Stages of creating a staircase drawing. Constructing a section of a staircase Wooden staircase dimensions drawing

Roof 08.10.2023

The process of creating a staircase includes three stages: development of drawings, manufacturing of parts and assemblies, and installation of the structure at the installation site. The most important stage for any design is the design of the product.

Before drawing a staircase, its appearance is selected, the dimensions and features of the model are specified. This requires special attention to the design of a flight of stairs. The article will tell you the specifics of the process.

A staircase is an integral part of any structure whose height is more than one floor. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to draw up a plan of the staircase on the drawing of the first floor, and determine its elevation on the second floor. This will make it possible to choose the type of structure and its dimensions.

A plan is a horizontal projection of a section of a floor on a plane. It indicates:

  • Overall dimensions of the building;
  • The location of all rooms on the floor, indicating their internal dimensions;
  • Placement of a flight of stairs;
  • Places for installing windows and doors, dimensions of openings for them;
  • Thickness of load-bearing walls, partitions and columns.

When drawing up a plan for the entire building, certain rules must be followed:

  • At the bottom of the plan is the main façade;
  • When placing plans of several floors on one sheet, they should be drawn from top to bottom or from left to right, in ascending order of floor numbers;
  • The plan indicates the direction of door opening with thin lines;
  • The flight of stairs is supplemented by an arrow that indicates its slope from bottom to top: at the bottom of the flight is always the beginning of the arrow.


Before making a drawing of a staircase, it is worth getting acquainted with the names of different models and constituent structural elements.

Examples of staircase type images in assembly drawings are presented in the table:

Stair type Peculiarities

The depiction of stairs in the drawings looks like straight lines.

The appearance of this staircase is a circle with a support post in the center.

The drawing of a spiral staircase is different from a spiral one. In this case, its dimensions are described by a circle, the internal support of which is located not at the geometric center of the structure, but at some distance from it.

The drawing is distinguished by the presence of two marching sections, between which there are winder steps or intermediate platforms.

Such stairs are prefabricated - the drawing includes several identical structural elements.

The supporting frame of the structure is steel elements that connect the steps to each other - bolts.

The finished drawings differ from conventional marching structures in size and angles of inclination. They can be vertical, as in the photo.

In addition to their purpose and appearance, stairs differ in the materials used for their manufacture. It can be:

  • Reinforced concrete;
  • Metal;
  • Tree;
  • Glass;
  • Natural or artificial stone (read more);
  • Ceramics;
  • Some types of plastic.

Advice: Stationary fire escapes should be made only of metal.

Structural elements

Before depicting a staircase in a drawing, it is necessary to correctly select its constituent elements.

These include:

  • Flight of stairs- this is a straight section of the structure;
  • Tread, represents the horizontal surface of the step;
  • Riser– the vertical part of the structure that supports the tread;

Important! Often screw, cantilever, and sometimes marching models are made without risers.

  • Kosour- a supporting element on top of which steps are placed. Usually there are two of them in the design, but some products have one element;
  • . These are beams that the steps cut into rather than rest on;
  • Intermediate site- a horizontal section located between two flights;
  • Winder steps- these are alternative elements of the site between marches that have a trapezoidal shape;
  • Clearance— the distance from the step to the elements located above the head;
  • middle line. This is a virtual line along which one person ascends or descends. For the screw model, the middle line shifts slightly towards the wider end of the step.

Designation of structures on drawings

When developing a project for a house with stairs, the flight structure is conventionally designated as in the figure. In this case, the circle marks the bottom of the product, and the arrow marks the top.

In addition to the shape, the drawing also shows the material of manufacture.

For example:

  • The tree in cross section is hatched with circular and radial lines, which imitate the annual rings of wood and radial cracks on it. In a longitudinal section, longitudinal lines are drawn imitating texture. If the staircase material does not fall into the cut line, it is not hatched;
  • Reinforced concrete stairs in the drawings are depicted in cross-section with irregularly shaped circles between diagonal shading;
  • Metal structural parts in sections are hatched with diagonal lines at an angle of 45°. If stairs and their drawings are on a very small scale and the element thickness is less than 2 mm, they have a solid fill.

General principles for developing drawings

In order to correctly make stairs with your own hands, the drawings must be as detailed and high-quality as possible.

Typically the project price is up to 5% of the cost of constructing the structure. To independently draw up a working drawing of a staircase, you need not only desire, but also certain knowledge.

