Strong sedatives. Sedatives for the nervous system of adults and children. Indications and contraindications

Astringent compounds 04.01.2021
Astringent compounds

Today, a person's life rhythm is not limited only to pleasant episodes, but also undergoes endless overloads on an emotional level. Women are more prone to stress and breakdowns than men. Therefore, you need to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to buy over-the-counter sedative pills. The list of these medicines must be studied well, to look at the components and the presence of side effects.

What are sedatives and their mechanism of action

Drugs aimed at calming the central nervous system are also called sedatives. In times of depression or anxiety, these medications are often prescribed by a doctor.

Sedatives lead to increased inhibition in the central nervous system, soften the awakening of excitement, aggression in it, relieve irritation, sensitivity. In addition, under their action, the autonomic nervous system normalizes (the intensity of the heartbeat decreases, tremors and sweat are reduced, intestinal spasms appear less).

When using drugs for sedation, a child or an adult should take into account that in combination with similar drugs, antipsychotics, analgesics, hypnotics, antidepressants give the effect. Therefore, even soothing herbs in conjunction with other drugs should be used with caution.

Choosing the right pills, they can be used as a therapy for neuroses, neurasthenia. Sedatives are also used to overcome insomnia and sleep disorders.

The doctor will help you choose the most effective drug. After all, a simple nervous breakdown can hide a significant mental disorder.

Non-prescription sedatives for the adult nervous system

Preparations for sedation are produced in the form of drops, pills, which can be purchased without a doctor's appointment and injections. The shots are purchased by prescription only. Consume on demand only after studying the instructions.

Homeopathic remedies

Buy possibly homeopathic sedative tablets without a prescription. Medicines do not lead to addiction and are considered harmless. They can be used by adults, children, the elderly, women who are carrying a baby and nursing mothers. Such medicines without side effects (dry throat, dizziness), do not lead to drowsiness and can be used while driving.

The most powerful non-prescription sedative tablets for adults - Homeopathic medicines list:

  1. Gelarium;
  2. Tenoten;
  3. Neurosed;
  4. Nervohel;
  5. Leovit;
  6. Calm down.


Pills are taken with increased agitation, changes with falling asleep, neuroses and menopause. Children under 3 years old should not take Nervohel tablets. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding can only take the pill with a doctor's approval.

Allergies may occur after consumption. Nervohel is taken 1 pill, 3 times a day. The price of the product is 380 rubles or more.

After use, an anticonvulsant, sedative effect is observed. Alora reduces anxious feelings, irritation. Doctors recommend taking pills to patients if the nerves are shattered, with depression, insomnia, asthenia.

Alora is not prescribed for children under 3 years old and patients with high sensitivity. Care should be taken to use sedative tablets with anticonvulsants, hypnotics. The cost of the medication is 220 rubles or more.

Alcohol solutions

Alcohol preparations, which are aimed at soothing and eliminating irritation, reduce the excitability of the central nervous system. Medications for stress and nerves are produced in the form of drops that dissolve in water.

List of over-the-counter sedatives:

  1. Sedariston. The composition contains valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort. The drug is effective in vegetative neurosis.
  2. Valocordin. A sedative medicine has a sedative, hypnotic effect, lowers the excitability of the nervous system. The medication is cheap, while it helps well with sleep disturbances, anxiety, panic, and cardiac neuroses. The dose of use and the duration of therapy remains with the doctor.
  3. Nervoflux. A sedative medication is prescribed in case of chronic stress, lack of sleep at night. The product consists of herbal ingredients (lavender, licorice root and valerian). Nervoflux is used to make tea.
  4. Zelenin drops. The medication is indicated for chronic heart failure, vegetative-vascular dystonia, stomach and intestinal cramps, renal colic. After administration, muscle weakness, allergies, dry mouth, diarrhea, vomiting, and headaches may appear.
  5. Corvalol. The composition contains peppermint oil, phenobarbital, ethyl bromisovalerian. The list of components is similar to Valocordin. The medication has almost the same effect, while the effect is not very powerful. The remedy is a good sedative and mild hypnotic. It will help relieve the compression of the heart vessels, reduce the heartbeat. When used, it may show allergies, drowsiness, low blood pressure, dizziness. With prolonged use, addiction develops. The price for a sedative medication is 70 rubles or more.

Combined herbal preparations

This group of medicines is the most harmless and produces a mild effect on the central nervous system, without loading the channels for excretion of bile, kidneys, and liver. The sedative effect of pills in an adult occurs 20 minutes after use.

Strong sedatives without prescription:

  1. Persen;
  2. Algoven Relax;
  3. Neuroplapnt;
  4. Deprim;
  5. Florised;
  6. Sedafiton;
  7. Relaxil;
  8. Nott;
  9. Novo-Passit.

In addition to sedative pills, there are dietary supplements and vitamins that normalize the activity of the central nervous system, restore rest at night (Deprivit, Sedavit).

Novo-passite. Produce tablets based on herbal collection, including lemon balm, valerian, St. John's wort, elderberry. The medication has a sedative effect, helps to fall asleep quickly, overcome stress, headaches. It is prescribed for long-term mental and emotional disorders.

The pills should be drunk 3 times a day, 5 ml.

Persen. Herbal medicine with a calming effect, based on valerian, lemon balm, mint. Tablets are recommended to drink with increased agitation, irritability, stress, insomnia.

The preparation contains motherwort, mint, licorice, oregano. A sedative medication will relieve anxiety, cure disturbed night sleep.

Consume 100 ml of herbal collection 4 times a day before meals.

Synthetic drugs

In the case of manifest signs of nervous disorders, melancholy, anxiety, irritability, you need to pay attention to potent pills, based on synthetic components.

