Prehistoric civilizations. What is the most ancient civilization on Earth? Astronomy and origins

Decoration Materials 16.03.2024
Decoration Materials

They left behind many mysteries that the best scientists on Earth are still struggling to solve. Hermit archaeologist David Hatcher Childress has made many incredible journeys to some of the oldest and most remote areas in the world. Describing lost metropolises and ancient civilizations of the world, he published 6 books: a chronicle of travels from the Gobi Desert to Puma-Punka in Bolivia, from Mohenjo-Daro to Baalbek. Especially for Atlantis Rising magazine he was asked to explain secrets of civilizations and write this article.

1. Mu or Lemuria

According to various secret sources originated 78,000 years ago on a giant continent known as Mu or Lemuria. And it existed for an amazing 52,000 years. The civilization was destroyed by earthquakes caused by the shift of the Earth's pole, which occurred approximately 26,000 years ago, or 24,000 BC.

While Mu civilization did not achieve as high technology as other, later civilizations, however, the peoples of Mu succeeded in erecting megastone buildings that were able to withstand earthquakes. This building science was Mu's greatest achievement.

Perhaps in those days there was one language and one government throughout the entire Earth. Education was the key to the prosperity of the Empire, every citizen was versed in the laws of the Earth and the Universe, and by the age of 21 he was given an excellent education. By the age of 28, a person became a full citizen of the empire.

2. Ancient Atlantis

When the continent of Mu sank into the ocean, today's Pacific Ocean was formed, and water levels in other parts of the Earth dropped significantly. The islands in the Atlantic, small during Lemuria, increased significantly in size. The lands of the Poseidonis archipelago formed an entire small continent. This continent is called Atlantis by modern historians, however, its real name was Poseidonis.

Atlantis had a high level of technology, superior to modern technology. In the book “The Dweller of Two Planets,” dictated in 1884 by philosophers from Tibet to the young Californian Frederick Spencer Oliver, as well as in the 1940 continuation “The Earthly Return of the Dweller,” there is a mention of amazing including such inventions and devices as: air conditioners for purifying air from harmful fumes; vacuum cylinder lamps, fluorescent lamps; electric rifles; transport by monorail; water generators, a tool for compressing water from the atmosphere; aircraft controlled by antigravity forces.

The clairvoyant Edgar Cayce spoke of the use of planes and crystals in Atlantis to generate enormous energy. He also mentioned the misuse of power by the Atlanteans, which led to the destruction of their civilization.

3. Rama's Empire in India

Fortunately, the ancient books of the Indian Rama Empire have survived, unlike the documents of China, Egypt, Central America and Peru. Nowadays, the remains of the empire are swallowed up by impenetrable jungles or rest on the ocean floor. Yet India, despite numerous military devastations, managed to preserve much of its ancient history.

It was believed that civilization of ancient India appeared not much earlier than 500 AD, 200 years before the invasion of Alexander the Great. However, in the last century, the cities of Mojenjo-Daro and Harappa were discovered in the Indus Valley in what is now Pakistan.
The discovery of these cities forced archaeologists to move the date of the emergence of Indian civilization thousands of years ago. To the surprise of modern researchers, these cities were highly organized and represented a brilliant example of urban planning. And the sewage system was more developed than it is now in many Asian countries.

4. The civilization of Osiris in the Mediterranean

During the times of Atlantis and Harappa, the Mediterranean basin was a large fertile valley. The ancient civilization that flourished there was the progenitor of dynastic Egypt, and is known as the Osiris Civilization. The Nile previously flowed completely differently than it does today and was called Styx. Instead of emptying into the Mediterranean Sea in northern Egypt, the Nile turned west, formed a huge lake in the area of ​​the central part of the modern Mediterranean Sea, flowed out of a lake in the area between Malta and Sicily, and entered the Atlantic Ocean at the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar). When Atlantis was destroyed, the waters of the Atlantic slowly flooded the Mediterranean basin, destroying the Osirians' large cities and forcing them to migrate. This theory explains the strange megalithic remains found at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea.

It is an archaeological fact that at the bottom of this sea there are more than two hundred sunken cities. Civilization of ancient Egypt, along with Minoan (Crete) and Mycenaean (Greece) are traces of one large, ancient culture. The Osirian civilization left huge earthquake-resistant megalithic buildings, owned electricity and other amenities that were common in Atlantis. Like Atlantis and Rama's empire, development of civilization The Osirians reached a high level and they had airships and other vehicles, mostly electrical in nature. Mysterious routes in Malta, which were found underwater, may be part of the ancient transport route of the Osirian civilization.

Probably the best example of the high technology of the Osirians is the amazing platform found in Baalbek (Lebanon). The main platform is made up of the largest hewn rock blocks. Their weight ranges from 1200 to 1500 tons each.

5. Civilizations of the Gobi Desert

Many ancient cities The Uyghurs existed during Atlantean times in the Gobi Desert. However, now the Gobi is a lifeless, sun-scorched land, and it’s hard to believe that ocean waters once splashed here.

So far no traces of this civilization have been found. However, vimanas and other technical devices were not alien to the Uiger region. Notes about burial finds have appeared in the press more than once, indicating that the tallest man on Earth was from these places, but they have not received scientific confirmation. The famous Russian explorer Nicholas Roerich reported his observations of flying disks in the region of northern Tibet in the 1930s.

