An example of an investment of 100,000,000 rubles. Options for where to invest a million rubles. Investing in mutual funds

Wallpaper 12.07.2021

Hello, dear readers of the financial magazine site! Today we will try to reveal the question "Where to invest money". After all, the difficult economic situation in the country's economy makes you constantly worry about your own financial resources.

Therefore, we are constantly faced with many questions, first, where to invest money, to keep and not to lose, then where to invest, to earn, to get monthly income etc.

Detailed instructions: where to invest money so that it works and brings monthly income

If there is even a small amount of accumulated capital, then there is a real fear of losing it. That is why we are trying to be more literate in matters of investing money, exploring various opportunities for profitable investment.

Of course, many of us are far from politics, big economy and state management methods, but this does not deprive us of the opportunity to study the experience of successful people, look through the advice of experts, determining the most optimal way to invest money in order to generate income... Such a detailed view of the situation will help determine the most profitable area of ​​money investing at the moment.

In this article, you will learn:

  • Where to invest in 2019, so as not to lose- expert advice;
  • Where to invest money to earn (to make them work) at a high interest rate with a guarantee - the basic principles of investing money ;;
  • Consider where you can invest money in Russia + real ways of investing money, depending on the amount of money.

Investment rules

1. Where to invest money so as not to lose - 5 basic rules for investing 💎

So, how to invest money so as not to lose it and what needs to be done to make it work and generate income? On our website, we present 5 investment rules, which must be taken as a basis. They will be kind to you " desk book", Which will help you take the most correct actions to save and save money.

These rules have been developed through experience gained and have proven to be effective over the years.

Rule # 1. Free money

This is the first rule stating that you can invest (invest) only those funds that are available after the fulfillment of all basic obligations and needs, that is, we are talking about not taken on credit / debt, etc.

Never take money for investment on credit or duty... It should be understood that subsequently an unsuccessful investment can lead to bankruptcy and limit the possibility of returning finances at the appointed time.

In addition, an incorrectly calculated economic budget for your own family will cause additional difficulties for you. After all, sometimes everyday problems that arise require an urgent solution.

Remember that private loans, credit debts can not only rewrite your good history, but also ruin a relationship with close relatives, obligations to which will remain unfulfilled.

But if you still decide to use a loan, then our article about even those with a bad credit history will help you.

Rule # 2. Regular income

When investing your own money, it is important to realize that you can only count on the money that you can earn in the usual way, without resorting to the results of investments. We have already written about where you can make money without investments.

Divide these items of income into 2 parts, one of which is constantly increasing capital, remaining intact, and the second provides a personal existence and is replenished monthly from stable sources.

Rule # 3. Investment plan

Make it up in advance, defining clear parameters. Consider all your options and methods, try to choose 2-3 types of investment... At the same time, it is important to understand that the actions you have planned can be adjusted taking into account the changing economic situation in the country. That is, a well-built investment plan should be flexible and up-to-date.

Try to make sure that all free funds are not invested in one single project (investment method). Investing money in several projects will be most effective. Even if in some area it is not possible to achieve profit (there will be a loss), then other types of investment will correct the situation.

Rule # 4. Don't waste your profit

This rule says that the money earned should form and increase your capital. Many experts advise to quickly withdraw the earned money from investing in other investment objects.

Form your own investment portfolio and look for new most profitable sources of investment.

Rule # 5. Control your money

Try to be interested in the movement of your own funds and assets as often as possible, paying attention to even minor nuances. This will allow you to avoid many mistakes and problems, and will also allow you to make the right decisions on the contribution of your money.

In addition, you should be very careful about dubious and super profitable investment proposals. Carefully check all possible information on these types of investments.

Do not forget that cases fraud have become much more frequent and it is not always possible to immediately determine the veracity of the company's / person's intentions.

Inquire about the company that plans to cooperate with you. Browse the various reviews on the Internet and learn from the experiences of other people with a history of investing in it.

Try to make preliminary calculations, pay attention to the final amounts. Too fast and high profits should alert you.

Remembering these simple rules, it will be easier for you to navigate your own capabilities. It should be understood that only a thorough study of the situation and the proposals received will help to become a more competent investor.

We are used to trusting the words of our friends, parents, relatives, but the situation changes every day and yesterday's profitable deposits can turn into a risk of loss today. That is why you should count on your financial literacy .

According to experts, the income we receive on a monthly basis must be divided by 3 components:

  • the main- this is the money that is spent on the purchase of food, clothing, and apartment expenses.
  • cumulative - it is approximately 10% of the amount received. Here spending is supposed to buy a car, a trip on vacation.
  • working- the entire remaining amount, which can be disposed of at personal discretion. It is she who is the source of future investments.

As you can see from the diagram, little money remains for investment, but it is they who are capable of increase significantly with the right approach.

Even if a situation has happened in which a very profitable project has fallen into your hands, and your own funds are not enough for it, try to find other investors / co-investors. By joining forces, you will create a common fund, which in financial language is called pool, thereby giving a start to the business itself to obtain higher interest.

These situations are not uncommon and people very often strive to find like-minded people who have a money supply. The general idea can provide an incentive, and the capital raised can provide a good return.

2. Where to get money to invest it profitably - tips 📑

Sometimes it seems that the very word “ Investment»Means a large financial amount that is difficult to find right away. (Our article "" will help you). That is why we try to put bills in a box, keeping them at home until better times.

In fact, such a position wrong , because any free money should work for you, attracting new financial resources. If we talk about such a method as preserving and increasing capital with the help of a bank deposit, then the initial amount of investment can be 1000 rubles.

It is just important to choose the right one bank deposit and the terms of its use. Read about what they are in a separate publication of our magazine.

Yes, buying currency, precious metals, art objects, and even more so own business demand a more significant amount from you. But here, too, there is a way in which you can gradually collect the missing finances.

At first , teach yourself to save. Try to shop right, creating your own benefit. We recommend reading the article - + expert advice "

And secondly , save monthly10 % from the income received for preservation... Thus, you will create a clear structure for the distribution of funds and in a few months you will come to the intended result.

Profitable ways to invest in order not to lose, save and earn

3. 13 ways to invest money to make it work and generate income 💸

Let's try to consider the most relevant options for investing our own funds, identifying their advantages and disadvantages.

Method number 1. Bank deposit (which bank is better to put money at interest)

This is the most common way that anyone can invest their money. Its whole point is that an agreement is concluded, on the basis of which all the funds you deposit are not only saved for a certain time, but also multiplied, according to the specified rate.

Investor (depositor) acquires confidence in that he will receive income, the amount of which can be calculated in advance. This method of dealing with money is beneficial for both parties.

Investment method # 1 - deposit

You replenishing the contribution, you work to increase it, and bank taking money, conducts a lot of operations that give him his benefits.

So, your contribution under 10% given for a loan with promissory notes to another client in 20 % and, exactly one year later, the returned money will make a significant difference (income) to this institution.

You can choose the most optimal deposit for yourself both independently and with the help of a consultant who is always guided by the offers that are relevant in a given period.

Another significant advantage such a method can be called deposit insurance, introduced recently in connection with the regular bankruptcy of credit institutions. Now your contribution is 1,400,000 rubles is subject to compulsory insurance, and therefore return in any case from the state.

That is, if your investment amount exceeds this specified threshold, then you can split money using the services of several banks.

Despite such positive aspects, there are significant minuses ... So, initially, for the invested funds, the smallest percentage of all investment methods is set and can be from 0.1% to 9%, which varies depending on the terms of the proposal.

In addition, the unstable financial situation in the country leads to constant depreciation of funds(inflation)... But, even in this case, your small profit will allow you to avoid significant losses, while maintaining the capital at the same level.

Which bank is better to put money at interest in 2019 - expert opinion

When deciding for yourself which bank is better to invest your money in and where to open a bank deposit (deposit account), we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the TOP- 5 banks of the country, paying attention to the reliability rating of these banks.

A bank is safer if the state is the main shareholder (controlling stake). It is unlikely that the state will be interested in the bankruptcy of its own banks.

Reliable banks include, for example, such giants of the banking sector as Sberbank, VTB, Rosselkhozbank and some others.

So, the TOP-5 banks in which you can safely invest money at interest:

  1. Sberbank;
  2. Rosselkhozbank;
  3. "VTB 24";
  4. Gazprombank;
  5. "Alfa Bank".

Bank reliability ratings change slightly over time. But the first 3 (three) jar are almost always in place, as these are large banks with state financial support, that is, reliability is at the highest level in the country. Here you can select a deposit with replenishment, interest capitalization, and prolongation. You can read about that in one of our publications.

