Equipment for the production of mini feed. We are opening a compound feed business. How Granulator Harvesters Work

Landscape design 06.09.2020
Landscape design

When striving to organize your own business, you can choose such a direction of activity as the production of feed mixtures, which are currently in high demand in poultry and livestock farming.

To make production profitable, at the initial stage it is necessary to study the consumption market, determine the sources of raw materials and invest in the purchase of a mini-plant focused on the production of granulated, loose or briquetted feed.

Manufacturing process

The main purpose of the granulated feed is to feed birds and animals, both on large farms and on a private backyard. This type of feed is balanced, since it includes trace elements and vitamins necessary for the nutrition of the farmed livestock.

Compound feed production technology on equipment

Starting your own business with the purchase of a feed mini-mill, it is necessary to study the production technology and establish the composition of the raw materials used. It includes a fairly extensive number of components:

  • corn:
  • herbal supplements;
  • flour - bone, fish;
  • vitamin and mineral components;
  • salt;
  • and special additives.

Having developed a specific business plan, you need to take into account that the range of mini-factories produced for the manufacture of combined feed allows you to make a choice. The line LPKG-1 is intended for the granulated type of feed, as well as LPKG - 3, produced by OOO Doza-Agro, Nizhny Novgorod region.

The Belarusian company "Polymya" offers a mobile trailed installation PKU 5165, as well as PKU 5105, from which grain is taken mechanically. There are units with a pneumatic grain intake mechanism - PKU 3500 and 4500.

The entire cycle of compound feed production in installations follows a certain, almost identical, algorithm:

  • intake of grain mixture;
  • feeding it to the crusher with the use of magnetic protection, which traps metal impurities;
  • supplements bookmark;
  • grinding, which takes place in a crusher, where a fan works, blowing the suspension formed in the air into a special dust collector;
  • mixing;
  • unloading of finished products.

The composition of the raw mix is \u200b\u200bdeveloped in accordance with the wishes of the customer. The weight of the put components is controlled by a computer program, for which the mixer is located on an electronic weighing device equipped with a display.

Product range

The development of the formulation of the produced feeds on mobile mini-installations allows them to be differentiated according to various indicators.

Recommendations for the use of soybean, rapeseed and sunflower meal

Nutritional value:

  • concentrated feed with increased protein content, as well as minerals and essential microelements;
  • feed varieties with certain additives that have a specialized purpose - to improve immunity, increase productivity, etc.;
  • a complete balanced diet.

By the form of feed release:

  • loose of varying degrees of grinding - small, medium, large;
  • round or elongated granulated feed;
  • briquetted feed in the form of square or rectangular tiles.

Compound feed for animals - types of molding Having organized the production of popular types of feed, it is gradually possible to create an extensive database of their varieties, which will significantly expand the consumer sector. The capabilities of the mobile feed mill make it possible to vary the structural formula of the feedstock, fulfilling the incoming order.

Differences from industrial lines

Distinctive features of mini-factories in comparison with stationary large industrial lines for the production of compound feed are the following indicators.

It is due to the fact that the unit is mounted on a trailer, which can be transported with a tractor to any convenient place. A business begins to generate quick income when a plant operates next to a farm or near a warehouse where feed grains are stored.

This indicator is based on the ability of small feed mills to change the formulation of the produced feed in accordance with the order.

The installation can be serviced by two or three people.

To locate a mini-plant, you will not need to build large, expensive workshops. A well-designed business plan for the winter season should include the construction of a small insulated room or the reconstruction of an existing barn.

It is convenient for consumers to purchase products in small batches, which is especially important for private households.

Equipment and materials

When developing a business plan focused on the production of compound feeds that is relevant in modern conditions, it is necessary to take into account that the most expensive purchase will be a mini-plant.

The LPKG-1 or LPKG-3 line will allow organizing the production of loose and granulated feed. With a power of 43 kW, the productivity is 1 t / h. The Belarusian mini-plant has a high productivity, which is about 6 tons per hour for PKU 5105 and 3500, and 9 tons for PKU 5165 and 4500.

