A collection of ideal essays on social studies. Woman and War. Composition according to the text of V. Erashov It was good that the first real fight of Katya

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HONOR YOU, SISTER! Women soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. Part 5

This was Katya's first real fight. Artillery preparation began before dawn, under its cover they took up their initial positions.
We wrote letters the night before. Only Katya had nowhere to write: all her relatives died. So, in fact, she had nothing to lose in battle - except her own life. (6) But, unfortunately, she, a young girl, after the suffering endured, no longer appreciated her.
And here it is, the fight. The tank they were in was shaking from side to side, shaking so that Katya could barely hold onto the seat. "If this continues, how to shoot?" she thought. Although her job was not to direct the cannon, but to feed the shells. Growling painfully, the cars stubbornly scrambled upward, from the engines running at full speed, the heat was utter, it still smelled of diesel fuel, clogged with exhaust gases, fresh air pulled only through the technical gaps and the viewing slot.
Then something chirped over the armor of the tank, red-hot from the battle, but Katya did not immediately realize that they were being fired upon. Everything further merged for her into a continuous roar, smoke, screams in the intercom. They beat it with sub-caliber, then armor-piercing incendiary, then fragmentation shells. Katya did not understand what was happening outside, she could not yet determine the situation by the types of shells she was giving. She only heard the rumble; she, such a fragile and small girl, was twitching along with a huge machine. Strange as it may seem, Katya did not feel fear at all: she did not understand well what was what, only heard the commands and carried them out. The fight went on by itself, and she was on her own.
And then suddenly something unexpected and wild happened: the car seemed to have failed, after which Katya was thrown, hit painfully from above, the inside of the tank was now filled with unbearable heat and heavy carbon monoxide odors, and then in an instant the lights went out.
The commander opened the cover of the turret hatch, Katya squeezed in after him.
It seemed that the tank had fallen into a bomb crater, without help it was impossible to get out. Katya remembered how many times they were reminded, told, demanded to repeat aloud the iron law: if a tank is hit, but does not burn, the crew is obliged to defend military equipment to the end. And Katya prepared to fight to the end, because it was her military duty. At that moment, she saw the Germans: they were as close as never before, almost close, fled, scribbled out Schmeisers. "That's it," thought Katya, "it's over now."
But, oddly enough, even now she did not feel fear: everything that was happening around this young woman, from whom the war took away her youth, family, dreams of a happy life, was too incredible ...
Katya pulled the chain of the revolving plug, stuck the stigma of the machine gun into the hole and began to beat, not seeing the Germans, at random, and waited: now, just about ... For some reason, she saw: the clock on the instrument panel had stopped - it was nine o'clock and twenty minutes.
He and the commander fought back and saved the tank, only the mechanic Genka died. In September, the forty-fourth Sergeant Yekaterina Mushkina, awarded the order, became the tank commander. Not a wife, not a mother, not a keeper of the family hearth - a tank commander.

Valentin Petrovich Erashov is a Russian writer, author of numerous works about the war.

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(1) This was Katya's first real fight. (2) The artillery preparation began before dawn, under its cover they took up their initial positions. (3) They wrote letters the night before. (4) Only Katya had nowhere to write: all her relatives died. (5) So, in fact, she had nothing to lose in battle - except her own life. (6) But, unfortunately, she, a young girl, did not value her much anymore. (8) The tank in which they were was shaking from side to side, shaking so that Katya could barely hold onto the seat. (9) "If this continues, how to shoot?" she thought. (10) Although her job was not to direct the cannon, but to feed the shells. (11) Growling harshly, the cars stubbornly scrambled up, from the engines started up at full speed, the heat was utter, it still smelled of diesel fuel, clogged with exhaust gases, fresh air pulled only through the technical gaps and the viewing slot. (12) Here, hot from the battle Something chirped through the tank's armor, but Katya did not immediately realize that they were being fired upon. (13) Everything further merged for her into a continuous roar, smoke, screams in the intercom. (14) They beat it with subcaliber, then armor-piercing incendiary, then fragmentation shells. (15) Katya did not understand what was happening outside, she could not yet determine the situation by the types of shells she was giving. (16) She only heard the rumble; she, such a fragile and small girl, was twitched along with a huge car. (17) Strange as it may seem, Katya did not feel fear at all: she did not understand well what was what, only heard the commands and carried them out. (18) The battle seemed to go on by itself, and she was on her own. (19) And then suddenly something unexpected and wild happened: the car seemed to have failed, after which Katya was thrown, hit painfully from above, the inside of the tank was now filled with intolerable heat and heavy carbon monoxide odors, and then, in an instant, the lighting plafonds went out. (20) The commander opened the cover of the turret hatch, Katya squeezed in after him. (21) It turned out that the tank had fallen into the bomb crater, it was impossible to get out without help. (22) Katya remembered how many times they were reminded, told, demanded to repeat aloud the iron law: if a tank is hit, but does not burn, the crew is obliged to protect the military equipment to the end. (23) And Katya prepared to fight to the end, because it was her military duty. (24) At that moment, she saw the Germans: they were as close as ever, almost close, fled, scribbled from Schmeisers. (25) "That's it," thought Katya, "it's over now." (26) But, oddly enough, even now she did not feel fear: everything that was happening around this young woman, from whom the war took away her youth, family, dreams of a happy life ... (27) Katya pulled the chain of the revolving plug, stuck it the hole in the stigma of the machine gun and began to beat, not seeing the Germans, at random, and waited: now, just about ... (28) For some reason she saw: the clock on the instrument panel stopped - it was nine o'clock and twenty minutes. (29) He and the commander fought back and saved the tank, only the mechanic Genka died. (30) In September forty-fourth, Sergeant Yekaterina Mushkina, awarded the order, became the tank commander. (31) Not a wife, not a mother, not a keeper of the family hearth - a tank commander.

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This work raises the theme of heroism in war.

The author tells the story of Yekaterina Mushkina. Ershov draws our attention to the fact that she in the war she was not engaged in creating a family and raising children, and fought enemies along with men. Katya clearly followed all the commands. After knocking out Catherine's tank, she was not scared: But, no matter how strange, even now she did not feel fear: everything that was happening around this young woman, from whom the war took away her youth, family, dreams of a happy life, was too incredible ...


  • 1 of 1 Q1 Formulating source code problems
  • 2 of 3 K2

Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? List the answer numbers in ascending order.

