Effective massage advertisement. An effective advertisement for a massage parlor. Thai massage with herbal bags

Leaks 06.09.2020

Advertising of a massage parlor is a task, the optimal solution of which is possible only with the use of a competent and professional approach. First of all, when advertising a massage studio, it is necessary to take into account several main factors, including the specialization, the population of the city, the target audience and, of course, the appropriateness of this or that type of advertising.

Point decoration


In general, the design of a massage parlor does not require any special measures or the application of certain rules. However, you will need to take into account the focus of the salon, for example, if Thai massage is done in the offices, it is better to decorate the facade in the appropriate color scheme, for example, red and black, if the emphasis is on therapeutic massage, soft, pastel shades are better suited.


Outdoor advertising


If you can afford to install a billboard, you should carefully consider which lettering and images on it will attract the maximum number of customers. At the same time, you need to try to make the poster itself original and memorable. So, for the advertisement of erotic massage salons, humor or inviting pictures are often used, for Thai massage - colorful images, for medical massage - pictures that cause pleasant and relaxing associations.

Pavement signs

Groups in social networks

It is also worth creating a salon group on the most popular social networks. However, in order for as many potential customers as possible to visit the community or your salon page, you should advertise your profile on larger platforms with a large number of subscribers from the city where the salon is located. Groups in social networks, like the site, can be used to publish information about the salon, services provided, masters, promotions, discounts and special offers. If you cannot wind up the required initial number of subscribers, you can contact special exchanges, where, for a very small fee, you can attract people who will join your group and repost on your page (in this case, be sure to make sure that the pages of such group members are not fake and have a sufficient number of friends and subscribers, from 100 people).

Printable advertisement

Leaflets and flyers

The distribution of leaflets is especially relevant at the moment of opening, when you need to create a main client base, inform the residents of a particular city (if the salon is located in a small settlement) or a metropolitan area about the start of your massage studio. However, when choosing information for leaflets, it is worth considering the specifics of this business. Unlike flyers of restaurants, clubs, gyms, flyers of a massage parlor should be more informative, contain information about the effect of a particular type of massage and in what cases massage is necessary for medical reasons.

Business cards

It is definitely worth giving out business cards to clients and simply interested visitors, mentioning the address of the salon, contact phone number and website. This will serve as a small but factual reminder of your massage studio.


It is worth offering visitors brochures with detailed descriptions of services, procedures and specific benefits from them. These "guides" are likely to be read while traveling on the metro, buses and while waiting, and will increase the likelihood that the client will not forget to return to the salon. You can also make a special promotion to attract new visitors. So, you can offer the client to distribute several brochures to friends and relatives, and upon their presentation, make a discount, both to new visitors and to the person who brought new people to your salon. And whether new customers will become permanent will depend on the quality of the services provided and, of course, your price list.

Publications in magazines

The feasibility of such advertising will depend on many factors. So, if you pay for the promotion of an article about massage with a link to your salon in a serious publication, your salon should have more than a solid advertising budget and be located in the capital. It makes no sense to advertise a salon located in a city with a population of 100 thousand people in Cosmopolitan, moreover, such advertising will cost you almost more than renting a room, repairing it and purchasing equipment. Local publications are advisable if you are sure they have a sufficient number of readers from your potential target audience.


Carrying out price promotions

Carry out various promotions, give discounts when ordering and paying for several massage sessions at once, make “bring a friend” discounts, as described above, and this is guaranteed to keep old and attract new customers. Be sure to inform as many people as possible about this: for example, if you are conducting a large-scale campaign, it would be advisable to pay for advertising in large communities on social networks, organize the distribution of flyers. If the action is regular and not so large-scale, post information about it on your website, in the VKontakte group and on Odnoklassniki.ru, etc.

What advertising methods don't work for a massage parlor

  1. Radio and TV advertising. Such advertising will be at least somewhat justified if your salon opens in a small town, and is advertised on city resources, which do not charge a colossal fee for the announcer's ad or creeping line. Otherwise, you risk spending a lot of money on the creation of videos, lyrics for radio, their regular scrolling in the media. The likelihood that these investments will pay off is practically zero.
  2. Some large-scale outdoor advertising tools: luminous boards, video billboards, advertising on transport, banners. If the budget of your salon allows the development of a layout for a bigboard and its "publication", this will be quite enough. The rest of the measures require significant investment, but bring little benefit.

