Latin Russian online zoological dictionary. Latin-Russian and Russian-Latin Dictionary

Calculator 01.08.2020

The publication consists of Latin-Russian (about 13 thousand words) and Russian-Latin (about 15 thousand words) dictionaries. The Latin-Russian dictionary contains the most common vocabulary of the Latin language of both the ancient and medieval periods, which makes it possible to use it for reading almost any Latin-language literature. The Russian-Latin dictionary also includes not only the concepts of ancient and medieval Latin, but also of the New Age and the present. Therefore, the dictionary will be useful both to those who are studying the language of Caesar and Cicero, Petrarch and Thomas Aquinas, and to those who are trying to create their own Latin texts. For high school and university students studying Latin, for linguists and anyone interested in ancient and modern languages.

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The only dead language that continues to be in active use. Usually languages ​​go out of use and become dead due to being crowded out by other languages. So it was with the Coptic language, which replaced, the dialects of the indigenous people of America were replaced, and. In most cases, dead languages ​​are not used at all and are preserved only in written records.

Latin remains active, albeit in limited use. Other examples of such use are Sanskrit, Avestan, and several other languages. There are examples of the revival of dead languages, for example, the Manx language.

Latin is the progenitor of the Italian branch of the Indo-European languages. Currently, Latin is the official language of the Order of Malta and the Roman Catholic Church. Many words in European languages ​​and international vocabulary come from Latin.

History of Latin

This language received its name from a tribe of Latins from the Latium region, located in the middle of the Apennine Peninsula. According to legend, Romulus and Remus were here in the 8th century BC. NS. founded the eternal city. Along with the expansion of the territories of the Roman state, the Latin language also spread. By the 5th century AD, when the Western Roman Empire fell, Latin was the international medium of communication in all the conquered lands of the Mediterranean. The influence in and its colonies, in Sicily and the south of the Apennines was somewhat less.

Latin was, perhaps, the most developed European language of that period, with a rich lexical composition, covering abstract concepts, harmonious grammar, and laconic definitions.

The entire history of the existence of Latin is divided into several periods:

  • Archaic - VI-IV centuries BC NS.
  • Preclassical - III – II centuries BC NS. This is the period of the formalization of the literary form of the language, embodied in the works of Terence, Plautus, Cato the Elder.
  • Golden Age - 1st century BC NS. The flourishing of the Latin language under the emperor Augustus. Classical Latin has gained completeness, and this is evidenced by the creations of Cicero, Horace, Ovid, Virgil.
  • Silver Age - 1st century AD NS. Classical Latin was influenced by the languages ​​of the colonies, which resulted in a slight decline in the norms of the literary language.
  • Vulgar Latin developed during the Middle Ages. Many new words came to the language, the language of that period is called "kitchen Latin".
  • The era of humanism of the XIV-XVII centuries brought Latin back to the "gold standard". But the gap between classical Latin and its vulgar version widened more and more. In Italy of that period, society experienced many evolutionary upheavals and this strengthened the position of the Latin language. The Renaissance era elevated Latin into a cult, the language was glorified and studied, treatises were written about it and praised in literary works. At the same time, one can clearly see the simplification of Latin and the translation of books written in this language into Italian.

Latin was still the language of science, but Galileo Galilei, by his own example, forced scientists to switch to folk. TO XVIII century the use of Latin was narrowed down to the spheres of science and diplomacy.

The French Revolution prompted the withdrawal of Latin from universities, now teaching was carried out in new languages. In the 19th century, Latin almost completely fell out of use, remaining an instrument of scientific research of classical philologists and doctors. The next century drove Latin out of the Catholic Church after allowing the conduct of divine services in the national languages.

In the modern world, Latin is used by doctors, biologists, and philologists. Most of the scientific terms came to us from Latin, and it has become an international scientific language.