Some sources claim that the elders of Lemuria, even before the cataclysm that destroyed their civilization, moved their headquarters to an uninhabited plateau in Central Asia, which we now call Tibet. Here they founded a school known as the Great White Brotherhood.

The great Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu wrote the famous book Tao Te Ching, where he tried to reveal secrets of ancient civilizations. As his death approached, he traveled west to the legendary land of Hsi Wang Mu. Could this land be the possession of the White Brotherhood?

6. Tiahuanaco

As with Mu and Atlantis, construction in South America reached megalithic proportions in the construction of earthquake-resistant structures.

Residential houses and public buildings were built from ordinary stones, but using a unique polygonal technology. These buildings still stand today. Cusco, the ancient capital of Peru that was probably built before the Incas, is still quite a populated city, even thousands of years later. Most of the buildings located in the business part of the city of Cusco today are united by walls that are many hundreds of years old (while younger buildings built by the Spaniards are being destroyed).

A few hundred kilometers south of Cusco lie the fantastic ruins of Puma Punka, high in the Bolivian altiplano. Puma Punka - near the famous Tiahuanaco, a massive mahalic site where 100-ton blocks are scattered everywhere by an unknown force. This happened when the South American continent was suddenly hit by a huge cataclysm, probably caused by a pole shift. The former sea ridge can now be seen at an altitude of 3900 m in the Andes mountains. Possible evidence of this comes from the abundance of oceanic fossils around Lake Titicaca.

The Mayan pyramids found in Central America have twins on the Indonesian island of Java. The Sukuh Pyramid on the slopes of Mount Lawu near Surakarta in central Java is an amazing temple with a stone stele and a step pyramid, the place of which is more likely to be in the jungles of Central America. The pyramid is virtually identical to the pyramids found at the site of Washaktun near Tikal.

The ancient Mayans were brilliant astronomers and mathematicians whose early cities lived in harmony with nature. They built canals and garden cities on the Yucatan Peninsula.

As stated by Edgar Cayce, artifacts Mayan civilization, the records of all the wisdom of this people and other ancient civilizations are found in three places in the earth. Firstly, this is Atlantis or Poseidonia, where some of the temples may still be discovered under long-term bottom deposits, for example in the Bimini region off the coast of Florida. Secondly, in temple records somewhere in Egypt. And finally, on the Yucatan Peninsula, in America.

It is assumed that the ancient Hall of Records could be located anywhere, probably under some kind of pyramid, in an underground chamber. Some sources say that this repository of ancient knowledge contains quartz crystals that are capable of storing large amounts of information, similar to modern compact discs.

8. Ancient China

Ancient China, known as Han China, like other civilizations, was born from the vast Pacific continent of Mu. Ancient Chinese records are known for descriptions of celestial chariots and jade production, which they shared with the Mayans. Indeed, the ancient Chinese and Mayan languages ​​seem very similar.

The mutual influences of China and Central America on each other are obvious, both in the field of linguistics and in mythology, religious symbolism, and even trade.

Great civilization Ancient China invented many things: from toilet paper, to earthquake detectors, to rocket technology and printing methods. In 1959, archaeologists discovered aluminum tapes made several thousand years ago; this aluminum was obtained from raw materials using electricity.

9. Ancient Ethiopia and Israel

From the ancient texts of the Bible and the Ethiopian book Kebra Negast, we know about the high technology of ancient Ethiopia and Israel. The Temple in Jerusalem was founded on three giant blocks of cut stone similar to those at Baalbek. An earlier Temple of Solomon and a Muslim mosque now exist on the site, whose foundations apparently date back to the civilization of Osiris.

Solomon's Temple, another example of megalithic construction, was built to house the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark of the Covenant was an electrical generator, and people who carelessly touched it were electrocuted. The ark itself and the golden statue were taken from the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid by Moses during the Exodus.

10. Aroe and the Kingdom of the Sun in the Pacific Ocean

While the continent of Mu sank into the ocean 24,000 years ago due to the pole shift, the Pacific Ocean was later repopulated by many races from India, China, Africa and America.

The resulting new civilization Aroe on the islands of Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia built many megalithic pyramids, platforms, roads and statues.

Cement columns dating back to 5120 BC have been found in New Caledonia. to 10950 BC

The Easter Island statues were placed in a clockwise spiral around the island. And on the island of Pohnpei a huge stone city was built.
The Polynesians of New Zealand, Easter Island, Hawaii and Tahiti still believe that their ancestors had the ability to fly and traveled by air from island to island.

Ancient civilizations have always excited the minds of scientists, treasure hunters and lovers of historical puzzles. The Sumerians, Egyptians or Romans left plenty of evidence of their existence, but they were not the first on the planet. In addition to the legends about their rise and fall, there are still blank spots in history that have not yet been filled.

All these civilizations were outstanding in their time and in many ways surpassed not only their era, but also modern achievements. But, for various reasons, they disappeared from the face of the Earth, losing their greatness and power. We are talking not only about those empires that definitely flourished on the planet, but also about the cultures that may have existed. For example, the well-known Atlantis has not yet been found, but could it even exist?

The editors of InPlanet have compiled a list of ancient civilizations, the legacy of which still causes heated debate among historians. We present to your attention the 12 greatest empires that left behind many mysteries!

1 Continent of Lemuria / 4 million years ago

The origins of all ancient civilizations originate from the myth of the mysterious continent of Lemuria, which sank under water many millions of years ago. Its existence was repeatedly mentioned in the myths of different peoples and philosophical works. They spoke of a highly developed race of apes who had excellent education and advanced architecture. According to legends, it was located in the Indian Ocean and the main evidence of its existence is the island of Madagascar, inhabited by lemurs.

