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Chingiz Akifovich Abdullaev

The benefits of lust

The benefits of lust
Chingiz Akifovich Abdullaev

At first glance, the case of the murder of businessman Pyotr Vinogradov seemed simple: the businessman was poisoned in his own mansion, no stranger could enter the house, which means the killer was one of “his own.” But there were too many “friends” at the time of the murder - twelve people. The investigation was entrusted to the best detectives in the capital, but they were never able to identify the murderer. All the suspects loved and respected Vinogradov; no one had a motive for the murder. In desperation, the brother of the deceased turns to the famous criminal expert Drongo for help, and the lover of criminal puzzles enthusiastically takes on the difficult case...

Chingiz Abdullayev

The benefits of lust

© Abdullaev Ch.A., 2014

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

People seek pleasure, rushing from side to side, only because they feel the emptiness of their own lives, but almost never feel the emptiness of that new lust that attracts them so much.

Blaise Pascal

“It seems to me,” said Adam, “that I will never receive this money.”

“Well, I don’t think you have much to complain about,” Archie replied. – What you were with is what you left with. I feel much worse...

Evelyn Waugh

But vague evolutionary ideas did not leave him. He experienced a surge of unprecedented courage and secretly aimed at creating a unified law, some kind of general theory of musical systems. This swing could only be compared with the creation of a general field theory. Like a silkworm constantly pulling out a precious thread, he built a shiny cocoon around himself and was ready to pupate in it in order to finally break through to a speculative but genuine world. This was dangerous, because if you stumble, you can easily fall into a world of pure madness.

Lyudmila Ulitskaya

Instead of an introduction

– Girl, do you want to meet a smart, handsome, talented and decent young man? - he asked his traditional question when he approached this young lady, whom he immediately noticed.

She looked no more than twenty. Long-legged, pretty, with neat bangs of dark brown hair. The face is slightly elongated. She looked at him cheerfully and openly, and he immediately liked it. In general, he appreciated those young ladies who did not immediately shy away from strangers and did not suspect everyone of a maniac or pervert. The girl stood at the newsstand and bought a magazine.

– Are you smart and talented? – she clarified, looking into his eyes.

- Isn’t it noticeable? You forgot the words “beautiful” and “decent”. These qualities of mine are also immediately noticeable to everyone.

She smiled and somehow incomprehensibly moved her hand, as if stopping someone. He turned around. There was no one nearby. There was a car parked nearby, with what appeared to be several men sitting in it.

“It’s just difficult to immediately determine that you are smart and talented,” the stranger explained.

- More than. I am a winner of all possible awards at once, which is an undoubted achievement for my fairly young age. I have two higher education diplomas and an almost finished doctorate in mathematics. Arranges?

“No,” she said and laughed.

- Why? - He was even confused.

– My uncle is a doctor of sciences, a mathematician, an academician. They're all such boring types!

– In that case, I am a Doctor of Physical Sciences. Are you from Moscow?

- That's noticeable?

- Certainly. Provincial women have a different view. Scared and wary. And you calmly talk to an unfamiliar guy and don’t even try to run away.

- Do you need to run away? – inquired the girl, dressed in jeans and a light light T-shirt.

“Is she really over twenty? - he thought. – She behaves more than confidently. Not a single beauty I’ve ever met has treated me like that.”

It even amused him.

- In no case. By the way, let's get acquainted. My name is Lenya. Leonid. Like the Spartan king who died in battle along with his squad, but did not let the Persians through.

“We need to impress this person, overwhelm her with our intellect,” Leonid decided, but heard an unexpected objection in response.

“I missed it,” she said, grinning. “He simply covered the retreat of the Greek troops when the Persians bypassed them on the other side, and actually died, giving the rest the opportunity to escape. But the Persians still passed Thermopylae, although they later lost first the naval battle at Salamis, and then the land battle at Plataea.

“You are a historian,” the surprised Leonid said almost affirmatively.

- Already in my fifth year. And you, of course, are not a mathematician or even a physicist.

– In fact, I am a doctor of psychology.

– You can feel it right away.

- But you didn’t say your name.

- Nadia. Hope.

– A very symbolic name! – Leonid said with inspiration.

