Project documentation. Composition of project documentation. Preliminary design. Sketch design of a country house Country residential house. Design and construction

Ventilation 08.10.2023

A preliminary design is the first stage of architectural design. At this stage, the style and appearance of the future building, its size, shape, space-planning and spatial solutions, internal layout, and zoning are determined. A preliminary design of a house is a set of drawings that gives a complete idea of ​​what should happen during the construction process. It is the main document for the house and is part of the documents required to obtain permission to build a house from the authorities.

Composition of the House Draft Design:

general data (explanatory note);

master plan diagram (M 1:200);

floor plans;


architectural section;

roof plan;

three-dimensional computer visualization (from 4 angles + fragments if necessary).

Cost of a house design:

Total building area

Project cost

before 1 00 sq.m

35 00 0 rub.

From 100 to 15 0 sq.m

40 00 0 rub.

from 15 0 to 230 sq.m

45 000rub.

from 230 to 300 sq.m

50,000 rub.

over 300 sq.m

Individual price

Duration of completion of the preliminary design of a private house: 3 -4 weeks.


2. Architectural design of a house (AP) .

Architectural design of an individual house- this is the architect's plan, embodied in engineering solutions. At this design stage, architectural solutions are determined that comprehensively take into account the customer’s wishes, construction conditions, as well as numerous requirements (social, economic, functional, engineering, technical, fire safety, sanitary and hygienic,energy,environmental, architectural, artistic and others).

Composition of the Architectural project of the house:

general project data(explanatory note);

general plan (M1:200);

floor plans;


3D computer visualization

(from 4 angles + fragments if necessary);

main cuts around the house (minimum 2 cuts);

roof plan;

marking plans;

list of facade finishing;

main construction indicators;

gender explication;

list of jumpers;

specification for filling door and window openings;

volumes of basic construction materials;

ventilation risers;

necessary components and parts.

Cost of an architectural project for a house:

Total building area

Project cost

before 1 00 sq.m

45 000 rub.

from 1 00 to 150 sq.m

50 000 rub.

from 150 to 2 30 sq.m

55,000 rub.

from 230 to 300 sq.m

60 0 00 rub.

over 300 sq.m

Individual price

Term of completion of the Architectural project of a private house: 4-6 weeks.

If you yourself have drawn or found on the Internet a sketch of a layout that suits you, then you can . In this case, the project will cost you less.


3. Architectural and construction project (AS) .

The architectural and construction project consists of two sections:

Architectural solutions (AR)And Constructive solutions (CD). was described higher. The Structural Design includes a load-bearing capacity calculation and detailed drawings of all structural elements of the designed building with specifications and components. I do not provide the exact composition of the structural design drawings here, since it depends on the type of structures included in a particular project.

Calculations and drawings are performed by highly qualified designers. Our projects are very accurate and detailed: they contain all the necessary drawings, components and specifications so that the process of building a house is easy and understandable.

Cost of architectural and construction project:

Total building area

Project cost

before 1 00 sq.m

110 000 rub.

from 1 00 to 150 sq.m

130 000 rub.

from 150 to 2 30 sq.m

150,000 rub.

from 230 to 300 sq.m

170 0 00 rub.

over 300 sq.m

Individual price

Architectural and construction project completion time: 8-10 weeks.


Prices for all projects include a 30% discount


Autumn and winter are the best time to start working on your home project. Architects are not overloaded with work and the cost of the project is lower than in spring and summer. And after the completion of the project, you will have time to buy building materials also at reduced “winter” prices. Don't miss this opportunity!

further in the course 7-10 days I study the technical specifications and make the first sketches for the project: as a rule, these are floor plans and facades (possibly also sections). They are performed without working out small details, only the main volumes. I'll send them to you by email. email for approval;

You study the initial sketches for as long as you need, then we call (or email) and you give your comments and wishes on the first sketches;

Taking into account your wishes, I will make appropriate changes to the project (within 3-5 days) and send you new sketches. If you are satisfied with everything about them, then we move on. (if not, then we continue to work in the same mode until there is complete mutual understanding);

Next, I build a three-dimensional model (within 3-5 days) of the building and send you images for approval. (If necessary, at this stage I offer various color options and façade materials used);

When the sketches and pictures with the 3D model are completely agreed upon, I begin making the final drawings for the project. It usually takes 7-12 days. Upon completion of this work, I will send you the final project in the format pdf by email mail;

Within 3 days you study the final drawings and, if you notice any comments or inaccuracies, notify me, and I will quickly make corrections to the project and send you the corrected drawings.

