Driver forwarder duty functions. Forwarding driver: duties, job description. Forwarder driver job description: sample

Design and style 06.09.2020
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1. General Provisions
1.1. The forwarding driver belongs to the category of technical executors.
1.2. A person who has primary vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary (complete) general education and special training in accordance with the established program without presenting requirements for work experience is appointed to the position of a freight forwarder.
1.3. Appointment to the position of a freight forwarder and dismissal from office is made by order of the head of the company
1.4. The driver - freight forwarder reports directly to the executive director of the Orenburg branch.

2. The forwarder should know:
2.1. Traffic rules, penalties for their violation.
2.2 .. Terms of the next maintenance, technical inspection, tire pressure, tire wear, steering wheel free play, etc. according to the vehicle operating instructions.
2.2. Organization of loading and unloading operations.
2.3. The procedure for receiving and delivering goods.
2.4. Conditions of transportation and storage of forwarded goods.
2.9. Labor legislation.
2.10. Internal labor regulations.
2.11. Rules and regulations for labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

3. Job responsibilities

The freight forwarder must:

3.1. Monitor the technical condition of the car, perform independently the necessary work to ensure its safe operation (according to the operating instructions), timely undergo maintenance in the service center and technical inspection. Timely submit applications necessary to ensure the proper technical condition of the vehicle.
3.2. Ensure fuel bids are submitted on time.
3.3. Keep the engine, body and interior of the vehicle clean.
3.4. Provide timely vehicle delivery.
3.5. Strictly comply with all the requirements of the Regulations on the division, orders of the head of the Enterprise.
3.6. Do not use alcohol, psychotropic, sleeping pills, and other means that affect attention, reaction and performance of the human body before or during work.
3.7. Every day keep waybills, noting routes, mileage traveled, speedometer readings before departure and upon return, the amount of time worked. Require the person who used the car to mark in the waybill.
3.8. Fulfill the orders of the head of the enterprise and the chief accountant for the transportation of goods, execution and delivery of documents to the destination.
3.9. Accepts goods from warehouses.
3.10. Checks the integrity of the packaging.
3.11. Supervises the availability of devices for the transportation of goods, the correctness of loading and unloading operations, the placement and stowage of goods.
3.12. Accompanies goods to their destination, provides the necessary storage mode, their safety during transportation.

4. Rights

The forwarder has the right:
1. Submit for the management's consideration proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction.
2. Within the limits of their competence, inform their immediate supervisor about all deficiencies identified in the course of their activities and make proposals for their elimination.
3. To request, personally or on behalf of his immediate supervisor, from the heads of the organization's divisions and specialists, information and documents necessary for the performance of his official duties.
4. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of its duties and rights.

4. Responsibility

The freight forwarder is responsible for:
1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

I am familiar with the job description of the "driver-forwarder":

The instruction was sent by Natalia Golovina

At first glance, it seems that a freight forwarder is two (and sometimes three) positions for one salary. There is a rational link in this approach. In addition to the actual transportation, such an employee is also responsible for the preparation of accompanying documents, and sometimes for the loading and unloading of goods. But on the other hand, it is this approach that helps the employer not to inflate the staff and save the payroll, and the employee - to have a full workload and, accordingly, a decent remuneration. To avoid misunderstandings with employees, it is advisable to immediately fix their specific responsibilities in the employment contract and job description.

Job description of the driver-freight forwarder

To understand what is the responsibility of a freight forwarder in a particular organization, such a local document as job description will help. It consists of several sections.

General Provisions

This section records the requirements for the qualifications and knowledge of the employee, and also reflects who and in what order he is accountable.

Usually the driver reports to the head of the structural unit "garage" (transport department, transport section), chief mechanic (chief engineer) or directly to the director of the enterprise.

The following requirements are imposed on a candidate for the position of a freight forwarder:

  1. Having a driver's license with the right to work for hire.
  2. Driving experience. The more dangerous the goods to be transported, the more experienced the chauffeur must be.
  3. Knowledge of the rules of the road, transportation of goods, transportation of people and animals and other necessary regulations, the device of the car, the rules for caring for the body and interior, the procedure for carrying out maintenance of the car, etc.

