How to quickly pump a character in Lineage II? Leveling up after 85 lvl in la2

Bearing structures 27.10.2021
Bearing structures

This guide is useful for both beginners and experienced players in order to help earn a decent amount of money, experience, points for pumping skills. The path from the very beginning to the 42nd level will be described here. In the future, if there is a desire, I will add more quests here up to 70+, but I still need to pump up to this level. I find all the quests described here useful, very easy to complete. There is not a single superfluous one, just as not a single quest on which you can earn money has been missed. Enough unnecessary words, I think it's time to start.


Here you are, around the gremlins. Contact Newbie Helper, then hit the gremlin, no more than one, a blue crystal will fall out of it, pick it up, and again go to the Assistant of the beginners. Then contact the neighboring NPC (NPC), choose “ I have a recommendation» ("I have recomendation"), and go to. Kamaels do not have this function, so you have to walk to the city.

Once in the city, approach again to the Newbie Assistant, and run to Zerstorer Marcela (Supplier Markella) .
We take the quest from her Supply Check , and run along the arrows. After completing this quest, we go again to the Assistant of Newbies, and here we are the 6th level. We get coupons, we get initial buffs, and weapons (by exchanging coupons for beginners, use the warehouse for beginners) that is right for you (I recommend that magicians take a staff, not a dagger, as many do, for warriors, brass knuckles).
Then again we run to Markelle, take the quest Head for the Hills , and run to Gatekeeper (Gatekeeper). We teleport to Altar of Gold, and we run south on the map until we meet goblins and werewolves. We beat them until they fall out Monster Claw(no need to stuff a lot, one is enough). We run again to where we appeared after the teleport and at the Keeper of the Teleport we teleport to the city. Go to Markelle and hand over the quest (choose not Continue quest, a Refuse). Then we run to the Beginner's Assistant and we are already the 10th level.

Here, for each race, its own quests. This means that everyone teleports to their village (Orcs - to Orc Village, gnomes - in Dwarven Village, people Human Village (Talking Island) etc).

  • Go to Tifiel... We take the quest.
  • We run to Shilen Goddess Temple along the arrow, using the map (you learned how to use the map, right? =))). There we come to Karty, and we get the task from her to bring a tablet and a scroll. We use the teleport of beginners.
  • We run to gatekeeper, teleport to Spider Nest and go along the map to the place marked with the mark. We beat tamorks until we collect nameplate and scroll... We use the teleport of beginners.
  • We run to Shilen Goddess Temple, we refer to Karty... We use the Teleport for beginners.
  • We run to Tifiel, we hand over the quest, we get the 11th lvl. We go to the Rookie Helper, and we are the 15th level.
  • We go to the guard Kendell(stands near the Guardian of the Teleport). We take the quest Clash with Orcs .
  • It is more difficult here, because they always give different quest monsters to beat. So we carefully read the assignment, they say exactly who needs to be and where to run. Also in the backpack, in the "Quest" section, a plate appears with the name of the monster you need. You look for him on the map, kill and go to the guard.
  • He sends to kill 3 different monsters, again - we use the map and the plate in the backpack.
  • We hand over, get the 11th level, go to the Beginner's Assistant and get the 15th level.
  • We go to the master Gallint (School of magicians Ainhovant), we take the quest, we run to the village. We teleport to Obelisk of Victory.
  • We need to kill 3 monsters - frog, orc and werewolf... BUT! The important thing is that we must definitely FINISH (not kill, but finish off) the monster with the club that they gave us. That is, you can initially use your staff to reduce the number of lives of the monster and then finish it off with a club.
  1. Giant toad spirit of mirrors... The frog is found on the southern bank of the river among other toads.
  2. Orc Spirit Of Mirrors... The orc stands almost to the very north, on a hill on the north side of the Obelisk.
  3. Werewolf Spirit Of Mirrors... The werewolf lives far on the western end of the island, where there is a descent to the sea. You can go through the waterfall, but the passage there guards Giant spider, you can take a chance, or you can go around the mountains from the north or south. Beware of the large number of aggressive monsters in this area.
  • We carry ready-made clubs Gallint, we run to the village to the Beginner's Assistant and we are the 15th level
  • We run to Cedric School, come to Roenu, take the quest. We run to the village, to Altranu.
  • We talk to him and teleport to the Guardian of the Portal in Elven Ruins.
  • We run forward, at the first right turn we turn, then again to the right, and we run into the room with the orcs. We beat the orcs until we knock out the bottom and top of the broken sword. We use the teleport for beginners and run to Altranu.
  • From him we run to Roenu v Cedric School, further back to the village to Altranu, then to the Beginner's Assistant and we are the 15th level.
  • We come to Gufu v Guilds of the Bronze Key, he gives the quest.
  • We go to the merchant Ripu along the arrow. Next Looking for Torocco(you need to go around the house from the outside behind the fence next to the catapult). Then we run to Miner Maron(look at the arrow), and from it to Blacksmith Brunon... From him we run to the north along the road from the village (there is a mark on the map) and we beat the goblins (they are right after you cross the river).
  • We beat the goblins there until we knock out 10 Aquamarines and 10 Chrysoberyl(s).
  • We use the beginners' teleport, we give them to the blacksmith, and we run to Gufu v Bronze Key Guild.
  • We go again to the blacksmith, then follow the arrows to Murdoch then to Airy and finally we run to Warehouse Keeper Murdoch, and we run again to the same place where the goblins were beaten.
  • Beat the bats until we get it Diamond... We use Teleport newbies, and go to Gufu, then to the Assistant of Beginners and we are the 15th level.
  • Go to Guard Hatos... We take the quest, then we run to the northern gate of the village, we speak with Parugon (ohm), and run to the Guardian of the Portal, teleport to The Cave of Trials.
  • We run across the map to the mark, hit there Farangi's messenger(because he is with the guards, I advise you to buy jars of treatment, or run away after killing the Messenger in the direction where you appeared after the teleport, until the guards lag behind). We use the scroll of the teleport of beginners, we run to Hatosu, choose from him - Proceed.
  • We teleport to Cave of Trials, again we kill the Messenger according to the same system, and we hand over Hatosu... Then again the same way. When the quest is completed, we run to the Beginner's Assistant, and you are the 15th level.
  • Go to, go to the warehouse, talk to Carlon(ohm) and take the quest from him.
  • Further, during the passage of the profession, we run into Town of Gludio to the warehouse and send the letter Haproku.
  • From there, when we get to we go to the warehouse to Norman.

