Home furniture: DIY stool made of wood (drawings). DIY stool: manufacturing methods and instructions for creating simple and stylish models (90 photo ideas) DIY stool at home

For welding 13.10.2023
For welding

When purchasing furniture, you can notice a clear discrepancy between the prices of materials for their manufacture and the final price of the product. This is especially noticeable when purchasing fairly simple pieces of furniture, such as stools.

Stools are most often made from chipboard.

Stools are most often made from chipboard. It is a fairly cheap material, easy to work with, durable and great for indoor use. Taking one look at a chipboard stool, it’s easy to understand that making one with your own hands is quite easy. We invite you to familiarize yourself with detailed instructions for making various configurations of stools at home.

Taking one look at a chipboard stool, it’s easy to understand that making one with your own hands is quite easy.

You can make a stool with your own hands, having professional and non-professional elements and devices at hand.

Required tools include:

  1. electric jigsaw, complete with a fine file;
  2. screwdriver

To decorate the seat of the stool, you can also prepare foam rubber and upholstery materials.

You may also need a drill with a drill and a stapler for construction purposes.

The upholstery can be fabric, oilcloth, leatherette.

To simplify the assembly task, you can first glue the parts together and then secure them with self-tapping screws.

Materials for production:

  1. chipboard sheets, new, substandard or remaining spare parts from old furniture;
  2. self-tapping screws, no longer than the thickness of the chipboard;
  3. confirmations 4 pieces. Dimensions 6.4 mm by 50 mm;
  4. metal corners 4 pieces;
  5. adhesive tape for processing sheet edges;
  6. thrust bearings made of any acceptable materials;
  7. sandpaper for sanding.

Creating a stool from chipboard with your own hands allows the master not to limit himself to standard models.

Non-professional tools that can be found in any home:

  1. pencil or marker;
  2. cardboard for making templates;
  3. ruler or tape measure;
  4. knife of any configuration, most importantly sharp.

The seemingly simple design of a stool has several dozen different models.

The parts of the stool are assembled using confirmations and self-tapping screws.

To decorate the seat of the stool, you can also prepare foam rubber and upholstery materials. The upholstery can be fabric, oilcloth, leatherette.

You can look at visual examples in furniture stores, from neighbors or on the Internet.

Create a project

Creating a stool from chipboard with your own hands allows the master not to limit himself to standard models. The seemingly simple design of a stool has several dozen different models. You can look at visual examples in furniture stores, from neighbors or on the Internet.

Usually several stools are needed at once, so it is extremely important to choose one shape you like and make identical objects according to the chosen drawing.

When starting the final assembly of parts, it is necessary to pre-treat all cut edges with a special tape.

Usually several stools are needed at once, so it is extremely important to choose one shape you like and make identical objects according to the chosen drawing. When making a drawing, it is important to remember that the design of a stool requires a strict balance between its lower and upper parts. A discrepancy between the dimensions of the seat and the width of the legs can lead to an imbalance, as a result of which the object will be very unstable and therefore dangerous.

When making a drawing, it is important to remember that the design of a stool requires a strict balance between its lower and upper parts.

Choosing material for manufacturing

Stools can be made from different materials. Chipboard, multi-layer plywood, wooden blocks and boards are suitable. The cheapest and easiest to use material is chipboard. Sheets can be purchased in a store, at furniture factories, or you can buy scraps from small companies that make custom-made furniture. Sheets of old chipboard that were previously parts of other furniture are also suitable.

A discrepancy between the dimensions of the seat and the width of the legs can lead to an imbalance, as a result of which the object will be very unstable and therefore dangerous.

The final step in preparation before assembly will be drilling the necessary holes.

We apply graphic markings

Stools can be made from different materials.

Having decided on the model of the future stool, you need to mark a sheet of chipboard, thereby preparing it for further work. If you plan to make several identical stools, then it is better to make a pattern for all parts of the furniture. It is convenient to make the template from thick cardboard.

For further ease of use of the manufactured furniture, the corners of the parts should be rounded. It is better to make even curves using a compass. The absence of this item can be compensated for, for example, with a plate of suitable diameter.

The cheapest and easiest to use material is chipboard.

High speed will ensure cutting of sheets without chips or nicks.
After trimming, you need to sand all the edges of the stool with sandpaper.