9) Try to release your creative thinking outside the accepted framework.

Think outside the box. Create offers that your competitors will only repeat after a while. For example, enter the promotion "Bring your baby photo and get a free tanning session". Improvise and shock your competitors.

Among the various methods of healing and relaxation, one of the best is massage. The massage procedure has been an integral part of human life for thousands of years.

People have long understood that mechanical action on various parts of the body achieves a healing effect. The massage affects the skin and muscles, and its main purpose is to release tension.

Today there are many massage techniques, and each has its own characteristics.

How to attract clients for massage for private masseurs and room owners

LifSPA lists 23 of the world's most popular massage methods.

Russian massage

It is used to strengthen muscles, restore the nervous and respiratory systems, and fight sleep disorders.

Swedish massage

It is carried out strongly and deeply. Swedish massage is also called sports massage, as it is very useful for strenuous physical exertion on muscles and joints.

When performing this type of massage, the therapist tries to penetrate deeply into the tissues in order to rub the seals, stretch the neurovascular bundles and muscles.

Relaxing massage

Its peculiarity is gentle, superficial, non-disturbing muscles of touching, kneading and stroking. A relaxing massage should be very gentle and relaxing.


At the moment of water jets supply, there is a feeling of weightlessness, relaxation. The healing power of underwater massage and the effects of the aquatic environment will help you to get rid of the burden of earthly hardships and troubles.

Hot stone massage

The massage is performed with stones of volcanic rocks that formed on the slopes of active volcanoes and slowly cooled down.

Esalen massage

The Esalen massage technique combines the techniques of Swedish, reflex and therapeutic massage, oriental methods, modern principles of deep breathing and physiology, Feldenkrais practice (soft fitness) and gestalt therapy, head massage.

Esalen massage combines tapping and stroking, swinging, kneading and stretching techniques.

Endermologic massage

It is also called LPG massage. LPG massage technique is painless, very pleasant to the touch.

The LPG procedure consists in processing the muscle layer and subcutaneous fat with vacuum action, by deep and intense kneading with special roller handles in various modes.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage cleans the lymphatic vessels and ducts from toxins, accelerates the processes of their elimination from the body.

Reflexogenic massage

Although reflexologists sometimes refer to this procedure as a foot massage, it is more than a simple foot massage.
Reflexology involves the impact on certain points on the foot, corresponding to the projections of various organs. Reflexogenic massage is very relaxing and is especially useful for people who spend a lot of time standing.

Ayurvedic massage

This unique type of massage is based on deep work with soft tissues - skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and internal organs. As a result - the disappearance of muscle tension, improved blood circulation and lymph drainage, increased energy flow.

Thai massage

A truly miraculous, healing method for many ailments, imbued with the ancient spiritual traditions of Thailand. The massage balances the energy of the body using gentle pressure on specific points.
Thai massage also includes compression and stretching. This treatment reduces stress, increases flexibility and range of motion.

Qigong massage

This oriental type of massage is aimed at restoring energy balance, and after that - the physical health of a person.

It is a physiological massage that is performed from the center to the periphery, including the practice of acupressure.


This is a sacred Hawaiian massage using special oils. Combines deep muscle kneading and effects on subcutaneous fat, lymphatic drainage.
The massage is done all over the body, during the massage, the master uses the palms, forearms, pads and phalanges of the fingers, elbows.


Using a special technique of manipulating the body with his hands and pressing certain acupuncture points, the master removes energy blocks and restores the flow of energy.

Aromatherapy massage

The masseur can choose oils that relax, activate, relieve stress, and restore the body's energy balance. This type of massage is especially suitable for people whose lifestyle is inextricably linked with stressful situations and emotional overload.