In this case, the calculation and drawing of the stairs to the second floor are performed after selecting its parameters. They are subject to the following requirements:

  • March inclination angle. The comfortable slope range is 25° - 45°;

Tip: To save materials and space, in rarely visited rooms - such as an attic or basement, it is worth installing stairs for climbing with an inclination angle of up to 75°.

  • The number of steps in one flight must be at least three and no more than 18. If there are more of them, the length of the structure increases, which can lead to injury if you fall;
  • Within one straight flight, all steps must have the same dimensions. This is also related to fire safety. In a smoky room you have to descend more often by memory, while placing your feet by touch;
  • The dimensions of the platform, length and width, located on the same straight line with the flight, are chosen to be no less than the width of the stairs;
  • It is better to open the door leading to the stairs inward, if it is impossible to make the landing wider than the door leaf.

Before building a staircase to the second floor, dimensions are selected taking into account the recommendations of SNiP 02/31/2001:

  • The width of the interfloor stairs must be at least 900 mm;
  • The fence in a private house is selected with a height of 900 mm, and for a structure height of more than 6 meters - from one meter;
  • When constructing interfloor stairs with your own hands, you should keep in mind that the drawings must necessarily have the dimensions of the elements of the steps:
  1. The width of the treads is selected in the range from 260 mm to 350 mm, so that the foot of an adult can fit on them. This will relieve tension in the calf muscles when walking up the march.
  2. The height of the steps ranges from 125 mm to 200 mm. The best option for a staircase to the second floor is drawings of steps with dimensions: width - 300 mm, height - 150 mm.
  3. The total size of the tread and the two step heights should be the length of the average step, approximately 650 mm.
  • For spiral, spiral staircases, and for structures with winder steps, the optimal turning radius is selected, equal to the sum of the width of the staircase and twice the width of the tread.
  • The tread size is measured along the center line of the step. For example, if the width of the staircase is 1000 mm, and the width of the tread along the center line is 200 mm, the turning radius must be at least 1000 + (200 x 2) = 1400 mm;
  • The clearance or distance from the step to the ceiling is at least 2 meters. In this case, a tall person will not bend down.

What should be on the drawing

Staircase drawings with dimensions include:

  • Placement of the structure on the house plan. For a model of a simple configuration: one- or two-flight, sketches and drawings of the staircase in plan are developed in the following sequence:
  1. A floor plan is drawn on the projection from above;
  2. The plan indicates the location and approximate appearance of the structure. If there is a site, it must be displayed.
  3. The beginning and end of the staircase, or the direction of movement of a person to the second floor from the first, is indicated.
  4. A solid thin line with dots indicates the march fencing, if any.
  5. All dimensions necessary for the manufacture and installation of the product are provided.
  • A section of the house is drawn indicating on it: the axes of the walls, floor and ceiling marks. The height dimensions of the stairs, the number and height of steps are calculated. The height of the fence is indicated.

Instructions for designing a staircase in section:

  1. Staircases are drawn. Usually their width and length for reinforced concrete structures are standard.
  2. The length of the first landing and the length of the flight of stairs are set off from the inside of the wall. Opposite areas are drawn.
  3. The horizontal projection of a flight of stairs is divided by the number of steps minus 1. For example, if the model has 10 steps, you need to divide the projection length by 9.
  4. Towards the wall from the edges of the platform, the width of one tread is laid down. This is necessary to form one winder step. In this case, the upper tread is part of the width of the platform.
  5. Vertical lines are drawn through the risers.
  6. Horizontal segments are applied; they will be treads.
  7. The railings are drawn.
  • The staircase components in the drawing are being developed. They are necessary for the correct manufacture and assembly of structural elements.

In order to correctly make stairs for your home and their drawings, you should first watch the video in this article.

Tip: If you want to get a free drawing of a staircase, you should use special design programs - for example, draw it in a compass or download a ready-made design.

Developing a drawing of a staircase with your own hands is a long and painstaking process that requires patience and great precision. But modern technologies make this process much easier. In this case, you need to draw up a diagram and make it convenient and understandable for use.

