The vision board is how to design it correctly and realistically. Vision board: why it is needed and how to create it. Wish board of what to make from

Finishing 13.10.2023

When a person wants something sincerely, his wish will certainly come true. This happens by concentrating on a specific goal and making every effort to achieve it. One of the tools that can help in this matter is a vision board, which is easy to make with your own hands.

What is a vision board?

Many people do not believe that thoughts can become reality. By concentrating on certain positive changes in life, you will involuntarily look for ways to achieve what you want and generate new ideas for this. This is called visualization of desires. In order not to keep everything in your head, they came up with a goal board on which images of what you want are placed and filled with energy, evoking a feeling of possession.

How does a vision board work?

There is nothing unusual in this; the selected pictures help you not to forget about your goals and direct your energy in the right direction. He hopes that if you just make a vision board and constantly look at it, miracles will immediately begin to happen - funny. The operating principle of this assistant is different. It is as follows:

  1. When a Feng Shui vision board is created, a person begins to clearly understand what he wants. At the same time, all goals are specified as much as possible.
  2. Additionally, it is possible to create an accurate visual image of what you want. There are few who can visualize images in their heads; many find it easier to find a suitable image that will become an element of self-programming.
  3. A vision board will work if it is viewed as an action plan for the near future. It is a reminder of priorities and goals to achieve which you need to do something.

When should you make a vision board?

You only need to create a “magic artifact” at a certain time. The beginning of creating a map is considered to be the moment of unfolding the paper, and the end is the securing of the finished work in the chosen place. There are many opinions regarding the ideal time, for example, some argue that you need to focus on the growth phase of the Moon. Others consider the period from Catholic to Orthodox Christmas to be suitable.

Most believe that a vision board should be created in the first two weeks of the New Year. Moreover, the period must be counted according to the Chinese calendar. For them, the beginning of the new year does not have a fixed date, but depends on the phases of the moon. People who study subtle matters claim that at this time the boundaries between worlds disappear, and there are more chances for desires to come true.

How to make a vision board?

In order to get the most positive result, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for creating a “magic assistant”. When looking for information on how to properly design a vision board, you need to know what is important to take into account in the process. This includes the following points:

  • decide what needs to be prepared;
  • understand what the size of the base should be;
  • find out which zones must be present.

What to make a vision board from?

Making a visual plan of your goals is easy. A wish card can be made on a cork board, whatman paper or a sheet of cardboard. To do this you will need the following material and tools:

  • dense base of the desired size, for example, 68x68 cm;
  • a personal photograph without unnecessary faces on it;
  • pictures with different images;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

What size should a vision board be?

You can make a “helper” in different shapes. It can be a square, octagon, circle or rectangle. Ideally, it is better to take a format of 68x68 cm. This size is suitable for creating a visualization map manually or designing it in Photoshop. According to experts, this size will help you place all the photos without overlapping them with each other.

Vision board - zones

The foundation is visually divided into parts, each of which is responsible for a specific direction in life. The colors of the wish card are different, and it is important not to confuse them. The base is divided into 9 parts:

  1. In the center– health zone. A personal photo is posted here, with a smile and in a great mood. Additionally, you can place everything that you want to change in your appearance. A dream visualization can be a collage of an ideal body, the main thing is that the face is your own.
  2. Above photo(south) – symbolizes glory, the color is red. This part contains images of the awards and honors that people dream about.
  3. Upper left corner(southeast) – wealth sector, light green color. Pictures that are associated with prosperity and profit are pasted here.
  4. Top right corner(southwest) – place of love, color light brown or pink. Everything related to personal life is posted here. These should be romantic symbols of the wish card, but without photographs of specific people.
  5. Left middle square(east) – family sector, color green. Family images are chosen for him.
  6. Right middle square(West) – children, creativity and self-realization, color white. They post pictures of children, hobbies and things that are associated with self-realization.
  7. Below the photo(north) – career block, color blue. Select images of the desired position or everything associated with it and the salary.
  8. Bottom left square(northeast) – sector of intelligence and wisdom, color yellow. Everything associated with knowledge is put here.
  9. Bottom right corner(northwest) – sector of travel and assistants, color gray. Photos of attractions and countries you want to visit are posted here.