1) Katya did not write letters to relatives and friends, because there was no one to write.

2) Katya's task was to deliver shells, and she was not worried about how to aim the sight and shoot in such a shake.

3) Katya in battle did not at all assess the situation and did not understand what was happening around.

4) Katya, when the tank hit the crater and the Germans appeared around, began to shoot back from the fleeing Germans.

5) After the battle, Katya got married and became a mother-heroine.


1) Katya did not write letters to relatives and friends, because there was no one to write. Right, Ave No. 4

2) Katya's task was to deliver shells, and she was not worried about how to aim the sight and shoot in such a shake. Wrong, worried, pr. Number 9

3) Katya in battle did not at all assess the situation and did not understand what was happening around. Right, Ave No. 17

4) Katya, when the tank hit the crater and the Germans appeared around, began to shoot back from the fleeing Germans. Right, ave. 24 and 27

5) After the battle, Katya got married and became a mother-heroine. There is no such information.

Answer: 134

Answer: 134

Relevance: 2016-2017

Difficulty: normal

Codifier section: Semantic and compositional integrity of the text.

Which of the following statements are true? Enter the answer numbers.

Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

4) Sentence 18 indicates the condition of what is said in sentence 17.

5) Proposition 8 is a deduction from Proposition 7.


1) Proposals 5-6 present the reasoning.

2) Proposition 11 contains a description.

3) Sentences 19-20 are narrative.

4) Sentence 18 refers to the condition of what is said in sentence 17.

5) Proposition 8 is a deduction from Proposition 7. False.

Answer: 123

Answer: 123

Relevance: 2016-2017

Difficulty: normal

Codifier section: Functional-semantic types of speech

Write out the word in a figurative meaning from sentence 22.


(22) Katya remembered how many times they were reminded, told, demanded to repeat aloud iron law: if a tank is knocked out, but does not burn, the crew is obliged to protect the military equipment to the end.

Answer: iron

Answer: iron

Relevance: 2016-2017

Difficulty: normal

Codifier section: Lexical meaning of a word

From Proposition 2, write out a word formed in the non-suffix way.


In sentence 2, the word DAWN is formed in a non-affix way from the verb DAWN.

Answer: dawn

the guest 07.05.2014 18:17

I answered "dawn", but the answer was not valid although it is correct. To be sure, I copied the word from the text Ctrl + C ---\u003e Ctrl + V

Tatiana Yudina

Can't be copied! You need to type yourself.

the guest 17.05.2014 18:53

and isn't the preparation formed in a non-suffix way?

Tatiana Yudina

Of course not. Prepare the source word. And where did the suffix K come from then?

Misha Yavorsky (Moscow) 24.05.2014 15:02

why is it not suitable as a "cover"? Like to cover from the word.

Tatiana Yudina

Not suitable because:

1. Cover is formed from the verb cover.

2. There was a suffix ИЙ (cover)

3. The nonfix method does not allow adding suffixes, but only removing them.

Among sentences 7–18, find the one (s) that are related to the previous one using a demonstrative adverb and a personal pronoun. Write the number (s) of this offer (s).

Sentence 9 is connected with the previous ones using the demonstrative adverb "so" and the personal pronoun "she".

there is no personal pronoun in the 12th that would connect it with the 11th.

Answer: 9

Rule: Task 25. Means of communication of sentences in the text


Several sentences connected in a whole by the theme and the main idea are called text (from Latin textum - fabric, connection, connection).

Obviously, all sentences separated by a dot are not isolated from each other. There is a semantic connection between two adjacent sentences of the text, and not only sentences located side by side, but also separated from each other by one or more sentences, can be related. The semantic relations between sentences are different: the content of one sentence can be opposed to the content of another; the content of two or more sentences can be compared to one another; the content of the second sentence can reveal the meaning of the first or clarify one of its members, and the content of the third can reveal the meaning of the second, etc. The purpose of task 23 is to determine the type of relationship between sentences.

The wording of the task may be as follows:

Among sentences 11-18, find the one (s) that is (are) related to the previous one using the demonstrative pronoun, adverb and cognate words. Write the number (s) of the offer (s)

Or: Determine the type of connection between sentences 12 and 13.

Remember the previous one is ONE ABOVE. Thus, if the interval 11-18 is specified, then the sought sentence is within the limits indicated in the task, and the answer 11 may be correct if this sentence is related to the 10th topic indicated in the task. There can be 1 or more answers. The score for the successful completion of the task is 1.

Let's move on to the theoretical part.

Most often, we use this model of text construction: each sentence is linked with the next, this is called a chain link. (We will talk about parallel communication below). We speak and write, we combine independent sentences into a text according to simple rules. Here's the gist: two adjacent sentences must refer to the same subject.

All types of communication are usually divided into lexical, morphological and syntactic... As a rule, when combining sentences into text, one can use several types of communication at the same time... This greatly facilitates the search for the desired sentence in the specified fragment. Let us dwell in detail on each of the types.

23.1. Communication using lexical means.

1. Words from one thematic group.

Words of one thematic group are words that have a common lexical meaning and denote similar, but not the same, concepts.

Examples of words: 1) Forest, path, trees; 2) buildings, streets, sidewalks, squares; 3) water, fish, waves; hospital, nurses, emergency room, ward

Water was clean and transparent. Waves ran ashore slowly and silently.

2. Generic words.

Generic words are words related by the genus - species relationship: genus is a broader concept, species is a narrower one.

Examples of words: Chamomile is a flower; birch is a tree; car - transportetc.

Sample sentences: Still growing under the window birch tree... How many memories I have with this tree...

Field chamomile become rare. But this is unpretentious flower.

3 Lexical repetition

Lexical repetition is a repetition of the same word in the same word form.

The closest connection of sentences is expressed primarily in repetition. The repetition of one or another member of the sentence is the main feature of the chain link. For example, in sentences There was a forest behind the garden. The forest was deaf, running the connection is based on the "subject - subject" model, that is, the subject named at the end of the first sentence is repeated at the beginning of the next; in sentences Physics is science. Science must use the dialectical method - "model predicate - subject"; in example The boat moored to the shore. The shore was strewn with small pebbles - the "circumstance - subject" model, and so on. But if in the first two examples the words forest and science stand in each of the adjacent sentences in the same case, then the word shore has different shapes. The lexical repetition in the USE tasks will be considered the repetition of a word in the same word form, used to enhance the impact on the reader.

