Ramp for disabled people. Ramp installation is free. Ramp for strollers at the entrance: law, requirements and standards. Folding ramp It is planned to install a ramp

Wallpapering 17.04.2024

A ramp is an inclined plane for descending and ascending vehicles. In many homes it is necessary, since it facilitates access for disabled people and strollers with children.

But not every entrance has this convenient thing, which complicates the life of citizens. In this case, installation will be required.

The law includes rules that should be followed when installing this element of the house. A statement from the residents of the house is required, demanding that their rights be respected.

Article 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation talks about the equality of human rights and freedoms and the prohibition of social and other discrimination. All citizens can use the premises on a general basis, regardless of physical health.

This is enshrined in the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”. Based on Articles 15 and 16, it is established that people with disabilities must have access to social infrastructure: housing, public buildings, cultural institutions.

It is the responsibility of the authorities to ensure conditions under which a person with disabilities can enter any premises. The law establishes liability for violation of this right.

In some regions, local acts are used to guarantee freedom of movement for people with disabilities. There are also special standards that govern the design, construction and reconstruction of premises for people with limited mobility.


Installing a ramp requires government support. The law assumes that the will of one person is necessary, but collective appeal is even better. For example, young mothers who find it difficult to constantly push strollers down the stairs can record a statement. If the house is multi-story, then this causes a lot of inconvenience.

The application must be submitted to the housing office or management organization. It is written to the boss in two copies. It is necessary to indicate the installation of a ramp in a specific entrance. It is important to indicate references to laws, so that the application will be sufficiently serious.

It is possible to attach a photograph of the landing where it is desirable to install a ramp for children and wheelchairs. The appeal can be sent via registered mail or delivered in person.

Then you have to wait for an answer. The law establishes that the period for consideration of applications in utility organizations is 30 days. During this period, the authorities must make a decision.

It is formalized in writing. If everything is approved, then within a few days a structure is installed for convenient movement of vehicles.

Can I install it myself?

In apartment buildings, it is prohibited to install a ramp yourself. The structure is installed in accordance with technical regulations. Permits for the product and installation are also required. All issues are regulated by the head of the institution that serves the entrance.

If the requirements for installation of the structure were not met, then dismantling is necessary. Responsibility for this lies with the main person. In this case, a fine of up to 50,000 rubles is imposed.

How to get permission?

In 2013, changes were made to the Housing Code, based on which it is no longer necessary to obtain the consent of 2/3 of the residents to install a structure in the entrance. You must write an application and submit it to the Housing Office. You can get a sample there.

Maintenance of the porch and entrance is also the responsibility of the HOA. The application must be made to the head of the organization. The document must include explanations regarding the installation of the structure.

Filing complaints

Refusal usually follows due to the presence of narrow spans - less than 2.5 m. Then the law determines the fastening of the folding ramp.

If permission to carry out work has not been obtained, then you must write a statement regarding the violation of your rights. The document is submitted to the housing inspection, prosecutor's office or consumer rights protection organization.

You can appeal against the inaction of any persons in court. If you are not satisfied with the decision, then there is the possibility of filing a complaint with the district court that heard the case.

Challenging is carried out only within a month from the date of the decision. The complaint is transferred to the city court. If this deadline has been missed, you can write a statement with this request. There is a sample of it in court.

After considering the issue, a decision is made to install the structure. Its length ranges from 50 cm to 4 m. It can have 1-3 sections. The size should be such that the stroller moves freely.


Typically, ramps are installed at the entrance. Steps are used as fastening. Channels or runners, as well as a monolithic surface, can be used.

Before work, it is taken into account how much the flight of stairs will become smaller. If this is a living space, then the free passage must be at least 90 cm.

Folding ramp attachment

Not all homes are suitable for a permanent ramp. To do this, you can choose a folding view. It will be the best choice for entrances with a staircase width of less than 160 cm.