He was already twenty-eight. Nadya could not know that he was one of the most famous pick-up artists in Moscow. And even the Moscow region, as Leonid himself liked to add.

He was tall, over one meter eighty, and had the appearance of a classic Roman hero, with a somewhat heavy chin, a straight nose and beautiful dark brown eyes. His cheekbones, inherited from his Ukrainian mother, even made him handsome. Combined with his height and aggressive manner of dating, this helped Leonid in his interesting hobby - pick-up artistry.

This is the name of a peculiar hobby that has long been known in the capital and in some large cities. The young man himself approaches the woman he likes and invites her to meet. The whole point of pick-up artistry is to persuade a stranger to go on a first date within 24 hours. If the guy also manages to sleep with her during this time, then the picking procedure itself is considered more than successful and counts as an asset to the pick-up artist.

Leonid was a kind of champion among pickup artists. Once he even managed to drag into his apartment a young woman who had an engagement party, for which she, of course, was late. Another time, he managed to photograph a young woman four months pregnant, chatting and making her laugh in front of the house, where she was in a hurry. True, Leonid did not know about her interesting situation, and even that the former partner of this person had already left his girlfriend after learning about such a misfortune that had happened to her. That is why Leonid did not like to remember this episode; he considered it a not entirely pure experiment. But in many other cases he acted simply masterfully. His fame thundered among Moscow pickup artists.

“That means you’re over twenty,” Leonid realized. – If you are in fifth year.

“Yes, one year more,” Nadya admitted. – I graduated from school at the age of sixteen and immediately entered the history department of Moscow State University.

– Did you graduate from school with a gold medal? – Leonid clarified.

He knew that he needed to be able to flatter his new acquaintances.

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Title: The Benefits of Lust

About the book “The Benefits of Lust” Chingiz Abdullaev

At first glance, the case of the murder of businessman Pyotr Vinogradov seemed simple: the businessman was poisoned in his own mansion, no stranger could enter the house, which means the killer was one of “his own.” But there were too many “friends” at the time of the murder - twelve people. The investigation was entrusted to the best detectives in the capital, but they were never able to identify the murderer. All the suspects loved and respected Vinogradov; no one had a motive for the murder. In desperation, the brother of the deceased turns to the famous criminal expert Drongo for help, and the lover of criminal puzzles enthusiastically takes on the difficult case...

On our website about books you can download for free without registration or read online the book “The Benefits of Lust” by Chingiz Abdullayev in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For aspiring writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

The benefits of lust
Chingiz Akifovich Abdullaev

At first glance, the case of the murder of businessman Pyotr Vinogradov seemed simple: the businessman was poisoned in his own mansion, no stranger could enter the house, which means the killer was one of “his own.” But there were too many “friends” at the time of the murder - twelve people. The investigation was entrusted to the best detectives in the capital, but they were never able to identify the murderer. All the suspects loved and respected Vinogradov; no one had a motive for the murder. In desperation, the brother of the deceased turns to the famous criminal expert Drongo for help, and the lover of criminal puzzles enthusiastically takes on the difficult case...

Chingiz Abdullayev

The benefits of lust

© Abdullaev Ch.A., 2014

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

People seek pleasure, rushing from side to side, only because they feel the emptiness of their own lives, but almost never feel the emptiness of that new lust that attracts them so much.

Blaise Pascal

“It seems to me,” said Adam, “that I will never receive this money.”

“Well, I don’t think you have much to complain about,” Archie replied. – What you were with is what you left with. I feel much worse...

Evelyn Waugh

But vague evolutionary ideas did not leave him. He experienced a surge of unprecedented courage and secretly aimed at creating a unified law, some kind of general theory of musical systems. This swing could only be compared with the creation of a general field theory. Like a silkworm constantly pulling out a precious thread, he built a shiny cocoon around himself and was ready to pupate in it in order to finally break through to a speculative but genuine world. This was dangerous, because if you stumble, you can easily fall into a world of pure madness.

Lyudmila Ulitskaya

Instead of an introduction

– Girl, do you want to meet a smart, handsome, talented and decent young man? - he asked his traditional question when he approached this young lady, whom he immediately noticed.