To make the drawings of iron stairs to the second floor as convenient as possible for work, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • An online calculator will help you calculate the number of steps;
  • You can develop a model diagram electronically. For example, how to draw a staircase in AutoCAD - this can be much more convenient than on whatman paper;
  • When developing a staircase on a facade, the drawing must necessarily contain its type and scale;
  • The imitation of the material used to make the stairs can be replaced with text or callouts, for example, 1 - metal, 2 - wood, 3 - concrete;
  • For greater clarity, you can number some elements;
  • Invisible details, for example, steps adjacent to the bowstrings at their ends, are indicated by dotted lines;
  • In order for the staircase design to be conveniently drawn, the drawing must have a certain scale. It is best to choose between 1:5 and 1:10;
  • All required dimensions are indicated directly on the diagram.

Before drawing the staircase on the plan, it is worth correctly modeling the type of structure so that it fits perfectly into the interior of the room. And of course, try not to make mistakes when installing and purchasing materials for manufacturing.

The process of creating a staircase with your own hands can be divided into 3 stages: drawing the staircase, manufacturing the parts and assembling the structure. The most important stage is the design of the product. It is at this stage that the appearance, dimensions and features of the future model are determined. Therefore, the design of staircases and flights should be approached with special attention.


The staircase can be considered as a kind of construction set with many parts, each of which differs in appearance and size. By connecting them, you get a single structure, ready for installation or use. Therefore, to develop a high-quality drawing and create a future staircase with your own hands, first of all, you should familiarize yourself with the design elements:

  • Steps are an important attribute of a staircase that provides descent or ascent. This element consists of a tread - a horizontal part and a riser - a vertical part.

  • Load-bearing beams (stringers or bowstrings) - hold the steps and the structure as a whole. At the steps they are attached to the top of the load-bearing element, at the products on bowstrings they are inserted into the grooves.

  • Railings – provide safety and increase ease of use. They consist of a baluster (vertical support post) and a handrail (horizontal crossbar).

  • The landing is a free space connecting 2 flights of stairs.
  • A flight of stairs is the distance between the beginning.

  • A post is a vertical element of a spiral staircase to which the steps are attached.

  • Bolts are fastening elements that hold the structure without the use of load-bearing beams.

Design stages

Creating a drawing with your own hands is a rather long and responsible process. For greater convenience and clarity, it should be divided into several stages. Since the most common model is a flight of stairs on stringers or bowstrings, we will consider this option.

Taking measurements

First of all, it is necessary to accurately measure the length and width of the free space, as well as the distance between floors, taking into account the interfloor overlap. If the floor covering has not yet been completed, it is necessary to make an adjustment for the thickness of the future coating. Based on the data obtained, we will calculate the remaining parameters of the staircase structure:

  • angle of inclination of the flight of stairs;
  • number of steps;
  • span width;
  • will the structure be equipped with a platform, etc.

The main parameter at the preparation stage is the type of structure. If there is enough free space, a straight staircase will do, but in limited conditions it is better to install a screw structure or a rotary one.

Optimal dimensions and calculation of steps

Regardless of the type of structure, fastening (on bowstrings, stringers or rails) and other aspects, the ladder should not only be reliable, but also easy to use. Therefore, when drawing up a diagram with your own hands, you should adhere to the optimal parameters:

  • tilt angle - from 35 to 45 degrees (climbing steep stairs is inconvenient, and a flatter design takes up a lot of space).
  • span width – from 90 to 150 cm (this is quite enough for 2 people).
  • passage height – 200 cm.
  • height of steps – 15-20 cm;
  • tread depth – 26-30 cm;
  • tread thickness – 3-5 cm.

Important! The dimensions of all steps must be the same, otherwise you will have to forget about ease of use. To prevent this, it is necessary to calculate the exact number of steps.

To correctly calculate the number of steps, you can use the formula: h/a, where h is the distance between floors (in mm), a is the height of the riser (in mm). For example: 3000/150 = 20 pcs. If you get a fractional number, you can make the first step of a non-standard size or make a staircase with a platform (as an option, build a podium below). It is also recommended to find out the width and height of the steps: 2a+b, where a is the height of the riser, b is the depth of the tread. For example: 2x15+30 = 60 cm, which corresponds to the length of a human step. However, this formula is not uniformly correct, since there are several nuances in this issue.

Detailed calculation of the dimensions of the stairs (alternative method). Part 1

Detailed calculation of the dimensions of the stairs (alternative method). Part 2

Drawing up a drawing

After calculations and measurements, you can begin drawing up a drawing. It is worth considering that the diagram should reflect 3 projections: from above, from the side and from the front. This approach will allow you to create the highest quality and informative drawing with your own hands. The first thing to do is the top view. In the upper projection, it is recommended to draw a floor plan on which to indicate the location and approximate view of the staircase (if the model has a platform, be sure to display it). It would not be amiss to indicate the beginning and end of the structure or the direction of movement from the first floor to the second.