Depending on the selected shape and model, the dimensions of the elements may be as follows.

No. Stool model Seat dimensions Leg dimensions Crossbar dimensions

  • 1 30x30 30x40 20x12
  • 2 30x40 30x40 30x15
  • (3 pieces)
  • 3 40x40 20x35 (8 pieces) 30x20
  • (4 pieces)

Sheets of old chipboard that were previously parts of other furniture are also suitable.

Cutting out elements for the future stool

The main thing is to decide in advance on the number of pieces of finished products and calculate the required volumes of materials.

Cutting out elements from existing pieces of chipboard is done using an electric jigsaw.

Cutting out elements from existing pieces of chipboard is done using an electric jigsaw. You can make a good edge cut using a fine file and high speed jigsaw. High speed will ensure cutting of sheets without chips or nicks.

After trimming, you need to sand all the edges of the stool with sandpaper. This processing will ensure a good fit of one part to another and simplify assembly.

The final step in preparation before assembly will be drilling the necessary holes. Make sure the holes are drilled at the same level.

Having decided on the model of the future stool, you need to mark a sheet of chipboard, thereby preparing it for further work.

Assembling the stool

When starting the final assembly of parts, it is necessary to pre-treat all cut edges with a special tape. The tape must be chosen to match the color of the sheet or, conversely, contrasting shades.

The tape is applied to the cut of the legs and seat and glued with a hot iron. The iron must be applied with quick and short movements. The warm tape should be pressed down with a clean cloth. The glue, which is on the back of the tape, sets very quickly and does not require long heating or cooling.

The parts of the stool are assembled using confirmations and self-tapping screws. To simplify the assembly task, you can first glue the parts together and then secure them with self-tapping screws.

The seat of the resulting chair can be made soft using foam rubber and upholstery material.

For further ease of use of the manufactured furniture, the corners of the parts should be rounded.

It is better to make even curves using a compass.

VIDEO: Do-it-yourself stools made from chipboard scraps.

50 photo ideas on how to make a stool with your own hands from chipboard

The stool has neither a back nor armrests. Therefore, if you decide to assemble such a structure yourself, you are unlikely to encounter any special difficulties in manufacturing such a piece of furniture. In this article we will tell you how to make a stool with your own hands.

If you have never assembled anything like this from wood, then it is unlikely that you will be able to make a high-quality and reliable product the first time.

You can use a material that does not require any special preparation for assembly. This can be laminated chipboard or regular 20 mm plywood. It must be said that particle board is a rather capricious and fragile material in itself. Also, a stool made from it will turn out to be quite heavy. In addition, due to its demand, it will wander from room to room, which sooner or later will affect the integrity of the entire structure. Therefore, it is better to assemble a stool from plywood. It is also worth mentioning the fact that the laminated chipboard sheet has dimensions of 2750x1830 mm, while the plywood sheet has dimensions of 1525x1525 mm.

You can make three stools from one sheet of plywood. To complete the work you will need the following tools and consumables:

  • Electric jigsaw with a set of fine-tooth wood files.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Carpenter's square.
  • Confirm drill 5×50 mm.
  • Screwdriver bits. It is better if it is a set, where, as a rule, there is a hexagon for confirmations.
  • Sander or regular coarse and fine sandpaper.
  • Confirmations: 12 pcs.
  • Furniture plugs for confirmations: 12 pcs.
  • Self-tapping screws 4×16: 24 pcs.
  • Furniture metal (or plastic) corners: 12 pcs.


First, we mark the future parts by size. Using a jigsaw, we cut 6 rectangular elements measuring 400×300 mm (legs) and 140×248 mm (stiffening ribs), as well as 3 square parts (seat) measuring 330×330 mm.

The height of the sidewall (leg) should in no case be less than 400 mm, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to sit on such a stool.

On one of the parts, which will be our sidewall or leg, we need to cut out a radius. How to do it? You can use a compass, or you can use a large oval plate. Place it on the side and draw a semicircle with a marker or pencil. Using a jigsaw, carefully cut out a rounded depression in the part. Then we apply the cut out part to the second side of the leg and do the same procedure. For the square part that will be our seat, you can find a smaller round plate and also mark the radii on each side; you can also round the corners. We make cutouts. After the radii are made on all the parts, we outline the places where we will have fasteners.