Photos for the vision board

Once all the goals have been identified, you need to take care of visualizing them using specific images. The goal map can consist of real photos or taken from magazines and the Internet. The main thing is not to use the first picture you come across to make your dream come true; the image should resonate in your soul with a storm of positive emotions and an unshakable decision to get what is presented on it.

Electronic wish board

Recently, people are becoming more and more dependent on the Internet. People not only communicate with friends or make various purchases online, but also solve other problems. Today, online wish cards are gaining popularity. In fact, it is no different from the usual version, but its creation is faster, because there is no need to cut and glue something. Instructions for creating a wish card online are as follows:

  1. A new map is opening on a special website.
  2. A personal photo is inserted. If necessary, adjust its size or angle of inclination.
  3. Pictures are selected depending on the sector.
  4. Affirmations or any inscriptions associated with desires are added.
  5. The deadlines for achieving the goals are determined. It is important to indicate adequate dates. The optimal time frame for fulfilling desires is from one to three years.
  6. By default, all sectors will be painted in colors taking into account Feng Shui, but they can be changed if desired.
  7. At the end, the wish board is saved and sent to the specified email address.
  8. The dream card can be placed on your computer desktop or printed on paper.

How to activate the vision board?

After the “magic assistant” is ready, you need to “turn it on”. The rule for activating a wish card is easy - to do this, write a simple goal on it that can be easily accomplished, for example, buy some little thing that will cheer you up. As soon as it comes true, the personal wish board is activated. It is important to remember that energy needs to be renewed, this means that all pictures of fulfilled desires must be deleted and replaced with new ones.

Where to hang your vision board?

A place located in the east or southeast is considered traditional. Whether other residents of your home or friends can see it is everyone’s decision, but there is an expression: if you dream about something, then it’s better not to tell anyone about it.” Great places to place a vision board are in your living room, office, or bedroom. For everything to work out, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. You cannot hang the “magic assistant” on the wall behind which the toilet, bathroom or kitchen is located. These places are unfavorable from an energy point of view, because waste and dirt are dumped there.
  2. The corridor is also not suitable. All energy will escape through the air flow directed through the open door.
  3. Avoid placing unnecessary items in a closet. The same goes for a closet full of things.

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Each of us dreams of having a lot of money, a prestigious job and a friendly family. We want to see the world not only from the TV screen, but, unfortunately, not all of these dreams are destined to come true. However, this happens not because a happy life is available only to a select few, but because few of us truly believe in ourselves and our capabilities. Therefore, you need not sit idly by, but move towards your goals. To do this, first of all you need to transfer them from your head to paper. Then you will clearly understand what you need in life, and this will inspire you to take active action.

Nowadays, wish cards or, also called, vision boards are gaining popularity. This is a kind of visualization of all a person’s desires and goals, which serves as a strong motivator and helps to achieve success. To correctly draw up such a map according to Feng Shui, we offer you step-by-step instructions.

You will need:

We attract good luck to life

To motivate yourself for a happy life, and all your goals become a reality, create a wish card. Before you start creating, prepare all the necessary materials.

There are two options for doing this job:

  • traditional handmade;
  • modern - using computer technology.

Despite the fact that the second method is much easier, faster, and the picture will turn out more professional, we still recommend making a wish card the old fashioned way. By drawing it with your own hands, even if inept, you will feel more connected to the images in your life.

So, if you decide to follow our advice, arm yourself with whatman paper, a personal photograph that captures a happy moment in life, as well as various magazine clippings that embody your desires and goals.

A correctly compiled Feng Shui vision board should be drawn up on certain days of the waxing moon, which are indicated in the Feng Shui calendar.

The main thing is that you do not make a visualization map on the days of Closure, Destruction and Deliverance.

Making a collage of wishes

Prepare everything you need and start designing your motivational vision board.

You must make appropriate inscriptions on all your pictures, because the power of words is considered fundamental in the theory of Feng Shui.

If you decide to go with a digital map format, sign the images using an editor and save it on your computer.

Regardless of whether your map will hang on the wall or act as a background on your desktop, your poster must initially be divided into eight sectors, each of which will be responsible for a certain area of ​​your life. This is called the Bagua grid.

Let's start from the center

The first step is to fill out the central part of the future wish card. This health zone should contain your happy photo, signed with a short phrase, without the “not” part. For example, “I’m slim” or “I’m in love.” The signature should symbolize your main dream, which is most important to you at the moment. Don't be afraid that if you change your mind soon, nothing will change. This is not true, just change the photo and that's it.