In the texts of artistic and journalistic styles, the chain link through lexical repetition is often expressive, emotional, especially when the repetition is at the junction of sentences:

Here disappears from the map of the Fatherland Aral sea.

Whole sea!

The use of repetition is here used to amplify the impact on the reader.

Let's consider some examples. We do not take into account additional means of communication yet, we look only at lexical repetition.

(36) I heard a very brave man who went through the war once said: “ Used to be scary, very scary. " (37) He spoke the truth: he used to be scary.

(15) As a teacher, I happened to meet young people who yearn for a clear and precise answer to the question of higher valueslife. (16) 0 values, allowing you to distinguish between good and evil and choose the best and most worthy.

note: different forms of words refer to a different kind of connection.For details on the difference, see the paragraph on word forms.

4 Single root words

Single-root words are words with the same root and common meaning.

Examples of words: Homeland, to be born, birth, clan; rip, break, burst

Sample sentences: I'm lucky to be born healthy and strong. History of my birth unremarkable.

Even though I understood that a relationship is necessary ripbut couldn't do it myself. This break would be very painful for both of us.

5 Synonyms

Synonyms are words of the same part of speech, close in meaning.

Examples of words: to be bored, frown, sad; fun, joy, jubilation

Sample sentences: In parting she said that will miss... I knew that too i will be sad through our walks and conversations.

Joy embraced me, picked me up and carried ... Jubilationit seemed there were no boundaries: Lina answered, finally answered!

It should be noted that it is difficult to find synonyms in the text if you need to search for a relationship only using synonyms. But, as a rule, along with this method of communication, others are also used. So, in example 1 there is a union also , this connection will be discussed below.

6 Contextual synonyms

Contextual synonyms are words of the same part of speech that converge in meaning only in this context, since they refer to the same subject (attribute, action).

Examples of words: kitten, poor fellow, mischievous; girl, student, beauty

Sample sentences: Kitty lives with us recently. Husband took off poor fellow from the tree where he climbed, fleeing the dogs.

I guessed that she student. Girl continued to be silent, despite all the efforts on my part to make her talk.

It is even more difficult to find these words in the text: after all, the author makes them synonyms. But along with this method of communication, others are also used, which makes the search easier.

7 Antonyms

Antonyms are words of the same part of speech, opposite in meaning.

Examples of words: laughter, tears; hot Cold

Sample sentences: I pretended to like this joke and squeezed out something like laughter... But tears strangled me, and I quickly left the room.

Her words were hot and burned... The eyes chilled cold. It was like I was caught in a contrast shower ...

8 Contextual antonyms

Contextual antonyms are words of the same part of speech, opposite in meaning only in this context.

Examples of words: mouse - lion; house - work green - ripe

Sample sentences: On work this man was gray mouse. At home woke up in him a lion.

Ripe berries can be safely used to make jam. And here green it is better not to put them, they usually taste bitter and can spoil the taste.

Pay attention to the non-random coincidence of terms (synonyms, antonyms, including contextual ones) in this task and tasks 22 and 24: it is one and the same lexical phenomenon, but viewed from a different angle. Lexical means may serve to connect two adjacent sentences, or they may not be a connecting link. At the same time, they will always be a means of expressiveness, that is, they have every chance of being the object of tasks 22 and 24. Therefore, advice: while completing task 23, pay attention to these tasks. You will learn more theoretical material about lexical means from the rule-help for task 24.

23.2. Communication by morphological means

Along with lexical means of communication, morphological ones are also used.

1. Pronoun

A pronoun connection is a connection in which ONE word or SEVERAL words from the previous sentence are replaced by a pronoun. To see such a connection, you need to know what a pronoun is, what are the categories by meaning.

What you need to know:

Pronouns are words that are used instead of a name (noun, adjective, numeral), designate persons, indicate objects, signs of objects, the number of objects, without naming them specifically.

According to the meaning and grammatical features, there are nine categories of pronouns:

1) personal (I, we; you, you; he, she, it; they);

2) returnable (yourself);

3) possessive (mine, yours, ours, yours, yours); used as possessive also personal: his (jacket), her work), them (merit).

4) indicative (this, that, such, such, such, so much);

5) determinative (himself, himself, all, everyone, each, different);

6) relative (who, what, what, what, which, how much, whose);

7) interrogative (who? What? What? Whose? Which? How much? Where? When? Where? From where? Why? Why? What?);

8) negative (nobody, nothing, nobody);

9) undefined (someone, something, someone, someone, someone, someone).

Do not forget that pronouns change in cases, therefore, “you”, “me”, “about us”, “about them”, “nobody”, “everyone” are the forms of pronouns.

As a rule, the assignment indicates WHAT category the pronoun should be, but this is not necessary if there are no other pronouns in the specified period that perform the role of CONNECTING elements. You need to be clearly aware that NOT EVERY pronoun that occurs in the text is a connecting link.

Let's turn to examples and determine how sentences 1 and 2 are related; 2 and 3.

1) Our school has recently been renovated. 2) I finished it many years ago, but sometimes I went in, wandered around the school floors. 3) Now they are some strangers, others, not mine ...

There are two pronouns in the second sentence, both personal, i and her... Which one is the one paper clipthat connects the first and second sentences? If this pronoun iwhat it is replaced in sentence 1? Nothing... And what replaces the pronoun her? The word " school»From the first sentence. We conclude: communication using a personal pronoun her.

There are three pronouns in the third sentence: they are somehow mine. Only the pronoun connects with the second they (\u003d floors from second offer). Rest do not correlate with the words of the second sentence and do not replace anything... Conclusion: the second sentence with the third connects the pronoun they.

What is the practical importance of understanding this communication method? The fact that you can and should use pronouns instead of nouns, adjectives and numbers. Use, but not abuse, as the abundance of the words "he", "him", "them" sometimes leads to misunderstanding and confusion.

2. Adverb

Communication using adverbs is a communication, the features of which depend on the meaning of the adverb.

To see such a connection, you need to know what an adverb is, what are the categories by value.

Adverbs are unchangeable words that denote a feature by action and refer to a verb.

Adverbs of the following meanings can be used as means of communication:

Time and space: below, left, next to, at the beginning, long agoand the like.

Sample sentences: We got to work. initially it was hard: I couldn't work in a team, there were no ideas. Then got involved, felt their strength and even got excited.note: Sentences 2 and 3 are related to sentence 1 using the adverbs indicated. This type of communication is called parallel communication.