  • All modern Romance languages ​​were formed from colloquial Latin. Thus, learning Latin allows you to understand several European languages.
  • The word “coin” in Latin means “counselor”. This was the name of the Roman goddess Juno, near whose temple there were workshops that minted money. Counselor Juno gave the name to metal money, and in English language money in general - money.
  • Latin words always have one meaning, which makes their use very convenient for scientific terminology.
  • Pronunciation of classical Latin and modern language are completely different, but since the language is mainly used in writing, it does not matter.
  • Latin is the common ancestor of all Romance languages. At the same time, these languages ​​have significant differences, which is explained by the different times of penetration of the language into a particular territory. Over time, Latin has changed, and local languages, in interaction with Latin, created new forms.
  • Traces of Latin in British place names can be traced in the names of cities containing -chester or -castle, which means fortification or military camp (Manchester, Lancaster, Newcastle, Lincoln, etc.).
  • The intensified penetration of Latin into through European languages ​​began at the time of Peter I. Although in the Old Russian language there were already borrowings directly from Latin, go through: bath, chamber, mint, cherry.

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The second edition of the Latin-Russian dictionary has been significantly supplemented, mainly due to the inclusion of the vocabulary of the monuments of late Latin. It makes it possible to read and translate all the main works of Roman literature that have survived to this day, historical works and legal documents, as well as the most important works of Christian patristism and some special works written in Latin until the middle of the 7th century A.D. NS.
All words and examples in the dictionary are provided with an indication of the main authors in whose works they are found.

A, and the first letter of the Latin alphabet; in abbreviations: A. (Aulus Avl (praenomen); A. (Augustus) August; A. August; A. (annus) year; A.A.A. (aurum, argentum, aes) gold, silver, copper; a . (antiquo or abdfco) reject, reject, vote against a new proposal (mark in the written submission of votes in comitia) or (absolvo) justify (mark on the tables in the written vote of the judges, therefore - littera salutari): ad (ante diem): a , d. VIII Kalendas Novembres 7 days before the November calendars; a.i.s. (ab urbe condita) from the founding of Rome or (anno urbis conditae) a year from the founding of Rome; A. (auditor) - in Tusc. Disp. C (unlike M - magister).

I a, ab, (predominantly before te) ads praep. sieve.
1) from, from the surroundings, from: ab urbe Cs. SI etc. from the city, from the city limits; ab Gergovia dis-cedere Cs move away from Gergovia; a sole recedёre С move away from (so as not to obscure) the sun; legati ab Ardea venerunt L ambassadors came from Ardea; distare (or abesse PI etc.) a loco Hirt, L be (some) distance (or stand) from (some) place; procul a mari Cs away from the sea; nоn longe a Syracusis L near Syracuse; prope ab Italia L near Italy; a miiibus passuum duobus Cs in two thousand steps; a pectore V from the depths of the soul, from the (whole) heart; ad carcferes a calce revocari talk Return from end to beginning, that is, start life anew; venit a se PI, The tag came from home (from his home); usque aCapitolio Sot of the Capitol itself;

2) c, y, from the side, on, in, k: Gallia attingit flumen Rhenum ab Helvetils Cs Gallia reaches (extends to) the Rhine River at the Helvetian border (from the Helvetian side); ab Sequanis Cs from the side of sequins; a porta Cs at the gate, but also. P1 counting from the gate; a dextro cornu Cs etc. "on the right flank (wing); a latere Cs etc. on the side; a fronte Cs etc. in front; a tergo Cs etc. behind; ab occasu et ortfl solis L from the west and east (in the west and in the east).

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Download the book Latin-Russian Dictionary, Dvoretsky I.Kh., 1976 -, fast and free download.

  • Problems in mathematics and physics proposed at the entrance exams in 1974-76, Nikol'skiy Yu.S., Fedosov B.V., Chekhlov V.I., Kozel S.M., Belonuchkin V.E., Shelagin A.V. ., 1977
  • Literary reading, grade 4, Workbook No. 2, to the textbook by L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky and others. “Literary reading. 4th grade. At 2 o'clock ", Tikhomirova E.M., 2020
  • Fundamentals of mathematical modeling and optimization of processes and systems of purification and regeneration of air, Dvoretsky S.I., Matveev S.V., Putin S.B., Tugolukov E.N., 2008

To get transliteration (transcription) of Latin words online, enter / paste a word or text in Latin (up to 200 characters) and, if necessary, click the Transliteration button.