The installation technology is almost the same as that of a stationary one. The placed structure will be convenient for movement.

The advantages of a folding ramp include:

  • Can be installed on any staircase. If there is no space near the wall, it is mounted on steps and railings;
  • Similar to stationary models, you just need to move it to the open position;
  • When the structure is closed, it does not interfere with people;
  • The product is very easy to operate: opening and closing takes no more than 10-15 seconds.
  • Light weight. The design will be convenient for young mothers who need to constantly take out children's transport;
  • Galvanized steel is used for production, so the product looks original. The material is reliable and does not require special care. A design is created in accordance with GOST.

Usually runners with dimensions 40*190*40 are used. Since the product will be better than the standard one, it is used for different models of children's transport.

The law regulates the principles of fastening structures.

When installing a ramp in houses, the following rules must be observed:

  • Ceramic tiles cannot be used as a material. Since it slides, it is dangerous to health.

The choice of material must be based on the fastening site, since operating conditions vary from place to place. There should be parallel handrails without sharp edges. The angle of placement of the structure is required to be no more than 8 degrees;

  • If a stationary view is chosen, then there should be a platform in front and behind it. Only when installed according to all requirements will movement on the surface be safe;
  • There must be a handrail, which simplifies the descent process and eliminates the risk of injury;
  • Installation work is carried out on the basis of SNIP. This helps protect people from the possibility of injury.

When making devices, the types of transport are taken into account so that ascent and descent are easy. In some cases, the product is changed to fit the parameters of the staircase, but this is only necessary to facilitate the use of the structure;

  • During design, many factors must be taken into account, including the installation angle.


The law establishes the presence of fences. They help protect a person from injury. Movement will be safe. Ramps are usually located in social and administrative buildings.

You can also install a convenient device in offices and companies, because among the clients there may be people with disabilities.

When installing the platform, it must be taken into account that it must fit a standard wheelchair. Then the rise of any transport will be convenient.

Contacting social protection

The law guarantees the protection of citizens, so everyone has the right to apply for social security. There you need to write a statement, a sample of which is available in such institutions. It is required to attach a rehabilitation program for a disabled person, which indicates that the person requires a wheelchair.

After receiving the application, service employees submit a petition to a higher authority. At this time, employees come and take photographs of the entrance. Then a decision is made whether a ramp is really needed. If a positive decision is made, then builders are sent to the work site.

Installation approval

It's better to be at home when attaching the ramp. To do this, it is necessary to coordinate the arrival of the builders so that all measurements are carried out in front of the interested parties. The law states that the design must be universal. Otherwise, disputes may arise, and redoing the work will take a lot of time.

It is important to monitor what the slope will be. It should be gentle and sloping. The design must be installed according to the rules, and not “for show”. It is important that the door opens as before.

Other issues related to construction should also be clarified. You can contact the district government, so the problem will be resolved faster.

The law establishes requirements for the maintenance of the entrance. All residents pay utilities, and therefore the entrance must comply with several rules. All systems (doors, intercoms, elevators) must be in working order.

Walls, floors, windows are kept clean. All defects must be replaced. The optimal temperature in the common room is +16 degrees.

The responsibility of the management company is to monitor the serviceability of all entrance systems. For cleaning, workers are hired who sweep and wash floors according to a schedule. The garbage disposal should be disinfected every month if it is located in the house.

The sewerage system, water supply system, and heating must be repaired in case of malfunctions. If necessary, cosmetic and major repairs are carried out.

In case of accidents, residents have the right to contact the dispatch service, where they provide immediate assistance.

The law specifies the requirements on the basis of which a house is considered uninhabitable. Decisions on such issues are made by the city commission. At the meeting, the question of the possibility of carrying out repair work, reconstruction and redevelopment is necessarily raised. Some premises are being demolished.