A detailed business plan will include one more area of \u200b\u200bcapital investment aimed at the long term, expressed in the preparation of premises, if it is planned to establish a production line in one specific place. We need warehouses for raw materials and storage of finished products. When moving miniature factories to the consumer, it is necessary to take into account that it will be necessary to conclude contracts for the lease of space for work.

In order for the installation to work in a regular mode, it is necessary to constantly have a stock of raw materials and conclude agreements on the exact timing of its delivery.

Business plan

Before a mini-plant, aimed at producing a variety of mixed feed, starts its work, it is necessary to think over and develop a detailed business plan. It includes several sections.

  • Marketing research of the demand for certain types of feed. This stage determines the effectiveness of the further development of production and its profitability, since specific suppliers of raw materials and consumers of products are established with the conclusion of contracts. After that, it is easy to establish the optimal volume of compound feed production and select the corresponding mini-plant model.
  • Analysis of the competitive environment.
  • Pricing strategy. To attract consumers, it is necessary to think over a flexible system of payment for the produced compound feed with deferred payment, bonuses for regular customers, etc.
  • Technical planning. The inclusion of this section in the business plan for the production of mixed fodders allows you to establish in detail the requirements for raw materials, the stages of quality control of the products, select a specific brand of the mini-plant.
  • Architectural and construction solutions. It is decided what area is needed for storage of raw materials, warehouses for finished products, production facilities.

Cost price, payback

To determine the payback time of the invested funds at the initial stage of the operation of plants for the production of compound feeds, it is necessary to include the expenditure and income parts in the business plan and compare them.

Fixed assets costs (thousand rubles):

  • finished mini-plant ≈ 1500;
  • repair and construction works ≈ 350;
  • registration and other expenses ≈ 50.

Total: 1900 thousand rubles.

Fixed costs - production cost of products:

  • raw materials ≈ 500;
  • salary per two people per month ≈ 40;
  • repair, depreciation ≈ 10.

Total: 550 thousand rubles.

In total, about 2.450 thousand rubles will be required to open a production facility for the production of combined feed for various purposes.

The income part will depend on the productivity of the installation. For example, let's take a production of 1.0 t / h. If the work shift is 8 hours, then the following amount of compound feed will be produced at the installation in 23 working days:

1.0 ∙ 8 ∙ 23 \u003d 184 t / month.

Taking into account that the average price per ton is 6.5 thousand rubles, the monthly revenue will be equal to:

6.5 ∙ 184 \u003d 1196 thousand rubles.

The profit is:

1196 - 550 (fixed costs for raw materials, repairs, depreciation, wages) \u003d 646 thousand rubles.

Net income including taxes (6%) will be equal to:

646 - 38.76 \u003d 607.24 thousand rubles.

Fixed assets at this level of income will pay off in 1900 / 607.24 \u003d 3 months.

Video: Doza-Agro mini compound feed plant

Compound feed production: a business with start-up capital of up to 15,000 rubles. Market analysis + list of required equipment + calculation of investments and payback.

Modern livestock and poultry farming in industrial volumes cannot be imagined without compound feed.

To accelerate the growth of livestock production, it is not enough to acquire purebred representatives of your species. An obligatory component is care and proper (balanced) nutrition, which compound feed can successfully provide to us. Consequently, their production is a lucrative and sought-after idea.

In our article you will receive detailed instructions on how to set up the production of compound feed at home, how much money will have to be invested and how quickly you will "win back" the investment.

What is compound feed?

A-priory, compound feed Is a combined animal feed that has undergone a certain processing (purification, grinding).

Contrary to popular belief, compound feed is not chemistry, it is balanced, proper nutrition for farm animals. With it, they will receive all the components necessary for life, they will grow well, they will not get sick.