At level 18, we go to hand over the quest for the profession. I will not describe the passage of these quests, because there are many professions and this is a lot of scribbling. We read tasks, use a map, a backpack, arrows.


Having made a profession, we get level 20-21. It's more interesting here. The first thing we have to do is go on quests (yes, if you want to dress for the norms, and not beg for money, annoying the Nubian question - “Where can I get money or fluff?” Players, we need to do it).

  • Porting to Orc Village, go to Seer Livine, take the quest - Walk of Fate .
  • Porting to Town of Schuttgart (Schuttgart), go to Orc Guild talking to Moira, take the quest - Ominous News .
  • We teleport to Crypts of Shame talking to Karudoy, we hand over these 2 quests to him. We use the teleport scroll in Kamael Village.
  • Porting to Elven Village, we run to Merchant Krimis in the grocery store), we take the quest - Blood Fiend .
  • We go to the guard Starden(at the gate next to this shop) we take the quest - Legacy of the Poet .
  • Porting to Elven Fortress, we run inside.
  • We beat the orcs. They are located in the first and second rooms of the fortress (in the second room there are also passages to other rooms, they also have these orcs). Knock out 4 poems.
  • We run deep into the fortress, to the very, very end. There is no need to kill anyone on the way, they will lag behind. When you are in the last room, run up to the monster Kirunak and stand behind your back (if you are a magluchnik, then at a distance from him, but behind). Kill him and the 2 guards next to him. We use SOE.
  • We hand over the quest Crimis, and do not forget to hand over to the guard Starden.

Dark Elves:

  • Porting to Dark Elven Village... Go to Velioru(he stands where you learn skills), take the quest Dangerous Seduction ... We also take the quest from TallotHow to remove the curse? (Will the Seal be Broken?).
  • Porting to Swamp, and we run to School of Black Magic... There we run deeper, after the first bridge, where there are 2 skeletons and a spider, we run further into the room. We kill one zombie, a lynx and a succubus (3 items should fall out - eye, blood and stone of vice). Next, we run out of this room, go downstairs and run into a large room. Kill Merkenis... We use SOE. We hand over 2 quests.

Now for all races. Porting to Talking Island Village.
Go to Biotin, we take the quest from him Seed of Evil ... Porting to Elven Ruins... We go to the central room (library), and there in one of the subrooms there will be Nekras... We must kill him. We kill, we go, we hand over the quest Biotin.

Receive as a reward: 1,495 Aden, 17,818 XP, 927 SP.

Well, now we have from 200 to 300 thousand (the dark elves have more).
On average, we have levels 22-23. Go to Town of Giran, we buy top-D ordinary weapons, ordinary jewelry and ordinary armor (I recommend that magicians leave to buy Devotion Kit(normal, not normal), as it gives casting speed, or Sage's Cape(normal)). We buy nipples and go under Dion to finish off the 24th level (magicians 25). Next, we ask for Kamaloka (Kama 2326 is better than 26). We pass it. If you are prem then you are already level 26-27. You can go to the solokamaloka, take the 28th level, and then ask to go to the lab (29th labyrinth of the abyss (it is better for magicians to take the 30th level)). If not prem - then we finish again level 28/30 on mobs (experience is going well under Dion) and go to the lab. There is an altarnativa - RB.

At level 25, there is a quest for a decent amount of SP.

  • Start in Town of Gludio... We talk from the guards Prague... He stands at the western gate. We take the quest. We go to the master Romer, we talk to him.
  • We run out through the western gate and, after running a little, you will see the lizardmen and spiders(territory Mel Lizardmen camps). We beat Mel Lizardman Warrior, Mel Lizardman Shaman, Mel Lizardman Matriarch, until we get 50 Of sparkling crystals... We also beat Poisonous Arachnid, King of the Arachnids, and knock out 50 Red crystals.
  • We go to the master Romer, we hand over the quest.

Receive as a reward: 42,000 SP.

At level 27, you can take the quest, but it is quite long.

  • Go to Gludin Village... We talk at the north gate with Alva... We take the quest.
  • We go to the weapons store, talk to Arodin.
  • We teleport to Orc camp, we hit there: Turek Orc Warlord , Turek Orc Shooter, Turek Orc Militia, Turek Orc Minion, Turek Orc Footman, Turek Orc Sentinel, Turek Orc Shaman, Turek Elder Orc until 20 Blank Swords.
  • Dark Elven Village, Further Spider Nest... We talk there with Tyroi.
  • We use SOE, go to Arodin v Gludin
  • Then we run to Alve, we talk to him. We teleport to Town of Dion and hit near the city Cannibals Tumran until we collect 4 Ranger's Report.
  • We teleport to Gludin, go to Alve, we talk to her. After we go to Abandoned camp and hit there Gnoll Generals until we get Attack Order and Arms Trade Contract... We use SOE. Go to Alve, Further Neti.
  • We teleport to Wasteland, we talk there with Rolento.
  • We use SOE, we teleport to Orc camp, looking for an orc there Buray... We talk with him. We use SOE.
  • We teleport to Abandoned camp, we hit there Gnoll Captains until we collect 30 Skull Captain Gnolls... We use SOE.
  • We teleport to Orc camp, go to the hand Buray, we talk to him. We use SOE.
  • Go to Alve, we hand over the quest.

