Jokes about photographers. Funny jokes about photographers. Jokes about photography and photographers

Primers 16.08.2020

Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.

If you look like your passport photo, then it's time for you to go on vacation.

There are no non-photogenic women - there is little film.

From the point of view of the photographer, an absolutely meaningless expression: “The photographer showed restraint”

Previously, people blamed everything inexplicable on otherworldly forces, now - on Photoshop.

If the photo album is small and thin, and the photo is one and ugly, then this is a passport.

If you think that you failed in the photograph, then look at it again in ten years, and your opinion will change to the opposite.

Every camera has a "masterpiece" button, but only Ken Rockwell can find it

An autotourist is a person who travels 5000 km to take a picture with his own car.

Jokes about photography and photographers

Why do you pile food on your husband in such a sloppy pile?
- He is my photographer - if he lays out everything beautifully, he will put on the light and shoot until everything cools down!

I can disfigure you with a flick of my finger!
- Are you a karateka?
- No, I'm a photographer!

Two photographers are talking:
- I met a girl yesterday!
- Beautiful?
- Watching how to put the light ...

Two beginner photographers are walking with cameras. They look around through the viewfinders, take pictures... One stumbled and fell. The second immediately lays next to him: - “Great angle! What are we filming?"

The husband is in the bathroom printing photographs. The wife comments loudly: - "I can imagine what kind of photos they are if they need to be printed in the dark!"

Dialogue in the photo studio:
- And now, baby, smile and look here, now a bird will fly out!
Tired of these stories. Better take a light meter, check the light and set the aperture correctly.

Just wondering how it is in the photographs of your atelier that everyone laughs so naturally?
- You wouldn't be so surprised if you knew what our photographer looks like!

The Scot, looking at the wedding photo of his friend, asks:
- Why did you and your wife take pictures at such a distance from each other?
- If we ever get divorced, we can cut the photo and everyone will take their own picture.

In the maternity hospital, a young dad photographs his newborn son from one side, then from the other - he shot the entire film in one fell swoop. The nurse asks him:
- Is this your first child?
- No, the child is already the third, but the camera is the first.

A mother who has given birth to twins is asked to show a photo of the babies, she shows:
- But there is only one baby?
- And the second one is exactly the same!

One photographer was invited to a party. Just in case, he took with him a few of his photographs, so that he could show them to the guests on occasion. The hostess, seeing the pictures, exclaimed:
- What amazing photos! You seem to have a very expensive camera!
The photographer did not answer her anything, but saying goodbye at the end of the evening he said:
Thanks, dinner was great! You must have very expensive pans!

Dictionary of a "cool" photographer

Hey, listen! Cover your diaphragm!
- This one, here with such a light-gathering power, they don’t live long, understand ?!
- Screw the lens!
- Why so nervous? Is the exposure short?
- Or is your distortion too low?
- Why are you so sharp?
- What photo forum are you from? Who do you know there?
- Che, too many megapixels?
- We’ll drop a fullframe for someone ...
- I don't like your bokeh!
- Now I'm going to do chromatic aberration to you!
- I'll expand the flu for you!
- You can't even see your brains in macro photography!
- Why are you grimacing like that, screwed the tilt-shift?
- Purely for myself, I'm interested, but is ISO not too tight for you?
- Well, let's see who has a stronger body.
- Right now, I'll put a fisheye on your digital back.
- Don't click the mirror here!
- Close the shutter, you can see the matrix!
- Why did the bayonet open ?!
- Right now, we will rehearse the diaphragm for you!

Photographers are special people. They are completely in love with their profession, and if it is a hobby, then they subordinate all their free time to it. I would even say that they are insane in their love of photography. It is not for nothing that a huge number of films have been shot about photographers, thousands of anecdotes have been invented, millions of photographs have been taken. Photographers are always in the center of attention of photographers themselves. The photographer sees the photographer from afar. In this publication, we will introduce you to funny photographs, the heroes of which were photographers, and funny anecdotes about these wonderful people with cameras.