One more pros in favor of compound feed, if we compare it with grain: if the feed (grain) is not crushed, then the animal swallows it whole. In the stomach, not refined grain is poorly digested, and bloating and other problems may occur. This will not happen with compound feed, because it is always chopped, crushed feed.

Market analysis

It is necessary to analyze the market in two directions: the raw material market and the sales market.

The calculation is made taking into account the current prices from the website

Approximate prices for raw materials (rubles per 1 kg):

  • wheat - 10
  • oats - 9.5
  • peas - 12
  • millet - 11
  • corn - 14
  • chalk - 10
  • herbal flour - 15
  • barley - 12
  • rye - 11
  • cake - 20
  • sunflower cake - 4

Studying the sales market - potential competitors selling similar goods (compound feed for poultry) - it is worth noting that for 25 kg of factory compound feed for poultry, the price is usually set at 900 - 1300 rubles.

Compound feed production at home

As you already understood, you can really make money on the sale of such feed. But is the manufacturing process really that simple?

Step by step manufacturing takes place according to the following scheme:

  1. To begin with, we purchase and procure raw materials: feed grains and grass flour.
  2. We put the feed grain into the crusher.
  3. Further, the crushed grain, along with grass flour, oil (pre-squeezed using an oil press) and other elements (chalk, salt, vitamins) that you want to include in your feed, add to the mixer (mixer or concrete mixer).
  4. Mix everything well until smooth.
  5. In order to give our product a marketable appearance, we use a combination granulator. With its help, the compound feed from the "gruel" will turn into granules.
  6. We pack the products in propylene bags.
  7. We store in a clean, dry room with good ventilation, free of rodents and other carriers of diseases.

note: it is important to avoid direct sunlight.

1. Equipment for the production of compound feed.

What does it take to produce food at home? First of all, you need a technique. possible with a minimum amount of equipment for production. The essentials are a grain crusher and a mixer / feed mixer.

In the role of a mixer, a concrete mixer is suitable, in many farms it is already available. A crusher for grain costs from 4,000 to 50,000 rubles, in our calculations we will take a crusher with a capacity of 180 kg / h and a cost of 5,000, and a mixer - about 7,000.

If you decide to produce grass flour on your own, then you also need a brushcutter (about 5,000 rubles) and a hay chopper (15,000 - 20,000). But the raw materials for this very flour are free, because you won't have to pay money for mowing the grass in the meadows. And this will reduce the cost of raw materials for compound feed by 10-15%, respectively, and the final product itself.

When things go well, a dryer, oil press and combination granulator can be added to the list of equipment. This equipment is professional and will cost you from 10,000. Such "reinforcement" will increase production volumes.

1. Crusher for grain.
2. Mixer of feed or concrete mixer.
3. Petrol trimmer (brushcutter).
4. Chopper for hay.
5. Dryer.
6. Oil press.
7. Combined granulator.

2. Premises and personnel for production.

Any spacious dry and warm room is suitable for the production of compound feed. It can be a barn, garage, shed in warm weather, or just a courtyard of a private house.

As for the personnel, only one person can start this business, but it's good if there is an assistant. When regular customers appear, the number of service personnel can be increased.

Compound feed production. Necessary equipment.

How to make compound feed at home?

Calculation of production costs

Of course, the investment will depend on how large-scale the business you have planned, to whom you will sell compound feed. Let's calculate based on the fact that we produce bird feed at home.

Compound feed for poultry should be 70-75% grain. At the same time, you can change cereals, experiment with the composition, creating your own unique recipe.

Composition for 10 kg of compound feed with prices (in rubles):

  • wheat - 2.5 kg (25%) * 8 p. \u003d 20
  • barley - 2.5 kg (25%) * 9.5 p. \u003d 23.75
  • corn - 1.7 kg (17%) * 14 p. \u003d 23.8
  • cake - 1.5 kg (15%) * 20 p. \u003d 30
  • peas - 0.3 kg (3%) * 12 p. \u003d 3.6
  • herbal flour - 1.5 kg (15%) * 15 r. \u003d 22.5

In total, to produce 10 kg of compound feed for poultry, we must spend 123 rubles. For a package of 25 kg - 307.5 rubles. At the same time, the average cost on the market is 1300 rubles / 25 kg.