If it is planned to impute to the driver the duties for freight forwarding, then additional requirements may be imposed on him:

  1. Knowledge of the order of acceptance and delivery, conditions of transportation and storage of goods.
  2. Ability to work with accounting and other accompanying documentation, etc.


The functions of a freight forwarder driver are as follows:

  1. Correct car operation, including maintenance and minor repairs.
  2. Ensuring the safety, as well as the reception, delivery and transfer of entrusted material values.


If you ask what are the duties of a freight forwarder who transports products or, say, lumber, or money, you can see that they are somewhat different. This is natural, because they are largely determined by the specifics of the enterprise. But there are also common points for all employees performing cargo transportation functions.

These include the following responsibilities:

  1. Passing medical examinations.
  2. Ensuring a serviceable technical condition of the vehicle, its cleaning, maintenance and repair.
  3. Control and participation in the loading and unloading of goods, placing it in the body, ensuring safety on the way.
  4. Registration of related documentation.
  5. Purchase of fuel and fuels and lubricants, spare parts.
  6. Development of the most convenient routes, keeping track records.

The more detailed the duties are spelled out in the job description, the less misunderstandings with the employee will arise in the course of his professional activity. The description of the driver's functionality in the job description may look like this:


The rights of workers are enshrined in Art. These include the right:

In addition, the driver has the right:


Any employee, including the driver, is disciplined for violating the rules and regulations of the organization within the framework of art. 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation... He can be reprimanded or reprimanded, and if the offense is repeated, he can be fired.

For non-observance of traffic rules, the driver of a vehicle, including one belonging to a legal entity, like any participant in the movement, can be punished both administratively () and criminally (in case of serious violations) in the manner prescribed by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Also, a full liability contract can be concluded with the driver. According to art. 243 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph 4 of the List of positions, such an agreement can be drawn up with "procurement and (or) supply agents, freight forwarders and other workers who receive, procure, store, record, issue, transport material assets."

However, there is another interpretation of the list, according to which an agreement of full individual material liability can be concluded only with the forwarder as a person directly serving money and material values, but not with the driver. In this regard, a natural question arises: can the freight forwarder be charged with the duties of a driver?

In general, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not contain a prohibition on such action. The head of the organization has the right to decide for himself which of his employees to assign with what functions. However, this is only possible if the forwarder has a driver's license and meets other requirements for drivers, and the employer is ready to carry out all the activities necessary for both positions (medical examinations, briefings, etc.).

This labor protection manual for a freight forwarder is available for free viewing and download.


