Obtaining a loan secured by a land plot. How and where to get a loan secured by a land plot? Who can get a loan secured by a land plot

Roofing materials 12.07.2021
Roofing materials

Secured loans are gaining popularity. Anything that has a price on the market can be pledged. A large amount can be obtained on the security of real estate, including land. Sberbank also has such a loan in its arsenal.

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Sberbank is the largest bank in Russia. Its loan programs are diverse.

Sberbank issues loans against various types of collateral: real estate, vehicles, securities and others. Now we will tell you how to get a loan secured by a plot of land.


First you need to decide on the type of collateral loan: non-target or mortgage. Sberbank issues both:

  1. Inappropriate, secured by real estate. It can be issued for any consumer purposes, after issuance, the borrower is not required to provide any documentary evidence of his expenses.
  2. Mortgage, for the purchase of land. You can take out a loan for the purchase of a land plot, while the purchased land plot can be pledged. In this case, the object of crediting is also the subject of collateral.
  3. Mortgage, for the purchase or construction of a residential building on this site. When building or buying a residential building on this site, the pledge of land acts as an additional security.

At the same time, certain requirements are imposed on the real estate object:

  • he must not be encumbered (in another bail, under arrest, on lease, etc.)
  • it must be quoted on the real estate market.

If the owner has a spouse, his (her) notarial consent to alienate the property is required.

It happens that the borrower's solvency is not enough to receive the required amount of funds. Then you can attract the income of the co-borrower (spouse, close relatives). The requirements for the co-borrower are similar to those for the borrower.

Did you know that today banks are ready to provide their clients with such a service as a loan secured by real estate for business? Want to know more, read on.

If you want to take a loan secured by real estate with a bad credit history in Moscow, then you need to go to, and read our article.

In the process of obtaining a loan, the client will need to evaluate the land plot. To do this, he contacts an appraisal company.

Her representative visits the site, evaluates it and issues an opinion, which the client then submits to the bank.

The bank itself usually provides a list of appraisal companies with which it works. It should be borne in mind that the appraised value of the property can be greatly underestimated in comparison with the market value.

How to get a loan secured by a land plot in Sberbank?

If a client wants to get a loan secured by a land plot, it is better for him to immediately contact the bank, having collected the minimum package of documents.

The employee will tell him what other documents are needed based on his situation. In this case, it is better not to use an online application - this will only lengthen the process of obtaining a loan.

After submission of documents, consideration can take up to 8 days. If a positive decision is made, the client provides the documents for the pledge within 60 days.

Let's look at the differences in lending terms for two collateral programs: non-earmarked and mortgage.

Inappropriate loan secured by a land plot Mortgage loan secured by a land plot
Amount from 500,000 - up to 10,000,000 rubles or up to 60% of the assessed value of the site from 300,000 - up to 75% of the estimated or contractual value of the site
Term Up to 20 years Up to 30 years old
Interest rate From 15.5% per annum From 13% per annum
An initial fee Not needed From 25%
Issuance fee Not Not
Insurance + 1% per annum upon refusal from voluntary life and health insurance
If the client does not receive salary / pl at Sberbank + 1% per annum + 0.5% per annum

Borrower requirements

A secured loan can be taken by a Russian citizen registered in the region where the loan is issued. Or in the region where the land plot is pledged.

The client must have all the necessary documentation confirming his ownership of real estate.

The borrower must be at least 21 years old and no more than 75 at the time of the end of the loan agreement. That is, if a client is 61 years old, and he wants to take out a loan secured for 20 years, he will be refused. More precisely, the loan term will be reduced to 14 years.

The entire loan repayment period must fit into the borrower's working age or retirement age.

For example, a client is a 57-year-old man. He retires after 3 years. He can only be given a loan for 3 years. And after retirement, they can issue a new one for 15 years.

The borrower must work, have an official income and work experience of at least 6 months in the last place. In total, over the past 5 years, it must have worked for at least 1 year. All data must be documented.

A loan secured by real estate, including a land plot, will not be issued if the client is:

  • a person who has the right of the first signature on the MP, where up to 30 people work;
  • the owner of the small enterprise with a participation share of more than 5%
  • a member of a farm (peasant) economy.


We will provide a general list of documents. Depending on the individual circumstances in a particular application, the bank may require additional documents:

  1. Application form (can be filled out and printed on the Sberbank website).
  2. Passport with registration mark.
  3. Form 2 certificate - personal income tax on income for the last 6 months. You can download the help form at. For employees of enterprises receiving salaries from Sberbank and for pensioners, such a certificate is not required.