The next projection is the front view. Here it is enough to transfer the measurements and calculations made to paper. It is not necessary to draw a diagram of the room itself.

The final stage is a side view. Since it combines the top and front projections, the indication of dimensions and proportions must be approached with special attention. The type of fastening of the steps should also be displayed here. For example, if the staircase is on stringers, the steps should be located on top of the supporting beam, if on strings - on the inside.

Drawing a drawing with your own hands is a “jewelry” work that requires patience and high precision. Fortunately, modern technologies greatly facilitate this process. But it is important not just to draw up a diagram, it is necessary to make it as convenient and understandable as possible. To produce a high-quality drawing with maximum convenience, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • to calculate the steps you can use an online calculator;
  • You can create a diagram electronically (for example, in the AutoCad program), sometimes this is much more convenient than “paper” work;

Designing a staircase in the SEMA program

  • the drawing must contain the type of staircase and scale (for example, “straight staircase on stringers”, “scale: 1:7”);
  • the wooden surface in the diagram is imitated with circular lines;
  • metal products are indicated by frequent diagonal lines;
  • concrete is marked with a combination of dots and small circles;
  • imitation of the material can be replaced with text (“wood”, “concrete”, “metal”, etc.) or numbers with a footnote (for example, 1 – wood, 2 – concrete, 3 – metal, etc.);
  • for greater clarity, some elements can also be numbered;
  • invisible details (for example, steps in the lateral projection of a staircase on bowstrings) must be indicated with a dotted line;
  • the most convenient drawing scale is from 1:5 to 1:10;
  • The dimensions of the parts should be indicated directly on the diagram or in a special footnote.

Drawing up a drawing with your own hands is a long and responsible process. The complexity of manufacturing the staircase structure will depend on how high-quality and understandable the diagram is.

Idea! For greater convenience and speed, you can use special software, for example, an online calculator or a drawing program.

The main thing is for the drawing to be as accurate and informative as possible.

Sooner or later, they think about the issue of expanding the space and organizing the second floor in the building, be it or completing the construction of a full-fledged additional tier. In this case, you will definitely need steps leading to the upper floor, which will help to install this necessary item efficiently and safely.

Details and names of elements of a wooden staircase to the second floor of the house

Become the choice of many. It is not surprising, because they have an aesthetically attractive appearance and are favorable in terms of pricing.

What are the advantages

Such structures have a number of advantages that open up wide opportunities for owners of private houses.

What are the disadvantages

It is worth considering the shortcomings of the material, which can be encountered due to negligence and insufficient preparation.

These are the most popular negative aspects of wood products. Nevertheless, knowing them, you can warn yourself and receive only benefits from the implementation of your plans.

How to draw a diagram of a staircase for your home yourself

If you want to draw a diagram with your own hands, you should know some features that you should definitely pay attention to. You need to have on hand:

  • Roulette;
  • A felt-tip pen or chalk, which will be used to make marks on the surface of the wall or floor;
  • Pen or pencil;
  • Paper;
  • Ruler;
  • Compass.

These accessories will be quite enough to make the necessary drawings for a wooden staircase in the house.

Step-by-step steps for drawing a drawing

When you get your hands on it and a person begins to draw drawings of wooden stairs to the second floor on a sheet of paper, you should proceed step by step:

Carrying out the steps step by step, adhering to the order, making a drawing of a wooden staircase will not be difficult.

What to pay attention to

When taking measurements, be sure to pay attention to the following factors:

Taking into account these details, there is a possibility of drawing up the most accurate drawing of the staircase leading to the upper floor.

Wooden outdoor stairs

Of course, to climb to the upper tier of the building, you can use ladders fixed to the base of the house. But this is unsafe and inconvenient. Therefore, if the entrance to the second floor level is planned to be organized not inside the space, but outside, then you should choose the design of the street staircase made of wood that best suits your preferences.
In this case, you need to adhere to some rules, since being in an open space, a wooden staircase is very susceptible to the influence of natural factors. That is why:


Those who have decided to place a wooden staircase outdoors can note a number of advantages:

In this case, small errors are allowed, because the fact that the staircase is a little wider or longer plays a role in the house, and not outside it. Therefore, it is, of course, worth taking measurements, but in some indicators there is no need. For example, for the street there is no need to measure the space from the step to the ceiling, which must be done in the house.