Dear readers! Surely you had to take funny pictures of your colleagues, people with cameras, hear funny stories about photographers and photographs. Send them to our editorial office. The best materials will be published in the journal, and their authors will receive a prize! Our address: [email protected]

Text: Oles Slipy

Jokes and photos

For example, I believe that a person who buys a camera immediately falls into the category of photographers. When I got my first camera, I immediately felt special, not like everyone else. I immediately began to actively photograph everything around, registered on several sites and won two competitions: “Clouds” and “My Lunch”. It was very nice when they handed me a saucepan and a diploma. But then there was trouble when I was photographing a storm, I was washed away by a wave and my camera died. But it was even more unpleasant when the photographer who photographed how I was washed away into the sea received a prize of 15,000 euros in a photo contest for this photograph of mine. At the same time, I signed that I was dead. I had to sue him and I won 25,000 euros. I bought myself a camera and now during a storm I walk near the waves. Suddenly someone else wants to win the competition. (Photographer Petrenko)

And how did it happen that in the photograph of the coat of arms, a double-headed eagle turned out?

He turned his head when he was photographed.

Are you responsible for making me look like myself in the photo?

I give you a full guarantee.

And for how long?

A man with his mother-in-law is walking down Deribasovskaya Street. The photographer stops them.

Would you like to take a picture with a monkey?

The mother-in-law suddenly hugs the man tenderly and asks: “Take it off!”

Husband prints photos while locked in the bathroom. The wife says loudly

I can imagine what kind of pictures they are if they have to be printed in the dark!

On the sea beach, the photographer asks permission from a pretty blonde to photograph her for a fashion magazine.

Of course, but on one condition: I will take off my bathing suit so that my husband does not recognize me.

If you are photographing a rabbit, then you don’t need a flash, he already has red eyes.

Newspaper "Pravda". A large photograph is published on the front page: Brezhnev visits an advanced pigsty. The entire editorial staff thinks about what signature to put:

Brezhnev in an advanced pigsty;

Brezhnev among record-breaking pigs;

The best pigs and Leonid Ilyich...

Final version: third from left - General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev!

The watchman, drunk in the smoke, carefully peers into the mirror, then studies the picture on his pass for a long time and says: - Everything is n-normal, it matches. Pr-oh-go!

Model Photographer:

I'll take small photos so you don't have to smile so wide.

Dear Private Vasya! I am sending you, as you requested, my photo. Sorry, only to the waist! And below we all have the same.

I am three years old in this photo.

Oh, it turns out that you had a bald head in infancy?

No, you turned the picture upside down!

The blonde from the podium shouts into the audience:

Remove the photographer immediately! With his long and thick lens, he interferes with the flow of my thoughts!

Stop a moment! I will change the card, replace the lens and battery!

Will I be a fashion model?

Photocopy only.

Today in the photo studio "Bird" a bird really flew out of the camera lens. The child laughed and clapped, the photographer fell unconscious and was taken away Ambulance. The security services took over the camera.

When checking the camera, the bird flew out again, but when it saw the major, it returned back.


And now, beauty, show deep thoughtfulness on your face. I'll help you now: what is 8 times 7?

Many faces on the negative look positive.

How is it that in the photographs of your photo studio everyone laughs so naturally and naturally?

Oh, if you could see our photographer!

Two photographers are walking with cameras. Do not take your eyes off the viewfinders, take pictures. Suddenly one tripped and fell to the ground. The second one falls right next to it:

Excellent position! What are we filming?

I can disfigure anyone with one finger!

Oh, do you know karate?

No, I'm a photographer!

A man comes to a photo studio, and there is a girl photographer. He undresses and says:

Take an erotic photo of me.

We don't do macro photography.

A photographer walks along the seashore.

A woman chases him:

Quicker! My friend is drowning! - screams.

Sorry, - the photographer smiles guiltily, - but my card is already filled out ...

If the photo album is thin and very small, and the picture is one and ugly - this is a passport!

The photographer shoots the wedding for a long time and finally proclaims:

And now, finally, I want to capture the most happy couple.

The guests are at a loss: hundreds of photographs have already been taken.

The bride and her mother, - explains the photographer.

The client, receiving her photo in a photo studio, swears:

Who is it? Look scary!

Look at yourself in the mirror! – the photographer says offendedly.


In the morning, the photographer issues a new photo.

Excellent! You can if you want!

Sure you can. This is a picture of my assistant in a gas mask, - the photographer grumbles in response.

I recently found out: a photo for memory and a photo on paper are two big differences!

At the photographer:

Mr photographer, this is not my photo.

How is it, yours, and it seems that it turned out.

Well, it's not my nose.

In fact, it doesn't look like you.

And this mole! Where is this mole on my face? Not!

Hm, really, no.

And then this old one, and I'm young. This one lies in a coffin, and I'm still alive.

Mr. photographer, I'm with my daughter, I just want to warn you, she has a squint.

It's okay, we'll align the eyes.

But she's very naughty.

