Deposits up to 700,000 are insured by the state. State insured deposits. What deposits are insured

Carpet 12.07.2021

Deposits are insured by a deposit insurance agency

Deposits are insured by a deposit insurance agency

The banking system of Russia provides for compensation if your bank suddenly burns out. If you entrusted your money to any bank in Russia (for example, you opened an account, made a deposit, receive a salary on a plastic card), you automatically have the right to receive compensation as soon as possible up to 700 thousand rubles inclusive in case of revocation of the bank's license (insurance case).

This is why there is a deposit insurance system (DIS) - a special state program implemented in accordance with the Federal Law "On the insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation." Its main task is to protect the savings of the population placed in Russian banks. The work of CERs and payments are organized and carried out by the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency".

What deposits are insured?

The insurance covers the monetary funds of individuals, regardless of citizenship, which are in deposits and in bank accounts, including:
- time deposits and demand deposits, including foreign currency deposits too;
- current accounts used for settlements on bank (plastic) cards, for receiving salaries, pensions or scholarships.

What funds are NOT insured:

Bearer deposits;
- funds transferred to the bank for trust management;
- deposits in foreign branches of a Russian bank;
- funds on the accounts of individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries and other persons, if these accounts were opened for their entrepreneurial and professional activities;
- money transfers without opening an account;
funds on unallocated metal accounts;

How is the insurance indemnity calculated?

Example 1. Viktor Ivanovich has two deposits in one bank. He opened the first one a year ago in a bank branch next to the house for 600 thousand rubles at 10% per annum. He opened another deposit six months ago in a branch of the same bank next to work - 200 thousand rubles at 8% per annum. How much insurance will Viktor Ivanovich receive?

We add interest to the deposits according to the terms of contracts and terms of deposits.

600 + 60 (10% of 600) = 660 (thousand rubles)
200 + 8 (8% x 0.5 of 200) = 208 (thousand rubles)

We summarize deposits for all branches of the bank. We get 660 + 208 = 868 (thousand rubles).

Viktor Ivanovich in this example can count on the maximum possible insurance - 700 thousand rubles. the balance of funds in the amount of 168 thousand rubles Viktor Ivanovich has the right to receive, having declared his claim within the framework of the bankruptcy procedure of the bank.

Example 2. Viktor Ivanovich's wife Margarita Pavlovna has a salary card (account) with the balance of 200 thousand rubles in the same bank. She took out a loan from the same bank. At the time of revocation of the license, the loan debt amounted to 30 thousand rubles. What will happen to Margarita Pavlovna's money?

From the amount on the salary card, deduct the loan debt 200-30 = 170 (thousand rubles)

General rules for calculating insurance

1. Interest on deposits (accounts) as of the date of license revocation is calculated and accrued.
2. The balances of all treasures (accounts) opened by the depositor in one bank (including its branches and other structural divisions) are summed up
3. If the depositor received a loan from the same bank, the debt on it and interest on the date of revocation of the license when calculating the insurance compensation shall be deducted from the total amount of the bank's obligations to the depositor.
4. Foreign currency deposits (accounts) are converted into rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the date of revocation of the license.

How to get insurance

1st day - the day of license revocation. Learn about the occurrence of an insured event.
14th day - find out about the place where payments are made (as a rule, payments are made in the same settlements where deposits were accepted)
15th day - come to the agent bank (the bank chosen by the Agency to pay out the insurance) with a passport, fill out an application.

Get insurance: to a bank account; in cash (as a rule, on the day of circulation, although the law provides for payments for three days).

Useful tips for a bank depositor:

1. Make sure that the organization in which you are going to make a deposit is a member bank of the deposit insurance system (has a corresponding license from the Bank of Russia). Some institutions disguise themselves as banks, offering high interest rates and keeping silent about the lack of appropriate guarantees.

2. Carefully check the spelling of your name, passport data and postal address in the deposit agreement, always inform the bank about the changes - this will allow you to easily find you among the depositors when paying out insurance, as well as deliver the necessary information by mail.

