Green onions: composition, benefits, properties, contraindications to the use of green onions, green onions in cooking. Green onions - calorie content, benefits and harms Green Tsibula

Attic 26.08.2020

In nature, there is a separate onion family, and it includes about 1000 varieties. The birthplace of the plant is Central Asia. They began to grow it there about 4000 years ago.

Now only a few species are eaten. Onions have a rather specific taste, and not everyone likes it. It is widely used in cooking. Use both the root portion and the stems.

The benefits of green onions for the body have long been known. Housewives specifically add it to dishes, because it improves digestion and stimulates appetite. Now it is already difficult to imagine many recipes without onions. Borsch, soups, salads, meat and fish dishes certainly include this vegetable. It is also used for medicinal purposes. Green onions are widely used in folk medicine. Few know how it is useful. Onions do well with colds and have antimicrobial properties.

Varieties of onions

Of the large number of onion varieties, only a few are considered edible:

  • branched;
  • slime;
  • chives;
  • batun;
  • onion;
  • shallot;
  • leek;
  • wild garlic;
  • garlic.

In these varieties, both root and green onions are eaten. How is such a product useful? It all depends on the variety and the soil on which it grew.

Beneficial features

Many people are concerned about the benefits of green onions for women, men and children. It is a healing culture for everyone. Onions contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. The most useful part is considered to be the top (green onions). Useful properties of the product:

  • Helps to cope with vitamin deficiency due to the content of a large amount of vitamin substances.
  • It successfully treats colds.
  • It is used as a bactericidal agent.
  • It is used to stimulate appetite and secretion of gastric juice.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Improves the condition of hair and nails.
  • Strengthens the immune system.

What is healthy in green onions? The question interests many people. The most valuable is its lower part and 10 centimeters of the stem. The rest of the onion feathers are absolutely useless for health. Some sources claim that the bases of such stems are even harmful. When using them, there is:

  • irritability;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness.

Besides all of their medicinal properties, green onions are very beneficial for men's health. It is classified as a natural aphrodisiac. How are green onions useful for men? It has a stimulating effect, increases libido, improves the functioning of the reproductive system. In ancient times, monks were forbidden to use such a product because of its stimulating properties.

How are green onions good for women? It helps fight infections and is also a good remedy for irregular menstruation.


Despite the enormous benefits of onions, not everyone can use it. It is contraindicated in people with:

  • any diseases of the digestive tract;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • high blood pressure;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Green onions are no less harmful to such people. Useful properties and contraindications are not very different from the root part. Therefore, if you have such health problems, you should also not use it.

Chemical composition

The beneficial substances of green onions have been known for a long time. The composition contains vitamins C, B, A, E, as well as minerals such as zinc, sulfur, iron, magnesium, fluorine. In addition, onions are rich in flavonoids and essential oils.

Why do tears come from onions?

Every person at least once in his life faced tears while peeling onions. Few wondered why this is happening. The fact is that onions contain special substances - phytoncides. It is they that irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and provoke the appearance of tears. Young green onions do not have this effect. In order to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to soak it in water and periodically wet the knife during slicing.

What dishes can green onions be used in?

Green onions are useful, we figured it out. It should be noted that without greens, many dishes become less appetizing. Many housewives are interested in how green onions and dill are useful, what greens are best added to dishes. In fact, they are perfectly combined with each other in taste and complement each other in terms of useful substances. Onions are most often added to all kinds of salads, soups, borscht, hodgepodge. This type of greens goes well with fried and stewed meat, fish, mushrooms. If these dishes are supplemented with dill and parsley, they will have a delicious aroma and pleasant taste. In addition, greens are used for decoration.

Eating onions in childhood

Onions are not contraindicated for use in childhood. However, due to its specific taste and smell, few people like it. In its raw form, babies use this product even less often. The same goes for green onions, garlic, parsley and dill. The exception is the dishes in which they are thermally processed. However, in this case, the beneficial properties of green onions and dill, parsley and other herbs are significantly reduced. If the child nevertheless uses this product with pleasure, then it is necessary to remember about contraindications, such as:

  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • ulcers, colitis, gastritis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • allergic reactions.

Harvesting green onions for the winter

In order to enjoy the wonderful taste of this product even in the cold season, many housewives harvest green onions for the winter. How useful such a product is, few know. If it has not been subjected to heat treatment, then it retains almost all of its useful properties. You can grow it on windowsills, but this activity is not to everyone's liking. A store-bought product purchased in the winter may contain various chemicals that are not beneficial to your health. Its taste is very different from a vegetable grown in summer in its own beds.
When harvesting green onions, the following technologies are used:

  • drying;
  • freezing;
  • salting;
  • pickling.