1 kg25kg / bag
Cost priceRUB 12.3RUB 307.5
Average market value52 RUB1300 RUB

As you can see, producing compound feed at home is quite a profitable business. And not only for your own farm, but also for sale. Indeed, on each produced kg, you can earn 40 rubles. From one bag (25 kg), the profit will be about 1000 rubles.

The purchased basic equipment for the production of compound feed (a crusher for grain and a concrete mixer) will "beat off" you after the 12th sold bag. And, based on the opinion of experienced manufacturers, 12 bags can be sold using Internet resources in 1 day.

If we continue to develop the business and purchase a brushcutter and a hay chopper, the cost of 1 kg of compound feed will decrease from 12.3 rubles / kg to 10 rubles / kg. Thus, for every 25 kg of compound feed, a businessman will earn 50 rubles. more and the purchase of equipment worth 25,000 rubles. will beat off after the sale of 24 bags of compound feed.

1 kg25kg / bag
Cost priceRUB 10RUB 250
Market value52 RUB1300 RUB

Therefore, you should not postpone the implementation of this idea in a distant box - try ...

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Mixed feed production is a simple process, but it requires the installation of some equipment. The equipment for compound feed preparation is varied, there are whole ready-made lines. What equipment you need to purchase to start your own production of compound feed and whether it is profitable to purchase we will talk in this article.

Why is it profitable to produce compound feed yourself?

The price of compound feed is growing every year. Large farms grow grain for feed on their own, but it is impossible to produce compound feed without special equipment. You can make a mixture, but keeping the grain unprocessed will be more difficult. The fact is that the moisture content of grain before processing is 20-25%, after granulation is 9-12%.

Small-scale farmers also prefer to purchase grain separately and compose feed on their own. There is a small low-power equipment for the preparation of compound feed and whole lines. Powerful is used in large agricultural enterprises.

The profitability of farms, where equipment for the production of animal feed is installed, rises 1.5-2 times. It's just that 70% of the total amount is spent on compound feed from various manufacturers for the maintenance of livestock and poultry.

For novice businessmen, low-power equipment for the production of compound feed will cost from 110,000 rubles, and will pay off in 10-12 months. The main thing is to understand the entire production process and purchase the necessary equipment.

The process of making compound feed

Various feed mixtures are made in different ways. The process depends on what kind of end result you want to get. So compound feed for poultry and pigs is made with peeling of barley groats, for cattle and other types of animals, barley can not be processed. Equipment can be divided according to the types of end products:

  1. For the preparation of crumbly compound feed.
  2. For granulated compound feed.

Production of crumbly compound feed

Loose compound feed is easier to make, but its shelf life is several times shorter. But manufacturing costs are 2–3 times lower than for granular. The whole process consists of:

  1. Grinding the grain mass.
  2. Dividing the cut into different parts.
  3. Mixing in specified proportions with various additives.
  4. Packaging.

Equipment for the production of bulk feed: grinder, crusher, calming hopper, screw conveyor, mixer, conveyor, scales.

Suitable equipment for the production of crumbly compound feed: for chickens, cows, pigs, ducks, horses, etc.

Production of granulated compound feed

Granulated feed is more laborious and costly to manufacture. But its price in the markets is higher and easier to store. The process of making pellets consists of the following steps:

  1. Grinding the grain mass.
  2. Separation of grain into specified doses.
  3. Stirring.
  4. Making a granular form.
  5. Cooling of the received products.
  6. Packaging and packaging.

This process requires expensive equipment: a grain grinder, a stabilizing hopper, a crusher, a cyclone, a screw conveyor, a mixer, a compressor, a pellet press, a tedding hopper, a block or column for cooling, scales.