  4. Document confirming work experience (copy of work, contract, etc.).
  5. Title deed for the land plot.
  6. The document on the basis of which the right of ownership came (contract of sale, donation, etc.).
  7. Reference on the assessment of the land plot.
  8. Extract from the Unified State Register.
  9. If a part of the land plot that is in shared ownership is pledged, a notarial refusal of all owners of shares from the preemptive right to purchase is required.
  10. Notarial consent of the spouse to the alienation of the land plot.

  11. If the mortgagor was not married at the time of acquiring the ownership of the land plot, a notarial statement confirming this is required from him.
  12. The permission of the guardianship authorities in the presence of minor children.

How much should I expect?

The amount for collateralized loans always depends on the percentage of the assessed value of the collateral.

In Sberbank, for a non-targeted collateral loan, this is a maximum of 60%, and for a mortgage loan, 75%. For example, a client owns a land plot with a market value of 1,500,000 rubles.

The appraisal company rates it at 1,100,000 rubles... It turns out that if a client wants to take a non-targeted loan, his maximum amount will be 660,000 rubles, and if mortgage - 825,000 rubles.

The loan amount will be transferred to the client's account or card with Sberbank. It should be borne in mind that the amount on the card will be available only the next day.


Interest rates on collateralized loans are relatively low - from 13-15% per annum.

This is because the collateral is a good security for the loan. If the client is unable to repay the loan, the bank transfers the ownership of the pledged object. The bank sells it on the market and covers its losses on loan defaults.

Sberbank does not set hidden interest and commissions on its loans. Therefore, if the client regularly pays the loan, he can be sure that the interest rate specified during the execution of the contract will not change.

Lending terms

The terms for loans secured by a land plot are quite large and reach 20 years for an inappropriate loan and 30 years for a mortgage loan.

How is the repayment done?

Repayment is made on a monthly basis in equal amounts (annuity payments) on a certain day of the month, by debiting from the client's account. In order for the withdrawal to take place, the client must deposit the required amount of funds into the account in advance.

If the client needs to repay a large amount, it is not enough for him to deposit it into the account. You need to contact the bank in advance and fill out an application for repayment of the required amount.

If the client does not pay the loan on time, he pays a penalty in the amount of 20% of the late payment.

There are a lot of ways to pay off a loan from Sberbank:

  • from an account or card via Internet banking "Sberbank - Online";
  • at an ATM with the function of accepting cash;
  • from a card or account in self-service devices of Sberbank (terminals, ATMs);
  • a long order from a bank account;
  • transfer from the salary (by agreement with the employer's accounting department);
  • by intrabank transfer to your account;
  • in cash at the bank office.

If the client himself cannot deposit money, he can delegate this to another person. To deposit money, you need to know the account number and have a passport with you.


When applying for loans, including secured loans, Sberbank asks its customers, on a voluntary basis, to take out life and health insurance.

If the client refuses, the bank increases the interest rate on the loan by 0.5-1% per annum. The insurance service is paid. It costs about 2-3% of the loan amount, depending on the program.

The client should think about it, because insurance is beneficial to him. If he takes out insurance, he and his family will be protected in case of unforeseen life circumstances.

When a client loses health or life and can no longer pay his loan, the insurance company will do it instead.

At the same time, the client will not lose the right to the pledged property.

And if you decide to build a house, then you should read about.

Pros and cons

The advantages of lending secured by a land plot in Sberbank are:

  • small percentage;
  • no hidden interest and commissions;
  • large loan amount;
  • long term;
  • bank stability guarantee.

Cons include:

  • a large list of provided documents;
  • duration of registration;
  • the need to take into account many nuances;
  • loss of ownership of the pledged object (if it is impossible to repay the loan).

In conclusion, I would like to say that Sberbank provides customers with a good selection of credit programs.

A large number of offices throughout the country will allow even residents of small towns and villages to use them.

If you have a land plot, or you are planning to purchase it, but there are not enough funds, you can always contact Sberbank.


  • Due to frequent changes in legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the site.
  • All cases are very individual and depend on many factors. Basic information does not guarantee a solution to your specific problems.

A land plot can be classified as a form of collateral. This type of loan allows you to get a large loan amount for a long term with a low interest rate.