Honey massage

Various types of honey and aging times are used. A mechanical effect is added to the healing properties of honey and a unique method of restoring the body after intense physical activity, after injuries and illnesses is obtained.
It is also used for lung diseases, and more recently in anti-cellulite programs.

Spanish massage

The main difference between this massage is the flexibility of movements. Techniques are performed with all hand surfaces. This is a very deep massage, after which complete muscle relaxation is achieved.


This is an acupressure massage, during which rhythmic pressure is made with fingers, palms or elbows on areas of the skin in the projection of biologically active points or around them.
This effect not only physically strengthens the body, but also contributes to the correct redistribution of energy.

Thai massage with herbal bags

Unique bags are filled with a mixture of dried Thai plants such as mountain ginger, turmeric, kaffir lime, cryptolepsis, aromatic turmeric, patchouli, camphor. The massage consists in gently affecting the tissues of the body with warm bags of grass. When acupressure points are affected, endorphins are released, which block pain. The result is not only the disappearance of pain, but also an increase in blood flow to the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe body.

Turkish soap massage

This treatment is a wonderful combination of surprisingly pleasant and at the same time useful anti-aging treatments, including the traditional Turkish bath - hammam, natural peeling and soap massage.

Anticellulite massage

One of the "topical" types of body massage, aimed primarily at deep working out of subcutaneous fat, ligaments and muscles. This massage feels more painful than usual. Its main function is to prevent the proliferation of connective tissue, which occurs the death of fat cells.

Chinese massage

Traditional Chinese massage is carried out in special clothes like pajamas and consists in stretching and kneading the limbs. Elements of wushu gymnastics are used.


Traditional Indian four hands massage. It is also called "massage of the third eye", because it uses heated oil, which is poured in a thin stream on the patient into a point on the forehead - the so-called area of \u200b\u200bthe third eye.

Text: AlinaMkrtchyan

A new beauty salon, massage, beauty parlor, hairdresser, nail service studio most of all needs competent promotion and advertising. But in order for the money spent on marketing to not go to waste, you must adhere to some rules. Each rule is important, try to implement them as much as possible in your salon.

1) Concentrate on the desires of your customers. When selling a service or product, make it very clear to the client that this is the service or product that will be useful to him.

2) Use the right PR technology. Donate money to charity whenever possible. But do it for a reason. Try to get diplomas, awards, mentions in the media, just a PR effect for this.

3) Share neutral, positive, cheerful news with the client. A person, already on a subconscious level, will come to the salon for another portion of positive and positive emotions.

4) People are very fond of money. And they love even more when they are given this money. Use this human quality to your advantage. For example, when a client buys services for a large amount, issue a flyer that gives a discount of 5-10 cu.

How to promote yourself as a massage therapist?

The original design and the inscription "Your check for $ 10 Come and get what you earn in our salon" will make the person come back to you.

Bonus tip. Enter the conditional currency of your salon, for example crystals, nails, coins, etc. It works much more efficiently than just 10-20% discounts. A careful attitude to money and other financial resources will also make a person come and exchange money for the services of your salon with an additional payment of real money.

5) At a time when hundreds of salons and beauty parlors open every day, it is important to be original and memorable. Even such a funny and cheerful phrase "Hello. Administrator of the beauty salon" Alice ". Welcome to the wonderland." will win over the client to you. Most likely, he will choose your salon, instead of the one in which he was told simply "Hello. Beauty salon" Extravaganza ". Be original!

6) When creating and developing promotional materials, modesty is useless! Try in every possible way to emphasize that you are a leader in the beauty industry, you have the best masters. Write only your advantages in ads, forget about the disadvantages.

7) Take part in the business get-togethers of the beauty industry. Communicate more with interesting people in your field of business who are not competitors to you. This will inspire you to come up with creative ideas. If it is not possible to communicate in real life, communicate virtually on the Internet in specialized forums and chats.

10) Write articles for local magazines, newspapers. Suggest to print media to allocate space for you under the author's column of news from the beauty industry. At the end, be sure to sign "Your name and surname, specialist of the Chanel beauty salon. This is free material for the newspaper. And for you it is the growth of the salon's reputation."