Features of transliteration (transcription) of words / text in Latin

  1. Latin characters of any case are processed; the result is given in Russian letters in lower case:
  1. The following Latin characters with accents are processed: ā ē ī ō ū ; â ê î ô û ; ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ ; ǎ ǐ ǒ ǔ ě ; œ æ ; ў ỹ ȳ ; e:
  1. Latin letter j in all positions is transmitted as [th]... The possibility of using a letter is taken into account i instead of j.
  1. In transliteration results, the sign G conveys fricative sound [γ] , sign ў - non-syllable sound [y]... The settings allow to use instead of the sign G signs G or NS, instead of the sign ў - sign v... For Android devices instead of G the default is [ h].
  1. The Tradition preset allows you to transliterate Latin words according to traditional rules (using the settings, you can change any option). In particular:
  • s, c, combinations ti;
  • positional variants of reading combinations are not taken into account ns, sm, prefixes ex-;
  • combinations qu, ngu [kv], [ngv]:
  • combinations ae, oe transliterated as [NS]:
  1. The Classic preset allows you to transliterate Latin words according to the classical rules (using the settings, you can change any option). In particular:
  • positional variants of reading letters are not taken into account s, c, combinations ti, ns, sm, prefixes ex-;
  • combinations qu, ngu front u transliterated as [NS], [ngu], in other cases - as [kv], [ngv];
  • combination ae transliterated as [NS], oe- how [ӭ] :
  • use u instead instead of v not supported:
  1. The Medicine preset allows you to transliterate Latin words according to the rules adopted for reading medical, biological, chemical Latin terms (using the settings, you can change any option). In particular:
  • positional variants of reading letters are taken into account s, c, combinations ti, ns, sm, prefixes ex-;
  • combinations qu, ngu before all vowels are transliterated as [kv], [ngv]:
  • combinations ae, oe transliterated as [NS]:
  1. In the modes "Tradition", "Classic" in words of Greek origin s between vowels is correctly processed only in the following cases:
  • if after her word contains combinations th, ph, rh, ch, sm or letters y, z;
  • if the word contains Greek terms taken into account in the script:

Use the rule:

In words of Greek origin, the formal signs of which are letters y, z and combinations th, ph, rh, ch, sm letter s between vowels is always read as [with]: hypophysis [hypophisis].

  1. Reading options at the junction of morphemes are taken into account in the following cases:
  • in word forms sua:
  • in forms on -nti-um:
  • in comparative forms on -t-ior-:
  • in combination eu at the end of a word before m, s:
  1. in forms on -e-und-:
  1. if the word contains prefixes, term elements, words taken into account in the script:
  1. Accents are not placed.

Use the rules:

  1. In words of two or more syllables, the stress is never placed on the last syllable.
  2. In two-syllable words, the stress is on the first syllable: ró-sa [ro′-za].
  3. In words of three syllables, the place of stress is determined by the penultimate syllable:
  1. if the penultimate syllable has a long vowel or diphthong, the stress is placed on the penultimate syllable: oc-c ī́ -do [ok-qi'-do], the-s áu-rus [te-saў-rus];
  2. if there is a short vowel in the penultimate syllable, the stress is placed on the third syllable from the end: lí-qu ĭ -dus [li-qui-dus];
  3. if in the penultimate syllable there is a vowel before two or more consonants, the stress is placed on the penultimate syllable: ma-gí s-t er [ma-gis-ter];
  4. if in the penultimate syllable there is a vowel before a vowel, the stress is placed on the third syllable from the end: ná-t i-o[ná-chi-o].

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