If you decide to make the seat soft using foam rubber and upholstery fabric, then the radius cutouts on it will be unnecessary.


Now let's proceed directly to the assembly. On all parts (legs) we drill two holes vertically with a confirmation drill.

When drilling holes in the sidewalls, you need to attach a stiffening rib to the place where it will be attached so that the drill, having drilled the leg, makes a notch in this rib at the same time. Then the holes will match better, and there will be no distortion when tightening the confirmat. At what height from the floor these stiffening elements will be attached, everyone decides individually.

After the legs with stiffeners are assembled, all that remains is to attach the seat to them through the corners. Let's go through all the corners with sandpaper (first coarse-grained, and finally fine-grained). Let’s put the caps on the confirmation hats and that’s it – the stool is ready. Stools of this design are very suitable for the kitchen.

If you decide to make a stool from wood, then you will need a hewn board without knots 800x200 mm, 25 mm thick.


  • wood screws with a countersunk head – 8 pieces (6×60 mm);
  • holder for sandpaper (sanding block);
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • carpenter's square;
  • roulette.

Using a measuring tool, we measure the future seat, measuring 200x400 mm. Then we measure out two parts that will be the legs of the chair. If you want to get a more elegant product, then they can be made curly. To do this, you need to prepare a template in advance. The simplest thing is to cut out a pattern from thick cardboard along the lines already drawn with a marker. All that remains is to simply attach the cardboard to the wooden part and trace it.

Now we need to mark another important structural element: the stiffener.

To give the product greater stability and rigidity, the jumper between the legs should have a trapezoidal shape, that is, one side may have a size different from the size of the other side, but strictly proportional so that 5 mm bevels fall on each side, for example, 220 mm and 230 mm. After you have laid out the entire board, you can start cutting the parts.

To ensure that all parts are cut smoothly, the handle of the jigsaw must be held firmly, as it vibrates strongly when cutting. You can also cut straightly if you cut not along the line, but next to it.

Once all the pieces are cut, it's time to grab the sanding block. We grind the end parts and corners of the workpieces. Moreover, it is better and more convenient to perform grinding when the parts of the stool have not yet been assembled into the structure.

Sandpaper 40–60K is mainly used when there are obvious unevenness on the wooden part. Sandpaper 80–120K when these irregularities are minor. Sandpaper 160–320K is used for finishing. What type of sandpaper to use depends largely on the type of wood and the cutting results.

And now the long-awaited moment of assembly has arrived. It is better to do this on as level a surface as possible.

  1. We connect the stiffener to the legs by screwing it through one self-tapping screw on each side. The smaller side (220 mm) should be at the top.
  2. We put the seat on top and fasten it through two self-tapping screws on each leg.
  3. We screw one more screw down through the legs to the stiffener.

The stool is ready. To give your product a noble look, you can cover it with mahogany stain and then open it with clear wood varnish.

Making a folding stool

But what if you came up with the idea of ​​​​making a more complex element from the stool group - a folding stool. The need for such a design may not arise spontaneously, but quite situationally. For example, such a stool is convenient to periodically take on fishing or nature trips, or maybe somewhere else. The advantages of such a folding stool, first of all, are that it is quite compact and easily fits in the trunk of a car.

Now let's move on from words to action. To complete the work we will need:

  • 4 wooden blocks measuring 470x40x20 mm, where 20 mm is the thickness of the part;
  • 4 small planed crossbars measuring 320x40x20;
  • 4 bars for sitting, sizes 350×90×20 (2 pieces) and 350×60×20 (2 pieces);
  • 2 overhead cross bars, size 320×40×20;
  • 6 bolts with a diameter of 6 mm (length including the head is 40 mm), 12 self-tapping screws (45 - 50 mm).

Before assembly, all wooden parts of the stool must be perfectly sanded.

Assembly should begin by fastening the 470 mm bars together with bolts. We measure 260 mm and in this place we drill a hole of such a diameter that the head of the bolt and the securing nut are recessed into the wood.

The legs should not be attached to each other in the middle, otherwise the entire structure will turn out to be too high and unstable. This mount should be slightly off center.

Now, through a bolted connection, we attach the outer crossbars (320x40x20) to the upper parts of the outer legs. We do the same with the internal crossbars, securing them to the upper parts of the internal legs.

