a broken keyboard.
  • Each letter button has 2 holes on each side. The letter will have 2 holes in a row at the top and 2 holes in a row at the bottom.
  • 2 elastic bands will be threaded through them, which will be parallel to each other.
  • You can make knots on the back of the letters so that the buttons do not move on your hand. The elastic thread can match the color of the letters, or you can specially choose a different color. Then the bracelet will be original and bright.

Another keyboard accessory for fashionistas: select the Scroll Lock or Print Screen SysRq buttons.

  • On each button, one hole is punched in the corner for small metal rings.
  • The earrings are already put into the rings.

All the necessary parts: rings, bows, clasps for the bracelet are available for sale in the handicraft department.

Learning the quilling technique

A postcard made using the quilling technique can be an unusual craft. This technology is based on creating different pictures and shapes using rolled paper. The activity is interesting for both adults and children. Together you can create a whole picture or an interesting postcard. Flower bouquets made in this way can be on cardboard or in a basket.

All parts and the basket, including those, are made according to the same principle. To create a large flower, you need to glue several strips together. The center of the flower is formed by tightly twisting spirals of strips of paper.

The fluffy daisy is made by cutting the top of the strip, which forms its core. The cuts should not be too deep. The quilling technique allows you to create basic shapes that are used in crafts.

Shapes are created by twisting paper:

  • The technique is based on a spiral or roll. It is twisted tightly or loosely and the number of turns is always different. Tight coils are created around the rod. A relaxed twist creates a loose roll.
  • The shape of the leaf is created by a loose roll, the two ends of which are slightly flattened.
  • Deformation of the free spiral on 4 sides creates a square or rectangle.
  • If you move the center of the free roll slightly down and flatten the top part, you get a drop.
  • A drop with a flat base forms a triangle.
  • If the base of a triangle is bent inward, then in this way an “arrow” figure is obtained.

Knowing how to make basic figures, you can start by making a small postcard.

Panel of lids

A multi-colored panel can be made from plastic caps. The variety of their colors is simply amazing. Now it’s important to come up with a plot for the picture.

Using a sock for a craft

An unusual craft can be made from a seemingly ordinary thing, for example, a sock. Everyone has socks in their house that they no longer wear, but it’s a shame to throw them away. This is exactly the sock you need. An unusual craft could be a snowman, who will first celebrate the New Year with you, and then become a place to store needles.

  • To work, you need to prepare a sock. Just above the bulge for the heel, the upper part of the toe is cut off. All you need is the lower part.
  • It is necessary to stuff it with cotton wool and tighten the hole at the top and sew it up. It turned out something like a pear.
  • The figurine is slightly tightened with thread, which creates the appearance of two balls connected to each other. The lower one will be larger (torso) than the upper one (head).
  • Then your imagination comes into play. The head is decorated with beads: eyes, mouth; buttons are made at the bottom.
  • The tip of the other sock can be used as a snowman hat. You need to lightly grab the cap with threads so that it doesn’t fall off. And tie a scarf around your neck.

Shown imagination will make any craft unusual. You can borrow some idea, but improvisation is yours.

Every home owner wants to feel as comfortable as possible in their home. This becomes the reason why there is a desire to decorate the interior not only beautifully, but also in an original way.

However, often the funds for this are not enough, because the services of professional designers, like beautiful things, are not cheap. Therefore, recently, an increasing number of homeowners prefer to decorate the interior of their home on their own using crafts from improvised materials that are inexpensive.

It is worth noting that the main advantage of such crafts is not the cheapness of the materials. The most attractive thing is that every item you create is unique. But it is the uniqueness of the design that attracts attention.

Products that were created with one’s own hands emanate a special energy. And thanks to this, an atmosphere of comfort and warmth appears in the house.

An important circumstance is that such structures can act not only as ordinary decorative elements. With their help, you can organize your space much more conveniently. After all, they can be used to store a variety of small items that are necessary for the household.

Do you think this is impossible because you need to have any special skills? No, even a child can handle this job of creating crafts.

Pay attention to the photo of crafts from improvised means, which is presented below. It shows an example of creating a key holder, which is not only a beautiful addition to the interior, but also serves as a small hanger for keys.

And the process of its creation is not complicated. Let's look at it in more detail.

Key hanger

Surely, many people are familiar with the situation when they have to raise the whole family to look for keys. After all, people often do not burden themselves with buying special small shelves for storing keys and other small things.

And since the key is a fairly small item, it is easy to lose it among larger things. To avoid having to constantly look for keys, many people keep them in their purses.

However, we can offer you a more interesting and original storage method. And for this we will build a key holder.

Its main feature is that in appearance it will resemble a product decorated with brickwork.

We will tell you step by step how to make a craft in the form of a key holder from available materials. But first, let’s look at exactly what tools and materials will be needed to create it: a thick sheet of cardboard or plywood, thick napkins, hooks, glue, varnish, paints.

