How many angels does a person have according to Orthodoxy? How to find out who your guardian angel is. Holy people about guardian angels

Where to begin? 19.03.2024
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Guardian angels are incorporeal beings who live side by side with us, but not everyone realizes this. The birth horoscope of each person contains information about everything, includingwhat kind of guardian angel is next to him, how he can help him, what character he has, what he can protect him from, and so on.

If you know the characteristics of YOUR angel, you can receive help from him easier and faster. Angels know how to send signals to a person at the right time in order to move him to action and striving towards his cherished dream and goal.

It also happens that some kind of strange circumstances, which force us to do something for our development. For example, we have long wanted to quit a job we hate and devote more time to creative activities that bring benefit and joy to ourselves or other people.

We do not dare to take such a step, but circumstances suddenly they develop in such a way that we start to do this: for example, there is a sharp reduction at work or a company closes for some time, sending employees on unpaid leave, and so on.

Angels also speak to us very often through dreams. They may not appear there as winged people in white robes, but after dreams we experience some feelings and think about what we need to change, where to move or how to act.

Angels can also send us random people who can suddenly give unexpected advice or suggest something important. Or we may meet some special signs. Angels have a million other ways in their arsenal to convey something important to a person, to help, to suggest.

The English know how to help when a person believes in them and in higher powers, tries to develop spiritually and does not wish harm to anyone.

Angels differ from each other, having their own characteristics, which exactly your guardian angel has can be calculated by a certain formula(the formula was presented in the book by Elena Mazova “The address of your guardian angel. Communication Guide").

This formula will allow us to determine the zodiac sign in which the fictitious point of the horoscope is located, which is called White Moon or Selena– white karma of a person. It is Selena who gives an idea of ​​who our guardian angel is.

How to recognize your guardian angel?

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Substitute your data (YEAR – last 2 digits only, MONTH and BIRTHDAY) into the following formula and calculate the total number:

Example: you were born on February 28, 1980. We substitute the data into the formula: 134.70+51.429*80+4.286*2+0.141*28 = 134.70 + 4114.32 + 8.572 + 3.948 = 4261.54.

2. Divide the resulting number by 360: 4261.54/360 = 11.83.

360 is the number of degrees in one circle, so now let’s determine how many “circles” fit in your number. In this case, the whole number is 11.

3. Multiply 11 by 360 and subtract the number obtained in step 1 from the resulting number, calculating the remainder: 11*360-4261.54 = -301.54.

4. Based on this balance of 305.49, you can determine the sign of the Zodiac, this is AQUARIUS. We determine the sign depending on the resulting remainder:

Up to 30.00 or less = Aries

30.01 – 60.00 = Taurus

60.01 – 90.00 = Gemini

90.01 – 120.00 = Cancer

120.01 – 150.00 = Leo

150.01 – 180.00 = Virgo

180.01 – 210.00 = Libra

210.01 – 240.00 = Scorpio

240.01 – 270.00 = Sagittarius

270.01 – 300.00 = Capricorn

300.01 – 330.00 = Aquarius

330.01 – 360 = Pisces

TIP: Do the calculations several times to avoid mistakes! If you have any astrological program, you do not have to calculate manually. Just look at where the White Moon was at the time of birth. The sign in which this point is located will be sign of your guardian angel!

If you have difficulties with calculations, write to our group in contact or in the comments to this article.

Guardian angel by date of birth

Signs of your Guardian Angels:

If you have calculated, using the formula, which zodiac sign your guardian angel “fell” into, you have the opportunity to learn a lot of interesting things about him.


This angel is quite energetic and has a very large charge of energy, which he happily gives to you. When you are very tired, but you still need to do something, you may suddenly have the energy to continue the task, strength comes from somewhere.

What is his task? Encourage you to make your own decisions.

When does he come to the rescue? If you want to start a new business, embark on something radically new, change your life, this angel is able to support you and give you additional strength and courage.

What is he protecting you from? From very harsh and impulsive actions; from the desire to get everything this minute, without making much effort; from rudeness and rudeness from other people. It can also protect you from very serious injuries, burns, and accidents. Even if you find yourself in such situations, you will get away with minor injuries. This angel is also able to prevent the development of diseases related to Aries - diseases of vision, teeth, etc.