This is not a complete list of advantages; each home owner will note his own. However, along with the positive aspects, there are also negative aspects.

Project of a street staircase to the second floor


  • Exposure to natural factors;
  • A wooden staircase outdoors requires careful maintenance.

Knowing the pros and cons, each home owner will be able to independently determine for himself whether to rely on installing stairs on the street or not.

When building a house with at least 2 floors, you definitely need to think about the stairs in it. And if the house is built with your own hands, it is logical to build the stairs as well.

Various photos of stairs help you make a preliminary choice and clearly understand what type of lift you need. But before you start carrying out the work, carefully calculate the future structure for strength and dimensions, this will save time and money, because incorrect calculations (or lack thereof) will lead to numerous alterations of the original project.

Types of stairs

There are a large number of different options for flights of stairs. They differ in the material of manufacture (wood, concrete or metal), the type of rise (sloping staircase, spiral staircase, with a turn at a certain degree).

The most common is a wooden staircase. Staircases are also often constructed with a 90-degree turn. It is not uncommon for these two types of lifting devices to be combined into one.

In case of limited space, make a spiral staircase from metal. The screw type of lift allows you to save space, and making it from metal increases the strength of the structure. Concrete is used for stairs in massive buildings (for example, mansions).

What to pay attention to

In a low-rise building, without any construction experience, it is better to order a modular staircase, a kind of construction set, where all the parts are cut out and numbered, and all you have to do is assemble them using the instructions. This is how wooden stairs are usually made.

When building a concrete staircase, in addition to pouring the frame, you will need to perform external finishing (with beautiful stone or wood materials). It turns out to be a double waste of time and money. However, for cottages with 3 or more floors, they are mandatory according to fire safety requirements.

When making a staircase for the first time, you don’t need to jump straight into a complex structure. The simpler the model, the more likely it is that you will be able to successfully build this lifting device on the first try.

Pay attention to the angle of inclination of the stairs: if it is more than 45 degrees, the ladder will be considered an extension, and you can only go down it backwards. The optimal elevation angle is considered to be 37 degrees.

Wood is preferable as a material for construction, since, thanks to its properties, it allows you to correct minor construction flaws that arose due to inaccurate calculations and inexperience of the work performer.

Also, after construction, the building may settle due to loose soil, as a result the staircase can become several centimeters higher or lower than the floor, and it is easier to correct this in a wooden structure.

When constructing a lift with a turn towards, the distance between spans must be at least 100 mm.

Construction stages

Answering the question of how to make a staircase to the second floor with your own hands, there are several stages of construction.

The first stage of any structure, be it a staircase into a house or an interfloor staircase, is the creation of a project. Particular attention should be paid to the safety of the building and its ease of use.

The structure must support the average weight of an ordinary person with a fair margin. Be sure to use railings!

If they are not there, another fence must be designed to ensure the safety of descent and ascent.

Consider creating a wooden staircase with stringers

After you have designed your building, you need to prepare the materials. In our case, choose boards of suitable thickness and length, prepare balusters with railings and prepare stringers. This will be the second stage of construction.

A 4 cm thick pine board is suitable as a material for stringers. On it, mark the steps according to the pattern and cut them out with a jigsaw.


We use the resulting product as a sample for the second (and if the width of the staircase is more than a meter, then the third) stringer. Let's cut the required number of steps to size.

The third stage will be assembling all the parts together. First of all, the stringers are installed in their permanent locations. Then, using self-tapping screws, the steps are attached to the stringers.

Then, using pins, balusters are placed on the steps, and handrails are attached to them. The staircase is ready!

DIY staircase photo


This article is an overview of the most popular types of stairs, and also contains practical advice on how to make and calculate stairs to the second floor in a private house with your own hands. Scheme, calculations, dimensions, and drawings are attached. At the end of each chapter there is a video with a visual display of the construction process.

For ease of reading, the article is divided into several chapters:

  • the first chapter contains general recommendations;
  • the second chapter presents methods for creating a spiral staircase project that can be used at work;
  • the third, fourth and fifth chapters have examples on creating conventional structures from wood, concrete and metal;
  • the latter offers 10 design designs and answers the question about the optimal width.

For convenience, the article has a navigation panel with which you can go to any item and start reading from the required chapter.