2 Hyperborea / before 11540 BC

The mysterious land of Hyperborea has been exciting the minds of scientists and researchers for many years who want to find at least some evidence of its existence. So, at the moment there is an opinion that Hyperborea was located in the Arctic and was inhabited by the ancestors of the Slavs. At that time the continent was not yet covered with ice, but was blooming and fragrant. And this, by the way, is possible, because scientists have established that 30-15,000 BC. The Arctic had a favorable climate.

It is worth noting that attempts to find Hyperborea have been practiced for a long time, for example, Germany and the USSR during the Second World War sent expeditions to search for the lost country. But it was never possible to establish whether the country that became the ancestor of the Slavs really existed.

3 Aroe Civilization / 13,000 BC

This civilization belongs to the category of mythical, despite the fact that there are a lot of buildings that prove the existence of peoples on the islands of Micronesia, Polynesia and Easter. Ancient cement statues dating back to 10,950 BC have been discovered in New Caledonia.

According to legends, the civilization of Aroe, or the Kingdom of the Sun, was formed in the Pacific Ocean after the disappearance of the continent of Lemuria. Among the indigenous inhabitants of these islands there are still legends about ancestors who were able to fly through the air.

4 Gobi Desert Civilizations / approximately 10,000 BC

Another mysterious civilization, the existence of which is debated. Now the Gobi Desert is the most sparsely populated place on the planet, arid and destructive. However, there is an opinion that many millennia ago a certain White Island civilization lived there, which stood on the same level as Atlantis. It was called the country of Agharti, the underground city, Shambhala and the land of Hsi Wang Mu.

In those years, the desert was a sea, and the White Island rose on it as a green oasis. Scientists have confirmed that this was indeed the case, but the date is confusing - the sea disappeared from the Gobi Desert 40 million years ago. Whether a settlement of sages could have existed there at this time, or later, has not been scientifically proven.

5 Atlantis / 9500 BC

This mythical state is perhaps the most famous in the whole world. There is no exact evidence that there really was an island that went under water along with a highly developed civilization. But until now, sailors, historians and adventure lovers are looking for an underwater city filled with the treasures of ancient Atlantis.

The main proof of the existence of Atlantis is the works of Plato, who described the war of this island with Athens, as a result of which the Atlanteans simply went under water along with the island. There are many theories and myths about this civilization and even entire scientific movements.

6 Ancient China / 8500 BC - our days

Chinese civilization is recognized as one of the oldest in the world. Scientists believe that its first beginnings appeared 8000 years ago BC. Written sources record the existence of a state called China 3,500 years ago. Therefore, archaeologists have discovered shards of pots in China dating back to 17-18,000 years BC. The ancient and rich history of China has shown that this state, ruled by dynasties for many millennia, was one of the most developed and powerful in the world.

7 Civilization of Osiris / before 4000 AD

Since this civilization cannot officially be considered to have existed, one can only guess about the dates of its heyday. According to legends, the Osirians were the progenitors of the Egyptian civilization and, accordingly, lived in the Mediterranean basin before their appearance.

Of course, all guesses about this civilization are based on unreliable facts, for example, that the Osirian civilization died due to the fact that the death of Atlantis provoked the flooding of the Mediterranean basin. There is no exact evidence of these events, so we can only consider the mass of flooded cities at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea as confirmation of a civilization that has gone under water.

8 Ancient Egypt / 4000 BC - VI-VII centuries AD

The ancient Egyptian civilization existed for about 40 centuries and reached its peak in the middle of this time period. To study this culture, there is a separate science of Egyptology, which studies the diverse history of this empire.

Ancient Egypt had everything it needed for development and prosperity - fertile land in the Nile River valley, religion, a government system and an army. Despite the fact that Ancient Egypt fell and was absorbed by the Roman Empire, there are still traces of this powerful civilization on the planet - the huge Sphinx, ancient pyramids and a lot of historical artifacts.

9 Sumerians and Babylon / 3300 BC - 1000 BC

For a long time, the Sumerian civilization was credited with the title of the first in the world. The Sumerians were the first to engage in crafts, agriculture, pottery and construction. In 2300 BC, this territory was captured by the Babylonians, who, led by Babylon, became the cultural and political center of the Ancient World. Both of these civilizations are the strongest states of Ancient Mesopotamia.

10 Ancient Greece / 3000 BC - I century BC.

This ancient state was called Hellas and was considered one of the most powerful in the ancient world. This territory was nicknamed Greece by the Romans, who captured Hellas in the first century BC. Over the three thousand years of its existence, the Greek empire left behind a rich history, a lot of architectural monuments and many literary masterpieces that are still popular today. Just look at the myths of Ancient Greece!

11 Maya / 2000 BC - XVI century AD

Legends about the power and greatness of this amazing civilization still circulate and push people to search for ancient treasures. In addition to countless riches, the Mayans had unique knowledge of astronomy, which allowed them to develop an accurate calendar. They also had amazing knowledge in construction, thanks to which their devastated cities are still included in the UNESCO heritage list.

This highly advanced civilization had advanced medicine, agriculture, water systems and a rich culture. Unfortunately, in the Middle Ages this empire began to fade away, and with the arrival of the conquistadors it completely disappeared.