When is he more active? In the first month after your birthday; at the very beginning of any month; in January; when you are just starting a new business.

When is he powerless? When you don’t want to develop, don’t strive for new heights, lead a routine life and only talk about how you would like to live differently without doing anything. If you can’t decide on goals, you don’t even want to set them for yourself, you don’t know what you want.

Your angel might look like this:


This angel can be felt by you as something material. For example, you may have a specific thing, a talisman, that you think saves you from troubles and helps you make the right decision in a difficult situation.

What is his task? Teach you to see beauty, give you a sense of taste, teach you to properly manage your resources, correctly save energy, and protect the environment.

When does he come to the rescue? It helps when you are looking for ways to improve your life in a material sense, but do not become so attached to finances that you forget about everything else. He helps you find a business in your life that will give you not only money, but also job satisfaction. It also helps you when you are looking to gain health and adopt a healthy lifestyle. It helps you find the information you need, gives you signs on how to act and what to do. You intuitively begin to remove from your life what prevents you from achieving the body of your dreams and excellent health.

Read also:Test: Who is your guardian angel?

What is he protecting you from? This angel helps you protect yourself from throat and thyroid diseases.

When is he more active? In the second month after the birthday; in February.

When is he powerless? If you destroy your health intentionally, knowing what it will lead to; If you don’t want to lead a healthy lifestyle, don’t pay attention to how you look. If material values ​​matter more to you than spiritual values, and if you are ready to do anything for money, including bad deeds.

In your dreams, this angel may appear in a classic form, for example, in the body of a child with wings:


This guardian angel may have several faces, or appear not as one being, but as several.

What is his task? He wants you to learn to change, to be more flexible and agile, to calmly accept changes in life, to learn to communicate with people and find the right approach to them.

When does he come to the rescue? This angel loves when a person develops and increases his intellectual level, so he will always help him in this. It will also attract people into your life whose interactions can make you smarter. It helps you make the right purchases, for example, it will lead you to a new bookstore that you had no idea about, but in which you will find a lot of useful things for yourself.

What is he protecting you from? The angel will help you with safety on the road and on your journey. It will protect you from gossip and incorrect information, and will help protect you from dishonest and two-faced people.

When is he more active? In the third month after your birthday; in March.

When is he powerless? If you are not at all interested in anything new, do not like to read, and are not looking for new interesting information. If you become more and more withdrawn with age and do not want to communicate with young people, if you do not accept the changes that are taking place in the world around you. This angel cannot give you anything and cannot help you in any way.

Strong guardian angel


This guardian angel knows like no other how to bring you peace of mind when you need it most. He knows how to take care of his ward as if he were his own child, thereby making this person feel in the company of a close soul even when he finds himself alone. This angel may appear in your dreams in the form of something or someone very dear and familiar, in the form of a close relative or even a soft toy. You may also have feelings that your angel is your deceased relative.

What is his task? Its task is simple - to give you the opportunity to learn to care for others, give them warmth and help, and become a softer and kinder person.

When does he come to the rescue? If your home means a lot to you, you strive to protect and take care of your family and friends, it is easier for an angel to make himself known with his help and tips. It helps you be closer to your family and find a spiritual connection with them. It gives you the opportunity to see each other and communicate if you live very far from each other. He is especially active when you start your own family or resolve issues related to relatives.

What is he protecting you from? It can protect you from quarrels and misunderstandings in the family, and from diseases associated with the digestive system.

When is he more active? In the fourth month after your birthday, in April.

When is he powerless? He cannot give you anything if your roots and your family mean nothing to you, if you do not think about your family, do not honor your parents and other older relatives, and do not want to take care of the house in which you live.


This is a very bright angel who seems to a person to be a guiding star, a bright ray of light, beckoning to follow him. When you look at the fire, you may get the feeling that an angel is somewhere next to you or standing behind you. It will be easier for you to ask your questions to the angel, for example, by lighting a candle. Watching its flame, you will receive answers to your questions.

What is his task? He wants you to be happy and inspired doing what you love. His task is to develop your creative talents and abilities and teach you how to use them correctly.

When does he come to the rescue? This angel will communicate with you through creativity, giving the necessary tips. Most likely, you have some kind of talent in creativity, you can create something. While doing your favorite creative activity, you will feel or see the necessary clues.