List of powerful non-prescription sedative pills:

  1. Glycine;
  2. Adonis Brom;
  3. Zyprexa;
  4. Adaptol;
  5. Seroquel;
  6. Melaxen;
  7. Tizercin;
  8. Glutalite;
  9. Andante;
  10. Stresam;
  11. Risset.

Funds from other groups

Tenoten tablets are a nootropic drug with anxiolytic dynamics. The drug has anti-anxiety, sedative, antidepressant effects. It improves the mobility of mental and emotional stress and relieves depression.

Phenibut is a nootropic drug that reduces the detection of asthenia, vaso-vegetative signs. The drug will increase mental and physical activity, improve memory, and normalize night rest.

Tablets Afobazol refers to a mild tranquilizer. It successfully removes anxiety symptoms. It has an intracellular effect, which helps to normalize the system of protection of the central nervous system from stress. It is taken 1 tablet per day, therapy takes at least 2 weeks.

Sedatives for children

One of the commonly prescribed anti-anxiety medications is Glycine. The amino acid reduces emotional stress, improves brain function, and normalizes sleep. Also, children are prescribed pills:

  • Tenoten;
  • Magne B6;
  • Pantogam;
  • Citral.

If the child is very agitated, the neurologist will prescribe:

  • Sibazon;
  • Phenazepam;
  • Tazepam;

The drugs will eliminate overexcitation, panic, and anxiety. Such sedative pills lead to addiction, because they are taken under the supervision of a specialist, for a short period of time.

Sedative medicines for pregnant women and during lactation

Hormonal disorders that occur in pregnant women lead to irritation, nervousness, and mood changes. Soothing pills come to the rescue. However, not all of them can be drunk by pregnant women.

In the first 3 months of pregnancy, any medication cannot be taken, because in this interval the organs and systems of the fetus are formed. For persistent anxiety, herbal sedatives are acceptable.

  1. Motherwort;
  2. Novo-Passit;
  3. Persen.

Natural remedies include herbal teas (mint, lemon balm, hawthorn).

For the elderly population

Since an elderly person has many concomitant ailments, the use of soothing pills without a doctor's prescription is unacceptable.

Uncontrolled use, even of a harmless medication, by both men and women can cause negative consequences.

Fast-acting, powerful, over-the-counter sedatives

Sedative medications rarely have accompanying negative effects and do not lead to dependence. Therefore, everyone can find fast-acting sedatives in a pharmacy without a specialist's appointment.

Rating of strong, quick-acting sedatives without a prescription (comparison table):

NameFeatures of influenceHow to use
AminazineThe drug cures psychosis, reduces nervous overexcitement1 tablet 4 times a day
ZyprexaEliminates workload on an emotional level, as well as delusional mood1 tablet once a day
MazheptilShows an antipsychotic effect, reduces increased activity1 pill once a day
LiponexThe drug has a strong and immediate sedative effect.1-3 pills up to 3 times a day after eating food
CoaxilReduces nervous anxiety, improves sleep1 tablet 3 times a day before meals
GrandaxinHeals neurotic disorders, normalizes rest at night1-2 pills 1-3 times a day. Healing takes 45 days
NeuroplantHas an antidepressant effect, eliminates psychovegetative disorders1 pill up to 3 times daily before eating food
BarbovalThe drug has a sharp sedative effect. Helps with nervous excitement and increased anxiety10 to 15 drops, up to 3 times a day. The drug is taken before meals.
TsipramilIt has antidepressant properties. The medication will help in the treatment of mental disorders1 pill once a day. Maximum allowed 3 tablets
Calms the nervous system and relieves spasms15 to 30 drops. Treatment takes 14 days

The Dangers of Taking Sedatives

Each sedative medication, dispensed without a medical prescription, has a list of unfavorable and dangerous concomitant manifestations that occur when the dose is exceeded or the drug is used incorrectly.

Particular care should be taken with low pressure, permanent changes in kidney and liver function, during the period of gestation and breastfeeding.

Most medications have both sedative and sedative effects, can cause drowsiness, dizziness and unconsciousness, and reduce the ability to work. In order not to face such problems, therapy should be carried out only after agreement with the doctor, and the use of tablets should be carried out at the specified dose of a specialist.

Therefore, you need to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to buy over-the-counter sedative pills. The list of these medicines must be studied well, look at the components and the presence of side effects.

What are sedatives and their mechanism of action

Drugs aimed at calming the central nervous system are also called sedatives. In times of depression or anxiety, these medications are often prescribed by a doctor.

Sedatives lead to increased inhibition in the central nervous system, soften the awakening of excitement, aggression in it, relieve irritation, sensitivity. In addition, under their action, the autonomic nervous system normalizes (the intensity of the heartbeat decreases, tremors and sweat are reduced, intestinal spasms appear less).

When using drugs for sedation, a child or an adult should take into account that in combination with similar drugs, antipsychotics, analgesics, hypnotics, antidepressants give the effect. Therefore, even soothing herbs in conjunction with other drugs should be used with caution.

Choosing the right pills, they can be used as a therapy for neuroses, neurasthenia. Sedatives are also used to overcome insomnia and sleep disorders.

The doctor will help you choose the most effective drug. After all, a simple nervous breakdown can hide a significant mental disorder.

Sedatives that can be purchased without a prescription

Preparations for sedation are produced in the form of drops, pills, which can be purchased without a doctor's appointment and injections. The shots are purchased by prescription only. Consume on demand only after studying the instructions.

Homeopathic remedies

Buy possibly homeopathic sedative tablets without a prescription. Medicines do not lead to addiction and are considered harmless. They can be used by adults, children, the elderly, women who are carrying a baby and nursing mothers. Such medicines without side effects (dry throat, dizziness), do not lead to drowsiness and can be used while driving.