1.1. This Instruction stipulates basic labor protection requirements for drivers-freight forwarders.
1.2. In the process of performing work, the driver-freight forwarder may be affected by the following dangerous and harmful production factors:
- performance of work in the open air under the influence of hazardous atmospheric phenomena: high air temperature, high wind speed, high (low) humidity, etc .;
- moving machines and mechanisms;
- moving parts of mechanical equipment;
- sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surface of equipment, tools, goods, containers, etc .;
- increased air pollution in the working area;
- increased noise level at the workplace;
- a dangerous level of voltage in an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;
- increased temperature of equipment surfaces;
- falling objects from a height (goods, containers);
- insufficient illumination of the working area;
- physical activity, overwork;
Sources of harmful and hazardous production factors:
- moving parts of machines and mechanisms;
- faulty production equipment or improper operation;
- faulty electrical equipment or improper operation;
- sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surface of equipment, tools, goods, packaging;
- absence, malfunction, improper use of PPE;
- absence, malfunction, improper operation of lighting devices;
- non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of job descriptions, labor protection instructions, internal labor regulations, local regulations governing the procedure for organizing labor protection work, working conditions at the facility.
1.3. The freight forwarder notifies his immediate supervisor about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, about the deterioration of his health.
1.4. Persons at least 18 years of age who have an appropriate driver's license, do not have medical contraindications and have passed:
- training in labor protection, testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements;
- training in electrical safety rules, checking knowledge of electrical safety rules in the scope of job duties;
- training in fire safety rules, checking knowledge of fire safety rules in the scope of job duties;
- training in methods of rendering first aid to the injured person in case of industrial accidents;
- training in safe work practices;
- checking knowledge of safe techniques and methods of performing work;
- introductory and initial briefing on labor protection at the workplace;
- internship at the workplace;
- preliminary and periodic medical examinations.
1.5. The forwarding driver is provided with overalls and footwear in accordance with the current regulations.
The issued special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment must correspond to the nature and conditions of work, ensure labor safety, and have a certificate of conformity.
Personal protective equipment for which there is no technical documentation is not allowed for use.
1.6. Personal clothing and overalls must be stored separately in lockers and dressing rooms. It is prohibited to take the overalls outside the enterprise.
1.7. The freight forwarder must know:
- traffic rules, the basics of traffic safety;
- purpose, device, rules of technical operation of the car;
- signs, causes and dangerous consequences of malfunctions occurring during the operation of the vehicle, methods of their detection and elimination;
- the procedure for the maintenance of the vehicle;
- rules for storing cars in garages and open parking lots;
- rules for the operation of batteries and car tires;
- the influence of weather conditions on the safety of driving a car;
- ways to prevent road traffic accidents;
- the procedure for emergency evacuation of passengers in case of road traffic accidents;
- the procedure for stowing, securing and transporting goods of various sizes and shapes;
- requirements for the quality of work performed, for the rational organization of work in the workplace;
- industrial signaling;
- measures to prevent accidents and troubleshoot arisen problems;
- the procedure for eliminating emergency situations;
- the effect on a person of hazardous and harmful production factors arising during work;
- the appointment of personal protective equipment, to be able to use them;
- rules and regulations for labor protection and industrial sanitation;
- the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise;
- the requirements of this manual, instructions on fire safety measures, electrical safety instructions, to be guided by them in their activities;
- be able to provide first aid to victims, use fire extinguishing means, and call the fire brigade in the event of a fire.
1.8. While on the territory of the organization, in production and household premises, at work areas and workplaces, the forwarding driver must:
- timely and accurately comply with the internal labor regulations, orders of the administration, provided that he is trained in the rules for the safe performance of this work;
- comply with the requirements of local regulations on labor protection, fire safety, industrial sanitation, regulating the procedure for organizing work at the facility;
- to observe labor discipline, work and rest regime;
- take good care of the employer's property;
- to perform only the work included in his official duties, to work on the instructions of his immediate supervisor.
1.9. Smoking and eating is allowed only in specially designated places. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating.


2.1. Check for the presence of a driver's license, a technical passport for a car, consignment notes, and other documents.
2.2. Obtain a route sheet from the dispatcher.
2.3. Pass a pre-trip medical examination with a mandatory mark and stamp of a medical worker in the waybill.
2.4. Receive an assignment from the manager to perform work and instruct on the conditions for its implementation.
2.5. Work should only be carried out on a vehicle assigned to the driver-forwarding agent. Work on unsecured vehicles is prohibited.
2.6. Check the availability and serviceability of overalls, footwear, personal protective equipment, and put them in order. Put them on if necessary.
2.7. Check the technical serviceability and completeness of the car.
When examining, pay special attention to:
- no damage to the body, cab doors, saloon, side boards, rear-view mirrors, windshield, muffler (tightness of its connections), etc .;
- serviceability of the battery, starter, brake system, steering, heating device, etc.;
- correct functioning of brake lights, direction indicators, sound signal, instrumentation, wiper blades, etc.;
- no leakage of fuel, oil, coolant;
- air pressure in tires and their serviceability;
- proper completeness of the car with the necessary tools, devices, inventory and their serviceability.
- availability of signaling equipment, fire-fighting equipment, first aid kit.
2.8. Check the presence and sufficiency of fuel in the tank, oil in the engine, water or antifreeze (in the cold season) in the cooling system, brake fluid, electrolyte level in the battery. Refuel if necessary, top up the indicated fluids.
2.9. Start the engine. Before starting the engine, you must:
- brake the car with the parking brake;
- put the gear shift lever in neutral.
2.10. The starter grip may only be used in the event of a temporary malfunction of the starter or when starting the engine after repair.
2.11. Check engine idling.
2.12. Inform your immediate supervisor about all detected malfunctions of equipment, inventory, electrical wiring and other problems and start work only after they are eliminated.
2.13. A freight forwarder should not start work in the presence of the following violations of labor protection requirements:
- in the presence of malfunctions of mechanisms and systems in which the operation of the vehicle is not allowed
- in case of untimely carrying out of the next tests (technical examination, technical inspection) of the car;
- inconsistency between the characteristics of the car and the characteristics of the cargo in terms of volume, carrying capacity, length, and other parameters;
- absence or malfunction of lighting devices, rear-view mirrors, signaling devices, fire-fighting equipment, first aid kit;
- in the absence or malfunction of personal protective equipment;
- in the absence or malfunction of protective devices;
- in case of failure to comply with the instructions of the state supervision authorities;
- in the absence of constant control by the responsible persons for the safe performance of work;
- without undergoing targeted instruction for the production of one-time work not related to his job duties, as well as work associated with increased danger;
- without going through a periodic medical examination.