What is special about a loan secured by a land plot? First of all, this is a rather long process of collecting, preparing and processing documents. In addition, in order to receive money, you will need to obtain insurance for the collateral object. In addition, banks that provide loans secured by land plots do not provide small amounts, however, the maximum loan amount depends on the total value of the collateralized real estate. The main disadvantage of such a loan is that the borrower runs the risk of losing his property if he cannot repay the loan.

Calculation of the loan amount secured by the site

Before applying for a loan secured by a plot of land, the collateral object is assessed by the bank's specialists. If the client is not satisfied with this price, he can invite independent experts at his own expense. After determining the loan amount, the process of drawing up the contract begins. For him, standard documents are required - a passport, TIN, a certificate of employment, income, land documents, as well as the consent of the second spouse for a loan secured by a plot if the client is married.

Those citizens who own land plots can count on getting loans from banks. This is not a simple process that requires the collection of some documents. How to get a loan secured by a land plot will be described below.

How to get a loan secured by a land plot? Photo # 1

According to the Civil Code, land plots are classified as immovable property, therefore they can be the subject of a pledge.

All legal relations related to mortgage lending (money loans related to the pledge of real estate) are regulated not only by the norms of the Civil Code, but also by special legislation, which includes the Federal Law on Mortgage Lending.

According to the above-mentioned Federal Law, the following land plots can act as collateral in mortgage lending:

  • plots, the intended purpose of which is intended for carrying out individual residential on them;
  • plots that are allocated for the construction of various utility rooms on them, for example, garages, country houses;
  • land plots on which individual residential houses, utility rooms are located, as well as land for personal subsidiary farming (rural estates, private houses with land for a vegetable garden);
  • land plots that have the status of agricultural (this option is suitable for farmers and legal entities that are engaged in agricultural business).

But in addition to the target ownership of the land, persons who decided to use this method of lending should know that the land that will be pledged must necessarily be the property of a citizen.

If all the conditions are met, then citizens can take the necessary package of documents and go to a banking institution that provides such services. Details about the registration process will be described below.

It is important to remember that banking institutions will never lend an amount of funds that will be equal to the value of the land plot. This is due to the fact that in their programs they include a degree of risk, that is, no refund. Based on this, it will be difficult for them to sell the land plot for market value.

For what purposes can such a loan be taken?

Purpose of using a loan secured by land. Photo # 2

Based on the analysis of all that banking institutions provide, two purposes of lending can be distinguished, when land can act as collateral:

  • construction of an individual residential building;
  • consumer goals.

Accordingly, depending on the initial purpose of lending, banks charge interest for the use of credit funds, as well as the terms for repayment of funds.

Let's consider such programs in more detail.

Home construction

If a citizen owns a land plot, the purpose of which is individual residential construction, then he can apply to the bank to receive funds for the construction of a private house.

Banks that participate in such programs will issue a loan for a certain amount, based on practice, less by 20% of the market or cadastral value of the land.

The peculiarity of such lending is that the land plot and all constructed buildings (even if they are not completed) automatically become collateral. Therefore, in case of non-fulfillment of debt obligations, the plot, together with the unfinished house, can be sold by bailiffs.

Consumer loan

A consumer loan means one whose funds are directed to specific needs of a citizen (for example, the purchase of household appliances, furniture).

The maximum amount that can be provided for such loans will also be 20% less than the market or cadastral value of the land. Naturally, if the debt obligations are not fulfilled, the subject of the pledge will be sold at special auctions by bailiffs.

It must be remembered that at this time there are two ways to assess the land. The first is market value. This assessment is made by licensed specialists. The second is the cadastral value. It is available in the cadastral file, that is, there is no need to make an assessment. Based on existing practice, the cadastral and market values ​​are practically the same.

Features of the mortgage of agricultural land. Photo # 3

Agricultural lands have a special status, therefore credit legal relations with them are special. It is impossible to build on them, but only to run a personal economy.

Based on this, banking institutions can issue a loan to citizens, agricultural owners for consumer needs, or the purchase of equipment, agricultural implements.

Theoretically, the money received can be used for individual construction, but only on another land plot (where it is allowed to do so). It is difficult to evaluate agricultural land, therefore it is better to provide cadastral value to banking institutions.

It is interesting to know that in the process of fulfilling credit obligations, such a land plot may change its purpose, that is, construction may be allowed on it. From this, its nominal value may rise or, on the contrary, increase. Therefore, it is necessary to notify the bank about the change in purpose.

