Horoscope for Aquarius for October 12. Horoscope - Libra. Family horoscope - Aquarius

Where to begin? 26.01.2024
Where to begin?

The day will not be as difficult as it may seem due to the problems that arise. All troubles are temporary; on October 12, 2017, it is advised not to pay much attention to them. It is worth taking the time to work hard: you need to finish what you start. Caution in communication is important. Conflicts can flare up unexpectedly.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 Aries

For Aries today, activities they enjoy are important, in harmony with their mood or home habits. There may be troubles related to the house. Cleaning up your workplace won't hurt. Communication with the family doctor, household staff, realtor, and repair team may become relevant. At the same time, the day is fraught with dispute and personal conflict, especially if you or your interlocutor are claiming freedom without fulfilling their part of the obligations. The stars advise you to work more carefully on any nuances related to security.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 Taurus

Taurus can use the day for mutually beneficial cooperation, discussing household and other plans. Despite agreement on most minor points, a separate significant issue related to the distribution of roles or the provision of services may cause heated debate. When communicating, it is important to show sensitivity and take the right tone. It is better not to touch upon topics that increase the vulnerability of the interlocutor: people around you become more touchy and vindictive, and it is possible that one day they will even remember an innocent joke.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 Gemini

For Gemini, issues of earnings and livelihoods, household chores, and payment for services may be important. There may be small income and expenses, small purchases for the house for urgent purposes. You should not purchase electronics or communications equipment. A dispute with a friend, child, loved one, student or coach is possible; there is a possibility of financial disputes with the organization. Discussions may lead to the need to change something in the system of work, study, communication or resource distribution.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 Cancer

It is better for Cancers to refrain from entering into an argument, or to do so for a good reason. Conversation will take up a lot of energy that could be spent more productively. It's worth making time for a discussion if a significant person wants to talk to you: a family member, a marriage partner, a teacher, a doctor, a landlord or tenant, a housing broker, an old friend. In any case, the chances of winning a verbal battle are low; it is advisable to confirm your rightness not with speeches, but with specific actions. Travel possible.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 Leo

For Lviv today, the sphere of communication is energy-intensive, especially with close circles and regular correspondents. There may be shocking news or a tense conversation in which it will be difficult for you to maintain restraint and adhere to etiquette. You may unwittingly give away your true motive and attitude, a vulnerable spot. A study, trip, or visit can provoke a surge of verbal energy. Scrupulous work aimed at eliminating minor errors will help restore balance and spend the day profitably.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 Virgo

Today, Virgo is interested in perspective; their imagination can run wild. The stars advise not to be carried away in dreams beyond distant horizons, but to do what is necessary here and now. You should not lose your grip and dexterity, be lazy and procrastinate: a task completed to the end can become the first brick in the foundation of the building of the future. A willingness to dialogue will also come in handy: a conversation with a specific person, authority or community will help you place emphasis on financial, partnership, family or other issues.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 Libra

For Libra, the day may be marked by a clash of opinions. The course of a meeting, interview, consultation, visit, conversation with superiors or parents is unpredictable. It is worth considering the new status, goal, situation. This is not the best moment for an important application: your position is still ambiguous, you may hesitate, and not have complete confidence. The stars do not advise living in yesterday; they warn against large-scale pretentious statements: perhaps the situation requires other leaders, and your voice no longer has the same weight.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 Scorpio

Scorpios should not doubt their capabilities, but it is useful to moderate impulses in a new direction. It is advisable to refrain from large-scale undertakings and dramatic changes. It’s good to start completing the work, attracting trusted like-minded people to this task. Disagreements today are unlikely at the level of specific actions, but are quite possible during communication, discussion of news, political discussions or legal disputes are not excluded. You shouldn't accept someone else's point of view if you have your own.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 Sagittarius

Today Sagittarians tend to perceive everything emotionally. There may be a secret, intense interest in a project that has been transferred to other hands, in a group you left, or in a person with whom you broke up. Regrets about the decision made are possible. The stars advise not to give in to hesitations and emotions, and to start looking for a new idea, family or refuge. In the routine area, the day is suitable for working on particularly complex areas where safety concerns, careful inspection, and fine polishing of the result are necessary.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 Capricorn

