How to cast a demon out of a person? How to cast out a demon in yourself prayer How to cast out a demon from a person using folk methods

Landscape design 29.04.2024
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The spell to expel various evil spirits and demons was popular among many peoples, including the Slavs.

Many magical rituals have reached our days from time immemorial in almost their original form, for which we must say thanks to our own grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who, despite everything, carried such valuable data through the centuries.


Before choosing a magical ritual to expel evil spirits, you need to make sure that such evil spirits are really present in your home. There are many diagnostic methods to determine the presence of evil entities.

Diagnostics with salt

One of the simplest diagnostic methods is based on working with salt. To detect the presence of a demon, place a frying pan on the stove, pour salt into it and heat for 15-20 minutes. Based on the changes that have occurred in the salt, one can draw a conclusion regarding the presence of negative entities in the house. If the salt remains white or acquires a yellowish tint, it means that everything is in order with your home and you need to look for another reason for the unpleasant events. Blackened salt indicates that an evil spirit or demon really lives in your home, and you need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Diagnostics with a church candle

To carry out such a diagnosis, you will need a consecrated church candle. Holding a burning candle in your hands, go around all the rooms and corners in your own home and pay attention to all the changes that occur with the candle flame. If the flame remains uniform or trembles a little, then you have nothing to worry about, there are no evil entities in your home. If the candle begins to noticeably crackle and even smoke, then this is a clear sign of the presence of demons or evil spirits.

Ways to fight demons

There are many methods of dealing with negative entities.

Believers most often turn to priests for help, who illuminate their homes and, as a rule, this drives away any evil spirits.

In order not to leave any chance for demons, you should also hang icons and Orthodox crosses over the doors in each room, and also sprinkle all the corners of your home with holy water. Do not forget also about the morning and evening readings of prayers by candlelight.

Spell to expel a demon from a person

The most difficult thing to fight is the demons that inhabit people. You need to drive out such evil spirits with special and very powerful magical rituals. To carry out this ritual, you will need water collected from a clean reservoir (river or lake) during the morning dawn. Having brought the water home, place it on a flat surface, light a church candle next to it and read the words of the conspiracy over it seven times:

“I, servant of God (name), will get up, blessing myself, and go crossing myself (cross the water three times). I’ll go from door to door, from gate to gate, to the drainage side. On the other side stands a husband made of pure steel. How this man goes from the true father Jesus Christ, and from the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He goes from east to west, collecting clean water from mountain rivers, so he will collect from the servant of God (name) all the lessons and tracts, all the places and places, from all seventy-seven joints, from all seventy veins, from the popliteal veins, from the liver , from hot blood, from a zealous heart, from lungs, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows and from a white body. Let what is said come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading the words, you need to yawn harder and say three times:

“Let my words be strong and molding.”

Words must be read without interruption

Then turn back over your left shoulder, blow, spit and sprinkle water on the person with the demon inside, the enchanted water. You need to drink the remaining water.
This magical ritual can be used both on yourself and on another person.

A spell to exorcise a demon from another person

This magical ritual can only be used on another person. The person with the demon needs to be seated under the icon of the Holy Trinity, stand opposite him and, looking into his eyes, read the exorcism spell:

“Jesus Christ, You are the son of the living God, You performed miracles for people, before You demons take flight, next to You the blind receive their sight, next to You the dead come to life, You, the One who was crucified and then resurrected, You are the one who He glorified the holy cross with his feat. Lord, Son of God, look into these eyes, find in them images from the devil, drive out all evil spirits from this white body, and save this soul. Save, Lord, You save this innocent soul, protect it from all evil forever and endlessly. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In ordinary life, as long as it goes on steadily, without incident, we don’t even think about the fact that in parallel with us there exists a world of other entities. Its main “residents” are angels and devils). The Holy Scriptures are rich in descriptions of the effects of demons on human souls. The Bible names the signs of a demon-possessed person. The Holy Fathers have attached great importance to this since the Middle Ages. Little is known about angels: they are protectors, and we do not necessarily know about their methods of protection. Demons are serious enemies of the human race, and in order to resist them, it is necessary to study methods of combating this evil spirits. Christ himself emphasized that they can only be driven out through fasting, the cross and prayer.

How did the Evil Spirit appear?

Before the Creator created the universe, there was a world of angels. The most powerful one was called Dennitsa. One day he became proud, rose up against God himself, and for this he was expelled by the angry Lord from the angelic world.

Every Christian knows the signs of a possessed person: speaking in someone else's voice, rejection of church values, the ability to levitate, the smell of sulfur, and more. But there are also signs of the devil’s presence that are difficult to recognize.

To protect yourself from a possessed person, the best advice is not to get involved with him, since the possessed person does not control his own mind. Only church rituals will help drive demons out of him.

How does the devil possess a person?

Anthony the Great claims that humanity itself is to blame for the fact that demons find refuge in the souls of people. These are incorporeal creatures that can take refuge in a person if he accepts their nasty thoughts, temptations and will. This is how people agree with existing evil. The stories of priests about the presence of the devil are quite frightening and scary. From their personal experience, they have more than once been convinced of the reality of the actions of dark forces, therefore they know all the signs of a possessed person, can recognize him and try to save the soul. Even strong prayer does not immediately help get rid of the invading evil spirits.

So why are demons able to enter humans? The Holy Fathers claim that their place is where sin already lives. Sinful thoughts, an unworthy lifestyle, many vices - it is easiest for the devil to penetrate a vicious person.

Many people wonder why God allows this. The answer is simple. In fact, from the Almighty we are endowed with freedom of choice, will. We ourselves must choose whose power is closer to us, the Lord or Satan.

The clergy divide demoniac people into two types.

The first is that the demon subjugates the soul and behaves like a second personality inside a person. The second is the enslavement of the human will by various sinful passions. Even John of Kronstadt, who observed the possessed, noted that demons would take possession of the souls of ordinary people due to their innocence and illiteracy. If a spirit enters the soul of an educated person, then this is a slightly different form of possession, and fighting the devil in these cases is quite difficult.

in the church

There is a statement in the Christian Church that a person’s obsession, which does not manifest itself in everyday life, comes out as soon as the possessed person approaches the church or sees an icon and a cross. There have been cases when, during a service, some people begin to rush about, howl, cry, shout blasphemous speeches, and swear. All these are the main signs of a possessed person. This is explained by the fact that the demon tries to protect the soul from divine influence. The devil is intolerant of everything that somehow reminds us of faith in God.

Educated, intelligent people with a demon in their souls, it would seem, are accustomed to taking into account the opinions of others, they are measured and sedate, but as soon as you start a conversation with them about religion, all their respect comes to naught, their faces immediately change, and rage appears. The demon living inside cannot transgress his essence as soon as it comes to his eternal enemy - God. The way demon-possessed people behave in church only confirms the fact that the demon tries to avoid sources of danger and is afraid of being cast out. In fact, it is not people who are afraid of the church and the Creeds, but the unclean essence that is in them.

Possession can be divided into several signs: in some cases, the demon simply whispers nasty things to a person, encourages him to do obscenities, and go against God. Having penetrated the body, the demon can act to the detriment of other people, causing them harm. Having taken possession of the bodies of the dead, the devil in the guise of ghosts torments people.

