Why do planes crash so often in Russia? Why are planes falling, or what is wrong with Russian aviation? Why do Russian planes fall?

Anti-corrosion 16.10.2020

After the terrible plane crash that happened on Sunday in the Moscow region, the editor of one of the Mail.ru portals contacted me and asked several questions that are of concern to most air passengers today. I answered all the questions on Monday, but for 3 days the article has been undergoing approval from the editor-in-chief, journalists have doubts, they want to take a comment from an aviation engineer, but no one gives them, and the interview is losing its relevance. You can even see the date of creation of this text a little higher now. I don't like such bureaucracy, I publish all interviews on my channel.

Everything has its own lifespan, but I would not now focus on the age of the aircraft and recommend that passengers, with panic in their eyes, look for signs of aging just before the flight. A catastrophe can also happen with a new plane, and the old one can safely fly for a long time and without incident. From my point of view, competent and timely Maintenance aircraft. It is very expensive. Highly. On airplanes, something constantly breaks down, this is normal. As a rule, these are some minor breakdowns - from a broken coffee maker in the kitchen to a burnout of some indicator light. Airlines that have sufficient funds to maintain their own team of technicians and the ability to purchase spare parts in advance, quickly repair their aircraft. Technicians come on board immediately after passengers leave and change what is needed, literally in an hour, while the cleaning services are engaged in cleaning, and the flight attendants hand over and take food. When the system is put on stream, even the elimination of serious problems is quite fast.

Small charter or local airlines often “accumulate” malfunctions, and then send the plane for full repairs. It's cheaper. Therefore, first of all, I would recommend everyone to weigh the risks in advance. Simply, without any fear, soberly analyze the ticket price, the size of the airline, its recognition, and imagine yourself in the CEO's place: how much money would you be willing to allocate for timely operational repair of aircraft, would these expenses pay off? After that, you will not have any questions about whether it is worth flying with this or that airline. By the way, I'm not against low-cost airlines, they save money on the lack of food service, and not on security, although such companies are also different. I don’t go to travel agencies, I don’t fly charter airlines, they are often actually run by the heads of travel agencies, who are at the forefront of the number of tickets sold, and not the safety issues in air transport.

As for small local airlines, I don't fly with them either. Perhaps, if some small local airline buys or leases modern aircraft and receives sufficient funding from the regional budget, my opinion will change. Now I often observe that planes decommissioned by large carriers or new, but very old aircraft models fly on local routes, which have long been outdated and lagged behind technological progress, so they are certainly less safe than their modern counterparts. The claim that short flights are more dangerous is just a myth, it's all about the planes operated by local airlines and their level of maintenance.

In addition, the level of training of pilots, flight attendants and other personnel of large airlines is very different from that of workers on local or small charter airlines. Small and little-known companies often employ those who were not hired by larger ones or were fired from them due to some irregularities or poor results of regular exam testing. I wrote about this and.

It is sad that there are very few items on my list of priority airlines. I will not list anything now, you can find everything on my channel, but I am for healthy competition, of course, I do not like this situation. It is especially insulting for the inhabitants of remote settlements... From my point of view, on this moment it is really safer for them to travel by train or car to the regional center, and then get on the plane there. But I in no way call anyone to anything, this is my personal point of view. Everyone takes risks as they see fit. If we take general statistics, then the plane is indeed the safest form of transport, the death rate on the roads is several times higher.

If you have already bought a plane ticket, checked in your luggage and boarded, it is better to just relax and calm down, distract yourself with something from negative thoughts. Take care of your nervous system and heart. Read more about how to overcome your fear of flying. Nobody will thank you for a long flight delay due to the removal of already loaded baggage. This process is quite long and expensive. For every hour of downtime, the airline loses a lot of money, especially at a foreign airport. When a passenger is removed from the board, his luggage is also taken off with him, for this they unload all the suitcases back, find the necessary luggage, and then load it back again.