Receive as a reward: 95,000 + 8,000 (from Orc Burai) Aden, 159,820 EXP, 9,182 SP.

  • Council of Elders- talking with Bronze Key Guild Leader Filar, take the quest - Beyond the Hills of Winter ... We go to the grocer, buy 20 bandages, 10 lockpicks, 5 energy stones, go back to Filara, and from it we port to Town of Schuttgart (Schuttgart).
  • From there we port to Plundered Plains and will stand next to Trackman Obi... We hand over the quest to him.
  • When selecting an item Get money issues 17387 adena. When selecting an item Get materials gives out 1740 D-grade nipple. In addition, it gives a lot of experience and SP.

After the 30th level, we swing in Swamps of Cruma on a stakato (good for magicians), or in State Lands on ghouls (more for warriors). You can also swing in Florent's land... Laba, Kama, RB are not canceled.

When you get the 35th level, you have the opportunity to go to make stamps on the professional, or you can swing further, take 39 and buy a professional. I will not describe the pros, everyone chooses for himself where to get the material for their implementation. I'd better tell you about this ...

At level 35, there are quests such as Temple Executor and Temple Missionary ... Both of them are taken in the temple Dione, and in my opinion they are very profitable, interesting and easy to carry out.

Temple Preacher:

  • You come up to Master Glivka, you take the quest. You come up to Bookseller Roke(he stands in the same temple), you talk to him.
  • You are porting in Cruma Tower, and in the swamps you hit a stack until you fill 30 items (Part of the equipment for experiments). You use SOE.
  • You come up to Rouku, you talk, it gives 3 items.
  • You are porting in Cruma Tower, in the swamps you hit a stack, a quest monster appears from it. You kill. And then two more. You use SOE.
  • Go to Rouku, and now the quest is completed.

Receive as a reward: 15,100 Aden, 30,000 EXP, 2,000 SP.

  • You come up to Shegfield, take the quest, run to Floran Village
  • We talk there with Alex, he says to collect 30 different items (10 of each type). Let's go beat Delu Lizardmen, Damned prophets until we collect all 30 items.
  • We come to Grocer Pano, we hand over the quest.
  • Go to Warehouse Keeper Sonin, we hand over the quest.
  • Go to Alex, we hand over the quest. We use SOE.
  • Go to Shegfield to the Temple, we hand over the quest.

Receive as a reward: 16,924 Aden, 30,000 EXP, 2,000 SP.

After completing these quests, we get the opportunity to complete other quests in this chain.

  • We come to High Priest Sylvian, take the quest. He asks questions, they are easy and there is no need to start from the beginning. Answers:
    - Who founded the power ... - Shunaiman.
    - What race ... - People.
    -What power ... -The temple should be the center.
  • Porting (running) in Execution Grounds, we beat - Ghouls, Slaves, Hanging Trees, Death Eaters, Golems, Granite and Amber Basilisks. We fill 30 items. We use SOE.
  • Go to Silvin, we hand over the quest.

Receive as a reward: 69,146 Aden, 219,975 XP, 13,047 SP.

  • We talk, we get the quest.
  • Porting to Town of Giran, we talk in the temple with Pupina.
  • We run to Dark Elf Guild talking to Angus.
  • Porting to Dragon Valley, we beat Basilisks, Scavengers, Whelps, fill in 10 items. We use SOE.
  • Go to Angus, we hand over the quest. We run to Pupine to the temple, we hand over the quest. Porting to ... We take the quest.
  • We run to Dark Elf Guild... We talk with Master Xivonia.
  • Porting to Alligator Island... We swim across the river and beat there - Croc Shaman, Croc, Cayman, Croc Warrior... We fill 25 items (crystal of darkness). I advise exactly 25, no less, you can 30.
  • Go to Xivonia, talk to her, and select any lines (I had no luck with the 1st line-red solution).
  • We get 3 oxides of darkness, go to Klaku to the warehouse, we hand over the quest.

Receive as a reward: 18,775 Aden, 30,000 EXP, 2,000 SP.

  • We talk with Natuls in a warehouse. We get the quest.
  • We go where the crystals of darkness beat ( Alligator Island).
  • We beat Aligators, Shaman Krok, Warriors Krok, we fill in 30 reports.
  • We hand over the quest Natulsu.
  • We choose Lords of Dawn(they say the sunset slows down, I did not check it myself).

Receive as a reward: 88,888 Aden, 278,005 XP, 17,058 SP.

  • After taking the quest from Natulsa, choosing the side of the dawn, let's go to Town of Gludio, in the temple we talk with High Priest Raymond.
  • Porting to Anthill(wasteland from Gludin), we run along the arrow to Casian... We talk with him.
  • We go to myself Anthill, we beat any ants there, even the simplest ones, we recruit 30 items ( Part of the prophecy).
  • From the anthill we go to the Stone, which is indicated on the map. The arrow leads there.
  • "How can you reconcile them").

