Parquet floor. I dreamed of a parquet floor in a dream Parquet according to the Autumn Dream Book

Boilers 21.01.2021

Eastern female dream book

A dream in which you walk on a parquet polished to a shine and are afraid to inherit- means: you are not sure that you can cope with the task assigned.

If you dreamed that you were sliding on the parquet and barely keeping your balance- you have to make a difficult decision, on which not only your future life, but also the well-being of your loved ones will depend.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Lay parquet in your apartment- small chores around the house.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Parquet- for renovation.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Parquet- to a good solid career at work.

General dream book

If you are doing repairs in the apartment and changing the parquet on your own- you have to prove yourself in an area in which you have no experience, while you will have a great responsibility.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Glide on a shiny, unusually smooth parquet, like skating on ice - to enter into some risky ventures.

Laying a parquet floor in your apartment is interesting news.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation - I dreamed of a new beautiful apartment

Good afternoon, Alina! "I have a somewhat similar dream that was previously discussed" - let's first analyze this one. "I'm entering a large new apartment. I'll go into a huge hall, empty, but with excellent repairs. I'm delighted" - this is your tonal. Apparently in your life there are positive changes: http: //www. sunhome. Ru/magic/15900 "this will be my studio!" - accordingly, you begin to be drawn to creativity, as you harmonize with nature and the world - "I see a wonderful landscape below the river, around the city." "I clearly saw in a dream the number - 10" - in general, this is the number of white magic, let's not say that in the modern sense, but the magic that Moses learned from his father-in-law. “It’s like a mixture of a metal pipe and a small ladder. And my son, as if jokingly, says to me - it’s quite close to the balcony - you might have to jump on it” - You still shouldn’t relax, because the higher you fly up, the more painful it is to fall. Well, in general, everything is going pretty well ... Save Christ!

Very positive images of sleep, which entails a favorable period in life. The theme of everyday work and working conditions, service, fulfillment of duty - dominate in a dream; a person is called upon to put his soul and creativity into work, and his mood (and possibly health) depends (in a dream - glass, doors, windows ...) on the situation at the workplace and relations with colleagues. You can count on profit-(... I see green grass and tree trunks with swelling buds...). There will be new opportunities, partners, productive and pleasant communication with colleagues, agility in performing daily work, ease in finding the right information. Also, it can be a large-scale repair or construction of a summer house, an influx of money from business partners, the appearance of a large amount of money as a result of an inheritance, the appearance of generous investors and the necessary subsidies. New activities are possible, getting a more profitable job.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Old house with windows and a door with glass

Your state of mind comes to peace, tranquility in connection with the long-awaited positive changes (I understand that spring has come). All images of sleep are favorable and promise clarity of what is happening (the sun, clean glasses), increasing energy and a desire to act (grass), the prospects for an early realization of what was planned (the kidneys swell). Material / and maybe moral / damage after the winter, that is, after an uncomfortable life strip is not observed (the house is intact).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Old house with windows and a door with glass

Good afternoon, Svetlana! "I believe that this dream can be correlated with my business, in which this moment there are problems. I would like to understand with the help of respected interpreters its (sleep) meaning, prospects and results. "- if you think so, then it is so. We dream in order to put our mind in order. And the images are shown exactly those that a person can correctly understand. "I see myself in my hut, which is not far from the Don River. "- support for your kind. Which is confirmed in your other two dreams: support for the late father and ex-husband. That is, even three clans support you, the ancestors of your current husband also need your prayers, do not forget about them. "The rooms in the house are permeated with light pouring from the windows with clean, transparent windows. I'm standing by the plastic white front door with transparent glass, behind it I see green grass and tree trunks with swelling buds. I understand that spring has come. I feel so good in my soul from spring, and from the atmosphere in a clean, bright house, and from the transparency of the glasses, and from the landscape behind the glass of the door. Although I am surprised that the house after the winter is intact and none of the villagers broke the windows, trying to get into the hut. "- I don’t know what you saw here as an idea about your business. Most likely simply because this topic interests you very much. At the moment I don’t see that there would be serious threats to your business. But specifically in this dream, the prospects for Your future is rosy.What you have done over the past three months, after this dream, that you have problems - you yourself know better. Save Christ!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

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    Dream in which you walk on polished to a shine parquet and you are afraid to inherit - means: you are not sure that you can cope with the task assigned. If a dreamed that you slide on parquet and you barely keep your balance - you have to make a difficult decision, on which not only your future life, but also the well-being of your loved ones will depend. parquet floor in your apartment - to interesting news.

