Interest-free mortgage for a large family. An interest-free mortgage loan for an apartment in the Russian Federation. Basic requirements for borrowers

Where to begin? 12.07.2021
Where to begin?

The very term "interest-free mortgage" can be considered relative. Any mortgage loan implies interest. Otherwise, it would be disadvantageous for the bank. An interest-free loan can only be for the borrower. For a credit institution, interest still remains, but the government is responsible for repaying it. Beneficiaries (large families, state employees, etc.) can get such a loan.

Interest-free mortgage: what is it, its varieties

A mortgage loan is a big financial burden for the borrower. Not everyone can afford large monthly payments and a down payment. To help citizens buy housing, the state regularly conducts support programs for privileged categories of the population: pensioners, young and large families, public sector employees.

An interest-free mortgage for a large family may differ from the program for state employees. For this reason, it is necessary to clarify the terms of lending in the administration.

Before you take out an interest-free mortgage, you need to find out what programs are offered. Some of them may operate at the regional level. Concessional lending can be of several varieties:

  • Subsidy. This is a one-time payment that is used as a down payment. The state allocates an amount ranging from 30 to 50% of the cost of housing. This money is transferred to the bank account. The interest is considered paid off, and the borrower repays the principal.
  • Decrease in interest rates. Not all categories of the population can get a loan without interest. For example, an interest-free mortgage for state employees is currently developed only for military personnel under a special system. There are separate programs for teachers with a reduced percentage.
  • Preferential real estate price. This option does not apply to an interest-free mortgage at all, but it is a benefit option. Housing in new buildings is being sold at a price significantly lower than market prices.

Various preferential programs have been developed to support young families, professionals, etc. They can change over time, so those wishing to participate in these programs should clarify their terms.

Only banks with a share of state support are engaged in this type of lending. Some financial institutions develop their own programs and cut interest rates in order to attract clients.

Who is given an interest-free mortgage?

Government incentive programs are designed to help those who cannot afford housing on their own but are in dire need of it. There are many concepts - social mortgage, preferential mortgage, but they all mean the same thing: government assistance in buying real estate.

The following categories of the population can get a preferential mortgage loan:

  • Large families. The program for large families has many nuances. Starting from the cost of housing and ending with the concept of "large families" in each separate region of the country. In most regions, a family is considered large if it has 3 or more minor children (including adopted children). A large family, if it does not have its own housing (or there is less than 14 m2 for each family member), can contact the administration, provide the necessary documents and queue up for a subsidy.
  • Young families. An interest-free mortgage for a young family was developed several years ago. A young family is considered a family in which one of the spouses is not yet 35 years old. Assistance is provided in the form of mortgage programs with a reduced interest rate or in the form of a subsidy to pay off interest. But program participants must provide documents confirming that they do not own a home.
  • Young professionals. An interest-free mortgage for young professionals has its own characteristics. Separate programs have been developed for teachers, military personnel and employees of Russian Railways. The military mortgage works according to the accumulative system, according to which a soldier can purchase a home without interest. Teachers are offered a reduced mortgage interest if they commit to work in education for at least 5 years. Russian Railways employees can get a mortgage on favorable terms: the state will compensate 7.5% of the monthly installment every month.

Some banks offer separate benefit programs for health workers and retirees.

Algorithm for obtaining a preferential mortgage

Not everyone knows how to get an interest-free mortgage. The algorithm of its registration differs from the registration of a regular mortgage loan. Since part of the amount is paid by the state, all documents are checked with special care. First of all, the future borrower must documentarily confirm that he belongs to the preferential category of citizens who are provided with a mortgage without interest.

To become a member of the preferential program, you need to do the following:

  • Contact your local office for information. Many programs operate at the regional level. You can clarify the list of documents and conditions for obtaining benefits in the administration department that deals with this issue.
  • Collect the necessary documents. When registering a social mortgage, the list of documents is larger. First, papers proving belonging to the privileged category of the population must be taken to the administration. Most often, they require identity documents, extracts from the house register, a certificate of ownership, marriage, etc.
  • Obtain a certificate of participation. After the documents are submitted and verified, the potential borrower is issued a program participant certificate. It indicates what kind of help and under what conditions he can count on.
  • Contact a bank with a share of state support. With the received certificate, the borrower goes to the bank, writes an application for a loan and submits a standard package of documents. (passport, 2-NDFL certificate, etc.).
  • Choose accommodation. After the bank has approved a loan for a certain amount, the borrower selects housing. This can be done in advance. Approved application is valid for 2 months.
  • Make a deal. At the last stage, an agreement is concluded between the bank and the client, the seller and the buyer, then begins the registration of the certificate of ownership.

Financial institutions try to oversee such transactions. For all questions, you can contact the credit manager who is engaged in the execution of the transaction.