3.1. Carry out only the work for which you have been trained, instructed in labor protection and for which the employee responsible for the safe performance of work is admitted.
3.2. Do not allow untrained and unauthorized persons to work.
3.3. When going to the place of loading (unloading) of goods, monitor the operation of equipment, units, instrument readings.
3.4. In the event of malfunctions of equipment, units, devices, other violations of labor protection requirements, the driver-freight forwarder should stop the car and take measures to eliminate them on his own.
If it is impossible to eliminate the identified malfunctions on their own, inform the management about the incident, expect technical assistance.
Do not start work until the identified violations are eliminated.
3.5. It is forbidden to stop the car near a slope, ravine or cliff closer than 1 m from their edge.
3.6. Before leaving the cab:
- turn off the ignition or cut off the fuel supply;
- brake the car with the parking brake,
- make sure that there is no danger associated with the movement of vehicles both in the same direction and in the opposite direction.
Do not jump from the cockpit.
3.7. After exiting the cockpit:
- place an emergency stop sign or a flashing red light behind the car;
- turn on the side or parking lights (when stopping on an unlit section of the road in the dark);
- place wheel chocks (shoes) under the wheels (when stopping on a road section with a slope).
3.8. When working under the vehicle, position yourself so that your feet are not on the road.
3.9. The malfunction in the power supply system should be eliminated only after the engine has cooled down, the clogged fuel lines and nozzles should be blown out with a pump.
3.10. Use a special device to overflow fuel. It is strictly prohibited to suck fuel through the mouth through the hose.
3.11. Open the radiator cap on a hot engine with a glove or cover it with a rag (rag). Open the cap carefully, avoiding the possible intensive escape of steam in your direction.
3.12. When manually mounting and dismounting tires, the following rules must be observed:
- completely release air from the chamber;
- dismantle a tire tightly adhered to the wheel rim with a puller;
- do not knock out discs with a sledgehammer, hammer;
- when inflating a tire of a wheel removed from a car, use a device that protects against impact when the lock ring pops out;
- Before mounting the tire, check the condition of the rim. Do not mount the tire on a rim that is rusty or has dents, cracks, or burrs.
3.13. In winter, to prevent frostbite when troubleshooting on the way, work only with gloves. It is forbidden to touch metal objects, parts and tools with hands without gloves or gloves.
3.14. Upon arrival at the place of loading (unloading) of the goods, it is necessary to inspect the territory and prepare it for work:
- remove all unnecessary items without cluttering the passages;
- check approaches, evacuation routes for compliance with labor protection requirements;
- check the availability and serviceability of fences and safety devices;
- establish the sequence of operations.
3.15. Check by visual inspection:
- no hanging bare wires;
- sufficiency of lighting;
- Reliability of closure of all current-carrying and starting devices of electrical equipment;
- stability of stacks of goods and containers;
- availability of free entrances to warehouses for goods and containers;
- condition of floors and other surfaces (absence of potholes, irregularities, oil stains, as well as unenclosed openings, open hatches, ladders, etc.).
3.16. When carrying out loading and unloading operations, the forwarding driver is obliged to leave the cab of the vehicle and observe the correct loading or unloading of the vehicle.
Loading and unloading of goods, as well as their fastening on a car, should be carried out by the forces and means of consignors, consignees or specialized organizations in compliance with safety regulations.
3.17. The freight forwarder is obliged to check the conformity of the stowage and the reliability of the fastening of the cargo on the vehicle, and if violations are found in the stowage and securing of the cargo, to demand from the consignor to eliminate them.
3.18. When placing vehicles on loading docks, the distance between vehicles standing one behind the other (in a column) must be at least 1.0 m, and between vehicles standing in a row (along the front), at least 1.5 m.
If vehicles are installed for loading or unloading near a building, an interval of at least 1.5 m must be maintained between the building and the rear side of the vehicle.
The distance between the vehicle and the load pile must be at least 1.0 m.
3.19. When loading the body with bulk cargo, it must be placed no higher than the side of the body (standard and extended) and must be located over the entire floor area.
Piece loads that rise above the sides of the body must be tied with strong serviceable ropes.
3.20. Boxes, barrels, boxes and other piece goods must be packed tightly, without gaps, reinforced and tied so that when moving (sudden braking, starting off and sharp turns) they cannot move along the floor of the body.
If there are gaps between the places of the load, insert wood spacers and spacers more firmly between them.
3.21. When stowing cargo in a roll-and-barrel container in several rows, they must be rolled over slopes or slopes with a side surface.
Install drums with liquid cargo with the plug facing up. Each row should be laid on board spacers with wedging of all outer rows.
