Joint fitness of the mother of a two-year-old child at home. Home workouts for moms with kids. What to do if you can't go to the gym

Jigsaws and circular saws 06.11.2021

Not all women manage to find time for fitness. The problem of young mothers is that apart from them, often no one is able to take something and understand the baby. Salvation in such cases are joint exercises for mother and child.


Do not rush to start doing exercises after childbirth with a baby in your arms. In any case, a woman needs time to restore the body. As a rule, after natural childbirth, all systems return to normal after 5-8 weeks. If there was a caesarean section, recovery will take 8-12 weeks, and you can start exercising only with the permission of the doctor.

It is not necessary to start exercising exactly at these times: if a woman feels ready for fitness later, there is nothing wrong with that.

In addition, there are several additional rules for doing exercises with children after childbirth:

  1. Do not engage immediately after feeding - this will lead to regurgitation.
  2. It is possible to perform exercises for a mother with a baby only if both are in good health.
  3. Exercises for a mother with a baby should be soft and smooth, without jumping, sudden movements and shaking - all this harms the health of the child's spine.
  4. It is not worth exercising to exhaustion: after childbirth, a minimum load is sufficient, which will increase over time.

Fitness mom and baby

Any workout should begin with a warm-up, which includes active movements to warm up the muscles. This part of the lesson is best done alone, and the child is left for now in a crib, stroller, or other convenient place.

Exercises for a mother with a child in her arms can be chosen from both ordinary gymnastics and from. An example list of exercises is as follows:

  1. Lunges. The child should be pressed to the chest, in this situation it plays the role of a weighting agent.
  2. Baby lifts in arms. You can raise your arms with the baby up or forward, from a standing position or lying on your back.
  3. In the supine position, legs bent, you need to put the child on your shins. By bending and unbending your knees, you can organize a real swing for your baby.
  4. Lifting the buttocks from a supine position, legs bent at the knees. The child at this time should sit on his stomach.

If a woman has already fully recovered from childbirth, she can be included in the program of push-ups, squats and twists with the baby. The trainer Ksenia Vlasova will help you choose the right training program.

It is important to remember that most of the exercises are suitable for classes with children from 3 months old, who already hold their heads confidently. Before that, it is only permissible to press the baby to the chest during training or keep him in a sling.

The benefits of joint training

Exercise with the baby for moms is a way to spend time with benefit, without leaving the child to one of the relatives. In addition, it will help to improve the spiritual connection with your baby, awaken in him more interest in the world around him, and entertain him.

An important advantage is the fact that the child, watching the mother’s workouts from the cradle, will grow into a person with a solid understanding of sports, perhaps he will take an example.

The child develops the vestibular apparatus and a sense of balance during classes.

The stereotype, according to which a woman with a baby was allowed to run herself in everyday worries and not rush to restore her physical form, has long since sunk into the past. Modern life has its own laws, and mothers who are swollen after childbirth are now out of fashion - neither for husbands, nor for employers. It is no longer possible to justify the lack of time - diapers and all kinds of devices that facilitate the care of the baby, free up enough minutes a day that you can devote to rest and.

In addition, a timely return to the previous activity has its undeniable advantages. Firstly, classes started on time (2-3 months after childbirth) will allow you to get in shape faster: the body is more willing to part with extra folds that it has not yet had time to get used to.

Much more difficult with which the body has become related in a few years. Secondly, the baby can become the best companion in daily activities, much better than soulless sports equipment. And thirdly, the enthusiasm of an active mother will be an excellent example for a little man, and he will not grow up lazy and inactive.

Home fitness with kids

There are complexes of simple, but very effective exercises that can be performed with the baby, starting from the sixth week after birth.(unless otherwise advised by a doctor). However, the optimal age of the child will be from 3 months to a year, when he already holds his head well, but still does not walk so confidently, therefore he likes to sit on his hands.

The kid is a wonderful “dumbbell”, which gradually increases its weight. Classes with a gradually growing weighting agent are very physiological

and comfortable, as they prepare the ligaments and muscles of the mother for more weight.

At a moderate pace, while exercises performed slowly give a greater effect, since they are harder to do. Many exercises from traditional complexes can be performed when the child is sitting or lying next to him on the rug - the main thing is that he is in sight and not very bored.