This completes the work on the project. However, if during the construction process you have any unresolved questions about the project, you can safely call me - I will definitely answer them.


I work officially (registered as an individual entrepreneur) and always enter into an official agreement with Customers, which allows us to protect the interests of the parties.

I have in my portfolio more than a hundred completed projects of private and public residential buildings in Russia and in other countries of Asia and Europe.

Creative approach to work. I try to stick to the motto "

Make art, not work " - "Do art, not work."Each of my projects is a unique copyright product. It has, first of all, intellectual value, and as a result, high liquidity. Living in a stylish, beautiful and comfortable home will give you pleasure every day.

AND Individual approach to each Customer. I always try to find out as much as possible what the Client wants in order to design a house that will suit him perfectly.

I guarantee strict adherence to deadlines. I am responsible for complying with the deadlines for completing the work as agreed and specified in the contract.

I have experience not only in designing, but also in implementing/building houses according to my own designs.

_________________________________________________________________ ____________________________

The term “Sketch Design” is misleading in its frivolity and association with the artist’s sketching, which often leads to bewilderment: why does a sketch design cost so much - is it a sketch, pictures?

In fact, this is a sketch and a preliminary design - diametrically different things, although they have the same root, hence the confusion.

The first thing is important

Sketch design is a generally accepted term. This is a set of detailed documentation - diagrams of the planning organization of the site, floor plans, sections, facades, fundamental units and structural details, visualizations of the house. It shows the fundamental decisions of the building, giving an idea of ​​its structure and functioning.

It is even possible to build according to a detailed preliminary design. But in general, a preliminary design is a technical specification for a working project. You remember the importance of technical specifications, right?

A good preliminary design is not a picture divorced from life, but, on the contrary, a very individual and detailed product. Its development was preceded by an analysis of the customer’s wishes and needs and linking them with reality (type of site, norms, permitted standards), analysis of the site and its planning organization, and schematic diagrams of the functional program.

Second main thing

A preliminary design is not about “imagining” the appearance of a house or drawing facades. This is documentation for your individual “living machine”, in which each system of the functioning of the house is considered in dynamics, and the space is strictly subordinated to the logic of the everyday processes occurring in it. All this is reflected in the structure of plans, sections and facades.

What do we pay for in the Draft Design?

I have read different opinions about what role the electronic signature plays in the project.

The reality is this: in Russia, the labor of architects and designers has been cheaper for some time due to the market decline - demand was low, the vast majority of site owners are independent developers. Hand on heart, even in commercial design, a preliminary design is still the cheapest part, “luring” the client in order to then sell him the design and working documentation, which is much more expensive. In Russian architectural bureaus, architects bring the least profit not because they do the least (quite the opposite), but because an insufficiently developed market determines the low cost of their services. Inside the bureau, in fact, their work is paid for by subsidies from the designers and engineers to whom they brought the client. That is, the bureau makes money not on architectural solutions (the client has not yet matured to understand the key importance of electronic design and is not ready to pay a lot), but on design and working documentation and then distributes the profit.
In Russia, for the customer, a preliminary design costs about 10% of the cost of the entire project for small projects and 5% for large commercial projects (the cost of the entire project includes everything before handing over the documentation to the builders), and if you count it together with the construction inspection, then it will work out 1% .

For interest, experience from other markets: according to the Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure (a document in Germany that regulates the order and phases of an architect's work), the Schematic Design is the combination of the first three phases: Grundlagenermittlung (Basic proposals of the architect), Vorplanung (preliminary planning) and Entwurfsplanung (Preliminary design). Their cost from the entire project, including construction control and elimination of deficiencies at the finished facility, is 3% + 7% + 11%, that is, in total 21% .