Granting a loan, required documents

Now let's move on to the question of how such loans are provided. Naturally, the first step is a trip to the bank, where you need to find out what documents you need to provide, credit conditions, as well as annual interest.

In principle, almost all programs of banking institutions that provide such loans are the same, the only thing that may differ is the interest rate. After preliminary agreement, the borrower must provide the following documents:

  1. A passport of a citizen (borrower) may also require documents from family members.
  2. Documents confirming the right (extract from the register, contract of sale, donation, certificate of inheritance).
  3. A document confirming the assessment of the cost of the site.
  4. Technical documentation, where the beads will be indicated, the cadastral number.

The banking institution may require other documentation if it is provided for by their regulatory documents.

Also, some banks require insurance, since the land may become unusable for some reason (for example, natural disasters, man-made disasters).

If a loan is taken for the construction of a house, then you can provide its approved plan and project.

It is interesting to know that if the borrower has ever taken out loans and he had problems with their payments, then, most likely, the application will be refused.

Banks that issue loans for land mortgages

Where can you get a loan secured by land? Photo No. 4

The last question concerns what banking institutions are currently issuing land plots for mortgage.

Their list is as follows:

  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • Sberbank of Russia;
  • International Moscow Bank;
  • Rosevrobank;
  • Moscow credit bank;
  • Bank of Moscow.

This is an approximate list, since every year a larger number of credit institutions begin to participate in such programs, because every year the cost of land plots, especially in large settlements, is constantly growing.

It is interesting to know that before applying for such a loan, the borrower must visit several banks in order to choose the optimal program for himself.

It is possible to get a loan secured by land, but not all banking institutions have such programs. In addition, you need to prepare the necessary package

Pledging a land plot for a loan is a common and successful practice. But before applying for a loan, you should carefully study the features of such financing and choose a bank with optimal conditions for providing money.

For convenience, the conditions of all the banks described below are summarized in the table.

What is a loan secured by a land plot

If you own a land plot, then you can make it collateral under a loan agreement. This means that during the entire term of the loan agreement, the provided real estate will be the guarantor of the return of the amount issued. If the borrower does not pay under the agreement, then the bank will be able to sell the land plot and pay off the debt with the proceeds.

During the entire term of the loan agreement, bank consent will be required for legal action. Until the encumbrance is removed, you cannot, without the permission of the financial institution:

  • to issue a will or deed of gift;
  • register tenants;
  • allocate a share;
  • issue a deposit, etc.

An important point - the rights to use land when installing encumbrances are not limited. You will be able to live on the site and fully use it.

The advantages of such lending:

  1. Low interest - it is more profitable to get a loan secured than an unsecured loan.
  2. Increased limit - banks are ready to issue 50-70% of the appraised value of the object.
  3. Reduced requirements - in the presence of collateral, individual financial organizations are ready to issue money without certificates from work or other proof of income.

The main disadvantages are the need for a pledge and the duration of registration. Usually, all approvals take from 5 days to 2 weeks. If money is needed urgently, it will be faster.

Loans secured by a land plot with a house

Almost always there is a house or summer cottage on the site. In this case, not only the land, but also the residential buildings located on it, is transferred as security under the loan agreement.

An exception is the situation when the house is registered to another owner.


Ivan Ivanovich wants to get a loan secured by a summer residence and a plot of 6 acres. But he only owns the land, and the house itself is registered in his brother's name. In such a situation, the lender can agree to the deal only if the borrower's brother agrees to the encumbrance.

In practice, such transactions are complex legally; credit institutions prefer not to enter into such agreements.


When registering an unsecured consumer loan. If, however, a loan agreement is concluded on security, then the bank has the right to require it to be insured - this is the law. In a situation where the house and land become security, the policy is issued for both objects.

Personal insurance (life and health), as well as protection of the title (legal rights of the borrower to the object) is issued exclusively voluntarily. The only thing that a bank can do if it refuses financial protection is to increase the interest rate. On average, it will grow by 1-3 percentage points.


Title insurance - protection against situations when, during the term of the contract, circumstances become clear due to which the borrower's rights to real estate are canceled. For example, a garden plot was purchased from a person who concealed his incapacity. Such a transaction can be challenged in court, which means that the rights of the new owner to the land are canceled.

How money can be used

As a rule, financial organizations, on the security of a house with a plot or just land, issue a cash loan. But it is also possible to arrange a targeted mortgage loan.

Inappropriate loan pos pledge of land

In fact, this is a regular consumer loan, but with collateral. Funds are given to the client in cash.