Method number 2. Investment in mutual funds

People who are a little familiar with stock exchange, shares, bonds and working with securities prefer to invest in mutual investment funds (mutual funds).

In fact, this combination only sounds complicated, but it has a simple basis. It represents collective investment of funds and their further management... All money is collected in a common fund and then channeled with the help of a professional manager according to the chosen method of use.

The principle of operation of mutual funds

V the majority our own, we ourselves very rarely own real information related to the economic performance of even the most successful organization. Therefore, the ability to acquire any security is enough, but to manage it competently is not.

Important! By investing money in mutual funds, we get the opportunity to acquire those stock, bonds, gold or currency, which fell slightly in price, but are able to gain their positions in the future, defining a good growth and a significant share of profits behind them.

To achieve such an ideal situation, specialists in investment funds must be well versed in the economy, not only at the level of their country, but also in the world as a whole. At the same time, it is important to master the basics technical and fundamental analysis, view news feeds and be able to properly respond to constant changes.

It is very difficult for an ordinary consumer to obtain a complex of such knowledge, and even more actively to dispose of it, therefore there is a need for the services of a specialist. This is the essence of investing money in mutual funds.... You give your free funds to managers who have vast experience and good statistics.

Thereby, advantage investment fund is that at any stage you are provided with maximum support and various options for investing funds, from which you can choose the most optimal.

There is no need to immediately plunge into all the subtleties and nuances, study the methods every day, it is enough to correctly entrust your funds. In addition, you can gradually thoroughly delve into the actions being taken by purchasing additional shares of the same organization on your own.

It should be understood that the activities of any management company are constantly monitored by the state, and this is already confidence for you in honest cooperation.

It is such tough measures in the legal field, legal issues that ensure the protection of our investment rights as shareholders.

For the most part, a company that values ​​its reputation allows only trusted employees with a special certificate to manage the attracted contributions. It is also important that the amount of your initial investment is practically unlimited. It can start from 1000 rubles.

All available capital can be distributed initially between several mutual funds, which will allow you to create your own portfolio, limiting your share risks.

Following the logic, the situation turns like this: if even one investment fund exposes your money to risks and brings you lesion , then the other will help to recover the lost amount and will most likely provide income .

Even if the foundation is recognized bankrupt , then your property invested in this investment will be prohibited from being auctioned by law. If necessary, you can always demand the results of an independent audit, which is carried out daily. So, with the help of the registrar, the fund's own rights to the invested shares and all property are recorded. And annually, the accounting department of the company is audited.

The negative side such a method can be called one's own indiscretion, when a young unverified specialist, who takes up a case, “lets you down” and your expectations.

It is rather difficult to check its actions in advance, so there is a risk of losing the accumulated money.

The only right decision you may want to know a lot more about the mutual fund in which you plan to invest. Try to analyze the situation, look for reviews, read the forums, insure yourself.

Method number 3. Acquisition of real estate

Investment method # 3. Buying real estate (office, residential, etc.)

This method has always been the most effective way to invest money. It should be understood that the purchased real estate (apartment, etc.) almost never loses in its value. We have already described how to buy an apartment profitably and, in a separate article.

Over the next few years, its value will gradually increase. Sometimes this happens in sharp jumps, often just a systematic increase, but always allows its owner to be in plus ... In more detail about, as well as the pros and cons of this method of investing, we wrote in the previous material.

In addition, the purchased option can always be rent out, and this is already a way of passive income, which leads to further accumulation. Experts have noticed that for investment purposes it is best to purchase simple rooms or one-room small apartments.

An example of an apartment, buying which you can rent from 20 thousand rubles per month in a large city

The rented space of two such objects is several times more expensive than one area, consisting of 2 rooms.

Also, a small square is easier to repair, giving it a presentable look, and furnish it with your own furniture. If we use the language of numbers, then renting the purchased room will bring us 10-20% per annum, which will maximize the return on investment through 6-8 years old, and after that the period of receiving net profit will begin.

But renting an entire apartment only brings 5-7% annual and this is a longer period for returning your funds. In addition, the existing method of daily renting of housing gives the most profitable prospects, but entails the need for constant work on search for living people, and repair, the implementation of which will become more frequent.

You will need to provide not only the best conditions, but also the prestige of the location of the room in the area. Investing your own funds in housing has mass advantages ... This is stability, and the possibility of further residence and return of the invested money at any convenient moment.

It should be understood that sell property you can always. (How to do it quickly, read the article -? "). Plus, you can easily give your square meters, hand over them by inheritance or bequeath specific person.

Disadvantage such a method must be considered the high cost of the object and the difficulties in completing the transaction. So it is not always easy to collect the amount from 500,000 rubles, and even a loan taken from a bank imposes a lot of obligations on you. But having money on hand is not a guarantee of a successful result.

In the modern world, there are many schemes used scammers when selling a home. And your initial conviction may turn out to be a lie later on.

Therefore, vigilance is very important at the time of searching for premises, checking documents and working with lawyers.

Method number 4. Precious metals

Buying gold has become a very common way of investing. It is purchased in special bullion and, as a rule, is kept in the same banks, creating a special account.

Over time, the prices for this instrument can, as grow and fall, but for the most part they provide the owner with a precious metal profit. It is not difficult to acquire it even on the day of the conversion itself.

If the transaction takes place in an impersonal form, then VAT in fact sales or purchases not charged. But the formation of metal into an ingot implies payment of tax value added in the amount 18% (VAT).

In addition to gold, it is actively sold silver, palladium and platinum... In fact, the entire income of the depositor is formed due to the growth in the cost of precious metals on the world markets. If necessary, accounts can be replenished in the monetary equivalent of the value of this investment instrument.

Closing the agreement, according to its terms, the bank has the right to give you not only financial resources, taking into account the increase in the amount, but also the ingots themselves. By the way, very often accounts closed ahead of time do not entail the payment of accrued interest.

Advantages of this method is that it protects savings from inflation, protects the owner in case of any unstable economic or political situations in the country. In addition, one can trace here high liquidity use, that is, a quick transfer into cash, as well as a stable increase in their value.

Gold, as a precious metal, is always in price. The value of gold is subject to slight fluctuations, but it rises in value over the long term.

From disadvantages the need to create special storage conditions, purchase and sale is made only through the banking system, and the increase in capital gains occurs at a slow pace.

In addition, there are a few basic rules to follow when working with this method.

First, it is important to purchase precious metals in the most favorable period. Try to identify the major decline in prices.

Secondly , it is worthwhile to understand that such investments pay off only in the long term.

AND, thirdly, starting the main steps, try to study the market in advance, understand the specifics of the production and consumption of each metal, and also analyze the forecasts of experts.

Obtaining gold gradually depletes its reserves, which allows the price to become more expensive after a time period.

Method number 5. Business

Investment method No. 5. Business creation and development

The creation and development of your own business, as well as the acquisition of a ready-made project, involves special risks at the initial stages. In general, of course, the sphere of investing money is considered profitable, but it can be very difficult to achieve such a result. We already wrote about that in our issue, where detailed instructions on how to open, what to look for, and popular business ideas are given as examples.

Important not only initially correctly calculate the amount of investments, staff availability, purchase of goods and other items of expenditure, but also take into account the lease of the premises, the traffic of the planned place, and even the cost of the average check, which gives reason to talk about the profitability of the event.

In addition, there are a number of factors that can disrupt the original plans. it presence of competitors, unsettled relationship with suppliers, equipment modernization, changes in Russian legislation, and much more.

The advantage such an investment can be considered the possibility of joint ownership of a business, collegial management of it and the search for a niche that is weakly occupied by competitors.

Under such conditions, as well as competent business management, you can not only get a good income, but also be sure of its constancy.

The negative side such a method is called the absence 100% guarantees... As a result, your invested funds may not only fail to return, but will also impose special obligations to eliminate debts that have arisen as a result of activities.

Any area of ​​business requires special attention, constant work and personal dedication. You will have to either constantly monitor the course of affairs with the invested funds, or independently participate in them, achieving positive results.

In more detail and in detail about, we wrote in our last material.

Method number 6. Purchase of securities

Investing money in such instruments becomes profitable in the long run. Their main types in your portfolio are stock, bonds and Eurobonds.

Money investment method # 6. Purchase of securities (stocks, bonds, etc.)

Let's consider each purchase in more detail.

So " stock" Is a security that gives an opportunity to confirm its right to a share in the capital of a company. It allows you not only to receive dividends, but also to participate in the management of the enterprise itself.

The main advantage such an acquisition can be considered a huge profit based on the growth of its price. The entire scheme of storage and control of such papers is now in electronic form, therefore it is very convenient to use.

Also, when working with securities, many companies open their controlled firms in offshore zones ("offshore"). we have already written in our previous issues.

