Caviar from zucchini for the winter as the USSR. Zucchini caviar according to GOST USSR - a very simple recipe. Video: zucchini caviar for the winter according to GOST

Drywall 17.09.2020

« Zucchini caviar» is made from fried or boiled zucchini, fried onions, carrots and white roots, tomato paste, vegetable oil, salt, herbs, spices, with or without added sugar, flour.

Canned food is packed in tin or glass jars, hermetically sealed, sterilized.

Incoming raw materials and materials must be accompanied by quality certificates, declarations of conformity of suppliers.

Canned food "Caviar from zucchini". Delivery, acceptance, storage.

Raw materials (zucchini, onions, carrots, white roots) are delivered to the plant in box-type plastic containers or in other containers that ensure the safety of raw materials during transportation.

Acceptance of raw materials is carried out in batches.

Upon acceptance, the production laboratory determines the quality characteristics of raw materials.

Each accepted batch of raw materials must be provided with a label of the established form indicating:

  • names of raw materials;
  • commercial grade;
  • lot numbers;
  • date and time of arrival at the factory.

When processing raw materials, it is necessary to observe the order of receipt of raw materials (the FIFO principle - first in - first out) for production, taking into account its qualitative state.

Canned food "Caviar from zucchini". Washing.

Zucchini, carrots, white roots washed in drum brush machines and in fan washers with rinsing at the outlet.

sweet pepper, onion washed in fan washers.

For high-quality washing of vegetables:

  • it is necessary to change the water in washing machines as the water becomes contaminated, but at least once per shift;
  • water pressure must be at least 2.5 atm.

Canned food "Caviar from zucchini". Cleaning. Inspection.

Zucchini. Remove the stalk with sepals, inspect, rinse under the shower.

Carrots and white roots. Leaves of leaves are removed, mechanically cleaned, inspected, rinsed.

Onion. Cut the neck and root lobe, mechanically clean, inspect, rinse.

During the inspection, additional cleaning of vegetables is carried out, vegetables of poor quality, affected by diseases, and agricultural pests are removed.

Canned food "Caviar from zucchini". Cutting.

Zucchini, for CAVIAR FROM BOILED Zucchini, are crushed on a machine for crushing vegetables, served in a scalder, where the zucchini is scalded at a temperature of (95 - 100) 0 C, rubbed on a mashing machine with a sieve diameter of 3.0 mm, 1.0 mm.

Zucchini, for ROASTED Zucchini CAVIAR, are cut into circles 20 mm thick or into pieces ranging in size from 8 mm to 12 mm.

Carrots, white roots cut into noodles with face sizes (5-7) mm.

Onions are cut into circles 5 mm thick.

Canned food "Caviar from zucchini". Preparation of materials.

Ground black pepper.

Ground fragrant pepper. Bags are opened, observing measures to prevent the ingress of foreign objects.

Greens (dill, dried parsley). Bags are opened, observing measures to prevent the ingress of foreign objects.

Wheat flour. The bags are opened, observing measures to prevent the ingress of foreign objects, dried in Krapivin ovens at a temperature of (110 - 115) 0 C until a light cream color appears, sifted through a sieve with a hole diameter of 0.8 mm.

Tomato paste is inspected, the integrity of the packaging is checked, the packaging bag is washed and wiped, after which the packaging is opened and the dry matter content is checked using a refractometer.

Vegetable oil, entering production is passed through a filter with holes with a diameter of 0.8 mm to 1.0 mm.

Salt. Bags are opened, observing measures to prevent the ingress of foreign objects.

Sugar. Bags are opened, observing measures to prevent the ingress of foreign objects.

Canned food "Caviar from zucchini". Roasting. Boiling.

Frying is carried out on steam-oiled ovens at a temperature of (130 - 140) 0 C. To prevent foaming, vegetable oil is first calcined at a temperature of (160 - 180) 0 C.

Onions, carrots, white roots are fried separately. It is allowed to fry together with strict observance of the recipe bookmark.

The roasting process is controlled by organoleptic indicators (color, taste, smell, texture) and:

The results of the control of roasting vegetables are recorded in the journal "".

The mashed squash mass is boiled on a vacuum evaporator to a solids content of 9.5 ± 0.5% (according to a refractometer).