The strongest non-prescription sedative pills - Homeopathic medicines list:


Pills are taken with increased agitation, changes with falling asleep, neuroses and menopause. Children under 3 years old should not take Nervohel tablets. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding can only take the pill with a doctor's approval.

Allergies may occur after consumption. Nervohel is taken 1 pill, 3 times a day. The price of the product is 380 rubles or more.


After use, an anticonvulsant, sedative effect is observed. Alora reduces anxious feelings, irritation. Doctors recommend taking pills to patients if the nerves are shattered, with depression, insomnia, asthenia.

Alora is not prescribed for children under 3 years old and patients with high sensitivity. Care should be taken to use sedative tablets with anticonvulsants, hypnotics. The cost of the medication is 220 rubles or more.

Alcohol solutions

Alcohol preparations, which are aimed at soothing and eliminating irritation, reduce the excitability of the central nervous system. Medications for stress and nerves are produced in the form of drops that dissolve in water.

List of over-the-counter sedatives:

  1. Sedariston. The composition contains valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort. The drug is effective in vegetative neurosis.
  2. Valocordin. A sedative medicine has a sedative, hypnotic effect, lowers the excitability of the nervous system. The medication is cheap, while it helps well with sleep disturbances, anxiety, panic, and cardiac neuroses. The dose of use and the duration of therapy remains with the doctor.
  3. Nervoflux. A sedative medication is prescribed in case of chronic stress, lack of sleep at night. The product consists of herbal ingredients (lavender, licorice root, valerian root). Nervoflux is used to make tea.
  4. Zelenin drops. The medication is indicated for chronic heart failure, vegetative-vascular dystonia, stomach and intestinal cramps, renal colic. After administration, muscle weakness, allergies, dry mouth, diarrhea, vomiting, and headaches may appear.
  5. Corvalol. The composition contains peppermint oil, phenobarbital, ethyl bromisovalerian. The list of components is similar to Valocordin. The medication has almost the same effect, while the effect is not as powerful. The remedy is a good sedative and mild hypnotic. It will help to relieve the compression of the heart vessels, to cut the heartbeat. When used, it may show allergies, drowsiness, low blood pressure, dizziness. With prolonged use, addiction develops. The price for a sedative medication is 70 rubles or more.

Combined herbal preparations

This group of medicines is the most harmless and produces a mild effect on the central nervous system, without loading the channels for excretion of bile, kidneys, and liver. The sedative effect of the pills occurs 20 minutes after consumption.

Strong sedatives without prescription:

  1. Persen;
  2. Algoven Relax;
  3. Neuroplapnt;
  4. Deprim;
  5. Florised;
  6. Sedafiton;
  7. Relaxil;
  8. Nott;
  9. Novo-Passit.

In addition to sedative pills, there are dietary supplements and vitamins that normalize the activity of the central nervous system, restore rest at night (Deprivit, Sedavit).

Novo-passite. Produce tablets based on herbal collection, including lemon balm, valerian, St. John's wort, elderberry. The medication has a sedative effect, helps to fall asleep quickly, overcome stress, headaches. It is prescribed for long-term mental and emotional disorders.

The pills should be drunk 3 times a day, 5 ml.

Persen. Herbal medicine with a calming effect, based on valerian, lemon balm, mint. Tablets are recommended to drink with increased agitation, irritability, stress, insomnia.

Phytosedan. The preparation contains motherwort, mint, licorice, oregano. A sedative medication will relieve anxiety, cure disturbed night sleep.

Consume 100 ml of herbal collection 4 times a day before meals.

Synthetic drugs

In the case of manifest signs of nervous disorders, melancholy, anxiety, irritability, you need to pay attention to potent pills, based on synthetic components.

List of powerful non-prescription sedative pills:

Funds from other groups

Tenoten tablets are a nootropic drug with anxiolytic dynamics. The drug has anti-anxiety, sedative, antidepressant effects. It improves the mobility of mental and emotional stress and relieves depression.

Phenibut is a nootropic drug that reduces the detection of asthenia, vaso-vegetative signs. The drug will increase mental and physical activity, improve memory, and normalize night rest.

Tablets Afobazol refers to a mild tranquilizer. It successfully removes anxiety symptoms. It has an intracellular effect, which helps to normalize the system of protection of the central nervous system from stress. It is taken 1 tablet per day, therapy takes at least 2 weeks.

Sedatives for children

One of the commonly prescribed anti-anxiety medications is Glycine. The amino acid reduces emotional stress, improves brain function, and normalizes sleep. Also prescribed tablets:

If the child is very agitated, the neurologist will prescribe:

  • Sibazon;
  • Phenazepam;
  • Tazepam;
  • Phenibut.

The drugs will eliminate overexcitation, panic, and anxiety. Such sedative pills lead to addiction, because they are taken under the supervision of a specialist, for a short period of time.

Sedative medicines for pregnant women and during lactation

Hormonal disorders that occur in pregnant women lead to irritation, nervousness, and mood changes. Soothing pills come to the rescue. However, not all of them can be drunk by pregnant women.

In the first 3 months, any medication cannot be taken, because in this interval the organs and systems of the fetus are formed. For persistent anxiety, herbal sedatives are acceptable.

Natural remedies include herbal teas (mint, lemon balm, hawthorn).

For the elderly population

Since an elderly person has many concomitant ailments, the use of soothing pills without a doctor's prescription is unacceptable.

With uncontrolled use, even a harmless medication can cause negative consequences.

Fast-acting, powerful, over-the-counter sedatives

Sedative medications rarely have accompanying negative effects and do not lead to dependence. Therefore, everyone can find fast-acting sedatives in a pharmacy without a specialist's appointment.