Stages of performing a key holder

At the first stage, you need to cut out the back wall of the future key holder. As a material, you can use either thick cardboard or a not too thick piece of plywood.

In the second stage, you should cut out small rectangles from cardboard that will imitate brick. Please note that they must be the same size.

In the third step, you must glue the cut out “bricks” to the base using glue. Remember that there should be a small gap between them. You should also not cover the entire surface of the product with them. After all, in the central part there should be a small sign with an inscription, and in the upper part there should be a picture.


At the fourth stage, you should start lubricating the bricks with glue. Do not skimp on the glue at this stage, because it is necessary so that you can place the crumpled napkin on top of it. It can also be covered with a small layer of glue on top for better impregnation.

Using a stick or the back of a brush, press the tissue into the gaps to create corners. Leave the product to dry.

Please note that any crafts made from improvised materials at home must be durable. Therefore, we strongly recommend not to skimp on binding materials.

At the fifth stage, the process of creating a visual resemblance to natural brickwork begins. Once the panel is dry, coat it with paint. The seams must be painted with bronze paint.

At the sixth stage, you should coat the bricks with paint a second time. However, this time you need to use a dry brush. To do this, dip it in bronze masonry, wipe it on paper so that it becomes dry and then dip it again in the color with which you painted the bricks.


Remember that to achieve maximum similarity, you should only move the brush in one direction.

At the seventh stage, which is the final one, you should coat the finished product with clear varnish and attach the hooks on which the keys will hang.

Crafts for the garden

If you are the owner of a country house, then for you the decorating process is not limited only to the area of ​​the home. Therefore, to improve the area around the house, you should use garden crafts from improvised means that will decorate any garden or vegetable garden.

To make them, you can use plastic bottles, hemp, tires and old soft toys. In this case, it all depends on what set of tools and materials you have.

Crafts made from tires are extremely popular because they are quite simple to create, but at the same time they look original and interesting.


For example, you can create a real cup from tires, which will become a wonderful flower garden. To create it you will need one tire, a round board (the diameter of the board must be larger than the tire), paint, and a small piece of rubber.

The tire and board must be painted the color you like. If you have artistic skills, you can use them to decorate the product with beautiful images.

If you do not have such drawing skills, you can paint the design one color or polka dots. The handle of the cup should be secured with a large stapler. And now your product is ready.

We draw your attention to the fact that even children’s crafts made from improvised materials can become a worthy decoration for your garden. Use crafts your kids made from plastic bottles and cups. Despite their simplicity, they look quite original.

If they are small in size, use them to decorate the porch or window sills. This way, you can focus on them, and they will not get lost in a large area of ​​the garden.

Photos of crafts from improvised means

Making various crafts for children with your own hands together with your child is an exciting activity that significantly contributes not only to the development of the child, but also to strengthening your relationship with him. Any child will be very happy if he has the opportunity to do something beautiful with his parents. Therefore, even in the busiest schedule, try to set aside a piece of time to devote to activities with your children. The sections of our article will provide useful recommendations on how to make crafts with your own hands from various materials, taking into account the age characteristics of children.

DIY paper crafts for children

The most commonly used material for applied arts is, of course, paper. Moreover, it is worth paying attention not only to the usual color sets, but also to its other types: corrugated, velvet, designer. You can create crafts with your own hands for children from paper, either flat (appliques) or voluminous, using various techniques. For example, having learned to fold a flower using the origami technique, to form a beautiful bouquet of tulips.

The easiest DIY crafts for beginners

For those who are just starting to teach their child arts and crafts, we advise you to start with the simplest solutions, making easy crafts for children with your own hands. You might like examples of caterpillars made from paper rings, an applique of colorful fish, or funny little mice on a piece of cheese.

DIY cardboard crafts for children

Cardboard is an easily accessible material that can be easily cut, bent, painted, and is often used in children's creative works. In addition to a set of cardboard purchased in a store, cardboard boxes, disposable tableware, cereal packaging, egg honeycombs, and toilet paper rolls are used. In our photo catalog you will see what craftsmen make from cardboard for children. For example, a stand for pencils, funny animals, boxes.

DIY “house” craft

Cardboard houses are made to suit any size - it all depends on their purpose. Perhaps it will be a large structure the size of a child, a “home” for dolls, or a DIY “house” craft, made as a New Year’s decoration, gift wrapping. In any case, the manufacturing technology is the same, the differences will be in size and design. We have prepared some sketches from which you can make blanks. If you are making small structures, PVA glue and tape are enough to hold the parts together. When building a large house, it is better to use a heat gun for reliability. The DIY New Year's "house" craft is complemented by decor that imitates snow on the roof (cotton wool, foam balls), and the gift wrapping must have at least one opening flap, for example, a door, a roof slope.