The upper left corner of the poster is the wealth sector

When filling out this area of ​​the wish map, the main thing is not to be modest. Sometimes we ourselves are afraid of our desires, and we cannot even say out loud the dream of enormous financial wealth. But in vain, because in this way we block opportunities ourselves and don’t even try to achieve heights, because if you don’t believe in yourself, then no one will believe.

Everything on the vision board should be to the maximum. Define your global dreams, decide what kind of wealth will help you achieve them.

Allow yourself to be an immensely rich and successful person on the map.

Images of jewelry, banknotes and expensive cars are suitable. Seeing yourself surrounded by such benefits, your subconscious will be able to believe that this is also possible in real life. Complete the pictures with the phrase “I am a millionaire.”

Bottom left – wisdom sector

This area is responsible for your achievements in terms of education and life experiences. Design it with appropriate pictures in the form of a diploma of higher education, certificates of completion of the courses you dream of. Place here everything you want to learn in your professional and creative activities.

Family sector

Perhaps one of the most important areas for most people. It is located between the two previous sectors.

Almost every person dreams of a large and friendly family, although some do not admit it.

And this is normal, because why should you work, build a house, earn millions, if there is no one to rejoice at your career successes, no one will be waiting for you in the house with a warm dinner.

Design the family sector on your wish map with various photographs of smiling children, depict your relatives, your loved one, in general, your personal ideas about a happy family should be displayed here.

Your children are at the bottom of the map

Immediately below the family and love zone is the children and creativity sector. Here you can visualize all your ideas about an ideal child. Attach pictures of creativity, children's drawings, sports cups, everything that you want to achieve from your children. This zone, according to Feng Shui theory, should be filled with the existing and future victories of your descendants.

Visualization of desires is the creation of the correct mental image of what you want to receive. There are rules according to which you can completely materialize your thoughts and turn them into reality. And one of the tools is a wish map.

Your subconscious is a translator, and your thoughts are reality. To get what you want with minimal effort, you need to learn how to correctly broadcast your desires to the Universe.

Why wishes don't come true:

  • Excessive importance - you are too fixated on what you are trying to get, which is why there is a bias towards excess potential.
  • You make wishes in a negative way. For example, your goal is to harm someone (you want to steal someone else’s husband, get someone else’s property, force someone to do something against his wishes).
  • Your desire is not yours - you are striving for what your soul does not really want, ignoring its true needs.
  • Unfavorable period - a vision board or wish map works only when compiled and activated at a favorable time.

If you want to get the desired result, follow these rules:

  • Make truly your wishes, and not those imposed by society and the environment.
  • If your goal concerns another person, he must want the same thing.
  • The desire must be exclusively positive.
  • And environmentally friendly. This means that it will not bring harm to anyone, but will only bring good.

How to determine if your desire is truly yours:

  • When you think about it, it brings only joyful emotions and a feeling of inspiration.
  • You don't have to doubt or convince yourself.

Important rules:

  • Do a vision board only on an auspicious day.
  • Be sure to make the map yourself. This is necessary because in the process you fill it with your energy.
  • Work with the card only in a good mood.

If you do everything right, within a year all your goals will be realized. The duration of its fulfillment depends on the complexity of the desire.

Options and card layout

There are many ways to create a vision board.

For example:

  1. Electronic.
  2. Paste pictures depicting your goals onto whatman paper.
  3. Draw images of your aspirations on whatman paper.
  4. Stick or draw on a cork board.

It is very important that the images are placed in the correct sequence on the map. The sheet of whatman paper is divided into sectors, into each of which you will glue pictures:

Favorable days for drawing a map

For the card to work, it must be done on the right days. This:

  • The first two weeks of Chinese New Year. The most favorable period.
  • Any other day on the waxing moon (except for exception days).

Exception days:

  • On the waning moon.
  • On days of solar or lunar eclipses.
  • During Mercury retrograde.
  • On the days of the New Moon or Full Moon.

You can look up the exact dates on any astrological website.