Receive as a reward: 18,100 Aden 60,000 EXP, 3,000 SP.

PS: This quest smoothly flows from "Researching relics" to " Cooperation with Nicolas - Agreement (Nikola’s Cooperation - Contract) :…»

  • Go to Loraine, we give her the card. We approach it again.
  • We talk to her, remember the code ( 3196 ), go to the 2nd floor Cruma Towers.
  • Once on the 2nd floor, we run forward without turning anywhere, when we hit the side we turn to the right. (i.e. the first intersection leading to the mobs, we run through). There will be boxes. We poke at them, as if we were talking. A pillar appears, and says that after 2 minutes it will self-destruct. We poke on the pole enter the code (3196) and again on the boxes. We get Metallograph.
  • Go to Loraine, we give it to her Metallograph.

Receive as a reward: 72,527 Aden, 203,717 EXP, 14,032 SP.

  • We talk with Loraine... We take the quest, go to Nicolas.
  • Porting to Town of Giran, go to Cousteau... We hand over the quest.

Receive as a reward: 93,383 Aden, 285,935 EXP, 18,711 SP.

  • We talk with Cousteau... We take the quest.
  • Go to Master of Juris... From her we go back to Cousteau.
  • Cousteau sends us to Loraine... Go to Cruma Tower talking to Loraine.
  • From Loraine go to Nicolas.
  • We hand over the quest from Cousteau v Town of Giran.

Receive as a reward: 109.427 Aden, 309.467 Experience, 20.614 SP.

That's all the quests up to level 42. 42-43-44 levels of quests are not interesting, perhaps more will be ... Wait for the continuation. But the article is still being processed.
P.S. The article will be gradually revised to give it the best possible look.

So, you started playing Lineage 2, and at the start you realize that you are still far from experienced players. A character with minimal equipment and items will not be able to get all the fun out of the game. Experienced players immediately understand what needs to be done in order to get the required amount of adena and pump their character to a decent state. But what if you're just getting started? Then our short guide on the main points of pumping at one stage or another will be very useful. Go!

Leveling from 1 to 20 levels

So, your journey through exciting locations in Lineage 2 has already begun. At the start, you find yourself in the starting location, around which the mobs-gremlins walk and there is the so-called th assistant. Initially, you already need to decide on how the character will develop. Experienced L2 players recommend drawing up a detailed program for the development and pumping of your hero. You must understand what skills and experience you will need - this is necessary in order not to waste time and effort on completing quests that will not give you the necessary experience to master your chosen profession.

After you kill the first gremlin in the starting location, you get the Crystal and you can get the minimum experience and gear. Depending on the quests that you go through (it depends on the race and the chosen profession), you get certain skills to master the profession. The chosen race significantly affects the types of selected quests, but in the first twenty stages there are basic recommendations:

  1. Kill simple mobs. Don't even pay attention to pinks, reds, or blues. You will lose 10% of experience, and this is a very significant loss in Lineage 2, especially in the first stages. Wet simple mobs and get a drop from them. Yes, it is very simple and not always interesting, but no one promised a path showered with roses.
  2. Level up yourself. Up to level 20, you won't be able to quickly pump a character in a group. Most players will share the experience of older comrades among themselves, and since you are only at the beginning, most likely there will be players of a higher level in the group, who will take some of the experience from the leaders. Rock solo!
  3. Don't teleport and get ready for the rift. Run with your feet in all locations, use free commands instead of teleporting - this way the character gets much more experience, and you don't waste resources.
  4. Buy the minimum cheapest heal. In the early stages, you do not have enough experience to play without any damage or damage to the character. Accumulate a little adena and get a heal - so you can pump your character in Lineage 2 much faster and better.
  5. Complete quests from people - they are the fastest. Avoid the orcs: their quests take the most time.

Priority locations for leveling

At level 20, it is better to choose locations with repeating quests and simple mobs. So, it can be an elven forest, elf ruins, a cave of trials, and more. On the map of locations for the distribution of mobs, there are places in which you pump much faster.

Leveling from 20 to 40 level

From 20th to 40th level in Lineage 2 you will have to choose - swing solo or alone. Depending on the chosen class and profession, you can get more or less profit from the method you choose.

So, magicians can swing alone - but with a small amendment, you need a pet. Buy it immediately for the ore and begin to groom and cherish. For the next twenty levels, your shadow, horse or other pet will be your faithful companion, which will help you get more experience and profit. By the way, for a skill with a pet, you get as much as 4500s - the profit is simply incredible. Another option is suitable for companionable players - you can find a group for a magician or partner. From these levels, it is already reasonable to divide the drop into each and get an additional 10% experience. Look for academy mates through the group search function. You will be able to communicate with other characters and help them implement their strategy.

As for the buff, here you can also swing alone or with someone in a group. You can find a digger who constantly needs healers in order not to “fade away” after every second mob. It is very important to think over a high-quality strategy: in L2 buffs, you need to learn to keep the golden mean and not overheat the characters, save your resources and experience.

It is much easier for warriors or tanks in this sense. All characters need them, absolutely. But on the other hand, you will have to look for partners, better - through the same academy. The maximum gear at this level is a quest cannon and a wooden set. It is very difficult to play as a tank due to constant contact with mobs, so clickers and bots are categorically contraindicated. And by the way, if there are problems with the Internet, it is also better to refuse this class.

The principle itself remains the same - we go through quests, we kill the mobs (you can already choose the levels of monsters higher), and we get a drop. Here, players need to competently unite in groups in order to quickly get a profit for each player.