Sedatives without a prescription - a list of the most effective with a description, composition and prices

There are moments in the life of every person when one cannot do without taking medications. It is not easy to choose a potent sedative without prescriptions, so it is recommended to consult with a doctor first to determine the cause of the pathology and the best way to quickly eliminate it. The assortment of medicines in the pharmacy is huge.

Sedatives without a prescription

If a woman has suffered severe stress, a nervous breakdown, the doctor recommends sedatives without a prescription, since their action in the body is mild, safe, fast, targeted. This is an effective way to calm shattered nerves, pull yourself together and relax emotionally without harming your health. Such recipes are also recommended for men with increased nervousness. It remains only to find out the list of the most productive drugs, according to medical indications.

Bromine preparations

These medicines are also called sodium or potassium bromides, and are prescribed for a shattered nervous system in strictly specified doses. Allowed for use more in adulthood, among the side effects can cause increased drowsiness, distraction. Before purchasing, it will not be superfluous to consult a specialist. The prominent representatives of this group are as follows:


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  • Adonis bromine;
  • Potassium bromide;
  • Sodium bromide.

Herbal products

These are homeopathic medicines that have a mild, sedative effect without a prescription. The soothing effect is provided by herbal extracts, tinctures with herbal ingredients, natural preparations. Doctors for nervous disorders recommend taking medications with valerian and hawthorn, do not forget about the sedative properties of lemon balm, peony, motherwort. The following names have proven themselves in medical practice:

  • medicinal peony preparations;
  • motherwort preparations;
  • Alora;
  • Valerian.

Combined sedatives

It is a combination of the above two groups, which provides a powerful sedative effect. The presence of herbal ingredients has a safe effect on the nervous system, and bromine guarantees rapid relaxation of smooth muscles. Medicines are harmless, and a sedative effect is observed after a minute after taking a single serving. Below are the most famous medicines of the specified pharmacological group:

Antidepressants without prescription

If anger and irritability arise in the mind for no apparent reason, it is recommended to drink a course of sedatives without a prescription. These may be antidepressants, but not all, since more often representatives of this pharmacological group are sold in a pharmacy without a prescription. Doctors prescribe such powerful help for visible signs of depression, when the patient cannot independently cope with a changeable mood, an oppressive state. Non-prescription sedatives are:

Sedative tranquilizers

The main disadvantage of such sedatives is the hypnotic effect of the side effects. In childhood, tranquilizers are rarely prescribed, while many adult patients have been using them for more than a month. The health consequences are serious, therefore, before starting the course, it is important to consult a specialist, but not superficial self-medication at random. The following anti-anxiety medications are well known:

Group of antipsychotics

Such sedatives are not recommended to be taken without a prescription, or to be used with great care as directed by your doctor. These are inexpensive remedies for neurosis, which additionally suppress mental confusion, panic attacks, and attacks of nervous breakdown. The active ingredients have a synthetic base, but retain a mild effect in the body of an adult and a child. Known medicines are presented below:

Strong sedatives without a prescription

It is better not to buy cheap medications with a sedative effect, since they can disrupt the functionality of the nervous system and the transmission of impulses. Patients prefer a tablet form or a soothing tea. The form of release does not matter, and the sedative effect with a well-chosen chemical formula is beyond doubt, it is even suitable for a child.

Mechanism of action

Non-prescription sedative tablets provide inhibition of the nervous system, weaken the excitability of nerve impulses. After the first dose, the heart rate is stabilized, excessive sweating of the hands disappears, stomach cramps disappear, and physiological sleep is normalized. In this safe way, the state of the vegetative system returns to normal, and the patient again feels the joy of life.

Side effects

The over-the-counter, powerful anti-anxiety pills provide not only sedation but also some nervous system disorders. For example, doctors do not exclude inhibition of reaction, increased sleepiness, passivity, slowness and a sharp decline in working capacity. To relieve the symptoms of hyperactivity in adolescents, doctors recommend just such sedatives. You can buy them without a prescription at every pharmacy.

Good non-prescription sedatives

These medications come in the form of oral drops, tablets and subcutaneous injections, but the latter are prescription medications. The rest of the sedatives can be bought at the pharmacy, used as directed after studying the attached annotation. One course is enough for some patients to normalize the nervous system, while for others it is advisable to repeat the treatment after a week's break.

List of effective sedative pills

The life of a modern person is not always accompanied by only pleasant events. People are constantly exposed to various stressful influences. Anxiety and fear are accompanied by nervous tics, arrhythmias, irritability, and other unpleasant symptoms. It is almost impossible to eliminate this condition without aids. How to choose sedative pills that can quickly eliminate the symptoms that have arisen and at the same time do not harm the body?


On prescription

  • Anxiolytics (tranquilizers) are very strong sedatives that have sedative, anxiolytic (relieve fear), hypnotic (impair attention and reduce the speed of thinking), anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant (affect muscle tone) properties. Tranquilizers include: Diazepam, Gidazepam, Atarax, Buspirone Sandoz, Afobazol, Adaptol.
  • Neuroleptics (antipsychotics) are prescribed for the treatment of paranoid-hallucinatory syndromes (schizophrenia, delirium), psychomotor agitation, deep neurotic states, sleep disorders, oligophrenia, epilepsy, depression. These include: Aminazine, Tizercin, Triftazin, Sonapax, Vertinex, Haloperidol, Sulpiride, etc.

All of these drugs are quick and strong soothing pills, but with the slightest overdose they have a toxic effect. In addition, many of them, when taken for a long time, are addictive, drug dependence, which is narcotic.