11) Help the client find your salon. Make it easy for a customer traveling to you to find a salon. Highlight addresses, phone numbers, website addresses and other means of communication with you in advertisements. Do not force the client to search for your contacts and salon coordinates.

Bonus tip. Enter the "Bring a friend and get $ 10" promotion. This promotion works very well and is received positively.

14) Make quality beauty salon business cards. Give them out to everyone you know. Try to hand out at least 3-4 business cards a day. Then in a month you will receive about 100 potential customers. If your masters also distribute business cards, the effect will increase significantly.

15) Try to develop your horizons not only in your field, but also in neighboring industries. The more information you have, the easier it will be for you to fight competitors and attract new customers.

Read also an article on what the optimal beauty salon should be and an introduction to the salon business.

Massage business from scratch

Often, a person getting into a massage room can conclude that he, too, can organize such a business on his own. Moreover, if he has experience, albeit not entirely successful entrepreneurial activity.

And the premises - the former office is empty. He hired a massage therapist and the work went as in the office or salon that he visited. But these ideas will become utopian. It is most likely that it will not be possible to organize a massage business for a person who does not practice massage.

Therefore, if you decide to organize a massage business, start with training, with massage courses, comprehension of massage art. You need to invest in learning different massage techniques. Only in this case can you expect to develop the massage business in the future.

In the event that you own a variety of techniques, have been trained in massage courses or in a medical school, have some experience in providing massage services and have decided to arrange a massage business, I will give several recommendations.

Recommendation 1. Open a massage room, where nearby, preferably in your own building, even on the floor there are specialized services, for example, a hairdresser, a bathhouse, a gym. Consequently, such offices are visited by those people who will become your potential customers.

If you do not have the opportunity to open your own office, pay rent, you cannot find a good place, you can start work at the initial stage without an independent office.

15 rules for effective advertising and marketing of a beauty salon or hairdresser.

Home visit of a masseur is popular today. This option is not at all bad, it will help you develop your clientele, not spend money on renting premises.

This approach is especially good if you will have family clients, when in this apartment, during one visit, you massage several family members. The corporate clientele will also be a good decision for you at the initial stage.

A massage therapist friend of mine involved many of her friends. She worked on the principle - you organize three people, the massage is free for you. It helped her to have a successful part-time job. Your massage business will be a part-time job at this stage. Another negative aspect of such a massage business is the large expenditure of time for clients to travel.

If you have the opportunity to open your own massage room, and made, taking into account the recommendations given by me in a specialized place, you should pay attention to the following points.

Recommendation 2. In any business, the most difficult thing is attracting customers. Notify all your existing patients and clients about the opening of your massage parlor. Word of mouth remains the most effective form of advertising in your business. Your professionalism, the variety of massage techniques that you own, will become the blank card of your massage business.

Constantly expand your client base, ask your visitors to recommend you. Do not forget to remind about your request many times. A single sentence is likely to be quickly forgotten.

Recommendations 3. Spread positive information about yourself everywhere. To do this, use various methods. Give a business card to each client, even if he constantly visits your office. It can be useful to him when recommending you to his friend. The Internet has gained tremendous momentum today. Inherit there too. Build your website by choosing the right keywords, make your social media group.

Recommendation 4. Expand your professional horizons, master new massage techniques and technologies, which will allow you to provide a variety of massage services. This will make you attractive in the massage market. People will eagerly reach out to you. Add friendliness, good attitude to people, clients and business will certainly get its positive development. I wish you success!

A new beauty salon, massage, beauty parlor, hairdresser, nail service studio most of all needs competent promotion and advertising. But in order for the money spent on marketing to not go to waste, you must adhere to some rules. Each rule is important, try to implement them as much as possible in your salon.

1) Concentrate on the desires of your customers. When selling a service or product, make it very clear to the client that this is the service or product that will be useful to him.

2) Use the right PR technology. Donate money to charity whenever possible. But do it for a reason.

Massage ad copy: examples of how to write a short and beautiful ad

Try to get diplomas, awards, mentions in the media, just a PR effect for this.