Physical Signs of a Demon Possessed Person

Church ministers identified phenomena indicating signs of demon-possessed people. In the treatise “On Demons” by Peter of Tyre, the following points of demon manifestations are indicated:

  • the voice acquires an eerie demonic timbre;
  • Any voice changes are possible;
  • paralysis of the body or some limbs;
  • an incredible display of strength for the average person.

Other demonologists also highlight:

  • a huge belly unusual for humans;
  • rapid decline, weight loss leading to death;
  • levitation;
  • split personality;
  • imitation of animals;
  • obscene behavior, thoughts;
  • the smell of sulfur (the smell of hell);
  • blasphemy against God, church, holy water, cross;
  • mumbling in a non-existent language.

This is not a complete list of signs. Of course, many points of possession can be explained by some kind of physical illness; for example, in the Middle Ages, demonic behavior was often confused with symptoms of epilepsy. Mental disorders were passed off as public sinful orgies, and imitation of animals was confused with schizophrenia. In fact, it is really difficult to define in everyday life what a possessed person means. Many character traits, behavioral stereotypes, promiscuity, ignorance - all this resembles demonic possession.


The traditional "cure" for possession is to expel the demon from the body. Exorcism rites are performed by clergy who read special prayers, fumigate with incense, and conduct confirmation. Most often, during the ritual, people strongly resist, even faint. A priest should not be alone; he definitely needs assistants - other representatives of the church. Modern doctors and psychologists do not believe in such rituals and claim that it is just then how to explain that such attacks occur exclusively with church intervention and after the ritual people feel significant relief? There are still no answers to these questions.

You can cast out demons through sincere faith, prayer and fasting. Before the process of expulsion, one must receive communion and confession. The reprimand can be performed by a monk who has not known sin or carnal pleasures. The key is strict fasting. An unprepared soul itself will not be able to cope with the exorcism of demons. Prayer may not work and the result may be unpredictable. The reprimand will be carried out by a monk who has received instructions from senior spiritual brethren; he is endowed with divine protection and special power that will help cope with demons. The prayer being read is called an exorcist prayer. After pronouncing it multiple times, signs of possession by demoniacs disappear, confirming the presence of hellish forces.

When exorcising the devil, the prayer must come from the lips of a sincere believer; magic is strictly excluded. People involved in the occult become possessed by demons in 90% of cases.

Prayerful protection from evil spirits

Evil spirits can easily attack us, move into our homes, plot intrigues, and make a person obsessed. In Orthodoxy there are many prayers that help protect against the attacks of evil spirits. The most famous are the prayer to Seraphim of Sarov, Pansofia of Athos “From the attack of demons”, St. Gregory the Wonderworker and, of course, the prayer to Jesus Christ.

Orthodox believers know that the text should always be carried with them, because in times of rampant evil spirits there is always a chance of falling under its influence. At any moment along the way you may encounter a possessed person, what should you do in this case? A prayer word will save.

Many people learn the text of the prayer by heart. But in stressful situations, a person usually gets lost and forgets about everything in the world, so it is better to always have protection with you. You can give yourself confidence in a difficult situation by reading the text of the prayer from the page. It is very important to follow some rules:

  • Always carry the text of the prayer with you. The style and Old Church Slavonic words should not be altered and forged to suit the modern language, this can reduce the power of words prayed for centuries.
  • You need to pronounce the text yourself; online auditions are not suitable here; the emotional component and sincerity of the spoken phrases are important.
  • When reading the prayer, you must be protected by a cross or icon. Shameless demonic spawn can easily penetrate unprotected lost souls and nullify the words of prayer.

Protect your vital energy and your home. For example, it will be more difficult for demons to enter a house consecrated by the priest.

Obsession from a scientific point of view

What does official science say about demonism? Scientists call obsession a mental illness called cacodemonia. It is believed that seizures most often affect dependent people, open, impressionable or, on the contrary, passive. For the most part, they are susceptible to outside influence. Sigmund Freud called cacodemonia a neurosis. According to him, a person himself invents a demon within himself that suppresses his desires. So what is obsession - a curse or a disease? Scientists explain the signs of demonic possession by various diseases, but it is worth noting that often medical methods are not able to solve the problem.

  • The obsession is explained by epilepsy. When losing consciousness during convulsions, a person is able to sense contacts with the immaterial world.
  • Depression, euphoria, and sudden mood swings are characteristic of affective bipolar disorder.
  • Tourette's syndrome is also confused with obsession. Due to a disordered nervous system, nervous tics begin.
  • A disease known in psychology is accompanied by split personality, when several personalities live in one body, showing themselves at different periods.
  • Schizophrenia has also been compared to obsession. The patient experiences hallucinations, speech problems, and delusional ideas.

If an unclean essence enters a person, this is reflected in his appearance. How to recognize a possessed person is listed in the article above. You can also add to this that those possessed by demons change the color of their eyes, they become cloudy, although their vision remains the same. The color of the skin may also change, it becomes darker - this sign is very dangerous.

Real cases of obsession

There are stories of people being possessed by demons that have been recorded and documented. Here are just a few of them.

Clara Germana Celje. A story from South America. The girl Clara, at the age of 16, told the priest in confession that she felt the presence of a demon in herself. The story took place in 1906. At first they did not believe her words, since it is not easy to identify a possessed person. But her condition began to worsen every day. There is documentary evidence from people who say that the girl behaved inappropriately and spoke in someone else's voices. The exorcism ritual was performed on her for two days, which saved her.

Roland Doe. The story of this boy took place in 1949. His aunt died. After some time, Roland tried to contact her through a seance, but incredible things began to happen around him: screams were heard, crucifixes shook, objects flew, and so on. A priest invited to the house saw objects falling and flying. At the same time, the boy's body was covered with various symbols. It took 30 sessions to drive out the evil spirit. More than 14 sources confirm the fact that the bed with the sick boy was flying around the room.

The Emily Rose Story

I would especially like to note the case of Annaliese Michel. This is the most striking example of human demon possession. The girl became the prototype of Emily Rose in the famous film.

When the girl turned 17, her life became a nightmare. In the middle of the night she was attacked by paralysis, it was impossible to breathe. Doctors diagnosed him with Grand Mal seizures or epileptic convulsions. After Annalize was placed in a mental clinic, her situation only began to worsen. Drug treatment did not bring any relief. The demon constantly appeared to her and talked about the curse. She began to develop deep depression. A year later, in 1970, the girl was discharged from the hospital. She herself turned to the church and asked for an exorcism, claiming that the devil had entered her body. Church ministers know how to understand that a person is possessed, but they refused to help her and advised her to pray more. The girl began to behave more inappropriately. She bit her family members, ate flies and spiders, copied dogs, mutilated herself, and destroyed icons. This went on for five years. Relatives had difficulty persuading the clergy to perform an exorcism. The ceremony began in 1975 and ended only in 1976; it was held twice a week. A great many evil spirits were expelled from her body, but her health still deteriorated, she could neither drink nor eat. As a result, the girl died in her sleep. According to her, before her death, the Virgin Mary came to her and offered her an option for salvation - to leave her body, which was enslaved by demons.

How to deal with a possessed person

If suddenly you discover signs of demonic possession in your loved ones, it is important not to get lost at this moment, try to create conditions so that the person does not harm himself or others. There are several tips on how to protect yourself from a possessed person:

  • You should not provoke a possessed person into an attack of aggression, since he is not capable of taking responsibility for his own actions. Agree with him and control the situation.
  • Protect the possessed person from moving. Sit or lay on the bed. Make sure he can't hurt himself.
  • If demonic possession manifests itself, try to calm the person down and bring him to a normal state. If an attack is provoked by icons or crucifixes, remove them.