Repair work

Life in the house will be comfortable only if everything is in order. Roof leaks must be repaired within one shift. Minor repairs are carried out in about a day, but only in favorable weather. The roof covering is replaced regularly to prevent major accidents.

The decision to repair is made by the property owners. For this purpose special meetings are held. The district government can support the decision and express assistance in carrying out the work. Owners need to control the entire process.

Payment for services

Residents in the house pay for the use of the premises, maintenance, repairs and utilities. The latter include water supply, sewerage, and electricity.

The amount of payment is affected by the volume of services. If they do not meet the quality, then the owner has the right to protect his interests.

In such cases, you must write a statement and indicate the non-compliance with the requirements. If there is inaction on the part of the organization, then you can contact the housing inspectorate.

Home management

Homeowners have the right to choose how to manage their home. This can be done:

  • Managing organization;
  • Owners.

The HOA consists of a chairman, whose responsibilities include signing documentation, making transactions, and holding meetings.

The company is a legal entity, so it has a current account and name. Homeowners who are not members of the HOA enter into an agreement. The organization carries out maintenance and management of the house.

Acceptance of works

All types of work, including the installation of ramps, must be supervised. During this time, no other objects in the premises should be damaged. Garbage after work is removed within 24 hours.

If any violations occur, residents have the right to appeal to the management organization. A home inspector can also help. Once the work is completed, acceptance is scheduled. Defects are eliminated in a short time.

The presence of the performer, employees of the management organization, chairman, and inspector is required. A work acceptance certificate must be drawn up. You need to make sure that everything has been completed in full. All aspects are indicated in the document. After signing, the construction work is considered completed.

The location of the ramps is convenient everywhere: at train stations, in shops, hospitals. This allows disabled people to move without assistance. The design will allow you to roll a baby stroller into the building.

A handrail must be included with the product. It is made from high-quality materials to ensure long service life. Their edges should not cause harm to health. Therefore, if the house does not have this structure, then it is necessary to submit an application for installation, especially where children and disabled people live.

Refusal to perform work is a violation of the rights of a citizen, so authorities usually allow the installation of this necessary attribute.

Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region have the right to free installation of ramps for children and wheelchairs in buildings.
Based on the documents listed below, the entrances of residential buildings, as well as any public buildings, must be equipped with ramps for the movement of people with limited mobility, which include citizens with strollers. If your entrance has stairs, but no ramp, demand its installation!

The right to a free ramp is regulated by the following legislative documents:
Law of Moscow dated January 17, 2001 No. 3. “On ensuring unimpeded access for people with disabilities to social, transport and engineering infrastructure facilities in the city of Moscow”
Law of the Moscow Region dated October 22, 2009 No. 121/2009-OZ (as amended on July 14, 2011) On ensuring unimpeded access for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups
settlement to social, transport and engineering infrastructure facilities in the Moscow region

Unfortunately, very often people are refused the installation of ramps for children and wheelchairs due to narrow flights of stairs - less than 2.5 m. In this case, it is possible to install a folding ramp.

Procedure for free installation of a ramp in the entrance

1. Statement
Write a statement to the Chairman of the HOA/Director of the State Unitary Enterprise DEZ of your area.

You can find out the address, telephone number and full name of the head of the management company at the link www.gorod.mos.ru (enter the address of your house in the field and click on the "search" sign, you will go to information about your house, to the right of the map select the item "apartment home", information about the residential building will appear, on the right side select the item "house management", information about the management company will appear - name, full name of the manager, contacts).