If, after all, we talk about the visual signs of an old aircraft, then this is, first of all, an old model released into mass production 100,500 years ago, as well as the presence of technical inscriptions on the doors, in the toilet or other places in languages ​​unusual for this country, in Russia it is customary to write "open the door", "flush", etc. in Russian and English. I flew on an airplane that was previously operated at AeroMexico, in some places technical inscriptions were preserved on Spanish... These are the plates that were inherited from the previous airline. The main thing to remember is that, for example, for Turkish airlines, inscriptions in Turkish and English will be the norm. In America, all signs are often duplicated in Spanish, including on airplanes. If you see the logo of another airline on a trolley or container in the kitchen, this is not a sign of an old plane. This only suggests that the catering service, serving food for several airlines at once, mixed up containers and carts or simply did not find the amount of equipment needed for this flight with the logo of this company.

The photo was found on the Internet. The usual picture for our airlines: inscriptions in Russian and English.
The photo was found on the Internet. Bad example, but I couldn't find a better one. Usually, inscriptions in a third language (in this case, Turkish) are located somewhere away from the main plate with instructions in Russian and English. These are the plates that were inherited from the previous airline.

If we talk about the plane crash that happened, then yesterday almost all the media spread the news that the icing was the cause. This is a fundamentally incorrect wording! In case of icing, the An-148, most likely, would not have been able to gain altitude and would have fallen immediately, only breaking away from the runway. As far as I understand, he managed to gain altitude, and he did not fall instantly. Therefore, it is definitely incorrect to say that anti-icing treatment was not performed before departure.

I definitely don’t want to make any diagnoses right now, I don’t have the necessary data in front of my eyes, I didn’t witness the disaster, I’m not a member of the accident investigation commission, I’m not even an aviation engineer or a pilot. But one thing I can say for sure. According to preliminary data of the IAC (Interstate Aviation Committee), “... a factor in the development of a special situation in flight could be incorrect data on the flight speed on the pilots' indicators, which, in turn, was apparently associated with icing of the RPM (total pressure receivers) when the state was turned off their heating systems ... ”This suggests that either something was malfunctioning in the plane, or the pilots did not turn on the RPM heating system, or it did not work. Aircraft icing is when the fuselage, wing, engines are covered with a thin crust of ice, and not freezing of the total pressure receivers. Therefore, even in the very title of the article, you need to write about RPM icing. Missing one seemingly small detail can radically change the meaning of what was said, confusing everyone. I understand that the headline should be bright, but not enough to lie.

One reader recently wrote to me. I hope I answered the question.

PS: A resident of Orsk wrote to me, I am publishing her long, emotional, but very informative letter.

In conclusion, I would like to express my sincere condolences to the families and friends of those killed in the An-148 plane crash of the Saratov Airlines.

I wish everyone that such disasters do not happen again, and the number of take-offs always equals the number of successful landings. Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Love!

Plane crash of the hockey team "Lokomotiv Yaroslavl" © Reuters

The plane crash near Tyumen, in which 31 people died, was the first disaster of this magnitude in 2012.

After the tragic year for Russian aviation in 2011, Russia again leads by a wide margin in the world statistics of plane crashes.

We tried to figure out how often planes crash in Russia, why this happens, and recalled the largest plane crashes of the decade.

Deadly statistics

The historical leader in the number of plane crashes is the United States. Since 1945, 653 civilian aircraft have crashed there, according to the Aviation Safety Network. Almost 10 thousand people died as a result of accidents.

Since 2007, 293 people have died in plane crashes in Russia.

Russia ranks second. Over the past 66 years, 266 accidents have occurred on the territory of the USSR and the Russian Federation, in which 6.5 thousand people died. It should be noted that Russia and the United States are leading largely due to the volume of air traffic - the more flights, the higher the likelihood of an accident.

But the number of plane crashes in the world and in the United States, in particular, has been decreasing over the years. If in the 1990s 12 thousand people died in aircraft crashes, then in the 2000s the number of victims was 8.2 thousand.Here is the graph of the number of deaths in plane crashes in the United States for 1945-2010:

Against this background, the statistics for Russia looks depressing. So, if since 2007 118 people have died in plane crashes in the United States, then in Russia during the same period - 293 people.

The last year was the most tragic for the Russian aviation. Russia ranked first in fatal plane crashes, behind only Congo. In 2011, 514 people died in plane crashes worldwide, of which 120 were in the Russian Federation, that is, more than 20% of the total number of victims. 2012, which began with only strengthened the position of the Russian Federation.