The most useful is considered to be frozen green onions, the beneficial properties of which are preserved due to the absence of heat treatment. To prepare such a blank, the pre-washed onion is cut with a sharp knife and placed in a special container for freezing.

What are the benefits of dried green onions for the body? It also retains all vitamins and minerals and has an original taste. Such an onion is not suitable for salads, but goes well with first courses, meat and fish. For its preparation, green onions are washed. Only fresh green stems are selected for drying. They are finely chopped and laid out on parchment paper. Dried in convection mode at a temperature of 40 degrees for 1-2 hours. In the process, the onion must be stirred. Then the stove must be turned off and left overnight. The finished bow is placed in glass or iron jars.

Very often pickled green onions are harvested for the winter. Not everyone knows how such a product is useful and what its disadvantages are. The disadvantages include the following:

  • the taste of this onion differs from natural and is not suitable for all dishes;
  • heat treatment, although not long-term, destroys half of the nutrients.


  • long shelf life;
  • original taste that goes well with some dishes.

To prepare such a blank, washed onions are placed in liter jars. Can be pickled whole and chopped. A little mustard seeds, coriander seeds and a few black peppercorns are added to each jar. Then the containers are poured to the brim with cold salt water at the rate of 1 liter of water per 40 grams of salt. Add 2 tablespoons of 6% vinegar to each jar. Sterilized for 15 minutes.

Salting onions is no different from salting other types of greens. The stems are washed and placed in a colander. After the water has drained off, salt is added. It needs 200 grams per 1 kilogram of greens. Everything is thoroughly mixed and laid out in small glass jars. Store in a cool place.

What can decorate a familiar dish, give it an elegant look and add a light spice better than a feather of green onions? Due to the exceptional ease of cultivation (in the country, in a greenhouse, at home on a windowsill), this product can be consumed fresh throughout the year, even when other sources of vitamins are inaccessible. This article will tell you how to save green onions, what are its benefits and whether there is any harm from eating.

Did you know? Humanity began to cultivate onions as a vegetable crop several thousand years ago. It is believed that this plant has Asian roots, but it is reliably known that the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, India, China, Greece, Rome not only used onions, but also believed in its magical power. The soldiers of ancient Rome were instructed to eat a bow to restore energy and strength, as well as to give courage. In ancient China, cholera was treated with onion tea, and the Egyptian pharaohs even depicted onions on the walls of their tombs. Today, onions are a widely consumed product.

Calorie content, composition and nutritional value of green onions

The calorie content of green onions is very low. 100 g of feathers contains only 19 kcal, and if you consider that too many green onion feathers cannot be eaten, this is still an additive to food, not a main dish, then you do not have to worry about keeping your waistline.

The base of green onions is water (up to 93%), but the remaining 7% is a real vitamin and mineral fireworks to strengthen the body.

So, green onions contain proteins (1.2%), carbohydrates, including monosaccharides and disaccharides (4.7%), fiber (0.8%), as well as organic acids, essential oils, pectins and ash. There is no fat in green onions at all!

The vitamin group in green onions is presented in the widest variety. If we arrange the vitamins contained in feathers in a decreasing principle, the row will look like this: ascorbic acid (vitamin C), folic acid (vitamin B9), beta-carotene (vitamin A), tocopherol (vitamin E), niacin (vitamin B3, it the same PP), riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamin (vitamin B1). By the way, green onion feathers contain more vitamins than the bulb itself.

The nutritional value of green onions is determined by their chemical composition. So, the only drawback noted by nutritionists in green onions is the relatively high sugar content. But among the advantages are: lack of fats (saturated and polyunsaturated) and cholesterol; minimal sodium content with a very high content of fiber, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium, a sufficient amount of zinc and phosphorus, as well as a very high content of vitamins C, A and B vitamins.

Useful properties and treatment of green onions

The benefits of green onions are legendary. Due to their composition, these feathers work as an antiseptic, have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antimicrobial properties.

Green onions, mainly due to the phytoncides contained in them and a high dose of vitamin C, provide excellent prevention of influenza and other respiratory infections (both viral and bacterial), increasing the general resistance of the body and vitality.