We climbed to the very top of the mountain. Around we were only the tops of the trees. Nearby the clouds floated with us. A similar example of parallel communication: 2 and 3 are connected with 1 using the adverbs indicated.

Indicative adverbs. (They are sometimes called pronominal adverbs, since they do not name how or where the action takes place, but only indicate it): there, here, there, then, from there, because, so and the like.

Sample sentences: Last summer I was on vacation in one of the sanatoriums of Belarus. From there it was almost impossible to call, let alone work on the Internet.The adverb "from there" replaces the whole phrase.

Life went on as usual: I studied, my mother and father worked, my little sister got married and left with her husband. So three years have passed. The adverb "so" summarizes the entire content of the previous sentence.

It is possible to use and other categories of adverbs, for example, negative: B school and university I didn’t have good relationships with my peers. Yes and nowhere did not add up; however, I did not suffer from this, I had a family, there were brothers, they replaced my friends.

3. Union

Connection by means of conjunctions is the most common type of connection, due to which various relationships arise between sentences related to the meaning of the union.

Communication using creative conjunctions: but, and, but, but, also, or, however and others. The task may indicate the type of union, or may not be specified. Therefore, the material on unions should be repeated.

Details about the compositional unions are described in a special section.

Sample sentences: By the end of the day off we were incredibly tired. But the mood was amazing! Communication with the help of the adversarial union "but".

It has always been this way ... Or it seemed to me so ...Communication with the separating union "or".

We draw attention to the fact that very rarely only one union participates in the formation of a connection: as a rule, lexical means of communication are used simultaneously.

Communication using subordinate unions: for, so... This is a very atypical case, since subordinate unions connect sentences as part of a complex one. In our opinion, with such a connection, there is an intentional rupture of the structure of a complex sentence.

Sample sentences: I was in complete despair ... For did not know what to do, where to go and, most importantly, who to turn to for help.The union for is significant because, because, indicates the reason for the state of the hero.

I didn’t pass the exams, I didn’t go to college, I couldn’t ask for help from my parents and wouldn’t do it. So that there was only one thing left: to find a job. The so-what is the meaning of the investigation.

4. Particles

Particle communication always accompanies other types of communication.

Particles after all, and only, here, there, only, even, bring additional shades to the proposal.

Sample sentences: Call your parents, talk to them. After all it's so simple and at the same time difficult - to love ...

Everyone in the house was already asleep. AND only grandmother muttered softly: she always read prayers before going to bed, begging the powers of heaven for a better life for us.

After her husband left, the soul became empty and the house was empty. Even the cat, usually rushing around the apartment with a meteor, only yawns sleepily and still strives to climb into my arms. Here on whose hands would I lean ...Please note that the binding particles are at the beginning of the sentence.

5. Word forms

Communication using word form is that in adjacent sentences the same word is used in different

  • if this noun - number and case
  • if adjective - gender, number and case
  • if pronoun - gender, number and case depending on the category
  • if verb in person (gender), number, tense

Verbs and participles, verbs and participles are considered different words.

Sample sentences: Noise gradually increased. From this growing noise it became uncomfortable.

I was familiar with my son captain... With myself captain fate did not bring me down, but I knew that it was only a matter of time.

note: in the task, "word forms" can be written, and then it is ONE word in different forms;

"Forms of words" - and these are already two words repeated in adjacent sentences.

The difference between the forms of a word and lexical repetition is of particular difficulty.

Information for the teacher.

Let's take as an example the most difficult task of the real USE in 2016. We present here in full the fragment published on the FIPI website in the "Guidelines for teachers (2016)"

Difficulties of the examinees in completing task 23 were caused by cases when the task condition required distinguishing between the form of a word and lexical repetition as a means of connecting sentences in the text. In these cases, when analyzing the linguistic material, students should be drawn to the fact that lexical repetition involves repetition of a lexical unit with a special stylistic task.

Here is the condition for assignment 23 and a fragment of the text of one of the options for the USE 2016:

“Among sentences 8–18, find one that is related to the previous one by means of lexical repetition. Write the number of this sentence. "

Below is the beginning of the text given for analysis.

- (7) What kind of artist are you when you don’t love your native land, eccentric!

(8) Perhaps that is why Berg did not succeed in landscapes. (9) He preferred a portrait, a poster. (10) He tried to find the style of his time, but these attempts were full of failure and ambiguity.

(11) Once Berg received a letter from the artist Yartsev. (12) He called him to come to the Murom forests, where he spent the summer.

(13) August was hot and calm. (14) Yartsev lived far from a deserted station, in a forest, on the shore of a deep lake with black water. (15) He rented a hut from a forester. (16) Taking Berg to the lake is the son of a forester Vanya Zotov, a stooped and shy boy. (17) Berg lived on Lake Berg for about a month. (18) He was not going to work and did not take oil paints with him.

Proposition 15 is linked to Proposition 14 by personal pronoun "he" (Yartsev).

Proposition 16 is linked to Proposition 15 by word forms "forester": prepositional-case-verb-driven and non-sentence-noun-driven. These word forms express different meanings: object meaning and belonging meaning, and the use of the considered word forms does not carry stylistic load.

Sentence 17 is linked to Sentence 16 by word forms (“On the lake - to the lake”; Berga - Berg).

Proposition 18 is related to the previous one by personal pronoun "he" (Berg).

The correct answer in task 23 of this option is 10. It is sentence 10 of the text that is related to the previous one (sentence 9) with the help of lexical repetition (the word "he").

It should be noted that there is no consensus among the authors of various manuals, what is considered a lexical repetition - the same word in different cases (persons, numbers) or in the same. The authors of the books of the publishing house "National Education", "Exam", "Legion" (authors Tsybulko I.P., Vasiliev I.P., Gosteva Yu.N., Senina N.A.) do not give a single example in which the words in various forms would be considered lexical repetition.

At the same time, very complex cases in which words in different cases coincide in form are considered in the manuals in different ways. The author of the books N.A. Senin sees in this the forms of the word. I.P. Tsybulko (based on the 2017 book) sees lexical repetition. So, in sentences like I saw the sea in a dream. The sea was calling me the word "sea" has different cases, but at the same time there is undoubtedly the same stylistic task that I.P. Tsybulko. Without going deep into the linguistic solution of this issue, we will designate the position of RESHUEEGE and give recommendations.