Negative point experts cite the high risk of storing these instruments. Such an acquisition is done at your own risk. Nobody gives good guarantees of the success of such an event.

"Bonds" their owners increase their capital gradually. Its growth is taking place at a slow pace, but it makes it possible to become stable. In the general portfolio of securities, they are purchased, most likely, for diversification, that is, to expand the range.

They reduce the risk and are suitable for those users who can expect a long period of adding up the initial funds.

"Eurobonds" issued most often by corporations and the government in foreign currency denomination. The initial bid for their purchase is 1000 dollars.

Main advantage this method of investment lies in the value of the difference in currencies. Due to this, you can get a good income and sell bonds at any time without losing interest.

Flaw of this method is that it is very difficult to find the right stock or bonds to your portfolio. You will have to be sure to resort to the opinion of professionals and experts.

Only they, understanding the real economic situation of our country, as well as understanding all the nuances of work in this area, are able to advise and choose the most optimal solution for you.

Method number 7. Private lending (P2P lending)

Another method that is now gaining the most widespread use. This is a method in which money is provided to the borrower on special terms. It is important to draw up a contract correctly, evaluate everything risks and losses, study the personal data of the person with whom you have to work.

Your advantage consists in high profitability. The provision of credit obligations from one individual to another for a short period allows you to get up to 50% per annum... But the disadvantages of this method are also serious.

There is a possibility that the borrowed funds will not be returned. Even a very careful search for borrowers does not guarantee their integrity.

Method number 8. Buying currency

This method of investment can be carried out both with the help of banks (banking institutions, branches, etc.), and by attracting brokerage companies to trade on the Forex market. One of the best brokers is " ForexClub".

If In the first case you just need to provide a document proving your identity, then in the second- a special agreement is signed, which may initially carry additional risks. In one of the articles of our magazine, you can familiarize yourself with the topics and what you need to pay attention to when.

That is why it is important to choose the right professionals with significant experience in this area of ​​work. The most popular currencies today are: U.S. $, Euro, Japanese yen, Swiss frank, and British pound sterling.

The main advantages of this method, you can name some points.

At first , the increase in profits is achieved in 100% and more, which allows you to increase the initial capital, getting rich daily.

Secondly , if you know the dynamics of the growth of the exchange rate, then it becomes possible to protect yourself from inflation. You can independently choose a currency, determine its changes and predict further consequences.

Thirdly , the purchase for you is not limited in time. This process can be scheduled for any period of personal free time.

AND, fourthly By providing constant access to the Internet, you are independently able to control the situation, monitor the course change, and determine the effectiveness of your further actions.

Flaw with these advantages, only one is the unpredictability of the currency. In order to make the right decision, you need to closely monitor the changes, be able to correctly predict the behavior of quotes and try to bet on various types of funds.

So, experts advise to instantly increase your start-up capital, invest in dollar or Euro.(we wrote soon in the last issue, which contains expert advice and opinions).

If your priority is safety of funds despite the difficult political environment, pay attention to pounds or Swiss frank.

Of course, their purchase is a more costly business, but this operation gives stability, because their position is more stable in the foreign exchange market.

☝ It has also been growing in popularity lately. We talked about them in detail in the last issue.

Method number 9. Investing in art

This is one of the stable ways not only save your funds, but also increase them significantly... For this, it is important not only to really understand art, but also to attend special events, selecting your future buyers.

This method has both many advantages and disadvantages. As you know, the art market has existed for quite a long time and everyone can become its participant, regardless of gender, age, and even religious prejudices.

The first and the most significant plus working with masterpieces is very simple purchase procedure works. There are no special formalities, licensing, special checks. The investor selects the future acquisition by catalog or by visiting the gallery itself. He is called the price of the canvas he likes according to the established price list.

If necessary, an expert is involved to confirm the authenticity of the work. Such a specialist can be provided both by the organization itself and from the circle of personal preference. The work you like is carried out with a purchase operation and handed over to the investor.

by the way, it is believed that investing in such sources becomes the most profitable in periods of crisis, wars or extreme situations... This is a kind of capital protection, which will ensure profit in the future.

But against the background of these advantages, one can distinguish a number of disadvantages ... Let's start with the fact that this market has low liquidity. Auctions are held with frequency 1-2 once a year, and the sale itself may take from 6 to 18 months.

In addition, the availability of buyers who can pay you the required amount is very limited and it is important to convince them of the importance of the purchase. Many lending institutions refuse loans to their clients, even if they are trying to secure them with the very objects of art.

No piece unable to bring to its owner intermediate income, such as renting an apartment or buying shares, but the costs can be significant. The owner needs to ensure not only the correct storage conditions, but also insurance, protection, delivery.

In addition, sometimes it happens that the period of price increase is replaced by its stability and waiting for a long time the owner may just make a negligible profit... Even at well-known auctions and auctions does not exist 100% anti-counterfeiting... Often the staff of experts there is very limited and it is not physically possible to check all works of art purely physically.

Many experts advise to take this method of capital investment very seriously. Try to provide for yourself the maximum possible methods of verifying works for authenticity, involve those employees who will give a guaranteed result.

It should be understood that only a canvas that has not been put up for sale for a long time and spent it in one collection has serious chances of increasing its value.

Method number 10. Internet projects

With the development of modern technologies, this direction is becoming more and more popular.

Way to invest money # 10. Investing in internet projects

It is based on 2 areas, which may be of interest to both a novice investor and an already experienced specialist.

At first, the worldwide network allows the creation of innovative web resources, which are regarded as startup... By the way, we wrote in our last article.

Secondly, you can invest in the creation of your own website, which will become the foundation of your business and on a regular basis will begin to bring additional funds.

AND, third, financing of those projects that seem to you the most profitable.

We will understand in more detail in each direction in order to understand how profitable it can become later.

In the first case you will need come up with an original idea, which will be able to interest the future buyer with its profitability. Having worked it out more carefully, it is important to understand even the smallest details.

Next, specialists are involved who are able to bring the idea to life, and your task is to exercise control at each stage of work. Later, a scheme is formed according to which this business project is actually implemented and tested.

Your invested funds are returned back with impact . The amount of profit received in your hands entirely depends on the degree of elaboration of the created Internet site and its attractiveness for future owners.

Second case has a more common origin and is beneficial for a number of reasons. You can create your own business on the Internet even if you have a little capital.

You save on retail space, warehouses, staff, but you have the ability to access a wide range of users and implement the implementation at a convenient time.

Investments in this type of activity less risky than starting a business in reality. But the development of such a direction and the increase in the initial financial sources entirely depends on your employment, interest and intentions.

Third way attachments funds through the space of the worldwide network is also associated with doing business, only people who are able to prove the effectiveness of their start. There are many sites where people post their projects with a specific description of the cost and level of profit.

Investing in websites. An example of selling a website from the Telderi exchange. The lot indicates the average monthly income and expenses and other information for buyers (investors)

They offer you to invest in it, promising a certain share of the shares, on which you can later receive income or raise money for their sale. Registration of such obligations takes place with a special type of contract, worked out by specialists.

Investing in internet projects- this is the direction that should be studied especially carefully, because you cannot predict the result in advance. Of course, there are risks involved.

And, perhaps, disadvantage such a method can be called unpredictability. Experts have calculated that 10 offers put forward for consideration only 4 able to become profitable .

Method number 11. Binary options

This is the fastest way to make a profit on your investment. It is based on two components: ability to take risks and clear detailed study economic situation.

Method number 11. Investing in binary options

Your task is to provide a correct forecast for the price of the asset being used. For example, it is most convenient for a person to work with stocks. By purchasing an option on them, he bets on the fact that, for example, exactly one day later, their value will become significantly higher than indicated at the moment.

After the specified time, the result is evaluated. In the case when the assumptions are confirmed, the size of the profit will fluctuate from 65-85% ... This is a significant addition to the invested capital.

But do not forget that you may not guess. Exactly then is lost 80-100% rates... We have already written in detail about options in our issue - “What are real reviews of newbies”.

At first glance, it may seem that earning income in this way - just a game of chance... In fact, this is not the case. It is worth delving into the created system a little, and you will begin to make predictions more correct, and this, as a result, increases the chances of a favorable outcome of the bet.

Investing in binary options, it should be borne in mind that they have a mass advantages.

At first , those trading instruments that will be offered to you have a wide assortment and provide a huge choice. So anyone, even a novice investor, can work with both standard currency pairs and precious metals, stocks of various companies, oil and other assets.

Secondly , your level arrived and possible risk are predetermined. In general, it is possible to calculate in advance how much money will be obtained as a result of a positive outcome of the case and what may be lost if the situation is incorrectly resolved.