We received a hinge joint that will allow our future stool to fold. Now we attach the bars for sitting to the fixed crossbars with self-tapping screws: the two outer ones, wide, 90 mm each. It is worth considering that these external bars are attached like this: one to the outer crossbar, and the other to the inner one, and they should protrude in relation to the crossbars by 15–20 mm.

We measure 100 mm from the bottom of the legs and attach the legs for rigidity. Now the most basic thing begins - this is the fastening of two internal narrow bars 60 mm wide. It is their correct installation that will determine how well the folding mechanism of the stool will work. Do not forget that these narrow bars for sitting are attached in the same way as wide ones: one to the outer crossbar, the other to the inner one.

Approximately 15–20 mm should separate the narrow internal bars from the wide external ones. In this case, the height of the entire stool structure can be up to 450 mm from the floor. This is a normal standard height at which a person can feel comfortable. If the stool turns out to be taller, you can reduce its height by inserting an additional bar with cross-sectional dimensions of 20x20 mm.

Of course, the stool itself cannot be classified as ergonomic furniture. But it is always an integral part of the home interior. It doesn’t matter what it is, this stool is small or large, folding or not. It is important that making a stool yourself, firstly, will save you money, and secondly, it will be a good indication that you have skillful hands.


See how you can make a simple stool:

This video shows how to make a stool from oak:


A stool is an integral element, a must-have fixture in any home. It's not too expensive or rare to make your own, but a homemade stool is sure to be more durable and elegant than a standard item from any store. This is what we will talk about today.

As with any more or less serious work, you need to be well prepared to create a stool.

List of required tools

The first step is to prepare all the tools that may be useful to you. You need to prepare different tools, as we will look at various photos of stools from which you can do the work yourself.

The list looks something like this:

  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • sandpaper, and ideally a grinding machine;
  • fine-toothed hacksaw;
  • pencil;
  • ruler or corner.

Materials for making a stool

In addition to tools, of course, you will also need materials for making a stool. Their list can be limited to the following points:

  • marker;
  • roulette;
  • beam;
  • slats;
  • plywood
  • foam;
  • textile;
  • buttons, nails, screws.

Possible stool options

Since stools are considered a fairly common option for seating, there are many varieties of them. We believe that it is necessary to consider the most convenient and popular ones in order to know for sure what you can make with your own hands.

The most popular options are below:

  • in the form of an ordinary chair;
  • a small stool suitable for balconies and for use as a stand. Often has a height of no more than 25 centimeters;
  • stool with soft upholstery. It resembles a regular stool in the form of a chair, but due to the presence of soft upholstery, it is often used in modern kitchens;
  • folding option. The well-known folding stool on which grandmothers sit at markets, fishermen at fishing and summer residents at their dachas.

To dot the i's, we suggest you look at the photos of the stools that we have included in the classification.

The stool that we want to consider first is ideal both for the kitchen and for the glassed-in loggia, where you can sit down to relax and drink tea. It will have crossed legs, fastened with timber for greater structural stability. The seat of the stool will be covered with fabric, under which there will be foam rubber. This soft stool will be the perfect seat in any kitchen.

Naturally, in order to do everything properly, it is not enough just to follow the instructions, you need to carefully study the drawing, which we recommend that you do.

Characteristics of the bars

To make a stool, we need to prepare the bars. Their characteristics will be as follows:

  • the length of the bars from which the legs will be made is 48 centimeters;
  • the location of the intersection of the legs is 24 centimeters from either side.

Making a wooden stool

Making legs and base

The first thing you need to tackle is the legs of your future stool. Let's get down to business:

  1. Take a pre-prepared timber and saw off 4 special pieces from it, the length of which will be 60 centimeters.
  2. Make cuts that will be directed at the correct angle of 45 degrees.
  3. Use a special miter box to saw off the legs, which can guarantee you the absolutely correct angle. This way you won’t waste valuable materials or redo work that was done incorrectly.
  4. After making four legs, they need to be fastened in pairs.
  5. Make special grooves located at the intersection of the legs. Keep the groove depth to half the width of the leg.
  6. When the grooves are made, the legs must be installed in them extremely accurately, without going beyond the boundaries. As a result, you will get a cross-shaped blank. Or rather, there will be two of them.
  7. It's time to work on the stability and strength of the future chair. To do this, you need to make a special beam that fastens the crosspieces of the legs together. The length of the beam will be the same as your future stool. And if you make a stool, the diagram of which was posted above, the size of the beam should be 60 centimeters.
  8. Prepare special grooves for the heads of the screws that will hold the fastening beam on both sides of the cross legs.
  9. Fasten the crosspieces together by screwing the groove to their centers with screws.
  10. Fill the grooves for the screw heads with wood filler so that the fastening points are not visible.
  11. But strengthening the legs in the area where they cross is not enough. You also need to fasten them with bars at the top. In the same way, use screws (2 for each of the crosses) with which you attach bars of equal length to the parts of the legs, cut at an angle of 45 degrees, located on top.
  12. Seal the screw holes to make them invisible.

The legs are ready and all you have to do is paint their base in the color you like best.

Performing sitting

When making a stool for the kitchen, a soft seat is something that must be present in its design. Luckily, it's not that difficult to make.

In order to make a durable seat, you need plywood. Its thickness is not too important, but a thickness of less than 12 millimeters is not recommended, since such a seat will be too flimsy.

Let's get down to business:

  1. Take a circular saw, a jigsaw or a good old saw and use them to cut a rectangular piece of plywood, the dimensions of which will correspond to the dimensions of the chair base. In our case, it is 60 by 40 centimeters.
  2. Take scissors and cut a piece of foam the same size as the seat itself.
  3. Next, cut off the cushioning material. As for its size, it should exceed the size of the seat itself by about 30 percent. Such a reserve is made in order to allow future fastening of the material under the seat.
  4. Arrange the prepared materials in the following sequence: fabric, foam rubber, plywood.
  5. Fold the corners of the material under the lid of the future stool.
  6. Take the material that will serve as the upholstery for your chair. It must be placed on the top of the seat and attached to the bottom using special buttons. Buttons with plastic caps are ideal. They look quite aesthetically pleasing, while holding the material in place very securely.

Congratulations, the part you will sit on in the future can also be considered ready.

Assembling a wooden stool with your own hands

Finally, the few details of the future stool, your own production, have been assembled.

But by “assembled,” we mean they are manufactured. And now they have to actually be assembled so that the stool can be used.

Let's say right away that the work is very simple. All you need to do is attach the finished base to the seat.

  1. Take suitable screws.
  2. With their help, attach the seat to the base of the future stool.
  3. Use 2 screws on each side.
  4. If desired, you can mask the heads of the screws with wood filler.

Your kitchen stool is manufactured and ready for long, reliable service.

DIY folding stool

Everyone knows what a folding stool is, and this has been known, by the way, for a very long time. This is an indispensable assistant when fishing, in nature, it’s something you can’t do without at the dacha. And instead of going to the market and spending money on a stool of suspicious quality, you can also make it yourself.

Stool: dimensions and drawing

The design of such a folding chair is painfully simple, but still, you need to use the drawings so that everything comes out clearly and without unnecessary snags. That's why we offer you the ideal drawing for your consideration.

Necessary materials

To create all the necessary elements separately and assemble them into a single whole in the end, you will need the following devices:

  1. Completely identical bars in the amount of 4 pieces. Their parameters should be 47 by 4 and 2 centimeters in length, width, and thickness, respectively.
  2. Overhead pedestals with parameters of length, width and thickness - 32, by 4, by 2 centimeters.
  3. There are four crossbars under the seats. Dimensional parameters are the same as for the pedestals.
  4. The bars that will act as a seat. You also need four of them. The length is 35 centimeters and the thickness is 2 centimeters. As for their width, 2 bars should be 6 centimeters each, and another 2 should be 9 centimeters each.
  5. Bolts – 6 pcs. The length of the bolts should not exceed 4 centimeters including the head. The diameter should be 6 mm.
  6. Self-tapping screws of 45-50 millimeters.

How to make a stool from prepared materials

When all the materials and tools have been collected, you need to start making the chair.