Priority locations for leveling at 20-40 levels

Here, the choice of location entirely depends on the characters. So, you can stay in the same Elven Forest until level 30, and then go to the Ruins of Despair or the Outskirts of Dion. See the map of mobs, their distribution by levels. For example, the Ruins of Despair and the Outskirts of Dion are suitable for a solo Mage swing, but for a group of buffers it is better to go to the Partisan Camp or the Abandoned Camp. Explore the map!

Leveling character from 40 to 60 level

After level 40, the first task of any player, especially a group member, is to quickly pump tankers and healers. The former will help you kill better mobs and do more damage on campaigns. Save money on them - you will be marking time for a very long time. Healers in Lineage 2 need a lot of mana in order to heal your characters and all party members. Therefore, agree in advance with your partners that healers and tankers should be a priority.

It will be much more difficult to swing alone after the fortieth level. But if you decide to go through everything completely on your own, then do not spare money for pumping gear and resources. Get one more profession, choose only those skills and abilities that are right for you. You will also have to complete quests in selected locations: study the guide in order to understand the profit in advance, and those items that will drop for you after completing the quest. There is no need to waste time. Regarding group leveling, it is important to play fair here. The fact is that in Lineage 2 your partners can also set you up - after reaching level 40, a more socially dependent game begins: a knife in the back can "fly in" even from an unexpected player. That is why, in order to quickly pump a character, you need to gain authority - never take drops from other mobs if they were not intended for you. Received an item undeservedly - give it back. So you reduce the risk of betrayal and increase your credibility.

By the way, at this level in L2 you should find a competent spoiler - your precious adena will stay with you, and you can get a lot of useful things from mobs at these levels.

Priority locations

You can pass in the Wasteland, the vicinity of Dion, the Cruma Tower, on the Battlefield you can level up to 61.

Character leveling 60+ and above

When you reach level 60, a real exciting game in Lineage 2 begins. You can do much less boring quests and get new professions, after level 85 you will pass the cherished quest for rebirth into a completely new class - the quest for the fourth profession.

After level 65 on the Wall of Argon, opportunities open up for convenient and fast pumping for all professions. The advantage of swinging here is not just getting experience, but also adena for mobs or quests. Many players stay on the Tower of Insolence - here you can slowly but steadily level up to level 70+ and above before mastering the third class.

The hardest part in Lineage 2 is swinging after level 76. Even newcomers to L2 will notice how much more difficult the tasks have become and how much stronger the mobs themselves. We go to the Swamp location and pump over there. The main goal is to get a new profession, already the fourth, and get a new class.

After level 85 in L2, you need to collect more adena, and engage in methodical farming. All dungeons are open to you, they take you to any group hunt - in general, enjoy!

Mob Map

As you can see, you can level up to level 85+ in L2 both independently and in a group. Choose tactics and go!

  1. I will not tell you about 1-85, there you will be led by the hand. At 85, not everything, and not always so open.

    You upgraded 85, went through the rebirth and got the R event gear (well, you didn't forget to get a mentor, right?) And wonder what to do next. In fact, the game is just beginning for you. I'll go over the highlights.

    1. Students
    Starting at level 85, you can now recruit students yourself. Maximum - 3 at a time. If you kick a student / he kicks you, then you get a penalty for a set of 2 days (the student will not receive a penalty). Recruitment is a dreary business - the students always strive to run away or to score somewhere, but you need to survive this and accumulate at least 20k items. You will need to buy stones att 60 (gear) and 150 (weapons). In the future, you can also continue to gain - a 5% bonus to exp / cn only at 95 - seems ridiculous, but then you cling to all the possibilities. You can also buy points of giants armor and veapon (10k and 45k items, respectively). These sharpenings randomly improve the item by +1 .. + 3. Usually sharpen from +2, and get +5 on luck. There is no chance of failing gear, in the worst case you get +3

    2. Shmot
    Up to 90, in principle, the issued event gear is enough. But in the future, apocalypse cannon of 300 watts and a set of hell (60 watts) are required. Without the first you will not be taken to a normal quality, without the second - it will fly from mobs. See the order of purchase for yourself - for example, some classes in general P do not really need guns (tanks / ISs)

    3. Dual / subs
    To get a dual class, you need to pump the sub to level 80 and do a quest (you will be directed in the game itself), after that the sub becomes a dual and it can also be pumped to level 99. The rest of the subs also need to be pumped to level 80 - to get sub-skills. Sub-skills do not depend on prof, they are now general.
    Important! Artei do not swing the dual, they immediately get the 85 level dual-class. They have no sabs.
    Sub-skills can be viewed
    Dual skills and a little more information
    Very important. Think / agree with your CP dual-class. On a dual or base, there must be a pve class that can be used to farm insts - sum / destroy / heal / is. These 4 classes are the most needed in insts. Taking, for example, a tank / mage combination, you can fly in half of the instances - you will not be stupidly taken due to zero dps.

    4. Again quality in insts? There is no PVP here, right? Do you need to swing for x1 for three years?
    One of the most common misconceptions.
    Insta on these chronicles is a way of earning adena. Loki in the field is the main way to level up. You can go somewhere in one place, but you will either be naked or really swing for three years. Where and when to go I'll write down below

    5. What to do with the coins of the iron gates, remove them?
    Not on your nelly. You need to accumulate 2000 coins (usually obtained after pumping the first sub to level 60-70), get level 86 and exchange for 3 chests from the same NPC where they took the iron gear. From the chests, you can randomly pull out P \ P95 gear and weapons. It is better to change coins after all subs and duals are deflated to level 80-85.