Some marketplaces offer their consumers to set the percentage of the future outcome on their own.

For example, by setting the numbers 80/70 , you lose 80% of the bet without guessing it, or you gain 70% of the initial capital.

Thirdly , any interested depositor is always provided with easy access at any time of the day. That is, there is no need to download and install additional programs, go through control levels or somehow confirm your individuality.

It is enough to get to the official website of the trading platform and you can track the results, place new bets, analyze the situation. Plus, all trade continues. every minute, without interruption on weekends, holidays or at night. Thus, your desire to start making money on your invested money can come true at any second, you just need to find some free time.

AND, fourthly , the trading interface is designed in such a way that it will become intuitively understandable even to the most uninitiated beginner. All intermediate price fluctuations of the selected instrument are removed, giving only the final result for the time you set.

There are 2 main principles here: CALL UP - a buy trade (profit from a rise in prices) and PUT DOWN - a sell trade (profit if the price falls). Despite such a number of advantages described, it should be understood that binary options, like any other type of capital investment, can have some disadvantages.

Let's list some of them. So, the only failure you make is able to take away up to 90% invested capital. And this is sometimes a very significant amount, and to get it back it takes about 3-4 successful transactions.

In addition, it is impermissible here in advance. interrupt transactions or abandon them... Even if you understand the fallacy of your actions, and the worsening forecast constantly confirms your guesses, then you can only hope for a miracle, waiting for the final result.

Also, the program itself assumes the absence of credit obligations. That is, you can only invest free funds available to you. On the one hand, this is even good, because, as a rule, a novice investor enters into excitement and is able to spend more than he intended from the very beginning.

But, on the other hand, there are some types of transactions or the stability of the economic situation, when a positive result can be predicted in advance, and this can lead to significant earnings.

Only at this moment there is very little money in your account. Working with binary options is capable of not only preserve invested funds, but also significantly multiply them, you just have to correctly understand the situation and study in more detail the scheme of working with each tool.

Method number 12. PAMM - accounts

This is another way to manage your finances, which allows you to entrust your personal savings to a specialist. In more detail about how to open and choose a PAMM account for investing, we told in one of our articles.

Investment method # 12. Investing in PAMM - accounts

It is worthwhile to immediately figure out what is the difference between a mutual investment fund ( Mutual fund) and PAMM - account.

If in the first case the manager has full access to your funds and can dispose of them at his own discretion, without bearing responsibility even in the event of losses, then the second option assumes only the presence of a deposit, work with which can only be carried out by concerted actions.

PAMM account intended for trade, conclusion of transactions, but only in a technological way. Moreover, all the funds provided for investment on this account can not only be checked at any time, but also the actions of the manager can be stopped at any time.

The main advantages the contribution of money in this way are:

  • Opportunity to earn significant profits through the skillful actions of a specialist. As you know, such accounts provide access to the most profitable investments.
  • Minimum investment threshold... Some of these accounts may start with an amount of 100 dollars and that is why they become not only attractive, but also available to a large circle of people.
  • Full control . Thanks to the automated system, the account holder can easily and quickly analyze the actions carried out, and all calculations are performed automatically.
  • Easy choice of manager... Throughout all work processes, not only statistics are published for each PAMM account, but also the history of operations, which makes it possible to easily view the current situation, contact your manager and, if necessary, replace it.
  • Portfolio formation... As in the situation with mutual funds, the emergence of risks is always possible. That is why it is necessary to insure yourself by creating several accounts with different assets.
  • Liquidity of operations... At any time, if necessary, you can not only enter your funds, but also withdraw them. The whole operation takes no more than a day, but it gives the owner confidence that there is control and even the most complex transactions can be stopped during their execution.

Method number 13. Investing in yourself

This is another way to invest money. It is considered very beneficial in the sense that even the smallest knowledge gained while attending courses can become a serious platform for further start.

In general, this type of money investment has 3 main directions.

1. Health

Even if it seems in their own 18 years, you do not have problems in this area, be sure that you will have them without proper attention. And how well you take care of him now depends on your condition in adulthood.

2. Appearance

This is constant work on yourself. In order for you to be perceived normally, you need to monitor cleanliness of clothes, own flavors, skin, fingernails and hair.

Of course, there is no need to constantly visit expensive salons and spend all funds on procedures, but making appointments when the external image looks like a fat greasy cat is also useless.

Try to get involved in sports in order to have a beautiful figure and a toned stomach, watch your hairstyle, and even more unpainted hair roots, sign up for manicure and pedicure procedures.

Timely monitor the condition of your skin and at least purchase the necessary creams that help fight wrinkles, pay attention to your wardrobe. Try to choose good quality things for him in a strict business style. Do not forget to wash and iron your clothes on time.

3. Knowledge

The fulfillment of the first two main points entails further personal growth. Now it is important to read books of various orientations, scooping up something important for yourself.

Make it a rule to read daily at least 50 pages ... Sign up for useful courses, trainings, visit presentations (for example such as - "", etc.), try to communicate with new interesting people.

If there is an opportunity to watch a training video, use it. Schedule a trip to another country or city, choose excursions with the help of which you can study history, various types of architecture.

Believe me, there is nothing educational about visiting a beach or a bar. It's also good to get into Museum , theatre , cinema ,Botanical Garden or even zoo .

Investing in yourself - this is knowledge, experience, skills, ability to apply the whole range of acquired skills in practice at the right time for you. It was not in vain that it was said by wise people: “You don’t carry knowledge behind your shoulders, and you never know what information will be useful to you today”.

7 principles of investing to make money 📋

We wrote above about where you can invest money with a guarantee, so we also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the principles of investing.

The basic principles of investing money at a high interest rate with a guarantee of income

Principle 1. Long-term perspective

Imagine a situation in which the market, which has become so familiar to you, simply closed and it was decided to resume its activity only after a few years. Where would the money be invested?

Try to think ahead without resorting to daily quotes, the sentiments of other investors, fluctuations in the cost of raw materials and finished products. So, for example, let's take the purchase of shares of a well-known company " Coca Cola". Even at the time of its conquest of the market, they cost 40 dollars.

The rise in the price of sugar in those years forced the price of the security to fall to its minimum. There was a stir, in which they were sold for almost nothing, but today we understand how profitable these purchases became then. Agree that this is a great example of where you can invest money to make money. Such a prospect may be offered to you by shares of another company, buying gold , antiques and even apartments .

Principle 2. Careful examination of the financing instrument

Before giving away even a small amount of your hard-earned savings, try to do a deep analysis of the chosen method. Chat with those who are already in the field, consider their experience. This principle especially applies to areas such as mutual funds, work in stock markets, PAMM accounts.

Principle 3. Own opinion

It is not enough to have just information, even collected very carefully, it is important to be able to cut off all unnecessary and view the perspective in the future.

Try not to succumb to the overwhelming opinion from the outside, develop your character, determining your bottom line and the result of investments.

Principle 4. Know how to stop

Sometimes it happens that work in one direction ceases to be profitable and there may be many reasons.

Consider other options, look for more promising investments, learn to close unnecessary pages.

Principle 5. Take your time

Making investment deals in the modern world, we rely mainly on the help of the Internet. It seems and more efficiently and faster... But this position is initially wrong. It is important to understand in subtleties and nuances, determine the outcome of the case and only then make a decision.

After all, the question of where to invest money at a high interest rate with a guarantee requires taking into account all the outcomes of the event (from receiving large losses to obtaining a decent income).

Principle 6: Choose Winners

It should be understood that even against the background of a difficult economic situation in the country, there are companies that show good performance and develop very steadily. The task of the investor is to find access to its shares and get them for the success of their business.

Principle 7. Think about tomorrow

This principle of investing means that even if you are very lucky today, you should not stop there, withdrawing all the money to buy expensive things.

Continue your business, look for new sources, tools, methods, collect your portfolio. Only this way of action will lead to a stable positive result.

5. Where to invest to get monthly income - 5 useful tips from experts 💡

We wrote above where to invest in order to receive income every month, so we also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the advice of experts who have experience in investing.

Since earning our money, we try to not only save, but also augment, and in a crisis, lack of stability and a difficult economic situation in the country, a feeling of fear arises, accompanied by a sense of loss.

So, expert advice on where to invest money in order to earn and not lose it:

Expert advice # 1. Try to minimize the risk for some of your investments as much as possible

Separate from the entire amount of capital 30% and give yourself a guarantee that they will invested without loss. In this way, experts believe Bank deposit, purchase of art objects, purchase of gold bars, precious metals and real estate.

The main point of the advice is that with any further arrangement of affairs, you will be able to save the starting amount, and, if possible, also make money on it.