What is he protecting you from? From failures in love and creativity, from problems with children. Also, a guardian angel of this type can protect you from heart and vascular diseases.

When is he more active? In the fifth month after your birthday or in May. It is activated when you begin to think creatively, begin to approach things using your creative thought.

When is he powerless? When a person does not want to realize himself creatively, does not want to see joy in the work he is doing, or does not want to do what he loves for various reasons.


This guardian angel is quite intelligent and reasonable; he comes into contact with a person not with the help of vague internal sensations, but inspires certain thoughts that may unexpectedly come to mind. A person may not even suspect that his angel is instilling these thoughts in him, and may believe that he himself came up with this idea.

What is his task? The task of this angel is to turn on your mind when necessary. We cannot live by feelings and emotions alone; in some cases we need to act in accordance with reason.

When does he come to the rescue? It can help you when you are required to think logically and sensibly, evaluate situations wisely, and think through important decisions. For example, he will tell you how to find the best job, what you need to develop to become a professional in your field, and how to act in difficult situations. This angel helps to find a middle ground between feelings and reason in making important decisions. He will always help at the moment when you have a desire to streamline your life, switch to a healthy lifestyle, and take care of your own health.

What is he protecting you from? An angel can protect you from rash and impulsive actions when you do not want to hear reason. He will tell you how to avoid failures at work, how best to act and how to communicate with colleagues. It helps you avoid actions and situations in your life that could lead to health problems.

When is he more active? In the sixth month after the birthday, in June.

When is he powerless? When you don’t want to hear your mind, don’t want to think logically and obey only the impulses of your heart, then the angel will not be able to help you. You can’t go with the flow all the time, ignoring logic and common sense. This usually comes at a cost to the individual.


An angel of this type may appear in dreams or appear in your imagination as a very beautiful and sometimes even ideal creature. It does not act forcefully, but gently and carefully, leading you to inner peace and tranquility. He gives clues through other people. For example, your partner can teach you something important: it is your angel who sends you his advice and help.

What is his task? Smooth out problems and be there for you when you are out of balance. It is important for him that your life, your thoughts and feelings are in balance, that you do not go to extremes and do not do stupid things.

When does he come to the rescue? This angel helps you achieve mutual understanding with other people, in particular with your partners. He begins to work especially actively when you are trying to build harmonious relationships. It can also give you important tips in relationships with business partners, when signing contracts, when concluding verbal agreements, etc. He helps you, if you wanted to gain popularity, to become a public figure. He will tell you how best to behave so that your popularity grows and strengthens, and will help you attract the right people into your life.

What is he protecting you from? It protects you from mistakes in relationships with personal or business partners, and with other people in general.

When is he more active? In the seventh month after the birthday; in July.

When is he powerless? If there are constant extremes in your life that you don’t want to get out of, it’s difficult for him to help you. It works when you have the slightest desire to bring balance and beauty into your life and when you begin to strive for this. If this is not the case, then the angel cannot help you in any way.

Guardian angel: meaning


This angel may seem like a very mysterious creature to you, and you may even be afraid of him. Sometimes the signals and signs that an angel gives can be seriously frightening. However, there is no point in fearing an angel - for a person he brings only good. This angel knows how to act through intuitive insights like no other!

What is his task? This angel strives to make you understand that you should not be afraid of the mysterious and inexplicable, this is part of our life. His task is to reveal to you secrets that will help you develop in a spiritual sense, to help you use other people’s energy and your internal reserves in a positive way, to make you stronger in the face of the temptations and vicissitudes of fate.

When does he come to the rescue? A guardian angel of this type is able to help you when you are trying to get to the bottom of the truth, explore some deep issue, understand the psychological background of actions; when you want to plunge into the world of the incomprehensible and unidentified, when you want to find answers to important questions or just want to find a lost thing. It helps you when you are running a business, working with other people's money (for example, using loans or loans), or want to increase your income.

Almost everyone believes in the existence of higher powers that protect from danger. One of the manifestations of these forces is a person’s faith in the Guardian Angel. This creature, according to legend, protects its ward throughout his life.

Angels are the invisible guardians of the human soul, the most ancient creatures that are not described by any religion. However, Jewish Kabbalah has about 72 Angels. All these Angels help people in general; there is no individual who is responsible for the life of a specific person. Why are there 72 of them? The fact is that each Angel is endowed with certain responsibilities and monitors a certain area of ​​​​a person’s life. How does this happen?