2. Information about the ramp
Attach to your application information about the ramp you would like to install.
If you are planning to install a folding ramp, please include information about folding ramps with your application. If this is not done, then you may be refused installation, citing a narrow flight of stairs, or install an inconvenient homemade ramp.
Folding ramp. Information
Ramp for disabled people. Information

3. Submitting an application with attachments
There are two options: notify in person/by letter or write on the city portal.
1) Send the application with attachments by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. The notification must be saved. Or personally deliver the application in two copies and ask the recipient to certify your copy - put a number, date, stamp and signature with a transcript on it. This will serve as proof of your application. It is from this date that the period of 30 days will be counted, during which, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a positive decision must be made and the ramp must be installed or an official refusal must be received.
2) Write an application for the installation of a ramp on the portal created on the initiative of the Moscow Mayor www.gorod.mos.ru. According to the rules of the portal, when applying through the portal, you must receive an answer and solution to your question within 8 days, or a reasoned refusal. Our practice shows that this method works effectively.


Please note that in the above-mentioned Moscow Law No. 3 of January 17, 2001, Article 5 states that the final decision on the impossibility of installing a ramp can only be made by a court. The same article states that the financial costs of installing a ramp fall on the owners and balance holders of the objects, i.e. in the case of installing a ramp at the entrance - to management companies or cooperatives.

A RAMP is an inclined surface for the vertical movement of disabled people in wheelchairs, pedestrians with baby strollers and other categories of the population (Fig. 9.1).

Ramp Always consists of three parts:

1 – horizontal platform at the beginning of the ramp;

2 – inclined surface of the ramp;

3 – horizontal platform at the end of the ramp.

One of the most common ramp design mistakes is that architects either forget to provide a horizontal platform at the beginning of the ramp, or it is not large enough for a wheelchair to reach the beginning of the inclined part of the ramp. But then a disabled person will not be able to use this ramp!

The dimensions of the platform at the end of the ramp must ensure that a wheelchair can be placed completely horizontally on it. This will ensure a stable and safe position of the stroller, in which the disabled person can remove his hands from the wheels and free them for other actions (get the key out of his pocket, open the door, etc.).

The inclined part of the ramp cannot start close to a wall (or other obstacle) and cannot end close to a door (or other obstacle)!

Ramp slope

RAMP SLOPE is defined as the ratio of the height of the ramp (H) to the length of the horizontal projection of the inclined section of the ramp (L) (Fig. 9.1). It can be presented as a ratio or expressed as a percentage.

For example (Fig. 9.2), you need to make a ramp near a slab with a height of 10 cm (100 mm).

If you measure a distance of 1 m (1000 mm) from this slab and then level this difference in the form of an inclined surface with hot asphalt or concrete, you will get a ramp with a slope of 1:10 (“one in ten”), or, in other words, ramp with a slope of 10%.

General requirements for ramps

In places where there is a level difference exceeding 4 cm between horizontal sections of pedestrian paths or floors in buildings and structures, the installation of ramps and stairs should be provided.

In Russia, for some reason, it is believed that all disabled people, without exception, can easily overcome a difference of 4 cm. In fact, this is not so. In international practice, the maximum permissible level difference is no more than 1.3–1.5 cm.

Along the entire length of the pedestrian path, stairs must be duplicated with ramps. In exceptional cases, it is allowed to provide screw ramps.

At the beginning and end of each ramp ascent, horizontal platforms should be arranged with a width of at least the width of the ramp and a length of at least 1.4–1.5 m (Fig. 9.3).

The slope of each ramp flight, depending on its length, should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in schedule 9.1 (VSN 62-91*).

It should be noted that this graph gives only a general idea of ​​the maximum permissible length of the ramp, but it is of little use for practical work. In the regulatory literature there are more specific requirements for ramps:

The lifting height of each ramp flight should not exceed 0.8 m. The slope of the ramp should be no more than 1:12, and when rising to a height of up to 0.2 m - no more than 1:10, the transverse slope should not exceed 1:50 (2 %).

For convenience, I presented these requirements in the form of table 9.1, in the preparation of which domestic regulatory literature was used (in international practice, more stringent requirements are imposed on ramps). These requirements are also clearly presented in Fig. 9.3.

A surface slope of up to 5%, in my opinion, can be called not a ramp, but simply a change in the relief, leveling the surface, a gentle ramp, since with such a slope a disabled person in a wheelchair does not require outside help.