Protect yourself and your loved ones from the attacks of demons. True faith, fervent prayer, and a life of piety will not allow the devil to take possession of your soul and body.

Prayer from demons can protect a person who has become a victim of evil spirits. When demons appear to you, evil spirits live in the house, or you suspect that they have settled inside you, prayers that drive out dark forces will help and save.

In the article:

In what cases is prayer from demons used?

Despite the fact that today man is surrounded by the modern world, where there is almost no room left for legends and ancient traditions, there are demons. They come to a person, settle in the home and body.

There are no barriers for them. Neither thick walls nor door locks will stop them. One thing can get rid of evil spirits and drive them back to hell - prayer from demons. She will protect from any evil and enemy. The latter cannot stand places where prayers are constantly heard. It is believed that it is not found in churches and monasteries. However, there are known cases such as fighting Satan in one’s own cell, and many also believe in the existence, but this is a separate topic for discussion.

To expel evil spirits from your home, stock up on holy water, an icon and church candles. Sprinkle walls, windows, doors and corners, outline with church wax, and carry the holy face with you during this process. Church incense is also suitable; it is used to fumigate the room. Evil spirits are also afraid of wormwood smoke. When you are practicing, read any of the prayers from demons that are given below.

They are capable of much, and meeting with them ends in mild fear or death. Knowledgeable people recommend carrying prayers with you written down on a piece of paper. Or memorize one of the texts below, but many simply lose the ability to think clearly when encountering real evil spirits. You can meet her anywhere - in a deserted place on the street, in the dark.

When they saw devils or other unclean entities with their own eyes, they wished for it - evil spirits love to scare people. Or perhaps you have the rudiments of clairvoyance and see more than others. But don’t look closely at the horned figures, say a prayer and believe that it will save you.

Obsession- a separate and complex case. There are options for getting rid of this problem - expelling evil spirits from yourself, performing a ceremony for another person, or getting help from a church, which has nuances.

What is read against demons

The prayers described below are for expelling demons from the house or in case of a chance meeting for protection from it. Apartments become housing for her, often in those where murders or suicides have occurred. The evil spirits love the homes of drunken alcoholics and drug addicts, where they make scandals and sin in other ways. When you get one with otherworldly powers, drive them out. Evil spirits will encourage suicide, drunkenness, and scandals. You will forget about peace with such neighbors.

One of the prayers that casts out demons is “Our Father.” For any situation, it is universal. For protection and expulsion of evil spirits it is read “May God rise again,” Jesus Prayer, Prayer to the Guardian Angel, Prayer to Saint Cyprian and many other sacred texts that are kept from evil spirits.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel from demons and other representatives of hell.

A special prayer for protection from any evil spirits.

These prayers are read at any time, anywhere when protection is needed. The main purpose is to drive away evil spirits, to prevent them from frightening a believer or causing harm, whatever they are capable of.

How to cast a demon out of yourself

Priests are involved in exorcising demons, and to do this they must obtain permission from the church diocese.
But with the help of special prayers it becomes real at home. They will not be able to harm, and when it is not possible to drive away the dark entity, the ritual is repeated, they ask for help - it is easier to reprimand another than themselves, or they turn to church.

A demon sitting inside a person may prevent him from crossing the threshold of a temple; such entities experience serious discomfort in holy places. While reading the exorcising prayer, you must be alone - otherwise the essence will move into someone who is nearby, leaving you. The presence of icons, candles or incense is not required, but it is worth wearing a pectoral cross.

The prayer is read during the manifestation of activity of the enemy sitting in the body. When you have enough willpower to understand that a demon is forcing you to drink alcohol, show aggression, or engage in other obscene activities, this text is said:

You need to read a prayer to feel better. At this moment, you will feel resistance to the dark essence that has occupied the body, but willpower and faith in the Lord can deliver you from demons, demons and devils. They also resort to prayer to Seraphim of Sarov. After the expulsion, they put up protection, but it must be Orthodox.

Casting out demons from another person

Not everyone has the willpower to fight the dark forces on their own. And not every person is capable of exorcism. This requires strong nerves, unshakable faith in the help of the Lord and a desire to selflessly help one’s neighbor. You will also need an icon of the Savior - they place it in front of the demoniac.

There are many requirements for an exorcist: that there is no zero in the date of birth, that he has been baptized and has a cross on his body, that he has fasted for nine days before the ceremony, that he is older than the person being reported, different names from the patient, that there should not be a woman with menstruation or a baby in the exorcist’s house.

It is impossible to cast out evil spirits with this deduction on the waxing moon, or on the week when there are birthdays, weddings or christenings in the family of the exorcist or the possessed. When reading, you should not make mistakes, confuse words and stop until the end. This is a long prayer, but a powerful one. During the reprimand, the possessed man sits on a chair in front of the icon. In especially severe cases, he is tied up. Do not keep sharp or cutting objects near the patient; when a seizure occurs, those suffering from evil spirits cannot control themselves.

Prayer from demons - how to get rid of the evil spirits living inside a person

Prayer from demons can protect a person who has become a victim of evil spirits. If demons appear to you, evil spirits live in your home, or you suspect that demons have settled inside you, prayers that drive out dark forces are described below.

In what cases is a prayer from demons read?

Despite the fact that modern man is surrounded by an equally modern world, in which there is almost no room left for legends and ancient traditions, demons still exist. They can appear to a person, live in his house and even occupy his body.

There are no barriers for demons. Neither thick walls nor reliable door locks will stop them. Only prayer from demons can stop evil spirits and drive them back to hell. Prayer can protect from any evil and evil spirits. It is no coincidence that the latter cannot be in places where prayers are often heard. It is believed that it does not happen in churches and monasteries. However, there are known cases like Padre Pio’s fight with Satan in his own cell, and many also believe in the existence of a church demon, but this is a separate topic for discussion.

In order to expel evil spirits from the house, you should stock up on holy water, an icon and church candles. Sprinkle walls, windows, doors and corners with holy water, circle them with candles, and carry the icon with you during this process. Church incense is also suitable, which can be used to fumigate a room. Evil spirits are also afraid of wormwood smoke. While you are doing this cleansing of your home, you should read any of the prayers that cast out demons. They are listed below.

If you encounter evil spirits, keep in mind that they can not only scare you, but also seriously harm you. Demons are capable of many things, and a meeting with them can result in either mild fright or death. Knowledgeable people often recommend carrying prayers against demons with you, written down on a piece of paper. You can memorize one of the texts below, but many simply lose the ability to think clearly when encountering real evil spirits. Where can I meet her? Almost anywhere, for example, in a deserted place on the street, usually in the dark.

By the way, if you managed to see devils or other unclean entities, most likely they wished for it - evil spirits love to scare people. Perhaps you have the rudiments of clairvoyance and are able to see more than other people. In any case, do not look too closely at the horned figures, read the prayer from demons and believe that it will save you.

Obsession- a separate and extremely complex case. There are several options for getting rid of this problem - casting out demons from yourself, performing the ritual described below for another person, or getting help from a church, which has its own nuances.

What prayers should be read against demons?