3.22. Cargoes exceeding the dimensions of the cargo platform of the vehicle in length by 2 m or more (long cargoes) must be transported on vehicles with dismantling trailers, to which the cargo must be securely fastened.
When loading long loads (pipes, boards, etc.) onto a car with a dismantling trailer, it is necessary to leave a gap between the rear wall of the vehicle cab and the load so that the dismantling trailer can freely rotate in relation to the vehicle by 90 ° in each direction.
To prevent the load from moving forward when braking and driving downhill, the load must be securely secured.
3.23. When leaving the place of loading and unloading operations, the movement must be started only by wearing seat belts and making sure that there are no obstacles on the way.
3.24. Reversing in conditions of insufficient rear visibility (due to load, when leaving the gate, etc.) should be carried out only with the help of commands from an additional worker.
3.25. Maneuvers should be carried out after making sure that they are safe for surrounding pedestrians and other vehicles. Observe the speed limit.
3.26. Reduce speed and sound signal:
- when moving in crowded places, their possible appearance (in the aisles, when driving past doors and through gates),
- when cornering;
- when meeting pedestrians along the path of movement, being at a distance of at least 5 m from them;
- when approaching the place of loading (unloading);
- in all cases when there is a possibility of an unexpected collision with a person.
3.27. Compare the dimensions of the transported cargo with the dimensions (width and height) of the gates, overpasses, contact networks, etc.
3.28. On the way, the freight forwarder must comply with the Traffic Regulations.
3.29. Predict the development of traffic situations to prevent traffic accidents.
3.30. Be extremely careful when driving in rain, snow, ice, or fog:
- measure the speed of the car with weather conditions;
- do not overtake vehicles moving in the same direction;
- do not open the throttle valve and avoid quick turns of the steering wheel;
- get under way on an icy road in one of the lowest gears with a weakly open throttle;
- do not brake sharply;
- when descending a slope, use the engine to brake and brake with the service brake;
- move on the ice of rivers, water bodies only in the case of a permit from the traffic safety service and on specially equipped ramps and roads furnished with landmarks and having signs and road signs.
3.31. At the first signs of fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy, dullness of attention, stop moving and stop for rest.
3.32. To avoid poisoning by carbon monoxide contained in the exhaust gases, rest in the cab of the car only when the engine is not running.
3.33. When performing work, it is necessary to correctly use overalls, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment.
3.34. Be attentive, not distracted by extraneous affairs and conversations.
3.35. When working together, coordinate your actions with the actions of other employees.
3.36. Noticing a violation of labor protection requirements by another employee, the forwarding driver should warn him about the need to comply with them.
3.37. During the whole working day, keep the workplace in order and cleanliness, do not block the approaches to the workplace, use only the established passages.
3.38. Comply with sanitary standards and observe work and rest regimes.
3.39. Observe the established working hours, regulated work breaks.
3.40. Observe the rules of fire safety, electrical safety, the requirements of this instruction, other local regulations governing the procedure for organizing work on labor protection, working conditions at the facility.
3.41. Strictly comply with the orders and orders of the enterprise management, officials responsible for the implementation of production control, as well as the orders of representatives of state supervision bodies in a timely manner.
3.42. When performing work, the forwarding driver is prohibited from:
- start the engine by towing;
- preheat the engine, gearbox, drive axle housings with open fire;
- warm up the engine indoors;
- operate the car with the air filter removed;
- smoke when checking the fuel level in the tank;
- leave the car near flammable materials in order to avoid ignition from the exhaust pipe;
- get into and out of the car while driving;
- use the car for personal purposes;
- to carry passengers in the body of an unequipped car, and in an equipped one - without a corresponding entry in the waybill;
- leave a car with a running engine unattended;
- to transport goods with ends protruding beyond the side dimensions of the vehicle;
- obstruct the doors of the driver's cab with freight;
- place loads above the racks;
- to carry out work in the dark without sufficient lighting;
- carry out any work on the maintenance and repair of the car at a distance of less than 5 m from the area of \u200b\u200boperation of loading and unloading mechanisms
- when entering and exiting, allow the accumulation of cars at the entrance gates (the leaving car has priority);
- use faulty equipment, fixtures, inventory, as well as equipment and inventory, the handling of which he is not trained;
- to carry out work without using the necessary PPE;
- start performing one-time work not related to his direct responsibilities in his specialty without receiving targeted instruction;
- allow unauthorized persons to use the car;
- go on a flight in a painful condition;
- drive a car in any degree of alcoholic intoxication or under the influence of drugs.