    6. Quests
    Some quests will be sent by NPCs, and some will not. And therefore, sometimes you can miss good buns such as a heap of adena or R sharpenings.
    Be sure to look at the list
    Separately, I can note the quest chain. For the first quest they will give a bracelet with a fairy. Don't delete it (like some). With its help, it will be possible to go to Arkan every 30 minutes (the place from where there is a TP in most loks / instances 88-97)

    7. What are the Traveler's Signs and the Energy of Destruction?
    Starting from 85, when killing mobs, these items will start to fall. 1 Sign and 2 energies fall per day.
    Energy is needed for talismans. We save up a lot, then we will definitely need
    As a result, the signs change in the insta to acc. item. And already for these items are bought CA (R-R95-R99), We read about the signs

    8. Olympus
    It is held only on Fridays and Saturdays from 20-00 to 23-40. There are no special changes. To get an item, 1 victory in 10 battles is enough.

  2. Insta and places for pumping

    1. 85-89
    Cartia 85. Group inst. The NPC's entrance is in the center of aden. Consists of 3 stages - farm with a mob under the stairs, kill 1 mob in the room (Overseer Kartia), farm mobs + RB. RB is unpleasant - throws a firm. The inst itself is easy, often collected for 3 people (is, heal + good dd, this is usually a sum or titanium). It is obligatory to go, there are a lot of exp
    Solo cart 85. Same as group, but with weaker mobs. You can pass at will - there is no special need.
    Zaken + freya. Nothing has changed since the old chronicles. It is advisable to walk, there is almost no experience, but sometimes a good drop can get.
    Quest for chickens. Not inst, but I will also bring it here. The bottom line is killing mobs in SOA. You can read it HERE. Please note that the first time you need to do 1 more mini-quest. It is also convenient to hit the traveler's sign + energy of destruction on this quest
    Trajan, aka a worm, aka a worm. Sunset in Shudgart. There is not much exp, it is mainly required to exchange the traveler's mark (only 1 token can be exchanged for 1 visit). Inst is easy, but there are a couple of nuances. After the PL starts the group, wait for the buff and crawl onto your horse. Together with everyone, go upstairs and wait for the IS to give shd and celest. Then run forward with everyone. At the end, at the npc (it will come out after the murder) you change your sign
    Kach in the field
    It is best to pump in a group in the Mimir Forest (from the village of Kamael). Required tank, heal and is and aoe-dd (magicians, bows, sums, spades). Knives and saikh are usually taken as drivers of wigs. Very often packs cost 3-4 hours and at night - a live driver is enough, and the rest are on macros.

    2. 90-96
    Cartia 90 (95th after reaching level 95), Solo cartia 90 (95). These instances are almost complete analogs of their younger versions.
    Zaken + freya. You can try to get to level 91.
    Quest for chickens. Actual
    Trajan. You can walk up to 92 if there are items left.
    Fortune. Inst group. A tank or heavy dd is required. Profit is mainly a drop, there are not many exp. Before the hike, it is advisable to see the video

Since you leveled 85, do you want to quickly upgrade to 90? Then read carefully, there are two options:
1. Budget option 85 ---> 90 for those who play 2-3 hours a day. You can get up in 1 month.
2. Extreme option 85 ---> 90 for those who want to get 90 up in 1 week.

Budget option 85 ---> 90

Up time 85 ---> 90: up to 1 month
Costs: no runes / nevit / cans / no PA

If you do not have the opportunity to play more than 3 hours a day, but the clan requires a quick up-up-up, then work as follows:

2. DAILY Quest in SOA (Seeds of Destruction) - 1-2% exp, stone / crystal of the attribute, possibly fluff / point up to 30 minutes of time
3. DAILY Group card - 2-10% exp, stone / attribute crystal + possible drop from RB up to 30 minutes of time
4. DAILY Solo Kartia - 1-5% exp, attribute shard up to 30 minutes
5. DAILY Trandjar - 1-5% from RB + 1-5% on the quest for the exchange of the "vow plate" received during the quest in SOA, it is possible to get a drop from RB up to 30 minutes
Additionally: Zaken / Freya on a rollback - a tasty drop of 80+ fluff is possible, they can easily surrender to the store at 80kk

Total depending on the level:
6-27% Experience
1kk adena - from the quest and drop in SOA / Marsh
2 attribute stones
1-2 attribute shards
2 hours 30 minutes - maximum time spent (excluding Zaken / Freya)
RECOMMENDATIONS - if there is no group for a long time - collect it yourself, the main thing is to write in the subject who is needed (for example, SOA Quest: is / dd / tank / heal)

Extreme option 85 ---> 90

Up time 85 ---> 90: up to 1 week
Costs: PA / Runes of experience + in the possibility of a can of regeneration vitalka + nevit

If you set yourself a task, quickly level up.
If you want to learn to play dynamically and not stand still.
If you have 150-300 extra scars to buy at a can store, work as follows:
1. DAILY Quest in the swamps - 1-5% exp, 500k adena up to 30 minutes
2. DAILY Quest in SOA (Seeds of Destruction) - 2-5% exp, stone / crystal of an attribute, possibly fluff / point up to 30 minutes of time
3. DAILY Group card - 4-15% exp, stone / attribute crystal + possible drop from RB up to 30 minutes of time
4. DAILY Solo Kartia - 3-10% exp, attribute shard up to 30 minutes
5. DAILY Trandjar - 3-10% from RB + 1-5% on the quest for exchanging the "vow plate" received during the quest in SOA, it is possible to get a drop from RB up to 30 minutes

Additionally: Zaken / Freya on a rollback - a tasty drop of 80+ fluff is possible, they can easily surrender to the store at 80kk

The "extreme option" is reinforced by the need for PASS. I must say right away: in the swamps - not quality, but a waste of time. Swamp for the quest only.