12 Ancient Rome / 753 BC - V century AD

The Ancient Roman Empire was one of the most powerful in the history of the Ancient World. She left behind a bright mark in history, enslaved many small states and won a lot of bloody wars. Ancient Rome had its own mythology, a powerful army, a system of government, and during its heyday it was the center of civilization.

The Roman Empire gave the world a rich cultural heritage and history that still excites the minds of scientists. Like all ancient empires, it faded away due to exorbitant ambitions and plans to conquer the whole world.

All these ancient civilizations left behind a huge cultural heritage and a lot of mysteries that remain to be solved. Whether humanity will be able to find out whether some empires existed or not, time will tell. For now, we can only be content with guesses and existing facts.

Vladimir Averyanov

The existence of a highly developed civilization in Antarctica began to attract the attention of professional historians after World War II. The hypothesis is confirmed by medieval maps and studies by Western paleogeologists and glaciologists.

In January 1820, Lieutenant of the Russian Imperial Navy Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev discovered a new continent on the then map of our planet. The well-known Russian encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron already at the beginning of this century reported that the south polar continent is poorly studied; flora and fauna are absent, indicating a rough estimate of the area of ​​the continent. The author of the article also noted the richness of Antarctic waters in algae and marine animals.

A little over twenty years later, the director of the National Museum in Istanbul, Khalil Edhem, was sorting out the library of the Byzantine emperors in the old palace of the sultans. Here, on a dusty shelf, he discovered a map that had been lying around since God knows when, made on the skin of a gazelle and rolled into a tube. The compiler depicted on it the western coast of Africa, the southern coast of South America and the northern coast of Antarctica. Khalil couldn't believe his eyes. The coastal edge of Dronning Maud Land south of the 70th parallel was free of ice. The compiler marked a mountain range in this place. The name of the compiler was well known to Edhem - admiral of the Ottoman Empire navy and cartographer Piri Reis, who lived in the first half of the 16th century.

The authenticity of the card was not in doubt. A graphological examination of the notes in the margins confirmed that they were written in the admiral’s hand.

1949 A joint British-Swedish research expedition carried out intensive seismic exploration of the southernmost continent through the thickness of the ice sheet. According to the commander of the 8th Technical Intelligence Squadron of the US Air Force Strategic Command (07/06/1960), Lieutenant Colonel Harold Z. Ohlmeyer, “the geographical details depicted in the lower part of the map (the coast of Antarctica - V.A.) are in excellent agreement with seismic data... We We have no idea how to reconcile the data on this map with the supposed level of geographical science in 1513.”

Piri Reis himself, in marginal notes compiled at the beginning of the 16th century, very kindly explained to us that he himself was not responsible for the primary survey and cartography, and his map was based on a large number of earlier sources. Some of them were drawn by his contemporaries (for example, Christopher Columbus), others date back to more ancient times and can be dated back to the 4th century of the pre-Christian era. Not later, since one of the sources belonged to Alexander the Great, who lived in that era.

Of course, professional historians specializing in the study of the ancient world have the right to say: “Another working hypothesis... But what about documentary sources and preferably those that do not raise doubts about their ancient origin? Opinion of the Turkish admiral. Notes in the margins, this, you know, is all very controversial.”

I will present the position, unfortunately, of the now deceased historian of science, professor at Kean College (New Hampshire, USA), Charles H. Hapgood. Back in late 1959, in the Library of Congress in Washington, Hapgood discovered a map compiled by Orontheus Finius. The dating of the drawing is the year 1531 from the Nativity of Christ. Oronteus Finius depicted Antarctica with ice-free shores, mountains and rivers. The relief of the central part of the continent is not marked, which, according to Hapgood, suggested the presence of an ice cap in this area.

A later study of the Finius map by MIT doctor Richard Strachan in the first half of the 60s, together with C.H. Hapgood made it possible to establish that O. Finius actually depicted the ice-free shores of Antarctica. The general outlines and characteristic features of the relief are very close to the information about the surface of the continent hidden under the ice, which was mapped in 1958 by specialists from different countries (including the USSR). By the way, Gerard Kremer, known to the whole world under the name of Mercator, also trusted the testimony of Oronteus. In 1959, he included the Finius map in his atlas, which contains several maps of Antarctica and Mercator himself. In addition, there is one interesting feature here - on the Mercator map, compiled in 1569, the western coast of South America is depicted less accurately than on the earlier map of the same Mercator in 1538. The reasons for this contradiction are as follows: when working on an early map, the 16th century cartographer was based on ancient sources that have not reached us, and when working on a later map, on the observations and measurements of the first Spanish explorers of western South America. Gerard Mercator's mistake is excusable. In the 16th century, there were no precise methods for measuring longitude and, as a rule, the error was hundreds of kilometers, i.e. from 20 and more.

And finally, Philippe Boishet. Full member of the French Academy of Sciences. In 1737 he published his map of Antarctica. Buache gave an accurate picture of the time when Antarctica was completely ice-free. His map shows the subglacial topography of the entire continent, which our humanity, which considers the origin of its civilization no earlier than the 4th millennium BC, did not have a complete understanding of until 1958. Moreover, based on now lost sources, the French academic depicted a body of water in the middle of the southernmost continent, dividing it into two subcontinents lying to the west and east of the line where the Transantarctic Mountains are now shown. Research under the International Geophysical Year program (1958) argues that the southernmost continent, which is depicted as a single continent on modern maps, is in fact an archipelago of large islands covered with ice at least 1.5 km thick.