To understand how the equipment works, it is important to consider the entire manufacturing process in more detail.

The process itself

The straw or hay is loaded into a shredder where it is processed into small pieces of 40 to 10 mm.

The grain is placed in a crusher, where it turns into a section of the size according to the recipe, then goes to the scales and from there to the batcher. When the crushed grain is divided into certain dosages, various vitamin and stimulating supplements are added. Because how accurate the division into doses will be, the quality of the resulting compound feed depends.

After that, all the components enter the mixing bowl and are mixed there into a single mass. In the manufacture of friable feed, the mixture is then packaged using special equipment, or manually.

For granulation, the mixture enters the conveyor (belt-scraper), which sends it to the agitator. The agitator is a special container where the feed is mixed again until it is uniform. The finished composition is fed to the pellet press. In the granulator under pressure, uniform granules of a given shape and size are formed.

Then the finished granules are cooled in a special cooling column, where they are blown with a counterflow of air from the fans. From there they go to the scattering table, where the final selection of identical granules takes place.

Finished granules again go to the conveyor, which sends them to the packaging unit. Where they undergo weight control and are packaged in bags of 50, 25, 10 kg.

As you can see, numerous equipment is involved in the process. All of it comes in different capacities from different manufacturers.

Which equipment to choose?

Equipment for the production of compound feed is numerous. But among all the most widespread are extruders, granulators and multipurpose machines. Let's consider each in more detail.

Animal feed extruders

Extruders are used to process the feed grain in a surface manner. Used on small and large farms and workshops in the feed production line. By their capacity, extruders can process from 60 to 110 kg / hour of grain. Power consumption is at least 6 kilowatts. The equipment weighs, depending on the model, 150-250 kg.

Principle of operation

Produces a feed extruder for pigs, cattle before feeding. Grain getting inside the technology changes: it gelatinizes and the fiber in it is converted and all negative microorganisms, such as fungi and mold, die in it. The process is carried out under the influence of high temperature and high pressure. Crops that can be processed in the extruder: nightshade, wheat and barley. It is these grains that make up the main part of the animal's diet.

Install the equipment indoors or under a canopy on a flat area. For installation, you do not need to fill the foundation, and you can start work immediately after installation. And you do not need to soak the grain additionally before processing.


Granulators are used for the manufacture of ready-made friable feed in granules. Granulators are used as a separate sludge technique in the line for the production of animal feed.

Principle of operation

Loose material will enter a special tank where the temperature can reach 1100C. In the mattress, the heated compound feed is compressed at the walls and goes through special holes to the outlet. Outlets for the formation of granules are different in shape and size, for any recipe, for various animals and birds. Granulated compound feed is disinfected and stored 2-3 times longer.

Multifunctional machine

The most profitable among the equipment is a multifunctional machine. This technique allows you to perform several processes at once. On it, you can prepare compound feed immediately before feeding and make the finished form friable or granular. All components of the machine are important in every process: processing grain and grain - mixtures, grinding soybeans, preparing bran, harvesting and grinding greens and straw, etc.

The power of a multifunctional machine can be different and it can harvest up to 1 ton of compound feed / hour. The functionality of all models is different, but a whole line of equipment can replace the equipment. Such machines are installed at enterprises for the production of animal feed, in small private agricultural complexes and farms.

Who produces the equipment and what is the price

There are models of foreign and domestic manufacturers on the market. But when purchasing equipment, it is better to take well-known brands, since it is easier to acquire spare parts for such. It is better to pay a large amount once than to carry out repairs constantly - this is the basic rule when choosing equipment.

The aspiration capabilities of modern equipment are better and expand every year, while they are energy-intensive and have a higher productivity. the accuracy of the technique is of great importance, and you should not expect this from little-known manufacturers.

European technology is of higher quality, but the price for it can reach 6 million euros. Russian lines can perform several operations at once: introduction of dry and liquid minerals, crushing and mixing, granulation and forwarding. It costs something like 400,000 rubles. A simple low-power granulator can be purchased starting from 70,000 rubles, but only a small farm will have enough capacity.