A slope of more than 5% causes certain difficulties for a wheelchair user, so it is necessary to install handrails on both sides or the assistance of an accompanying person.

Along the outer (not adjacent to the walls) side edges of the ramp and horizontal platforms, sides with a height of at least 0.05 m must be provided to prevent the stroller from slipping.

In Fig. Figure 9.4 shows what the enclosing side looks like on the transverse profile of the ramp, both sides of which are not adjacent to the walls.

The enclosing side is the most important part of the ramp, which should never be forgotten!

In the case where a side along the edge of the ramp was not provided, the situation can be corrected by welding a corner at the bottom of the railing or a thin tube at a height of 10–15 cm - an additional lower railing that plays the role of a side. I like the second option much less, since at this height the metal parts of the front wheels can catch the pipe. Both the pipe and the wheels will be scratched.

Guardrails with handrails should be installed on both sides of the ramp. Handrails at ramps should, as a rule, be double at a height of 0.7 and 0.9 m. For preschool children, the handrail is located at a height of 0.5 m.

I note that in GOST R 51261-99 (clause 5.2.2.), unlike most regulatory documents, the wording is slightly different:

Ramps intended for the movement of disabled people in wheelchairs must be equipped on both sides with single or double handrails.

In my opinion, it is always better to install paired handrails.

Firstly, wheelchair users will be able to use both the upper and lower handrails to move along the ramp.

Secondly, in modern models of active wheelchairs, the backrest height has been reduced from 900–950 to 800 mm. Installing a lower pair of handrails will prevent such a wheelchair from falling from the side.

If the ramp is raised at a significant height, it is advisable to somehow close the open space from the side to the bottom handrail, installed at a height of 0.7 m, to prevent the possibility of small children falling from the side of the ramp. To do this, you can weld an additional fence.

Is it possible not to install handrails if the ramp height is small?

I found the answer to this question in GOST R 51261-99 (clause 5.2.1):

Ramps of above-ground and underground walkways with a lift height H of more than 150 mm or a horizontal projection of the ramp L with a length of more than 1800 mm (Fig. 9.1) must be equipped with handrails on both sides.

From this rule we can draw the opposite conclusion:

If the slope of the ramp is no more than 8% (1:12), then handrails may not be provided if the lift height H does not exceed 150 mm or the length of the ramp L does not exceed 1800 mm. It can also be assumed that on such a ramp the enclosing sides are not necessary.

The requirements for handrails (diameter, clear distance between the handrails and the wall, as well as others) are the same for stairs and ramps and are described in detail in the “Handrails” section. Here are some of them:

The length of the handrails must be at least 0.3 m greater than the length of the ramp on each side.

Handrails must be round in diameter with a diameter of at least 3 and no more than 5 cm (recommended diameter is 4 cm)

The surface of the handrails of the ramps must be continuous along the entire length and strictly parallel to the surface of the ramp itself, taking into account the horizontal sections adjacent to it.

The width of the ramp must correspond to the basic parameters of the passages.

In table 4.1 of the section “Aisles and corridors when moving a wheelchair” shows the width in cleanliness passage zones when moving a wheelchair for various types of movement. Based on this table, you can independently decide on the required width of the designed ramp.

For example, you are designing a ramp designed for one-way movement of a disabled person in a wheelchair. A sufficient clean width of the ramp will be 900–1000 mm.

If your ramp is designed for two-way oncoming traffic of wheelchairs, then its clear width should be at least 1800 mm.