Before feeding the boiled squash mass for mixing, the mass fraction of titratable acids is determined in it. It is allowed to apply the mass for mixing if the mass fraction of titratable acids does not exceed 0.2%.

The results of boiling control are recorded in the journal "".

Canned food "Caviar from zucchini". Cooking caviar.

Caviar from fried zucchini. Fried zucchini, white roots, carrots, onions are crushed on a top or a mashing machine with a sieve opening diameter of 3.5 mm.

When frying zucchini with stalks, zucchini is crushed on a mashing machine with a sieve diameter of 1.2 mm, and then zucchini is mixed with chopped white roots, carrots and onions.

Chopped vegetables are fed into the mixer, with constant operation of the mixer, tomato paste, salt, sugar, herbs, spices, vegetable oil are added according to the recipe. The mixture is heated to 85 0 С and served for packaging.

Caviar from boiled zucchini. Boiled (concentrated) squash puree to a mass fraction of solids of 9.5% (according to a refractometer) is served for mixing. Fried white roots, carrots, onions are crushed on a top or a mashing machine with a sieve hole diameter of 3.5 mm and served for mixing.

Mixing boiled zucchini and chopped fried vegetables is carried out in a mixer with a constant operation of the stirrer, tomato paste, salt, browned flour, herbs, spices, vegetable oil are added according to the recipe.

The mixture is heated to 85 0 С and served for packaging.

The mass fraction of solids according to the refractometer in the finished zucchini caviar should be at least 12.5%.

An example of a recipe for caviar from zucchini in%:

Raw material Fried zucchini caviar Boiled zucchini caviar
Boiled zucchini 77,57
Fried zucchini 80,52
Roasted carrots 4,6 3,0
Roasted white roots 1,3
Onion fried 3,2 5,0
Dried greens 0,03 0,03
Salt 1,5 1,5
Sugar 0,75
Ground allspice 0,05 0,05
Ground allspice 0,05 0,05
Tomato paste, 30% 6,0 6,0
Vegetable oil 2,0 6,0
Flour passivated 0,8

The results of the control of caviar preparation are recorded in the journal "".

Canned food "Caviar from zucchini". Packing, corking.

The control of net weight in jars before sterilization is determined by weighing at least 6 jars, the frequency of control is once an hour.

The results of monitoring the net weight of the product of the temperature of the product are recorded in the journal "".

The deviation of the net weight for single cans is ±3%.

Filled jars are sealed with lids on seaming machines. After corking, a visual inspection of the cans is carried out, while cans with defects in the seam seam and other defects are rejected.

The results of the control of the disassembled seam of a tin can are recorded in the journal "". The frequency of control is once per shift.

The results of the control are recorded in the journal "". The frequency of control is once per hour.

Ask any person over 40 today what store-bought snacks they liked the most as a child. The answer will be instant - caviar from zucchini. Soviet Union has not existed for a long time as a state, but the memories of the good that was, remain in the memory of people. Currently, canning factories produce caviar according to TU (technical specifications) or according to GOST 52477 2005 (valid in 2018 and today).

But products manufactured according to their respective recipes cannot be compared with Soviet GOST 51926 2002. Despite the fact that modern products use almost the same ingredients, squash caviar according to GOST of modern manufacturers is not distinguished by its exquisite taste. And the price is not always attractive. If you have time, it's better to cook caviar yourself and please your homemade caviar from zucchini, as in the USSR. Such a product can be harvested for the winter.

Ingredients for snacks like in the USSR

All the ingredients needed in the manufacture of squash caviar according to GOST for the recipe are always in large quantities from gardeners. Yes, and residents of cities to purchase them will not cause much labor and material costs.

So, we need to prepare caviar according to GOST for the winter:

  • zucchini - 3 kg;
  • refined vegetable oil - 0.3 l;
  • onion - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 1 kg;
  • tomato paste - 3 tablespoons with a slide;
  • garlic cloves (large) - 8 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • ground black pepper - 2 g (you can replace black pepper with a pot - 10 pieces and fragrant 5 peas);
  • celery or parsley root (chopped) 1 tablespoon.
  • table salt (not iodized!) - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • vinegar essence 70% - 1-2 tablespoons (considering taste preferences and spoon size).

Cooking caviar according to GOST for the winter

Cooking zucchini

For high-quality caviar for the winter, young zucchini are better suited, in which seeds have not yet formed. In them, unlike overripe vegetables, you do not have to remove the pulp. And the consistency of the finished snack is more tender.