Also green onions are incredibly beneficial for digestion.It helps to improve the metabolic process and rid the body of toxins, toxins and other unnecessary products. Just a couple of green onion feathers are enough to improve appetite, while the process of assimilating food goes much better, and the feeling of overeating does not arise.

Due to the large amount of chlorophyll, green onions have a positive effect on hematopoietic processes, while an overall improvement in blood composition occurs. By activating white blood cells, which are the body's main defenders against abnormal cells, green onions help prevent cancer. And an increase in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood affects the general well-being of a person - there is a feeling of cheerfulness, a willingness to take active actions. Therefore, green onions are indicated for people suffering from chronic fatigue and stress. The beneficial effect of green onions on the cardiovascular system was noted, it is even recommended to use it for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Also, this product normalizes blood pressure.

Green onions help prevent kidney stones. This product is included in the diet for diabetes mellitus, and is also used in dietetics to get rid of excess weight, which is facilitated by the high fiber content in green onion feathers. In addition, it has been noted that green onions added to unsalted foods make them less bland, which is also important in dietary nutrition based on limiting the amount of salt in the meals consumed.

Did you know? Perhaps one of the most controversial issues associated with the use of green onions is the unpleasant odor spread from the mouth afterwards. To get rid of this problem, you can use folk remedies: chew a sprig of parsley, eat a few nuts of any kind, drink a glass of green tea or milk.

Green onions for men

In addition to the general strengthening effect that green onions have on the human body, there are several reasons to recommend this product to men.

Why onions, especially green ones, are useful for men, will be well understood by those representatives of the stronger sex who are faced with painful manifestations of prostatitis. Unfortunately, in modern conditions, most men after 40-50 years old know what this disease means. Chives, regularly consumed from a young age and especially in adulthood, reduce the likelihood of this ailment and relieve its symptoms.

Also, green onion feathers increase sperm motility and increase their number, which increases the likelihood of conception. In addition, green onions are a natural aphrodisiac, and also contributes to an increase in the formation of the male hormone in the body - testosterone, due to which a man becomes more sexually active. Thus, green onions are recommended as the prevention of impotence.

Green onions during pregnancy

The benefits of green onions for women also have their own characteristics, especially during pregnancy.

The nutrition of a pregnant woman is a serious science. Not only the development of the fetus, but also the health of the expectant mother herself depends on what substances the woman will receive during this period. Therefore, what a woman may not pay attention to in everyday life during pregnancy becomes of paramount importance.

Vitamin B9, contained in green onions, is absolutely necessary at the initial stages of the origin of life - during cell division, the formation of the nervous, circulatory system, organs and tissues of the fetus. A deficiency of this substance can lead to termination of pregnancy, as well as cause various abnormalities in the development of the child. Therefore, women are strongly encouraged to consume green onions before pregnancy and during the first trimester.

In addition, during pregnancy, green onions are also necessary to perform the general useful functions inherent in this product, because influenza and other viral infections for a pregnant woman can be much more dangerous than for other categories of patients. Also, as noted, green onions improve overall well-being, relieve fatigue, increase appetite and improve sleep - all of which are absolutely necessary for a pregnant woman. In addition, pregnant women are especially susceptible to vitamin deficiency; from this point of view, a few green onion feathers can be a real lifesaver!

Important! However, in the second half of pregnancy, it is better to limit the use of green onions, since an excess of this product can provoke a child's tendency to allergic diseases.

Storage, methods of harvesting green onions

Any housewife knows how quickly green onion feathers turn into an unappetizing porridge and how difficult it is to keep this product fresh for at least a few days. At the same time, all the beneficial properties of green onions are also lost quite quickly.

Heat treatment is not the best option for extending the life of green onions: almost everything that has been described above about the positive effects of this product on health applies exclusively to fresh feathers.

Therefore, it is advisable to eat green onions immediately after harvesting, especially since these shoots can be grown all year round. However, if the harvest of green onions is too large or for other reasons it is necessary to preserve it for a long time, there are several ways to protect the feathers from quick damage.


Fresh herbs can be stored for several days by placing them in a jar of water like a bouquet. This method does not work with green onions - from contact with water, the feathers very quickly lose their shape and begin to "swim". Therefore, you can store green onions either in the cellar or in the refrigerator. Due to the poor effect on the feathers of water, it is better not to wash them first, but if necessary, wipe them with a dry cloth or napkin, and if there is moisture on the feathers, first dry them well. Also, before storage, you need to remove all dried and damaged feathers.

There are several ways to store chives in the refrigerator.