Capricorns are not ready to part with their previous role or goal, but they are already internally ready to change course. The stars consider this a positive trend, but do not advise rushing to draw a line under the past, and do not recommend rushing into new realities too quickly. If you intend to end the relationship, you should not leave slamming the door and not keeping your promises. It is worth appreciating and preserving the existing mutually beneficial ties: they have a good future, a lot can be clarified by a diplomatic conversation in a confidential atmosphere.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 Aquarius

Aquarians should treat routine work conscientiously and not shift it onto someone else's shoulders. Today's efforts will have a positive impact on the future result, and if something goes wrong, they can become proof, insurance. The day puts feelings and affections above logic and calculation, encourages you to take care of loved ones, faithful helpers, and pets. Emerging conflicts should not be aggravated by proving that you are right. There may be problems with medical care or obtaining a certificate.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 Pisces

The general background of this day is favorable for Pisces; any problems will be redeemed by emotional harmony and anticipation of the future. A good moment for mutually beneficial cooperation, a love date, and creative endeavors. Disputes and unexpected news that arise this day should not be considered as a hindrance: they will help clarify another “moment of truth” and warn of a possible danger or critical flaw. A serious conversation with a child, a loved one, or a representative of your interests in an important matter is possible.

Aries, try not to put too much strain on your body physically or emotionally today, although, most likely, you will feel considerable strength in yourself. Avoid conflicts and showdowns on this day. Get plenty of rest.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 - TAURUS

You have a lot of good ideas and a lot of energy, but you simply don’t have enough strength or money to do it all. And you will decide to do all the rough and preparatory work yourself - slowly and thoroughly.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 - GEMINI

On this day, you should not ask anyone for help or support, since you yourself are able to cope with any task. The stars also say that you can meet people who will be energetically stronger than you. If you feel pressure from them, it is better to retreat.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 - CANCER

You will have a huge supply of strength and energy, so do not waste precious time, but start solving issues that seemed quite difficult before. Avoid ignoring people close to you.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 - LEO

As if dormant, events will gradually begin to unfold with increasing speed. What's happened? The Universe wants to shake you up a little. Stop suffering from the autumn blues.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 - VIRGO

Virgo, today your competitor or rival will be more lucky, and you will get a consoling second place. After worrying a little about this, begin to analyze your mistakes in this situation.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 - LIBRA

You will have a lot of troubles, but most of them will be pleasant. It is advisable to go to bed early and not abuse alcohol.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 - SCORPIO

You will feel good both physically and emotionally. At least there should be no irritating factors. Try to spend more time outdoors.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 - SAGITTARIUS

A hectic period awaits Sagittarius. As soon as one of the serious, urgent problems is solved, a second one will be on the way.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 - CAPRICORN

The stars warn that now you may encounter some difficulties in the love sphere. It will be difficult for you to find a common language with a person. whom you love, and because of any little thing you will be able to cause a scandal. Try to avoid conflicts by any means.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 - AQUARIUS

Aquarius, now is a favorable time for you to properly rest and gain strength. Try to avoid a showdown. Take care of your health.

Horoscope for October 12, 2017 - PISCES

Minor ailments are possible, which are most likely not symptoms of the disease, but simply a manifestation of fatigue. Just put off all the exploits until tomorrow.

Thank you. I'm a Gemini, I can handle it.

Try not to put too much strain on your body physically or emotionally in the near future, although, most likely, you will feel considerable strength in yourself. Avoid conflicts and showdowns on this day. Get plenty of rest.

You should not indulge in adventures and take unnecessary risks. Also, you shouldn’t rush to implement other people’s ideas: it will soon turn out that they are not as good as they seemed. You may meet people who will be energetically stronger than you. If you feel pressure from them, it is better to retreat.

On this day, you should not ask anyone for help or support, since you yourself are able to cope with any task. You will draw your strength and inspiration from your relationship with your loved one, or a new acquaintance may affect your emotional state.

You will have a huge supply of strength and energy, so do not waste precious time, but start solving issues that seemed quite difficult. Everything should work out for you now. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of pampering yourself with pleasant purchases.

The coming time is more conducive to not too active activity or relaxation. Now you may be lucky in love, especially if you are not burdened with family ties. Just try to make a good impression on your new acquaintance and not push him away with a frown or abstruse speeches.