Expert Tip # 2. Create Permanent Passive Income

If this is your principle, pay attention to buying stocks or bonds, and indeed securities in general.

By the way, even buying your own square meters, then leased out, will also allow you to receive a monthly income. You can read in more detail in our article - - ideas and sources of passive income "

Expert Tip # 3: Separate Investment Methods (Diversification)

It is important to understand that keeping all your money in a single project is very ineffective; diversify your investments. That is why, having ensured stability, try to find a profitable business area or become a co-investor in a business that, in your own opinion, will be very profitable.

Expert Advice No. 4. High-yield investment

For economical and thrifty people, this way of investing capital should be the most extreme, because in fact it is associated with great risks ... Your appeal to mutual funds or to PAMM accounts, and even more so to binary options, will allow you to both instantly receive income and jeopardize the entire initial capital.

Expert Advice # 5. Check information

Before investing your money, you need to carefully and scrupulously study the investment object. To make sure that the expected profitability is correct, you may be offered to invest in an object with dubious profitability.

6. Where not investing money so as not to burn out - the main mistakes of investing 📛

Despite many warnings and a huge amount of information on the Internet, people who want to invest their own money make a number of mistakes that lead to an undesirable result.

The very first and most important the point is that newcomers give their finances at random, agreeing with the arguments of friends, relatives and even third-party representatives of the worldwide network. Of course, the probability of earning income still remains, but it goes down to a minimum.

The second mistake can be called an emotional state. There are often cases when, inspired by the example of a friend, a person tries to imitate his behavior, repeating each investment step, but without a clear calculation and well-thought-out prospects, instead of increasing funds, we get them loss .

Another wrong thing to do haste is considered. People are in a hurry in choosing an investment tool, as well as in the desire to pick up the first results. As everyone knows, profits don't grow on trees. That is why it must be expected. Give yourself time to understand the intricacies and subjects, learn to act in a planned way.

Real examples of investing money for the purpose of making a profit - ways to invest from 100-500 thousand rubles to 1,000,000 in order to earn

7. Where is it better to invest in order to earn - real ways + examples of investing a small amount of money to make a profit 💰

Even the smallest earned capital is already becoming an object of further thought. It is like a small door that opens the way for you to the world of big investment.

So, consider profitably starting from a small amount in 5000 rubles and ending 1 million.

Having a million rubles on hand opens up much greater investment opportunities for you, compared to the owners of much smaller amounts. Before investing money, you need to decide on your goals. Namely, why are you planning all this? For how long are you willing to invest and are you willing to bear certain risks associated with possible losses (or temporary drawdowns) during an unstable economic environment?

Where can you invest 1,000,000 rubles?

Bank deposits

On the one hand, the easiest and most affordable way to invest your money. From the side of the state, full protection of the safety of your savings (deposit insurance). For a year, you can get a pretty good amount in the form of interest on deposits.

On the other hand, the yield will barely cover inflation. As a result, if your goal is to make money, then this is not a very successful way of investing. There are much more profitable ones.

Trust management

You give money to specialists in the field of making and increasing money. This is where your role ends. All that remains for you to periodically track the results from the management of your funds.

Here, first of all, you need to pay attention to the seniority of the manager (or the management company) and, of course, the statistics of profitability over the past years. You need to choose those management companies that for a long time show, though not always large, but stable profit growth from year to year.

If you choose from two companies, the first one can earn 50-80% of profit in one year, but in the next year it will be at a loss of 20-30 percent or more, but the second shows a stable profitability of 15-20% per annum, but every year it is better invest in the latter.

Investing in the first company will be like casino roulette. The risks in money management are too high. And if they can drain 20% per year, then, accordingly, what will prevent them from losing next year and much more.

Real estate and land

Buying real estate has always been synonymous with reliability and a good investment of money in order to increase funds. Of course, there are times when home prices fall by almost half of their original value. But these are temporary phenomena. And a great opportunity to buy real estate for yourself at a significant discount. Buying it, you invest money in tangible assets that are not subject to inflation, they are not afraid of defaults and other financial disasters.

What can a million buy?

1. Apartment under construction... It is imperative to choose reliable developers with an impeccable reputation. This will maximally protect your investments from the negative consequences of unscrupulous developers. As a rule, housing construction takes an average of 1.5 years. During this time, the cost of housing at the construction stage, up to the cost of the finished one, rises by half or by 50%. Not a bad investment, with an average annual return of around 30%.

2. Small studio apartment... In principle, you can meet the amount equal to 1,000,000 rubles to become the owner of a small apartment, especially in small towns. Income here will be formed from renting it out. And although the profit received from this is not so big, somewhere around 6-8% per annum of the cost of the apartment, there is one advantage that covers such a seemingly small profit.

If you invest 1 million in a bank at interest, let's say at 8% per annum, then you will earn 80 thousand per year. For example, income from renting a small apartment will also bring you 8% or 80,000 rubles.

Now let's pretend it's been 10 years.

On a bank deposit, your annual profit has not changed and is still the same 80 thousand (8% per annum).

How will things be after renting an apartment? Over the past 10 years, prices for everything have increased in the country (inflation, after all, has not been canceled). Even if we take a modest 5.5% per annum, then in ten years everything will depreciate by 2 times or prices will increase 2 times.

And if earlier the apartment brought you 80 thousand a year, now it will bring at least 2 times more or 160 thousand. This is already 16% per annum in the form of profitability.

But that's not all. During this time, the cost of housing itself will also increase, at least 2 times (although in reality its cost will be even higher). Those. for 10 years you will still receive an additional 100% profitability or 10% per annum. We sum it up with the rental yield and get:

The profit will be about 25-30% per annum !!!

3. Buying a room... If there is not enough money for the above options for buying real estate, then you can consider investing money in buying a room in an apartment for several owners.

This method has more disadvantages than advantages. The final level of income will be influenced by your neighbors. And a very strong influence. And the worse they are, the less income you can get. Who wants to rent a room next to a neighbor, alcoholic or drug addict, etc.

And even if you find the best option, with a kind and quiet old woman. which no one sees or hears, where is the guarantee that tomorrow she will not give (sell) her share to her son or a crowd of gypsies will not enter there.

4. As Mark Twain said: “ Buy land, they don't produce it anymore !!!

Indeed, the price of land has been growing from year to year for 3 centuries. In some cases, the land itself is much more expensive than the houses built on it (cottages, castles).

You can make a fortune in an extremely short time. You need to know the promising areas and directions, the cost of which may jump in price in the near future. These are, as a rule, plots located close to the city, where residential quarters or cottage settlements will soon begin to be erected. Then the price can jump at times.

Before buying, ask yourself a question - “Will I be able to sell it after a certain time? Will this land be in demand in this place? Are there plans to improve the infrastructure and build real estate in this area? "

If in doubt, it is better to refrain from buying. In the Siberian taiga, you can also buy a plot of land. Only where can you sell it later.


As it was written at the beginning of the article, everyone chooses for themselves their own way of where to invest 1,000,000 (million) rubles. What risks are you willing to take: high profitability with high risks, or conservative investments with low profitability, but with a guarantee of their safety. Before investing money anywhere, you need to consider the most pessimistic scenario. And if he doesn't scare you, then he is right for you.

Are you ready to wait out the fall in stock prices (real estate, etc.) for several years. Wait until they recover in value and start making a profit. Or the guaranteed (albeit small) yield (deposits, bonds) is in the first place for you. When you know exactly how much you can get in a certain period of time.

Today it is very difficult to find an idea that would be able to make a profit.

On all forums and sites, users are advised to invest their own funds only in business, regardless of the amount and currency. A number of sites may offer other ideas, which, however, have already become widespread and are not potential and promising. Today we will try to consider ideas where to invest a million rubles, and also try to touch upon only those ideas that are really capable of bringing good profits and in a short time.

A start-up is a name for companies that are young in terms of operating activities and are either at the stage of development or at the stage of researching potentially profitable niches of entrepreneurial activity.

Today, when the main industries are occupied by representatives of large business, when young companies only need tens of millions to enter the market (and in domestic countries - and acquaintances), startups have gained popularity. Simply put, it is an idea that carries innovation, relevance and potential profitability, as a result of the two previous factors. Investments in such projects are promising for those who are looking for where to invest a million.

As a rule, a startup owner needs investor funds to implement his own idea. From the point of view of classic investors, the idea may be incomprehensible, risky and not justify the money invested. As an example, consider the following situation: two companies turn to investors. The first one needs investments to open a production complex, the second one - the funds needed to develop an innovative IT technology. Which company would classic investors prefer? It is more likely that the money will be invested in the production complex, since when considering a business plan, it will be clear to investors where the money will go, they can directly see the results of activities at all stages of activity, etc. This is why many startups are often invested with funds from private investors.