Selection of pictures

It is very important not to make mistakes and choose suitable images for each sector of the map:

  1. Central sector: place your photo here. You should be shown alone, in positive emotions. Find a photo from a happy event: graduation, birthday or any other celebration where you are smiling and happy. The newer the photo, the better. In the same sector we glue everything related to health: you can place images of a beautiful figure, athletes, and so on.
  2. Sector of love and relationships. Pictures of happy couples, weddings, flowers, romantic walks. Everything that concerns you, your significant other or future personal happiness. Photos of acquaintances (husband, boyfriend, friend) cannot be pasted here.
  3. Children and creativity sector. Photos of the number of children you want, and everything related to creativity: hobbies, hobbies, everything you want to learn and master.
  4. Sector of assistants and travel. Photos of countries you dream of visiting, travel, friends, noisy companies, hikes, and so on.
  5. Career sector. Images of satisfied customers, graphs showing sales growth, logos of companies you dream of working for, and so on.
  6. Knowledge sector: courses, trainings, educational programs, photos of driver's licenses, certificates, diplomas, everything you want to learn.
  7. Family sector: grandparents, cats, dogs, pictures of family feasts, photos of children, relatives, husband. Everyone with whom you plan to stay and live happily.
  8. Wealth sector: car, jewelry, expensive things, jewelry, brands, and everything related to income and wages, you can use money.
  9. Glory Sector: your photo in a magazine, a blog with a large number of subscribers, presentation of prizes, certificates, awards, everything that symbolizes the calling of your merits.

Important: each sector should have approximately an equal number of pictures. Otherwise, excess potential will be created in one of the sectors, which may cause all others to suffer.

Watch a detailed video about drawing up a Desire Map:

Activation of the wish card

For the card to start working, it must be activated. This is very simple to do: place an image of some simple desire in one of the sectors. For example, a movie ticket in the entertainment sector.

And then buy a ticket and go to the show. From this moment on, the Card will be activated and begin to work, attracting the forces of the Universe to realize everything you have wished for.

Before doing this, do not forget to sign all the pictures with positive affirmations. Examples:

  • Love sector - “I attract happy and harmonious relationships into my life.”
  • Wealth sector - “my income is enough to buy everything I like and need.”
  • Travel sector - “I travel at least twice a year, visiting different countries.”

These are just examples, you can create your own signatures, taking into account what you want to receive.

You need to store the card in a secluded place where no one will see it. For example, you can glue it to the inside of a cabinet door.

Tells psychologist Lidia Gevorkyan:

Yana Smirnova, ABOUT Health: This seemingly simple technique - you cut out pictures from magazines of what you want, pictures of your desires that need to be realized - is actually very effective. What is its use?

Lidia Gevorkyan: Firstly, it is structuring your life plans, arranging them and highlighting the main and minor ones.

Secondly, specify what you need. You no longer want to “change the car”, but find a very specific image - with make and model - that you want. Along the way, you find out prices and all sorts of purchase nuances, which means you are already on the path to realizing your desire. The same thing happens in an even more active form with non-material desires. Are you single and want to find love? You are looking for a portrait of a “Prince Charming”, simultaneously answering many questions: what industry is he from (a banker or a “freelance artist” even in advertising pictures look exactly the same), where you could meet, what he likes (dogs, cars, good coffee ) and, therefore, how could you meet?

How to create a “vision board”?

A vision vision board, also called a “dreamboard” (from the English dream board) is a large cardboard or magnetic board (minimum A3 format) on which you attach pictures of what your 2017 will be like. Dream as boldly as possible!

Do you want to get married? Cut out beautiful pictures of white dresses, celebrations, hugging couples from magazines. Do you want to have a baby? Need photos of babies. To travel a lot? Cut out pictures of all the countries you dream of traveling to.

Be positive. Everything you formulate should be as specific and positive as possible. Don’t wish anyone harm or trouble. Wish yourself more success and good luck!

Don't be shy about material desires. This is the simplest and most specific thing you can ask from the universe. A car, a beautiful new apartment - even cut out the layout if you know exactly what you need.

Consider all areas of life. Conditionally divide the board into 4 parts. The upper right will be associated with study and work, career. Write with a marker what salary you dream of achieving by the end of this year (of course, if you write $1 billion, it won’t come true, so dream what you believe is achievable). In this corner you can add a beautiful office, training courses, a beautiful girl in a business suit (the image will symbolize you). The next (clockwise) zone is home, family, children, your parents. The brighter and more specific the images are, the better. Even if you don’t want any changes in your life, you can capture the positive by including a photo of a happy family from an advertisement. The third block is relationships: with the opposite sex and with friends. And the fourth aspect is you and your knowledge of the world around you. Place here your travels, book lists, performances you dream of attending, a new language you would like to learn, etc.