Baby rules

  • No extreme! Only smooth, careful movements that delight the baby. Nothing sharp and fast that could scare the baby.
  • Mom is better to do at 3-4 o'clock in the afternoon, when the metabolism is very intense.
  • The baby can exercise 40 minutes after eating.
  • At first, it is performed no more than 10 times in each approach, gradually brought to 20 or more.
  • No jumping or running with a baby in a sling! Shaking is bad for a child's spine.
  • Even a few exercises performed 10 times will be healthier than lazy doing nothing.
  • Exercise or your favorite program - so the workout will be more fun, and fatigue will be less felt.

Dancing together

Dance to good music whenever you hold your baby in your arms, in a sling or baby carrier. In this case, the baby needs to be pressed to himself, and his head should be supported. Combine dance - this will not reduce the intensity of the heartbeat.

Dance should be in an open area so that you can freely make turns without fear of hitting the child. Breathe deeply or sing along - if you can sing and talk without much difficulty, then your heart rate is not exceeding the allowable.


Such exercises strengthen the press and reduce the load on the lower back, and they can be performed simply on a rug spread on the floor, while playing with the baby along the way.

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Place the child (if he can already sit) on his stomach closer to the hips and lean him, as if on his back, on your hips. Hold the baby by the barrel, and tear off the head, shoulders and shoulder blades from the floor. Do up to 20 repetitions, rest for a minute and repeat.
  2. For the lower press, lie on your back with your knees raised to your chest and placing your child on the shins parallel to the floor. Hold your baby well and, tensing your abdominal muscles, lift your buttocks off the floor while raising your head and shoulder blades. Two sets of 20 reps. In many exercises, you can reach out to the crumbs and kiss him.

Living with a baby

Presses are good for arm muscles, for strengthening the upper and middle back, biceps and triceps. In addition to the health benefits, these exercises will make it easier to carry the baby in your arms when it becomes heavier.

  1. Sit cross-legged on the mat with your baby at your chest. Raise the baby above your head on almost straight arms, linger for two seconds in this position. Do three sets of 10 reps with a minute rest between sets.
  2. Lie on the mat with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. The press is tense, the shoulder blades are together. Holding the baby under the armpits, straighten your arms, but do not completely straighten your elbows. Hold in the top position and "fly" down, again pressing the baby to the chest. Repeat as above.
  3. Stand up straight, holding the baby in front of you, pressing your elbows to your chest, and lift the baby to chest level, pumping the biceps and triceps. You can lift an invaluable dumbbell on outstretched arms - this will allow.

Important! For all exercises, the baby should already hold his head confidently!

Buttocks and legs

  1. The baby in a sling, in a kangaroo or back to you sits on your palm. You can put a completely adult on your neck, holding it by the legs. Squat with your child, gradually increasing the exercise time to 5 minutes.
  2. Sitting on a chair, legs crossed and not leaning against the back, put the baby on his leg and ride on an impromptu swing. Change your leg.
  3. Lying on the rug, put the crumbs on your stomach, and put your feet on the sofa or low chair. Lift your hips and buttocks off the floor, and straighten your body in one line. Hold for 3 seconds and relax.

You can do physical education with a baby not only at home. If you like company and scheduled workouts, you can sign up for a group with an appropriate program at the fitness center - many gyms offer such classes. The pool can also provide a pleasant activity for the child.

During the walk, you can exercise directly with the stroller. Engage a fast step, alternating it with slow walking, walking with a heel-to-toe roll, walking with tense abdominal muscles and buttocks. You can do “swallow”, lunges and swings, slightly holding on to the stroller, but without pressing on the handles, so as not to overturn. Some models of strollers allow you to run with your child.

Fitness of mother and baby raises self-esteem: appearance gradually begins to change for the better, and the reflection in the mirror and the compliments of the husband make you happy.

The physical endurance that a woman acquires helps her in the daily care of her baby. relieves stress and promotes healthy sleep. With joint classes, there is an opportunity for new acquaintances, communication and exchange of experience.

The main thing in fitness with a child is that while devoting minutes to yourself, you do not tear them away from the baby: he is nearby, he is interested and fun. In addition, simple exercises with mom will gradually accustom the baby to movement, he will develop the vestibular apparatus and a sense of rhythm if music is used. And with a crumb, they will provide both a lot of positive emotions.