4.1. When eliminating an emergency, it is necessary to act in accordance with the approved emergency response plan.
4.2. In case of detection, malfunctions of equipment, tools, devices, as well as in the event of other conditions that threaten the life and health of workers, the driver-freight forwarder should stop working and report them to his immediate supervisor.
4.3. The freight forwarder must immediately stop work in the event of vehicle malfunctions specified in the manufacturer's operating instructions, in which their use is not allowed.
4.4. When a fire source appears, you must:
- stop working;
- organize the evacuation of people;
- immediately start extinguishing the fire.
When igniting fuels and lubricants, only foam fire extinguishers, sand, earth should be used.
4.5. If it is impossible to carry out extinguishing on his own, the driver-forwarder should call the fire brigade by phone 101 or 112 and inform the immediate supervisor or the management of the enterprise.
4.6. In case of injury or deterioration of health, the driver-freight forwarder must stop working, inform the management and contact the first-aid post (call the city ambulance by phone 103 or 112).
4.7. If there is an accident witnessed by a freight forwarder, he should:
- stop working;
- immediately inform the immediate supervisor;
- Immediately withdraw or remove the victim from the danger zone;
- provide the victim with first aid,
- call a doctor or city ambulance;
- to help organize the delivery of the victim to the nearest medical facility.
4.8. When investigating the circumstances and causes of the accident, the freight forwarder should inform the commission of the information he knows about the accident.