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    put parquet floor in your apartment - to interesting news. dreamed Parquet, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Parquet in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream seen this symbol. Try it!

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Parquet floor- build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream dreamed in dream battlefield - dream

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Parquet floor- build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your position and will attempt to change it by engaging in new activities. If you dreamed well-cultivated field, well-being awaits you. An uncultivated field is a harbinger of failures caused by your laziness and passivity. If you have seen in dream battlefield - dream predicts a sudden fatal passion that will bring you misfortune.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Parquet floor- build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your position and will attempt to change it by engaging in new activities. in dream floor- you will be successful in your work, provided that you do not argue with your superiors and defend your point of view. Show indulgence to the shortcomings of powerful people. if you dreamed that unfolds beneath you floor and you fall, it means that someone is trying very hard to ruin your...

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    Dream Interpretation Disassembled floor dreamed, for what dreaming in dream disassembled floor?Rug or carpet on semi portends concessions on your part when concluding a trade deal. Parquet floor- build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your position and will attempt to change it by engaging in new activities.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Parquet floor- build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your position and will attempt to change it by engaging in new activities. If you dream a mowed field from which bread has already been harvested - this portends failure. See a green field or spacious fields eared bread - promises the peasant a bountiful harvest, and to everyone else - a happy period in life. See in dream plowed field - portends that you will soon achieve prosperity and your path to ...

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    Meaning sleep Parquet in modern dream book. dreamed what do you do in the apartment repair and put parquet, - which means that you will have the opportunity to prove yourself in an area in which you clearly do not have enough experience. Parquet in Vanga's dream book. See in dream parquet floor- rare dream, which predicts the emergence of new ideas in you, by embodying which you will ensure a comfortable existence and recognition.

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    Dream Interpretation Child is dirty floor dreamed, for what dreaming in dream The child is dirty floor?Rug or carpet on semi portends concessions on your part when concluding a trade deal. Parquet floor- build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your position and will attempt to change it by engaging in new activities.

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    dream interpretation Floor baby dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Floor Baby?Rug or carpet on semi portends concessions on your part when concluding a trade deal. Parquet floor- build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your position and will attempt to change it by engaging in new activities.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Sow crops in dream in dream in dream dreamParquet floor- build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your position and will attempt to change it by engaging in new activities.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Mom wrote on floor dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Mom wrote to floor? To choose an interpretation sleep enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing dream image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams letter for free alphabetically). semi portends concessions on your part when concluding a trade deal. Parquet floor- build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that...

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    Dream Interpretation Mirror floor dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Mirrored floor?Rug or carpet on semi portends concessions on your part when concluding a trade deal. Parquet floor- build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your position and will attempt to change it by engaging in new activities.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Sow crops in dream means good prospects for the future. It is believed that sowing wheat in dream- a sign of the birth of a son, and sow rye in dream- a harbinger of the imminent birth of a daughter. if you dream that the birds peck at the seeds in the field, then losses await you. Parquet floor- build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your position and will attempt to change it by engaging in new activities.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Marble floor dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Marble floor?Rug or carpet on semi portends concessions on your part when concluding a trade deal. Parquet floor- build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your position and will attempt to change it by engaging in new activities.

(See interpretation: earth)

The field in a dream symbolizes your life. The larger and smoother the field in a dream, the longer and happier you will live your life. Walking across the field in a dream is a sign of freedom and independence, happiness and satisfaction. See interpretation: cliff, road, stones, and further on by the names of cereals.

Ravines and potholes in the field mean obstacles and misfortunes. A cultivated field in a dream portends wealth and prosperity, and an abandoned one - unexpected disappointment. To cultivate a field in a dream is a sign of good luck in a difficult task. Such a dream predicts that you will achieve wealth through honest and hard work.