Let's summarize the first results:

A. Medieval maps show Antarctica without ice cover or retaining partial ice cover. The accuracy of cartographic estimates of the 16th century is very high and surprising in a number of ways. Their data exceeds the technical capabilities of even the late Middle Ages (for example, determining the longitude of the currently subglacial relief with an accuracy of up to a minute). In the best case, this level of engineering of our humanity corresponds to the last quarter of the 18th century, and for many issues (data on subglacial relief) - only to the middle of this century.

B. The interpretations of Medeevist historians (specialists in medieval history) about the geographical maps of Reis, Finius and Mercator for Antarctica cannot be considered convincing. The Medeevists refuse to comment on such a high scientific level of medieval cartographers. Information about the almost two-thousand-year-old original sources of the P. Reis map is considered to be undocumented. The opinion of modern cartographers, based on strictly scientific assessments in the field of natural science, is considered to be incompetent.

B. Orthodox geology agrees with this formulation of the question, arguing that the age of Antarctic ice can be estimated at no less than 25 million years. True, in recent years this chronological frame has decreased to 6 million. But such an adjustment has already acquired a strict academic character.

In this case, we note the following feature of the Reis map: the coastal edge of the continent is free of ice. On the Finius map, compiled 18 years after the Reis map, the ice cap around the South Pole is preserved within the 80th, and in some places 75th, parallels. Academician Buache 200 years later depicted Antarctica without ice.

The conclusion, I believe, suggests itself. We are faced with the process of glaciation of the surface of the southernmost continent.

In 1949, Admiral Byrd's expedition drilled the bottom of the Ross Sea approximately in the places where Oronteus Finius indicated the river beds. The core sections revealed layers of fine-grained rocks, well-mixed sediments brought to the sea by rivers whose sources are located in temperate latitudes (i.e., ice-free).

Using the radioactive dating method developed by Dr. W.D. Ury, scientists at the Carnegie Institution in Washington were able to establish with reasonable accuracy that the Antarctic rivers that were the sources of these fine sediments flowed, as shown on the Finius map, approximately 6,000 years ago. Only after this date, around 4000 BC, “glacial-type sediments began to accumulate at the bottom of the Ross Sea... Cores indicate that this was preceded by a long warm period.”

Thus, the maps of Reis, Finius, and Mercator give us an idea of ​​Antarctica around the time of the birth of the Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations. Such a point of view is excluded by almost all professional historians of the planet. At best, my conclusion will be considered a working hypothesis, not amenable to historical verification. “Such civilizations on our planet at the end of the 5th millennium BC. did not exist,” any specialist historian will say. And the opinion of Dr. Jacob Hoke of the University of Illinois, that the sediments of a fluvial nature are between 6 and 12 thousand years old, counting from the present time, will be sent for discussion with paleontologists or paleobiologists, whose activities again go beyond the scope of the science of “History” and cannot contribute direct study of our highly developed and unique civilization.

But in September 1991, thirteen kilometers from the Nile in Abydos, American and Egyptian archaeologists discovered 12 large wooden boats belonging to the pharaohs of the First Dynasty. The age of these vessels is estimated at approximately 5000 years. They are considered one of the most ancient ships in the world, believes D. O'Connor, leader of the expedition, researcher at the University of Pennsylvania. While the find is being assessed traditionally, the boats were intended for religious ceremonies. Herodotus back in the 5th century. BC claimed that the Egyptians had been observing stars for more than 10 thousand years. This position is considered by the “father of history” to be esoteric, that is, secret, private, and because of this - untrue. But land-dwelling nations rarely produce astronomers. Perhaps the ancient Egyptians’ passion for astronomy is evidence of some kind of scientific heritage from a seafaring people unknown to us? By the way, technical intelligence officers of the US Air Force determined the center of the projection of the Piri Reis map, the data of which dates back to 4000 BC. Presumably the center was located near today's Cairo. At this time, according to the vast majority of historians, all the then peoples of the world were at an extremely primitive level of development.

The second result:

A. Between the fifth and tenth millennia BC. On planet Earth there was a civilization of people that had high knowledge in the field of navigation, cartography, and astronomy - no lower than the level of the last third of the 18th century.

B. This civilization preceded ours, and was not at all an alien product. The duration of its development can also count, like our civilization, several millennia. The location is presumably the northern coast of the southernmost continent, or archipelago of large islands - Antarctica, which was then in a temperate climate. In later years - the northeast of the African continent.

B. The reasons for the disappearance of civilization are the process of glaciation of the southern land, which began no earlier than the 10th millennium BC. We cannot exclude large-scale floods, quite stable, leading to long-term local floods, the presence of which archaeologists do not deny. Such disasters could destroy the vast majority of the material culture complexes of the protocivilization. It is quite possible that part of it is under the thickness of Antarctic ice. But as a serious working hypothesis, the position can already be accepted that the surviving representatives of the proto-civilization of the southerners retained and passed on part of their knowledge to the ancient Egyptians. Presumably, parallel to the Sumerians.

I hope that expanding the scope of archaeological research together with natural scientists will lead us to the southernmost continent. It is quite possible that surprises await humanity here.

According to the theory of the origin of life on Earth, man is the first intelligent being born through the course of evolutionary development. We are so accustomed to thinking - and this is what academic science tells us - that we are the first on Earth who have intelligence. Before us, there were no civilizations with advanced technologies on the planet, although not all scientists agree with this opinion.