Why is there such a difference and who is right? Of course, the degree of elaboration of the preliminary design varies; some bureaus include in it the development of fundamental structures, for example, glazing units, some do not. Sometimes the preliminary design is so detailed that you can build on it, but it is still called “sketchy”.
However, if you think about where the preliminary design will go next, its complexity becomes clear: this is the stage at which 80-90% of the structural and interior solutions have already been determined. That is, the project is being clarified and finalized, but nothing fundamentally changes.

The preliminary design stage is the first and very important stage in the development of an individual house project. This is the most creative part of the whole job.

A preliminary design (architectural concept) is the result of a comprehensive analysis of a large number of different factors, making informed conceptual decisions with reference to the original technical specifications for the design.

It is important to understand that at the stage of developing a preliminary design, detailed calculations of structural elements are not carried out, therefore the architect must have sufficient knowledge and technical literacy so that the decisions made do not contradict building codes.

In the process of working on a preliminary design, the Customer is presented with several solutions to choose from. The options may differ in minor details or, conversely, be the complete opposite of each other. After analyzing several proposals, the customer chooses the option that suits him in all respects.

Why is a preliminary design necessary?

It makes it possible to visually present and agree on fundamental decisions on style, architectural design, functionality, planning solutions, dimensions, and layout of the house on the land plot in a short time.

Allows you to determine the estimated cost and timing of work on building a house, their order and list, the facility’s need for energy supply, as well as determine the preliminary work necessary to prepare the site for development.

Together with the accompanying documents, it allows you to coordinate and obtain a construction permit from the authorities

It is the basis for the detailed development of adopted design solutions and the issuance of working documentation necessary for construction

Composition of the preliminary design

The composition of the preliminary design is regulated by state standards GOST 2.119-73 "Unified system of design documentation".

The initial data for its development are the design specifications, urban planning plan, and topographic survey of the site.

The list of drawings that make up the preliminary design varies depending on the technical specifications and the complexity of the object being designed.

The set of documentation for the “Sketch Design” section consists of text and graphic parts – explanatory notes, sketches, 3D images of the object. The form of presentation of the preliminary design documents (paper or electronic) is determined by the developer in agreement with the customer.

Main sections of the preliminary design:

  • master plan diagram on a scale of 1:500 with access roads;
  • floor plans with overall dimensions and areas of premises;
  • drawings of facades with elevations showing frontal images of the house on each side;
  • sections of the object in characteristic zones;
  • roof plan;
  • 3D visualization;
  • explanatory note.

Location of the house on the site (master plan). A capital construction project cannot be placed on a site arbitrarily. When choosing the layout of the house and adjacent buildings, fire safety requirements, sanitary standards and other building rules are taken into account. It is important to correctly orient the elements of the house relative to the cardinal directions, ensuring proper insolation of the premises, and to coordinate the chosen solution with the surrounding landscape and the layout of existing communications. The master plan diagram shows not only the designed facility, but also adjacent buildings and access roads.

Floor plans. The architect develops layout drawings of the main premises of the floors with the location of load-bearing walls, partitions, ceilings, roofs, door and window openings, flights of stairs, and foundation. This takes into account the thickness of walls, floors and ceilings, foundation structures and the layout of equipment and communications. All decisions are consistent with fire safety requirements. By prior agreement, at this stage a conceptual arrangement of furniture and selection of finishing materials can be carried out.

Facade drawings. Facades play an important role in sketch drawings, since they most clearly reflect the plans of the architect and engineer (authors of the project). The concept of the appearance of the house, its overall and height dimensions, colors, types of building and finishing materials are presented in graphic form, the layout of windows, doors, balconies, and terraces is thought out. Despite the variety of graphic techniques for making facades, the drawing must be extremely accurate in design, concise and easy to understand.

Roof plan. It is one of the mandatory drawings intended for construction and installation work and represents a top view of the building. Carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21.501-2011 “System of design documentation for construction”. The roof plan of a building gives a general idea of ​​the shape of the building and determines the position of all protruding roof elements, including the drainage system.

