What does vixen mean? The meaning of the word "vixen." New explanatory and word-formative dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova

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Many words that have become common names often come from ancient mythology. So, a beautiful woman can be called Athena, a series of troubles can be called Pandora's box, and an angry and grumpy woman can be called a vixen.

But few people know who the vixen really is. Did someone with a similar name really have such an unpleasant character? Did Megaera have reasons for anger and indignation?

Mythological history

Megaera is the name of one of the Erinyes (Furies). She was the daughter of King Creon and the wife of Hercules. It was from the hands of her husband that Megaera died along with her children: different sources attribute different numbers of offspring to the couple of Hercules and Megaera.

Paradoxically, in mythology there is no mention of Megaera’s actions, allowing us to safely say that she is the most terrible and vengeful woman. Her sisters, Alecto and Tisiphone, whose names are known only to people interested in ancient culture and mythology, could be remembered by readers for their very eccentric actions.

Alecto provoked bloody wars and, in the guise of a snake, penetrated the heart of Queen Amata, turning her into an evil and insane woman. Tisiphone killed her lover who rejected her with her snake hair. And only Megaera does not have any bright stories behind her, while remaining the personification of the most terrible, evil and grumpy woman in the world.

The three sisters are the embodiment of evil and vengeance. Having chosen a victim who is the killer of his blood relatives, the furies pursued her, driving her to madness. The unlucky killer could notice their approach by the stench spreading around.

Megaera's appearance

Despite the fact that Megaera is perceived as the most terrible mythology, she did not have a repulsive appearance. Even today, using a figurative meaning, the term is rarely used, trying to emphasize external unattractiveness.

On the contrary, sources claim that the Erinyes (Furies) were attractive-looking women, with somewhat sharp facial features and snakes instead of hair. Some sources mention wings on the back.

Megaera could be seen repeatedly in a variety of film adaptations and plays. The authors gave free rein to their imagination, so the three sisters were depicted as annoying flies, bats with dog heads, and also as attractive goddesses holding torches and whips.

Allegorical meaning

Knowing who Megaera is in mythology, it is not difficult to guess what meaning a person puts into the word when characterizing a woman with this word. Megaera is an angry, grumpy and vindictive woman. These three qualities are predominant, not giving way to others, more human ones.

But it is impossible to call the word an insult in the full sense of the word, because Megaera was a goddess, and, therefore, such a description, although it emphasizes the woman’s grumpiness, is pronounced with a tinge of admiration and reverence.

Knowing who Megaera is, one should hardly be offended by such a contradictory comparison. But this is certainly a reason to reconsider your behavior and stop being a modern version of the goddess of vengeance.

The behavior of the “vixen” and its characteristics

When considering the term, it is necessary to understand what is meant by the word vixen today. The meaning, although close to its mythological source, is still different from it. Modern vixens do not pursue criminals, do not kill disobedient lovers and do not cause bloody wars. So who is the vixen today?

The main characteristic of such a woman is aggression. Anger in a hidden form is unlikely to be a reason to remember the name of one of the Fury sisters.

Megaera is always quarrelsome, it is difficult to please her, it is impossible to adapt to her. She subconsciously or consciously looks for a reason for confrontation, and in any dispute she chooses as a weapon not strong arguments, but expression, screams, anger and curses.

In addition, the vixen is a rather cunning and envious person, so she is capable of bringing any person into conflict. By comparing a woman with people, they emphasize that the only way not to get into a quarrel with her is to stay away from her.

Knowing who Megaera is in ancient mythology, and what women are called vixens today, you can easily recall living examples among your friends.