First option - a glass jar, tightly covered with a lid, keeps feathers fresh for several weeks.

Important! If you bend the feathers of green onions, they will deteriorate much faster, so this method is only suitable for feathers, the size of which allows them to completely fit into jars.

Second option- put the feathers in a cellophane bag, tie it tightly, having previously made several holes for ventilation. Before placing the feathers in a bag, they need to be kept in the refrigerator without packaging for half an hour. This will lower the temperature of the onions and prevent condensation from forming on the inside of the bag when the onions are placed in the refrigerator (as mentioned, water will greatly shorten the shelf life of green onions).

This option is not suitable for no-frost refrigerators, since in their chambers, when air is supplied, the product dehydrates too quickly.

You can also store the onions wrapped in a thick napkin.


Freezing green onions is a fairly simple way of long-term storage. In this case, the feathers still need to be washed and dried, since the defrosted onions will be immediately added to the food. It is better to store the onion immediately in a chopped form - after defrosting it will be inconvenient to cut it, and the feathers will no longer be suitable for consumption.

Special containers or bags with ties are suitable for freezing. Some people advise using clean, dry plastic bottles for this. First, the chopped onion is laid out on a flat surface and placed in the freezer for several hours and only after complete freezing is it laid out in a prepared container - otherwise the green mass will freeze into a single lump, and it will only be necessary to use it whole (after defrosting, the onion cannot be re-frozen).

It should be understood that freezing allows you to keep green onions suitable for adding to various dishes, however, green feathers will irrevocably lose their original freshness.


This is an uncommon way of storing onions, and meanwhile, it is a good option for storing a product for future use.

Washed, dried and sorted green onions should be crumbled and laid out in layers in glass jars, generously sprinkling them with salt (salt consumption - 200 g per 1 kg of onion). Banks are tightly closed and stored in the refrigerator for up to six months.

Important! The presence of salt in onions prepared in this way must be taken into account when adding it to various dishes so that they do not turn out to be oversalted.

In addition to pickling, green onions can also be canned and pickled.

For preservation, green onion feathers, washed and peeled, are placed vertically in sterilized glass jars (the feathers must first be shortened by the height of the jar). Next, boiling water is poured into the jar, covered and left to warm up for five minutes. Then the water is drained, boiled and the procedure is repeated once more. After the second drain, a brine is made on the basis of the same water (for 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 cup of vinegar 9%, bay leaf, hot peppercorns, allspice, cloves - taste). The marinade is boiled for several minutes, poured into jars, after which they are rolled up with lids and turned upside down until they cool completely.

Marinade can be prepared using a different recipe. Dry white wine is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio, boiled for several minutes with the addition of a small amount of liquid honey (about 2 tablespoons per 300 ml of wine), a pinch of salt and a few sprigs of fresh thyme. The jars prepared in the above way with the onions laid out in them are filled with marinade, covered with lids and sterilized in a water bath (0.5 l - 10 minutes, 1 l - 15 minutes), after which they are removed from the heat, rolled up and turned over until they cool.

How are green onions used in cosmetology

As it was said, zinc contained in green onions improves skin condition, strengthens nails and hair, thanks to which the product has been used in cosmetology.

For this purpose, green onions are used only fresh, not heat-treated.Gruel is prepared from onion feathers using a blender or meat grinder, which is used as a hair mask or compresses on nails. The exposure time is at least 40 minutes. Rinse off the mask and compress with warm water and baby soap. To improve the effect, the procedure should be carried out twice a week.

Green onions in cooking

Green onions are used in cooking mainly as an additive to any dishes, except perhaps desserts. These fancy feathers can brighten the look and taste of a variety of snacks, soups, sauces, vegetables, meats, and fish.

For example, chicken broth sprinkled with fresh green onions takes on an absolutely incredible flavor and aroma. Scrambled eggs and scrambled eggs are perceived in a new way with green onions. With pointed onion feathers, ordinary sandwiches become much tastier.

However, in some dishes, green onions serve as the main or one of the main ingredients.

For example, okroshka and botvinya are cold soups, unthinkable without the addition of a huge amount of green onions. Salads are made on the basis of green onion feathers, as well as filling for pies (usually mixed with boiled eggs, but it is possible without them).

Green onions can be added chopped (in the usual for us cubes or in a more exotic oriental way - diagonally cut with elongated feathers), however, whole onions are served with high-calorie meat dishes and bacon.