When determining the optimal width of the designed ramp, it is important to remember that it is easier for a disabled person to climb by holding on to handrails located as close to each other as possible. Take a centimeter in your hands, stretch it and imagine that your hands are holding handrails on both sides, located at a distance of 1500 mm. Isn't it inconvenient? If you are designing handrails at a distance of 1800 mm, then you must clearly understand that on such a ramp a disabled person will be able to hold on to the handrail only on one side. Therefore, it is advisable to make the slope of such a ramp not 1:12 (8%), but less - 1:15 (6.7%), so that a disabled person in a wheelchair does not need to hold on to the handrails. There is even a recommendation on this subject on the United Nations website: on ramps more than 3 meters wide, install handrails not only on the sides, but also an additional handrail inside the ramp at a distance of 900 mm from one of the handrails to create a convenient area for people with disabilities to climb onto the ramp. strollers

In my opinion, ramp with acceptable slope,

Consisting of only one march (span), it is enough to make it 900–1000 mm wide;

Consisting of two flights with an intermediate platform, 1200 mm. If heavy traffic is expected on such a ramp, then in order to avoid a queue, the width must be increased to 1500 mm. In the case where the ramp is attached to the loggia of a disabled person living on the first floor, the sufficient width of the ramp is 850–900 mm.

It is better to make a ramp with a width of 1800 mm if there are several intermediate platforms and as an exception, or to ensure a minimum slope of the ramp (then the width does not matter).

In all regulatory documents, the width of the ramp or the width of the passage zones is given in clear terms. The actual width of the ramp depends on the method and location of installation of the handrails enclosing the sides.

The clear width of the ramp is the actual passage accessible to a wheelchair user.

In Fig. 9.5 and 9.6, the clean width of the ramp is the same - 900 mm, but it is defined differently.

In Fig. 9.5 – the clear width of the ramp is determined by the distance between the enclosing sides.

In Fig. 9.6 – the distance between the protruding handrails.

The total width of the ramp in these figures is at least 960 mm.

When changing the direction of the ramp, the width of the horizontal platform must allow the wheelchair to turn.

Let's take for example a ramp with a minimum width of 900 mm.

If the ramp is straight and does not change its direction, then the width of the intermediate platform will be equal to the width of the ramp, and the depth will be 1400–1500 mm. Everything is okay.

If the ramp on the intermediate platform changes its direction by 180° (Fig. 9.3), then the depth of the platform will be 1500 mm, and the width will be equal to the width of two adjacent flights, that is, 1800 mm. Such a platform will be enough to turn the stroller 180°.

If the ramp on the intermediate platform changes its direction by 90°, then the width of the platform will be 900 mm and the depth will be 1400–1500 mm. The width of such a platform will not be enough to turn the stroller. How can I solve this problem?

Method one: increase the width of the ramp from 900 mm to 1400 mm. Then the dimensions of the site will be 1400x1500 mm. The disadvantage of this method is that this width of the ramp is not always acceptable.

Method two: increase the width of the platform itself without changing the width of the ramp runs. In Fig. 9.7 you can see this option. The inside of the area between the ramps can be “cut” in a straight line or along an arc. With an oval design (indicated by dots in Fig. 9.7), the actual area for turning the wheelchair will be larger than with a straight version. Depending on the specific situation, when deciding on the entrance to the building and placing the entrance door during design, it is recommended to focus on various options for arranging a platform for maneuvering a stroller. The dimensions of these areas depend not only on the type of entrance doors and the direction of their opening, but also on the direction of the main entrances to the doors.

To understand basic principles designing areas at the entrance, equipped with both a staircase and a ramp, using the example of drawings, we will consider the change in the dimensions of the areas depending on the options for the entrance device.

I warn you right away that all the figures presented in the above figures are not normative or strictly regulated. They only reflect the trend, they are very approximate, they represent only my subjective opinion, since you will not find exact figures for today anywhere. Scientific development and practical research on this topic are needed.

In Fig. 9.8 presents an option when, on a minimally narrow platform, the ramp is located directly opposite the door, and the staircase is on the side. With a platform width of 900 mm, its depth will be about 2100 mm, of which 900 mm of space is needed to open the door, and 1200 mm to accommodate the stroller. This is not the best site option.