We will press the ears.

She's missing teeth.

Let's draw the teeth. By the way, if it's not a secret, why are you photographing her?

Isn't it clear? For a passport! Who will marry her without a passport?

Chukchi are removed for a passport. The photographer cheated, took one photo and distributed it to everyone. One Chukchi says:

The photo is definitely not mine.

The photographer was genuinely surprised:

Are your eyes?

Is this nose yours?

Your face?

So why isn't this your photo?

The jacket is not mine.

A geographer is assigned to photograph a large forest fire. But due to the large smoke on the ground, good shots did not work out, and he calls the editorial office with a request to rent a small plane for him. The editor-in-chief assures that the plane will be waiting for him at the local airfield. And indeed, in the morning, having reached the airfield, he sees an airplane standing on the runway and warming up the engines. Excited to get started, the photographer jumps in with his many cameras and shouts to the pilot:

Forward, forward, fly!

The pilot accelerates the plane and they take off.

Fly to north side fire,” the photographer says to the pilot, “and make three or four approaches at low altitude.

What for? he asks.

Then I have to take pictures! I'm a photographer, and all photographers take pictures! - the photographer is annoyed.

After a long pause, the pilot says:

Are you saying you're not a flight instructor?

Once a photographer took a picture of actress Greta Garbo. She didn't like the picture very much.

What happened to you all of a sudden? Last time you photographed me so well, but here I don’t look like myself at all!

Oh,” said the photographer, smiling sadly, “then I was twenty-five years younger.

Whoever found a passport in the name of Vasily Vasilyevich Popin, a big request not to laugh at my


Citizens! Use the urgent phototelegraph to send money. In one hour, the addressee will receive an exact photocopy of your money!

The old woman brought a portrait of her late husband to the photo studio.

Can you make more of it?

No problem madam.

Can you take off your hat?

Of course. Please describe what hairstyle he had.

What for? You'll see when you take your hat off his head.

Mr. photographer, do you take pictures of the blind?

Not? For the blind, we already have ready-made photographs.

After a friendly party, one of its participants, a photographer by profession, brings a friend to his studio.

Dr-r-roo... w... w... now!.. Can you m-make me a group... photo... graphic?

Of course! P-please... get up half-bow-ru-gom!

Seven Chinese people come to the photo studio, stand - three below, and four on their shoulders, then vice versa - four below, and three on their shoulders.

The stunned photographer, having done his job, asks:

Are you an acrobat?

No, why do you think so! It's just that one of us was told to bring a photo for documents, but he forgot which one, either 3x4 or 4x3.

The police sent to all stations a picture of the wanted criminal from seven angles. Some time later, a coded message was received from one precinct: "Six have been arrested, the seventh is being monitored."

Private Petrenko received a letter from his girlfriend. He said that he met another and asks to return her photo. Petrenko grieved, then collected all the unnecessary photographs of women from the whole company and sent them to the girl with a note:

"Honey, unfortunately I can't remember which one you are.

Please leave your photo and send the rest back to me."

"New Russian" bought a photo studio. He advertised in the newspaper: "A fashion model is required for erotica. An hour of work is 10,000 bucks!"

Many applicants came, one was selected. Photographed for 3 hours. Then the owner comes out and announces:

Payment on the spot, in cash. Hey, photographer, how many times did you click?

One hundred and twenty frames.

What exposure did you set?

One five hundredth of a second.

The owner turns to the fashion model:

Well, you, in kind, didn’t even work for half a second ...

Sarah Bernhardt and Elizabeth Taylor pose for the photographer: One:

Lift your chin up, dear... Other: -You too, especially the second one!

If you think you didn't turn out well in a picture, don't rush to throw it away. Just take it out in 20 years and your opinion will change dramatically.

One day, after a photo shoot, the photographer was invited to dinner at the customer's, he took the finished work with him to give it to the client. The customer's wife, seeing the photos, exclaimed: What wonderful photos! You definitely have a very expensive camera. The photographer did not answer, but as he went home he said: Thank you so much, the dinner was amazingly prepared. You must have very expensive pans.

At the international photography competition called "Gulf of Finland" won the picture, which depicts a Finn, drinking vodka from straight from the neck of a bottle on the Neva embankment.

Photo-Lefty: On a 1x1 pixel image, a pixel managed to fit his name and a photo of the woman he loves...

As soon as you notice that you look like your passport photo, you urgently need a vacation.

Photomodel competition. The organizer enters the hall and calls the names of three models:

Ivanenko, Petrenko, Sidorenko...