Green onions can even be baked on the grill, greased with vegetable oil.The processing time is only a couple of minutes, and the result is simply extraordinary, especially if you season the dish with spicy tomato sauce.

Contraindications and harm of green onions

It would be wrong to talk about the dangers of green onions for the body. There are simply conditions in which this product should not be abused or limited to small portions.

So, with caution, you need to eat green onions for people suffering from various diseases of the kidneys, gallbladder, liver and gastrointestinal tract, especially in an infectious form and especially during an exacerbation.

An excessive amount of eaten green onions can not only lead to irritation of the mucous membrane of these internal organs, but also increase the acidity of gastric juice, this explains the contraindications to the uncontrolled use of green onions with high acidity, even if there are no acute diseases.

There are products that are perceived by all of us as ordinary, everyday. For this reason, we can forget about their benefits and not pay enough attention to them. And the use of such products in food can be the simplest and most budgetary way to solve certain health problems or prevent various diseases. Such products include such a common and extremely amazing plant as green onions.

Yes, we all know very well from childhood that green onions are good for health, and some of us are even ready to remember what exactly. But as a rule, such knowledge is limited to two or three short facts. And green onions have much more useful properties! It is worth remembering about them so that green onions are present on the table not only in spring, but, if possible, throughout the year. Do you know how many green and onions nutritionists recommend to eat per year? As much as 10-12 kilograms! This figure seems quite large only at first glance.

Green onions are the feathers (also called arrows or shoots) of onions. It is not surprising that the composition and properties of the bulb and green shoots from it are largely the same, and the green onion is considered a herbaceous plant and belongs to vegetable crops. Feathers of not only onions are used in food, but also of other varieties. Popular are leeks, shallots, slug, and batun. The content of nutrients in them varies slightly, but in general, each representative is a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements.

The plant is rich in vitamin C. Ascorbic acid contained in green onions, which is the main source of vitamin C. This vitamin is considered one of the most essential substances for humans, without it life is impossible in the form in which we know it. And only 70 grams of green onions satisfy the daily human need for ascorbic acid! By the way, according to this indicator, green onions are three times more useful than onions.

However, vitamin C is not the only vitamin present in high amounts in onions. The plant also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B9, E. That is why green onions, which are so ubiquitous especially in spring, are the first products to fight vitamin deficiency. By the end of winter, our body depletes its reserves of vitamins and minerals, replenishing them is our direct responsibility for good health.

The vitamins listed above have other scientific names as well. These are beta-carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin (PP, or nicotinic acid), folic acid, tocopherol. Perhaps for an ordinary person, the name of all these substances does not really matter, it is much more important that they are really present in green onions and, getting into our body, perform their function. For the most complete assimilation of these substances, green onions are best eaten with vegetable oil.

First of all, regular consumption of green onions has a positive effect on strengthening human immunity. Vitamins C and B3 (PP) are responsible for this in our body, which are present in the shoots in the form of ascorbic and niacin, respectively. This property of green onions is best supported by the presence of phytoncides in it. These biologically active volatile compounds, which are part of the essential oil, are able to kill and suppress the growth of bacteria, microscopic fungi, and protozoa. The antibacterial and antiviral action of phytoncides makes it possible to use green onions for disinfecting the oral cavity, against chronic and acute respiratory diseases, for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, tonsillitis, pneumonia. Also, these substances suppress bacteria that cause dysentery, diphtheria, tuberculosis.

Another amazing compound found in green onions is chlorophyll. It is present in any greenery, and is responsible, among other things, for the color of plants. The use of chlorophyll is to support the processes of hematopoiesis. In green onions, this property of chlorophyll is complemented by the presence in the plant of a large amount of trace elements necessary for blood formation. For this reason, onion arrows must be included in your diet for people with anemia.

Green onions are rich in magnesium, potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, zinc and other trace elements. Each of them is responsible for the work of various organs and systems of our body. Together with the high amount of vitamins found in onions, these substances in general have a beneficial effect on health. They stimulate the work of the heart muscle and strengthen blood vessels, reduce the amount of "bad" in the blood and inhibit the development of atherosclerosis, improve the digestion process, and have a positive effect on the condition of teeth, hair, nails, and skin.

A well-known folk remedy from green onions, used for hair loss as a result of vitamin deficiency. A gruel from chopped onion feathers is simply applied to the scalp. An hour later, the head is washed with regular shampoo. This vitamin charge allows you to keep your hair healthy.