Watch daily. The board should be hung so that it hits your eyes as often as possible. It is best to see positive images of your desires every day. But at the same time, the board needs to be placed in a fairly secluded place so that every time strangers do not ask questions: “Oh, what is this?” Optimally - a bedroom or a workplace at home.

Post, because it is dedicated not to the design we are used to (the design of interiors, objects, cars, landscapes, etc.), but to the most important and responsible design that each of us deals with - the design of our lives, happiness and success. In particular, I want to talk about one very interesting tool for achieving your goals and realizing your dreams - a vision board. I want to tell you right now, because the New Year is coming - the most suitable and correct time to create a vision board.

Let’s immediately dot the i’s: A vision board is such a miraculous thing that makes wishes come true. But before you get to the point of fulfilling your cherished desires, you need to deal with other equally important questions: how to make a vision board and, most importantly, how to make it work? But this is precisely the most interesting thing.

How to make a vision board?
A classic vision board (other names: wish map, treasure map, dream collage, dream board) is a very specific object: a certain plane on which a wide variety of visual images of your dreams are applied: pictures, drawings, photographs and inscriptions.

The base can be an ordinary Whatman paper, like the ones we used to make school wall newspapers, or a piece of cardboard. The size of the board can only be limited by your imagination and the number of desires.

I can also suggest a more advanced option - an office cork board, on which photographs can be pinned rather than pasted. Personally, it seems to me that this option is more interesting, convenient and mobile, because it allows you to easily and simply edit the contents of the board as your desires transform (and some desires will definitely change from year to year, believe me).

The sources of photographs and inscriptions are usually glossy magazines, books, newspapers, and photographs. You can make inscriptions and drawings by hand - this will add zest.

By the way, I’ve come up with another brilliant idea on how to design a vision board, turning it not just into a working tool, but into a real work of art that you won’t be ashamed to proudly hang in the most prominent place in your home.

This idea was inspired by the work of 4-year-old artist Aelita Andrey. In particular, I was impressed by these two paintings of hers, in which the girl uses not only paints, but also glue and a wide variety of unexpected objects: masks, brushes, spoons, sponges, brushes, candies, dried flowers and in general everything that tucks under your arm)

If you take the vision board very seriously, then you cannot do without a scientific approach. Experts say that to get the maximum effect from the board, you need to know a simple algorithm for arranging wishes on the board. Its essence is that the board should be divided into 9 parts.

In the center of the board should be placed you, as the source and generator of dreams and goals, and you, as the recipient of everything that you send to the Universe with the help of this board. This also includes your health, as an inseparable part of you and a condition of your existence. Other important things should be placed in the remaining parts: wealth, love, career, etc.

Here is a detailed description:
1. Center - HEALTH: place your most beautiful photo here, in which you are happy.
2. Southeast - WEALTH: symbols of wealth, precious stones, money. Place pictures here of your dream home, yacht, desired car, etc.
3. South - GLORY: here is a place for medals, cups, awards. All attributes that will speak of your success. This is the area of ​​your position in society and your personality.
4. South-West - LOVE AND MARRIAGE: here is the right place for pictures of couples in love that reflect your vibrant relationship, the most important emotional component. Find a place for symbols such as: doves, rings.
5. East - FAMILY: place happy and joyful families, possibly with pets.
6. West - CHILDREN AND CREATIVITY: place photos with children here. Place various creative attributes: piano, easel, etc.
7. Northeast - WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE: place here pictures related to wisdom, knowledge, such as books, owls, etc.
8. North - CAREER: place here elements related to the desired activity. The quality in which you want to see yourself.
9. North West - FRIENDS AND TRAVEL: Place relationships with friends here. And also the countries you want to visit.

It seems that they tried to make this vision board something like this:

By the way, it is not at all necessary to make a hodgepodge of vision boards. It may well be thematic. For example, only on the topic of family and personal life or on the topic of work and career. Moreover, it is not necessary to make a vision board into a board. It could also be a “visualization journal.” Magazines are usually created for many years and accompany the owner throughout his life.