Places for swing

First, we collect the group:
Mandatory participants: Tank / IS / Heal / Sum / Knife
In addition to the mandatory: Sum / Knife / Tyr / Bow / Mage
I recommend creating a group of different professionals in order to get the 3rd level of the party bonus.
The presence of a knife = the presence of additional income from the sale of pieces.
After gathering the group, we are sure to be interested in: party protection and also the swing time. I gathered a group on the condition that everyone would swing for at least 2 hours.

1. Seed of annihilation (SOA)- the problem with the crits of mobs, the constant presence of vars and the gathering of the group. Most Toko go here for a quest.
It is recommended to collect at the chickens. They only need 1 heal.

2. Ruins of Harnak (Ruins of Esgir). I consider it a more effective pitching site than SOA.
Ruins advantage:
- the pack is going faster.
- no need to run back and forth
- it is possible to call RB, for which they give 0.2-2% of experience, depending on the level.

Total depending on the level:


13-40% Experience
1kk adena - from the quest and drop in SOA / Marsh
2 attribute stones
1-2 attribute shards
2 hours 30 minutes - maximum time spent (excluding Zaken / Freya)
RECOMMENDATIONS - if there is no group for a long time - collect it yourself, the main thing is to write who is needed in the subject (for example, in SOA Quest: is / dd / tank / heal)

Kats in SOA / Harnak

up to 500k per hour clean
up to 500k per hour in pieces
5-15% per hour based on experience


1. DAILY Quest in the Marsh
Bloody Marsh
Behind the dark forest lies a giant swamp, where, under the influence of Shilen, a dark red mist spread and her blood seeped. This place is occupied by high-level monsters who have gathered here, attracted by the scent of blood.

Bloody Marsh are located near the Dark Elf Village. In the past, this place was also the Swamp, but now it was influenced by the forces of evil of the Altar and the bloodthirsty monsters of Shilen flocked there. Similar to the Altar of Evil, this place is overflowing with blood, the Marks of Shilen inscribed in blood can be found everywhere.

Evil blood swamp monsters emerging from the Altar of Evil, usually with a high level of density, are suitable for hunting by players of level 85-90.

To travel to the Blood Marsh, use the Teleportation Device in the Dark Elf Village by selecting the Swamp (Blood Marsh) item from the list.

Collecting materials for research

English name "
Level: 85 - 89
Quest type Solo / Repeatable Quest (Daily)
Race: Any race
Class: Any class
Starting location Dark Elf Village / Blood Marsh
Starting NPC Grocer Vollodos
Reward 505,062 adena
Information This quest can be completed once a day. The execution capability is reset at 6.30 am


1. Go to Blood Marsh. You can get from the Dark Elf Village using the teleportation device, choosing the "Swamp" item.
2. Talk to Grocer Vollodos, who is located next to the teleportation point in Bloodwallow Marsh.
3. Collect materials for research by killing monsters in the Blood Marsh District.
Corpse devourer
Corpse decomposer
Plague Beetle
Corpse Shredder
Decayed Spores
Infected Rotten Roots
To obtain:
Rotten Bile-20
Swamp Assassin
Swamp Persecutor
Swamp Overseer
Blood Trustee
Body Collector

To obtain:
Rotten Blood-20

4. Talk to the Grocer Vollodos and receive a reward.

2. DAILY Quest in SOA (Seed of Destruction)

From 84 lvl you become available to the daily quest in SOA (Seed of Annihilation)

First you need to take a one-time quest from NPC Kovaldir
be at the Keucereus Alliance Base on the Grace Continent. (you can see where to be on the screen)
you can get to the base by ship from the port of Gludio (to the port of the TP from Gludio)

After that, through the Ship Controller, we move to the Seed of Destruction and find the NPC Clemis

We hand over the quest
after that, the daily quest with Your Powers becomes available to you (taken from the Clemis NPC)
The quest is paty.
in this quest you will have a choice of which mobs to beat Bistacons, Reptilikons or Cochracons
(as a rule, on Cochracons they make it easier, but this is discussed at the party)

You will find yourself in a room with 3 exits
(to make it easier I will give screenshots and where are some mobs)

Here Cochracons are also Birds

Here Reptilikons are also Toads

And here Bistacons are monkeys or squirrels

Quest rewards: ore, attribute crystals, R points, unidentified Requiem, Apocalypse cannons
quest resets at 6:30 am
(if you took the quest for the wrong mobs, cancel and take it again)

5. DAILY Trandjar

How to get

Characters of level 85 and above who have passed Awakening, as part of a group of 7 people, can get into the time zone of the Battle with the Bosses of Trajan. The area is accessed through the Elder Philar NPC in Schuttgart. Unlike other time zones, access to the zone is not restricted after passing.


The time zone is divided into five sections. There are monsters and eggs in four sections. The fifth section is a spacious hall in which the boss of the zone - Trajan lives. When passing from the entrance to the boss hall, you need to pay attention that when passing next to the eggs, they begin to shine yellow and beetles begin to hatch from them, kill them on the way to the boss. Also, inside the zone, small areas can come across; when they hit them, the effect of poisoning is imposed on the character.

Many people often ask how and where to pump your Persian / Twink / Sub in lineage2? This article contains almost all the little things and nuances of pumping. There is also an order of zones with mobs, which you will frantically bludgeon, from time to time checking the list of locations with a greedy glance before the exploration.