How to make a DIY craft from fabric

Wonderful DIY crafts and toys are sewn using fabric. Moreover, not only a single piece, but various shreds, household napkins and even socks. Look at the photo, isn’t it true, the cute bunny came out of a sock? An older child will be able to do it on his own, but the baby will have to help. Make the necessary cuts and seams, and instruct the child to tightly stuff the figure and also draw a face.

You can also sew crafts for children with your own hands, which will become not only a decoration, a toy, but also a useful thing, for example, a large soft duck-ottoman, a photo of which is in our catalog, or a star pillow.

DIY children's crafts made from felt

Felt is a wonderful, comfortable fabric that comes in a vibrant range of colors. It allows you to sew a variety of DIY crafts for children, and then decorate the children's room with them. Household napkins (usually sold in a set of four colors) will help replace the fabric. These toy crafts are sewn together with your own hands, without the help of a sewing machine, by hand.

DIY children's crafts for the New Year

On the eve of the New Year holidays and children's matinees, rooms are decorated everywhere and lush Christmas trees are decorated. It’s quite possible to make a lot of interesting symbolic additions yourself without spending money on purchases. These can be the most original Christmas tree balls, garlands, and other decorations that a child can easily make.

DIY snowman craft

The snowman is a unique symbol of winter and, naturally, his presence will come in handy for the New Year’s interior. The photographs of our selection show options on how to make such crafts with your own hands step by step, using foam balls, socks, and pom-poms. A larger figure, decorated with thread, balloons, and glue, is suitable for a kindergarten matinee. Inflate five balloons of different sizes (two of the same size for the handles). Wrap each of them with a thread dipped in glue (PVA is quite suitable). When the workpieces are completely dry, the balls need to burst and be taken out from the inside. The finished balls are fastened together. The DIY “snowman” craft is almost ready. All that remains is to decorate the eyes (beads, buttons), the mouth from thread, and the carrot nose (sew from fabric). Traditionally, the head is complemented with a bucket, and the neck is decorated with a scarf.

DIY Santa Claus craft

You can't do without Santa Claus in the New Year's interior. The easiest way is to make it out of thick paper (cardboard). Use a ready-made template, or make a cone-shaped shape from a sheet, which you then “dress” with the help of multi-colored paper, shaping your face, beard, and hands. Children make similar crafts for the New Year with their own hands using fabric (you will find examples of patterns here), plastic bottles, and other improvised means.

DIY crafts for kindergarten

Various creative works for young children of kindergarten age should differ in simpler techniques and materials. The child is just beginning to learn how to do something beautiful on his own, so you need to choose the simplest but most interesting options.

DIY crafts for kindergarten children: applications

The most common way to teach children to create pictures is through appliqué. Such crafts for kindergarten with your own hands (photos are presented below) can be constructed not only using colored paper, you can also take thick fabric, artificial leather, velvet paper, improvised materials (cotton pads, cereals, etc.), natural raw materials (leaves, seeds) . Children of older groups can begin extensive work, for example, making an applique in an “aquarium” box with hanging representatives of the aquatic world.

DIY crafts for kindergarten from natural materials

Often, especially in the fall, exhibitions of works are held demonstrating do-it-yourself crafts for kindergarten from natural ingredients. Chestnuts, acorns, pine cones, sunflower seeds, pumpkins, colorful autumn foliage - all this provides great soil for the development of children's imagination. To make various figures and compositions, plasticine is additionally used to hold the parts together or form the base. Pictures of DIY crafts using natural raw materials are presented in our photo selection. Feel free to try using them by making a chestnut caterpillar, a hedgehog, and other samples.

DIY crafts for school

School work varies in complexity. While DIY crafts in elementary school have simple forms, high school students with sufficient skills are able to create more complex compositions, for example, a bouquet of roses from maple leaves, a cardboard town, or a paper basket with asters.

DIY crafts for school, photos of which are posted below, involve the use of a large selection of raw materials, including all sorts of improvised means (plastic dishes, DVDs, matches, buttons).

DIY crafts for schoolchildren using the cutting technique

Crosscutting is a fairly entertaining creative process that is suitable for children of different ages. It allows you to create “fluffy” pictures that will decorate your room, as well as an original gift for your family. Do-it-yourself crafts in elementary school have simplified versions until the child acquires certain skills. For example, in this way you can design only the outlines of a drawing.

To make a lush applique you will need corrugated paper, scissors, glue, a match or a toothpick with a blunt end, and a sketch on cardboard. Before making the craft with your own hands, we cut the paper into small squares (0.5 cm), which we sort by color. Lubricate the sketch with glue. We place the match in the center of the square, turn it (so that the corrugation is fixed to it), then glue it with its end to the sketch. Thus, we decorate the entire drawing using the necessary colors of corrugated squares.

Learning to create beauty yourself is the best way to develop a child’s creative abilities. DIY children's crafts significantly develop imagination, giving the joy of interesting time spent together with adults.

DIY crafts for children: a selection of 50 ideas with step-by-step examples updated: May 2, 2018 by: Kyiv Irina

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