But here's the problem: we live in the 21st century - the century of technology and a chronic lack of time for such a whim as wielding scissors and glue. How to be?

It's very simple: create “electronic vision boards”. Here, as with classic boards, there can be several design options. The simplest and most obvious: a blog post. The advantages of a blog board are obvious:
1. Enormous savings of time and effort.
2. No restrictions! The size limit can only be your imagination and the number of desires
3. The widest possibilities for searching and using pictures and photographs.
4. The ability to describe your desires in detail - down to the smallest detail (and this is very important!)

There are just one or two downsides:
1. The impossibility of making a board “according to science”, dividing it into 9 sectors, as shown above (although no one is stopping you from grouping all your desires by topic: work, study, family, development, etc.)
2. The inability to have the board constantly in front of your eyes (and this is also important!)

Particular perverts make electronic vision boards of desires in the form of videos. Often these videos look like complete nonsense, but if it brings someone’s wishes fulfilled, then this option also has the right to life)

Another non-trivial method is electronic wish lists. I think everyone knows on the Internet at least 1-2 sites for compiling and storing wish lists.

With this, you can close the topic of creating vision boards and finally move on to dessert: how to make the board work for the benefit of the fatherland?

Of course, I can now tell you that when we admire a vision board and imagine that we already have all this, our subconscious immediately absorbs this information and starts the mechanism for achieving the goal. And as a result, wishes begin to come true one after another, as if by magic.

But I won't say that. I don't want to disappoint you, but miracles don't happen. Having made a board, you will not open your third eye and find a lamp with a genie. Let's be honest with ourselves. But wait to be upset and close this post with disappointment. In fact, boards actually work.

How does a vision board work?
Firstly By creating a vision board, you bring order to your own head. And this is the first important step towards fulfillment of desires. What do you really want? Much money? It's too abstract. It won't work that way. If you yourself don’t really know what exactly you want, then how does the Universe know this?) You must see a completely clear final goal before your eyes.

How exactly do you want to get this money? Do you hope that your rich uncle from America will die? Are you planning to start your own business? Are you dreaming of a promotion at work? How much money exactly do you want to receive? Is this a one-time amount? Or do you mean your annual income? In a word, decide what exactly you want.

Secondly, in the matter of visualization, the visual image that you imagine is very important. Not all people have the ability to see their desires and fantasies in the form of images. They are often very blurry and indistinct. Drawing up a vision board makes it possible not only to understand what exactly you want, but also how exactly it should look. And the more clearly you imagine this and the more detailed you describe your dream, the better.

Maybe you want to fall in love? What should your ideal partner be like? What color is your hair, eyes, skin? What's your height? Smart or handsome? Rich or kind? How old is he? What is his job? Where does he live?

Are you dreaming of a car? Which one exactly? About the Audi Q7 or maybe the Infiniti FX35? What color should it be? Engine capacity? Number of horsepower?

Do you want to live in your own home? Oooh, this topic is generally inexhaustible. Is there a fireplace there? How many rooms? What about the stairs? Must there be an office? What about the pool? What fruit trees should grow in the garden? What color will the walls be in your bedroom? Bath or Jacuzzi? How many square meters is in the kitchen?

Third, here's a fact: Harvard scientists collected interesting statistics according to which 3% of people who recorded their goals in writing, after 10 years, earned on average 10 times more than the remaining 97%. In addition, modern psychologists are convinced that goals simply need to be written down and visualized. In their opinion, a person who has written down his goals and life priorities achieves them on average in 1-2 years, while others need up to 10 years or more to achieve the same thing.

Something to think about, right? And in my opinion, everything is explained very simply: a vision board (or its analogues) is not just a picture on the wall that people meditate on every day in the hope of a miracle. No. This is an action plan. A list of things to do in the next...twenty years. Conclusion: don’t wait for a miracle, act! If you think that after painstaking work on the board you can breathe a sigh of relief, stretch out on the couch and wait for the execution, then this is not so.

Fourth, a person working on visualizing his desires is usually much more attentive to those amazing coincidences, useful people and acquaintances, successful opportunities and situations that come his way. All he has to do is recognize these “signs of support” and use the opportunities that arise to realize his dream.

What to do with a vision board?
Opinions on this matter are very contradictory. Some believe that the board should be removed away from prying eyes (they say that strangers “disrupt the energy of the board”). Others, on the contrary, believe that the board should always be in sight so that you can see in front of you what you are striving for every day. This way you will fuel your desire to achieve what is shown on the board.