Without recipe

  • Tenoten is a nootropic drug with anxiolytic activity. The drug has anti-anxiety, sedative and antidepressant effects. Improves the tolerance of psycho-emotional stress and eliminates the depressed state.
  • Glycine - a metabolic agent stabilizes the processes of inhibition of the central nervous system, increases mental performance, reduces psycho-emotional stress, improves mood and normalizes sleep. Glycine is approved for use in children.
  • Phenibut is a nootropic drug that reduces the manifestations of asthenia and vaso-vegetative symptoms (irritability, headache, emotional excitability, etc.). In addition, the drug increases mental and physical performance, improves memory, normalizes sleep and increases zest for life.

OTC drugs are easier to tolerate than prescription drugs and have fewer side effects. However, in any case, when choosing a sedative pill, it is better to consult a doctor.

On herbs

With a mild depression and anxiety arising against the background of experiences and stress, harmless herbal sedatives in tablets will help to cope:

  • Persen - has both a sedative and antispasmodic effect. Fights the symptoms of VSD, anxiety and fatigue, nervous irritability, insomnia and signs of irritability. The drug is available in capsules and tablets, is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age, is prescribed for pregnant and lactating women strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

In addition to the listed drugs, such herbal remedies as Dormiplant, Menovalen, Sedavit, Alora, Sedariston, Purselak, Sedafiton and many others will help to cope with irritability, aggression, sleep disorders, and depressive conditions.

For children and teenagers

Modern living conditions, the early fascination of children with cartoons and computer games, a large flow of information have a negative impact on the emotional state of the child and the fragile nervous system. Therefore, for some children, prescribing sedatives is necessary.

One of the most commonly used sedatives in childhood is Glycine. It is an amino acid that helps to reduce emotional stress, improve brain function and normalize sleep. For this purpose, Tenoten for children, Magne B6, Pantogam, Citral are also appointed.

In case of excessive excitement of the child, the neurologist may prescribe Sibazon, Phenazepam, Phenibut, Tazepam, Elenium. The listed drugs are tranquilizers, they effectively eliminate nervous excitement, fear and anxiety. However, these sedative tablets are addictive, so they are used in exceptional cases, for a short time and under the supervision of a doctor.

For the treatment of adolescents with hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder, drugs such as Strattera-Atomoxetine, Grandaxin, Kalmanevrin, etc. are recommended. They do not belong to psychostimulants and are not addictive.

Also in pediatrics, homeopathic remedies are often used as sedatives:

For pregnant and nursing mothers

Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy cause irritability, nervousness, mood swings, and anxiety. In such a situation, sedatives will help, but not all of them can be taken by pregnant women.

It should be noted that in the first trimester, the use of any medications is highly undesirable. During this period, the organs and systems of the unborn child are laid, therefore it is important not to harm him. If anxiety has become permanent, herbal sedatives are allowed - valerian, motherwort, Persen, Novo-Passit. An excellent natural remedy is herbal teas made from mint, lemon balm, hawthorn. They relieve stress, mood swings, and improve sleep.

For seniors

At this age, due to many concomitant diseases, it is strictly forbidden to take sedatives without consulting a doctor. Even a harmless sleeping pill, taken uncontrollably, can negatively affect the well-being of an elderly person, especially for diabetics. Therefore, if there is an urgent need to take sedative pills, then first of all you need to consult a doctor for advice.

Review of sedatives for the nervous system of an adult

Life in the modern world is becoming more difficult every year. Production processes are becoming more complex, negative prevails in information flows. Stress and psychological stress make a person nervous and withdrawn in his inner world.

There are only two ways to deal with stress. The first path is laborious and costly: working on oneself, developing personal effectiveness, systematically overcoming all life's difficulties, correcting erroneous thinking. But often a person does not have the strength, time, or money for specialists. Therefore, there is a need to take a sedative.

This article is intended to save the reader money by preventing him from buying expensive and hyped sedatives. They will be offered to you in pharmacies in the first place. After reading here about which inexpensive nerve sedative is right for you, you can keep a considerable amount of money with you without reducing the therapeutic effect.

Rest only in our dreams…

Why did man come up with sedatives? How do sedatives work?

    • Excitation of the central nervous system slows down, and inhibition increases. You begin to react more calmly to life situations;
    • You immediately notice how your desire to be irritated, to be aggressive, quarrelsome disappears. Swearing and tears are not about you;
    • Autonomic dysfunctions disappear: tremor, excessive sweating, high pulse, intestinal spasms;
    • The process of falling asleep is facilitated. Moreover, the effect of sedatives is different from sleeping pills: you are not disconnected from reality, but a healthy and restful sleep comes

For neuroses and neurasthenia, it is recommended to combine strong psychiatric pills with conventional anti-stress drugs. This approach will allow you to reduce the dosage of a potent drug in order to reduce the harmfulness and implement a more gentle therapy. Since "all diseases are from the nerves", people often use sedatives in addition to the main treatment, after consulting a doctor.

Non-prescription sedatives

Most sedatives are available without a doctor's prescription. It is convenient: you can quickly influence your emotional state and general well-being. But the best option is when the doctor prescribes sedatives for you. Especially if you need strong sedatives. There are frequent cases when tremors, diarrhea, nervousness and poor health are caused by the onset of serious diseases of the internal organs and the central nervous system. So, it is safer to go for an examination if there is such an opportunity.

There is no list that lists the best sedatives. Each person selects sedatives for himself individually. Here you should focus on the effect. It is advisable that you can function comfortably throughout the day without falling into sleepiness. Find "your" drug can only be experienced. Try different options and don't dwell on one for too long to avoid getting addictive. When a person gets used to it, the drug has little effect, returning you back to a stressful state.