Fitness with a baby

Gradually, the stereotype that a woman with a baby is allowed to run herself a little in the daily worries of the baby is gradually becoming a thing of the past. The modern rhythm of life dictates its own conditions, and now many newly-made mothers are striving to return to shape and to their previous activity as soon as possible. Of course, the child still remains in the first place, but this does not mean at all that he will interfere with classes - on the contrary, the baby will become the best company for daily fitness training, and in some cases will be a worthy and charming competition to a soulless sports equipment.


There is a whole range of simple but effective exercises that you can do with your baby from the sixth week after birth (unless, of course, the doctor recommends extending the recovery phase). The optimal period for such a charge is the age of a child from 3 to 12 months, when he already holds his head well, but does not yet walk confidently, and therefore sits on his hands with pleasure.

Dancing together

You can dance whenever you hold your little one in your arms or carry him in a baby carrier or sling. The main thing is that the baby is pressed against you, and his head is well supported. Play up some fun music and dance with your baby to your heart's content, or try a combination of fast and slow dances to keep your heart rate up.

Precautionary measures: dance in a space that is wide enough so that a bad turn does not cause the baby to hit. Breathe deeply or sing. If you can talk or sing without difficulty, then your heart rate does not exceed acceptable levels.


These movements, which strengthen the abs and reduce the load on the lower back, can be done simply by playing with the child on a rug spread on the floor.

1. Lie on your back, bend your knees, feet on the floor. Sit your baby close to your hips (if he can't sit up yet, put his back on your hips) and take him by the sides. Tighten your abdominal muscles and at the count of “one-two” tear your head, shoulders and shoulder blades off the floor, and at the count of “three” lower yourself to the starting position. Do 15-20 reps, rest for a minute and do another set.

2. Lie on your back and raise your knees to your chest so that your shins are parallel to the floor. Put on the shins of the little one. Tighten your abs to gently lift your buttocks off the floor and lift your head, shoulders, and shoulder blades. Lower yourself to the starting position. Do 15-20 reps, rest for a minute and do another set.

Bench presses with a baby

Presses will make your arm muscles strong and supple, as well as strengthen your upper and middle back, triceps, and biceps. In addition to tangible benefits for your figure, these simple exercises will make it easier for you to carry your baby in your arms, even when he grows up.

1. Sit cross-legged on the floor with your baby close to your chest. Raise your baby above your head so that your arms are almost straight. Hold this position for a couple of seconds and lower the baby to the starting position. Do three sets of 10 reps, resting for a minute between sets.

2. Lie on your back, bend your knees, put your feet on the floor, tighten your abs and bring your shoulder blades together. Hold the baby firmly under the armpits, pressing to the chest. Gently straighten your arms, but do not completely straighten your elbows. Hold in this position, say "Fly-ate!" and lower the baby, returning to the starting position. Do three sets of 10 reps, resting for a minute between sets.

Precautionary measures: when doing crunches and presses, the baby needs to hold his head on his own, so you need to be sure that he can really do it and he is comfortable (usually the baby starts holding his head at about 1.5-2 months).

In the fitness center

If you are afraid of doing something wrong, prefer to work out under the guidance of a trainer, or just need company for stable workouts, you can sign up for the appropriate program at the nearest fitness center - today, when young mothers strive to be active even with a baby, many gyms offer similar services.

In a swimming pool

Swimming is another fun and rewarding activity to do with your little one: many pools offer Mother and Child programs that combine exercises for the woman and the child.

On a walk

For lovers of "land" outdoor activities, there is also a win-win option: exercises with a stroller during regular walks with the baby. Here the set of effective exercises is truly limitless: a quick step, alternating fast and slow walking, walking with a roll from heel to toe, walking with tense muscles of the buttocks or abs. As well as “lunges” familiar from school physical education lessons (alternate squats on one or the other with widely spaced legs) and “swallow”.

Precautionary measures: when performing exercises with a wheelchair, do not lean on the handle, as the wheelchair can easily tip over in this case. Just hold on to it so that the stroller can be rolled.