1. All clearly non-matching forms are word forms, not lexical repetition. Please note that we are talking about the same linguistic phenomenon as in task 24. And in 24 lexical repetitions are only repeated words, in the same forms.

2. There will be no overlapping forms in the tasks for RESHUEEGE: if linguists-specialists themselves cannot figure it out, then school graduates cannot do it.

3. If the exam comes across tasks with similar difficulties, we look at those additional means of communication that will help you make your choice. After all, the compilers of KIMs may have their own, separate opinion. Unfortunately, it can be so.

23.3 Syntactic facilities.

Introductory words

Communication with the help of introductory words accompanies, complements any other connection, complementing the shades of meanings characteristic of the introductory words.

Of course, you need to know which words are introductory.

He was hired. Unfortunately, Anton was too ambitious. One side, the company needed such individuals, on the other hand, he was not inferior to anyone and in anything, if something was, as he said, below his level.

Let's give examples of the definition of communication means in a short text.

(1) We met Masha a few months ago. (2) My parents had not yet seen her, but did not insist on meeting her. (3) It seemed that she, too, did not strive for rapprochement, which made me somewhat upset.

Let's define how the sentences in this text are related.

Sentence 2 is related to Sentence 1 with a personal pronoun herwhich replaces the name Masha in sentence 1.

Sentence 3 is related to sentence 2 using word forms she her: "She" is the nominative form, "her" is the genitive form.

In addition, Proposition 3 also has other means of communication: it is a union also, introductory word it seemed, rows of synonymous designs did not insist on meeting and did not strive for rapprochement.

Read a fragment of the review. It examines the language features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the term number from the list in the spaces of the blanks.

“The style of Valentin Erashov in the presented text fragment is extremely laconic and strict. And this is quite natural, because we are talking about a war. One of the leading techniques in the semantic construction of the text is (A) _____ ("fragile and small girl" - "huge machine" in sentence 16, as well as sentence 31), which helps the author to express his attitude to the problem. In the syntax of the text, replete with homogeneous terms, one can also distinguish (B) _____ (“reminded, repeated, demanded” in sentence 22) and (C) _____ (sentences 30-31).

In the vocabulary, the peculiarities of style manifested themselves primarily in the use of (D) _____ (“hesitated” in sentence 21, “thrashed” in sentence 14, “utterly” in sentence 11) ”.

List of terms:

1) metaphor

2) metonymy

3) antithesis

4) contextual synonyms

5) impersonation

6) colloquial words

7) gradation

8) epiphora

9) hyperbole

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


Explanation (see also Rule below).

Let's fill in the blanks.

“The style of Valentin Erashov in the presented text fragment is extremely laconic and strict. And this is quite natural, because we are talking about a war. One of the leading techniques in the semantic construction of the text is antithesis ("Fragile and small girl" - "huge machine" in sentence 16, and also sentence 31), which helps the author to express his attitude to the problem. In the syntax of the text, replete with homogeneous members, you can also highlight gradation (gradation is a stylistic figure, a series of homogeneous words or expressions (images, comparisons, metaphors, etc.), consistently forcing or, conversely, lowering the semantic or emotional significance) and epiphora (an epiphora is a stylistic figure of repeating the endings of adjacent verses or phrases (or a single ending). (30) In September forty-fourth Sergeant Yekaterina Mushkina, awarded the order, became a tank commander. (31) Not a wife, not a mother, not a keeper of the family hearth - a tank commander ). In the vocabulary, the features of style were manifested primarily in the use colloquial words (“Banged” in sentence 21, “thrashed” in sentence 14, “utterly” in sentence 11) ”.

Answer: 3786.

Answer: 3786

Rule: Task 26. Language means of expression


The purpose of the assignment is to determine the means of expression used in the review by establishing a correspondence between the gaps indicated by letters in the review text and numbers with definitions. You need to write down the matches only in the order in which the letters go in the text. If you do not know what is hidden under this or that letter, you must put "0" in place of this number. For the task you can get from 1 to 4 points.

When completing task 26, it should be remembered that you fill in the gaps in the review, i.e. restore the text, and with it semantic and grammatical connection... Therefore, an analysis of the review itself can often serve as an additional clue: various adjectives of one kind or another, predicates consistent with omissions, etc. It will make it easier to complete the task and dividing the list of terms into two groups: the first includes terms based on the meaning of the word, the second - the structure of the sentence. You can make this division, knowing that all means are divided into TWO large groups: the first includes lexical (non-special means) and paths; into the second figures of speech (some of them are called syntactic).

26.1 TROP-WORD OR EXPRESSION USED IN A PORTABLE MEANING TO CREATE AN ART AND ACHIEVE MORE EXPRESSION. Tropes include such devices as epithet, comparison, personification, metaphor, metonymy, sometimes they include hyperbole and litoty.

Note: In the assignment, as a rule, it is indicated that these are TRACKS.

In the review, examples of tropes are indicated in parentheses, as a phrase.

1.Epithet (in the lane from Greek - appendix, addition) is a figurative definition that marks a feature essential for a given context in the depicted phenomenon. The epithet differs from a simple definition in artistic expressiveness and imagery. The epithet is based on a hidden comparison.

The epithets include all the "colorful" definitions that are most often expressed adjectives:

sad orphaned land (F.I. Tyutchev), gray haze, lemon light, silent peace (I. A. Bunin).

Epithets can also be expressed:

-nouns, acting as applications or predicates, giving a figurative description of the subject: winter sorceress; mother - damp earth; The poet is a lyre, not just the nanny of his soul (M. Gorky);

-adverbsacting as circumstances: In the north, the wild stands alone... (M. Yu. Lermontov); The leaves were tensely stretched out in the wind (K. G. Paustovsky);

-gerunds: waves rush thundering and flashing;

-pronouns, expressing the superlative degree of a particular state of the human soul:

After all, there were fighting fights, Yes, they say, more what kind! (M. Yu. Lermontov);

-participles and participles: Nightingales vocabulary rumbling the forest limits are announced (BL Pasternak); I also admit the appearance ... of scribblers who cannot prove where they spent the night yesterday, and who have no other words in the language except words, not remembering kinship (M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin).

2. Comparison is a pictorial technique based on the comparison of one phenomenon or concept with another. In contrast to metaphor, comparison is always two-fold: both objects being compared (phenomena, signs, actions) are named in it.

Auls are burning, they have no protection.