5.1. Arrive at the place of permanent deployment of the car.
5.2. Apply the parking brake and take measures to prevent unauthorized persons from starting the engine.
5.3. Carry out an external inspection of the car in order to identify possible deformations, cracks, potholes, dents.
5.4. Check if oil is leaking from the hydraulic system, crankcase, hydraulic brake device, and make sure there is no fuel leak.
5.5. In winter, drain the water from the cooling system.
5.6. If necessary, supply rechargeable batteries for recharging.
5.7. Inspect and tidy up the workplace.
5.8. Remove all flammable and flammable substances. Place the cleaning materials in a safe place (metal box).
5.9. Remove tools and accessories after cleaning to the designated places.
5.10. Take off your overalls. Contaminated overalls must be washed.
5.11. Wash hands and face thoroughly with soap, or shower.
5.12. Report to the management of the organization on the completion of work, as well as on all violations of the production process, labor protection requirements, cases of injuries at work.

Driver - forwarding agent


General director


"_____" __________________ 200__


freight forwarder


1.1. This Instruction defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the driver-freight forwarder (Company).

1.2. The term "Freight Forwarding Driver" means a staff member of the Company who uses a car belonging to the Company or a car at its disposal for business purposes on a permanent or temporary basis.

1.3. The forwarding driver reports directly to the General Director of the Enterprise.

1.4. The freight forwarder must know:

1.4.1. Traffic rules, penalties for their violation.

1.4.2. Technical characteristics and general structure of the car, readings of instruments and meters, control elements (the purpose of keys, buttons, handles, etc.).

1.4.3. The procedure for installing and removing alarm systems, the nature and conditions of their operation.

1.4.4. Rules for maintaining the car, caring for the body and interior, keeping them clean and favorable for long-term operation (do not wash the body in direct sunlight, hot water in winter, timely apply protective lotions, washing liquids, etc.).

1.4.5. The timing of the next maintenance, technical inspection, checking tire pressure, tire wear, steering wheel free play, etc., according to the vehicle's operating instructions.

1.5. In his activities, the freight forwarder is guided by the Charter of the Company, the internal labor schedule, this instruction, orders and orders of the head of the company.


2.1. Efficient and safe vehicle operation.

2.2. Ensuring the proper technical condition of the car.

2.3. Ensuring the safety of entrusted property, including a car.

2.4. Providing forwarding and courier functions for the delivery and maintenance of materials, as well as accounting and other documents.


To perform the functions assigned to him, the freight forwarder must:

3.1. Ensure correct smooth professional driving of the car, which maximally ensures the safety of the life and health of passengers and the technical good condition of the car itself. Do not use sound signals and sharp overtaking of the cars in front unless absolutely necessary. Anticipate any traffic situation; choose the speed of movement and distance, excluding the occurrence of an emergency.

3.2. Do not leave the car unattended out of sight for any minimum period that gives the chance of car theft or theft of any items from the passenger compartment. If possible, park your car only in guarded parking lots.

3.3. It is imperative to put the car on the alarm in any case of leaving the salon. During movement and parking, all doors of the vehicle must be locked. When leaving the vehicle (boarding), make sure that there is no potential danger.

3.4. Ensure that the car is parked in the garage / guarded parking lot to ensure the safety of the car.

3.5. Monitor the technical condition of the car, perform independently the necessary work to ensure its safe operation (according to the operating instructions), timely undergo maintenance in the service center and technical inspection. Timely submit applications necessary to ensure the proper technical condition of the vehicle (regulated by the reference and technical literature on this vehicle).

3.6. Ensure fuel bids are submitted on time.

3.8. Provide timely vehicle delivery.

3.9. Strictly comply with all the requirements of the Regulations on the division, orders of the head of the Enterprise.

3.10. Provide the manager with reliable information about your health.

3.11. Do not use alcohol, psychotropic, sleeping pills, and other drugs that affect the attention, reaction and performance of the human body before or during work.

3.12. Do not allow any cases of delivery of any passengers or goods at their own discretion, as well as any types of use of the car for personal purposes without the permission of the management.

3.13. Keep waybills daily, noting routes, mileage traveled, speedometer readings before departure and upon return, the amount of time worked. Require the person who used the car to mark in the waybill.

3.14. Fulfill the orders of the head of the enterprise and the chief accountant for the transportation of goods, execution and delivery of documents to the destination.


The forwarding driver has the right to:

4.1. Make suggestions to the management aimed at improving the safety and trouble-free operation of the car, as well as on any other issues related to the implementation of this Manual.


The freight forwarder is responsible for:

5.1. For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their official duties provided for by this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


6.1. This job description is communicated to the driver-freight forwarder for review under signature in

If you ask what his job is, a freight forwarder will mention two tasks at once: driving a vehicle and forwarding cargo to its destination. In this case, the key point is personal responsibility for the safety of goods on board the vehicle from the point of loading to the point of destination. In addition, the freight forwarder is responsible for the good technical condition of the vehicle during the entire period of the cargo being in transit.

Personal documents

The driver-forwarder on the route must have: a driver's license of the appropriate category for driving a vehicle, a policy of compulsory civil liability insurance of the vehicle owner, a car registration certificate (PTS).

What should a forwarding driver know?

He must be fluent in the current traffic rules in Russia, and if the cargo is delivered to a neighboring country, then the traffic rules of another state.