  1. The very first thing you will need to do is place the axle bolts. They are attached to the legs of the chair, but not in the middle of each of them. This is a misconception about securing the bolts in the center. In this case, the stool will turn out to be high and will not differ in stability characteristics. It is recommended to drill the bolt holes towards the top of the legs.
  2. When drilling a hole for a bolt, do not forget that its head must be recessed into the hole. Consider this moment.
  3. Attach the crossbars under the seat to the upper ends of the stool legs using bolts. Please note that there are four crossbars, and two of them must be connected to the inner legs, and two more to the outer ones.
  4. If assembled correctly, you will have two hinged parts.
  5. These parts must be connected using wide bars for seating. But do not forget to leave small overhangs of 1.5 to 2 centimeters.
  6. The bars are fastened in the following way: one of the bars is attached to the ends of the internal crossbars, and another one is attached to the two external partitions.
  7. Now you need to install the pedestals. They are installed at a distance of 10 centimeters from the bottom of the legs. After correct marking and installation, they should be secured using pre-prepared self-tapping screws.
  8. Moving on to the next step, you will need to secure the middle bars. This operation must be performed slowly, having thought through and calculated all the points. This is because it is very painstaking work. How convenient and freely your future stool will be assembled/disassembled will depend on the correct installation of the bars. The middle bars are located similarly to the wide and outer ones, one for the inner and one for the outer crossbars.
  9. The height of the future stool will directly depend on the place where the internal bars will be connected. The ideal location for their fastening is 15-20 millimeters from the wide seat bars. If you follow this pattern for making the product, its height will be about 35-40 centimeters. Naturally, you can use other parameters based on your own wishes.

Suitable materials and a small nuance

In the process of making a folding stool, in general, you can use almost any type of tree. But it is mainly pine or birch that are recommended. By the way, a pine stool will have very little weight, which is convenient for carrying it frequently and for use on fishing trips and to the country. True, such a pine stool tends to quickly become loose and requires periodic tightening of the bolts holding the structure together.

There is another interesting design feature that will make an already convenient device even more convenient. You can attach a portable handle to the folding stool structure. This handle is attached between the inner legs. If you initially take bolts not 4 centimeters long, but 6-7 centimeters long, you can attach a very convenient handle for carrying the product between the inner legs.

Making a stool with your own hands. Video

At the end of our conversation, so to speak, to reinforce the work done, we offer you an entertaining video that tells you how to make a stool with your own hands.

The video describes in detail all the nuances and subtleties of making a high-quality, durable and reliable chair at home. After spending half an hour of your personal time, you will finally understand all the necessary operations and can get to work with confidence. It’s not without reason that they say that you can read it 10 times, but after seeing it once, you will probably know how everything is done.

All photos from the article

Simple, regular furniture in your home will always come in handy, even if you prefer more extravagant pieces. This is especially true for suburban areas, where you do not appear so often. Today we will talk about a wooden stool, the dignity and functionality of which can be discussed for quite a long time. Most likely, you once made the first model in labor lessons, however, a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, so it is advisable to refresh your memory.

In the photo - a simple wooden stool for the kitchen

The article will provide professional advice as the process is described. So by the time the story ends, you will be quite savvy in theory and will know some of the secrets of the masters. It is even possible that making wooden stools will become your hobby. Why not - any model is always in demand by buyers.


Any product consists of parts, so before work you should take care of the workpieces. You should purchase or find it at your dacha for:

Tip: the legs can be made not in a trapezoidal shape, especially when there is little experience in furniture making, but in a rectangular shape.


To work with your own hands, you should use a reliable and properly sharpened tool:

  • A metal ruler is suitable for measuring;
  • for marking - a metal square;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • screwdriver;
  • sandpaper.

Sometimes this set is added to:

  • glue;
  • additional fasteners;
  • paint (varnish);
  • brushes

The price of this set of materials is quite affordable for everyone.


It starts with coming up with the shape of the stool, keeping in mind that it should be as stable as possible. Therefore, we do not recommend taking into account elongated products, which can often be found near the bar counter ().

Tip: the height of the stool should not be more than 600 mm from the floor. The shape is as close as possible to cubic.

Conventional standard models can be used in different ways - for relaxation, in the form of a stand from which you can carry out home renovation work or harvest from trees in the garden.

The seat area should not be small, it is better when the range is from 350 to 500 mm. After determining the model, make a preliminary drawing of it, indicating all dimensions. This will allow you to determine your material needs.


The proposed instructions will sort everything out:

  1. Make a drawing, and there is no need to try to create them, observing GOST. A simple sketch with exactly specified dimensions will be sufficient.