3. Remember that not only the deposited amount is insured, but also the accrued interest. They are calculated in proportion to the actual term of the deposit until the day of the insured event.

4. In order for your savings over 700 thousand rubles to fall under full protection, it is advisable to place them in different banks.

5. Come for insurance at any time convenient for you. There is a year and a half for this until the end of the bankruptcy procedure. If possible, do not rush to get insurance on the first day of payments - you may encounter long queues.

6. If you do not have the opportunity to contact the agent bank, send an application certified by a notary to the Agency by mail and receive insurance by postal order or to an account in another bank.

The data was taken from a promotional booklet of Avtogradbank in April 2010. Here is a brief information on the mechanisms of action of CERs. For complete information, read the Federal Law "On Insurance of Individual Deposits in the Banks of the Russian Federation"

When planning to open a deposit account and studying the proposals of various banks in this regard, you probably noticed that many credit institutions have an inscription on their websites and information stands that "deposits are insured by the state."

What kind of insurance is this? What does it protect from? And most importantly - in which banks the deposits are insured by the state m? Let's figure it out right now.

Who insures whom, why and from what?

Since 2004, a deposit insurance system has been operating in our country (you can often find its abbreviated name - CER), similar to similar projects operating around the world.

Its main task is to return the invested funds to depositors (individuals, and from 01/01/2014 and individual entrepreneurs) in the event of an insured event, which in our country is the termination of the bank's activities - with revocation of the license and bankruptcy.

This return is carried out by a state corporation that was created specifically for these purposes - the "Deposit Insurance Agency".

Are all deposit accounts insured?

According to the law adopted at the federal level at the end of 2003, On deposit insurance for individuals. of persons in Russian banks, all deposits in national and foreign currencies opened in a bank participating in the CER are considered insured (automatically, i.e. without signing an insurance contract).

To date, the latter are all banks that accept funds from individuals. And today there are 869 such banks (with a full list of which banks deposits are insured by the state, you can find, if you wish, on the Agency's website by clicking on it at the link: .php).


The Insurance Law and, therefore, CERs do not cover:

1. money transferred to the bank for trust management;

2. electronic money intended for payments on the Internet without opening a bank account (on virtual cards);

3. impersonal deposits (bearer);

4. funds stored outside the borders of the Russian Federation, even in the branches of residents;

5. deposits / accounts of notaries, lawyers and other persons, if they were opened, without the formation of legal entities. persons for the purpose of conducting professional activities with their help.

Record navigation

Since 2015, Russian lawmakers have doubled the amount of state insurance reimbursement for deposits of individuals against the backdrop of panic among depositors - to 1,400,000 rubles. The bill was adopted by the State Duma of Russia. Bankers call these measures a "positive" fact, but believe that this is unlikely to contribute to a significant inflow of deposits.

The State Duma's Financial Markets Committee on December 18 decided to support bill No. 298254-6, which doubles the amount of state insurance compensation to depositors, said Natalya Burykina, who is the head of the committee. The committee met in an unconventional manner, as it should be at such a critical moment. First, the meeting began quite late - at eight in the evening. Secondly, to the surprise of the journalists, the discussion took place in a mode hidden from them. Ms Burykina herself asked to leave the audience of the media representatives, justifying the demand with the "dampness" of the amendments.

In total, the official agenda of the committee meeting contained two bills: on increasing the volume of insurance compensation to individual depositors up to 1,400,000 rubles from 2015 and on the formation of an inter-factional deputy group “to stabilize the situation in the domestic financial market”. But, according to the information of journalists, not only the above-mentioned issues were discussed. Along with representatives of the committee, the meeting was attended by Mikhail Sukhov (deputy chairman of the Central Bank), Alexey Moiseev (deputy minister of finance) and Yuri Isaev (head of the DIA).

“Yes, we support the project, the committee is completely in favor,” Ms Burykina's comment on the amendments at the end of the meeting was laconic.