In Fig. 9.9, in contrast to Figure 9.8, the platform is increased on the side of the entrance door handle by 500 mm in accordance with the regulatory requirement: “For doors located in the corner of a corridor or room, the distance from the handle to the side wall must be at least 0.6 m” . This allows the platform depth to be reduced to 1450 mm. The ramp itself could be left in its original location. But it seems to me that in this situation it is better to also move the ramp to the left by 500 mm and place it at the edge of the platform on the side of which the door handle is located.

Since the distance from the door to the edge of the platform in real life may not be 500, but, for example, 350 mm, then, naturally, I would like to know what the depth of the platform should be designed in this case. Below are figs. 9.10 and table. 9.2, borrowed from the book by Kh.Yu. Kalmeta (p. 46).

With their help, you can at least roughly find out the ratio of the distance from the door to the edge of the platform (a) and the depth of the platform (b).

In Fig. 9.9 shows these values ​​determined on the basis of table. 9.2.

In Fig. 9.11, unlike the previous drawings, the stairs and ramp have swapped places. The side location of the ramp requires an increase in the width of the platform so that there is enough space to accommodate the stroller, since the length of the stroller is greater than the width. The platform depth of 1400 mm allows the stroller not only to enter the building, but also, if necessary, to turn around 360° on the site. If we exclude this possibility, then the depth of the site can be reduced to 1300–1200 mm.

The width of the ramp in this option can be equal to the depth of the site, that is, in this case - 1400 mm. But in Fig. 9.11 the width of the ramp is designed smaller (900 mm).

If, when the ramp is located laterally relative to the entrance, its width is less than the depth of the platform, then it should be placed as close as possible to the front edge of the platform in order to provide the 90-degree turning radius required for the wheelchair (Fig. 9.11).

In Fig. 9.11 The side ramp is located on the door opening side. In contrast to it in Fig. 9.12 the ramp is located on the opposite side. In this version, in order to get into the door, you must first go around it. Increasing the depth of the platform from 1400 to 1700 mm allows a disabled person in a wheelchair to do this easily and safely. But an important conclusion can be drawn from this:

The door should generally open in the direction opposite to the ramp.

In Fig. 9.13 a ramp 900 mm wide is installed not close to the wall, but at a distance of 500 mm from it. The front edge of the ramp is located at a distance of 1400 mm from the wall, and this provides the depth of the platform in front of the door of 1400 mm necessary for maneuvering the stroller.

But what to do if, according to construction conditions, the entrance group cannot extend further than 900–1000 mm from the wall of the building? In this case, the ramp will have to be extended directly along the building, and a niche about 500 mm deep will have to be made in the wall to increase the area at the entrance (Fig. 9.14). An entrance door will be installed inside this niche, which will appear to be “pushed” inside the building. All this will ensure the depth of the site at the entrance is 1400 mm. In this case, the entrance group will not extend further than 1 meter from the wall of the building.

How to install a ramp for free

To install a ramp, write an application to the social security department at your place of residence (district administration). Attach documents:

✓ certificate of ownership of the apartment;

✓ certificate of disability group;

✓ passport (if the child is disabled, then birth certificate);

✓ certificate of family composition.

The district department will send an application to the Ministry of Social Protection. Within a month, an expert commission will visit the entrance and calculate the cost of the ramp. After that, money will be allocated for installation.

There are too many restrictions in the lives of wheelchair users. But some of them can be easily eliminated if you pay attention to the needs of such people.

For example, equip stairs, curbs and other obstacles that are insurmountable for wheels with flat inclined surfaces - ramps. The installation of a ramp for disabled people on the porch is the topic of this article.

According to their type and purpose, ramp designs can be different. But the requirements for them are generally the same.

Ramps designs

Depending on the purpose of the building, the ramp on the porch is made permanent, removable or folding.