She looked no more than twenty. Long-legged, pretty, with neat bangs of dark brown hair. The face is slightly elongated. She looked at him cheerfully and openly, and he immediately liked it. In general, he appreciated those young ladies who did not immediately shy away from strangers and did not suspect everyone of a maniac or pervert. The girl stood at the newsstand and bought a magazine.

– Are you smart and talented? – she clarified, looking into his eyes.

- Isn’t it noticeable? You forgot the words “beautiful” and “decent”. These qualities of mine are also immediately noticeable to everyone.

She smiled and somehow incomprehensibly moved her hand, as if stopping someone. He turned around. There was no one nearby. There was a car parked nearby, with what appeared to be several men sitting in it.

“It’s just difficult to immediately determine that you are smart and talented,” the stranger explained.

- More than. I am a winner of all possible awards at once, which is an undoubted achievement for my fairly young age. I have two higher education diplomas and an almost finished doctorate in mathematics. Arranges?

“No,” she said and laughed.

- Why? - He was even confused.

– My uncle is a doctor of sciences, a mathematician, an academician. They're all such boring types!

– In that case, I am a Doctor of Physical Sciences. Are you from Moscow?

- That's noticeable?

- Certainly. Provincial women have a different view. Scared and wary. And you calmly talk to an unfamiliar guy and don’t even try to run away.

- Do you need to run away? – inquired the girl, dressed in jeans and a light light T-shirt.

“Is she really over twenty? - he thought. – She behaves more than confidently. Not a single beauty I’ve ever met has treated me like that.”

It even amused him.

- In no case. By the way, let's get acquainted. My name is Lenya. Leonid. Like the Spartan king who died in battle along with his squad, but did not let the Persians through.

“We need to impress this person, overwhelm her with our intellect,” Leonid decided, but heard an unexpected objection in response.

“I missed it,” she said, grinning. “He simply covered the retreat of the Greek troops when the Persians bypassed them on the other side, and actually died, giving the rest the opportunity to escape. But the Persians still passed Thermopylae, although they later lost first the naval battle at Salamis, and then the land battle at Plataea.

“You are a historian,” the surprised Leonid said almost affirmatively.

- Already in my fifth year. And you, of course, are not a mathematician or even a physicist.

– In fact, I am a doctor of psychology.

– You can feel it right away.

- But you didn’t say your name.

- Nadia. Hope.

– A very symbolic name! – Leonid said with inspiration.

He was already twenty-eight. Nadya could not know that he was one of the most famous pick-up artists in Moscow. And even the Moscow region, as Leonid himself liked to add.

He was tall, over one meter eighty, and had the appearance of a classic Roman hero, with a somewhat heavy chin, a straight nose and beautiful dark brown eyes. His cheekbones, inherited from his Ukrainian mother, even made him handsome. Combined with his height and aggressive manner of dating, this helped Leonid in his interesting hobby - pick-up artistry.

This is the name of a peculiar hobby that has long been known in the capital and in some large cities. The young man himself approaches the woman he likes and invites her to meet. The whole point of pick-up artistry is to persuade a stranger to go on a first date within 24 hours. If the guy also manages to sleep with her during this time, then the picking procedure itself is considered more than successful and counts as an asset to the pick-up artist.

Leonid was a kind of champion among pickup artists. Once he even managed to drag into his apartment a young woman who had an engagement party, for which she, of course, was late. Another time, he managed to photograph a young woman four months pregnant, chatting and making her laugh in front of the house, where she was in a hurry. True, Leonid did not know about her interesting situation, and even that the former partner of this person had already left his girlfriend after learning about such a misfortune that had happened to her. That is why Leonid did not like to remember this episode; he considered it a not entirely pure experiment. But in many other cases he acted simply masterfully. His fame thundered among Moscow pickup artists.

“That means you’re over twenty,” Leonid realized. – If you are in fifth year.

“Yes, one year more,” Nadya admitted. – I graduated from school at the age of sixteen and immediately entered the history department of Moscow State University.

– Did you graduate from school with a gold medal? – Leonid clarified.

He knew that he needed to be able to flatter his new acquaintances.

Nadezhda nodded affirmatively and said:

– Yes, indeed with a gold medal. How did you guess?