It’s worth re-evaluating your relationships with some people around you, but don’t rush to carry out your sentence. The time has not yet come for this. Now you may not take into account all the nuances. Avoid new acquaintances with people of the opposite sex, especially if you are being pushed into communication not by spiritual kinship, but by a love interest.

On this day, any work should be done slowly. Do not chase quantity, as in this case you will not be able to complete everything you planned. Before you seek professional or financial help, think carefully about whether the person you have chosen is reliable.

You will feel good both physically and emotionally. At least there should be no irritating factors. Try to spend more time outdoors, as this will help you stay in a good mood.

Meetings with friends and acquaintances, as well as various trips, can give a positive result that will exceed your expectations. If possible, go out of town. When you have time and desire, then you will deal with pressing problems. Pleasant surprises can await you in a love relationship. The stars warn: be very careful with alcohol.

Now you may face some difficulties in the love sphere. It will be difficult for you to find a common language with a person. whom you love, and because of any little thing you will be able to cause a scandal. Try to avoid conflicts by any means.

The day will fly by unnoticed. If you don’t feel like doing something, put it off for a few days. Now is a favorable time to properly rest and gain strength. Try to avoid a showdown. Take care of your health.

Do not accept gifts from people who obsessively seek your company but are not among your friends or relatives. A person may feel that by accepting gifts from him, you become obligated to him. And in some cases, things can be “charged” with certain information, most likely negative.

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For a great mood! A new selection of life stories

The day is very promising, fruitful and interesting. You are full of energy and are not afraid of difficulties; you enthusiastically take on things that you previously did not dare to approach. Sometimes disagreements arise with others, but you patiently prove that you are right without offending anyone.
Possible cash receipts. You will use the amount received correctly - for example, make successful purchases or invest it in business development. Unexpected trips are likely. You will have to get ready for the trip quickly; be careful not to forget anything.

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Love horoscope - Libra

Your relationship with your loved one is at its peak - maybe this is the person you should tie the knot with?


Today you will want to play first fiddle in your relationship with your partner. However, try to curb this impulse and do not pull the blanket over yourself when communicating with him. Better work with him on the same team. You certainly have outstanding leadership qualities, but try to act as a moral inspirer for your partner, not a taskmaster.
You hate getting involved in any kind of conflicts and squabbles, so do not let your passion drag you into any quarrels today and try with all your might to maintain neutrality. There is no need to spoil your mood with stupid bickering.

Today they will try to fool you. Your significant other will talk nonsense, come up with incredible stories, and try in every possible way to hide the truth from you. It’s worth thinking about why your partner is trying so hard to hide the truth? Maybe he just doesn’t want to bother you with his problems, or maybe he really has something to hide?


Family horoscope - Libra

You may decide that you have completely neglected your children lately, and start communicating with them more actively, paying maximum attention to your children. The result will be simply amazing!

Business horoscope - Libra

No matter how tired you are, you will have to monitor the work of your company tomorrow, otherwise you risk being left without profit in the near future.


You don’t have to worry about anything at all at work. You will be supported by Uranus and Neptune, who will help lay the foundation for a bright future, giving you amazing intuition.

Health horoscope - Libra

A permissive attitude towards your own health can affect not only your current well-being, but also much later. Spend more time on strengthening and health procedures - water sports, and just an active lifestyle will have a beneficial effect on your body and charge it with the necessary vital juices. Libra will benefit from a protein diet, but it is better to abstain from fatty and spicy foods.


You may suffer from insomnia. To defeat it, change your lifestyle to a more measured one, then the nervous system will return to normal. In addition, watch your diet - you can pay for your excess in food with an upset stomach.

Mobile horoscope - Libra

Today, more than ever, you feel responsible for your affairs and take your responsibilities seriously. You feel the power with which you can influence something important, and you are eager to see how you personally can contribute to the development of this world. However, be humble and do not try to claim successes that you have not yet achieved. Inspire people with your plans, but don't make promises you can't keep.

Beauty Horoscope – Libra

Today is a good day to dedicate it to the search for new knowledge - your brain will absorb it like a sponge. In addition, if you have long been thinking about resuming your education, now is the time to put this intention into practice. Pick up courses on a subject that interests you and begin to expand your knowledge in this area.

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