Herbal Soothing Pills

Sedatives containing medicinal plants are very popular. This is due to maximum safety and minimal side effects. Natural ingredients do not harm the gastrointestinal tract and the entire body as a whole. Medicinal herbs have been used by mankind since time immemorial. Modern research confirms the healing and soothing properties of plants. Scientific medicine has actively introduced medicinal plants in the production of drugs and drugs for stress and nerves.

The best sedative pills for the nervous system of adults

In the rhythm of modern life, it's hard to control yourself. Pharmaceuticals will come to the rescue. Your doctor may prescribe sedatives to keep your nervous system working properly.

Read about the best remedies for irritability or apathy.

Groups of sedatives

You can classify sedative tablets depending on their composition and action. Plant-based products will help maintain a normal psychological state.

Depending on the ingredients of medicines, they are divided into groups:

  1. Herbal products.
  2. Combined drugs.
  3. Synthetic tablets.

For severe nervous disorders, a group of antipsychotics, antidepressants that increase serotonin levels are prescribed.

Sharp fits of anger in a critical situation suppress strong tranquilizers.

You can see the list of medicines in the table:

Sedatives, hypnotics, sedatives

General information

Nowadays, the pace of life is so fast that most people need sedatives from time to time, which can not only reduce the effects of stress, but also improve the state of the nervous system. Nerves, as you know, are not iron, and constant stress leads to irritability, insomnia and other symptoms.

However, many people, at best, ask their pharmacist what sedatives are best to drink. Even more often they independently "prescribe" to themselves, in their opinion, a good remedy, sometimes a potent one. However, even natural and folk remedies should not be used without first consulting a doctor.

A complete list of sedative medications, as well as information on which sedatives and when to take, can be found online. But, despite the information content of such materials, one should take them as texts for familiarization, and not a guide to take certain sedative fees, drops, quick-acting tablets or sedative injections. Sedative action - what it is and how it manifests itself, the doctor will tell you in more detail. Below are described sedatives of different cost and approximately the same effect on the body.

Drugs that calm the nervous system

Drugs that can calm the nervous system are also called sedatives. Sedatives for depression and other disorders of the nervous system are usually used with a doctor's prescription. The specialist should prescribe medications not only for depression, but also for other disorders.

These drugs increase inhibition in the nervous system, weaken the manifestations of excitement and aggression in it, relieving irritability, tearfulness. Also, under their influence, the autonomic nervous system returns to normal: the intensity of the heartbeat decreases, sweating and tremors decrease, and intestinal spasms become less pronounced.

In addition, sedative drops and other types of medications can help you fall asleep, although sedative drops are not sleeping pills. That is why, after taking them, the rhythm of the cerebral cortex does not slow down. However, they speed up the process of falling asleep, reduce high sensitivity to external stimuli, and reduce excitability.

When using sedatives for the nervous system of an adult or for adolescents, one should take into account that in combination with such drugs, they enhance the effect of antipsychotics, hypnotics, analgesics, antidepressants, etc. Therefore, even sedative herbs for the nervous system of an adult should be used carefully in combination with other drugs.

A correctly selected sedative for nerves for women and men can be used to treat neuroses, neurasthenia. For both women and men, such remedies are used to overcome sleep disorders, insomnia. But in order to find the best remedy for men and women, you should consult a doctor.

Sleeping pills

Sleep pills are essential for people who are not helped by other methods used at home to get a good sleep. But, despite the fact that sleep disturbances lead to a serious deterioration in well-being, the strongest hypnotics are not always required to normalize the condition. Moreover, you can buy potent sleeping pills in pharmacies only with a prescription.

But many people who are worried about insomnia often try to find a natural, harmless way to normalize sleep on their own. In fact, you can pick up a strong sleeping pill without a prescription, since a fairly wide list of sleeping pills without a prescription is currently offered. Plus, even mild sedatives can help improve sleep.

Those who are interested in what kind of sleeping pills can be bought at the pharmacy should take into account that initially you still need to consult a doctor. After all, it is important to choose a cure for insomnia individually. It should be appropriate for the patient's age. So, remedies for insomnia for the elderly should be selected so as to take into account all contraindications and side effects. Sometimes, for older people to sleep, it is enough to take light sleeping pills with a sedative effect. These non-addictive insomnia medications usually contain herbal ingredients.

Sleeping pills are offered in a wide range of pharmacies. Some of them, in particular those with herbs, are quite effective and safe. But, before you buy strong pills without a prescription, you need to know not only their names, but also study the instructions for use in detail, take into account contraindications, side effects.

Most non-prescription night sleep pills are sold if they are herbal. However, even such drugs are not always completely safe. Therefore, those who seek to choose pills for non-addictive insomnia should take such drugs strictly according to the scheme and no longer than the permissible period of time.

Many herbs for sleeping for adults are popular, as they act mildly, but at the same time, such a sleeping pill soothes, normalizes falling asleep, helps to make sleep restful and sound. Therefore, it is most optimal to use such a sleeping pill at home.

To find a good fast-acting sleeping pill for children, it is imperative to consult a doctor. It is the specialist who will tell you how this or that remedy works, and from what age you can take such medications. For example, the drug Persen is allowed for children from 3 years old, Dormiplant - from 6 years old. It is important to consider that any sleeping pills in drops or tablets can provoke allergic reactions in children. Therefore, before giving a child medicine in tablets or in drops without taste and smell, you need to learn how to make his sleep deep and calm without medication.

It should also be borne in mind that a strong hypnotic acts quickly, but after it a person wakes up after a relatively short period of time. Therefore, when purchasing drops or tablets without a prescription, you need to carefully read the description of the method of application and dosage.

Considering all the points described above, a patient wishing to find an over-the-counter, non-addictive sleeping pill should consult a doctor. Indeed, at present, there are new generation of non-addictive sleeping pills. They help you sleep better at night and help you work efficiently during the day.