3) Share neutral, positive, cheerful news with the client. A person, already on a subconscious level, will come to the salon for another portion of positive and positive emotions.

4) People are very fond of money. And they love even more when they are given this money. Use this human quality for your own purposes. For example, when a client buys services for a large amount, issue a flyer that gives a discount of 5-10 USD. The original design and the inscription "Your check for $ 10 Come and get what you earned in our salon" will make the person come back to you.

Bonus tip. Enter the conditional currency of your salon, for example crystals, nails, coins, etc. It works much more efficiently than just 10-20% discounts. A careful attitude to money and other financial resources will also make a person come and exchange money for the services of your salon with an additional payment of real money.

5) At a time when hundreds of salons and beauty parlors open every day, it is important to be original and memorable. Even such a funny and cheerful phrase "Hello. Administrator of the beauty salon" Alice ". Welcome to the wonderland." will win over the client to you. Most likely, he will choose your salon, instead of the one in which he was told simply "Hello. Beauty salon" Extravaganza ". Be original!

6) When creating and developing promotional materials, modesty is useless! Try in every possible way to emphasize that you are a leader in the beauty industry, you have the best masters. Write only your advantages in ads, forget about the disadvantages.

7) Take part in the business get-togethers of the beauty industry. Communicate more with interesting people in your field of business who are not competitors to you. This will inspire you to come up with creative ideas. If it is not possible to communicate in real life, communicate virtually on the Internet in specialized forums and chats.

9) Try to release your creative thinking outside the accepted framework. Think outside the box. Create offers that your competitors will only repeat after a while. For example, enter the promotion "Bring your baby photo and get a free tanning session". Improvise and shock your competitors.

10) Write articles for local magazines, newspapers. Suggest to print media to allocate space for you under the author's column of news from the beauty industry. At the end, be sure to sign "Your name and surname, specialist of the Chanel beauty salon. This is free material for the newspaper. And for you it is the growth of the salon's reputation."

11) Help the client find your salon. Make it easy for a customer traveling to you to find a salon. Highlight addresses, phone numbers, website addresses and other means of communication with you in advertisements. Do not force the client to search for your contacts and salon coordinates.

Bonus tip. Enter the "Bring a friend and get $ 10" promotion. This promotion works very well and is received positively.

14) Make quality beauty salon business cards. Give them out to everyone you know. Try to hand out at least 3-4 business cards a day. Then in a month you will receive about 100 potential customers. If your masters also distribute business cards, the effect will increase significantly.

15) Try to develop your horizons not only in your field, but also in neighboring industries. The more information you have, the easier it will be for you to fight competitors and attract new customers.

Hello dear readers of the site. After completing massage courses, a newly minted master usually walks elated and dreams that people will soon begin signing up for his sessions in dozens - as soon as they start working, the business will unfold itself. But just being a good professional is not enough.

For successful promotion it is necessary to stock up on knowledge in two directions:

  • how to do your job at the highest level;
  • how to attract clients to massage.

In conditions of fierce competition, spending time waiting for the appearance of those wishing to improve their health with the help of massage techniques is impractical: you can be left without clients at all and lose a significant share of the former enthusiasm of the neophyte.

Ways to attract clients to massage

Method 1. Word of mouth

More recently, the masters had the only opportunity to declare themselves to the world: the so-called Word of mouth... If a person came to a session and left with a satisfied result, then there was a high probability that he would tell his friends about a wonderful masseur who relieves back and neck pain with one wave of his hand.

However, it will take a long period of time to acquire your own client base and at least recoup the costs of training and minimal equipment (couch, various oils, a medical gown, disposable sheets, etc.).

To obtain a more noticeable result (if there is a desire to promote a massage room or work at home, coming to patients at their request), you should use several techniques, and the more of them will be adopted, the better.

Method 2. Business cards

Print your business cards and have them with you at all times. Finding clients and inviting them for a massage in person is fairly easy - people are usually interested in an offer to improve their health. But the problem is that 5 minutes after the end of the conversation, all this is forgotten.