1. Passing ALL quests from Kekropus;

2. Mentor's buff + 50% to experience;

3. In cities for the light is the NPC Herold - gives + 3% to experience;

4. For academicians - in Gludio there is an NPC Arkady opposite the TP - he will give you a diadem of experience + 10% of experience - it needs to be ACTIVATED every hour in skills; Also, the diadem can be improved with Arcadio, but only upon reaching level 80;

5. Donate experience runes + 50%, Nevit's Clock 100%, Emperor's Scroll + 30%, Splash Potion, Support Potion, various things for VP recovery;

6. Buy PA (premium account);

7 ... After killing ANTARAS / LINDVIOR and other flying / crawling evil spirits, the NPC Tercy appears in the cities - it gives a buff + 100% to experience for an hour. A message about the appearance of this NPC will be displayed on the screen and in the system chat;

8. We take the sponsor's buff (yellow nicknames when viewing the list of clans). Buff for 60 min. P. Atk. + 10%, M. Atk. + 10%, chance of P. Atk. + 10%, chance of M. Crit. Atk. + 10%;

9. Buff of the Head of the Clan. for 60 min. P. Atk. + 20%, M. Atk. + 20%, chance of physical crit.Atk + 20%, chance of M. Crit. Atk. + 20%;

10. When pumping a dual - at 80 lvl, sabnite on rb 88 - they will give 2-3 lvl at once, sabay at the RB and swing your duals;

11. Control RB - this is your fast pumping;

12. List of Locations for leveling characters up to lvl 76: (NOT arty)

1) 40-44 lvl Alligator Island (tp via Hein);
2) 44-48 lvl Forest of robbers (tp through Oren);
3) 48-55 lvl Sea of ​​Spores (tp through Oren);
4) 55-58 lvl Forgotten Plains (tp through Aden);
5) 58-63 lvl Field of Battle (tp through Aden);
6) 64-73 lvl Wall of Argos (tp via Goddard);
7) 73-81 lvl Dragon Valley (tp via Giran);
8) 81-85 lvl School of Empowerment / Hardin Academy (tp through Oren);

13. After killing RB, a buff + 10% to experience and SP is given.

14. Buy quality from characters 85 lvl, add to friends to check lvl.

15. When pumping, the rune of the crystal helps - it allows you to wear items 5 levels earlier, especially helps when pumping from 80 to 85 lvl.

16. If you are swinging a tank, pp, bd, heal or other undersized character, then I advise you to buy transforms and swing in them ("Armored Dragon", "Ranku" and "Lilith Knight") - all are sold in a thrift shop. Also buy talismans for physical / magician. attack and speed taliks for more convenient farming for melee players - they are sold in Giran from an accessory vendor. You can transfer seed taliks from the main character, etc.

17. When pumping low-damage characters, you can make a tattoo for soldiers with STR + 4 Pin-5, for magicians INT + 4 WISD-5, having made 3 such tattoos you will forget the main indicator by +12 STR / INT and drive the secondary indicator to minus -15 CON / WISDER You can compensate for the minus one stats by RAGU CON / WISE +3 and Talsman PA + 5 (for 500 PA points) for a total of +8. It turns out -7 is a side indicator. If we have funds and want to increase dps, we take a headdress either for the main or for an additional characteristic + 3. As a result, -4 is a secondary indicator, or the acceleration of STR / INT up to +23 !!! but with - 15 different characteristics, or -5 and -10. If you addict further, then we buy Octavis's shirt and the crystal rune (allows you to wear things 5 ​​level earlier) we do all this at 80 lvl - the shirt will give +2 to STR / INT ... Acceleration +25 or -2 is a secondary indicator, with the same rune we get the benir talik (6ur) +1 and remove the penalty to -1, or acceleration to +26, if we are rich, we get the talik of lust with the same rune and + 2 in total penalty +1. These paints can be purchased at Goddard Grocery Store.

18. In the presence of PA, take PA-improved temptation of the rose, it gives HP / MP / CP + 30%, P. Def. And M. Def. + 30%, P. At. + 10%, M. At. + 20% on 30 minutes.

19. When a castle is captured by our server in sieges of another dimension, all players on the server can once a day receive an item that has a positive effect - the Power of Another Dimension (resetting the possibility of receiving at 6.30 am). - For 1 hour Speed. Atk. / Speed. Magician + 10%, Speed ​​+10, Max. HP / MP / CP + 10%.

20. If you have PA, you can leave the character for training every day - it gives good EXP and SP.

21. Fishing also gives EXP - put on the night with the clan pet - and EXP and money and stew (only for PA).

22. When completing the quest to be reborn as a heal or a character who has little damage, you can get a wolf of 85 lvl, and while RB holds you in chains of air, your wolf will issue dps.

23. From 76 lvla quality in dv (Dragon Valley, tp from Giran) is better in a group and preferably with a heal.

24. Runes of qualification for swing can be obtained by exchanging at the Rybolov NPC for fish oil from fishing.

25. Try to join a clan with a 4th level of solidarity (+ 35% to EXP and SP, PVE damage + 8%, energy consumption -8%, damage received from raid bosses -8%).

26. On raid bosses, do not hesitate to use mafr wind scrolls when the threshold of his HP reaches 2-3% (+ 200% EXP / SP).

27. Up to 40-41 lvl, it makes sense to just buy bags of experience (1 bag of 3 lvl and 5 bags of 1st lvl), go through quests for the profession and not spend an extra hour on this pumping.

I hope you learned at least something new for yourself, and if you are an oldfag, you have reproduced the old experience in your memory and were satisfied with this squeeze.

Good luck in the L2!

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