– When I heard about Leonid’s fate. Do you think every history student remembers him?

- Not every. - She laughed. - It's right.

He could not determine which magazine Nadezhda had bought. It would be possible to build a conversation around this publication and its passions. But she rolled it up into a tube.

He liked her openness more and more. Even Muscovites don’t behave this way when they meet. They usually ask questions before sharing any information about themselves. And she was either an overly trusting fool, or an absolutely confident person. At twenty-one? It just doesn't happen that way. Perhaps he did not take into account some factor. It is possible that she is waiting for her boyfriend or even her husband.

Leonid frowned and said:

“I’m even afraid to continue talking to an intellectual like you.”

– Judging by the way you meet, it’s hard to scare you. Where do you work? You probably teach if you are a doctor of sciences?

“I have a private practice,” Leonid lied blatantly.

It was clearly not appropriate to inform this person that he works as an ordinary manager in a travel company and does not earn very much money.

“Your clients probably include all the famous people of our country,” continued Nadya, who was clearly outplaying him.

“Why is she so confident in herself? – Leonid thought again. – Which factor exactly did I not take into account? Maybe we knew each other before?

- No. I have a strict circle of clients. Mostly unhappy young men who were abandoned by their girlfriends.

– Do you give them advice, tell them how to get their passions back?

- Does it help?

- Not always. There are complex examples. I mean women.

“Your profession is difficult,” Nadya said sympathetically and looked at her watch. - It's a pity that I have to leave.

– Will you leave me alone in this huge, unkind city immediately after we meet?

– I’m almost sure that you are a Muscovite. This means you have a roof over your head, and you won’t die of hunger.

- And from melancholy?

- Especially. Goodbye, Leonid. It was fun talking to you.

This had never happened in his life. Confused, he extended his hand to her, which she shook.

“It seems we have changed places,” thought the experienced pickup artist. “She feels much more confident than I do.” But why? What's happening? Why does Nadezhda behave so calmly, as if she had already met guys hundreds of times right on the street? Maybe she's a prostitute? No. This is out of the question. Too educated. An overly confident and calm look. And of course, conversation. Prostitutes don't talk like that. They are immediately identified by the intonation and gaze of experienced appraisers. Damn it!.. Will she really leave now and we will never see each other again? It's simply impossible."

– Maybe we can continue our meeting somewhere in a cafe? – he made a last attempt to detain her.

- Thank you. But, unfortunately, I'm in a hurry.

- Let's do it tomorrow. Here, at this very time.

“I won’t be able to tomorrow either,” Nadya admitted.

“And the day after tomorrow you are flying to Mauritius, you want to take a break from your important affairs,” Leonid added jokingly. – Or to a symposium at Harvard.

“In the end, you need to be able to lose with dignity,” he decided.

“I’m not flying anywhere,” she answered just as calmly. – The day after tomorrow I’m free. Let's see each other, if that's what you want, of course.

This young lady, it seems, decided to simply surprise him. He didn’t even immediately understand what exactly she said and how he should react to it.

- Day after tomorrow. – Leonid coughed. - So you can?..

“I can do it the day after tomorrow,” Nadya nodded. – Is it okay for you to be here, around two o’clock?

She herself made an appointment with the most famous pick-up artist in Moscow. If anyone finds out about this, their reputation will be irreversibly damaged. He coughed again. She waited patiently. Damn, this is even interesting.

“The day after tomorrow,” Leonid finally managed to squeeze out. - At two o'clock at this place. I will be waiting for you.

“I’ll come,” Nadya promised, turned and walked towards the car parked next to them.

Only then did Leonid understand the reason for her confidence and calmness, and guessed why she became so interested and cheerful. She was not at all afraid of this stranger.

Nadezhda stepped towards the eighth model Audi. A bodyguard with a shaved head and a fierce face jumped out of the car and opened the back door. Before getting into the car, Nadya turned around and waved to her new friend a magazine rolled into a tube. The bodyguard looked at Leonid with a professional look and sat down next to the driver. The car moved smoothly.

All this time, while Leonid was talking with the girl, her car with a driver and bodyguard stood nearby, who were patiently waiting for them to finish the conversation.

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