The plant has a diuretic effect. Eating green onions allows you to remove excess fluid from the body, which is good for the entire human urogenital system. But that's not all. The positive influence of green onions on the reproductive function of women and men has long been known. This is due to the zinc content in feathers. By the way, in Russia there was a belief that if a woman eats a lot of onions during pregnancy, then she will definitely have a boy.

In those available to us in everyday life, green onions occupy one of the top lines. Its presence in the daily diet allows the male body to produce the sex hormone testosterone and increases sperm activity.

It is not surprising that one of the popular onion recipes is associated precisely with solving men's problems. It is believed that by eating a bunch of green onions every day, a man is able to get rid of prostatitis.


Despite the fact that green onions are a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements, this plant should not be abused in case of exacerbation of certain diseases. First of all, you need to be careful when using onions for people with diseases of the stomach and duodenum. The fact is that onions increase the secretion of gastric juice and irritate the mucous membranes. For those suffering from gastritis or high acidity, green onions are indicated in small quantities or after heat treatment.

Another characteristic of green onions is their ability to raise blood pressure. For this reason, small portions of tasty greens should be limited to people with hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. It is also not recommended to lean on this product for patients with bronchial asthma and those suffering from liver and kidney diseases in the acute stage.

Buy Installation "Onion Happiness", which allows you to get large yields of juicy green onions without soil and fertilizers (up to 1-1.5 kg per month). Delivery to any country in the world!

Green onion represents unripe onion feathers (see photo).

The homeland of green onions is considered the territory of modern Iran and Afghanistan.

For the cultivation of green onions, shoots of onion and shallots are also used, but the primacy still belongs to onions.

Types of green onions

There are several popular types of green onions:

  • Green onions are the traditional feathers of common onions.
  • Leek - it differs in that it does not have an onion, the vegetable ends with a thick stem, which is considered the most delicious part. A feature of this species is that when stored in it, the amount of vitamin C increases.
  • Batun onion - this species contains a record amount of vitamins in comparison with all other varieties. It does not have an onion, but its vitamin composition is almost twice as different from an ordinary onion.
  • Slime onions - gourmets claim that this is the most delicious type of green onion, a bit like garlic, but less spicy. The slime onion contains a large amount of vitamin C and iron.

You can find a photo of each type of green onion mentioned here in the photo gallery at the end of the article.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of green onions are due to the presence of natural phytoncides that help the body's defenses. Thus, green onion salad will be an excellent prevention of acute respiratory diseases. The bright green color of the feather indicates the presence of a large amount of chlorophyll, which is extremely useful for the formation of blood cells.

The phytoncides contained in green onions make it indispensable for strengthening immunity, and, accordingly, for the prevention of acute respiratory infections.

Surprisingly, the onion contains fewer vitamins than green onion feathers... For example, just 70 grams of green feathers completely provide the body with vitamin C for a day.

Green onions have antiseptic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Onion juice perfectly disinfects and fights microbes. Onions are rich in minerals such as phosphorus and calcium, which have a positive effect on dental health. In addition, fresh onions add appetizing properties to the dish, aids digestion and makes it easier to digest food.

The beneficial properties of onions make it an indispensable product for lack of strength, seasonal vitamin deficiency. It relieves drowsiness and dizziness, fights spring fatigue.

Cooking use

In cooking, fresh onions are used in almost every dish. It goes well with most foods and gives them a delicate onion aroma.

Green onions have a slightly sweet, pleasant taste and are appreciated both by themselves and as additives to complex culinary recipes. Interestingly, fresh onion shoots have a large amount of sugar (in the most pungent representative it is about 14%). In terms of the percentage of sugar content, onions surpass some apple varieties.

Green onions go well with a boiled egg; any housewife can make a delicious and simple salad from these simple ingredients. There are often recipes based on fresh onions and rice. When fried, it goes well with many side dishes. You can also make an amazingly tasty pie filling from it.

Fresh onions will help out if you need to quickly cook dinner or lunch. A bunch of green onions is enough to decorate several dishes before serving on the festive table.

Growing: planting and care

You can grow green onions in the garden, in the greenhouse, and even on the windowsill. Of course, onion feathers grown on the windowsill will not be as juicy green as from the garden, but they will fill the body with vitamins even before the start of the vegetable season.

You can grow green onions not only in a greenhouse or in a garden bed, but even at home on a windowsill!