Chinese models have a low cost, so the granulator can be purchased starting from 40,000 rubles, but the quality is low.

Equipment price:

Name power, kWt Application price, rub.
PDA 4,5-49 Complex From 550,000
CCU 4-45 Complex From 450,000
LBMVK 18-32 Production of protein and mineral concentrate From 150,000
LH 29-132 Granulator From 170,000
Lh mini 14 Household granulator From 90,000
PZ 3-4,4 Crimping From 70,000
DKR 15-100 Grain crusher From 170,000
SSK 1,5-5,5 Screw mixer From 70,000
SVG, SL 1,5-11 Mixer horizontal From 90,000
TSh 1,5-5,5 Augers From 80,000
NZ 1,1-15 Nornia From 50,000
BM, BGP 1-15 Bunker From 65,000
BCR, TsOL 1,5-15 Cyclone From 35,000
OGM, DG 20-113 Granulator From 350,000
DG mini 2,2-22 Household mini granulator From 70,000
EVDU Weighing device - dosing From 45 000

If we recalculate the entire necessary line for small production, it turns out that it is necessary to invest from 450,000 rubles. The purchase of compound feed for a year of operation of a large production unit can cost from 1 mil. rub. Cereals are 2-3 times cheaper, which means that the payback of the equipment is 1-1.5 years.

You can buy used equipment, similar models are provided on the bulletin board of our website. But you should not buy equipment over 10 years old, you will not have to repair it more often than work on it. It is easier to post an ad in the buy section, then the sellers themselves will offer you various options. In order not to be distracted once again, indicate the desired power and configuration in the purchase ad.

Whether or not it is worth buying a mini-production of compound feed for a small private farm depends on the capabilities and the number of livestock that you keep. If there are more than three heads and more than 20 birds. there's a meaning. The main thing is to choose the right directional ruler or purchase a small functional machine.

The need for food is fundamental to both humans and agricultural animals. In the case of animals, hundreds of kilograms of feed per day are required to feed properly and maintain their functionality (milk yield, egg production). Therefore, many entrepreneurs are looking towards the production of feed for sale. Of particular interest is today, the prices of which are increasing annually. Such a business is most beneficial to agricultural enterprises and livestock complexes.

The former have an abundance of feed raw materials, which are more profitable to sell in granules. The latter want to save on the purchase of feed in the winter, harvesting grass and grain granules in the summer on their own.

Benefits of pellet feed

    Granulated compound feed practically does not lose its nutritional value during storage, retains more nutrients than loose feed.

    Binding compounds with substances valuable for the body are added to the granules: molasses, fat, hydrol, bentonites.

    Eating and digesting feed pellets occurs as naturally as possible, in almost the same way as when eating natural feed. Nutrients are better absorbed by the body.

    Animals and poultry spend less effort to grip the pellets, and the opening efficiency is increased. Another advantage is that when fed with a pelleted compound feed, the animal or bird cannot selectively eat the “tasty” ingredients and leave others.

    The looseness of the product makes it less susceptible to temperature and moisture levels. There is no need to be afraid that the feed is caked or frozen.

    Convenient transportation, the possibility of automatic distribution without losing feed on the way.

    High-quality granules crumble minimally and do not pollute the feeder, pathogenic microflora does not grow in it.

How profitable is the production of pelleted feed?

You cannot rush into any business without calculating the risks.

In the production of granules, a black hole is transport and purchase of raw materials... It is advisable to organize the plant in such a way as to incur minimal losses for the transportation of raw materials to the plant and delivery of the finished product to the point of sale. With all transport costs, the price of compound feed must remain competitive.

The second concern of the feed producer is sales support... It is ideal to supply the product to neighboring farms that have a stable demand and which can be offered more profitably than competitors. Searching for clients across the entire region / country is fraught with marketing and brand building costs, and you will have to offer an even lower price in the market than incumbents.