The result is not taken from nowhere, an indicator of even the slightest progress of a gymnast is a long and painstaking work both in the gym and outside it. As at school, the teacher gives homework assignments, so our coach gives exercises for repetition at home. Homework should not take a lot of time. 40-45 minutes is the maximum. It is very important to start your workout with a warm-up. It is better to spend more time warming up the ligaments and joints than to immediately sit down on the twine. From such activities, unfortunately, there will be no sense. So, how to do rhythmic gymnastics at home for beginner athletes? We'll figure out.

Warm-up for children at home

Children who go to classes at the Balance school should know what exercise and how to do it, because the trainer not only shows, but also in theory talks about the correct execution of the exercise. You should start training with simple exercises that help prepare the body for stress. Such exercises are exits to the half-toes, squats, various inclinations (to the right, to the left, back). You should also sit on your toes before starting gymnastic exercises, so that the girl remembers that there are fingers on her feet that cannot be relaxed even for a second during class. After a mini warm-up, you can start training.

The main part of children's gymnastics at home

Preparing children's exercises

The first exercise should continue warming up the muscles, and it is best if it is a crease. The fold is done with straight knees and a straight back. Ideally, the stomach should lie on the hips. When performing this exercise, the popliteal ligaments are stretched, which will further affect the stretching of the longitudinal twine (front leg). After the fold, the butterfly exercise follows. During the “butterfly”, both the inguinal ligaments and part of the back of the thigh are stretched. The heels are pressed to the priest as much as possible, the stomach lies on the feet, and the knees on the floor. The exercise also prepares the gymnast for the split stretch. Stretches the front surface of the thigh exercise "chicken". When performing this exercise, keep your knees together, and press your back firmly to the floor.

The next exercise for warming up and stretching the ligaments can be the “frog”, during which the groins are stretched and the legs are prepared for stretching into transverse twine. It is important that the knees and butt are on the same line. When the “frog” is more or less mastered, you can add alternately straightening the legs (half-transverse twine). There is also one line between the legs.

When the legs are warmed up, you need to stretch your back. Warm up with simple exercises. For example, "cat". After the cat, lying on your stomach, bend back and in. With a quality exercise, socks should reach the eyes, and even the chin. But we should not forget about physiology. Unfortunately, not everyone can make such a deep “ring”, so it is important to do everything carefully, to the best of your ability, without injuring your back, because the spine is our everything. After the "ring" you can make a "basket". Exercise not only develops the flexibility of the back, but also develops the shoulder joints.

Basic exercises for homework

After stretching, you need to start exercises that require muscle tension. These are swaps for the press and back. For the youngest beginner gymnasts, the corner will be an exercise for the press. Sitting on the priest, raise your legs with your toes to the ceiling and fix this position for at least 10 counts. For the muscles of the back, a boat should be made: simultaneously raising arms and legs from the floor. The higher the better. Fixing also at least 10 accounts.

After these simple exercises for the press and back, you need to make a bridge. Here you should make sure that the fingers are directed to the heels, and the elbows do not look in different directions. The main task in the bridge is to tear your head off the floor as high as possible. The main task of the gymnastic bridge is to bring the fingers to the heels as close as possible (to touch).

The next exercise will be a birch. Such a seemingly unpretentious exercise, often causes difficulties. Children often cannot find a balance. This exercise allows you to feel your body in space and strengthen the muscle corset.

We finish the workout with twines. We pull the twine in one line and sit on the floor with two legs, and not a booty (raising the front leg and the heel of the back look at the ceiling). It is very important to pull the twine at the very end of the load. After the splits, you can stand in the heron (on one leg) or jump, not forgetting to stretch your legs.

In the rhythm of mom's life. Currently, the direction of joint classes for mothers and babies is actively developing. We asked Marina Moskvina, Senior Instructor for Children's Programs at the X-FIT Fusion Fitness Club, tell us how a mother can play sports with her child.

Marina Moskvina, Senior Instructor for Children's Programs at the X-FIT Fusion Fitness Club

Sport and baby - more fun together

Such activities help the mother to get a good physical activity without parting with her child. Joint exercises are a set of exercises for all muscle groups, where the child acts as a natural weighting agent instead of the usual barbells, dumbbells and bodybars. As the child grows and gradually gains weight, the mother also increases the load over time. The child, while performing joint exercises, receives a lot of positive emotions, has valuable emotional contact with his mother, and also trains the vestibular apparatus, visual and auditory analyzers.