Example of a metal staircase project

How to calculate the stairs to the second floor in a private house correctly with your own hands - general recommendations

The staircase is used for comfortable movement between floors. As a rule, this design is used daily - two-story houses are most often built with bedrooms and a bathroom on the second floor. From this we can derive the two most important rules when designing a structure - safety and convenience.

Above the shelves

Important: Stairs are a source of increased trauma for people of all ages. A fall can have an extremely negative impact on a person’s health, so you should make it as safe as possible. There are several ways to do this that allow you to completely minimize the risks.

First of all, it is necessary to make steps of optimal height and width. It’s easy to trip on steps that are too high, and it’s extremely difficult to walk on narrow ones, so you can easily slip. It is necessary to take this into account when designing, including the size in advance in the project.

In a big house

The most optimal height of steps can be considered 150-200mm. This is enough to take a confident step, without fear of stumbling or placing your foot incorrectly. The depth or width must be at least 200mm - this requirement is easy to obtain from the average length of a person’s leg.

In addition, every staircase needs railings. They allow you to move with greater comfort and safety - the risk of falling is significantly reduced.

Important: The material must be non-slippery. It is better not to make stairs from tiles or varnished wood - they have a smooth surface that is very inconvenient for movement. If wood is used, it is not superfluous to sandpaper the steps or cover the steps with carpet.

Above the sofa

Convenience often depends on safety. If the steps are safe, then at the same time they will be comfortable. Of course, sometimes, for the sake of convenience, you can deviate somewhat from the standard sizes - if they are used only by a tall person, you can make the height of the steps more than 200mm.

Graph of the relationship between the inclination of the stairs and ease of use

How to make a screw structure yourself

The spiral staircase has its own special appearance, due to which it becomes possible to create a design that is completely unlike anything else. In addition, the screw design allows you to save a lot of space on both floors, making the room more ergonomic.


Calculation of a spiral staircase to the second floor

In the case of creating a spiral staircase to the second floor, the calculation must begin with the number of steps and their height. Based on what was said in the last chapter, the optimal height between steps is 200mm, and the depth is 200-300mm. But we must take into account that the steps of spiral staircases look like expanding cones, and therefore their depth must be calculated in a special way.

With central pillar

It is better to use mathematical formulas for calculations. First, you need to find out the circumference of the structure. The most convenient way to do this is using the formula 2*3.14*r, where r is the span width. For example, with a span width of 1000 mm, the circumference will be 6280 mm. To get the width of the step from the outside, it is enough to divide this distance by the number of steps in one span. For example, with 10 steps the distance will be 628mm, which will allow you to create a smooth staircase without voids.

Calculation diagram for the screw model

The height of the structure is determined by the height of the room, just as when creating a regular staircase. The height between the steps should be optimal - for example, 150-250mm is usually enough. It is better to calculate the optimal height based on the height of the room. For example, the ceiling height in the room is 2700mm. The steps will be 20mm thick, the floor thickness will be 150mm.

Advice: Calculations must begin with the floor - the floor is the zero step. First, you need to sum up the height of the room and the ceiling, since this is the distance the staircase should go to. In this case it is equal to 2850mm. To get the number of steps, you need to divide it by the suitable height of one step with its height - for example, 220mm. The result, rounded up, is 13 steps. The last, 13th step, in this case, will serve as the floor of the second floor.

Graphic construction and dimensions

At this stage, it is best to create the project on paper. It is not necessary to make it as accurate as possible in the drawing plan, but even a simple sketch will help to better understand the project.

Dimensions of spiral staircases to the second floor

When calculating the size, it is necessary to start from the most comfortable width of the stairs of 800-1000mm. This is enough to walk even with a large load on your hands, without restricting your movements (unfortunately, large furniture will still have to be lifted through the windows).

Screw model project

A spiral staircase is a circle, so the diameter is equal to the addition of the width of the passages and, if the staircase is built with a central support, the size of the support. On average, the diameter of such a structure is 1600-2000mm, which is enough for its convenient use, regardless of its features. More details in the table below

Advice: Very often the size of the stairs depends on the height of the ceiling. For a small country house there is no point in making a very wide staircase - 700mm will be enough to get to the second floor. For attics, exactly the same rule applies.

Video project of a spiral staircase

This video shows how to make stairs to the second floor in a private house with your own hands (the diagram and dimensions of the project are attached). The main points of installation are shown, as well as all the features of working with this type of structure.