Washed and dried zucchini is peeled, cut into pieces.

Spread in small portions in a frying pan with hot oil until the entire workpiece is stewed. Zucchini are fried over medium-high heat without a lid to evaporate excess liquid.

Onions and carrots

Peeled and washed under running water, onions for caviar are cut into cubes. To prevent this vegetable from making you burst into tears, you can hold it in the freezer or sprinkle a little salt on the board.

Rinse parsley or celery root and cut into pieces.

For zucchini caviar for the winter, GOST 2002, carrots are chopped on a coarse grater or cut into strips. Prepared vegetables and roots separately (allowed according to the GOST recipe and at the same time) are sautéed in heated oil in a frying pan with the lid closed until softened for 5-10 minutes.

We put all the vegetables in one cauldron. Drain the oil from the pans there.

Pass peeled and washed garlic cloves through a crusher. It doesn't need to be fried. This spicy vegetable descends almost before the end of cooking zucchini caviar.

Chopping vegetables

To get caviar from zucchini for the winter, according to GOST, grinding in a meat grinder is not the best option, since the composition will not be homogeneous. Of course, our mothers and grandmothers did just that, but today this procedure is best done with an immersion blender.

Cooking process

After that, the caviar from zucchini for the winter according to GOST, which operated in the Soviet Union, is transferred to a container with a thick bottom on a minimum fire. It is good to cook it in a cauldron with the lid closed. The mass must be stirred periodically so that it does not burn.

After an hour, add the remaining ingredients from the recipe (except for vinegar and garlic), mix and continue to cook for at least another half hour.

Then add vinegar essence and garlic, cook no more than 5 minutes.

Until the squash caviar, according to GOST, has cooled down for storage for the winter, it is transferred to hot sterile jars and rolled up. To make sure that air does not pass and will stand all winter, the jars are turned over on lids and wrapped. In this position, the caviar should stand until it cools completely. Homemade preparation is stored excellently in any cool place.

To prepare delicious caviar from zucchini according to the GOST 51926 2002 recipe for the winter, it will take a little more than two hours. But there is no need to regret the time spent: you will not buy such fragrant zucchini caviar in any store.

Recipe for zucchini caviar for the winter:

Instead of a conclusion

Caviar made from zucchini - useful product. Even from heat treatment, the quality of the ingredients is not lost. The snack is especially useful because it is low-calorie, but at the same time nutritious. The finished product contains a large amount of vitamins, trace elements, minerals and acids.

The GOST recipes that existed in the USSR are still considered the standard, since they were created by specialists, worked out for years in production by experienced craftsmen. As for the modern production of canned vegetables, they are mainly made according to specifications, that is, the product does not always meet the taste, the recipe changes dramatically.

Many people do not like this kind of caviar. That is why the relevance of recipes not only does not decrease, but only gains popularity. The time spent is compensated by the excellent appetite of the household and the praise of the culinary abilities of the hostess.

Squash caviar for the winter according to GOST. step by step recipe cooking.

Ingredients for 2 liters of finished product:

  • 3 kg zucchini (about 6 medium "carcasses"),
  • 1 kg carrots (5 pieces, if small),
  • 1 kg onion (or 3-4 large onions),
  • at least 50 ml of refined vegetable oil,
  • 1 tablespoon of salt and sugar,
  • 4 tablespoons of tomato paste (without "peas"),
  • a few cloves of garlic
  • ground black pepper - to taste,
  • blender is a must!

How to cook Soviet squash caviar "Nostalgia"

Prepare all vegetables: peel carrots and onions, wash zucchini. If they are tender, young - let the skin remain in place. If you got the "oldies", take more of them, but remove the peel and seeds - let them not spoil the final product.

In turn, cut all the vegetables into cubes of arbitrary size (carrots, if you prefer, you can just grate coarsely, and chop the onion into half rings).

Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the zucchini until soft - you may have to do this in several stages, adding oil. Don't worry, the caviar will not be greasy!

Now it's the turn of the carrots - put it in a frying pan, and let it come to half-cookedness.

Do not forget the onion too - hold it in hot oil until a delicious golden crust appears.

Place all vegetables in a saucepan. The ideal option is thick-walled dishes such as aluminum or cast iron goose.