The sons of the fatherland are defeated by the enemy,

And the glow like an eternal meteor,

Playing in the clouds scares the eye. (M. Yu. Lermontov)

Comparisons are expressed in various ways:

The form of the instrumental case of nouns:

Nightingale stray Youth flew by,

Wave in bad weather Joy faded (A. V. Koltsov)

The comparative form of an adjective or adverb: These eyes greenerthe sea and our cypresses darker (A. Akhmatova);

Comparative turns with unions as, as if, as if, as if, etc.:

Like a beast of preyto a humble abode

The winner bursts in with bayonets ... (M. Yu. Lermontov);

Using words like, like, this:

In the eyes of a cautious cat

Similar your eyes (A. Akhmatova);

Using comparative clauses:

The foliage is golden

In the pinkish water on the pond

Like a flock of butterflies

With a daze flies to the star. (S. A. Yesenin)

3 metaphor (in the lane from Greek - transfer) is a word or expression that is used in a figurative meaning based on the similarity of two objects or phenomena for some reason. Unlike comparison, in which both what is being compared and what is being compared with are given, the metaphor contains only the second, which creates a compact and imaginative use of the word. The metaphor can be based on the similarity of objects in shape, color, volume, purpose, sensations, etc.: waterfall of stars, avalanche of letters, wall of fire, abyss of grief, pearl of poetry, spark of loveand etc.

All metaphors fall into two groups:

1) general language ("Erased"): golden hands, a storm in a glass of water, move mountains, the strings of the soul, love has died out;

2) artistic (individual, author's, poetic):

And the stars are fading diamond awe

IN painless cold dawn (M. Voloshin);

Empty heavens transparent glass (A. Akhmatova);

AND blue eyes, bottomless

Blossom on the distant shore. (A. A. Blok)

Metaphor happens not only single: it can develop in the text, forming whole chains of figurative expressions, in many cases - to cover, as it were, to permeate the entire text. it detailed, complex metaphor, a solid artistic image.

4. Impersonation - This is a kind of metaphor based on the transfer of signs of a living being to natural phenomena, objects and concepts. Most often, personifications are used when describing nature:

Rolling through the sleepy valleys, the sleepy mists lay downAnd only the horse's stomp, Sounding, is lost in the distance. It went out, turning pale, autumn day, Rolling up fragrant leaves, Tasting dreamless sleep Semi-wilted flowers... (M. Yu. Lermontov)

5. Metonymy (in translation from Greek - renaming) is the transfer of a name from one subject to another based on their contiguity. Adjacency can be a manifestation of a connection:

Between action and instrument of action: Their villages and fields for a violent raid He condemned to swords and fires (A.S. Pushkin);

Between the object and the material the object is made of: ... not so on silver, - on gold I ate (A.S. Griboyedov);

Between the place and the people in this place: The city was noisy, flags crackled, wet roses fell from bowls of flower girls ... (Yu.K. Olesha)

6. Synecdoche (in the lane from Greek - correlation) is kind of metonymy, based on the transfer of meaning from one phenomenon to another on the basis of the quantitative relationship between them. Most often, the transfer occurs:

From less to more: To him and the bird does not fly, And the tiger does not come ... (A. Pushkin);

From part to whole: Beard, why are you all silent? (A.P. Chekhov)

7. Periphrase, or periphrase(in the lane from Greek - a descriptive expression), is a turnover that is used instead of any word or phrase. For example, Petersburg in verse

A.S. Pushkin - "Peter's Creation", "The Beauty and Wonder of the Full-Night Countries", "City of Petrov"; AA Blok in the verses of MI Tsvetaeva - "a knight without reproach", "blue-eyed snow singer", "snow swan", "the almighty of my soul."

8 hyperbole (in the lane from Greek - exaggeration) is a figurative expression containing an exaggerated exaggeration of any sign of an object, phenomenon, action: A rare bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper (N.V. Gogol)

And at the same moment, couriers, couriers, couriers ... can you imagine thirty five thousandssome couriers! (N.V. Gogol).

9. Litota(in the lane from Greek - smallness, moderation) is a figurative expression containing an exorbitant understatement of any sign of an object, phenomenon, action: What tiny cows! There is, right, less of a pinhead.(I.A.Krylov)

And marching importantly, in a decorous calm, The horse is led by the bridle by a peasant In big boots, in a sheepskin coat, In big mittens ... and himself with a fingernail! (N.A. Nekrasov)

10. Irony (in the lane from Greek - pretense) is the use of a word or utterance in a sense opposite to the direct one. Irony is a kind of allegory in which a mockery is hidden behind an outwardly positive assessment: Split, clever, are you delirious, head? (I.A.Krylov)


Note: The assignments sometimes indicate that this is a lexical tool. Usually, in the review of task 24, an example of a lexical means is given in brackets either in one word or in a phrase in which one of the words is italicized. Please note: it is these funds that are most often needed found in task 22!

11. Synonyms, that is, words of the same part of speech, different in sound, but the same or similar in lexical meaning and differing from each other either in shades of meaning, or in stylistic coloring ( brave - brave, run - rush, eyes (neutral) - eyes (poet.)), have great expressive power.

Synonyms can be contextual.

12. Antonyms, i.e. words of the same part of speech, opposite in meaning ( truth is false, good is evil, disgusting is wonderful), also have great expressive capabilities.

Antonyms can be contextual, that is, they become antonyms only in this context.

Lies happen good or bad,

Compassionate or merciless

Lies happen dexterous and awkward,

Discreet and reckless

Delightful and bleak.

13. Phraseologisms as a means of linguistic expression

Phraseological units (phraseological expressions, idioms), that is, phrases and sentences reproduced in finished form, in which the integral meaning dominates the values \u200b\u200bof their constituent components and is not a simple sum of such meanings ( get into a mess, be in seventh heaven, bone of contention), have great expressive capabilities. The expressiveness of phraseological units is determined by:

1) their vivid imagery, including mythological ( the cat cried like a squirrel in a wheel, Ariadne's thread, the sword of Damocles, Achilles' heel);

2) the attribution of many of them: a) to the category of high ( voice crying in the wilderness, sink into oblivion) or reduced (colloquial, colloquial: like a fish in water, neither sleep nor spirit, lead by the nose, lather neck, hang ears); b) to the category of linguistic means with a positive emotional and expressive coloring ( store like the apple of an eye - the market.) or with a negative emotional-expressive coloring (without tsar in the head - disapproved, small fry - will neglect., penny worth - contempt.).