It is important to realize that taking a strong sleeping pill in high doses can even die. Therefore, those drugs that are sold by prescription (antipsychotics, psychotropic drugs, etc.), in no case should be taken uncontrollably.

Non-prescription sedatives

Likewise, any anti-anxiety pills and even herbs should ideally only be prescribed by a specialist. After all, a person who wants to take pills to calm the nervous system, believing that he just needs to calm down and drink something "from the nerves", in fact, may develop a serious illness. In particular, constant irritability and excitability may indicate the development of a mental disorder, hormonal disorders, and diseases of internal organs.

Despite this, it is customary for most people to choose pills that soothe nerves on their own, relying on the reviews of friends and the recommendations of pharmacists, who willingly recommend over-the-counter products.

Currently, the list of non-prescription soothing pills is quite impressive and is constantly expanding. Therefore, in order to find good strong sedative herbal pills without sleeping pills, you need to know in more detail about what anti-anxiety drugs are - sedatives.

Those drugs that belong to the sedative group rarely have side effects. If you take such drugs, addiction and addiction do not develop. That is why you can buy the best sedative in pharmacies without a prescription. They are also sometimes used as over-the-counter pain relievers.

However, it is difficult to determine which sedative is the most effective, because the drugs need to be selected individually, depending on the symptoms. And if the best sedatives for women and men help find reviews or ratings, this is still not the right way to find a medicine. Indeed, sometimes people take too strong drugs, then how can we get by with weaker ones.


There is a large list of drugs for almost every letter that can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription. Various reviews of sedatives can be found online, as those who have tried to find a good and effective sedative often share their experiences.

At the end of the last century, there was a saying that stress was a disease of the 20th century. The 21st century has come, but nothing has changed. As before, "all diseases are from the nerves": the rhythm of life is accelerating, the demands are higher, fatigue is increasing. Pharmacology also does not stand still, offering new and new sedatives. To help you make sense of this variety, we offer our ranking of sedatives. The ranking includes only non-prescription drugs.

You need to know that most sedative medications "reach their maximum" within one to two weeks after the start of the intake. Therefore, there is no need to rush and exceed the dosage specified in the instructions, even if at first it seems that the medicine “does not work”.

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

The best synthetic products

No matter how many are prejudiced against "chemistry", everything that happens inside the body is, by and large, just a complex of chemical reactions and physical interactions. And the more scientists learn about these reactions and interactions, the more accurately and targeted drugs work. In this section, we have included both the achievements of pharmaceutical synthesis and preparations that could be called natural if a synthetic substance had not been added to them to enhance the effect.

4 Tryptophan Calm Formula

A popular drug with a controversial reputation
Country Russia
Average price: 254 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

We begin our review with capsules of Russian production "Tryptophan Formula of Tranquility" from the Evalar brand. The unique mechanism of action of the amino acid that gave the name to the drug allows it to fully influence the human body both during the day and at night, helping to normalize the psycho-emotional background and improve the quality of sleep. Fortified with vitamins B5 and B6, L-tryptophan helps to quickly cope with nervousness, reduces aggressiveness and irritability, and also reduces the adaptation period when changing time zones. For best results, it is recommended to take 1 capsule twice a day for 1 month. If necessary, after a short break, the course can be repeated (after agreement with the doctor).

In their reviews, many users note the good effect of the drug, but there are those who did not feel the expected effect at all. Because of such ambiguous assessments, we leave "Tryptophan Calm Formula" in last place in our category of the best sedatives.

3 Valemidin

Best Combined Action
Country Russia
Average price: 115 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Another drug that could be called herbal, if it did not contain diphenhydramine as a sedative component. However, its dosage is such as to potentiate the effect of herbal extracts. In addition to valerian and mint, known for their soothing properties, the product contains extracts of motherwort and hawthorn, which lower blood pressure. We would not advise replacing antihypertensive drugs with this drug for hypertensive patients "with experience", but relatively young people who notice high blood pressure under stress (previously this condition was called neurocirculatory dystonia or cardiovascular dystonia), it can help. In addition, both hawthorn and mint relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, so this remedy may be the best for those who suffer from "bear's disease" amid stress or simply feel abdominal discomfort.

Contraindicated in pregnancy, during lactation, under 18 years of age, hypotensive (may further reduce blood pressure).

2 Valoserdin

Better economy
Country Russia
Average price: 75 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

This composition is for many years, and our grandmothers also used it. Dissolved in alcohol ethyl ester of bromisovaleric acid, peppermint and oregano oils. Phenobarbital, a known hypnotic, is added at a dosage below the therapeutic dose, but sufficient to potentiate the effects of herbal sedatives. When used correctly in doses not exceeding those specified in the instructions (from 15 to 30 drops, no more than 3 times a day), the drug is not addictive. Nevertheless, phenobarbital in its composition enhances the effect of not only plant extracts, but also any sedatives and reduces the effect of tonic. In addition, it reduces the effects of antibiotics and contraceptives. Contraindicated during pregnancy, during feeding, under 18 years of age. In general, valoserdin is an inexpensive, quite effective, despite its venerable age, and a fairly safe remedy, which, in aggregate, received a place in our rating.

Signs of depression: if you find 5 or more symptoms from the following list that do not go away for 2 or more weeks - urgently see a doctor!

