Huge fat grandmothers. Posts tagged fat old women. Step-by-step photo recipe for making donuts

Drainage 27.07.2020

For 170 rubles.

Registration number 0038051 issued for the work:

I urgently needed a quote from a song performed by Lyudmila Zykina. I did not remember the name, only the line remained in my memory: "In the villages of the Ryazan region in the villages of the Smolensk region ..."

I rummaged through my library, found two collections of pop songs. There is no such! I expected the same result from the music library.
What to do, I went to the store. I go to the nearest one: there is Zykina's disk, the price is 360 rubles. No, it's expensive for me - I'm going to the next store. The further you went from home, the cheaper that disc. For 5 rubles ...

Another shop recently opened.
There are no buyers. Two skinny girls are bored at the checkout. The bellies are for show, there are tiny shells in the navels, the bellies are barely holding on to the thighs. Both seem to be 16-17 years old.
I walk along the shelves: rap, hip-hop, metal, rock and its offshoots. ...
In a remote corner of a Kazan orphan, there is a modest rack "Domestic performers". Solid pop, pigment spots of a rock band. I don't see Zykina.

One of the girls runs up to me:
- Hello. Can I help you? What are you interested in?
- Lyudmila Zykina. And so that there are more songs on the disc.
- Zykina ... Zykina ... - the girl wrinkles her forehead, pulls her chin, finally shouts to her friend: - Vika, do you know Zykina?
The girlfriend also wrinkles her forehead, coarsely plastered lips curl up in a bewildered grimace.
- Zykina? Ah ... THIS IS SUCH A BIG FAT OLD WOMAN SING FOLK SONGS IN A LOUD VOICE. Yes? No, we don't have Zykina.

Speaking in youth slang, I quietly precipitate ...

PS I bought Zykina, at the end of Petrogradka, bypassing it all.
For 170 rubles.
The same disc that costs 360 next to my house ...

Remember the common phrase about the fact that after fifty, life is just beginning? We absolutely agree with her, especially when there are so many colorful examples before our eyes.

85-year-old amateur to take matters into her own hands

Elena Nikolaevna lives in Moscow. She has two children, eight grandchildren and already eight great-grandchildren. This incredible woman never sits still: she has traveled half the world, does yoga, swimming and ... goes to sex trainings.

Elena Nikolaevna has a man, and he is 20 years younger than her. It seems, what can young coaches teach if they have a lot of experience behind them? The lady is sure that it is necessary to improve her skills, be it a foreign language or the same sex. In an interview for the media, Elena Nikolaevna mentioned that modern men do not have enough skills, therefore they have to take everything into their own hands. Including accessories for sex, which are described in detail at the training. The last time Elena Nikolaevna visited the training center Sex.RF - she went to the course "". Do not think that such events are the height of vulgarity: much more than "toys", trainings pay attention to sexual health and how to properly lead an intimate life at an age.

Sexologists argue that sex is not just a natural pleasure, but also a way to keep fit and increase life expectancy. Now in the center is a campaign - for the training "Sex at a beautiful age" all retirees are provided, you just need to show a pension certificate.

81-year-old Instagram star from Nakhodka

I'm on the train today. 18:30. Rush hour. There is not even room for legs. We have to ride almost on weight. Sitting is out of the question. All the way people huddle together. At each station, even more people fit into the carriage. You almost stop breathing - firstly, it is impossible to straighten your lungs, and secondly, there is nothing.
Of course, when you drive this transport for several years in a row, you get used to everything. There you can get dirty, beaten, doused with something, offend, oiled (I beg your pardon) ... This is not a metro for you, where you can get off and wait for the next train. Here the next train goes only half an hour later. Therefore, you cannot go out - you will be late everywhere! And you have to endure. After a year, you stop paying attention to smells and sounds, and you don't even notice when checking the brakes. The legs become as if on hinges - a person can adapt to anything !!!
So today is an unremarkable day. In Reutov (approximately halfway between Moscow and Zheleznodorozhny, where I live), 10 violent people are blown up to the exit. Before that, they sat quietly, played cards, drank cocktails. And then suddenly everyone rushed to the exit. The doors have already begun to close. People from the platform climb into the train, the vestibule is jammed. And these 10 are trying to break out! But as you know, public transport is a concept stretchable like a condom - and this whole pile, like a blood clot, is concentrated near the door, cannot get out, and the crush begins! And in Reutov, a woman with a small child entered the carriage. The girl must be a year and a half! They find themselves crushed in the vestibule, the tension grows. And then the girl will cry! Just horror, the feeling was that something was broken for her! In the end, these 10 break out into the street. The woman and the girl are in the carriage. The little one is crying in her mother's arms. I already had tears rolling down! Here are the degenerates around! You can get in and out normally - nifiga! It's easier to walk over someone's heads, no matter that sometimes these heads turn out to be childish !!!
And here they are in the car. The girl is crying. I stand, I think: I would sit, I would gladly give up the place! But I'm standing! And the grandmas are sitting. The scourge of all trains !!! They sit with their fat priests on the seats, gaze with terrible eyes, stink - if only one seat would be given up !!! I'm shocked! Suddenly, two girls are blown up, they were sitting far away, but they also saw this woman! The woman and the baby passed, sat down .. The girl cried a little more, then calmed down .. someone even found Apple juice... The girl was treated to juice. And everything is all right again. All perfectly. Everything is quiet.
And for a child, it's such stress. Yes, and those who gave up the place were also probably shocked. I still remember this episode, and such an insult to the whole world wakes up ...