The borrower can spend the money received for any purpose - from vacations to repairing an apartment or teaching a child. There is no need to report to the bank about where the funds were spent.

Targeted mortgage loan secured by a land plot

In this case, the funds are spent exclusively for the purposes specified in the agreement. Otherwise, the bank may increase the rate under the agreement or even demand full early repayment of the debt.

On the security of a plot of land, you can arrange a mortgage loan:

  • for the purchase of an apartment - it is possible to purchase both in the secondary market and in new buildings;
  • for the construction of a house - funds are issued in several stages according to a pre-agreed estimate.

When building a house, it is not necessary to involve intermediaries, you can carry out the work yourself. But statistics show that when you conclude a contract with a construction company, the likelihood of approval is greater.

Requirements for land plots

The main condition for registering a house and land as collateral is high liquidity. This means that on the market, similar properties should be in demand and appreciated. Otherwise, if the borrower fails to fulfill its obligations, the bank will not be able to sell the land and repay the debt.

There are other requirements for mortgaged real estate:

  1. Ownership. The property must be fully owned by the borrower. In some cases, it is allowed that the land was registered in the name of a close relative, for example, the applicant's spouse. In this case, a full set of documents will be required from the present owner for the transfer of real estate as a pledge to the bank. But if a minor has a share, it is unlikely that a deal can be drawn up - the guardianship authorities will not give their consent.
  2. No encumbrances. The plot must not be subject to litigation or collateral under another loan agreement. Also, minors should not be registered there.

As for the type of land plot, the possibility of drawing up a loan agreement depends on the conditions of a particular bank. If the property is registered in accordance with all the rules, then the owners can receive financing:

  • summer cottages;
  • IZhS land (provided for individual housing construction);
  • plots SNT (gardening non-profit partnership) and DNP (country non-profit partnership);
  • agricultural land.

When lending against the security of agricultural land, as well as everyone else, you need to make sure that the territory does not belong to protected areas.

How to get a loan underground

The procedure for obtaining a loan when providing land as collateral is more complicated than the process of obtaining a consumer loan. To make it easier for you to navigate, I have compiled a detailed step-by-step algorithm:

  1. Bank selection. Focus not only on the size of the interest rate. Evaluate how conveniently the branches are located or how comfortable the remote service is. Read reviews from other users and analyze them.
  2. Filing an application. Most financial institutions provide the ability to send a loan application remotely. This saves time and allows you to contact several banks at once. At this stage, it is not required to provide documents for the mortgaged property.
  3. Provision of documents. If preliminary approval has been received by the application, then you will be invited to the office with the documents. You will definitely need to take a certificate of ownership of land or an extract from the USRN, and if the land was bought in marriage - the notarial consent of the second spouse to the transaction. A complete list of documents depends on the conditions of a particular bank. For example, some financial organizations request certificates from work, while others are ready to provide the required amount under 2 documents without proof of income.
  4. Assessment of the object. After submitting all the documents, the bank makes a decision not only on the application itself, but also on the object proposed as security. If the answer is yes, then the site and the house are assessed. This is necessary to determine both the insurance and collateral value of real estate. Also, the maximum amount of the credit limit depends on the set price.
  5. Signing an agreement and receiving money. On the agreed day, the borrower and the bank representative sign documents - a loan agreement, insurance agreement, mortgage, payment schedule, etc. After that, the loan is considered issued and the borrower receives funds.

If a consumer lending agreement is drawn up, then the money can be received at the bank's cash desk or on a special card, from which it can be withdrawn free of charge at any time.

With a mortgage, money is almost always transferred directly to the seller of an apartment or house. An exception is the provision of a loan for the construction of a house or summer cottage without the involvement of contractors. In this case, the money is given to the borrower, but he must report to the financial institution on their use.

Which banks give non-earmarked loans secured by land

It is possible to mortgage land for the execution of a consumer loan agreement in many, but not in all financial institutions. For example, you can only get an inappropriate loan.

To make it easier for you to navigate, I made a selection of 3 banks with optimal conditions for providing financing.


In Sberbank, the rate under the agreement is fixed - 12.5% ​​for all categories of borrowers. But if you refuse personal insurance, it increases to 13.5%.

To complete the agreement, you will need a full package of documents, including a work book and proof of income. Sberbank accepts both 2-NDFL and free-form certificates. It is also necessary to provide a document stating that the borrower has other housing in which he has the right to live - this may be a certificate of ownership or an extract from the house book.