It is worth noting that Christianity, in turn, implies that a person’s guardian angel by name exists personally for each person. He appears in a person’s life at the moment of his baptism. But there are other opinions that say that a Guardian Angel appears in a person’s life at the hour of his birth. His main job is to protect against death. The hour of death is, of course, determined and inevitable for everyone. But thanks to the Angels, the possibility that certain situations can be avoided still exists. I want to believe it.

In the generally accepted concept, Angels are guardian asexual beings, spirits. But still they are all unique, and called by different names. Finding your assistant is very difficult. Many believers claim that the name given to a person at birth coincides with the name of his Angel. Often the opinion is wrong. Since many Guardian Angels are named with completely inhuman names.

To understand the name of your guardian angel, you need to mentally begin to communicate with this invisible friend. Ask him for help, or thank him for his help and support. It will be awkward at first, but you should retire, relax, and talk out your problems out loud. Many argue that, having pushed away from reality during such meditations, a person’s consciousness will tell him the name of his Guardian Angel. It is best to start this communication on the day when his name day is scheduled according to the Orthodox calendar. It is on this day that the Guardian Angel is next to his ward and is ready to make contact.

There is an opinion among people that unbaptized people are under the constant power of dark forces - demons. A guardian with a baptized believer is located everywhere. But he can be scared off if he starts committing unrighteous acts and sinning (drinking alcohol, smoking, criminal acts, foul language). But even in these cases, the Angel guards the preservation of his life and soul. At the same time, his strength and capabilities are weaker.

When translated from Latin, the name Sergei means “high, highly respected.” The dates on which Sergei’s Guardian Angel is most open to help, as befits the Christian faith, correspond to the date after his birthday. Sergei's guardian angel comes to him on one of the following days, provided that the person was born before this date of the calendar year: January 15, April 2, June 1, June 6.

Guardian angel Konstantin. Men named Konstantin do not celebrate Angel Day, relying on the righteous named by this name. Constantines celebrate name days only once a year, or on their birthday.

The guardian angel named Anna is closest to her ward in order to get in touch with him in the days following his birthday, but close to him. Women with the name Anna can celebrate their name day if the nearest date of birth corresponds to: February 16, April 8, June 25, November 16, December 3, December 22.

When a person finds it difficult or danger is imminent, his guardian angel by name comes to the rescue. The help is not always obvious; it can also be expressed in the search for the only correct solution from the most hopeless situation.

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Who are they, the invisible guardian angels of man? People have been searching for the answer to this question for many centuries. The trials life has in store are often inexplicable, and then we rely on the help of someone who, it would seem, is not nearby, but in whom we believe with such strength.

And this faith gives strength to endure, to wait, to act. After all, you must admit, it is much easier to fight and believe if you know that there is true support and protection nearby. You can find out how to determine your guardian angel by date of birth from our article.

Everyone has a “Heavenly Intercessor”, as well as a protector icon, which is already given at birth. It is through it that a person turns to the Lord throughout his life. An icon is a sign of revelation, a symbol that connects a person’s faith with heavenly powers. And if faith is strong enough, this person will be able to pass any tests prepared for him.

Name of your guardian angel by date of birth

According to the calendar, the name of the guardian angel corresponds to a certain date, which also has its own icon. This icon is the protection of a person born on certain days.

December 22 – January 20: The guardian angels of this period are Saint Sylvester and Saint Seraphim of Sarov. Protects. They pray to her for matters of the heart, healing of the soul, as well as for truth, salvation and peace.

January 21 – February 20: Afanasy and Kirill. . They have rightfully been called miraculous for many years, and, knowing this, people pray for health, in particular with regard to heart disease, and ask for protection from enemies. It reconciles those who suffer, softens human hearts and strengthens faith.

February 21 – March 20: Alexy and Milentius of Antioch. Most Holy Theotokos of Iveron. People turn to her when they ask for deliverance from all sorts of misfortunes and troubles (fire, bad harvest, etc.).

March 21 – April 20: Sophrony and Innocent. Icon of the Kazan Mother of God. This is not just a miraculous icon, it is truly saving: it restores sight to the blind and gives strength to the weak. She is also the official intercessor in wars and getting rid of enemies, both external, visible, and internal, invisible.