The following is applied to the building roof plan:

  • coordination axes and outlines of the outer perimeter of the building, indicating the main dimensions and linking the elements;
  • the slope values ​​are indicated and a schematic representation of the transverse profile of the roof is drawn;
  • ridges, ribs and valleys are indicated and the direction of the slopes is indicated;
  • the positions and main dimensions of the roof elements are plotted (dormer windows, stove and ventilation pipes, deflectors, ventilation shafts, lanterns, parapets, fire escapes, etc.);
  • elements of the roof fencing, funnels and gutters of internal and external drainage systems are indicated.

Explanatory note. The text part of the project provides a description of the characteristics and functional purpose of the object, and discusses some of its technical and economic indicators. The explanatory note indicates the approximate volume of basic building materials and construction and installation work. After developing the conceptual design, the picture of the upcoming financial costs and labor costs for designing the building becomes clear.

-I don’t understand what is the difference between a preliminary design and a working design? Why do different design firms, and yours in particular, charge 5,000-15,000 rubles for a preliminary design? By the way, I also don’t understand such a big difference in prices? Explain. A working project costs from 30,000 rubles. What is so “interesting” about the working project that its price increases so sharply? Design and design, picture, dimensions...strange.

-Both of these design stages are inextricably linked. The preliminary design is drawn up in accordance with the technical specifications, technical conditions, SNiPs and State Standards and is agreed upon with the customer and the architecture. Based on the preliminary design (if we are talking about an ordinary country house or construction that does not require special permits), a building permit and related documents are issued. And on the basis of the agreed Sketch Design (ED), a Working Design is made, if required.
All projects are different and the number of album sheets and spreads of the project depends primarily on its complexity and uniqueness.
But still, the basic composition of the Draft Design is approximately the same for everyone:
1. Title page
2. List of EP drawings. General Technical and Economic Indicators (TEI).
3. Perspective views (2-3 sheets)
4. Floor plans (1-3 sheets)
5. Facades (4-6 sheets)
6. Sections (1-2 sheets)
On average, a Sketch Design album is 12-16 sheets.
The Working Design has a completely different task: to reveal as much as possible all the complex technical elements, perform the necessary strength calculations or thermal calculations, reveal as much as possible all the dimensions, sections or elements of the facades so that the house turns out “at a glance”, clear, precise and understandable how it can be implemented and how much will it be.
Also, the Detailed Design can be ordered for individual elements (foundations, roofing, etc.).
The working project is divided into several parts:
AR - architectural solutions
KZh - reinforced concrete structures
KM - metal structures
KZHI - individual reinforced concrete structures
OV - heating, ventilation
VK - water supply, sewerage
ET - electrical drawings
TS - external heating networks
ES - power supply, external lighting
Each part of a complete Detailed Design requires accurate calculations and drawings. The composition of the album is individual for each part.
Approximate composition of the album of the Working Project for an Individual Residential Building, part AR/KR:
1. Title page
2. List of drawings AR/KR. Description of the main building structures. General Technical and Economic Indicators (TEI).
3. General views
4. Masonry floor plans
5. Specifications for construction plans
6. Layout diagrams of floor electrical elements at different elevations, specifications for them
7. List of jumpers
8. Development of ventilation shafts
9. Layout of the elements of the expanded clay concrete belt
10. monolithic areas
11. sections
12. knots
13. Layout of foundation elements
14. Specifications for foundations, sections
15. metal beams, monolithic
16. Facades
17. Fragments of facades
18. Openings: windows, doors, specifications for them
19. Roof plan, components, specifications.
And this is far from a complete list of the composition of the Work Project album. It all depends on the complexity of the original project, which is why there is such a big difference in price.

People rarely think about how important it is to correctly draw up a preliminary design of the intended object. But any construction should begin precisely from this stage. Moreover, by the time the first brick or log is delivered to the construction site, the sketch must already be agreed upon, developed and approved.

After all, without it, the customer (that is, you) will not be able to get a correct idea of ​​what the completed building will look like. But this should be represented not only by you, but also by the builders who will carry out the entire work process. Therefore, it is worth taking this issue seriously, understanding it down to the smallest detail.

To begin with, a preliminary design of a house is a set of primary documents that is necessary to

And also correctly compile all the documentation used directly in this case. Having a sketch of the house in hand, you can easily formulate your requirements when communicating with the designers who will develop it.