DIY wooden staircase to the second floor

An ordinary staircase can be built using similar calculations and methods. A do-it-yourself wooden staircase to the second floor in a private house is much simpler to make than a spiral staircase, but takes up relatively more space. Next, we will consider the main points of the calculation and video instructions.

Made of wood

Calculation of a wooden staircase to the second floor

In this case, it is necessary to start from the same average values ​​- with a depth of 200-250mm and a height of 200-250mm. The distance must be divided in the same way - calculating from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second floor.

Calculation example

The calculation of a wooden staircase to the second floor must take into account the length - it is the addition of the depth of all steps. The more there are, the longer the length itself will be. For an ordinary staircase in a room, on average, 10-12 steps are enough, which in total will be equal to 2000-2500mm with a depth of 200mm and 2500-3000mm with a depth of 250mm.

Design of a staircase with a 90 degree turn

Advice: The average width of such a structure should be 800-1000mm. This size should provide complete freedom of action. Therefore, if railings are planned, then there should be additional space for them on the steps.

The opening above the structure should begin from the place where less than 2000-2200 mm remains from the step to the ceiling - this is enough for anyone of any height. You should not make the opening too short - savings in this case can result in inconvenience and additional labor costs.


If you plan to create a turn, then it must be calculated under the same conditions - the only change is the width of the step - steps in the area of ​​the turn are calculated similarly to screw steps, but they can be made with an emphasis on the wall.

Video instruction

This video provides instructions for designing and installing a wooden staircase with a 90-degree turn.

DIY concrete staircase to the second floor - video instructions

Concrete is an excellent material for stairs - it is very durable and allows you to work with any volume. Often for such a design it is enough just to assemble the frame and fill it.

Formwork for concrete structures

Important: It should be noted that creating a concrete staircase to the second floor with your own hands requires a very large investment - a completely cast structure requires a huge amount of concrete. Most likely, you will have to order a full-fledged concrete mixer - the process will take an extremely long time using the usual manual method.

Cast design

To facilitate this process, the span should be additionally strengthened with different blocks. A good idea is to create a frame of foam blocks, on which the formwork is subsequently laid. This allows you to get additional space under the structure and use it for household needs.

The video below shows the process of assembling the formwork and pouring it, depicting the main points of the work.

DIY metal staircase to the second floor - calculation and video instructions

Metal is an extremely flexible and yet durable material. A do-it-yourself metal staircase to the second floor, unfortunately, is not the most comfortable - it is quite difficult to heat it, but the strength will be very high. In addition, a metal staircase takes up little space - this is important for houses with a small total area.

Iron construction

Features of the calculation in this case include the fact that the metal stage takes up very little space. Usually its size is 5-10mm, and despite the entire height of the structure, their total volume rarely exceeds 90-100mm.

The calculations are no different from ordinary stairs, but with the difference that it is necessary to take into account the resistance of materials. For the structure, we recommend using metal pipes with a wall thickness of at least 8mm, and for steps - reinforcement no thinner than 7mm. At the same time, with wide steps, thicker options should be used that will not sag under the weight of a person.

Do-it-yourself single-flight iron staircase to the second floor

Advice: If the structure is created from square profiles, it is worth selecting them with a cross-section of at least 5 mm - square profiles are much more stable than round ones due to their hard edges. You can work with metal using both welding and fasteners.

The video below shows an example of creating a metal staircase structure, which is subsequently covered with plasterboard. It displays the main points of the work.

What should be the width of the stairs to the second floor in a private house - the correct dimensions?

This question is purely personal. Despite the optimal span width of 800-1000mm, this value can vary significantly depending on a person’s personal preferences. It must be taken into account that the wider the opening, the more resources will be required.

Examples of the width of different types of stairs

It is worth setting a separate minimum limit of 500mm - a narrower design will be completely inconvenient to use, and moving some things or furniture along it will be quite problematic. The maximum limit depends solely on the room, but still, you should not make the width more than 2000-2500mm, especially in cases where the staircase is not the main one in the hall.

DIY stairs to the second floor in a private house - diagram and drawing of 10 projects

Scheme of stairs with straight flights
Angled 90 degrees
Drawing of a U-shaped staircase with a turning platform
Plan of wooden model
Detailed drawing
Calculation Simple staircase
With 180 degree rotation
Straight staircase project
Direct two-flight

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