Me, me too, me too ... - another one asked, bouncing.

The organizer looked at her carefully:

Okay, so are you. Get out of here immediately!

* * *
Two photographers meet
- How are you?
Yes, I shoot weddings...
- Hmm ... so after all, you can sleep ...
- I don't drink...
Why are you filming weddings?
* * *
- Just wondering how it is in the photographs of your studio that everyone laughs so naturally?
- You wouldn't be so surprised if you knew what our photographer looks like!

The photographer is the only man on Earth who can painlessly call home at two in the morning and tell his wife:
- Don't worry, dear, I'm taking pictures of girls here.
A photographer walks along the river bank.
- The male! Quicker! My friend is drowning! the woman chases him down.
“Sorry,” he says, “but I’ve already run out of film…
- Listen, I have a question, you seem to be rummaging around in photography, you should probably know ...
- Let's.
- Why is the lens round, but the photos are rectangular?
A photographer stands on the beach with a monkey on his shoulder.
A man approaches him. He hesitated, hesitated, then asks:
- Ah, this is ... but how much will it cost with a monkey?
The photographer looked around and with a confidential wink at the peasant asked in an undertone:
- Take a picture?
The blonde comes to the photo studio and brings with her a photograph of her deceased husband. Further dialogue of the professional photographer of this studio with the Blonde.
What does madam want?
- I have this photo portrait, I would like to enlarge it.
Photographer looking at a photo:
- Good.
“I would also like to take my hat off my head.”
The photographer, once again looking at the portrait:
- It's possible. Just, please, tell me, what was his hairstyle?
- And why do you need it? Take off your hat and see for yourself.
- The best way keep in shape - take a picture in time
Why is there a two-headed eagle on the coat of arms?
- Because when he was photographed, he turned his head.
- I have an unusual cat.
- And what is so unusual about it?
- Look at the photos.
- Well ... birds ... mice ... fish ... sour cream ... So what?
- The cat took pictures!
- And now, baby. smile and watch the bird fly. Boy:
Tired of these stories. Better take a light meter, check the light and set the aperture correctly.
- I can disfigure anyone with one movement of my finger!
- Oh, you must be a jiu-jitsu master?
- No, I'm a photographer!
New Russian "bought a photo studio. He advertised in the newspaper: “A fashion model is required for erotica. Hour of work 10,000 bucks!”
Many applicants came, one was selected. Photographed for three hours. Then the owner comes out and announces:
- Payment on the spot, in cash. Hey, photographer, how many times did you click?
- One hundred and twenty shots.
- Exposure, what did you set?
- One five hundredth of a second.
The owner turns to the fashion model:
- Well, you, in kind, did not work even for half a second ...
If the photo album is small and thin, and the photo is one and ugly, then this is a passport.
The actress looks through photos with a journalist. He takes one, not the most successful, and the actress tells him:
- This photo was taken when I was much older.
Call to the emergency department:
- Hello, yesterday you sent a police outfit to the address Lenina street, house 3, apt. 47?
- Yes, there were violations of public peace, loud music ...
- Listen, tell them, please, let them come again.
- Why?
- They forgot their cap, pistol, and at the same time they will look at the pictures - they turned out cool ...
One housewife was asked why, when she serves her husband on the table, she puts all the food ugly and mixed up?
She answered:
- Yes, he is my photographer, if you put it beautifully, then instead of eating, he starts photographing this beauty, but while photographing everything cools down!
A Russian is walking along the road. He sees that the Chukchi is digging a hole. Came up and asked:
- Chukchi, why do you need a hole?
- I want to take a photo.
- Why is there a hole?
- So you have to come off to the waist.
- Why are you digging the second one?
- So two photos are needed, however
Two photographers meet. Long time no see.
- How are you? one asks.
- Yes, I got married recently, - says the second.
- Yes you that!? — the first sympathizes, — Well, and how — the wife is beautiful!?
- You know, - the first one admits, - depending on how the light is set ...
Professional photographer - customer
- I made a Greek profile for you, smoothed out wrinkles, removed double chin, reduced the mouth... Anything else?
- Can I have expressive eyes?
- Of course. Look at the bill.
- Comrade photographer, I brought my daughter to you, I just want to warn you right away, she is crooked in one eye.
- Well, let's retouch the eyes.
“But she's also a bit of a nerd.
- Well, we'll cut off the ears.
But she doesn't have all her teeth.
- Well, you can paint on the teeth. By the way, if it's not a secret, why are you photographing her?
- You are strange photographers, who will marry a girl without a passport!?
The photographer shoots the wedding for a long time and finally proclaims:
- And now, let me capture the happy couple!
Everyone is confused.
- The bride and her mother - explains the photographer
Seven Chinese people come to the photo studio, stand - three below, and four on their shoulders, then vice versa - four below, and three on their shoulders.
The stunned photographer, having done his job, asks:
- Are you acrobats?
- No, why do you think so! It's just that one of us was told to bring a photo for documents, but he forgot which one, either 3x4 or 4x3.
A mathematician comes to the photo studio. The photographer puts him on a chair and says
to him:
- Do you want a regular photo?
- Well, yes.
- 9 by 13?
- 117, and what does this have to do with it?
The photographer looks thoughtfully at the model girl and says:
- I am now thinking about the following question, maybe I should take a naked picture of you?
- What are you, what are you?! she immediately protested. - Stay well dressed!