How is it compiled

You are contacting a company that provides . First of all, after concluding the contract, you talk with the architect.

An experienced specialist will ask you in a simple and accessible way about exactly what the house you would like to get should look like. Perhaps you will bring photographs of buildings that would fully suit you. But it is possible that you will have certain wishes: change the shape and location of the windows, use a tiled roof instead of a slate one, and a number of other minor changes.

All these wishes will be taken into account by the architect, who, after talking with you, will begin work.

For an experienced specialist, developing a preliminary design will take no more than a few days.

After this, you will be presented with a set of diagrams and color illustrations, allowing you to fully appreciate the external and internal appearance of your future home. Yes, some may wonder why you need to draw up a project practically from scratch if you already know what your house will look like.

Sample house plan

After all, this will take a lot of money and time. And yet, drawing up a sketch is not at all a trick of specialists who want to take up your time and extract extra money from you. After all, any changes in the appearance of a building, even the most insignificant ones, can seriously affect its entire structure.

The simplest example: have you decided to enlarge the window? This means that the load on the entire window opening will increase significantly. And he will definitely need to be strengthened so that he can withstand it without harm to himself. Do you want to use ceramic tiles instead of metal tiles? This means that the rafters will have to be strengthened so that they can withstand the significantly increased load.

Of course, it is simply impossible to carry out all these calculations by eye, without drawing up a special sketch or project. In addition, the finished sketch allows you to fairly accurately determine the complexity of the work and the amount of materials required. And, therefore, you will be told the price of the house.

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Projects and construction of houses made of stone and brick

Example of estimate for materials

Moreover, specialists will be able to calculate for you separately the cost of construction and finishing materials, as well as the cost of the work carried out. And this is very important. Perhaps no reasonable person would agree to start building a country cottage without knowing exactly how much it will cost him.

The sketch necessarily contains a number of illustrations by which you can evaluate your future home from the inside and outside.

Using the latest architectural programs allows you to make the sketch as visual as possible.

You just have to decide whether all your requirements were taken into account during construction, or whether you would like to make additional changes, achieving maximum compliance with the plans that you have in mind.

What is needed to conclude a contract for drawing up a sketch?

Developing a sketch is a very difficult and responsible job. Of course, it is carried out only after concluding an agreement with the company. And for this you will need to collect the following documents:

  • Technical specifications for design. Here you need to present in writing your requirements that the future object must meet;
  • Urban planning plan for a plot of land;
  • Geodetic survey of a land plot (scale 1:500);
  • Certificate that the existing footage is suitable for use.

When these documents are collected, you can safely go to sign the contract for the provision of services. Immediately after this, you will be directed to the architect-designer to coordinate all the work. Having received all the necessary information from you (in addition to the technical specifications), he begins to develop a sketch.

House sketch example

It is worth saying that creating a sketch is a very difficult and important stage. From the outside it may seem that everything here is quite easy and simple: every person can live in the way he would like to live. However, drawing up and drawing a sketch with your own hands very often leads to sad consequences. Still, the finished illustrations that are shown to you along with the sketch are just the tip of the iceberg. And the gigantic amount of work done remains in the drawings, which will tell little to a person not related to construction.

Indeed, in order to draw up a sketch, a specialist carries out a series of calculations, which are later used to develop a project according to which construction will be carried out. And a non-professional will hardly be able to do all the work with the same quality, guaranteeing the integrity and durability of the structure, as a specialist who has gotten his hands on this over many years of work.

house design example

To more clearly explain how many factors have to be taken into account when developing a preliminary design of a building, it is worth listing the main ones.

Location on the site

When locating housing on a plot of land, it is necessary to comply with a number of sanitary and fire safety requirements, as well as building standards. The distance from the house to the border of the neighboring plot must be no less than the established minimum. It is also necessary to correctly orient the house relative to the cardinal directions. Technical rooms are best located on the north side, while residential rooms should be placed on the south.

Of course, the house should fit gracefully into the surrounding landscape, and not stand out from it.
When drawing up a master plan for a site, an experienced architect will successfully place on it not only the house itself, but also all the buildings that the owner of the site considers necessary. This could be a number of other buildings.

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