Why do people treat their neighbors so cruelly?

ZY I remembered one rhyme - I wrote it in my first year - when I was shocked by public transport:

Yellow teeth, steel throats
Iron claws, a forgotten name!
They trample the bones with their feet,
They tear a live udder to pieces.
Angry, gloating, beating in ecstasy!
The feeling of the crowd is nerve-wracking!
And with every minute the same filth
More and more cars are entering!
They don't notice that it pisses me off!
I stand on one leg in their crowd.
It all weighs a thousand stresses,
And I can't stand and FALL!

Homemade cakes of this form are of two types - they are all the well-known crispy brushwood and they are so soft donuts which my great-great-grandmother used to fry in oil. This is one of those recipes that wander from generation to generation and each housewife prepares such donuts in her own way. I wrote down the recipe for donuts from the words of my grandmother and, despite the fact that the dough contains simple and affordable products, I have not seen such a taste anywhere else. I think you will like it too.

You will need:

  • eggs 2 pcs
  • sugar 6 tablespoons
  • sour cream 2 tbsp
  • a pinch of salt
  • powdered sugar 2 tbsp

From this amount, 18 donuts are obtained.

Step-by-step photo recipe for making donuts:

Sift flour(3 cups) in a bowl.

In another bowl beat eggs with sugar(with a mixer for 2-3 minutes).

Add to eggs milk and sour cream... Whisk until smooth.

Mix soda with vinegar and immediately pour into the egg and milk mixture. Stir.

Make a well in the flour and pour the whipped mass into it. Using a spoon or spatula, pouring flour from the edges to the middle, knead the dough... Once the dough can be handled, place it on a board and knead it with your hands. Add flour. Transfer the dough to a bowl and cover with a towel or cling film. Leave the dough for 30 minutes at room temperature.

But back to our test, it is well rested. Place the dough on a floured cutting board, knead a little and cut in two.

Roll one piece of dough into rectangle approximately 25cm X 35cm thick 0.5 - 0.7 cm... Cut the dough lengthwise into 6 strips, then each strip into three parts - obliquely - so that you get elongated diamonds. In the middle of each diamond, make a 1-1.5 cm cut. Transfer the blanks to an additional board or tray (do not forget to sprinkle the surface with flour so that the dough does not stick). Repeat the process of rolling and cutting with the second piece of dough.

To make such a "squiggle" out of the dough, we need to stretch one end of our rhombus into the cut in the middle. But it's best to do this just before dipping the crumpet in hot oil.

The crumpets are fried in a lot of oil, i.e. deep-fried. My grandmother was frying in unrefined sunflower oil (there was no other then). Sometimes she added a little cooking oil to it. Now there is odorless refined sunflower oil and it is great for deep frying. Pour it into a high-sided saucepan or stewpan (it is convenient to fry in a non-stick saucepan) and reheat.
Advice: Do not throw away the oil bottle. The oil is not recyclable. After frying all the crumpets, drain the cooled oil into it and throw it away (do not pour it down the drain !!!).

Treat oil responsibly since if the oil does not warm up enough, the crumpets will turn out to be sticky, they will not rise. But it is also impossible to overheat the oil, because the crumpets will burn quickly and be dry.
How to determine if the oil is ready? O break a piece of dough and toss it in butter, if it quickly rises to the surface and boils violently, forming bubbles around itself, then the oil has warmed up enough and you can start to fry.

Before dipping the crumpet in the butter, make a "squiggle" out of it and shake off the remaining flour.

You can fry several crumpets at once, but make sure they float freely in the oil. When the crumpets are browned on one side, turn them over to the other side (it is convenient to turn them over with two forks). It is not necessary to deeply fry the donuts so as not to dry them out. Put the finished crumpets in a bowl on a paper towel, which will absorb the excess oil.

You can eat right away. I assure you, you won't do it alone - it will be difficult to stop.)))

Granny's crumpets looked exactly like this, but I sprinkle them with powdered sugar, I think it's prettier.

These are my grandmother's donuts - the taste of my childhood! It's great with milk, with yogurt. Tea and coffee are great company too. You can store it in a plastic bag without a refrigerator. Can be freshened in the microwave - slightly warmed up.

You will need:

  • eggs 2 pcs
  • sugar 6 tablespoons
  • milk 0.5 cups (glass 200 ml)
  • sour cream 2 tbsp
  • soda 0.25 tsp and vinegar to extinguish it
  • a pinch of salt
  • premium wheat flour 3 cups in the dough and 0.5 cups for adding when kneading (glass volume 200 ml)
  • odorless vegetable oil 1 liter
  • powdered sugar 2 tbsp

Sift flour (3 cups) into a bowl.
Beat eggs with sugar (with a mixer for 2-3 minutes).
Add milk and sour cream to the eggs. Whisk until smooth.
Mix the baking soda and vinegar and immediately pour into the egg and milk mixture. Stir.
Make a well in the flour and pour the beaten mass into it. Knead the dough.
Transfer the dough to a bowl and cover with a towel or cling film. Leave the dough for 30 minutes at room temperature.
Cut the dough in two.
Roll out one piece of dough into a rectangle about 25cm X 35cm 0.5 - 0.7cm thick. Cut the dough lengthwise into strips, then diagonally across the strips to form long diamonds. In the middle of each diamond, make a 1-1.5 cm cut.
Repeat the process of rolling and cutting with the second piece of dough.
To make a "squiggle" out of the dough, you need to pull one end of the long rhombus into the cut in the middle.
Fry the crumpets hot vegetable oil on both sides.
Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

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