Many researchers believe that numerous incredible archaeological finds tell us that thousands and even millions of years ago there were civilizations on Earth with extremely advanced technologies. Moreover, ancient civilizations may have had far superior knowledge and technology than we have today!

Studying ancient artifacts, scientists ask the question: What if all modern inventions of mankind are nothing more than a reproduction of the inventions of the past? That is, inventions from the time when different civilizations (possibly the colonization of the Earth came from deep space) inhabited the planet and then, without the support of the mother planet, the colonies degenerated and went wild, or the colonies were simply abandoned for some reason.

In fact, this is a very interesting hypothesis, however, under its basis there is a large pile of mysteries. After all, we will have to think about what could have caused development to be put on pause and even send highly developed civilizations of the past into the Stone Age. Meanwhile, most finds from ancient times are at least unexpected, and make you wonder where they came from.

What if, in our distant past, someone so powerful could have appeared that through his actions (for example, total bombing) he caused a “reset” in the evolution of growing civilizations? And from those developed civilizations that plunged into the “Stone Age” only archaeological finds remain, which we cannot explain, believing that we are the first on Earth.

Is it possible that some civilization from the distant past experienced a “reboot”?

Could the existence of prehistoric civilizations explain the construction of incredible ancient monuments such as Puma Punku, Tiwanaku, Teotihuacan and the Great Sphinx? Is it possible that our ancestors only discovered lost technologies and used them in their own lives, thereby beginning to revive the development that had once stopped?

Let's look at some of the revolutionary technologies of ancient civilizations that still pose a mystery to researchers. Looking at individual artifacts, there seems to be nothing incredible about them, but looking at them together...

Ancient Chinese seismograph - seismoscope.

Even 1500 years before the invention of the modern seismograph, the Chinese scientist Zhang Heng (100th century AD) was able to record an earthquake. The invention is called a seismoscope - a device incredibly amazing in its beauty and precision (an elegant vase with carved bronze animals).

To this day, no one knows exactly how the amazing device worked, but, nevertheless, it worked! By the way, the scientist was the first to confidently declare that the Moon shines with reflected light.

Nuclear reactor of an ancient civilization 1.8 billion years old.

Many of us remember the discovery of a nuclear reactor in Africa about 1.8 billion years old. Traditional science explains that in fact this is a nuclear reactor built by nature, that is, it is of natural origin. Other scientists believe that it is impossible to imagine the conditions under which Mother Nature could create a nuclear reactor with such high precision.

Yes, our planet has fantastic possibilities; after all, it gives us life. But at the same time, we understand that we know too little about the past of the Earth, and we know very little about what was on the planet before the birth of our civilization.

Baghdad battery.

In 1938, archeology introduced the world to the electric battery from Baghdad. The scientific world was amazed, but still agreed, the ancient device was used more than a couple of thousand years ago. According to some researchers, the rulers of ancient mankind used batteries for certain electrical devices. It’s just unknown where the battery could have been used in those days.

It has been proven that the battery from Baghdad can indeed generate electricity. Could the Baghdad battery serve as the missing link in humanity's ancient technology? - So to speak, the remains of the former power of technology of humanity gone wild and having lost everything?

Piri Reis: Cartographer's Mission.

The Piri Reis map, which shows Antarctica without ice cover, is very surprising. Yes, the map is still a mystery, compiled by a cartographer without the use of orbital satellites. The Piri Reis map is based on much older maps, where the continent appears before us as we have never seen it.

It’s a complete mystery how this continent could have been drawn by an ancient cartographer (who, in fact, had just thrown his club and climbed down from a tree) before Piri Reis. Unless, before Homo sapiens, there were already intelligent beings on the planet with powerful technologies, and now not only modern space debris, but also products of extreme antiquity are “hanging out” in orbit.

The map also shows a piece of land that appears to be connected to South America. A piece of land that might have corresponded to the Antarctic coastline in prehistoric times.

Nanostructures of ancient technologies 250 million years old!

In the Ural Mountains, researchers found an extremely mysterious object, an artifact, the discovery of which initially created a big “boom” in the scientific world. The first guess about the tiny structure said that it was the product of an exceptionally ancient civilization with advanced nanotechnology about 250 million years ago!

Given the age of these mysterious nanostructures, the artifact became a hit among finds of this kind. The first studies of the structure showed simply impossible results. The researchers found that the large pieces that were discovered were almost entirely made of copper, while the smaller pieces were made of tungsten and molybdenum.

As you know, metals themselves do not occur in nature, much less similar alloys. This means that they are components that are of artificial origin, in other words, they are manufactured using “fine” technology by some intelligent being.

At the same time, we have to admit that this is just a slice of a plant and not a 250 million year old microchip. Yes, these are fossilized pieces of organic matter - incredibly similar to the architecture of modern electronic devices. After all, according to the theory adopted hundreds of years ago, our civilization is the only one on Earth. There was no one intelligent with advanced technology on the planet before us.

Great Sphinx of Egypt: The Sphinx is the guardian of an 800,000 year old pyramid.

This is an ancient structure that, from the moment of its discovery until today, has baffled researchers of the ancient monument. Strangely, no one is able to accurately date the age of the Sphinx, since there are no written records or mentions of its construction or purpose in ancient records. Now Sphinx researchers are increasingly talking about the age of the monument at least 10,000 years, but Ukrainian researchers suggest an age of 800,000 years!