Two photographers walk with cameras, look around through viewfinders, take pictures. One stumbled and fell. The second one immediately lies next to it:
- Great angle! What are we filming?


Seven Chinese people come to the photo studio, stand - three below, and four on their shoulders, then vice versa - four below, and three on their shoulders.
The stunned photographer, having done his job, asks:
- Are you acrobats?
- No, why do you think so! It's just that one of us was told to bring a photo for documents, but he forgot which one, either 3x4 or 4x3.


A photographer walks along the river bank.
- The male! Quicker! My friend is drowning! - the woman catches up with him.
“Sorry,” he says, “but I've already run out of film...


A geographic magazine photographer is tasked with shooting a large forest fire from the air. In the morning, having reached the airfield, he sees a plane standing on the runway and warming up the engines.
Very eager to get started, the photographer jumps in with all his cameras and shouts to the pilot:
- Forward, forward, fly!
The pilot accelerates the plane and they take off.
- Fly to the north side of the fire and make three or four passes at low altitude.
- Why? he asks.
“Because I need to take pictures!” I am a photographer and all photographers take pictures!
After a long pause, the pilot says:
“Are you saying that you are not a flight instructor?!


The photo studio of a once super stylish, now "slightly lost cool" photographer in the fashion world. Shooting in progress. A rising top model, a professional on set, an ideal of beauty, etc. agreed to shoot. The photographer, with bated breath, follows the staging and production of each frame, gradually realizing that each frame is a masterpiece, that the career will skyrocket, the covers of all fashion magazines have been won, and, as a result, money, money, money ...
After the end of the shooting, the photographer with reverence rushes to the model, exclaiming that everything is great, the shooting was a success as never before, but how else can he thank
your benefactor? Maybe a percentage in the studio for the sake of further cooperation?
Ask for anything!
The model calmly smiles like that and says that, they say, she has everything, she doesn’t need anything, except perhaps a small Swiss penknife. For memory.
Well, what to do. Joyful photographer runs to the store, buys. Brings a knife of this model. Thanks, etc. The model takes this knife, opens her suitcase (she brought it with her to the shooting), so that, therefore, put it there, the photographer looks -
and the suitcase is full of the same Swiss penknives. Well, he is surprised, of course, he asks why there are so many.
The model also explains that, they say, now I am young and beautiful, everyone admires me, everyone wants me, I have everything. And I will grow old, I will be all in wrinkles and useless to anyone. But what a little boy will not do for the sake of a Swiss penknife ... I recommend:


Two childhood friends meet. We reminisced about childhood and talked about life.
It turned out that both are professionally engaged in photography.
One, in parting, took out his camera - he wants to take a photo of a friend as a keepsake, otherwise when they will see each other again. Another adjusted his tie.
And everyone went to print photos.


A photographer stands on the beach with a monkey on his shoulder.
A man approaches him. He hesitated, hesitated, then asks:
"Ah, this is ... but how much will it cost with a monkey?".
The photographer looked around and winking at the peasant confidentially, he asks in an undertone: "Take a picture of me?"


The photographer shoots the wedding for a long time and finally proclaims:
- And now, let me capture the happy couple!
Everyone is confused.
- The bride and her mother - explains the photographer.


In this photo, I am five years old.
- Excuse me, it turns out that you already had a bald head at that age?
- No, you hold the photo upside down!


A man is walking with his mother-in-law along Deribasovskaya. The photographer stops him.
- Would you like to take a picture with the monkey?
"Get out, I can't even look at her!"