See the graph of plane crash victims across the USSR and Russia over the past 65 years:

Causes of disasters

Experts name poor pilot training among the main reasons for plane crashes in Russia. To release one pilot, it is necessary to burn from 60 to 160 tons of kerosene. Due to the high cost of fuel, pilots are often only taught to fly in simulators. And according to statistics, 80% of air crashes are caused by the human factor.

Another reason for the disasters is the dilapidation of the Russian aircraft fleet. So, in 2005, only 37% of passenger traffic fell on new generation aircraft. The remaining 63% are still Soviet aircraft.

For example, the Yak-42, which crashed the Lokomotiv hockey team, was banned in the European Union in 2009 due to serious security deficiencies.


Il-76 and Boeing-737 JT8D topped the rating of the most dangerous aircraft compiled by the American business magazine BusinessWeek. There is one plane crash for every 500,000 flight hours. The Tu-154 is also in the top three: on average, every thousandth flight is crashed.

Most often in Russia, the An-2 maize aircraft fall, which entered the Guinness Book of Records as the only aircraft in the world that have been produced for more than 60 years. An-2 is not necessarily the most unreliable aircraft - it is just the most common. But over the years, equipment failure becomes the cause of disaster more and more often.

Disasters of the Decade in Russia

21st of June 2011 year there was a Tu-134 plane crash in Karelia. The plane made a hard landing near the Petrozavodsk airport. The fuselage collapsed and a fire started. Killed 46 people out of 52 who were on board.


In July in the Tomsk region. During the flight, the engine caught fire, but the pilots managed to land the plane on the water, although not without casualties - seven of the 37 passengers and crew members died.

On September 7, near Yaroslavl, a Yak-42 crashed with the Lokomotiv hockey team on board. Of the 45 people on board, only one flight engineer survived.

In August 2010 year in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the plane An 24 crashed. It fell during the landing approach at Igarka airport and caught fire. The crash killed 12 people.

In September 2008 year while landing at the airport of Perm crashed Boeing-737 of the airline "Aeroflot Nord", flying from Moscow. All 88 people on board were killed. The plane crash was caused by the pilots' erroneous actions.

July 9 2006 year Airbus A310 crashed at Irkutsk airport. The plane rolled out of the runway. 125 people died.

On August 22 near Donetsk Tu 154M of Pulkovo Airlines crashed. The plane, flying flight 612 from Anapa to St. Petersburg, tried to slip over a thundercloud, instead of bypassing it from the side, fell into a flat spin and crashed into the ground at a speed of 300 km / h. There were 170 people on board, all of whom died on the spot. This tragedy became the largest plane crash in the history of Russian aviation.

24 August 2004 year two Russian planes crashed in terrorist attacks. Tu 154 and Tu 134 flew from the Moscow Domodedovo airport to Sochi and Volgograd. On board each of them was one suicide bomber. Almost simultaneously, they set off explosions, and both planes fell. All 90 people who were in two planes were killed. Later, the leader of the Chechen militants, Shamil Basayev, claimed responsibility for the attacks. He said that the organization of the explosions cost him $ 4 thousand.

In August 2002 the largest helicopter crash in the world happened in Chechnya. Mi-26 with the military on board was shot down by a missile. At the same time, the helicopter was overloaded twice, and even landed in a minefield. 127 people were killed.

In July 2001 year Tu-154 crashed at the airport of Irkutsk. The pilot made a mistake when landing. All 145 people were killed.

In October, a Russian Tu-154, flying from Tel Aviv, fell into the Black Sea. All who were on board were killed - 77 people. The plane was accidentally shot down by a Ukrainian missile.

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Why do our planes fall and people die in plane crashes?

Answering this question, it must be said that not only our planes but also missiles are falling. True, in this case we are losing not people, but satellites. As an excuse, some people say that not only our planes and missiles are falling, they say this is a very complex technique and therefore critical emergencies are inevitable. Yes, this happens not only with us and the reasons are very different, although in fact the reason is always the same - shit does not fly! You can design an ideal plane or rocket, but if a small but extremely dangerous shit is inserted into them as a component, then a catastrophe is inevitable and it has always been so, but only in Russia they stopped fighting it. In the Soviet Union, they built far from the most convenient, but reliable aircraft, which were very expensive to maintain, but this did not really bother either the aviation industry or Aeroflot - the life of the Soviet people was valued higher.