But if a person has business card, the chances of a call from him increase. Therefore, at any opportunity, in particular, when talking with a friend or stranger, you can mention your skill and invite you to a test session.

Method 3. Bulletin boards

Tell people about your services using message boards. Use for this for example Avito... The site does not require investments. The only resource you have to spend is some free time.

The ad should not contain laudatory words - only brief information about the nature of the procedure, expected results, cost of services and contact information.

Method 4. Friends-beauticians

One of the methods that works great in a small town is to ask a beautician, makeup artist or other specialist from any related field to tell you about the service that you are ready to provide. You will not compete with him, therefore, most likely, he will not reject the request and will do this little favor.

Method 5. Work with competitors

Go to a massage parlor and work a little there on the terms that are offered to you. After dismissal, you can "lure" some of the clients to yourself.

Method 6. Social networks

Post information about the massage on your page in any social network that you actively use. Look for clients by creating a group "In contact with". Promote advertising of your services in Instagram.

Organize customer acquisition using reposts your announcement: ask your friends to make at least one repost for friends. Suppose you write to 30 of your closest friends, and at least half of them will find a minute to repost. Imagine how many people know about you at once!

It is necessary to consider! For a business to develop at a good pace, you need to supply any of your texts in social networks with good quality photos. The first thing that catches the eye is the image. A bright visual picture serves as a kind of "bait" for anyone who has looked at your page to be curious if anything new has appeared. If the picture is "catchy", the person begins to read.

When promoting massage services, you need to pay special attention to the text. Long boring "canvas" tires. Therefore, you need to compose the text so that it simply and clearly answers three questions:

  • What user problems can be solved?
  • What result is expected?
  • How much?

It is important to give brief information about the place of the massage, outline all the ways of communication with the master, add a few words about the massage therapist himself: where he studied, what he can, what is his work experience.

Method 7. Zest

When promoting your own massage business, you need to think about what "Zest" can be offered to the consumer.

The challenge when starting from scratch is not only because it is a highly competitive industry. The problem is that many offers to a potential client are often of the same type. The master says that his massage helps with osteochondrosis, nervous tension, normalizes sleep, and so on.

This is not enough today. To start making money, you need to come up with something of your own, additionally stimulating a person to come to you. What could it be?


  • buy essential oils with pleasant aromas for every taste and add to massage products;
  • prepare after the procedure invigorating or refreshing drinks (a glass of ginger tea, herbal infusion);
  • from time to time give your clients small gifts (this can be something to maintain beauty and health - as they say, "nice little things").

When opening a massage parlor, you need to be prepared for the fact that at first you will have to work for more than modest money... First you need to win a place in the sun, convince people that you are a really good craftsman, and only then raise prices.

Even after becoming a high-class professional and acquiring a large client base, you should not throw ads. Maybe it will be your group or blog on any social network. There you need to regularly talk about new products related to massage techniques and methods of healing, answer questions from readers.

To advance his craft, the master must constantly improve his qualifications. To stop the process of self-education means to start the mechanisms of stagnation. Yes, those clients who are used to your hands will continue to come to the sessions, but it will be difficult to attract new ones.

Tip 3. Create comfort, cleanliness and pay attention to the client

It is important that the person leaves happy after the session. To do this, the following conditions must be observed:

  • If you have your own office, you need to keep it perfectly clean; If you go to a client's home, change into a clean medical gown, wash your hands thoroughly, and carefully pack all massage aids.
  • It is necessary to create the most comfortable environment for the client, that is, dim the lights, turn on soft music, maintain a pleasant conversation (if the person is determined to talk).
  • Before starting the first session, you should ask the person in detail about the state of health, complaints, find out if there are any contraindications to massage and allergies to any medicines or cosmetics.

Tip 4. Honey. education is good, but you can work without it

Of course, it is much easier for a medical massage therapist to start working and stay in the industry: there will be a greater flow of clients to him. But in the absence of vocational education, one should not despair.

The main principle of the doctor: "Do no harm." If you are not a medical professional, it is still quite possible to make money with massage. But in this case, the emphasis should be placed not on the therapeutic effect, but on relaxing.