Banks where you can take an interest-free mortgage

It is possible to obtain a mortgage loan on concessional terms in credit institutions that have a share of the state. Usually these are large banks, the list of which is limited. Lending terms are approximately the same, so the borrower can choose any organization to complete the contract.

An interest-free mortgage loan is issued by:

  • Sberbank. An interest-free mortgage in Sberbank is provided to young and large families. Loan conditions are individual, they need to be clarified at the bank branch. Borrowers can use maternity capital to repay the loan. For young families who do not participate in the state program, Sberbank offers a reduced interest rate and a smaller down payment.
  • VTB 24. This credit institution also has a share of state support. The bank offers mortgages at 11.4% per annum for up to 30 years. You can use certificates to repay interest, maternity capital (at any time for repayment and 3 years after receipt - for the first installment).
  • Revival. Preferential mortgage at Vozrozhdenie Bank implies 11.4% per annum and the ability to use a subsidy to pay off interest. The minimum down payment is 20% of the purchase price.
  • DeltaCredit. The bank has been participating in the state support program since 2015. It is possible to purchase housing on the primary and secondary market on a mortgage at a reduced rate. For beneficiaries, a financial institution offers a loan at 11.5% per annum (under normal conditions it is 12%).

There is a separate type of interest-free mortgage - a loan from Sharia. This type of lending is under development. Muslims, according to religion, cannot take money at interest. To give them the opportunity to buy housing, the idea of ​​an "Islamic bank" is being developed, where interest-free loans will be issued to buy housing at an inflated cost to cover this interest.

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As a result of the mortgage, the borrower returns to the bank an amount that is approximately twice the amount originally taken. Is there a way out of this situation? Is there an interest-free mortgage, if so, how to get it?

What it is

A standard mortgage is a loan for the purchase of real estate, which involves the issuance of an agreed amount of money to the borrower immediately, and the debt is repaid over a long period in equal or differentiated payments.

Mortgages are impossible without interest - after all, most banks operating in the Russian Federation are commercial, and their main goal is to make a profit. Not a single bank issues a mortgage without interest - after all, then they would simply not exist.

However, an interest-free mortgage is understood somewhat differently - the bank receives these very interest, but not from the borrower, but, for example, from the state. It turns out that for the client the loan is interest-free, and the bank receives the money owed to him.

The state provides certain segments of the population who are in particular need of improving their living conditions, measures of social support, including:

  • issuance of a housing certificate;
  • partial repayment of a home loan;
  • full or partial repayment of the accrued interest on the mortgage;
  • provision of apartments from specialized housing stock at a reduced cost.

Who does it apply to

The so-called interest-free or social mortgage can be provided to a wide range of citizens:

  • large families with three or more children;
  • single fathers and mothers;
  • persons of retirement age;
  • young families (at least one of the spouses is under 35);
  • young professionals such as doctors, teachers;
  • employees of the budgetary sphere of activity.

Persons belonging to one of the above categories must meet these criteria:

  • the need to improve living conditions - lack of own housing, inconsistency of the occupied area by each of the family members with established standards (as a rule, 18 sq. m. per person);
  • the presence of a low family income, however, allowing the remaining loan amount to be paid off after covering part of the mortgage at the expense of state subsidies.

The right to receive state benefits will be available to these citizens only after:

  • submission of relevant documentation to the local government;
  • enrollment in the queue of those in need of new housing;
  • waiting for their turn (the average period is from several weeks to several years).

Which banks can I contact

Young families with maternity capital at their disposal can apply to the following banks:

  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • AK BARS;
  • Sberbank;
  • DeltaCredit.

In Rosselkhozbank, young families have access to:

  • reduction in the size of the first installment;
  • if a child is born, you can not pay the main debt for 3 years, but pay only interest;
  • if there is maternity capital, its funds can be used to pay off interest.

AK BARS operates the “AK BARS-Maternity Capital” program on the following conditions:

Here, the interest on the loan can also be paid off at the expense of the family capital.

The military also has access to an interest-free mortgage, because payments for them are paid by the state represented by Rosvoenipoteka.

The most favorable military mortgage can be obtained:

  • at Sberbank;
  • at VTB 24;
  • at Gazprombank.

The conditions are as follows:

Young scientists and young professionals can be mortgaged with government support from the following banks:

  • Sberbank;
  • VTB 24;
  • Gazprombank;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • DeltaCredit;
  • Raiffeisenbank;
  • Moscow Industrial Bank;
  • PromSvyazBank.

How to get a

To receive funds from the state to pay off mortgage debt or accrued interest, a citizen in need must:

  • contact local authorities;
  • clarify the possibility of obtaining a subsidy;
  • request a list of documents;
  • prepare documentation and submit to the appropriate authority.

To receive a subsidy, an application must be submitted to the local administration. You can download the document template.