In such dishes, zucchini caviar will warm up better and burn less.

Process all vegetables with a blender. If it is submersible, this can be done right in the pan, if it is with a bowl, it will be better to puree the vegetables immediately after frying, and only after that put them in a saucepan.

Simmer vegetables over low heat, stirring all the time (even in a cast iron they will try to treacherously burn), for about 30 minutes. Be careful, the caviar will not only try to burn, but also puff, and maybe shoot.

We add tomato paste to our future zucchini caviar. The vegetable puree was pale before, but now it will acquire the “correct”, appetizing color.

Black pepper and garlic (I literally put a couple of cloves in, as I cook for children).

We stew our tender zucchini caviar for another 10 minutes ... And that's it, you can close it!

Important clarification: this recipe is without vinegar. Such caviar can be given to children more calmly, but it may not last until spring (although the tomato paste, which we did not stint here, is also a good preservative). So it’s better to open the jars in the first half of winter ... Well, if it’s very hot in your kitchen in summer, you can hide this zucchini blank in the refrigerator for a while.

Or the second option: you can cook caviar, cool it, put it in thermal trays, and freeze it for future use. Then you don’t have to worry at all how long the caviar will last. Even defrosted, it will be like from a store.

I have been looking for this recipe for a long time, I tried various homemade express methods for preparing zucchini caviar - everything is not right. And finally the right recipe found Soviet squash caviar!

Zucchini caviar as store-bought, recipe according to GOST

Finally, I found a recipe for such zucchini caviar, as in childhood. In kindergarten, they gave it to us along with mashed potatoes. No matter how much I tried to make it, it turned out delicious, but somehow watery, more like vegetable caviar.

The secret of store-bought squash caviar in flour, it is thanks to her that caviar becomes such a pleasant viscous and uniform consistency, and even in high temperature cooking- it is thanks to the oil that the caviar will boil at a higher temperature than 100 degrees. Well, if you have thick-walled dishes, for example, a cauldron. We will cook in it!

Vegetable zucchini caviar prepared according to this recipe always turns out thick and bright, you can spread it on bread - it will not spread, in a word, the very taste and texture!

Vegetable blanks should be stored in a dark, cool place at a temperature of +2 to +8 degrees Celsius. So that the top layer of caviar does not darken, you can pour a thin layer of calcined vegetable oil into jars. The oil film prevents the oxidation process, the vegetable mass will retain an appetizing color.

It takes 80 minutes to prepare. From the ingredients indicated in the recipe, you get 2 cans of 0.5 liters.

- zucchini - 1 kg.;
- onion - 300 gr.;
- carrots - 300 gr.;
- sunflower oil - 120 ml;
- tomato puree - 30 gr.;
- sugar - 15 gr.;
- salt - 12 gr.;
- table vinegar - 15 ml;
- wheat flour - 25 gr.;
- garlic, paprika, black pepper.

Pour sunflower oil into a deep saucepan with a thick bottom or a cast-iron brazier. We clean the onion, chop finely. Mince a few cloves of garlic. Throw the onion into the pan, after a couple of minutes the garlic. Saute vegetables for 7 minutes.

We rub the peeled carrots on a large vegetable grater or cut into thin strips. Add chopped carrots to the browned onion, cook for 12 minutes.

We clean the zucchini from the peel and seeds, cut into small slices. We put the chopped zucchini in a saucepan, simmer the vegetables over medium heat for about half an hour.

Next, add tomato puree, salt and granulated sugar. To taste, you can season the dish with ground sweet paprika or black pepper. In my opinion, paprika is better, it gives not only aroma, but also adds color.

Fry the wheat flour in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Pour the fried flour into a saucepan, mix, pour table vinegar and cook everything together for another 10 minutes.

Grind the stewed vegetables in any convenient way until a thick homogeneous puree is obtained.

We lay out the caviar in dry sterilized jars, close. We sterilize a container with a capacity of 0.5 liters for 20 minutes.

GOST recipes were considered and are considered reference. These are exactly the dishes that those people who lived during the Soviet era yearn for. This is not surprising, because in dishes prepared according to GOST, there is not only a touch of nostalgia, but also a recipe worked out over the years, compiled and verified by experienced chefs and technologists.