In order to grow onions at home, it will be enough to prepare the boxes, soil and the roots themselves. Before planting, select undamaged bulbs of approximately the same size (approx. 2cm). The bulbs must be planted in the ground every 4 cm; the roots do not need to be deeply buried. The onion boxes are kept in a warm place for about a week. After the first feathers appear, the boxes can be placed by the window.

The ideal option would be windows that face the sunny side. Homemade green onions will accumulate useful substances and acquire a bright color, aroma and taste.only if there is sufficient lighting. Caring for him is easy. Onions just need to be watered with warm water once every two days. Cutting off the first shoots is not recommended, otherwise the onion will stop growing. Since the feather grows from the middle, it is better to cut off the extreme shoots. Thus, green onion feathers can be grown even in winter on an insulated loggia.

How to store?

Storing green onions is almost a problem, as they are one of the most popular and sought after vegetables. Onions are recommended to be consumed with almost all foods, since vitamins and minerals must be constantly supplied to the body.

Since green onions are a seasonal product, the question arises: how to store them? The easiest way is to freeze. Onion feathers must be thoroughly washed, dried, cut into small pieces and frozen. Also, chopped onions can be sautéed in a skillet, placed in a plastic container, and frozen. This method will take a little more time, but then the onions will be ready to be added to ready-made dishes.

Green onions benefits and treatment

The health benefits of green onions are obvious. Even in ancient Greece, onions were considered a healing potion for all diseases. Zinc, which is part of this product, is involved in the formation of immunity. In addition, zinc deficiency can cause reproductive health problems. For men, a lack of zinc is fraught with a decrease in the production of male sex hormones. In addition to insufficient testosterone production, zinc can reduce sperm activity.

Green onions contain minerals that are needed to support the overall health of the body. Regular consumption of fresh onions will have a positive effect not only on reproductive health, but also on the condition of hair and nails. Potassium, which is abundant in this vegetable, helps the cardiovascular system and is an excellent prevention of heart disease.

Green onions are especially indicated for maintaining men's health. In men, the risk of prostate disease increases after 40 years. In order to prevent and even treat prostatitis, men of any age are advised to regularly eat green onion feathers. Onions can also be added to various salads, hot dishes, stewed vegetables. Men who are worried about prostatic hypertrophy should consume a bunch of fresh onions in the late afternoon.

The white leg is considered the most nutritious part of green onions, the feathers themselves are also very useful, but only those that are located at a distance of 10 cm from the leg. The tops of the onions not only have no nutritional value, but can also provoke unpleasant fermentation in the stomach.

Harm of green onions and contraindications

There are no direct contraindications to the use of green onions in culinary recipes, but you should not eat fresh onions for people who have liver or kidney problems. Also, onions can harm people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage. Large amounts of onions are irritating to the mucous membranes and can increase the concentration of acid in gastric juice.

If you are worried about the persistent onion smell after consuming large amounts of green onions, use folk recipes. Someone recommends seizing onions with toasted walnuts, someone with a cinnamon stick or a slice of lemon. Experiment with different options, but do not give up completely on such a tasty and healthy product.

There are plants, the fame of the healing properties of which has spread throughout the world. The same can be said about onions - a vegetable that is considered the most common product. If green onions used to be only a summer food product, now you can buy them at any time of the year - there is fresh greens in almost every supermarket and grocery store all year round. Today we will dwell on the properties of green onions for our health and talk about its rich vitamin and mineral composition.

A bit of history

His story is very interesting. For the first time, wild green onions began to be consumed in Asia. Shepherds - nomads were very happy when they came across thickets of this tasty plant on their way. Then we learned that you can eat onions. Then, along the trade routes, the onion gets to Egypt, and there it becomes a cult plant. He is worshiped and even made in gold sculptures. Often there is also an image of a bulb in frescoes and paintings of that time. Then the onion goes to Ancient Greece and becomes there a healing potion with which athletes rubbed their muscles for strength before participating in the most important competitions. They firmly believed that the bow would give them additional strength. In Rome, warriors ate lots of onions for strength, endurance, and bowel problems. And, I must say, it helped them.

The most common types

Now we know many types of green onions, which are used in cooking, folk medicine and as an ornamental garden plant.

Green onions - young shoots of ordinary onions, which can be bought year-round in the store. A very useful and tasty vegetable with all the minerals.

Leek grows without a bulb, but it has a thick white stem, which is the tastiest part of this onion. Pretty spicy vegetable. And the amount of vitamin C when stored in leeks increases - this is why it is especially valuable.

Onion also does not have an onion, but it contains the most vitamins, when compared with other onions - almost twice.