Personally, I am inclined to the second option, and not only for the reasons that have already been given. Firstly, you yourself should see the board as often as possible. Therefore, hang it in a place where your gaze will often fall on it. Some people recommend hanging it in the bedroom opposite the bed so that the board is the first thing you see when you wake up and, accordingly, the last thing you see when you fall asleep. Some go even further and hang the board above the bed - on the ceiling!) Some recommend hanging the board in the far left corner of the room, when looking from the door. This is some kind of Feng Shui stuff. In that corner is the wealth sector. In any case, it's up to you. Just don't hang the board in the closet or closet. Otherwise you never know)

Secondly, I believe that a classic vision board in the house that attracts the attention of not only you, but also your friends, guests and relatives is always a good thing. After all, you wouldn’t invite random people into your house, but only those with whom you have good relationships and who probably wish you well? (couriers and other strangers don't count - you wouldn't hang a board in front of your front door, would you?) So their positive energy will only enhance your visualization. The same is with the electronic vision board: close the post with the “blog board” only for friends (after all, there are no random people among them, and certainly not enemies?) and their kind comments will only strengthen the visualization of your desires)

And one more point - purely psychological. The more people you communicate about your dreams and intentions, the greater the weight of responsibility for your words. You’re not some kind of blabbermouth, are you?) If you dream of losing weight and “declared it publicly,” there is only one option left - go ahead and sing)

(wonderful photo of the visualization map craze from aynart )

And finally, a few tips:
1. Don't copy others' dreams. Try to forget about what your family, friends (even with the best intentions) or society impose on you. Do you really want to get married before 25, as your mother tells you? Or do you really want to first get on your feet, get a good education, become a valuable specialist, buy a car, and only then think about a family? Do you really think that a red Ferrari is the ultimate dream, or have you actually always wanted to drive a big black SUV with tinted windows?

2. Don't rush to make the board. Take as much time as you need to think carefully and do everything efficiently. The board begins to work not only when you have completely finished it and are relieved to hang it on the wall in a beautiful frame, but also when you have pasted the first photo on it and written the first words.

3. Make the board beautiful. If it's a classic vision board, make it truly a work of art. Let it become a real decoration, an art object in your apartment. Let your guests admire it. May she give you pleasure every time you look at her. It should give you only positive emotions.

4. When listing desires on the board, be sincere with yourself. If your husband dreams of a boy, and you have dreamed of a girl all your life and have even come up with a name for her, but, of course, you also have nothing against a boy, but still you really want a girl... don’t follow your husband’s lead, Place a photo of a beautiful girl on your vision board and label her name.

5. Have patience and know how to calmly, dispassionately wait for “delivery of what you want.” Often we get what we want not when we are nervous and waiting for something to happen, but when we let off a little steam and calm down.
If a desire is not fulfilled, there is no need to “wedge” on it. "Release" him. Perhaps you are not ready for it yet. It will come true when it is really needed and important to you.

6. Do not treat the board with irony. This is a sign that you don't really believe in it. And if you yourself do not believe in the possibility of fulfilling your desires, then what kind of fulfillment can we talk about?

7. If you want to achieve maximum effect, be as detailed as possible in each of your dreams. Not only describe what it looks like, but also how much it will cost you to make your dream come true (how much does your dream car cost?) and in what time frame you want to get it (a year, a month?) Don’t play into goals like “tomorrow have a salary of 10 $000" (if today you earn $1,000), set realistic deadlines.

8. Set yourself not only big final goals, but also small intermediate ones. For example, if you are going to buy a penthouse for $1,000,000, then first you will need to sell the apartment for at least $400,000 in order to add $600,000 from your bank account to this amount and get the necessary amount.

9. There is an opinion that a visualization map should be done every year - in January. At the end of the year - December 1 - you need to take stock and burn the old map in order to give the “high office” for December a little rest and reorganize so that in the new year you can start working on your new board with renewed vigor)

And in parting: John Rockefeller dreamed of earning 100 thousand dollars and living to be 100 years old. As a result, he earned $318 billion and died at the age of 97. Yeah... not all dreams come true.

I hope this opus was useful to you and will help you achieve your dreams. Good luck!)

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