Amendments are being made to the laws “On insurance of private deposits in Russian banks” and “On the Bank of Russia”. They provide for an increase in the amount of insurance on deposits by half - from 700,000 rubles to 1,400,000. The bill was introduced by the Russian government as early as June 2013, but then it was about a million rubles.

The insured amount on deposits in 2015 was doubled - up to 1,400 thousand rubles

The need to urgently increase the amount of compensation appeared right now, mostly due to the outflow of citizens' money from ruble accounts - from the beginning of 2014 to December 1, the total outflow amounted to 216 billion rubles. And the financial crisis that began in December can significantly increase this indicator. Bankers point to the desire of Russians to transfer funds into foreign currency deposits, as well as invest capital in any property.

Anatoly Aksakov, who is the president of the Rossiya Association, believes that an increase in the amount of insurance will contribute to the inflow of deposits into the banking system. He cites 2008 as an example. Then, in October, the banking sector saw an outflow of deposits by 7%. When the sum insured was increased to 700,000, in November 2008 the volume of household deposits increased by 10%. “Investors will react instantly, the panic will subside quickly. I already see how US investors have begun to buy up Russian securities that have fallen in price. This means that the regulator has begun to take adequate measures, ”says Mr. Aksakov.

He also said that the system of contributions from credit institutions to the deposit insurance fund will most likely not change. In the event of a significant decrease in the DIA fund, it has the opportunity to attract a loan from the Central Bank. Such a provision is present in the law on CERs. As noted by Yuri Isaev, the head of the agency, the decision to increase the insurance coverage of deposits will affect the work of the DIA, but so far there is no need to apply to the State Bank for additional liquidity.

As we said, representatives of many banks consider this a positive step. “This measure is a positive sign that increases the confidence of Russians in the financial market. At the moment, the average size of deposits in Russian financial organizations is within 500,000 rubles. Such a modest figure is due to the fact that many depositors, reducing risks, “split” deposits and opened them in various banks. With an increase in the insurance limit, these clients will be able to place more serious amounts in one deposit account, ”says Vasily Kuznetsov, who is a member of the board at Trust Bank.

“An increase in the insurance value against the background of such events is an additional guarantee for citizens from the government, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the placement of deposits in banks,” says Svetlana Povikalova, head of retail services at Loko-Bank. Natalya Grigorieva, head of Binbank's retail services block, also spoke positively about the amendments. “In the current situation on the banking market, this is relevant, it will increase public confidence in the financial sector as a whole,” says Ms. Grigorieva.

However, the bankers clarify, one should not expect a significant inflow of funds from this measure. “It's strange, why was it not done in a quiet time? Why was it necessary now to pass the law in such a hurry? Part of the population is trying to have time to buy goods while prices have risen slightly. I am not sure that raising the limit will lead to the fact that depositors will massively carry money to banks, ”says a top manager of one of the top-30 credit institutions.

Oleg Vyugin, who heads the board of directors at MDM Bank, also does not believe that increasing the insured value is an effective measure. In his opinion, the outflow of deposits is mainly provoked by fluctuations in exchange rates. “The increase in the guarantee is undoubtedly a pleasure for the investor. But at the moment, if there is an outflow of deposits, then it is caused not so much by worries that the financial institution will go bankrupt, but by the confusion of depositors, their misunderstanding of how to behave. Where to invest - in rubles or

What deposits are insured by the state

Many people are interested in whether deposits of individuals, including deposits in foreign currency, as well as money on debit (salary) cards, are insured. Don't worry - insured.

If the bank is a member of the deposit insurance system, then the funds of individuals, regardless of citizenship, which are in deposits and on bank accounts, are subject to insurance, including:

  • - time and demand deposits, including foreign currency;
  • - current accounts, including those used for settlements with bank (plastic) cards, for receiving salaries, pensions or scholarships;
  • - funds on the accounts of individual entrepreneurs (for insured events that occurred after 01.01.2014);
  • - funds on nominal accounts of guardians / trustees, the beneficiaries of which are the wards;
  • - funds on escrow accounts for settlements under real estate purchase and sale transactions for the period of their state registration (for insured events that occurred after 01.04.2015).