Let's take Google and Telegram as examples. In the early 90s, Sergey Brin needed only $ 100,000 to create Google. Today, the value of a company is in the billions - one can only imagine the potential from an investment in such a company. The second example is the social network Telegram, recently created by Pavel Durov. For several months of the project's activity, the network traffic has increased by 50 million users. As a result, the profit from the company's activities also increased tenfold. You can estimate for yourself how promising it is to invest in such projects.

If you decide to invest a million in startups, you need to remember that when choosing a project, you should pay attention to the business plan.

If the business plan justifies, confirms, and motivates the need and profitability of a startup, then you can invest in such a project. If the plan is very vague, does not contain any actual data (on marketing, distribution of funds for the project), then investing your own funds in such a business is a huge risk. However, there are many young minds today who are rife with innovative ideas. Your task is to find such minds and provide funds for the implementation of ideas with the possibility of their further multiplication.

Investing in websites and social networks

Another option where to invest 1,000,000 rubles is sites of various types. A person who has never worked with sites will probably ask the question: what financial benefit can there be for the site owner? In order not to burden our reader with terminology and explanations of what TIC, PR, conversion and other parameters are, we will give the simplest example: there is a site that is visited by 10-12 thousand unique visitors daily. This is not as much as it might seem - there are resources that millions of Internet users visit every day. Considering the number of unique visitors in our example, the site is a good advertising platform, where thousands of people can see ads every day. Such a resource will be attractive to advertisers, which can be used by the site owner.

Your main task, as a website buyer, is the right choice of a resource that can be profitable.

We will not describe all the parameters that may affect the choice of an investor, but only note that it is a very profitable investment of your own funds. Let's give one more example: a site with 5-6 thousand unique visitors can bring 10-12 thousand rubles a month. The owner sells it for. Thus, the acquisition of a site will fully pay off for you in 10-14 months, depending on the resource management methodology. None of the classic investment options can pay off in a year, with the exception of high-risk investment projects. In this case, the risk is minimized.

All of the above features are also suitable for social networks.... The exception is great opportunities for resource monetization (opportunities to make a profit). With the right approach, you can get permanent passive income from a social network, taking a minimum of time to work on it.

Investing in Application Development

Another way to invest 1 million rubles is by investing in the development of various applications. Whether you own an Android or iOS phone, you probably have some useful apps on your own device. There are hundreds of thousands of similar users with a similar program and even more. Your task as an investor is to determine which application can be in demand and bring you profit. These can be games, business applications, media applications, useful or entertainment programs. In the future, the monetization of the application will allow you to fully recoup the investment (taking into account that the application is really useful and popular).

Note that investing in game development is not profitable - there are only a few truly profitable games, and to create a project that will repeat the success of Angry Birds, you will need to spend several million.

And even in this case, you will not have a guarantee of high income. The best option is to create useful applications. Ask friends and colleagues, conduct surveys on social networks among friends, what they would like to see on their own phone, what program would help them in their daily activities - so you can understand in which direction to act.

Search for foreign projects for investment

Do not limit yourself in choosing an investment object only in domestic countries. You probably have at least once ideas that, with the right investment, could bring income abroad, but in domestic countries they will be perceived ambiguously. Remember that most modern corporations are created in Western countries and their age is rarely more than 15 years old. There are many foreign forums where users exchange ideas and look for investors who could fund their activities. Who knows - perhaps you will find a person abroad who in the future will create a project that brings in millions of dollars a year, and you will be one of his investors.

Are all of the above options too complicated for you and do you prefer business as usual? We recommend that you pay attention to the options for investing in business abroad. Those ideas that have exhausted themselves in domestic countries may be relevant abroad. When choosing a country with an investment object, pay attention to countries with a growing economy - Indonesia, Mexico, Slovakia, Latvia, etc. Familiarize yourself with the specifics of doing business in the listed countries, and then draw a conclusion regarding the return on investment in such a business.

Finally, we note: if you have chosen the option of investing your own million in, it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the existing tax system of the country and its interaction with your country of residence.

Is it possible to avoid double taxation? What taxes are imposed on income repatriation? What tax is charged on royalties and dividends? Let's give a little hint for the reader: the best option is offshore zones or countries, the jurisdiction of which provides for the possibility of a minimum tax burden on business - Great Britain, Ireland, Holland, the crown territories of Great Britain, the state of Delaware in the USA, etc. As an example of such a business, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the well-known schemes used by Google, Oracle, Facebook and other global corporations - "Double Irish Whiskey" or "Whiskey with Dutch Sandwich".

You will find out in which business to invest a million rubles in order to make a profit, which investments are the most promising, in which you can invest 1,000,000 so as not to burn out

Greetings to our readers! Regular authors and creators of the HeterBober online magazine Alexander and Vitaly are with you again.

Today we will talk about large money investments and tell you how to increase your capital in the safest way.

The article will be of interest to entrepreneurs, moneymakers, investors and people who want to improve their financial literacy.

Let's start, friends!

1. Large financial investments - how to invest money wisely

A million rubles is a perfectly suitable amount to make a profitable investment and provide yourself and your loved ones with a comfortable and comfortable life for the next few years.

Today we will not talk about how you can earn a million rubles - there are many original and useful publications about this on our website (for example - ""). We will talk about how to manage such money as efficiently and wisely as possible.

In the article, we will try to answer the question in detail and in detail: where to invest 1,000,000 rubles in order not just to save, but to increase money?

Why are large investments good?

For them, the rule is true: the larger the amount of investment, the higher the interest.

The choice of an investment object is a responsible matter, which should be approached intelligently and armed with knowledge.

It is not worth investing the entire million in one direction - this greatly increases the risk of a total loss of capital. Even the most reliable banks in the world do not give one hundred percent guarantee of the safety and multiplication of money.


Investments should be divided into several parts: diversification of deposits (as it sounds in the language of financiers) reduces the risk of capital loss many times!

And a few more rules for competent investment:

  1. Determination of the ratio of return to risk... Any transactions with money involve a certain amount of risk. You need to invest in such a way that the probability of earning income significantly exceeds the risk of losing capital.
  2. Invest only working capital... Never operate with money that is needed to pay for vital things - food, housing, health, education of children.
  3. Don't make emotional gut decisions... Final conclusions about investments are made after a comprehensive analysis of the situation. Only a reasonable approach guarantees the stability of profits and the safety of money.
  4. Hire professional consultants... Experts will help you avoid common mistakes and conduct transactions more competently. Even a few extra percent of profitability in the case of a million means tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles.
  5. Don't invest under pressure. It doesn't matter who puts pressure on you - relatives, friends, partners - the decision on deposits should be made by you personally.

It is also important to decide in advance on the purpose of investment. Long-term deposits are radically different from short-term ones. A quick profit increases risks, investments for a long time are more reliable.

If your goal is to create permanent passive income, use more conservative investment instruments. If you need to wrap up capital in the shortest possible time to purchase a certain thing (car, house, sailboat), it is more profitable to use more aggressive investment methods.

An alternative option for investing is buying a ready-made business for a franchise. The good thing about this scheme is that it is guaranteed to work. The risks are minimal, and the commercial effect is known in advance.

We even have a specific proposal - a franchise for a Japanese restaurant chain. Why this particular project? It's simple - our good friend named Sergey has already invested in this business and is already making a steady profit. Sergei invested 1.5 million in opening a restaurant of the "island" format and recouped his investments in six months.

Another plus in favor of the project is the prospects of the niche. All over the world there is an outflow of visitors from expensive restaurants to more affordable and democratic ones. Sushi Master is just an example of such a point of sale. 120 restaurants have already been opened in 8 countries of the world. All of them bring a decent income to their owners and work with effective marketing technologies.

2. Where is it better to invest 1,000,000 rubles - 6 ways of profitable investment

Competent investments are the key to a calm future. Financial independence makes it possible to do what you want, and not what life's circumstances dictate.

It's great when work is both a hobby and a favorite thing, but in practice, most people are engaged in low-paid wage labor, dreaming of travel, recreation, full-fledged communication with friends and family.

If you are reading this article, then you are already changing the situation for the better or sincerely want to do it. To bring you closer to your goal, we have selected 5 investment methods: the most popular, the most reliable, the most profitable, the most conservative and the fastest.

Choose which method suits you best, in accordance with personal goals, ambitions, other objective and subjective factors.

Method 1. Real estate (the most POPULAR way)

When it comes to preserving large financial assets, the average citizen thinks of two things - bank deposits and real estate. We will talk about the first option later, and consider the second right now.