So, how to get rid of demons if they have not yet taken possession of a person? The prayers described below are read during the expulsion of demons from the house or during a chance meeting with evil spirits for protection from it. By the way, apartments often become housing for her, especially those in which murders or suicides have occurred. Evil spirits also love the houses of binge alcoholics and drug addicts, apartments in which they often make trouble and sin in other ways. If you happen to have housing with otherworldly residents, you should expel them. Evil spirits will encourage suicide, drunkenness, and scandals. There will be no peaceful life with such neighbors.

One of the prayers that cast out demons is the “Our Father.” It can be read in any situation, it is universal. You can also read for protection and expulsion of evil spirits “May God rise again,” Jesus Prayer, Prayer to the Guardian Angel, Prayer to Saint Cyprian and many other sacred texts that can protect against evil spirits. There are also little-known, but very powerful prayers aimed specifically at protection from evil spirits.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel from demons and other representatives of the population of hell

Special prayer for protection from any evil spirits

Prayer from the machinations of demons and devils

These prayers can be read anytime, anywhere when you need protection. During sprinkling or fumigation of the home, they can also be read. Their main purpose is to drive away evil spirits, to prevent them from frightening a believer, and to prevent them from causing the harm that they are capable of.

How to cast a demon out of yourself

It is known that exorcisms are usually carried out by priests, and for this they must obtain permission from the church diocese. But with the help of special prayers, the expulsion of demons from a person becomes possible at home. In any case, they will not be able to harm, and if it is not possible to drive away the dark entity, you can repeat the ritual, ask for help from another person - it is believed that it is easier to reprimand someone than yourself, you can also turn to church.

By the way, about the church - the demon sitting inside a person may not allow him to cross the threshold of the temple, because such entities experience serious discomfort in holy places. While reading the exorcising prayer, you must be alone - otherwise the entity may move into another person and leave you. The presence of icons, candles or incense is not required, but it is worth wearing a pectoral cross.

So, how to cast out a demon from yourself? This prayer is read during the manifestation of the activity of the evil spirit sitting within you. If you have the willpower to understand that a demon is forcing you to drink alcohol, be aggressive, or engage in other obscene activities, read this text:

You need to read the prayer until you feel better. While reading, you will feel resistance to the dark entity that has taken over your body, but willpower and faith in the help of the Lord can save you from demons, demons and devils. You can also read prayer to Saint Seraphim of Sarov, it also helps well against evil spirits and dark witchcraft. After expelling dark entities, protection should be put in place, but always Orthodox, with the help of prayers.

Prayers to cast out demons from another person

How to drive a demon out of yourself is quite clear - stay alone, wait for its manifestation and read a prayer until it becomes easier. But not everyone has the willpower to fight the dark forces on their own. And not every person is capable of exorcism. This requires strong nerves, unshakable faith in the help of the Lord and a desire to selflessly help one’s neighbor. You will also need an icon of the Savior, which is placed in front of the demoniac.

In general, there are many requirements for an exorcist. He should not have a zero in his date of birth. He must be older than the one he is scolding, and the name of the scolder must be different, not the same as that of the patient. There should not be a woman who is menstruating or a baby in the exorcist's house. He must be baptized, wear a cross on his body, and fast for nine days before the ceremony.

It is impossible to cast out evil spirits with this deduction on the waxing moon, or on the week when there are birthdays, weddings or christenings in the family of the exorcist or the possessed. When reading, you should not make mistakes, confuse words and stop until you reach the end. This is a very long prayer, but it is considered the most powerful. During the reading, the possessed person must sit on a chair in front of the icon. In especially severe cases, he is tied up. It is advisable not to keep sharp or cutting objects near the patient; he may have a seizure, during which people suffering from attacks from evil spirits do not control themselves very well.

So, the text of the prayer for obsession:

In general, there are many prayers from demons. It is quite possible to choose the right one for any situation - from protection from evil spirits that have arisen on your way or in the house, to expelling the demon sitting inside a person on your own.

    • Fortune telling
    • Conspiracies
    • Rituals
    • Signs
    • Evil Eye and Damage
    • Charms
    • Love spells
    • Lapels
    • Numerology
    • Psychics
    • Astral
    • Mantras
    • Creatures and

    On this day there were extensive celebrations, people drank and walked. It was believed that it was not a sin to drink a lot if the bins were full. It was not for nothing that they said: “I got stuck!” On winter Nicholas, it is customary to make conspiracies against alcoholism. You can order a prayer service for the health of a relative with alcohol addiction. On December 19, Saint Nicholas brings gifts to children, and relatives read prayers for their health.

    Prayers for induced illnesses

    For induced illnesses, daily prayers are read to the Most Holy Trinity, the Most Holy Theotokos, Jesus Christ (for deliverance from corruption), the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, the Apostle and Evangelist Mark, as well as prayers for the expulsion of evil spirits, demons, devils, diseases and for the healing of the sick.

    Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity

    Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Most Holy Theotokos, save us. I am troubled by passions, and many despondencies fill my soul: O You, O All-Immaculate One, die with the silence of Your Son and God. Amen".

    Prayer to Jesus Christ for deliverance from corruption

    Lord, with the Light of Your Radiance, save us in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in the coming sleep, and by the power of Your Grace, turn away and remove all evil wickedness, acting at the instigation of the devil. Whoever thought and did, return their evil back to the pit, for Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Prayer to the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

    Prayer to the Holy Apostle John the Theologian

    Receive us, sinners, who come running under your strong intercession and protection. Ask the All-Generous Lover of Mankind, Christ our God, Who, before your eyes, poured out His most precious blood for us, His indecent servants, may He not remember our iniquities, but may He have mercy on us and deal with us according to His mercy: may He grant us mental and physical health, all prosperity and abundance, instructing us to turn them into the glory of Him, the Creator, Savior and our God.

    At the end of our temporary life, may we, holy apostle, escape the merciless tormentors who await us in the airy ordeals, but may we reach, led and covered by you, the mountainous Jerusalem, whose glory you have seen in revelation, and now enjoying these joys, promised God's chosen ones.

    O great John! save all Christian cities and countries and all who call on your name from famine, destruction, cowardice, flood, fire, sword and invasion of foreigners, and internecine warfare; deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes and with your prayers turn away the righteous wrath of God from us and ask us for His mercy.

    O great and incomprehensible God! Behold, we offer You Saint John for our supplication, whom You have vouchsafed with ineffable revelations; accept intercession for us, grant us the fulfillment of our petitions for Your glory, and moreover, make us spiritual perfection for the enjoyment of endless life in Your Heavenly Inhabitants!

    O Heavenly Father, who created all the Lord, the All-Powerful King! Touch our hearts with grace, so that, melting like wax, poured out before You, mortal spiritual creation will be created in honor and glory of Yours, and Your Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Prayer for the expulsion of evil spirits, demons, devils, diseases

    An evil spirit, a demon spirit, a desert demon, a demon of mountain peaks, a sea demon, a swamp demon, an evil genius, an evil wind, an evil demon and demons that bring illnesses to the body, infect the WHOLE BODY - curse it, bright spirit of the sky! Curse him, spirit of the earth! Conjure him, Lord SABAOF, God Narudi - the lord of the mighty Gods, Savior Saoshiant, Holy Trinity, Saint, Remigius and all Saints!