- (Greek Megaira, from megairo I envy). One of the furies, an evil woman in general. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. VIGERA 1) one of the furies; 2) an evil woman. Dictionary of foreign words included in... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

shrew- See grumpy... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. vixen witch; angry, grumpy; Harpy, Erinia, Erinnia, evil spirit, Fury, goddess of vengeance Russian Dictionary ... Synonym dictionary

shrew- MEGERA, MEGERA s., w. mégère f. gr. Megaira. 1. In ancient Greek mythology, one of the three goddesses of vengeance (Erinny). BAS 1. To others there were Megaeras, to others flying Dromedaries, to others Dragons and Cerberus, whose roars, in different manners, suppressed the hearing,... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Shrew- (Megaera, Μέγαιρα). See Erinnyes. (Source: “A Brief Dictionary of Mythology and Antiquities.” M. Korsh. St. Petersburg, published by A. S. Suvorin, 1894.) MEGERA (Μέγαιρα), in Greek mythology, one of the three Erinyes, sister of Alecto and Tisiphone. l. t.g.... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

Shrew- From ancient Greek mythology. Megaera (literally: "Hostile") is the name of one of the three Erinyes (Roman Furies), goddesses of vengeance who live in the underworld. The names of the other two Erinyes are Alecto and Tisiphone, who, according to mythology, took revenge for... ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

SHREW- MEGERA, in Greek mythology, one of the Erinyes. In a figurative sense, an angry, grumpy woman... Modern encyclopedia

SHREW- in Greek mythology, one of the Erinyes. She was portrayed as a disgusting old woman with snakes instead of hair, a long tongue, with a torch and a whip in her hands. In a figurative sense, an angry, grumpy woman... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Shrew- (inc.) evil wife, woman (allusion to Megaera, one of the three Furies). Wed. (Are you alone?) and your wife and children? “Don’t tell me about this vixen, after all, there is such a creature in the world!...” Boborykin. Walker. 1, 19. Wed. This good lady (from... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

SHREW- VIGERA, vixens, female. An angry, quarrelsome woman. (After the name of one of the Eumenides, goddesses of vengeance in ancient Greek mythology.) Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

SHREW,- VIGERA, VIGERA, s, f. (colloquial). A very evil woman [named after the goddess of vengeance in Greek mythology]. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

shrew- VIGERA, s, female. (colloquial). A very evil woman [named after the goddess of vengeance in Greek mythology]. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Superbitch, Mikhail Shatsky. Enough has been written about the types of bitches: from primitive vixens to superwomen. Vixen does not inspire respect, but... Buy for 300 rubles
  • Demiurges. Proving Ground of the Gods, Iar Elterrus. No one knows their fate, and neither did Nenika, an orphan girl who grew up in the palace kitchen. Her…

Often called vixens. What is this word? From what language did it come into our speech? Megaera is a character from ancient Greek myths. It’s easy to guess that this heroine was especially unpleasant in the minds of ancient people.

The meaning of the word "vixen"

The name of the heroine of ancient legends can be found in many dictionaries. "Vixen" - what is it? Everywhere they say the same thing: one of the Erinyes - Erebus and Nyukta had many children, among them Megaera. What kind of character this is is described below. First, it is worth saying that both French and Italian have a word derived from the name of the mythological heroine. The spelling in most European languages ​​is the same - megera, that is, "vixen". What does this word mean in the understanding of modern man? A grumpy, scandalous, angry, vindictive woman.

Myths of Ancient Greece

As already mentioned, Megaera is the daughter of Erebus and Nyukta. But if we open the book “Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece” as presented by Kuhn, we will not find this character. Erebus and Nyukta, that is, Darkness and Night, had many children, but Kun mentions only Gemera and Ether. The Roman analogue of Megaera is Furina. But nothing is said about her in ancient legends translated into Russian.

Explanatory dictionaries say that this female character should be attributed to the Erinyes, of which there were three in the minds of the ancient Greeks. These heroines were born from Nyukta and Erebus. According to another version - from the blood of Uranus (a god who underwent castration). Does Nikolai Kun mention at least one of the Erinyes? The author of the best translation of ancient Greek myths, talking about the kingdom of Hades, describes in a nutshell the goddesses of vengeance as formidable creatures with snakes and swords, pursuing criminals. They do not give a mortal who has committed an offense a moment’s rest and torment him with remorse. However, Kuhn speaks very sparingly about these characters and there is no Megaera in his book.