There are two distinct elements to highlight:

  • drawers - necessary for fixing the legs of the stool and serve as the basis for the seat;
  • Progs - allow you to ensure the rigidity and stability of the structure.

The video in this article will give you the opportunity to find additional information on the above topic.

Making a wooden stool yourself can be an interesting creative work or a simple household chore. It all depends on the model that needs to be made: from wooden parts or thick plywood, you can assemble with your own hands the simplest kitchen seat, a complex structure with transformer functions, or a designer product of an unusual look.

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General presentation of a wooden stool

Any wooden stool is the simplest item for sitting. The varieties of these products are so numerous that it is impossible to list them: from wooden logs, sawn smooth on the top side, to soft banquettes and ottomans.

The requirements for stools are the strength and practicality of each product.

When making different models of stools, exact dimensions are not required. You can make a small copy of a large product (for a child) or change the proportions - you get a kind of short bench or bar stool. It all depends on the requirements of the master, who makes a stool to suit his needs.

What will be required for production?

Creating homemade pieces of furniture allows the use of any available materials. The wood is quite cheap, easy to process and highly durable, meeting all the requirements of a carpenter when making a stool for the kitchen or cottage. Therefore, it is easiest to complete the work using lumber (timber, boards) or thick plywood. The product can combine both types of material.

Selection of materials

When creating furniture yourself, the quality of the material for making the product becomes of great importance. You can also make a stool from scraps of industrial wood or plywood scraps, but they must meet the following requirements:

  1. Plywood of the FSF or FK series is suitable for the stool. It is desirable that the thickness of the sheets be at least 2 cm. For the seat, it is better to use sanded or laminated plywood, otherwise the product will have to be processed manually.
  2. Solid lumber must be well dried (humidity no more than 20%), otherwise the product will dry out during use. For a stool, it is better to take inexpensive hardwood lumber (ash, linden, etc.) or furniture panel made from hardwood. When using coniferous (pine) boards, there is a risk of getting a product whose seat will stain clothes with resin.

Both plywood and solid wood should not have cracks or rotten spots. These defects affect the strength of the stool and spoil its appearance.

The elements cut according to the drawing must be assembled into a structure, connecting the parts of the legs, inserting drawers or legs into place. During preliminary assembly, it becomes clear where inaccuracies were made during marking and cutting. Using rasps and a hacksaw, the parts must be brought to full compliance with each other.

When using the tongue-and-groove method, you need to ensure that the protrusion on the part fits tightly into the recess intended for it. To achieve this, cut out a tenon slightly thicker than the size of the groove, and then finish the connection with a file. When all defects are found and eliminated, and the parts of the connections meet the requirements of the master, you can begin to assemble the stool.

It is important to know: assembly starts from the bottom. The legs of any model are connected in the required order and glued if necessary.

The seat is most often placed on dowels. To do this, drill a hole about 1.5 cm deep, and drive part of a wooden rod coated with glue into it. The remaining end is cut off, leaving 1.5 cm for connection with another part. Holes for dowels are drilled in the plane, glue is applied to the protruding parts of the rods and the seat is placed on the lower part of the stool. With this method, there are no traces of fastenings on the front surface. Assembly on tenons and dowels is considered more reliable than connecting parts with self-tapping screws: the product does not become loose during use.

If desired, the seat can be attached with self-tapping screws. The fasteners are screwed in from the front side, so the heads need to be buried in the wood. Subsequently, the pits are filled with a mixture of glue and sawdust, and then sanded.

Exterior finishing and decor

To make beautiful stools for the kitchen, wooden products are decorated by varnishing, painting or painting. A finishing option can be upholstery with furniture fabric, leatherette and similar materials. The upholstery can be combined with the placement of soft filling on the seat. In this case, the stool will be soft.

High bar models are sometimes complemented by a small back. It does not carry a practical load, being rather a decorative element. The seat of the stool itself can become a finishing detail: it can be cut from a cut of the trunk, given a concave shape, or covered with decorative carvings. Sometimes, instead of a wooden seat for a stool, they make a wicker fabric from durable materials or even assemble a mosaic from PET bottle caps.

Overview of DIY designs

Using diagrams for assembling products, you can assemble a stool quickly and easily. The duration of the work depends on the complexity of the chosen design: for the simplest ones, 1 day is enough, and more complex ones will require careful processing of the parts. But all the proposed options for making a stool will be within the capabilities of even a novice carpenter.