Real estate will always be in demand, since housing is one of the basic needs of a person. Everyone needs a roof over their heads, which means that apartments and houses will always be a popular and reliable way of investing capital.

Apartments will allow you to get 2 types of income:

  1. Rental income.
  2. Income from the sale.

Renting is a typical form of passive income: making money without labor. You have a profit on the basis of ownership and do not put any effort into making a monthly profit (daily, if the apartment is rented by the day).

As long as the apartment is rented by other people, it remains yours, and its value in the real estate market is gradually increasing. At any time, you can sell an apartment for a higher price than you bought it: the difference in cost plus rent will amount to a net return on investment.

Some make money exclusively on buy / sell transactions.

There are several options for such operations.:

  • you buy real estate, wait until prices rise, sell it;
  • buy an apartment in disrepair, make repairs, sell at a price that exceeds your costs;
  • you buy living space at the stage of construction or the laying of a house, sell it after the commissioning of the object at a high price.

There is one "but": during economic downturns, real estate usually falls in value and gives low profitability throughout the crisis. During such periods, it is better to refrain from selling and make money exclusively on rent.

Method 2. Bank deposit (the safest way)

Whatever one may say, bank deposits remain the most reliable and affordable way to increase capital.

In addition, in Russia, for example, the state protects the interests of the depositor - the client of the bank receives an almost one hundred percent guarantee of the return of funds with the promised interest, since, according to the law, all deposits of individuals of up to 1.4 million rubles are insured without fail.

This investment method cannot be called very profitable. The maximum that banks promise to citizens is 10% per annum, in rare cases 12%. In conditions of stable inflation, the real profit will be even less.

Of course, a million is not a bad amount, promising 100,000 income per year for storage, but if prices rise by about 10-13% over this period, real profits will fluctuate around zero.

A more expedient way to increase and save finances through banks is to transfer capital into euros and dollars and store them in them. True, the interest rate for deposits in foreign currency is an order of magnitude lower.

Use the services of large banks that are included in the TOP-50 or TOP-10 of the most reliable financial institutions in your country.

These institutions usually have government support, which increases safety and provides mental and emotional peace.

Banks are an excellent option for long-term preservation of funds. If you need money in a shorter time frame, you should consider other (more aggressive) investment options.

When making deposits, study the conditions in advance. When comparing deposits, users and banks themselves focus on interest on deposits. But this is not the only indicator of profitability.

The total profit also depends on:

  • from interest capitalization;
  • from the possibility of replenishing deposits;
  • on the conditions for closing the account.

The more freedom of action the deposit agreement gives the client, the lower the percentage of income. But if you choose a complex formula for calculating interest (with monthly capitalization), the profitability can be increased.

Method 3. Own business (the most PROFITABLE way)

The starting amount of a million rubles is an ideal base for starting your own business. It is not for nothing that we called this method the most profitable - there are no restrictions on profit for the business. In a year, you can double and triple the amount of the initial investment and even increase it 10 times.

There is another danger - to lose your money by investing it in an unprofitable enterprise. To prevent this from happening, experts advise investing in a business that is close and familiar to you.

For example, a very good option for investing your own money is "Business with China". Having purchased a test batch of goods, you can sell it with a markup of up to 500% and increase your capital 3-5 times. Some of my friends are already doing this and earn up to 700,000 rubles a month clean.

There are certain subtleties in the "Chinese theme", but everything can be learned. If you are interested in starting a business on Chinese goods and wrap up a million rubles, we strongly recommend that you do it under the guidance of an experienced mentor.

If you are interested in starting and developing a business with China, we recommend watching a video in which student Evgeny shares his financial and other successes after completing the training:

As you can see, it is worth choosing an area in which you feel like a specialist, and the chances of successful business promotion will increase significantly. But it is not enough to understand the matter, it is important to finance the enterprise as competently as possible.


90% failed business projects become such at the launch stage!

Any business is competition and struggle.

Despite the fact that today a lot of entrepreneurial skills can be learned, the basis is still the nature of a particular person's personality - his character, his style of thinking.

If you have weak nerves and do not have enough rigidity, if you are initially not happy with the idea of ​​solving a huge number of problems every day, negotiate with everyone: suppliers, employees, regulatory organizations - it is better not to start a career as an entrepreneur at all, but to choose more “peaceful” ways to multiply capital ...

And now the current trends for choosing a business direction:

  1. Car wash. Even in large cities with a large number of such services, motorists often have to queue up to wash their car. Considering that the number of cars is constantly growing, this business will always remain profitable.
  2. Mini-hotel (hostel). Another problem in large cities is the lack of affordable housing for visitors. If you start a business of this type in the middle price category, you can recoup your investment in a few months.
  3. Mini bakery. Bakery products are essential goods. The demand for it does not depend on the season and the state of the economy. The profitability of such a business is approaching 100% - the main thing is to competently establish a sales market.
  4. Online store. For 1 million rubles, you can organize a profitable online trade in the most popular goods and at the same time promote the site according to all the rules of effective SEO-optimization.

By the way, we already wrote about that in one of our publications.

There are no unique get-rich-quick techniques. Every business requires one hundred percent involvement in the process, at least in the first years of its existence. It takes hard work to turn a business into passive income, but at this stage the profits will be stable and high.

Read about that in a separate article of our resource.

Method 4. Precious metals (the most CONSERVATIVE way)

Investments in gold have been profitable throughout the history of mankind. Precious metals are not subject to corrosion and deterioration, and their reserves on the planet are limited. Not surprisingly, the prices of gold, platinum, silver and palladium are always on the rise.

There are several ways to invest in gold and precious metals:

  • buying gold bars;
  • buying coins;
  • contributions to shares of gold mining enterprises;
  • opening a gold deposit.

Gold bars are the easiest to acquire. They are sold by all large banks, issuing a certificate for the goods sold. Please be aware that transactions in precious metals in the form of bullion are subject to 18% tax.


If the annual increase in gold in price is 5-10% when selling bullions a year after purchase, you will lose 8-13% of profit on VAT. When purchasing precious metals, you should count on a long-term investment when the profit exceeds the tax percentage.

The coins are not taxed, and some of them also have collectible value. However, real profit from coins can also be obtained only a few years after the acquisition.

Depersonalized metal account (gold deposit) is suitable for relatively short-term deposits. The advantage of this method is that you don't need to buy anything, which means there are no taxes.

You simply open an account, and the bank undertakes to pay the required amount after a certain period of time at the gold rate. This is the easiest and safest option, especially if the account is insured along the way.

Method 5. PAMM accounts (FASTEST way)

Investing funds in PAMM accounts means transferring your finances to trust management of financial operations specialists. You give your money to the company, professionals put it into circulation and try to make a profit.

The management company invests money in the exchange markets or other promising areas, and you just wait for the time to withdraw profit from the account. Deposits in PAMM accounts are a typical example of passive income with relatively low risks.

To receive income from stock trading, you do not need to have specific knowledge: your task is to find a profitable company and entrust it with your money.

The secret of success lies in choosing the right PAMM account. To put capital in safe hands, you will have to spend a certain amount of time and effort comparing management companies. But on the other hand, the result will be appropriate.

4. We minimize risks - how to protect large capital

Relevant and reliable ways of investing money: deposits, gold, securities. Classic and exotic ways to invest a million rubles.

Savings of 1 million rubles. not uncommon for Russians. But this amount in modern conditions is not enough for investing on a large scale: in real estate, business, etc. However, there is no reason to despair! In 2016, you can still save and increase your savings if you know where to invest a million rubles.

When choosing investment methods, it is important to exclude the impact of several factors of depreciation of funds:

  • unstable foreign policy situation;
  • inflation;
  • fluctuations in the exchange rate.

According to the Central Bank, inflation in 2016 is up to 6.6%. In this regard, the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation was reduced to 10% per annum in rubles. This will lead to a quick decrease in interest rates on deposits, and it will not be so easy to choose a truly profitable and at the same time reliable offer. So where to invest the honestly accumulated million rubles?

Keep your money in a savings bank

Way: opening a bank deposit

Description: putting money in a bank is the first thought that visits Russian citizens. The main advantages of this method are the safe storage of funds. But it is practically impossible to significantly increase savings at the moment: if the bank is stable and has a high rating from the Central Bank, the deposit rates are about 8.17% per annum (Sberbank, Rosselkhoz, VTB24, etc.).

When choosing a deposit, pay attention to deposits with the possibility of replenishment - they offer high rates. It is also recommended to abandon the possibility of monthly withdrawal of interest on the deposit. The income will be insignificant, but the possibility of capitalizing interest (adding them to the amount of the deposit) will help to really increase savings.