April 21 – May 20: Stephen and Tamara, Apostle John the Theologian. Mother of God “Helper of Sinners.” They pray before her, being in despair and despondency, asking for the health and salvation of sinners. This icon brought many people back to life (both on the physical and spiritual levels).

May 21 – June 21: Alexey and Konstantin. Our Lady “Recovery of the Lost. In front of her they talk about the blessing of marriage, about liberation from various vices, about the health and well-being of children, about those who “get lost” in this world and have lost faith.

June 22 – July 22: Kirill. Icons of “Joy of All Who Sorrow” and the Kazan Mother of God. They pray before them for healing from illnesses and deliverance from troubles.

July 23 – August 23: Nikolai Ugodnik and Elijah the Prophet. . Before her they ask for protection from wars and the preservation of the family.

August 24 – September 23: John, Paul and Alexander. The Most Holy Theotokos “Passionate”. It provides healing both physical and mental.

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September 24 – October 23: Sergius of Radonezh. “The Burning Bush” and “The Exaltation of the Holy Cross”. The cross is a sign of the great power of the Lord; it brings people back to life and gives faith. It is about getting rid of illnesses and gaining strength and faith that they ask before them.

October 24 – November 22: Paul. Icons “Jerusalem” and “Quick to Hear”. They pray before them for health (blindness, eye diseases, paralysis, various epidemics), for economic affairs, and in case of enemy attack.

November 23 – December 21: Nikolai Ugodnik and Varvara. Icons “The Sign” and “Tikhvinskaya”. They help children gain health, calm them down, and make them more obedient. Also, it is these icons that strengthen the bonds of marriage, the connection between relatives in the same family. They are prayed to during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as when there are problems conceiving a child.

By studying this information, you can not only learn about your “heavenly guard,” but also understand certain life circumstances in the past and prevent mistakes in the future. And also, when choosing a name for your future child, be more knowledgeable and careful, since the date of birth is not a random number on the calendar, it is a sign of choosing a life path.

Guardian angel by name, according to the church calendar

This is the second pressing question that people ask when choosing a name or in a specific life situation. And here it is important to remember that the ordinary calendar is just dates for counting days, but in the church calendar, each day is assigned its own saints, and therefore its own names.

So very often you can come across the phrase “to name the child according to the calendar,” which means naming it according to the birthday according to the church calendar.

How to identify a guardian angel by name?

The name already given to a person does not always correspond to the calendar. Often children are named in memory or “in honor” of one of their relatives, or simply by a name that they like, and at the same time it may not even be on the church calendar. Then the guardian angel is determined by the dates stated above.

Knowing his saints, the icons to whom he needs to pray, a person determines what is closest to him. If the child’s name was given according to the date of the Orthodox calendar, then his guardian angel will be immediately known. This once again shows how important it is not to make a mistake in choosing a name, because the date of birth is the beginning of life, its kind of “countdown”, and the help of a guardian angel at the very initial stage is undoubtedly very necessary, since we are destined for There are different tests, and they, unfortunately, do not wait for a certain moment, but always come unexpectedly.

A guardian angel by date of birth and name is your invisible protection from life’s misfortunes and troubles, it is the strength given to you by the Lord. You just need to be able to manage it correctly. But the main thing is not to lose faith under any circumstances and remember: your guardian angel is ALWAYS nearby!

Yes, and to the question “Who is your guardian angel?” do not rush to answer quickly and thoughtlessly, because only then does he truly protect when no one except you yourself knows about his existence, because heaven gave him to you. Everything that God has given us is of great importance. These are those “unwritten rules”, by adhering to which, we fill our lives with meaning and faith.

May the Lord protect you!

It is believed that all people have a protector whom they never see, but feel his presence. It protects people from troubles, from some troubles at work, and helps to cope with the most seemingly unsolvable problems. When it is difficult for a person, when he is faced with an impossible difficulty, or he is fleeing a hopeless situation, his Guardian Angel comes to his aid.

Who is your Guardian Angel by date of birth: how to recognize your Guardian Angel

Simple numerology comes to the rescue, which, using calculations by date of birth, will help determine the protector. To do this, you will need to add up all the digits of the date of birth (as indicated in the example).