Slime onion the tastiest of all - it looks a bit like garlic. Among other things, it contains iron, as well as a lot of vitamin C.

Rich in vitamins and minerals

The active use of green onions in a proper and healthy diet is explained by their unique and essential composition for health.

I never would have thought that green onions contain sugar. It turns out that he overtook apples and pears in sugar! Even in the most pungent onion, sugar is about 14%.

And phytoncides? Who does not know this unique quality of green onions - to kill all microbes in their path? Onion phytoncides are so strong that they even kill the infection.

Iron is also an important component of green onions. Hemoglobin has not been canceled, so replenishing it with green onion salad is a pleasure! Yes, if even with boiled liver, then the result will be simply amazing.

Not so long ago, scientists discovered quercetin in green onions, an antioxidant that successfully fights cancer. Therefore, for the prevention of tumors, eating green onions is very worth it. Better to warn ...

Green onions are also rich in potassium, and potassium is a feast for the cardiovascular system. As for vitamins, besides the already mentioned vitamin C, it contains provitamin A (carotene), protein, essential oils and vitamins of group B and PP.

Nutritionists believe that a person should eat about 10 kilograms of onions in one year - both green and onions. Then the rate of nutrients will be obtained.

Nowadays, green onions are used mainly for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiencies.

Green onions have a unique property - they reduce the content of bad cholesterol in the blood, and also inhibit the development of atherosclerosis. And a large amount of potassium in this vegetable plays an important role in maintaining the rhythm of contraction of the heart muscle - the myocardium.

For the genitourinary system, green onions are also a very useful product. It is even called a "pump" because the combination of sodium and potassium has a very good diuretic effect. It removes sodium ions from cells and replaces them with potassium ions, which leads to the elimination of excess fluid from the body.

Separately about contraindications

There are not so many contraindications for the use of green onions, but they exist and it is worth mentioning this.

You should not abuse a large amount of green onions for those who suffer from acute liver disease, as well as serious gastrointestinal diseases.

Another caveat: listen to your body and determine how much onion is optimal for you. If there is a constant belching, seething in the stomach and persistent odor from the mouth, then the amount of onion eaten must be reduced.

To remove the smell of onions, you can seize it with toasted walnuts, a crust of bread with vegetable oil, or a slice of lemon.

Of course, there are no special recipes for the use of green onions, since they are consumed mainly fresh. You just need to constantly eat a little onion with any dishes, then vitamins and minerals will constantly enter the body.

You can even prepare onions for future use and use them as a seasoning for various dishes.

How to ferment onion feathers correctly

Take 3 kg of green onions, rinse it properly, removing feathers unsuitable for harvesting. Put on a cloth to dry, pat dry. Then use scissors or a knife to chop the onion into pieces 1-2 cm long and place tightly in glass jars, tightly stacking the layers and sprinkling them with salt.

We put oppression on top so that the brine stands out. If after two days there is no brine, it is necessary to increase the oppression pressure or add boiled water. After 3 weeks, the onion is ready to eat. It can be added to salads, sandwich mixes, and also used as an independent seasoning for meat dishes.

Freezing green onions for the winter

Peel freshly cut green onions, select the best and healthiest feathers, rinse in running water and dry. Then you can go in three ways:

  • In a large saucepan of boiling water, hold whole green onion feathers for 3 minutes, remove, drain and put in plastic containers for freezing. In winter, it will be possible to cut off arbitrary pieces and use as directed.
  • Cut the feathers across into 1-2 cm pieces and blanch for 5 minutes. After cooling, put in plastic containers and send to the freezer.
  • Wash, dry, cut and fry everything in a pan until tender. Place in a container and freeze. In winter, it will remain to add where necessary.

Folk recipes for treatment

Of course, traditional medicine could not bypass such a healthy product as green onions. There are many recipes for treating diseases. Here are a couple of recipes.

Green onions from thorn

Grind green onions in a mortar or grind in a blender, mix with an equal amount of honey and drip this liquid into your eyes until the thorn is gone.

Green onions for prostatitis

With this disease, it is recommended to eat fresh onions: every evening, eat one onion or a bunch of green onions. You can add it to soup or other dishes throughout the day, then you don't need to eat the same thing every night.

Before looking for expensive overseas remedies for diseases, let's take a closer look at the products that surround us. Maybe the solution to your problem is just around the corner? Incorporate green onions into your daily diet and you will see great changes in your health after a short time.

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