These simple and logical conclusions do not always come to the mind of breeders who, in the wake of enthusiasm for the idea, tend to underestimate the risks.

So: a plant that has its own raw materials or is located in close proximity to the raw material base and sells feed to nearby livestock complexes will be absolutely profitable, flexibly adjusting to their needs.

These conditions are relaxed if you arrange your own for personal needs. In this case, the product is consumed at the place of manufacture, there are no packaging costs, there are no strong claims to the quality of the pellet. Experts say that poultry and livestock complexes that produce feed on their own take away a huge part of the costs and go to a higher profitability.

Business plan for the production of pelleted feed

It is very difficult to draw up a "rough" business plan for the production of pelleted feed. There are too many unknowns and variables in this equation:

    The scale of production that you are preparing;

    This implies the number of workers and the level of equipment;

    The raw materials from which the product will be made, and the prices for it in your area;

    Herbal flour.

    All calculations of a business plan for the production of pelleted feed should be taken as very rough estimate profits and expenses.

    The process of pelleting compound feed

    The peculiarity of the process is to grind cultures and additives of different physical and chemical composition and mix them in the right proportions. Let's describe the main stages of the production of granulated feed.

    1. Grinding

    To obtain a hard and dense granule, it is necessary to grind all the components to a fine fraction. For these purposes, rotary and hammer crushers are used. often chosen because of the pneumatic unloading and unloading of raw materials, which eliminates the need for additional feeding devices (conveyors). Depending on the granulation technology of various feeds, crusher sieves are selected, which determine the size of the fraction to which the grain is crushed. The shredded forage crops are discharged through a hose further into a forage mixer or receiving hopper.

    2. Mixing

    The crushed material is sent to. There, different components are mixed with inner blades and form a homogeneous mass. At this stage, vitamin-mineral complexes can be introduced through the augers for introducing additives to enrich the feed mixture. The homogeneity of the mixture in all areas of the mass is an important quality indicator of the final product.

    3. Granulation

    The mixed mass is fed into the receiving hopper in equal portions. There, it moves into the mixer, steamed and sent to the pressing unit. As a result of the interaction of the die and the press rollers, the mixture is passed under pressure into the holes of the die and comes out in the form of hot granules.

    4. Cooling

    For successful granule formation, it is necessary to cool it down to ambient temperature. For this purpose, the pellets are transported by means of a conveyor to a cooling column with manual or automatic control. There they are blown with cold air, and fine grain particles are sifted through a sieve at the bottom of the column.

    5. Packing

    With the help of weighing batchers, the finished product is packed in bags or big bags.

    Powerful equipment for the production of pelleted feed

    If you are looking for a reliable and powerful one, then ALB Group is happy to design a pelletizing line for your production volume. We organized both large feed projects with the production of more than 2-4 tons of product per hour, as well as small home-based feed pelletizing factories designed for one or several farms.

    Some of our projects:

    What we offer to feed producers:

      Industrial pelletizing line with an output from 500 to 7000 kg or more of feed per hour. The complex is based on.

      Mini-plant of loose compound feed, consisting of a rotary grain crusher and a vertical feed mixer.

    Mini-plant of granulated feed, in which, in addition to a crusher and a mixer, is used. This option is optimal when the breeder plans to produce pelleted feed at home. and long-term storage of feed for their own needs, and high performance is not required.

    How have we earned the trust of our customers?

      ALB Group produces powerful Russian equipment for pelleting biological waste. All the main units of the pelletizing lines are produced only independently from Russian and European components. Therefore, we are fully responsible for the quality of the equipment.

      Since our head office is located in Nizhny Novgorod, we are always available for consultation, visiting the customer, supplying additional equipment and components. Every customer problem is dealt with by specialists on the spot. We do not offer universal solutions, but select equipment and dies for each type of raw material. And since we have extensive experience in granulating various raw materials, we are striving to obtain high-quality granules in a given volume.

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