In order for the Guardian Angels to hear their charges, you should contact them, light candles near their icons, turn to them for advice and thank them for their help. Then the connection with your patrons will be unbreakable.

Example: date of birth 06/05/1991. We add: 5+6+1+9+9+1=31=4. So, Angel and his number is number 4.

Who is your Guardian Angel by date of birth: calculation of Guardian Angel by date of birth with a number from 1 to 4

The Guardian Angel of this number is the Kazan Mother of God. The relationship with such a patron is like that of a mother and child. She cares for and cherishes her ward, protects him in difficult situations and, like a true mother, leads him through life by the hand, helping him overcome all adversity.

Angels of light are life helpers. Advice from such patrons usually comes in a dream. When the question “what to do next?” arises in a person’s life, dreams come to the rescue. Before going to bed, asking an exciting question, you can get an answer in a dream. The dream that comes this night will be prophetic. If you were unable to remember the dream, it means that the Angels are confident that the ward will cope on his own.

The Guardian Angel of this number is Saint Barbara. The patroness of this number does not like it when people disobey her. If you encounter failures on your life’s path, your friend Varya comes to the rescue and will speak the truth with her advice.

Patron Saint Paul does not like spendthrifts and indecent lifestyles. He punishes strictly. Spenders take away their money, force lazy people to work, and for using obscene language send them to illness with ligaments.

Who is your Guardian Angel by date of birth: calculation of Guardian Angel by date of birth with a number from 4 to 9

The Most Holy Theotokos is the Guardian Angel of this number. She does not tolerate theft and lies. He will punish you harshly and fairly. If a person is honest, then she will make the life of such people filled with surprises.

Sergius of Radonezh takes pity on those who live poorly and forgives them all their sins. He tests the strength of those who have the means. But all his trials can be overcome.

The kindest of all protectors is Saint Matrona. She helps everyone. Not only for our clients, but also for those who need support. But if you make her angry, she will punish you very seriously.

Protectors born on the 8th are the spirits of your deceased relatives. You need to pay attention to when the black streak hits. Perhaps some of the relatives might not like it.

Saint Tamara will be next to those who have goals. She will help them achieve their goals. And those who are still inactive will be punished with small troubles that will serve as motivation.

Each day of the week is under the protection of its Supreme Angel. Those born on a certain day of the week receive gifts and personal qualities from the Archangel.

archangel Michael rules Monday. Those who fear enemy attacks, theft, and slander rely on Archangel Michael. Just don’t even think about asking to destroy your enemies, deal with your enemies, or help you take revenge on your ill-wishers. Angels and archangels will help you ward off someone else’s aggression, but they won’t help you concentrate yours against someone.

Born on Monday

Personal qualities

Energetic, truth-loving, strong people, often leaders (or potential leaders). Able to take responsibility for difficult situations. They are loyal friends, excellent colleagues, you can always rely on them. People born on Monday combine sharpness of mind with devotion to their beliefs; they do not change their ideals.


Non-conformism, uncompromisingness, loyalty, great “punching power”, creativity.

Weak sides

Belief in false promises, susceptibility to flattery, sometimes impetuosity, recklessness in a fit of passion.

“Mondays” can be hindered by uncriticality of themselves and the ideas they proclaim, excessive self-confidence, arrogance, pride, straightforwardness on the verge of tactlessness.


“Mondays” are characterized by problems with the heart, blood pressure, blood vessels, deterioration of vision and hearing of various etiologies, arthritic and rheumatic phenomena.

Relationships with people

“Mondays” amass both followers and ardent opponents. Friends adore them, enemies hate and fear them. “Mondays” often have “clingers,” imitators, and envious people.

“Monday” will not compromise principles or truth to the detriment of the interests of loved ones and relatives. He will defend the truth, even at the cost of worsening relations. Not many people can truly appreciate the uncompromising nature of these people.

“Monday” is devoted to his family, friends, and teachers.

In a marriage, “Monday” may not be flexible enough, so if his half does not show special sensitivity, cracks may form.

Archangel Gabriel rules Tuesday. He is the patron of pregnancy; people turn to him with requests for offspring. He also helps you receive good news: you can ask him to speed up decisions in your favor (about hiring, paying money, getting married, etc.).