    An evil demon, an evil plague, all demons, the spirit of heaven and Earth expels you all from the body of God's servant (name). Let everyone unite; together: the guardian genius, your protector, the guardian daimon, the Lord SAVAOF, God Narudi - the lord of the powerful Gods, the Savior Saoshiant, the Most Holy Trinity, Saint Remigius and all the Saints with the Holy Spirit of heaven and earth. The spell is of the Great, Great, Great God, Amen, Amen, Amen of all Amen.

    You, damned and forever condemned devils, by the power of God's names Om, Adonai, Jehovah, Hosts, Messiah, Emmanuel, Tetragrammaton, I fetter, weaken and expel you from the body of the servant of God (name), from every place and house wherever this one goes servant of God.

    In the name of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, come out of the “body of God’s servant (name), evil spirits, demons, devils, demons and all evil spirits. I conjure you with all the names of God, the Lord God himself, the Most Holy Theotokos, Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Trinity, the four Evangelists - Mark, Luke, Matthew, John, the angels and archangels and all the Saints.

    By the power of God's names: Agla, Om, Tetragrammaton, Adonai, Jehovah; Hosts - all evil spirits, demons, devils, all diseases, get out of the body of the servant of God (name) and burn in the fire of this candle! I conjure you with the ineffable Divine names of the Holy Father.

    By force of will I expel you, all evil spirits, demons, devils, all diseases, from the body of the servant of God (name).

    By the power of all the Saints, by the power of all heavenly powers, evil spirits, demons, devils, illnesses and all evil spirits, I command you: immediately leave the body of the servant of God (name) and never return to this servant of God anywhere."

    Prayer for the healing of the sick

    Most Holy Theotokos, through Your omnipotent intercession, help me to beg Your Son, my God, for the healing of God’s servant (name).

    All saints and angels of the Lord, pray to God for His sick servant (name). Amen".

    How to cast out a demon from yourself at home with prayer

    To drive the demon out of yourself, read a special prayer at home. You rage, get angry, scream. Don't despair, the demon will be cast out forever!

    As far as I know, the priest is dealing with this issue, not of his own free will, but with the permission of the church diocese.

    One of my friends was already reading a prayer text, being in a terrible and inadequate state.

    Surprisingly, he is not a drunkard. I've never been a rowdy guy.

    And then he goes berserk, snaps at his loved ones, calling them obscene names.

    Dear readers, prayer helped him.

    If you notice an uncontrollable demon in yourself, do not go to church, because the devil sitting inside will begin to be indignant.

    Without lighting candles or looking at Orthodox icons, mutter this prayer at home.

    Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. With a holy breath, drive out from me the demonic essence that takes possession of my soul and tempts me.

    I believe in the Church, icons, and God's Laws. Let the demon sitting inside find a suitable house.

    I repent of countless sins, which were committed by will in the days of renunciation from God.

    Let your will be done now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

    When casting out a demon from yourself with prayer, you will certainly encounter devilish resistance.

    To prevent demonic migration, it is advisable that no one be at home during the expulsion.

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    How to cast a demon out of a person: effective prayers for exorcism

    Unfortunately, the infusion of evil spirits into people occurs not only in movies, but also in real life. So that you can protect yourself and your family, we have prepared detailed instructions for you on how to cast out a demon from a person at home. Strictly follow all the rules of exorcism so as not to become the next victim yourself.

    There are analogues of demons in every culture of the world, which confirms the real existence of forces hostile to man.

    What are they

    In Christianity, a demon is an angel who was cast out of heaven for his deceit and pride. The supreme demon's name was Lucifer, he wished to gain the same power and strength as God. For his envy and arrogance, Lucifer and his intermediaries were tied to the earth, and they became what we call demons, demons and devils.

    The demon is weaker than the demon, but smarter and more insidious than the devil. His appearance is very similar to the devil, but he is larger. The demon can take on completely different appearances, be invisible, and pass through closed doors.

    In order to manifest itself in the physical world, an evil spirit needs a human body. An evil spirit can enter a person through:

    • Fright;
    • Weakening of energy;
    • By inheritance, if a person's ancestors were warlocks.

    Symptoms of obsession

    Obvious signs of a demon in a person:

    • Aggression without reason;
    • Depression;
    • Insomnia;
    • Obscene language;
    • Suicidal tendencies;
    • Frequent seizures;
    • Voice change;
    • Guilt.

    Exorcism ritual

    Jesus Christ was also an exorcist.

    A ritual that casts out demons and everything unclean with the help of sacred prayers is called Exorcism.

    It appeared around the first centuries AD, when there was persecution of Christians. Many church ministers hid in the catacombs; adherents who suffered for the sake of their faith could perform miracles and cast out evil spirits.

    In the beginning, only Jesus Christ could cast out evil spirits; later the apostles acquired such a gift. At the founding of the church, this gift passed to the priests

    In the Middle Ages, the number of healers who could exorcise demons decreased significantly. Church servants repeatedly committed grave sins and were unable to help the possessed, but were confident in their strength. They justified their failures by saying that the demon was very strong and additional rituals were needed.

    Cruel rituals were performed on the unfortunate people, they were fumigated with disgusting odors, they were not given food and water, and their bodies were burned with hot metal. It was believed that evil spirits could not withstand such torture and would soon leave the body, but the patient himself could not stand the cruel torture. The scammers claimed that the deceased was left by a demon, and his death was justified.

    Requirements for an exorcist

    Casting out a demon is a difficult and dangerous job; the person reading the prayer over the possessed must follow certain rules, otherwise he himself will get sick:

    • He must be older than the demoniac;
    • There should not be a zero in his date of birth;
    • The person reporting must wear a cross and fast;
    • He should not seek fame and take money for his help;
    • In the room where the prayer will be read, remove sharp objects, and it is advisable to tie the possessed person to a chair; When the demon comes out, a person may not control himself.
    • In the week when the sedum is performed, there should be no birthdays, weddings or births of children;
    • A woman on her period should not be present in the house where the ceremony is being held;
    • When reading a prayer, you should not make mistakes or skip words.

    Sedum is an Orthodox exorcism. (It is worth understanding that

    believers of other faiths have their own similar rituals) Reprimand is used on people in whom a demon has settled; this is a request for help from God through prayer.

    People of any religion have similar rituals.

    Prayer to cast out demons from a person:

    We put on the one Christ and the word of God.

    Fear the devil, get away from the servant of God (name).

    Christ is risen by His will, by His power I cast you out,

    The terrible and unclean devil, by the power of the Most High God, the Invisible Father.

    Christ was buried quickly; Christ is risen, run,

    The devil, through the victory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and forever and ever. Amen.

    The cross is on me, on God’s servant (name), the cross is on God’s servant (name).

    I curse and drive out the devil with the cross.

    Depart, demon and devil and unclean spirit, from me, servant of God (name).

    Depart from the one in whom you are sitting, from the servant of God (name).

    Retreat, step away from these doors, here sit angels and archangels, cherubim and seraphim,

    Here are the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Ever-Virgin, the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven,

    Who gave birth to the Creator in the flesh, Jesus Christ, our God, the King of Heaven.

    By the power of Christ, be the devil and the unclean spirit cursed by all seven councils, now, forever, and forever.

    Amen. The cross is the guardian of the entire Universe, the cross is the beauty of the church,

    The cross is a power for kings, a cross for driving away devils from the servant of God (name).

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    How to remove damage yourself?