Note that not only the amount of money contributed to the deposit is insured, but also the accrued interest. They are calculated in proportion to the actual term of the deposit until the day of the insured event.


Some institutions disguise themselves as banks, offering high interest rates and keeping silent about the lack of appropriate guarantees! You can check whether an institution is a member of the deposit insurance system on the websites of the Bank of Russia ( and DIA (, as well as on the DIA's free hotline 8-800-200-08-05 ...

See also:

- rates of deposits of individuals in Rosselkhozbank >>

Which deposits in banks are not insured by the state

Not all the money that you have entrusted to the bank is insured by the state and will be returned to you by the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) if the bank loses its license and collapses. Are not subject to the deposit insurance system:

  • - deposits certified by a bearer savings certificate or bearer passbook;
  • - funds on the accounts of individual entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity, if the accounts were opened in connection with professional activities (for insured events that occurred before 01.01.2014);
  • - funds on the accounts of lawyers and notaries, if the accounts are opened in connection with professional activities;
  • - deposits in branches of Russian banks located abroad;
  • - funds transferred to banks for trust management;
  • - funds placed on unallocated metal accounts;
  • - funds transferred to so-called "electronic wallets" (electronic money).

Are funds deposited with MFIs insured at the Agency?

Citizens' funds deposited with microfinance organizations (MFOs) are not subject to the Federal Law “On Insurance of Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation”. MFOs are not banks and are not part of the mandatory deposit insurance system.

Are individual entrepreneurs' deposits in banks insured?

For a long time, deposits of individual entrepreneurs who are individuals were not insured by the state, as well as deposits of legal entities. But a few years ago, this incident was eliminated. Currently, funds on the accounts of individual entrepreneurs in banks are insured (for insured events that occurred after 01.01.2014).

See also:

- what are the rates on deposits given by B&N Bank today >>

- interest rates of deposits in Post Bank >>

How much are the deposits insured for in 2019?

If the insured event occurred after December 29, 2014, the maximum amount of compensation for deposits is 1,400,000 rubles. It is up to this amount that individuals' deposits in Russian banks are insured today.

If the insured event occurred from October 2, 2008 to December 29, 2014, then the maximum amount of compensation for deposits is 700 thousand rubles.

For insured events that occurred from March 25, 2007 to October 1, 2008, the maximum amount of insurance compensation is 400 thousand rubles;

If the insured event occurred from August 9, 2006 to March 25, 2007 - 190 thousand rubles;

IMPORTANT! Separate insurance indemnity, the maximum amount of which is up to 10 million rubles, paid:

On an escrow account opened for settlements under a real estate purchase and sale transaction;

On an escrow account opened for settlements under an agreement for participation in shared construction.

By the way!

The Central Bank of Russia and the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) have prepared a bill on compensation to depositors of collapsed banks up to 10 million rubles. in special situations, for example, when receiving an inheritance. This was told by the head of the DIA Yuri Isaev.

We are talking about cases of high balances in a bank account "due to special life circumstances," Isaev specified. Special situations may be related to the temporary receipt of money from the sale of residential real estate, inheritance, social benefits and benefits.

Deposit insurance in 2019: questions and answers

How is the amount of compensation calculated if the deposit is placed in foreign currency?

If the deposit is placed in a foreign currency, the amount of compensation is calculated in rubles at the rate set by the Bank of Russia on the day of the insured event.

What amount of compensation will the spouses receive if each of them has deposits in the same bank?

In the event of an insured event, each of the spouses will independently receive compensation for deposits in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of his deposits in the bank, but not more than the maximum amount of insurance compensation established by law.

How much will the depositor receive if he has deposits in different branches (offices) of the same bank?

Deposits in different branches (offices) of the same bank are deposits in the same bank. Therefore, they are subject to the general rule for calculating the amount of compensation: 100 percent of the amount of all deposits in the bank, but not more than the maximum amount of insurance compensation established by law.

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