Cooking according to GOST is very popular today and attracts many lovers of homemade recipes. And despite some difficulties in converting industrial portions into their own, family ones, the result of cooking is always pleasing. What can we say about the famous marrow caviar? After all, most people represent this caviar precisely in the GOST guise: bright orange color, homogeneous and creamy, incredibly fragrant and fragrant.

This recipe for squash caviar according to GOST is suitable for harvesting it for the winter. But be careful when leaving it in large quantities in the refrigerator in plain sight: in the morning it can disappear without a trace, and all the household members will definitely have a wide and contented smile on their faces.

Ingredients for preparing a 0.5 liter jar of caviar

  • 1 kg zucchini
  • 80 grams of tomato paste
  • 60 grams of carrots
  • 50 ml vegetable oil
  • 40 grams of onion
  • 20 grams of celery root or parsley
  • 1.5 teaspoons of salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 gram pepper (1:1 black peas and allspice)

How to cook zucchini caviar according to GOST

To prepare zucchini caviar, give preference to small fruits - they are more tender both in taste and texture, which means that the caviar will turn out to be much more creamy. In addition, in small zucchini, the bones do not need to be removed. In large zucchini, pitting is a must.

So, wash the zucchini thoroughly and remove the peel from them.

Cut the zucchini into slices about a centimeter thick.

Pour half the vegetable oil into a hot pan and fry the zucchini on medium-high heat until they start to turn brown. The fire must certainly be rather big so that the zucchini does not begin to give up water and stew in it - it is necessary to fry.

While the zucchini is fried, chop the onion, and grate the carrots and celery root (parsley) on a coarse grater.

Transfer the zucchini to another bowl, pour the remaining oil into the pan and fry the vegetables in it until soft.

After that, combine the vegetables and mix them. Be sure to pour all the oil in which they were fried into the vegetables.

Using a blender, carefully chop the vegetables in a puree - it should be as homogeneous as possible.

Send the caviar to a frying pan or small saucepan and simmer it for 15-20 minutes on minimal heat to slightly evaporate the moisture and the caviar becomes even thicker. Then add tomato paste to the caviar and mix it well, simmer the dish for another 5 minutes.

Prepare spices. As you can see from the photo, 1 gram of pepper is three peas of allspice and 10-11 peas of black pepper.

Grind black and allspice in a coffee grinder or in a mortar.

Add salt, sugar and pepper to the caviar.

Stir the dish so that the spices are evenly distributed, and remove the caviar from the heat.

If you are preparing zucchini caviar for preservation for the winter, put it in sterile jars and seal. If you cook caviar just like that, as a snack, then let it stand under the lid for an hour and a half before enjoying it - this way it will infuse and be saturated with aromas.

Those who found the times of the USSR remember well the taste of squash caviar, because the shelves of grocery stores were filled with it. Now such caviar is no longer made, although the choice is huge, but the composition leaves much to be desired. Since now the zucchini season is in full swing, it’s a sin not to roll up a few jars of delicious zucchini caviar for the winter. This year I have grown a lot of them, I have already prepared a huge number of dishes with them and will cook more.

I always use this particular recipe, the caviar turns out to be very tasty and tender, I recommend that you try it too.

So let's get everything ready first. necessary products for the preparation of squash caviar for the winter according to GOST USSR (as in a store).

First, wash and cut the zucchini into small pieces. Heat a thick-bottomed patch, pour in a small amount of oil, put the zucchini and simmer over low heat without a lid, while excess moisture should partially evaporate.

I use young zucchini from the garden, do not remove the skin and seeds. If you have a store, it is advisable to cut the skin.

Peel onions and carrots, cut into medium pieces, carrots can be grated on a coarse grater.

Heat up the pan with vegetable oil, lay out the onion.

Add carrots.

Add parsley root and, stirring, fry over medium heat until soft, no need to fry.

Transfer the browned vegetables to a patch with zucchini.

Grind with a blender into a homogeneous mass or pass through a meat grinder with a fine grinding attachment. Put on a very low heat and simmer covered for about 1 hour, stirring occasionally.

Then add tomato paste, salt, sugar, pepper, mix well and simmer for another 30 minutes.

Arrange the boiling squash mass in sterile jars, close with sterilized lids, turn over, cool completely and put in the refrigerator.

Zucchini caviar for the winter according to GOST USSR (as in a store!) Is ready.

Enjoy your meal!

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