    Good day. Recommend a strong ritual to remove the damage yourself. My neighbor at the dacha and I have been fighting for more than one year.

    What is the difference between the evil eye, damage and curse

    Hello. Tell me, please - are damage, the evil eye and a curse the same thing or different phenomena? If yes, then how.

    How can I determine if I have damage or the evil eye?

    Hello. My situation is this: I have a mother-in-law who doesn’t like me and my grandson very much. She does it all the time.

    Biblical parable

    The ancient holy scriptures say that several demons can be possessed in a person. This is mentioned in the Gospel.

    One of the stories says that Jesus Christ once, while healing a sick person, asked the evil spirits: “What is your name?” In response, the demons said: “My name is Legion.”

    The Savior drove out the evil spirits and infused them into the pigs, then the real animals could not stand their neighbors and rushed into the abyss.


    If for some reason you decide to get rid of an unwanted neighbor without the help of priests, you should know how to drive the demon out of yourself:

    • You must remain alone, the demon can quickly find a new victim;
    • The presence of icons and a pectoral cross is required;
    • You must realize that an evil spirit is directing you to all indecent activities;
    • When the sedum takes place, the demon will resist, you must not stop believing in God and in his help.

    Lord God, bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed, and will go, crossing myself, from the hut doors, from the courtyard to the gates, into the open field behind the doors, under the morning dawn and under the eastern side, to the true Lord of hosts,

    I will save Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the King of Heaven and the holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, the six-winged cherubim and seraphim and other disembodied heavenly powers, and the holy honest prophet,

    To the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John, and to the four holy apostles and evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John the Theologian, to the holy prophet Elijah the Tezbite.

    Create, O Lord, your great Divine mercy, from the Throne of the Lord a threatening cloud, dark, stone, fiery and flaming. From that dark cloud bring down frequent rain.

    In Heaven, from the Throne of the Lord, God's mercy and a threatening cloud, strong thunder and lightning begin and rise.

    And the true Lord God of hosts, the Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the King of Heaven, sent down His great mercy from God from the Throne of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, the king of thunder, the queen of lightning.

    The king of thunder struck, the queen of lightning let down the flames, sanctified everything around, all sorts of unclean spirits galloped and scattered.

    And how from that God’s mercy, from a menacing cloud, from strong thunder from lightning, a formidable thunder arrow flies out, and how menacingly, fiercely and ardently it drives out the devil and the unclean spirit of the demon K., S., S., N., and the mammoth messenger and the servant of God (name) who was with me, he drives out of the yard, breaks the stone and the tree, and just as from that formidable thunder arrow the stone cannot fly into one place, the tree cannot grow again, and so would the damned devil and the unclean spirit, the demon and the mammoth messenger and the visitor would have run away from me, the servant of God (name), from this place, far away lands, distant cities, distant villages, distant seas and could not see me, the servant of God (name), and couldn't hear.

    And how are you afraid of a formidable, fiery, thunderous arrow, the devil, and with you the unclean spirit is afraid, the demon K., S, S, I., and the mammoth messenger and visitor, and also the servant of God (name) would be afraid and afraid my enemies and adversaries (names), and all sorts of unclean spirits, galloped and fled from me, the servant of God (name).

    The water one goes into the water, and the forest one goes into the forest, under a dry creaking tree, under a dead root, under a bush, under a hill, and the yard mammoth is a messenger and a visitor and a cursed devil and an unclean spirit, a demon, go to your old, former place, to your dark home.

    And just as the Lord makes me wise, the blind do not see, but everyone knows, so, Lord, make me, the servant of God (name), wise to go to the unclean demons with the cross and prayer.

    The voice of Thy thunder in the chariot, Thy lightning will illuminate, the Universe moves, and the earth is in trembling, just as unclean spirits would tremble from me, the servant of God (name), and as our parents lie in the earth, they do not feel the ringing of bells or the singing of church , and so my conspiracy-sentence would be strong, strong at all times and until the next century, forever and ever.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will become a servant of God (name), having been blessed, I will go from west to east. The king of a menacing cloud rises, and under the menacing cloud the king of thunder rushes about with the queen of lightning.

    Just as the enemy devils flee from the king of thunder and the queen of lightning: forest, water, yard and every unclean creature - to their dark estates: under a stump, under a log, into pools and lakes, so they would flee from those living in these mansions, from me , servant of God (name).

    All sorts of human enemies would run: forest devils, water devils, yard devils: under a stump, under a log, into lakes, into muddy water, into pools, into dry bushes, under broken untrodden bridges.

    They would run recklessly and irrevocably, century after century, from now on. Amen

    Signs of liberation

    When an evil spirit comes out, a person may experience the following symptoms:

    • Cold;
    • Body trembling or shaking;
    • Physical pain;
    • Increased pressure;
    • yawning, coughing, or slow breathing;
    • Abdominal pain, heartburn, vomiting;
    • Migraine;
    • Involuntary movements;
    • Body breaking;
    • Screaming and screaming;
    • Pupil dilation;
    • Strabismus;
    • Escape;
    • Hiss;
    • Stench;
    • Scratching movements;
    • Writhing.

    Read this article: Prayer Creed. You might be interested...

    Other rituals

    In addition to Orthodox prayers, there are also folk rituals that help expel demons from the human body, which can be used at home.

    An example of how to cast a demon out of a person:

    A demon-possessed person must sit on a threshold anywhere, inside or outside a living space. At the same time, there should not be any decorations on it, except for the cross. He needs to put a snow-white towel under his feet, throw some change on it, but not count it, and sprinkle some sunflower seeds next to him, and he should start combing his hair and cracking the seeds.

    The demon will begin to ask: “What are you doing?”

    You need to answer freely and without fear: “I comb my hair and pick out lice.”

    The evil spirit will ask: “Do people eat lice?”

    “Does the dead inhabit the living?”

    After these words, the demon will leave. In order for him not to return, all objects from the ceremony must be wrapped and taken to the cemetery, placed there on any grave and said:

    “I’m returning it, I’ll be alive, and you’ll lie in the ground.

    The moon and the sun walk together in the same sky and do not converge, so we will never meet you again.

    Cross yourself three times and leave without looking back.

    Topic "Diagnostics of the evil eye and damage by eggs" Topic "How to remove the evil eye and damage through wax castings" General forum "White magic"

    Cursed houses

    An evil force can enter not only the human soul, but also live in a living space. The ideal house for demons is the one where murders and suicides were committed. Often evil spirits move into apartments where heavy alcoholics and drug addicts live, where they often swear and make trouble.

    If you have purchased housing with otherworldly neighbors, they must be expelled, otherwise the demons will push you to drunkenness and suicide. Don't expect a pleasant life with them.

    Where do they go

    When leaving, the demon must immediately move into a new soul. If he does not find the next victim, he returns to the person from whom he was expelled. If a person leads an immoral lifestyle, the demon returns with seven more evil spirits and takes possession of him. Therefore, it is so important to take communion after the ceremony and maintain a decent lifestyle. When Jesus cast out demons, he did not tell them where to go. The demons themselves asked him to instill them in the animals.

    Peter and Fevronia


    If you have any questions or need help in your current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

  • Complete collection and description: what kind of prayer casts out demons for the spiritual life of a believer.

    For induced illnesses, daily prayers are read to the Most Holy Trinity, the Most Holy Theotokos, Jesus Christ (for deliverance from corruption), the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, the Apostle and Evangelist Mark, as well as prayers for the expulsion of evil spirits, demons, devils, diseases and for the healing of the sick.

    Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity

    Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Most Holy Theotokos, save us. I am troubled by passions, and many despondencies fill my soul: O You, O All-Immaculate One, die with the silence of Your Son and God. Amen".

    Prayer to Jesus Christ for deliverance from corruption

    Lord, with the Light of Your Radiance, save us in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in the coming sleep, and by the power of Your Grace, turn away and remove all evil wickedness, acting at the instigation of the devil. Whoever thought and did, return their evil back to the pit, for Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Prayer to the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

    Prayer to the Holy Apostle John the Theologian

    Receive us, sinners, who come running under your strong intercession and protection. Ask the All-Generous Lover of Mankind, Christ our God, Who, before your eyes, poured out His most precious blood for us, His indecent servants, may He not remember our iniquities, but may He have mercy on us and deal with us according to His mercy: may He grant us mental and physical health, all prosperity and abundance, instructing us to turn them into the glory of Him, the Creator, Savior and our God.

    At the end of our temporary life, may we, holy apostle, escape the merciless tormentors who await us in the airy ordeals, but may we reach, led and covered by you, the mountainous Jerusalem, whose glory you have seen in revelation, and now enjoying these joys, promised God's chosen ones.

    O great John! save all Christian cities and countries and all who call on your name from famine, destruction, cowardice, flood, fire, sword and invasion of foreigners, and internecine warfare; deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes and with your prayers turn away the righteous wrath of God from us and ask us for His mercy.

    O great and incomprehensible God! Behold, we offer You Saint John for our supplication, whom You have vouchsafed with ineffable revelations; accept intercession for us, grant us the fulfillment of our petitions for Your glory, and moreover, make us spiritual perfection for the enjoyment of endless life in Your Heavenly Inhabitants!

    O Heavenly Father, who created all the Lord, the All-Powerful King! Touch our hearts with grace, so that, melting like wax, poured out before You, mortal spiritual creation will be created in honor and glory of Yours, and Your Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Prayer for the expulsion of evil spirits, demons, devils, diseases

    An evil spirit, a demon spirit, a desert demon, a demon of mountain peaks, a sea demon, a swamp demon, an evil genius, an evil wind, an evil demon and demons that bring illnesses to the body, infect the WHOLE BODY - curse it, bright spirit of the sky! Curse him, spirit of the earth! Conjure him, Lord SABAOF, God Narudi - the lord of the mighty Gods, Savior Saoshiant, Holy Trinity, Saint, Remigius and all Saints!

    An evil demon, an evil plague, all demons, the spirit of heaven and Earth expels you all from the body of God's servant (name). Let everyone unite; together: the guardian genius, your protector, the guardian daimon, the Lord SAVAOF, God Narudi - the lord of the powerful Gods, the Savior Saoshiant, the Most Holy Trinity, Saint Remigius and all the Saints with the Holy Spirit of heaven and earth. The spell is of the Great, Great, Great God, Amen, Amen, Amen of all Amen.

    You, damned and forever condemned devils, by the power of God's names Om, Adonai, Jehovah, Hosts, Messiah, Emmanuel, Tetragrammaton, I fetter, weaken and expel you from the body of the servant of God (name), from every place and house wherever this one goes servant of God.

    In the name of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, come out of the “body of God’s servant (name), evil spirits, demons, devils, demons and all evil spirits. I conjure you with all the names of God, the Lord God himself, the Most Holy Theotokos, Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Trinity, the four Evangelists - Mark, Luke, Matthew, John, the angels and archangels and all the Saints.

    By the power of God's names: Agla, Om, Tetragrammaton, Adonai, Jehovah; Hosts - all evil spirits, demons, devils, all diseases, get out of the body of the servant of God (name) and burn in the fire of this candle! I conjure you with the ineffable Divine names of the Holy Father.

    By force of will I expel you, all evil spirits, demons, devils, all diseases, from the body of the servant of God (name).

    By the power of all the Saints, by the power of all heavenly powers, evil spirits, demons, devils, illnesses and all evil spirits, I command you: immediately leave the body of the servant of God (name) and never return to this servant of God anywhere."

    Prayer for the healing of the sick

    Most Holy Theotokos, through Your omnipotent intercession, help me to beg Your Son, my God, for the healing of God’s servant (name).

    All saints and angels of the Lord, pray to God for His sick servant (name). Amen".

    How to cast a demon out of a person: effective prayers for exorcism

    Unfortunately, the infusion of evil spirits into people occurs not only in movies, but also in real life. So that you can protect yourself and your family, we have prepared detailed instructions for you on how to cast out a demon from a person at home. Strictly follow all the rules of exorcism so as not to become the next victim yourself.

    There are analogues of demons in every culture of the world, which confirms the real existence of forces hostile to man.

    What are they

    In Christianity, a demon is an angel who was cast out of heaven for his deceit and pride. The supreme demon's name was Lucifer, he wished to gain the same power and strength as God. For his envy and arrogance, Lucifer and his intermediaries were tied to the earth, and they became what we call demons, demons and devils.

    The demon is weaker than the demon, but smarter and more insidious than the devil. His appearance is very similar to the devil, but he is larger. The demon can take on completely different appearances, be invisible, and pass through closed doors.

    In order to manifest itself in the physical world, an evil spirit needs a human body. An evil spirit can enter a person through:

    • Fright;
    • Weakening of energy;
    • By inheritance, if a person's ancestors were warlocks.

    Symptoms of obsession

    Obvious signs of a demon in a person:

    • Aggression without reason;
    • Depression;
    • Insomnia;
    • Obscene language;
    • Suicidal tendencies;
    • Frequent seizures;
    • Voice change;
    • Guilt.

    Exorcism ritual

    Jesus Christ was also an exorcist.

    A ritual that casts out demons and everything unclean with the help of sacred prayers is called Exorcism.

    It appeared around the first centuries AD, when there was persecution of Christians. Many church ministers hid in the catacombs; adherents who suffered for the sake of their faith could perform miracles and cast out evil spirits.

    In the beginning, only Jesus Christ could cast out evil spirits; later the apostles acquired such a gift. At the founding of the church, this gift passed to the priests

    In the Middle Ages, the number of healers who could exorcise demons decreased significantly. Church servants repeatedly committed grave sins and were unable to help the possessed, but were confident in their strength. They justified their failures by saying that the demon was very strong and additional rituals were needed.

    Cruel rituals were performed on the unfortunate people, they were fumigated with disgusting odors, they were not given food and water, and their bodies were burned with hot metal. It was believed that evil spirits could not withstand such torture and would soon leave the body, but the patient himself could not stand the cruel torture. The scammers claimed that the deceased was left by a demon, and his death was justified.

    Requirements for an exorcist

    Casting out a demon is a difficult and dangerous job; the person reading the prayer over the possessed must follow certain rules, otherwise he himself will get sick:

    • He must be older than the demoniac;
    • There should not be a zero in his date of birth;
    • The person reporting must wear a cross and fast;
    • He should not seek fame and take money for his help;
    • In the room where the prayer will be read, remove sharp objects, and it is advisable to tie the possessed person to a chair; When the demon comes out, a person may not control himself.
    • In the week when the sedum is performed, there should be no birthdays, weddings or births of children;
    • A woman on her period should not be present in the house where the ceremony is being held;
    • When reading a prayer, you should not make mistakes or skip words.