The authors of the work are scientists Vyacheslav Manichev (Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) and Alexander Parkhomenko (Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). The research was presented at the International Conference of Geoarchaeology and Archeomineralogy held in Sofia under the title: geological aspects of the problem of dating the Great Sphinx of Egypt.

Two Ukrainian researchers have taken a provocative look at ancient history, with scientists suggesting that the Great Sphinx of Egypt has been around for about 800,000 years. This is a revolutionary theory, which, once confirmed, will change our entire attitude towards ancient history and the development of civilizations of that time.

According to the study, scientists Manichev and Parkhomenko have proposed a new natural mechanism that could explain the irregularities and erosion in the features of the Sphinx. This mechanism is the effect of waves on the structure of the monument. This formation - several layers of "ripples" - could take place over a thousand years, a fact that is clearly visible, for example, on the shores of the Black Sea.

The fact is - to put it briefly - that having studied the accumulation and destruction of the Great Sphinx, scientists believe that the processes that influenced the monument were not caused by the Nile overflowing its banks, but by complete immersion under water for a long time. Yes, researchers have repeatedly pointed out that the Sphinx survived the Flood, but Ukrainian researchers, having studied the destruction and dissolution of the rock, date the age of the “guardian” of the pyramid as 800,000 years!

According to Manichev and Parkhomenko:

The visual study of the Sphinx allows us to conclude that the water of large reservoirs played an important role, which partially flooded the monument with the formation of wave-cut depressions on its vertical walls.

The morphology of these formations is similar to similar depressions formed at sea in coastal areas. The similarity of the compared forms of erosion, the geological structure and petrographic composition of the sedimentary rocks of the complex lead to the conclusion that the decisive factor in the destruction of the historical monument was wave energy, and not sand.

Geological literature confirms the existence of long-lived freshwater lakes during various periods from the Quaternary Lower Pleistocene to the Holocene. These lakes were distributed in areas adjacent to the Nile. The absolute mark of the upper trace of the erosion of the Sphinx corresponds to the level of the water surface, which took place in the early Pleistocene.

During this period, the Great Sphinx of Egypt already stood on the Giza plateau of this geological (historical) time. - This is a huge age in the life of the Sphinx, isn’t it? But...who could have worked the Sphinx at that time? Could this be evidence that a million years ago there was a civilization on Earth capable of doing this?

The prehistoric era is defined as the period of existence of human civilization that preceded the appearance of the first written evidence (before the 4th century BC), and the initial stages of ancient history are characterized precisely by written evidence of events. Our concept of ancient history is largely determined by the Bible. The absence of references to prehistoric cultures and civilizations, or the deliberate removal of such information from biblical texts, is the result of the rather isolated and limited approach of their authors to depicting historical events.

Amazing architectural monuments, man-made masterpieces and archaeological finds that go beyond our understanding, dating back centuries and millennia BC, present the history of human civilization in a completely different light. Since the destruction of libraries was a fairly common occurrence in ancient times, there are only a few sources of information left that could shed light on these secrets. Therefore, archaeologists and historians can only continue their painstaking work of studying forgotten civilizations.

1. Lens of Nimrud

The science of the ancient world, as modern research shows, was not as primitive and utilitarian as it is commonly imagined. The first samples of batteries and planispheres are not the only “gadgets” that have been discovered during archaeological research around the world. The most significant finds are considered to be the Nimrud lens and the Antikythera mechanism. The lens was discovered by archaeologists among the ruins of the Nimrud Palace in Iraq. Its age is determined to be approximately 3000 years. Some scientists believe that the lens was part of an ancient telescope that the Babylonians used to study celestial bodies and make high-precision astronomical calculations. The Antikythera Mechanism (200 BC) was used to calculate the motion parameters of celestial bodies to determine potential impact events. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say with 100% accuracy what exactly the purpose of these items was; It is also difficult to imagine why these inventions remained “behind the scenes” for several thousand years.

2. Empire of Rama

Despite wars and several major raids, the ancient history of India has felt the destructive influence of aggressors. It has long been believed that the history of Indian civilization dates back to 500 BC; however, some discoveries directly indicate that this date should be advanced by at least several thousand years. The ruins of the ancient cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were discovered in the Indus River valley. The cities were such elaborate engineering complexes that archaeologists began to think seriously about how important their discovery had been. The origins and reason for the disappearance of the Harappan civilization also remain a mystery to specialists, and not a single linguist has been able to decipher the writing. By the way, during the excavations not a single religious building was discovered (for example, a temple or a place for sacrifice); nor has any evidence been found for the class structure of Harappan society. This level of development is not found in any known human civilization (except for some common features with the ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian cultures).

3. Longue Caves

The Chinese consider these caves to be the "ninth wonder of the ancient world" - the origin of the underground complex of 24 caves is still considered a mystery. After the discovery by researchers in 1992, not a single documentary source or evidence of construction work ever carried out in this region was found - and more than a million cubic meters of stone were required to create the complex! The hollowed-out stone corridors are also interesting because there is a repeatable pattern on the walls of the caves, which, according to scientists, has a symbolic meaning. This design is also found on pottery dating between 500 and 800 BC. BC.

4. Nan-Madol city

Nan Madol is a city that existed on the volcanic island of Pohnpei in Micronesia. It was built on a coral reef using huge (weighing up to 50 tons) basalt blocks and was a rather complex system united by numerous channels and tunnels. In terms of the complexity of its design and construction work, it is often compared to the Great Wall of China and the Great Pyramid (although the average weight of the blocks used to build the pyramid was no more than 3 tons). None of the existing sources found data about the construction period, purpose and, most importantly, the architects. Radiocarbon dating helped establish an approximate age of 200 BC. The origin of the basalt blocks also remains a mystery, as does how they were transported (50 feet high and 17 feet thick). In addition, the remains of the city's inhabitants indicate that they belonged to a race that has nothing in common with modern Micronesians.