Born on Tuesday

Personal qualities

Friendly, sociable people who know how to keep secrets. “Tuesdays” are excellent performers, wonderful mediators, unobtrusive advisers and diplomats, they are priceless as negotiators, they are endowed with the talent of persuasion, inspire people’s trust, and win them over at first sight. They are charming, eloquent, have excellent logic and a sense of proportion.


Attentiveness and compassion for people, kindness, decency, kindness, desire for compromise, eloquence.

Weak sides

Sometimes - excessive complaisance, a slightly slow reaction, slowness, creative disorder in business, falling in love.


Leg diseases occur (gout, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis), you should especially take care of the liver and spleen, beware of immune and autoimmune disorders, in the cold season the respiratory system is under attack - be vigilant!

Relationships with people

Charming “Tuesdays” will make anyone talk and start talking. They have a lot of acquaintances and friends, they can spend hours discussing other people’s problems, they are valued for their responsiveness, tact, and compassion.

If desired, “Tuesday” neutralizes his enemies and people who are negatively disposed towards him - it is enough for him to talk frankly with them.

“Tuesdays” often become trusted representatives of their superiors; they are sent to negotiations and given tasks related to communications.

Family relationships among “Tuesdays” are harmonious. A marriage can fall apart, but smooth friendships are maintained (sometimes restored).

Archangel Raphael dominates Wednesday. Contact him during illnesses (yours and your loved ones), in cases of troubles at work, in your personal life.

Born on Wednesday

Personal qualities

The ability to listen, intuition, perseverance, excellent knowledge of people, professionalism, quick reactions, prudence, resourcefulness, openness, the ability to calculate multi-step situations, confidence, respectability.


Reliability: if the “environment” undertakes to help you, then it will definitely help you; intelligence; availability of knowledge and connections.

Weak sides

Sometimes - taking on an excessive amount of work, workaholism, hyper-responsibility, excitability, a tendency to depression and melancholy.

“Wednesdays” can be harmed by the desire to be on top in everything, non-recognition of their own right to make mistakes, excessive demands on themselves and their loved ones, and perfectionism.


Chronic or acute migraines can torment the weak link – the stomach and intestines. In adulthood, some sexual dysfunctions are possible (especially in men). Tendency to allergies (including seasonal ones); there may be hormonal disorders.

Relationships with people

“Wednesdays” are always needed by everyone. They are loved and treated well, but at the same time, contacts with them inevitably involve consultations with them. Therefore, the professional sphere of private life for these people is very closely intertwined.

“Wednesdays” constantly take care of someone, solve problems of those near and far, and usually create families with those who are in dire need of their care. It happens that over time, new candidates for the care of the “environments” appear, and then families are reformatted. But even when their old family leaves, the “environments” do not abandon their former household members with their attention.

Archangel Uriel, the main one on Thursday, ask for help in preparing and passing exams, writing reports and reports. In addition, he is a warrior-peacemaker; he will help settle a quarrel and prevent a scandal. People turn to him to solve complicated cases, when it is necessary to find a way out of a deadlock situation.

Born on Thursday

Personal qualities

Non-trivial thinking, the ability to abstract, “to rise above the vanity”, mobility, endurance, mental alertness, the ability to find compromises, ways out of any dead end.


Forgiveness, perseverance, the ability to mobilize in a given situation and adapt to it.

Weak sides

Sometimes – excessive dependence on circumstances, dissolution of one’s own ambitions and plans into others’, inability to defend one’s point of view, excessive softness, diligence.

“Thursdays” can be hindered by insufficient faith in oneself, one’s rightness, the desire to immediately correct one’s mistakes noticed by others, fussiness, and anxiety.


There may be problems with the spine and vestibular system, arthritis and arthrosis of the upper extremities, cardiac arrhythmias, gastrointestinal dysfunction, blurred vision, sand and kidney stones.

Relationships with people

“Thursdays” are the first to admit their mistakes, it is not difficult for them to apologize, they may find themselves in a situation of “guilty without guilt.” Meekness and irresponsibility sometimes attract all kinds of “commanders” to them, who realize their complexes in communicating with them.

Relatives may be dissatisfied with the abundance of friends and acquaintances “Thursdays” who can give guidance on various issues.

In family relationships, “Thursdays” are flexible, responsive, reliable, and tolerant.