Classic stool

This is the most complex variety, which will require notches and tenons. But the design of such a stool has stood the test of time and is the most durable. For classic models, they used both solid oak and cheap wood, so you can make a stool from any boards 2-2.5 cm thick and 5x5 cm bars.

The algorithm for making a stool is as follows:

  1. Cut out 4 pieces each for the legs, drawers (seat supports) and legs (crossbars connecting the bottom of the legs). The parts must be the same, so it is better to make templates. The length of the drawer is determined by the desired size of the seat: it should be 10-15 cm less than the side of the square. The height of the legs of the stool can be any convenient for a person, and the angle of divergence of the legs downward depends on the length of the legs. If the length of the leg is equal to the drawer, the legs will stand vertically.
  2. The ends of the drawers and legs are designed in the form of tenons 2-2.5 cm long. To do this, part of the board needs to be cut down to form a protrusion narrower than the part itself. Grind the spikes with a rasp to the same size.
  3. Cut the legs for the stool from a block, remove part of the wood with a plane or knife in order to carefully and smoothly narrow the legs downwards. This is an optional part of the work, and the legs can be made the same thickness along the entire length.
  4. On two adjacent sides of the legs, mark recesses for the tenons of the drawers and legs. In this case, the upper edge of the drawer after assembly should coincide with the upper end of the stool leg. The legs are placed at a height of 15-20 cm from the floor; they can be made equal in height or one pair of opposing ones can be installed slightly higher than the other.
  5. It is convenient to select recesses with a chisel or drill, followed by finishing with a file. When selecting a groove, you need to make it a little smaller than necessary: ​​this will be useful for carefully fitting the parts.
  6. Adjust the tenons so that they fit tightly into the grooves. Assemble the structure, check whether the legs are the same length, eliminate defects and disassemble the base of the stool.
  7. Lubricating the tenons and grooves with PVA glue, reassemble the stool and tighten it with a strong cord, wrapping the places where the drawers and legs are installed. Dry for 24 hours.
  8. Make holes in the ends of the legs and the edges of the drawers and insert dowels using glue.
  9. Prepare the seat: cut, sand the edges and surface. On the inside of the seat, mark the position of the dowels and drill holes so that they are not through. Lubricate the dowels with glue and connect them to the seat. Tighten with a clamp and dry.
  10. Varnish or paint the finished stool.

Simple model

It is better to make this small wooden stool from thick plywood, as it should be durable. You will need to cut 2 identical rectangles for the legs and 2 circles for the base and seat. The diameter of the circles should be slightly larger than the width of the legs.

On rectangular elements, determine and draw midlines vertically and horizontally, mark the center of the part at their intersection. Then make cuts along vertical lines to the center mark. The width of the cut should be equal to the thickness of the plywood.

To assemble, coat the inner edge of each cut with glue and insert the parts into each other to form a cross-shaped structure. The edges of the parts must be at equal heights.

Place 1 circle on top of the legs, determine places for fastening with screws. The fastener must fit vertically into the plane of the round part and into the edge of the base. For convenience, you need to drill 4 through holes in the circle, into which you then screw the screws. Repeat the operation with another circle. The result is a light stool.

Based on this design, you can independently develop many varieties with curly legs, without a lower round base, of different heights. These varieties are simple and reliable options for stools for the kitchen - you can complement and decorate them to your liking.

With soft seat

To make a round stool for the kitchen with a soft seat, you will need a piece of foam rubber large enough to cut a circle with a diameter equal to the rigid base. For upholstery, you can take durable fabric (flock, tapestry or other furniture). A second circle is cut out of it, the diameter of which will be larger than the first by the total thickness of the foam rubber and plywood plus another 4-5 cm.

Place foam rubber on the seat, cover it with upholstery fabric, and tuck its edges onto the wrong side of the plywood base. Fix the fabric with a stapler or attach it with self-tapping screws to the bottom of the stool seat, first at 4 points located crosswise. Then, moving around the circumference and making neat folds, secure the rest of the fabric.

Child model

A children's stool can be a simple smaller copy of a large one. If you make several of these chairs, you can cut out seats for them in the form of puzzle elements. When playing, children will be able to assemble a table or bench from several stools.

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