5. Stone Age Tunnels

Across the territory from Scotland to Turkey, under the remains of hundreds of Neolithic settlements, archaeologists have discovered an extensive network of underground tunnels. Depths range from 2,300 feet (700 m) in Bavaria (Germany) to 1,200 feet (350 m) in Austria, which is a testament to the exceptional skill of the Neolithic builders, since most of the tunnels remain almost intact despite their considerable age - 12,000 years. Although not all tunnels are structurally connected, experts believe that their main purpose was to allow people to move safely through the area regardless of the level of external danger. Also, special rooms were created in the tunnel system - in all likelihood, used as storage rooms and bunkers.

6. Puma Punku

Puma Punku is one of the four structural components (complexes of buildings) of the ancient pre-Inca city of Tiwanaku in South America. The age of the megalithic complex is still the subject of lively debate, since the ruins were subjected to repeated “raids” by looters and amateur archaeologists - everything that could shed light on the mystery of Puma Punku was either destroyed or stolen. Scientists agree that the complex is much older than the Egyptian pyramids, therefore we are talking about 15,000 years. Even the Incas did not have enough information about this object. On the massive stone blocks used to construct the buildings, there is not a single trace of contact with any construction tool; What is also striking is how precisely the blocks fit together. These data indicate a high level of skill and knowledge in the field of stone processing, engineering technology and geometry. The city also had an irrigation system, a water-protected sewer system, and a set of hydraulic mechanisms. Since scientists have never been able to discover any evidence informing us about the inhabitants of the city, the level of technological development remains one of the most intriguing mysteries.

7. Metal clamps

Continuing the story of Puma Punku, we will talk about one intriguing detail - metal clamps used to connect large structures (monuments of the Incan culture of Qorikancha, Olantaytambo and Yurok Rumi, as well as ancient Egyptian temples). The grooves and holes found during the excavation of the walls, according to scientists, were used for transporting metal tools; but expert analysis showed that molten metal was poured into the excavations - therefore, builders had the opportunity to use portable smelters. In addition, very high temperatures were required to melt the metals that were used during construction work - as far as we know, such technologies were unknown to humanity at that time (at least, that was what was believed until recently). One can only guess why these technologies were forgotten over time (it is assumed that the civilization that replaced them simply ignored the knowledge and developments of the previous one).

8. City of Baalbek

The ancient Lebanese city of Baalbek is one of the best preserved monuments of ancient Roman culture in the world. Known as Heliopolis in ancient times, it amazes with its majesty and complexity. But scientists are much more concerned not with Heliopolis, but with the ruins of a megalithic complex discovered under the foundation of the city. The blocks found weigh at least 1,200 tons each - these are the largest hand-crafted stone structures in the world. Archaeologists date the ruins to the 9th millennium BC, since Middle (1900-1600 BC) and Early (2900-2300 BC) Bronze Age artifacts were discovered in the upper layers of the soil. It is impossible to explain how the material for construction was transported to this region from the mining site; Architects and engineers unanimously insist that during this period there were no technologies that could be used to lift huge stone blocks (among the arguments given are the location and limited space for using such mechanisms). However, none of the modern construction technologies can provide a clear answer to this question.

9. Giza Plateau

Hundreds of scientific works have been devoted to the mysteries of Ancient Egypt. Today it is no secret to anyone that the design of the Great Pyramid of Giza is a system of precise calculations (this has raised doubts about the true purpose of the pyramid, which could have been more than just a tomb for burying the remains of the pharaoh). Moreover, since it has been proven that the destruction of the Great Sphinx statue was caused mainly by heavy rainfall (long rains were not uncommon in this area before the dry period began), the age of the pyramid is attributed to the 5th-7th millennium BC. (some scientists believe that the date should be “pushed back” a few thousand years ago). The sudden rise of Egyptian civilization in the 3rd millennium BC. became the reason for putting forward the hypothesis about the existence of an older culture preceding the Egyptian one. It has also been established that such historical monuments as the Pyramid of Khafre, the Theban Necropolis and the Temple of Menkaure belong to this culture (limestone blocks were used in their construction - exactly the same ones were found in the foundation of the Sphinx).

10. Gobekli Tepe

Dating from the end of the planet's last ice age (1,200 years ago), a recently discovered temple complex in southeastern Turkey has been hailed as one of the most significant archaeological discoveries of our time. Samples of ceramics, writing, a prototype wheel and primitive metallurgical complexes are structures so advanced in terms of technology that they “fall out” of the historical context of the Paleolithic era. Predating Stonehenge by thousands of years, the complex consists of 20 circular structures (only four have been excavated and studied so far) and intricately ornate pillars that stand 18 feet high and weigh approximately 15 tons each. It has not been established who designed and built the complex, and many questions remain about how a primitive hunter-gatherer civilization was able to excel in construction and the art of masonry.

Since the destruction of artifacts and written evidence, along with libraries and archives, was a fairly common occurrence in ancient times, there are only a few sources of information left that could shed light on these secrets. Therefore, archaeologists and historians can only continue their painstaking work of studying forgotten civilizations.

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