And in the Soviet Union in the aviation industry, the strictest rules of technological discipline were established and there was such a state acceptance that almost completely eliminated the marriage, that is, it was impossible to put shit on the plane. Yes, but at the same time, people working in the aviation industry understood perfectly well that insignificant structural elements are simply physically impossible in an airplane, and therefore shit for an airplane was not made from the word at all. According to their degree of rigidity and uncompromising, there were three main types of state acceptance: military space and military, aviation and civil... At the same time, the military and aviation state acceptance were practically indistinguishable and if an accident happened or the gods of aviation disaster, the experts quickly found the reason and those people who made and missed the shit for assembly were always severely punished, but this happened extremely rarely and flight accidents always had the same reason - the human factor, and it really was so even when it came to force majeure circumstances, since this bastard also has very specific names and surnames.

We should also not forget about the responsibility with which the workers of the Soviet aviation industry treated their work. Grandmother Katya, the grandmother of my childhood friend, during the war years worked at the Saratov aircraft plant, the same one on which the same AN-148 plane was assembled, which recently crashed in the Moscow region near the village of Stepanovskoye. In this case, all passengers and crew, 71 people, were killed. Soviet Yaks, whose wing glue was made by grandmother Katya, didn't just fall, although sometimes they were shot down by the Nazis, the Soviet and French pilots won more victories over the Nazis. Grandmother Katya at that time was a middle-aged woman and her son, the father of my friend, fought against the Nazis. She worked in the workshop where casein glue was made from cottage cheese in order to glue the wings of Yak-1 aircraft with canvas, the time was hungry, but no one even thought about in order to steal or just eat at least 100 grams of cottage cheese, the responsibility of the Soviet people was so great in all parts of the aircraft plant.

Today, journalists scream at the top of their throats, which are much wider than their necks, that in the last moments of their lives the pilots were cursing loudly. Let's imagine such a picture, on the necks of these journalists there are nooses, they are standing with their hands tied behind their backs on the hatches that fold down, and a soulless mechanism pushes the rail and soon they will dangle on the gallows. I wonder what these half-mouthed journalists will say in their last minutes? Will they send their last greetings to family and friends and swear by a ruthless mechanical executioner? But this is exactly how it was apparently in the pilot's cabin, the electronics displayed some kind of mui neu on the display screen while the aircraft's engines were running and it gained a speed of 600 kilometers, but the pilots saw that the electronics showed a speed of 200 kilometers, steel decline and this led to disaster.

About the AN-148 airplane, bloggers say that this is a rare shit, collected at an aircraft plant in Voronezh on PJSC VASO from shit made in Ukraine under a Ukrainian license. General Director - Yurasov Sergey Pavlovich, but this is a state-owned enterprise. True, the owner of Saratov Airlines clearly had a hand in the appearance in the Russian sky. Arkady Efstafiev, the glorious chick of Chubaisov's nest, a carrier of copier boxes and a humble Saratov billionaire who diligently keeps himself in the shadows. A number of criminal cases have already been brought up against him, and who knows, maybe another one related to the crash of the AN-148 aircraft will be brought up.

One plane "AN-148" has already crashed during tests in the Belgorod region, then 6 crew members died, but no one canceled the license for its production. Here we need to make a small digression in addition to the fact that the AN-148 is shit! Any Ukrainian aircraft designer or engineer of an aircraft manufacturing enterprise who did not move to Russia or another country 15-20 years ago should be considered a dangerous terrorist even if he is not a terrorist. Moreover, any complex technical product made in Ukraine should be regarded as a time bomb, and such purchases should be considered a crime and the perpetrators should be brought to justice. Naturally, this is lyrics and nothing more than hyperbole, but it is so.