Aeschylus has the tragedy of Eumenides. It talks about Orestes, who killed his own mother. After committing a sin, he has no choice but to hide from the goddesses of vengeance. Eumenides are the same Erinyes. But Megaera is not mentioned in Aeschylus’s work either.

Kuhn's translation of ancient myths is a condensed presentation and lacks many characters. We can learn about this in ancient Greek legends exclusively from explanatory dictionaries.

- In Greek mythology, one of the Erinyes. She was portrayed as a disgusting old woman with snakes for hair, a long tongue, a torch and a bicho... encyclopedic Dictionary


- J. evil woman, on behalf of one of the three furies.. Dahl's Dictionary


- A very evil woman [named after the goddess of vengeance in Greek mythology]. Ozhegov's Dictionary


- Megaera is the goddess of vengeance in ancient Greek mythology, one of the Erinyes. [ Greek gods ]. Religious Dictionary


- - in ancient Greek mythology, one of the Erinyes. She was depicted as a monster with snakes instead of hair, holding a torch and a whip. IN... Historical Dictionary


- - in ancient Greek. mythology one of the three Erinyes. M. was depicted as a monster, with snakes instead of hair, and in his hands a torch and a whip... Philosophical Dictionary


- Oh, well, shower. 1. In ancient Greek mythology: one of the three Erinyes - goddesses of vengeance, depicted as a disgusting old woman with... Dictionary of foreign words


- MEG"ERA, shrews, female. An evil, quarrelsome woman. (After the name of one of the Eumenides, goddesses of vengeance in ancient Greek mythology.). Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

- (Greek Megaira, from megairo I envy). One of the furies, an evil woman in general. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. VIGERA 1) one of the furies; 2) an evil woman. Dictionary of foreign words included in... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

See grumpy... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. vixen witch; angry, grumpy; Harpy, Erinyes, Erinnya, angry, Fury, goddess of vengeance Russian Dictionary ... Synonym dictionary

shrew- MEGERA, MEGERA s., w. mégère f. gr. Megaira. 1. In ancient Greek mythology, one of the three goddesses of vengeance (Erinny). BAS 1. To others there were Megaeras, to others flying Dromedaries, to others Dragons and Cerberus, whose roars, in different manners, suppressed the hearing,... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

- (Megaera, Μέγαιρα). See Erinnyes. (Source: “A Brief Dictionary of Mythology and Antiquities.” M. Korsh. St. Petersburg, published by A. S. Suvorin, 1894.) MEGERA (Μέγαιρα), in Greek mythology, one of the three Erinyes, sister of Alecto and Tisiphone. l. t.g.... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

From ancient Greek mythology. Megaera (literally: "Hostile") is the name of one of the three Erinyes (Roman Furies), goddesses of vengeance who live in the underworld. The names of the other two Erinyes are Alecto and Tisiphone, who, according to mythology, took revenge for... ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

MEGERA, in Greek mythology, one of the Erinyes. In a figurative sense, an angry, grumpy woman... Modern encyclopedia

In Greek mythology, one of the Erinyes. She was portrayed as a disgusting old woman with snakes instead of hair, a long tongue, with a torch and a whip in her hands. In a figurative sense, an angry, grumpy woman... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (inc.) evil wife, woman (allusion to Megaera, one of the three Furies). Wed. (Are you alone?) and your wife and children? “Don’t tell me about this vixen, after all, there is such a creature in the world!...” Boborykin. Walker. 1, 19. Wed. This good lady (from... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

VIGERA, VIGERA, s, f. (colloquial). A very evil woman [named after the goddess of vengeance in Greek mythology]. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

VIGERA, s, female. (colloquial). A very evil woman [named after the goddess of vengeance in Greek mythology]. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Superbitch, Mikhail Shatsky. Enough has been written about the types of bitches: from primitive vixens to superwomen. Vixen does not inspire respect, but...
  • Demiurges. Proving Ground of the Gods, Iar Elterrus. No one knows their fate, and neither did Nenika, an orphan girl who grew up in the palace kitchen. Her…

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