To this day, there are a number of banks offering higher interest rates on deposits. But, being flattered by the illusory possibility of easy money, you can be left with nothing (of course, if the bank was not a member of the deposit insurance system, which you should make sure of in advance). Banks pursuing dangerous credit policies attract the attention of the Central Bank and often remain without a license after conducting a specialized audit. A reliable bank that does not pursue the goal of dramatically increasing its working capital at the expense of depositors' money cannot offer a rate higher than the key Central Bank.

Profitability calculation: Let's calculate the approximate return on deposits with an investment of 1 million rubles. to Sberbank of Russia. So, the maximum interest rate (7% when opening a deposit online) is offered with a deposit amount of 700 thousand rubles or more. for a period of 6 to 12 months. Profitability in the absence of supplements and expenses will be:

Accordingly, with an investment of 1 million rubles. for a period of 366 days and opening an online account at a rate of 7%, the yield will be 70,144.1 rubles, and the average income for 30 days - 5845 rubles.

Securities, shares, bonds

Way: purchase of securities

Description: the second decision that comes to mind when you want to invest a relatively large amount of funds is the purchase of securities. But, as the American owner of one of the world's largest online advertising agencies J. Silverman said, buying securities is a hard way to an easy life. It is important not only to study the market in advance, but also to constantly monitor its state.

Choosing a stable issuer is a very important step. Experts say that only 5% of private investors remain in positive territory by the end of the year, and many lose up to half of their savings. But there are also pluses: the return on buying stocks is almost double inflation. Start small and invest small to learn the specifics of the market.

Savings certificates of banks are a profitable investment option - securities used to store and increase savings. On them, the profitability reaches higher than on deposits, and reaches 10% per annum. Also popular is the purchase of bonds - debt securities, a kind of confirmation of an investment deposit, which imposes obligations on the issuer to the investor. From the advantages - reliability and priority of payments, from the disadvantages - lower rates due to reduced risks and the inability to participate in the management activities of the company.

Payment: Let's calculate the income from the purchase of the most popular type of securities - stocks. It consists of such components as the difference between the buying and selling rates, as well as dividends. As of 01/04/2016, the value of Gazprom shares was 153 rubles / unit, and on 09/07/2016, the value increased to 173.52 rubles / unit. Based on this data, we can calculate the percentage yield:

Profitability = (173.52 cost of sale - 153 cost of purchase): 153 investment amount * 100% = 13.4%

The annual income from owning a share is calculated using the formula:

Profitability = (20.52 profit: 153 investment amount) * (365 days a year: 247 tenure) * 100% = 19.5%

According to the investor's calculator posted on the official website, the price change for the specified period was 13.75%, and the annual rate was 20.94%. A million rubles could buy 6,535 shares, and the income after the sale will amount, according to the data, approximately 137,743 rubles. Also consider the 5.79% dividend yield. The investor can regularly receive dividends or reinvest them (capitalize profits).

Mutual funds - simple and profitable

Way: investing in mutual funds

Description: investing a million rubles in a mutual fund (mutual investment fund) is a simple and quite profitable solution. In fact, the method is not too different from buying and selling shares, but you entrust your funds to a management company, for example, a large bank. This leads to greater security of investments, because they are in the hands of an experienced player.

The downside is the lack of guarantees for high dividends. The method is optimal for those who want to make money on the stock market, but do not have the proper experience. Among the offers of mutual funds is the ability to create investment accounts for investing money in stocks and bonds, as well as in specific sectors of the economy (infrastructure, resource, trading, etc.).

Payment: Let's calculate the income from the mutual fund of the Otkritie Management Company. It is the difference between the amount sold and the initial investment. So, for a million rubles on January 11, 2016, it was possible to buy 1,017.82 shares at 982.49 rubles. Upon their maturity on September 7, 2016, the cost was RUB 991.17. The profit can be calculated using the formula:

Profitability = 1,017.82 number of shares * (991.17 sale price - 982.49 purchase price) = 8834.70 rubles.

Tax 13% must be deducted from the amount of income, that is, the net profit will be 7686.19 rubles. In percentage terms, the yield is 0.8834% for the specified period, or about 1.3% per year.

Investment is gold

Way: investment in precious metals

Description: despite the fall in the value of gold, buying it is a popular way of investing. Important advantages of the method: liquidity (gold is easy to sell), no pegging to the country's economy or the exchange rate, virtually no risk of depreciation. Investments in gold are also very diverse. You can open an impersonal metal bank account, buy gold bars or coins.

Of the minuses - the lack of security guarantees, tk. with home storage there is always a risk of theft, and with banking - bankruptcy of the institution. The fact is that "gold" accounts are not subject to the deposit insurance law. Do not forget also about the need to pay taxes in accordance with Art. 226 and 228 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in the amount of 13%, as well as 18% VAT charged upon closing the deposit.

It is worth giving preference to reliable structures (Sberbank, VTB24, etc.). Their rates are not very impressive - it's no secret. But it is the unallocated metal accounts of reliable banks that are the most affordable, simple, transparent and secure way to invest in gold, platinum, palladium, etc. At the same time, interest is charged on fixed-term metal accounts - on average 1% / year.

Profitability calculation: the profitability is calculated taking into account the current value of the precious metal and the period for which the account was opened. It is impossible to calculate the exact profitability in advance due to changes in the cost of precious metals on the world market. In addition, since the end of 2015, there has been a drop in value.

Let's calculate the profit received in the period from 01/11/2016, when the cost of gold for private investors was about 2738 rubles / year. The end of the period - 09/07/2016 (then 1 g of precious metal could be sold for 2,569.04 rubles). You do not need to be an experienced analyst to understand: during this period, losses amounted to 168.96 rubles. from each gram, and 1 million rubles. more than 365.2 g of metal could be purchased.

Profitability = (2569.04 purchase rate on the date of sale - 2738 selling rate on the date of purchase) * 1,000,000 investment amount): 2738 = –61709 rubles.

You can calculate the profitability as a percentage as follows:

Profitability = ((2569.04 - 2738) * 365 * 100%): (2738 * 240 full days of OMS ownership) = -9.38%

When investing in precious metals, it is necessary to constantly monitor the market situation in order not to miss the moment when prices will sharply rise - the size of the profit will depend on this.

He who does not take risks is not an investor

Way: cybersquatting

Description: the most exotic way of investing, which is still popular, is very risky, but under certain circumstances it can make an investor rich. Cyberscotting is an investment of money to buy "beautiful" domain names. The cost of such domains at auctions reaches hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the cost of their purchase is about 100-150 dollars / unit.

The Internet is a constantly and most actively developing segment. Large companies start their own sites and want the domains of these sites to be simple, memorable, catchy. Thus, the SEX.COM domain became the most expensive in history - its cost was $ 13 million. The domain name entered the Guinness Book of Records.

How it works? Quite simply, you find catchy domain names that someone definitely needs but haven't sold yet. After the purchase, you just have to wait until you receive an offer to sell.

True, no one will even say approximately how long it will take to wait. There is a way a little more realistic and faster: by constantly monitoring the market, you can search for recently appeared companies without sites by registering domain names with their names. Business without the Internet is like no hands, which means that you will definitely be offered to sell the address that someone needs so much.

Cost calculation: Since the method is rather exotic and risky, it is impossible to predict the benefits. You can only be inspired by successful stories. For example, in 1996, American Rick Schwartz registered the domain name for only $ 100, and in 2013 he sold it for $ 1.32 million to Network Solutions.

Interesting: Rick Schwartz is widely regarded as the "king of domains" as he also sold the domain for $ 8.8 million. But it was bought in 1997 for 42 thousand dollars. In addition, over the years of owning the site, he earned at least $ 10 million from banner ads and user redirects.


Summary table of pros and cons of investments for 2016 *:
Way pros Minuses Profit per year
Bank deposit Reliability


Low interest rates 6,5 – 8,5 %
Securities High profitability High risk of bankruptcy about 13 - 20%
Mutual fund Professional management

Relative reliability

No guarantees of profitability

Dependence on the political, economic environment, etc.

about 1 - 1.5%
Metal accounts Relative reliability

No risk of complete depreciation

Unpredictable profitability

Benefit depends on the market situation

High risk of loss

to 10 %
Cybersquatting Progressive method

Super high income earning

High risk

Long wait

Impossibility of forecasting

The likelihood of not receiving income never

not a rough estimate

* Except for cybersquatting data provided for informational purposes only.

In modern conditions, a million rubles is not a large enough amount for serious long-term investments. That is why the primary task is to preserve the accumulated funds, slightly increasing them if possible. Therefore, a bank deposit remains the best way, because the risk of a complete loss of funds is minimal, and the accrual of interest and the possibility of additional investment will allow you to gradually increase capital.

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