The real culprit of the crash with the plane "AN-148" and all other accidents is Anatoly Chubais with comrades, who ruined the once excellent aircraft building enterprise and filled the entire Russian industry, economy, financial and banking system by their would-be managers, who are infinitely far from the business they are engaged in and do not know how to do anything except to cut the budget, steal money and work for their masters in America and Great Britain, selling Russia and its wealth wholesale and retail. The plane is shit, made from most of the shit-components, bought anywhere, the work of their hands, but the worst thing is not this, but the fact that with the millions of salaries of top managers of PJSC VASO, like Roscosmos enterprises, the salary of workers is 15- 17 thousand rubles and this against the background of the fact that all of them are also frank swindlers, thieves and outright compradors. So now the question is, what kind of responsibility for the work of one's own hands can we talk about? It simply does not exist, as such, and therefore not only planes fall, but also missiles, but to hell with those satellites that crash at the same time! Scary for people! Today, flying on our airplanes means only one thing, playing Russian roulette, and it will remain so until we change the system.

Once upon a time, at the end of the 80s, in Soviet Union came George W. Bush, who was then Secretary of State and agreed to give an interview to Channel One. Not to be confused with his 1992 interview. Valentin Zorin asked him questions and among them, with the following background, we in the Soviet Union have low labor productivity and poor quality of goods, what would you advise to do? George W. Bush answered bluntly: “Pay your workers more money and they will work better. " Today they want to make us work well in general for a cup of soup, like slaves on cotton plantations in the South America.

Why do our planes fall and people die in plane crashes?

Magomed Tolboyev about the main culprit in the death of AN-148

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Every 2-3 seconds someone lands or takes off. Some are happy about this, others are afraid. Is it worth giving in to fear? The answer will be provided by statistics: how often planes fall, where it happens and how likely it is to fall.

Every day about 100 thousand planes soar into the sky, and, oddly enough, the same number successfully land. Aircraft carry about 4.5 billion people annually, which is more than half of the world's population. How many of them do you think contribute to the statistics of fatalities in plane crashes? No more than 1000 per year. The ratio is impressive, isn't it?

During the entire existence of civil aviation (almost 100 years), less than 150 thousand people died. This is less than the deaths in a month in road accidents around the world.

How many planes fall per year

According to Wikipedia, over the past 6 years, 107 fatal plane crashes have occurred in the world, in which 3,245 people died. This is about 540 victims per year. It is important to clarify that the statistics take into account both commercial airliners and private small planes, and the number of victims is indicated taking into account those killed on the ground. That is, if a falling plane rammed a bus with 10 passengers, then they are also taken into account in the statistics. Therefore, the real numbers of plane crashes of passenger planes are much less.

2010 year: 14 accidents in which 792 people died. The largest tragedy was the unsuccessful landing of an Indian low-cost airline on a Boeing 737 (158 victims) and the fall of the Polish Tu-154 near Smolensk (96 victims).

2011 passed without loud aircraft crashes. The most big number casualties (77 people) were in the Iranian Boeing 727, which failed to land due to poor weather conditions. In total, 45 plane crashes were recorded, in which 552 people died. As is clear from the statistics, these were mainly light aircraft with no more than 10 people on board.

year 2012: 23 accidents, 315 dead. The worst case - the fall of the Pakistani Boeing 737, which killed all on board (127 people).

year 2013 was relatively calm: only 5 aircraft accidents, the total number of victims - 128 people. 50 of them were killed in the Boeing 737 that crashed near Kazan.

year 2014 badly spoiled the statistics for airlines: 15 accidents, with a total number of victims - 980 people. The most large-scale incident was the Boeing 777 shot down over Ukraine, with 298 people on board.

2015 year claimed 478 lives in just 5 plane crashes. The loudest is the Russian Airbus A321 that fell over as a result of the terrorist attack, which killed 224 people.

2016 year I remember the crash of the TU-154 of the Russian Ministry of Defense, which killed 100 people (92 passengers and 8 crew members. In total, over 12 months, air transport caused the death of 389 people.

2017 year went down in history as the safest in the history of civil aviation. In just 12 months, 67 people died.

In which country do planes crash more often?

If we take into account exclusively passenger air transportation, then there is no pronounced "Bermuda Triangle" in which planes most often fall. But if you take the statistics for all air transport, the result will be somewhat unexpected.

For the same 6 years, most of the plane crashes happened ... in Russia - 41, the number of deaths - 559 people. During the same period, 11 aircraft accidents occurred in the United States. It is interesting to note that the latter was back in 2013. Next comes Ukraine (7 disasters), Congo (6) and Germany (4, all in 2010).

Overall, the numbers are very encouraging. Having learned how often planes crash according to statistics, we hope you will feel more confident in flight.

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