14. Stylistically colored vocabulary

To enhance expressiveness, all categories of stylistically colored vocabulary can be used in the text:

1) emotionally expressive (evaluative) vocabulary, including:

a) words with a positive emotional and expressive assessment: solemn, sublime (including Old Church Slavonic): inspiration, future, fatherland, aspirations, innermost, unshakable; sublime poetic: serene, radiant, enchantment, azure; approving: noble, outstanding, amazing, courageous; affectionate: sun, darling, daughter

b) words with a negative emotional-expressive assessment: disapproving: speculation, bickering, nonsense; dismissive: upstart, hustler; contemptuous: dunce, crammed, scribble; abusive /

2) functional and stylistically colored vocabulary, including:

a) book: scientific (terms: alliteration, cosine, interference); official business: the undersigned, memo; journalistic: reportage, interview; artistic and poetic: azure, eyes, lanita

b) colloquial (everyday and household): dad, boy, braggart, healthy

15. Restricted vocabulary

To enhance expressiveness in the text, all categories of limited vocabulary can also be used, including:

Dialectal vocabulary (words that are used by residents of a locality: kochet - rooster, veksha - squirrel);

Common vocabulary (words with a pronounced reduced stylistic coloring: familiar, rude, dismissive, abusive, located on the border or outside the literary norm: beggar, bum, crack, talker);

Professional vocabulary (words that are used in professional speech and are not included in the general literary language: galley - in the speech of sailors, duck - in the speech of journalists, window - in the speech of teachers);

Jargon vocabulary (words typical of jargons - youth: party, bells and whistles, cool; computer: brains - computer memory, keyboard - keyboard; soldier: demobilization, scoop, perfume; jargon of criminals: lads, raspberries);

Outdated vocabulary (historicisms are words that have become obsolete due to the disappearance of the objects or phenomena designated by them: boyar, oprichnina, horse; archaisms are outdated words that name objects and concepts for which new names have appeared in the language: forehead - forehead, sail - sail); - new vocabulary (neologisms are words that have recently entered the language and have not yet lost their novelty: blog, slogan, teen).

26.3 FIGURES (RHEETORICAL FIGURES, STYLISTIC FIGURES, SPEECH FIGURES) ARE CALLED STYLISTIC TECHNIQUES based on special combinations of words that go beyond the usual practical use, and with the aim of enhancing the expressiveness and pictoriality of the text. The main figures of speech include: rhetorical question, rhetorical exclamation, rhetorical address, repetition, syntactic parallelism, multi-union, non-union, ellipsis, inversion, parcellation, antithesis, gradation, oxymoron. Unlike lexical means, this is the level of a sentence or several sentences.

Note: The assignments do not have a clear definition format indicating these means: they are called syntactic means, and a technique, and simply a means of expression, and a figure.In task 24, the figure of speech is indicated by the sentence number given in brackets.

16.Rhetorical question is a figure that contains a statement in the form of a question. A rhetorical question does not require an answer, it is used to enhance emotionality, expressiveness of speech, to draw the reader's attention to a particular phenomenon:

Why did he give his hand to the insignificant slanderers, Why did he believe false words and caresses, He, from a young age, comprehended people?.. (M. Yu. Lermontov);

17 rhetorical exclamation is a figure that contains a statement in the form of an exclamation. Rhetorical exclamations enhance the expression of certain feelings in the message; they usually differ not only in special emotionality, but also solemnity and elation:

That was in the morning of our years - Happiness! about tears! Oh forest! oh life! about the sun's light! O fresh birch spirit. (A.K. Tolstoy);

Alas!before the power of a stranger A proud country bowed. (M. Yu. Lermontov)

18 rhetorical address - This is a stylistic figure, consisting in an emphasized address to someone or something to enhance the expressiveness of speech. It serves not so much to name the addressee of speech, but to express an attitude towards what is said in the text. Rhetorical messages can create solemnity and pathos of speech, express joy, regret and other shades of mood and emotional state:

My friends! Our union is wonderful. He, like a soul, is unstoppable and eternal (A. Pushkin);

Oh, deep night! Oh cold autumn!Dumb! (K. D. Balmont)

19.Repeat (positional-lexical repetition, lexical repetition) is a stylistic figure consisting in the repetition of any member of a sentence (word), part of a sentence or a whole sentence, several sentences, a stanza in order to draw special attention to them.

Types of repetition are anaphora, epiphora and pickup.

Anaphora(in the lane from Greek - ascent, rise), or monotony, is the repetition of a word or group of words at the beginning of lines, stanzas or sentences:

Lazilythe misty midday breathes,

Lazily the river is rolling.

And in the firmament and pure

Clouds melt lazily (F. I. Tyutchev);

Epiphora (in the lane from Greek - an addition, the final sentence of the period) is a repetition of words or a group of words at the end of lines, stanzas or sentences:

Although man is not eternal,

That which is eternal - humanly.

What is day or age

Before that endless?

Although man is not eternal,

That which is eternal - humanely (A. A. Fet);

They got a loaf of light bread - joy!

Today the movie is good in the club - joy!

Paustovsky's two-volume edition was brought to the bookstore joy! (A.I.Solzhenitsyn)

Pick up - this is a repetition of any segment of speech (sentence, poetic line) at the beginning of the following corresponding segment of speech:

He fell down on the cold snow

On the cold snow, like a pine tree

Like a pine tree in a damp forest (M. Yu. Lermontov);

20. Parallelism (syntactic parallelism) (in the lane from Greek - going side by side) - identical or similar construction of adjacent parts of the text: adjacent sentences, poetic lines, stanzas, which, when correlated, create a single image:

I look at the future with fear

I look at the past with longing ... (M. Yu. Lermontov);

I was your ringing string

I was blooming to you in spring

But you didn't want flowers,

And you didn't hear the words? (K. D. Balmont)

Often using the antithesis: What is he looking for in a distant country? What did he throw in his native land?(M. Lermontov); Not a country for business, but business for a country (from the newspaper).