A cultivated field (plowed) in a dream is a harbinger of great luck and wealth. Smooth harrows in the field mean that your life will return to normal, change for the better, you will be able to put things in order in your house or business. Sometimes such a dream portends that a lucrative offer of cooperation or matchmaking will fail. Especially if you see that someone is harrowing your field.

Going behind the plow yourself in a dream means that you will have to work hard to make ends meet. Another meaning of this dream is household chores. Seeing harvest or reapers in a dream is a sign of well-being for the family. See interpretation: grain, bread.

Damaged harrows are a sign of impending confusion, confusion in business or personal. A devastated, burned field in a dream portends losses, losses and hardships. Measuring a field in a dream portends disputes with relatives over property ownership.

Sowing crops in a dream means good prospects for the future.

It is believed that sowing wheat in a dream is a sign of the birth of a son, and sowing rye in a dream is a harbinger of the imminent birth of a daughter. If you dream that birds are pecking seeds in the field, then losses await you. If in a dream you can drive away the birds, then your losses will not be so noticeable.

If in a dream you see how seeds germinate, then great success awaits you thanks to your extraordinary abilities. To see or collect a rich harvest in the field is a sign of well-being and wealth. After such a dream, you should expect that all your troubles will end soon. Seeing a field sown with millet in a dream is a sign of easily acquired wealth and great joy.

If in a dream you see a huge field sown with rye, then the dream predicts that you will get rich on trade transactions or that you will be able to sue someone for a large inheritance. Sometimes such a dream portends a profitable marriage, a fun feast and gifts. Seeing a plowman in a dream at work means that your business will go uphill.

If he messes around, then expect failures and disappointments. Seeing a mowed, harvested field, especially in the rays of sunset, means that your business will soon become unprofitable or end in failure.

Sheaves of straw to see or load in a dream means that your work will be difficult and inefficient. A dream about her portends the decline of your affairs and failure. If you dream that the floors of your house are covered with straw, then you should be wary of a trick or a trap set by your enemies.

Knitting sheaves of wheat or seeing them in a dream is a sign of profit, prosperity and happiness. Often such a dream predicts the assumption of responsibility or obligations that will bind hand and foot. Feeding cattle with straw in a dream means that you can find a way out of a predicament. See interpretation: roof.

Burning straw in a dream means an empty occupation. Sleeping on straw in a dream is a harbinger of poverty and need. Rearranging sheaves in a dream is a harbinger of bad changes. Seeing hay in a dream is a sign of great happiness, wealth and big profits. Often such a dream indicates that you will become the owner of a large fortune.

Raking hay in a dream portends an increase in fortune. Resting or lying on hay in a dream portends peace and family happiness. Chewing hay in a dream means that you will get into debt and if you cannot pay it off, then creditors will ruin you. After such a dream, expect hunger, deprivation, a streak of failures. See interpretation: agricultural implements.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Paul

The dreamed floor of a house or apartment is a symbol of the health, condition and relationships of people living there.

Seeing a wet floor - to quarrels and separations.

Laying the floor - to the disease.

To paint - to something new in the house.

Sweep - to guests or news.

Someone sweeps - someone will leave home or even family.

Wash the floor - to separation, change of residence or death.

If water comes out from under the floor, the family is in danger.

Vzlamyvatb floor - ruin relations with a loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from

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Dream Interpretation - Field

A dream in which you walk through an uncultivated field, enjoying complete peace, means liberation from addiction and life in full accordance with your desires and capabilities.

Seeing the boundary on the field is a sign of disunity with former friends and a harbinger of loneliness. Seeing a plowed field in a dream portends an early success under favorable circumstances.

To see eared bread, portending a bountiful harvest - to health, prosperity and profit.

A mowed field with stacks of straw promises failures and sorrowful experiences. A green winter field means the onset of a happy streak in your life.

To see how the field is plowed and harrowed - a dream means that, willy-nilly, you will put things in order in all your affairs.

A field in which harvesters thresh mature ears portends a favorable turn of events for you.

A hemp field - to a quarrel with a friend, a field with beetroot or a potato field - to success, which can unexpectedly turn into disappointment.

A birch growing lonely in the middle of a field is a sign of unfulfilled hopes.

Interpretation of dreams from

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