You can draw up an agreement from the age of 21; at the time of repayment of the debt, the borrower must not be older than 75 years.


In comparison with other banks, the rate is higher, it is 20.4%. But the proposal has other advantages:

  • you can get a loan up to 85 years old, which is important for pensioners;
  • it is allowed to confirm income not only with 2-NDFL, but also with a free-form certificate and at the request of the employer;
  • not only hired employees, but also individual entrepreneurs can draw up a contract;
  • refusal from personal insurance does not affect the interest rate.

To apply, you need to have work experience in the last job of at least 4 months.


If personal insurance is canceled, the interest rate will increase to 14.5%. On the contrary, for employees of the public sector, a discount of 1 percentage point is provided.

To draw up a loan agreement with Rosselkhozbank, you will need a full package of documents. The total length of service at the time of application must be at least 1 year, the last 6 months - at the last place of employment.

An additional advantage of the offer - it is not required that there is a registration in the region where the loan is issued. The main thing is that permanent registration is in any other city of Russia.

A loan secured by a land plot without proof of income

To date, only one financial institution is ready to provide an inappropriate loan secured by a land plot - Vostochny Bank.

The interest rate is set individually in the range from 9.9% to 26%, the refusal of insurance does not affect it. You can issue from 300 thousand to 30 million rubles for a period of 1 to 20 years. To apply, you need to be over 21 years old, and at the time of debt repayment, you must be under 76 years old.

Despite the fact that it is not required to provide documents on income, it is compulsory to be employed. A guard is needed not at the current place of work from 3 months, but for clients under 26 years old - from 1 year.

(1 estimates, average: 2,00 out of 5)

A loan secured by a land plot in a bank is one of the ways to get money for various purposes. The client can mortgage agricultural land for a loan or land for the construction of a private house. Money secured by a land plot is issued by many banks more readily than unsecured loans, however, land is quoted as an illiquid collateral, so this type of loans is offered by a small number of banking organizations.

To get a cash loan, you must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a document confirming ownership of the property. Proof of income at the bank is not always required, so you can get money without proof of income in large cash equivalent. Long term loans are a good way to take out a loan for up to 15 years and pay it back in small monthly installments.

Loan secured by a land plot in a bank

Key information for those wishing to receive cash at the bank by laying a summer cottage or garden plot:

  • the client can take money without confirming his income for any purpose;
  • the loan agreement is concluded with automatic renewal;
  • the loan is issued for up to 15 years;
  • the age of the consumer depends on the specific banking organization and fluctuates between 18 and 75 years (at the time of maturity);
  • the state of credit history for some banks does not matter;
  • the interest rate on long-term loans depends on the conditions of the bank and starts from about 15%
  • a loan secured by a summer cottage can be up to 90% of its value;
  • the client can take out a loan and continue to use the property.

Several lending options are available to Russian clients:

  • a loan secured by agricultural land;
  • loan of funds for a land plot for private construction;
  • a loan secured by a garden plot in Moscow;
  • plots with buildings located on them;
  • loans secured by land individual housing construction in Moscow;
  • other difficult cases.

Banks or microfinance organizations can act as lenders. Private loans may have more attractive terms. Therefore, it is worth getting more information about current offers in advance.

On the Creditznatok website, you will find credit organizations where you can take out a cash loan under the ground IZHS (individual housing construction). IZHS lands enjoy special advantages over banks, the main of which is the possibility of registering objects built on it and easier sale in case of withdrawal for non-payment.

A long-term loan can only be taken if there are no existing encumbrances on the property yet.

In what cases you may need to lay a private garden plot, land for individual housing construction or an agricultural allotment:

  • the need for investments in an unfinished house;
  • big debts;
  • impressive debt on utility bills;
  • pressure from collection companies;
  • unfavorable terms for previous loans and the need for debt restructuring.

To mortgage a land plot for agricultural purposes, you must have a passport and a photocopy of it, title documents, and a cadastral passport.

How to get a loan?

Before taking out a loan secured by a land plot, you need to select a credit institution with the most favorable interest rates. Creditznatok collects up-to-date information about verified organizations and offers a lot of selection tools. Choose the conditions you like, go to the sites and fill out applications. After a while, you will receive a confirmation of the receipt of the loan, or the employees of the selected organization will contact you. Also on our website you can find companies that give money without collateral at favorable interest rates - both small and large amounts.

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