    Sedum is an Orthodox exorcism. (It is worth understanding that

    believers of other faiths have their own similar rituals) Reprimand is used on people in whom a demon has settled; this is a request for help from God through prayer.

    People of any religion have similar rituals.

    Prayer to cast out demons from a person:

    We put on the one Christ and the word of God.

    Fear the devil, get away from the servant of God (name).

    Christ is risen by His will, by His power I cast you out,

    The terrible and unclean devil, by the power of the Most High God, the Invisible Father.

    Christ was buried quickly; Christ is risen, run,

    The devil, through the victory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and forever and ever. Amen.

    The cross is on me, on God’s servant (name), the cross is on God’s servant (name).

    I curse and drive out the devil with the cross.

    Depart, demon and devil and unclean spirit, from me, servant of God (name).

    Depart from the one in whom you are sitting, from the servant of God (name).

    Retreat, step away from these doors, here sit angels and archangels, cherubim and seraphim,

    Here are the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Ever-Virgin, the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven,

    Who gave birth to the Creator in the flesh, Jesus Christ, our God, the King of Heaven.

    By the power of Christ, be the devil and the unclean spirit cursed by all seven councils, now, forever, and forever.

    Amen. The cross is the guardian of the entire Universe, the cross is the beauty of the church,

    The cross is a power for kings, a cross for driving away devils from the servant of God (name).

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    How to remove damage yourself?

    Good day. Recommend a strong ritual to remove the damage yourself. My neighbor at the dacha and I have been fighting for more than one year.

    What is the difference between the evil eye, damage and curse

    Hello. Tell me, please - are damage, the evil eye and a curse the same thing or different phenomena? If yes, then how.

    How can I determine if I have damage or the evil eye?

    Hello. My situation is this: I have a mother-in-law who doesn’t like me and my grandson very much. She does it all the time.

    Biblical parable

    The ancient holy scriptures say that several demons can be possessed in a person. This is mentioned in the Gospel.

    One of the stories says that Jesus Christ once, while healing a sick person, asked the evil spirits: “What is your name?” In response, the demons said: “My name is Legion.”

    The Savior drove out the evil spirits and infused them into the pigs, then the real animals could not stand their neighbors and rushed into the abyss.


    If for some reason you decide to get rid of an unwanted neighbor without the help of priests, you should know how to drive the demon out of yourself:

    • You must remain alone, the demon can quickly find a new victim;
    • The presence of icons and a pectoral cross is required;
    • You must realize that an evil spirit is directing you to all indecent activities;
    • When the sedum takes place, the demon will resist, you must not stop believing in God and in his help.

    Lord God, bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed, and will go, crossing myself, from the hut doors, from the courtyard to the gates, into the open field behind the doors, under the morning dawn and under the eastern side, to the true Lord of hosts,

    I will save Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the King of Heaven and the holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, the six-winged cherubim and seraphim and other disembodied heavenly powers, and the holy honest prophet,

    To the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John, and to the four holy apostles and evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John the Theologian, to the holy prophet Elijah the Tezbite.

    Create, O Lord, your great Divine mercy, from the Throne of the Lord a threatening cloud, dark, stone, fiery and flaming. From that dark cloud bring down frequent rain.

    In Heaven, from the Throne of the Lord, God's mercy and a threatening cloud, strong thunder and lightning begin and rise.

    And the true Lord God of hosts, the Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the King of Heaven, sent down His great mercy from God from the Throne of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, the king of thunder, the queen of lightning.

    The king of thunder struck, the queen of lightning let down the flames, sanctified everything around, all sorts of unclean spirits galloped and scattered.

    And how from that God’s mercy, from a menacing cloud, from strong thunder from lightning, a formidable thunder arrow flies out, and how menacingly, fiercely and ardently it drives out the devil and the unclean spirit of the demon K., S., S., N., and the mammoth messenger and the servant of God (name) who was with me, he drives out of the yard, breaks the stone and the tree, and just as from that formidable thunder arrow the stone cannot fly into one place, the tree cannot grow again, and so would the damned devil and the unclean spirit, the demon and the mammoth messenger and the visitor would have run away from me, the servant of God (name), from this place, far away lands, distant cities, distant villages, distant seas and could not see me, the servant of God (name), and couldn't hear.

    And how are you afraid of a formidable, fiery, thunderous arrow, the devil, and with you the unclean spirit is afraid, the demon K., S, S, I., and the mammoth messenger and visitor, and also the servant of God (name) would be afraid and afraid my enemies and adversaries (names), and all sorts of unclean spirits, galloped and fled from me, the servant of God (name).

    The water one goes into the water, and the forest one goes into the forest, under a dry creaking tree, under a dead root, under a bush, under a hill, and the yard mammoth is a messenger and a visitor and a cursed devil and an unclean spirit, a demon, go to your old, former place, to your dark home.

    And just as the Lord makes me wise, the blind do not see, but everyone knows, so, Lord, make me, the servant of God (name), wise to go to the unclean demons with the cross and prayer.

    The voice of Thy thunder in the chariot, Thy lightning will illuminate, the Universe moves, and the earth is in trembling, just as unclean spirits would tremble from me, the servant of God (name), and as our parents lie in the earth, they do not feel the ringing of bells or the singing of church , and so my conspiracy-sentence would be strong, strong at all times and until the next century, forever and ever.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will become a servant of God (name), having been blessed, I will go from west to east. The king of a menacing cloud rises, and under the menacing cloud the king of thunder rushes about with the queen of lightning.

    Just as the enemy devils flee from the king of thunder and the queen of lightning: forest, water, yard and every unclean creature - to their dark estates: under a stump, under a log, into pools and lakes, so they would flee from those living in these mansions, from me , servant of God (name).

    All sorts of human enemies would run: forest devils, water devils, yard devils: under a stump, under a log, into lakes, into muddy water, into pools, into dry bushes, under broken untrodden bridges.

    They would run recklessly and irrevocably, century after century, from now on. Amen

    Signs of liberation

    When an evil spirit comes out, a person may experience the following symptoms:

    • Cold;
    • Body trembling or shaking;
    • Physical pain;
    • Increased pressure;
    • yawning, coughing, or slow breathing;
    • Abdominal pain, heartburn, vomiting;
    • Migraine;
    • Involuntary movements;
    • Body breaking;
    • Screaming and screaming;
    • Pupil dilation;
    • Strabismus;
    • Escape;
    • Hiss;
    • Stench;
    • Scratching movements;
    • Writhing.

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    Other rituals

    In addition to Orthodox prayers, there are also folk rituals that help expel demons from the human body, which can be used at home.

    An example of how to cast a demon out of a person:

    A demon-possessed person must sit on a threshold anywhere, inside or outside a living space. At the same time, there should not be any decorations on it, except for the cross. He needs to put a snow-white towel under his feet, throw some change on it, but not count it, and sprinkle some sunflower seeds next to him, and he should start combing his hair and cracking the seeds.

    The demon will begin to ask: “What are you doing?”

    You need to answer freely and without fear: “I comb my hair and pick out lice.”

    The evil spirit will ask: “Do people eat lice?”

    “Does the dead inhabit the living?”

    After these words, the demon will leave. To prevent it from returning, all objects from the ceremony must be wrapped and taken to the cemetery, placed there on any grave and pronounced.

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