21. Inversion (in the lane from Greek - permutation, overturning) is a change in the usual order of words in a sentence in order to emphasize the semantic significance of any element of the text (word, sentence), to give the phrase a special stylistic coloring: solemn, high sounding or, conversely, colloquial, slightly reduced performance. The following combinations are considered inverted in Russian:

The agreed definition follows the defined word: I am sitting behind bars in dungeon damp (M. Yu. Lermontov); But there was no swell running along this sea; the stuffy air did not flow: it was brewing great storm (I. S. Turgenev);

Additions and circumstances expressed by nouns come before the word to which they refer: Hours monotonous fight (monotonous chime of the clock);

22. Parcellation(in the lane from French - a particle) is a stylistic device, which consists in breaking up a single syntactic structure of a sentence into several intonational and semantic units - phrases. A full stop, exclamation and question marks, ellipsis can be used at the place of the sentence. In the morning, bright as a splint. Terrible. Long. Ratny. The infantry regiment was defeated. Our. In an unequal battle(R. Rozhdestvensky); Why is no one indignant? Education and healthcare! The most important spheres of society! Not mentioned in this document at all(From newspapers); The state needs to remember the main thing: its citizens are not individuals. And people... (From newspapers)

23. Non-union and multi-union - syntactic figures based on deliberate omission, or, conversely, deliberate repetition of alliances. In the first case, when omitting unions, speech becomes concise, compact, dynamic. The actions and events depicted here quickly, instantly unfold, replace each other:

Swede, Russian - pricks, chops, cuts.

Drum beat, clicks, grinding.

The thunder of the guns, the stomp, the neigh, the groan,

And death and hell on all sides. (A.S. Pushkin)

When multi-unionspeech, on the contrary, slows down, pauses and a repetitive union highlight words, expressingly emphasizing their semantic significance:

But and grandson, and great-grandson, and great-great-grandson

They grow in me while I myself grow ... (P.G. Antokolsky)

24. Period- a long, polynomial sentence or a very common simple sentence, which is distinguished by completeness, unity of theme and intonational splitting into two parts. In the first part, the syntactic repetition of the same type of subordinate clauses (or members of the sentence) comes with an increasing increase in intonation, then there is a significant pause dividing, and in the second part, where a conclusion is given, the tone of voice decreases noticeably. Such intonation forms a kind of circle:

Whenever I wanted to limit my life to my home circle, / When I was ordered to be a father, a spouse, / When I was captivated by a family picture even for a single moment, then, surely, I would not look for another bride except you. (A.S. Pushkin)

25 Antithesis, or opposition (in the lane from Greek - opposition) - this is a turn in which opposite concepts, positions, images are sharply opposed. To create an antithesis, antonyms are usually used - general language and contextual:

You are rich, I am very poor, You are a prose writer, I am a poet(A.S. Pushkin);

Yesterday I looked into my eyes

And now - everything looks sideways,

Yesterday I sat before the birds

All larks today are crows!

I'm stupid and you're smart

Alive, and I am dumbfounded.

About the cry of women of all time:

"My dear, what have I done to you?" (M. I. Tsvetaeva)

26. Gradation (in the lane from Latin - gradual increase, increase) - a technique consisting in a sequential arrangement of words, expressions, tropes (epithets, metaphors, comparisons) in the order of strengthening (increasing) or weakening (decreasing) of a feature. Increasing gradation usually used to enhance the imagery, emotional expressiveness and impact of the text:

I called you, but you did not look back, I shed tears, but you did not condescend (A. A. Blok);

Shone, burned, shonehuge blue eyes. (V. A. Soloukhin)

Downward gradation is used less often and usually serves to enhance the semantic content of the text and create imagery:

He brought mortal tar

Yes, a branch with withered leaves. (A. Pushkin)

27. Oxymoron (in the lane from Greek - witty-stupid) is a stylistic figure in which usually incompatible concepts are combined, as a rule, contradicting each other ( bitter joy, ringing silenceetc.); at the same time, a new meaning is obtained, and speech acquires special expressiveness: From that hour began for Ilya sweet tormentlightly scorching the soul (I.S.Shmelev);

there is merry melancholy in the scarves of dawn (S. A. Yesenin);

But their ugly beauty I soon grasped the mystery. (M. Yu. Lermontov)

28. Allegory - an allegory, the transmission of an abstract concept through a specific image: Foxes and wolves must win (cunning, anger, greed).

29. Default - a deliberate interruption of the utterance, conveying the emotion of speech and suggesting that the reader will guess the unspoken: But I wanted ... Perhaps you ...

In addition to the above syntactic means of expressiveness, the tests also contain the following:

-exclamation sentences;

- dialogue, hidden dialogue;

-question-answer form of presentation a form of presentation in which questions and answers to questions alternate;

-rows of homogeneous members;


-introductory words and constructions

-Incomplete sentences - sentences in which any term is omitted that is necessary for the completeness of the structure and meaning. Missing members of a sentence can be restored and contextual.

Including ellipsis, that is, the omission of the predicate.

These concepts are covered in the school syntax course. That is why, probably, these means of expressiveness are most often called syntactic in the review.

The writer shows her condition, she did not feel fear at all when they began to fire at their tank: “She only heard the rumble; she, such a fragile and small girl, was twitching along with a huge machine. " At the moment of danger, when the tank hit the bomb crater and she saw the Germans very close, the brave girl remembered her military duty - to protect military equipment at any cost. Katya "stuck the stigma of the machine gun into the hole and began to beat." The attack was repulsed. For a brave act, Ekaterina Mushkina was awarded the title of tank commander.

V. Erashov's position is clear to me. The writer believes that Katya, like many Russian women during the war, committed a heroic act. Bitterly, but proudly, the author's thought sounds at the end of the text: “... Ekaterina Mushkina, awarded with the order, became a tank commander. Not a wife, not a mother, not a keeper of the family hearth - a tank commander. " Unfortunately, many women during the Great Patriotic War did not fulfill the mission that nature had assigned them, but they courageously fulfilled their military duty to the Motherland, bringing victory closer.

The symbol of heroism, patriotism is Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, the first woman to be awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. She burned down several houses where the Germans were. During the second attempt at arson, Kosmodemyanskaya was arrested and tortured, but the girl did not betray her comrades, sacrificing her life. This is a vivid example of perseverance and courage. It was to her that M. Aliger dedicated the poem "Zoya".

Boris Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet ..." is one of the most poignant stories about the war in its tragedy. Five girls, led by foreman Vaskov, confront a detachment of German soldiers. Fragile women engage in mortal combat with strong men. All of them died doing their military duty. This work shows the courage and self-sacrifice of Russian women during the war.

Thus, V.P. Erashov wants to remind us of the great deeds committed by ordinary Russian women who bravely went into battle without fear of death. We must honor the memory of them, preserving these deeds in our hearts.

Updated: 2017-11-20

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