The task of organizing your own massage business is not an easy one. It will take a lot of effort and time to get people to know about you and start signing up for courses of wellness treatments. But massage has many advantages over other types of services market: in particular, large investments are not required (with the exception of tuition fees).

The main tool of the masseur is always with him - his hands. Always work honestly, give your best in every session, forget about your problems during the massage and completely focus on the client.

Your brand, company name, will become more recognizable and well-known, which will increase your credibility in the eyes of a potential client.

In what directions is advertising carried out:

You can order a comprehensive promotion of your services, which includes all of the above points, or you can order promotion only for certain points of interest. The price for services is formed depending on the selected items and your individual wishes.

1. Website development.

Development of a professional and modern website with the ability to sign up for a master, view services and information.

The site will include all modern features, namely:
- SEO optimization;
- Adaptive design;
- Integration with CRM systems;
- Online recording system for the selected master.

5. Adding reviews.

We will organize the addition of reviews about your massage salon to all popular thematic review sites. Also, reviews will be posted in thematic groups on social networks.

Adding positive reviews helps to increase the level of customer confidence and motivate them to contact you.

6. Publication of articles and announcements.

To attract the largest possible number of customers, you can order from us the publication of articles and announcements on popular news resources. News resources have a huge number of visitors per day, thanks to which, publications about your services will not go unnoticed by thousands of website visitors.

In addition, publishing articles and announcements on other sites allows you to increase the level of trust of search engines to your site, which will allow you to raise your position in search results and get more visitors, in case you are promoting your site.

Leave a request for promotion

Order advertisement massage

Today we will talk about how to attract clients to massage, whether it is a procedure in a specialized salon or the service of a private master. In times of crisis, finding and retaining a customer base often becomes challenging. Let's talk about ways to attract and retain an audience for a massage therapist.

How to start?

At the start of practice, many novice masters have a hard time - a lot of competition, lack of experience and other factors that prevent you from earning a lot do not make life easier. The following 5 ways will help you start a career in this highly competitive business, or at least understand how to attract clients to the massage parlor quickly and guaranteed.

1. Gain experience in a specialized salon

Today, massage services are offered by many organizations in any city. This is not only about salons - this also includes yoga clubs, spas and so on. The advantages here are obvious - you get customers immediately, you can earn a reputation and build your own base.

In addition, working in the salon, you will receive relatively decent money for your work. Having gained experience and formed the backbone of loyal clients, you can go to a more interesting salon or open your own practice and think about how to find clients for massage at home.

2. Look for the first clients among the acquaintances

It sounds dubious, but many start with this - and not only in the field of massage. Just tell your friends about your new activity, immediately indicate the price of the session and give a discount. Be sure to ask to leave a response - this way you will earn the first money, again - experience, and accumulate social proof.

3. Ask for help from colleagues and partners

The bottom line is this. If you, for example, have a hairdresser you know, ask him to advise you to his clients who express an interest in massage or could potentially come to a session. This kind of offline "affiliate program" can bring a lot of orders.

How to keep?

Having mastered the new business and getting the first loyal customers, it is worth thinking about their retention. Of course, the main advice here will be first-class service and conscientious work. But there is more.

1. Increase the record and remind clients of free hours

The fact that you have to collect the email addresses of all your customers is not even worth talking about. Let's say you do this. Then at the beginning of each week, check the schedule of the salon / office and send information about free hours to the database. Surely someone will use this data.

2. Always offer additional sessions

Suppose a new person came to you and liked the massage. Tell us how many more sessions will be needed to fix problems, suggest a tentative schedule, etc. Remember, clients come to solve health problems - and the initiative should come from the master.

3. Call the contact database

People who stop attending classes should be attracted with discounts or special offers. You can send them a letter, but it is better to call and offer in person. This way you get the most from your customer base.

Of course, you need a landing page to promote massage services, attract new customers and build a contact base. Internet marketing tools are extremely effective for small and medium businesses. Our Selling Landing Page Store has one template that is perfect for a massage parlor or private practice. You can buy it

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