  • Stationary devices designed for continuous use and long-term operation. They are installed at the entrance to medical institutions, office buildings, shops, pharmacies, etc. And also in parks, underground passages and other public places where there are stairs and high curbs. Ideally, they are provided for before construction begins, at the design stage. This is a concrete or metal inclined plane, or two wide guides with a non-slip coating, often with turntables and handrails.

In the photo - a stationary metal ramp on the city square

  • Removable ramps designed to move over minor and unexpected obstacles. They are light and mobile. As a rule, such devices are folded or disassembled for transportation and installation in the desired location. They are made from durable but lightweight materials, such as duralumin.

  • Folding designs perform the same functions as stationary ones, and they look similar. But they can be folded to the side and attached to a wall or handrails. This ramp design allows you to use it only when necessary. The rest of the time the staircase is free for pedestrian traffic along its entire width. This is very convenient for a narrow porch, as well as for flights of stairs in entrances.

For reference. Folding platforms or rails will make life much easier for mothers with baby strollers. Especially in houses without an elevator.

Design requirements

To make the movement of sedentary people and those accompanying them comfortable and safe, instructions have been developed with clear requirements for the design of the ramp.

Here are its main points:

  • The slope of the lifting plane should not exceed 8 degrees. In exceptional cases, it is allowed to increase it to 10 degrees. The most comfortable slope is considered to be 5 degrees.
  • The length of the ramp is determined based on the first point - but taking into account the fact that the vertical height of the rise above the ground level or lower platform cannot be more than 80 cm. If this parameter is greater, then the design provides for intermediate or turning platforms.

  • The width of the inclined surface or the distance between the guides must correspond to the standard width of the stroller wheel mounting. The width of the guides themselves should be such that the wheels move freely between the sides and do not get stuck.

  • Sides are a mandatory element of any design, preventing wheels from sliding sideways.
  • A porch with a ramp for the disabled must be equipped with platforms on both sides. Their width is not less than the width of the ramp, and their length is not less than 130 cm.

Note. The length of the platform can be increased if this is required to freely open the door in front of the stroller.

  • The material must be non-slip, with a corrugated surface. Or it is lined with rubber pads.

  • If the lift height is more than 15 cm or if the length of the ramp exceeds 180 cm, it is equipped with handrails on both sides.
  • The handrails should be 30 cm longer than the inclined plane and located in two rows at a height of 60 and 80 cm. If the structure is also intended for the movement of children with disabilities, then a third handrail is installed at a height of 50 cm.
  • The handrails must be solid along the entire length, round in shape with a cross-sectional diameter of 3-5 cm.

Failure to do so may result in falls and injury.

How to make a ramp

While such devices are found almost everywhere at the entrance to public buildings and shops, they are almost never found on the entrance porch. Although management companies, if there are disabled people living in the house, should take care of this.

Not everyone is ready to butt heads with officials or wait a long time, so they take matters into their own hands. And if a person with limited mobility lives in a private house, then relatives should take care of his comfortable movement.

You can watch the video in this article to better understand all the nuances.

See how to build different types of ramps.

Making a folding ramp

The easiest, fastest and cheapest way is to assemble such a structure with your own hands from wood. This is the most affordable and easy to process material. But wooden ramps will last a long time only in interior spaces protected from precipitation.

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Prepare boards 25-30 mm thick and such a width that the stroller wheels can pass over them. Thicker boards will make the structure too heavy. Cut them to the length of the flight of stairs.

Screw the sides to the long ends of the guides. They can be cut from the same boards.

Cut the connecting spacers to such length that the overall width of the ramp matches the dimensions of the stroller.

With their help, connect the guides to each other using metal pads.

Make sure that the spacers are at the edges of the steps and not in the middle, otherwise the person following the stroller will stumble.

Attach the door hinges to the track and then to the wall, after marking the holes.

To ensure that the ramp can be raised and fixed in this position, attach a latch or metal hook to the wall.

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