After consideration of the documents, a decision will be made on the provision or refusal to issue a state subsidy.

As a rule, the consideration of the application by the administrative commission takes on average 1 month.

The program participant is issued a certificate confirming the right to participate in the program. The applicant is notified of the approach of the queue by registered mail at the address indicated in the documents or by phone.

The sequence can also be checked in person - for this, it is necessary to visit the local administration from time to time and request data.

After the applicant's turn has come and the program participant's certificate has been received, you can contact the bank for an interest-free mortgage.


To participate in state support programs, the following unified package of documents is submitted to the MO administration:

  • applicant's passport;
  • passports of his family members;
  • birth certificates of children;

  • marital status documents;

  • educational documents;

  • copy of the work book;
  • a document on recognizing a family as poor (or a certificate on recognizing a single citizen as poor);
  • documents of title to existing assets;
  • an extract from the house register or a certificate of the composition of the family;

  • a certificate from the housing inspection about the absence of real estate in the property;
  • social rental agreement - when living in an apartment owned by the state;
  • certificate of a large family.

The bank will require the following documents:

  • application form;
  • passport;
  • employment history;
  • income document;
  • additional identity documents.

Interest-free mortgage for retirees

Typically, retirees cannot get an interest-free mortgage unless they fall into one of the other preferential categories.

By itself, the status of a pensioner does not mean that a person will be provided with all measures of state and social assistance.

Nevertheless, large banks always meet the needs of socially unprotected segments of the population. Sberbank, as the most reputable bank, provides various funds for citizens of an “active age”.

Basically, discounts are given to pensioners on debit cards, insurance services, and deposits. Finding something profitable on a mortgage is quite difficult - the conditions must be discussed individually, at a meeting with one of the bank's specialists.

For large

At the moment, there are no special benefits and offers for large families. In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, such families are ready to allocate land plots from the regional budget or provide real estate under special conditions.

However, parents with three or more children can take advantage of other programs:

  • for young families;
  • for those on the waiting list;
  • for young professionals or scientists;
  • other programs for which the family member is eligible for the conditions and requirements.

Admission to the waiting list for housing will be possible only if the applicant has the appropriate income to service the loan, or if the amount of savings allows you to pay the rest of the mortgage loan.

For a young family

For a young family, banks are ready:

  • reduce the size of the down payment - as a rule, up to 5-15% of the property price;
  • provide a deferral for the payment of the principal mortgage debt, while not relieving borrowers from the need to pay interest;
  • to take into account the funds for maternity capital as a first installment or for the purpose of repayment of debt.

Also, young families have access to state subsidies in the amount of 30-35% of the price of real estate. The remaining amount of funds (about 70%) will have to be paid independently - during the term of the mortgage loan.

For employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Today, police officers do not have as many opportunities for preferential mortgage lending as, for example, military personnel. However, police officers may be provided with a lump sum payment.

The application for obtaining is considered on an individual basis - that is, the subsidy is not issued to everyone.

Employees have the right to:

  • with seniority in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for more than 10 years;
  • dismissed in connection with retirement.

Relatives can also receive payment if the employee died in the line of duty.

The main factor influencing a positive decision to grant payments is also the need to improve housing conditions. I.e:

  • an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs lives in emergency or dilapidated housing;
  • in a communal apartment or hostel;
  • in a rented apartment;
  • in the premises under a social contract.

Other factors are also taken into account, such as, for example, the discrepancy between the area norm per person and the actual one.

For teachers

Young specialists are considered citizens who have completed vocational education programs in universities and colleges and have worked in government agencies in their specialty for at least 3 years.

If such a young specialist is not yet 30 years old, he may well participate in the state subsidy program.

Participants of the preferential program can be:

  • university teachers;
  • researchers of RAS, research institutes, NGOs;
  • doctors.

Pros and cons


  • an interest-free mortgage allows you to improve living conditions for those who especially need it;
  • a wide range of opportunities for interest-free lending - receiving subsidies from the state, military mortgages, for young families, for teachers, civil servants and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • the ability to pay off interest at the expense of public funds or use it to pay off debt.

Own real estate for many Russians is a luxury item and impossible dreams. It is not so easy to buy your own apartment, given the extremely high current market prices. The way out is to get a mortgage, which is able to solve the housing issue.

But sometimes, because of the high payout percentage, people abandon such an idea. Everything would be greatly facilitated by an interest-free mortgage, if it existed and was actively used by banks.

An interest-free type of housing lending exists in practice and is successfully used in the Russian market. This is one of the types of government subsidies that are adopted at the legislative level. Such support makes the purchase of housing objects many times more accessible to an interested audience.