Archangel Selaphiel, who rules Friday, they ask for help in finding humility, about abandoning our own proud self, which sometimes does not allow us to make the right decisions, rebels against our common sense and truth.

Born on Friday

Personal qualities

Often “Fridays” seem devoid of pride, very calm and balanced. They say about such people “all in themselves”, since public emotional outbursts rarely happen to them. “Fridays” combine meekness and gentleness with high intelligence, erudition, and a flexible mind. These are people without a stone in their bosom, capable of true sympathy for the grief of others, selfless and kind.

“Fridays” are amorous, trusting, and sometimes seem simple-minded, but in reality they are not!


“Fridays” accept the world as it is, without expressing excessive demands on others, without trying to remake them in their own way. They try not to participate in gossip, not to slander, not to speak badly about anyone. For this they love and appreciate.

Weak sides

“Fridays” are usually not too ambitious, so they can easily give in to those “who need it more.”

“Fridays” can be hindered by natural delicacy, inability and unwillingness to fight for one’s interests, modesty, and placing excessive hopes and partners.


“Fridays” may have a low immune threshold; they are susceptible to many seasonal diseases. They are characterized by allergies, food poisoning, insomnia, and hematopoietic dysfunction.

There may be problems with the vestibular apparatus, osteochondrosis, polyps, a tendency to tumors (don’t be alarmed, not all tumors are malignant!)

Relationships with people

Relationships in the family and team are usually peaceful and calm. “Fridays” do not generate great passions; they are ready to put themselves last. However, households can walk around due to the unambitiousness of “Fridays”. Families sometimes break up precisely because of misunderstandings between spouses.

Archangel Jehudiel, the manager of Saturday, is called for help to receive remuneration for work done, payment, vacation, for any problems that arise between the employee and the employer. It is no coincidence that he is depicted with a golden crown in his right hand.

Born on Saturday

Personal qualities

“Saturdays” are by nature fair, incorruptible, ready to defend their own and others’ rights. They have an excellent sense of humor, good storytellers, and if they are on a roll, they can be the life of the party. Hardworking, wasteful, smart, unforgiving, neat.


The ability to think logically, defend one’s position with arguments, and a systematic approach to various problems of “Saturday”, when necessary, “turn on” charm. They can adapt to any situation and find a common language with almost any person.

Weak sides

Sometimes “Saturdays” are too self-confident, they pass off what they want as something that has already happened, unconditionally believe that they are right, have difficulty adjusting, are not inclined to compromise, and do not like to reconsider their point of view and their attitude towards people and events.


There may be problems with blood vessels, heart, and stomach. “Saturdays” quite rarely suffer from colds and infectious diseases, but the course of the disease is usually acute, and complications are possible.

Relationships with people

Some revere the “Saturdays” and support them in everything, seeing them as fighters for a common cause; others cannot stand it, considering it a plug in every barrel. There is a lot of gossip about “Saturdays”; the situations in which they distinguished themselves often become almost legendary.

In family life, “Saturdays” defend equality and cannot get along with relatives of their other half who are prone to dictatorship. However, they do not like interference in their lives from their own relatives, friends, etc.

TO Archangel Barachiel, who rules Sunday, offer prayers for any problems in the family: be it marital troubles, disagreements between parents and children, etc.

Born on Sunday

Personal qualities

Natural wisdom, courtesy, goodwill, love for people, well-developed intuition, optimism, inner serenity, prudence, gentleness.


“Sunday” is almost impossible to piss off, he is always a little above the situation, he categorically refuses to see people as enemies, does not believe in the bad intentions of others, and is inclined to compromise and solve problems for everyone’s benefit.

Weak sides

Sometimes he does not want to notice obvious meanness and injustice, he is trusting, and is not inclined to double-check information. This can be used by those who want to lead “Sunday” astray.


The liver and pancreas may malfunction, and endocrine disorders may occur. “Sundays” are often tormented by neuralgia and have an increased pain threshold.

Relationships with people

“Sundays” love people, and in most cases they reciprocate. Very often people turn to “Sundays” for advice, ask to be arbitrators in disputes, etc.

These people create a family forever, they are very sensitive to infidelity and betrayal of their spouses, and until the very end they do not want to believe in the possibility of the collapse of their own marriage. Fortunately, this rarely happens.

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