As for the technical condition of the car, he must know the results and the date of the last technical inspection session, the rules for car care and repair, the requirements for operation and the procedure for eliminating the arising malfunctions.

What is his job? A freight forwarder is a responsible employee who accompanies the goods, who has full information about the rules for transporting the goods entrusted to him.

The transportation of explosive, flammable, chemically hazardous substances requires special attention. In addition, there must be the skill of transporting large-sized products, products of non-standard sizes and configurations, fragile and having a limited shelf life (perishable).

Possession of documentation

An ordinary driver with freight forwarding functions should be familiar with the types of accompanying documentation that may be needed to identify consignments of goods throughout the entire dispatch. Such documents include a consignment note (TTN), a contract for the carriage of goods, a waybill, invoices, acceptance certificates and a power of attorney from the company. Depending on the type of cargo, it may be accompanied by quality certificates for the goods, certificates of weight or veterinary control. The freight forwarder must be visually familiar with the forms of accompanying documents, know and monitor the correctness of their filling. For safety, it is advisable to store all documentation accompanying the cargo in the driver's cabin before transferring it to the counterparty.

In addition, the driver-forwarder must have knowledge regarding the route: the exact route, the main highways and streets, the addresses of logistics hubs, warehouses, the location of the offices of clients and contractors.

Forwarding driver: duties and skills

A driver transporting a consignment of goods has simple, but responsible duties, since they are connected with the delivery of material values.

When hiring a new employee, they are introduced to the job description in the job description against signature. Thanks to the instructions, the forwarding driver will be clearly informed about the list of requirements for a position in a particular company, because the boundaries of responsibility may vary depending on the structure and specifics of the enterprise.

A freight forwarder must be able to carry out minor repairs of vehicles, check the readiness of the vehicle for use before the flight. Before entering the route, he was ordered to undergo a pre-trip medical examination in the prescribed manner.

A driver with cargo escort functions is obliged to hand over the goods at the destination in proper form, in terms of quantity and quality, with a full set of accompanying documents. In some transport companies, the driver is responsible for processing some of the primary documents.

Category B or E?

In advertisements for a vacancy, they immediately indicate which category of driver's license the candidate should have, age and length of service. Forwarding driver cat. B travels both within the city, region, and on intercity routes. But if the car park includes cars with trailers, tankers, then a driver with the appropriate category and experience is invited. When delivering and escorting goods on oversized vehicles and trailers, experience in driving heavy-duty trains will be crucial.

The category E freight forwarder makes trips mainly between cities by truck with a trailer weighing more than 750 kg. This work requires special driving skills, the ability to take into account the road situation well.

The driver-freight forwarder of heavy-duty trains must take into account the trajectory of not only the vehicle, but also the trailers, and anticipate the behavior of other road users. Therefore, candidates for the position are required to have at least three to four years of crash-free driving experience.

Where to find a job as a freight forwarder?

A freight forwarder, whose duties are related to cargo escorting, is in demand in logistics companies specializing in urban, intercity and international transportation. Such specialists are also often needed in online stores, service providers, and so on.

Personal qualities of an employee

An employment contract with a freight forwarder is concluded if he has certain personal qualities that are important for the performance of the work. When selecting candidates, preference is given to those who have experience in cargo transportation, know routes well, terrain features, have experience of traveling without accidents and working with documents. The future employee must have a neat appearance, good physical shape. Applicants for a position without bad habits have an advantage. During the trial period, personal qualities such as responsibility, communication skills, attention to detail, correct driving style will be assessed.

Material liability of the driver-freight forwarder

Taking into account that during the movement of cargo along the route, many different non-standard situations may arise, especially if the journey is long, a liability agreement is always concluded with the driver-freight forwarder.

From what moment does a freight forwarder become a financially responsible person? Obligations and liability for the goods arise from the moment they are loaded on board. He must take an active part in the acceptance of consignments of goods in terms of quality, count by quantity, check the integrity of the packaging, locks and fasteners. Be sure to monitor the correct placement of goods, taking into account the type of vehicle, the presence of a trailer and the characteristics of the cargo.

The profession of a forwarding driver, whose duties are quite simple, is nevertheless one of the top most demanded in the labor market.

But, despite the clearly defined range of tasks, the work of transporting goods requires responsibility, care, punctuality.

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