Mortgage without interest primarily targeted at young families who need to expand their living space or do not have their own square meters at all. Renting a home is not particularly beneficial for the budget of a young family, and therefore one has to look for an alternative. And a reasonable solution lies precisely in one of the state social programs.

Interest-free home loans for young families

State social programs for subsidizing mortgages are designed to provide targeted assistance to young families in obtaining housing capital. Credit concessions operate on the basis of individual banks, where credit agreements are drawn up. Gazprombank and Sberbank are one of the few financial institutions that work with this social program.

An interest-free mortgage for a young family in 2019 offers a free option for assistance in accordance with the prescribed conditions. Such financial support is designed even for those families where there are no children yet. However, in families of two, the acceptable government subsidy rate is only 30%.

If the family has a minor child, then the amount of support is calculated based on out of 35%... At the birth of the third baby you can rely on 40% government support. In individual administrations of regional centers, you can request additional financial support for the purchase of real estate for a young family within 5-10%.

The funds allocated by the state can be purposefully used to pay the initial mortgage payment and other interest. Due to this, it turns out that the mortgage zeroes out its lending rate, which is paid from the funds allocated by the state. Additionally, when paying for a mortgage, you can use the "Parent Capital", as well as other social programs that are provided for by law.

Conditions for opening a mortgage for young families

To better understand the question of how to get an interest-free mortgage for a young family, you should study the conditions of such a state social program. Without compliance with such requirements, the use of public funds will be impossible.

So, young families without children have the right to purchase real estate on a mortgage basis. with a living area not exceeding 42 m2... If a young couple has children, then the calculation formula becomes as follows - each family member can count on 18 m2.

At the same time, you will need to collect the main package of documents for submitting them to the bank for opening an appropriate mortgage lending program:

  • Marriage certificate.
  • Passports of each of the relatives.
  • A certificate that confirms the participation of a married couple in the relevant social program of the state.

You can get a certificate of participation in the state program on the basis of an application to local authorities. The couple is queuing up. The final decision will be made within 30 calendar days.

Mortgage without interest according to Sharia law

According to the laws of the Islamic religion, believers are not allowed to participate in banking programs where there is interest. That is, both loans and deposits are not available to them. Therefore, all over the world there is such a concept as "Islamic banks", which have their own terms of service and work with clients.

A mortgage without interest on an apartment under the terms of Sharia will be a long-term option for the installment plan of a designated amount of residential real estate at an inflated market value at the same bank interest. With this approach to lending, a Muslim can afford to buy an apartment without conflict with his religion.

However, the legislation only deals with such an issue on the basis of global practice. According to general estimates, the total volume of financial flows among "Islamic banks" is up to 2 trillion. Dollars.

Interest-free mortgage from Russian Railways

Young specialists, as well as for retirees who were or are in the structure of the Russian Railways company, have special benefits when registering and buying real estate. Support is provided exclusively to company employees, and not to every interested citizen of Russia. Don't get this confused!

Russian Railways cooperates with VTB24 bank, and therefore in the branches of this financial institution it is possible to draw up a mortgage agreement with special subsidies. The benefit is that the employer himself will directly compensate for 7.5% of the monthly overpayment of payments. This is the standard rate for all employees of Russian Railways.

If the application is drawn up by a young specialist under 30 years of age or employees with many children, then in such cases the company's benefit will cover 8.5% of loan payments. Then, when choosing certain bank mortgage programs, the loan will be either interest-free or with a minimum monthly overpayment.


The question of how to get a mortgage without interest was asked by many Russians. And it is obvious that this is a completely solvable goal, given the multitude of social programs that are envisaged today. Not only the state, but also a number of major companies offer lucrative subsidies for mortgage agreements in order to make the purchase of real estate more affordable.

In our country, for many, it remains a significant problem to acquire their own homes. Not many people can make money on it on their own. Therefore, the vast majority of our fellow citizens prefer not to wait all their lives, but to get a loan or credit to buy an apartment or their own house.

The state has developed several social programs that are designed to financially help unprotected categories of citizens in the purchase of housing. At this point in time, you can get special subsidies that will be used to pay off some of the debt for an apartment. This will be considered a government loan that does not require repayment. How to get such a home loan?

If you are a resident of the Far North or have worked in this area for fifteen years or more, but you do not have your own home, then there is a chance to receive a special state subsidy. To obtain it, you must personally contact the local executive authorities. It is best to check what documents you need to have with you on the websites of the regional authorities. Because in different regions different packages of documents are required. Next, you will be put in a queue for a loan, and as a result, you must receive a State Housing Certificate, which is supported by a certain amount of money.

If you are a young family, you can also get a special government loan for the purchase or improvement of housing conditions. The main thing is that the age of one of the spouses does not exceed thirty-five years. The staff of the local administration will personally receive you and assess by documents whether you are a young family who really needs help. In case of refusal to resubmit documents, it is useless.

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