When training together, the mother sets an excellent example for the child and introduces him to sports and a healthy lifestyle from childhood. Marina suggests that we regularly perform ten simple exercises to tighten our figure and diversify our pastime with a child.

If the baby is between 0 and 18 months old


The starting position of the legs is the width of the pelvic bones, the feet are parallel to each other. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Keep your child facing you. As you inhale, lower yourself down, taking your pelvis back to parallel with the floor. Make sure that the knees do not go beyond the socks (keep a right angle in the knee joints). Try not to round your back. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

This exercise perfectly works out the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

Plie Squats

This exercise is aimed at working out the buttocks and inner thighs. Starting position: legs wider than shoulders, feet slightly turned outward. Tighten your abdominal muscles. On an inhale, lower yourself down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. On the exhale, we return to the starting position without “blocking” the knees (we leave them slightly bent). Try to keep your back straight. When performing this exercise, the baby can be held in different ways: facing you, with your back to you, or put on two hands. And to make the baby more fun, while returning to the starting position, lift him up.

For a child, this will look like a fun game, during which he will train the vestibular apparatus, and for a mother, this will be an additional load on the upper shoulder girdle.

Push ups

Get into a lying position or, in a simplified version, put your knees on the floor. Position the child in front of you - if the child is already sitting by himself, seat him, if not - support the back with a pillow or a toy, so that it is safe. Place your hands under your chest, slightly wider than your shoulders. Maintain a neutral body position: head, body, pelvis should be in one line, try not to bend in the lower back, tighten your stomach. While inhaling, bending your arms, go down - at this time you can kiss the baby or talk to him. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

This exercise works the chest muscles.


Starting position lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor. Place the child on your feet and hold him from the sides. At the exit, lift the shoulder blades from the floor, while pressing the lower back to the floor (incomplete lift), while inhaling, return to the starting position. Do not strain your neck muscles - if you feel discomfort in this area, you should stop the exercise.

Baby lift

Starting position standing, feet hip-width apart. Hold the child with his back to you at the level of the abdomen. As you exhale, lift the child to chest level, keep your forearms parallel to the floor, while inhaling, return to the starting position. Try not to bend in the lower back, while lifting, do not lift your shoulders up.

This exercise strengthens the arms and upper back muscles.

If the baby is 18 months or older

In order to instill in children a love for sports and a healthy lifestyle, to strengthen the body, to form the correct posture, you need to show them your own example. So set aside 10-20 minutes a day for joint exercise. The child will benefit, and you will be in excellent physical shape. For children, all tasks should take place in a playful way, you can also turn on music to create a favorable emotional background.

Ball squats

So that the exercise does not turn into a boring and monotonous task for the child, you will need a ball.

Stand opposite each other at a short distance. Feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, hold the ball in your hands in front of you. While inhaling, bending your knees, lower yourself down to parallel with the floor, make sure that your knees do not go beyond your toes, while exhaling, return to the starting position and throw the ball to the child. The kid must catch the ball and do the same. The exercise will strengthen the muscles of the legs, and will also contribute to the development of agility, coordination and fine motor skills.


Stand upright, facing each other. Hands shoulder-width apart, keep an even position, the body should be one straight line, do not allow deflections in the lower back. Try to greet each other with either your right or left hand. Or, alternatively, clap your hands.

The exercise has a complex effect on the whole body, working out the muscles of the arms, back, abs and legs.


This exercise strengthens the deltoids and back muscles.

Stand behind the child. The child's arms are lowered down along the hips. Place your palms on the baby's wrists. The child will raise and lower his arms through the sides with your resistance. Change places, just first sit on a low chair so that the child can comfortably reach you.

Twisting or swinging.

This exercise will help strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Starting position lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Connect your legs so as to fix the position of each other, hide your hands behind your head, elbows pointing to the sides. At the same time, as you exhale, rise, and as you inhale, lower. You can add handclaps at the top point. After strength exercises, it is recommended to perform stretching and relaxation exercises.


Sit on the floor with legs apart so that your legs are touching, stretch your back and hold hands. Slowly and smoothly pull each other towards you. Don't hold your breath and remind your child to keep breathing.

During the exercises, do not forget to praise and encourage your child, encourage his success. Let your child use their imagination and come up with names for the exercises. Then it will easily become a habit.

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