Photo model on set. Photographer:
- And now, dear, depict deep thought on your face. I'll help you: what is 7 times 9?


I am a photographer with thirty years of experience, and I often have to work with fashion models. Therefore, my apparatus must always be in constant readiness. I have tried many ways to avoid unwanted disruptions and finally realized that the best assistant to a professional in my field is Viagra.


"New Russian" bought a photo studio. He advertised in the newspaper: "A fashion model is required for erotica. An hour of work is 10,000 bucks!"
Many applicants came, one was selected. Photographed for 3 hours. Then the owner comes out and announces:
- Payment on the spot, in cash. Hey, photographer, how many times did you click?
- One hundred and twenty shots.
- What shutter speed did you set?
- One five hundredth of a second.
The owner turns to the fashion model:
- Well, you, in kind, did not work even for half a second ...


I can disfigure anyone with a flick of my finger!
- Oh, you must be a jiu-jitsu master?
- No, I'm a photographer!


Transfer "Around laughter". A. Ivanov announces the contest "What would it mean?"
Shows a photo: an ice hole, and in the hole - horseradish.
Notes arrive, the jury deliberates. Ivanov announces:
- In third place is a note with the answer "Walrus horseradish." Original...
In second place - "Fucking walrus." Not bad ... But the winner of the competition was the man sitting in the eighth row, place 28 with the answer: "Dived - the hell came up."


New Lefty: on a 1x1 pixel image, the pixel managed to put his name and photo...


The husband is in the bathroom printing photographs. The wife comments loudly:
- I can imagine what kind of photos they are if they need to be printed in the dark!


If the photo album is small and thin, and the photo is one and ugly, then this is a passport.


If you look like your passport photo, then it's time for you to go on vacation.


If you think that you did not successfully come out on the photo, then look at it again in ten years, and your opinion will change to the opposite.


Developed film from a photo gun, saw your tonsils. Did you want to shoot yourself?

People used to take pictures not for an avatar, but for memory. And people don't photographed cats. And if the cat got into the frame, then he got trendy, not likes.

Nowadays, a real girl should not only cook well, but also good to photograph that has prepared.

Went to a girl for dinner.
She is, looking at his photos, exclaimed:
- What wonderful photos you have! You probably have very good camera?
The photographer was silent.
But as he left, he said:
- Thank you, dinner was very tasty. You must have very good pots

Why do blondes stand near the window during a thunderstorm?
- Because they think they are being photographed!

Guess the riddle: the glass eye will point, click once - and we remember you. Who is it?
- The optimistic answer is the photographer. Pessimistic - sniper.

Photo model on set. Photographer:
- And now, dear, depict deep thought on your face. I'll help you:
What is 7 multiplied by 9?

Two pleasant, but rather large ladies, went to rest on the sea. We decided to take a photo for memory. Came up on the beach to the photographer and ask:
- Take a picture of us, please. Just so we don't get fat.
To which he replies:
- Get up to your neck in the water ...

Two photographers are walking with cameras look around through the viewfinders, taking pictures. One stumbled and fell. The second one immediately lies next to it:
- Great angle! What are we filming?

I'll be a fashion model ?
- No, only identikit.

The photographer delivers the work to the client. The customer nods with satisfaction, agrees with everything:
- Well, everything seems to be accepted!
- Great, 15,000 from you.
The customer, giving the money: “I hope, if it needs to be finalized later, can I apply? It’s not like that once done and forgotten?”
- Of course, depending on what needs to be fixed and how.
- Well, of course! I'm not going to say "Let's redo everything"!
- No problem. By the way, one more thing. Can I later, if I suddenly run out of money or have new plans, I will contact you about paying a little extra? This is a trifle, I need it very rarely, I think it will not bother you.
- ???
- Don't worry! I will not come to you, they say, pay me again!

Blonde in the studio. Nude. Half a turn. Hands behind your head.
- Are you sure that I need this photo for my passport?

- Here on this a photo I am five years old.
- Excuse me, it turns out that you already had a bald head at that age?
- No, you keep photograph upside down!

When photographers argue among themselves, and they run out of arguments, then by tradition they start measure the lenses of their cameras.

In the Atelier of Original Design, the client makes an order:
— Please make me a roll of toilet paper with portrait in this photo. On both sides and along the entire length. Do you guarantee quality?
- Don't worry! Your portrait will be made with the highest quality.
“How did you know it was my mother-in-law?”
- And yesterday she ordered pads with the image of her son-in-law from us. We are you learned from the photo attached to her order.

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