  • bad mood;
  • altered sleep: intermittent, restless, with early awakening;
  • hobbies have disappeared, previously interesting things have become uninteresting;
  • difficulty concentrating
  • it is difficult to choose from several options, make a decision;
  • lethargy, lethargy;
  • a constant feeling of guilt, one's own uselessness;
  • it is difficult to "stir up", apathy;
  • change in appetite: loss of desire to eat or constant "hunger"

1 Afobazol

Optimal combination of efficiency and safety
Country Russia
Average price: 378 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Soothes, reduces anxiety, normalizes the neuropsychic state when trying to quit smoking or "quit" with alcohol, during PMS. Improves sleep if trouble falling asleep is caused by unpleasant thoughts. It is combined with alcoholic beverages, which allows you not to attract undue attention to yourself at family and friendly holidays. Should not be taken if pregnant, breastfeeding or under 18 years of age. Due to the fact that the tablets contain lactose as an auxiliary component (filler), it cannot be used by people who are intolerant to this substance. In general, this is an extremely small list of contraindications for a sedative, therefore, for the combination of effectiveness and safety, Afobazol occupies a worthy place in our rating.

The best plant-based remedies

No matter how effective modern pharmacology is, there are many admirers of traditional herbal remedies. This has its own logic: the effect of phytopreparations, as a rule, is milder, often such remedies have a wider age range and a smaller list of possible side effects. Nevertheless, it must be remembered that herbal remedies are more allergenic than synthetic ones: herbs never contain only one active ingredient, and the more complex the composition, the higher the likelihood of allergies. Herbal medicine is, in principle, contraindicated for those suffering from any allergic pathology, from hay fever to bronchial asthma. Many, of course, ignore this rule, and undesirable consequences do not always occur, but we must warn you.

4 Positive

Multicomponent Herbal Complex for Nervous System Support
Country Russia
Average price: 660 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Natural herbal complex "Positive" is designed to stabilize the nervous system in conditions of increased psychoemotional stress. Helps stay calm in especially difficult situations, eliminates the feeling of unreasonable anxiety, improves night sleep and mood during the day. The product contains a number of effective natural extracts - ginseng root, eleutherococcus prickly and ginkgo biloba, which have mild antidepressant and tonic properties.

Produced "Positive" in the form of small gelatin capsules, which should be taken in the morning with meals. The course of treatment is at least 14 days. A second course is possible after a 1-2 month break. There are no strict contraindications to taking dietary supplements, however, in case of serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure or while waiting for a child, it is better to refuse to use this drug.

3 Motherwort Forte Evalar

Mild sedative + tonic
Country Russia
Average price: 291 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

One of the most popular and time-tested natural sedatives based on motherwort extract has not only a sedative, but also a general strengthening effect on the body. One tablet of "Motherwort Forte" from the Evalar company contains in its composition a daily dose of magnesium carbonate and vitamin B6, which helps to quickly relieve feelings of emotional stress, relieve anxiety and irritability. In addition, the drug helps to mildly lower blood pressure, strengthens the heart muscle and acts as a delicate muscle relaxant. The undoubted "plus" of the remedy is that it is not addictive, even with a long period of therapy.

The recommended dosage (unless the attending physician has prescribed another appointment) is table 1-2. per day, taken with meals. Contraindications include pregnancy, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, as well as erosive gastritis in the acute stage. Sold without a prescription.

2 Persen

The best natural sleeping pill
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 360 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The composition of this product is traditional and uncomplicated: extract of valerian, lemon balm and peppermint. Nevertheless, judging by the reviews, this combination is very effective as a sleeping pill. But you need to use it with caution during the day, especially if you drive a car: side effects such as lethargy and lethargy are possible, which are typical, however, for any valerian-based product. Nevertheless, in adults, the choice of sedatives that do not affect the reaction is quite large, but the fact that the drug can be used by children from the age of three is an undoubted plus of this drug, making it the best in its category.

1 Novo-passite

The best remedy with anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) action
Country: Czech Republic
Average price: 206 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

It would seem that this remedy has a place among synthetic drugs due to the presence of guaifenesin in it. Like diphenhydramine, which was developed as an antiallergic drug and is now used primarily as a hypnotic and sedative, guaifenesin was patented in 1012 as an antitussive drug and is now used as an anxiety relief. Nevertheless, the substance is of natural origin and is extracted from the bark of the guaiac tree, which allowed Novopassit to take a place in the ranking as the best herbal preparation with anxiolytic effect. Because its main components are entirely natural: rhizomes and roots of valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort, hawthorn, passion flower, hops, elderberry. Contraindications - age up to 12 years, allergy to the components of the drug. A relative contraindication is pregnancy.

The best homeopathic remedies

Official science considers homeopathy to be ineffective - the recent verdict of the Russian Academy of Sciences commission recognized it as a pseudoscience. Nevertheless, these remedies also have their fans, which prompted us to single out the most famous homeopathic sedatives in a separate section of the rating. Without discussing the issues of effectiveness, we can say that, at least, a homeopathic preparation cannot do harm.

4 Calm Pills

The most affordable sedative homeopathic remedy for adults
Country Russia
Average price: 81 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The sedative for adults with the "talking" name "Calm" is available in the form of sublingual tablets, which can be taken without drinking water. This inexpensive homeopathic remedy is prescribed for increased excitability of the central nervous system, irritability, insomnia, frequent migraines, and neuroses associated with cardiovascular disorders. Not addictive. Take "Calm" in the morning, a quarter of an hour before breakfast, without chewing or swallowing. The daily dose is 1 tablet for 1-2 months. In stressful situations, it is recommended to take it more often, but not more than 3 times a day.

This drug should not be used to treat children under 18 years of age. It is also contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. Patients with congenital lactase deficiency - with caution. The average price for homeopathic tablets "Calm" does not exceed 90 rubles, which allows us to call this remedy the best in terms of availability in its category.

3 Homeostres

Effective sedative, but contraindicated
Country: France
Average price: 373 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

French lozenges "Homeostres" based on the herb of belladonna and naphtha (also known in our country as "wolf root") are a multicomponent homeopathic remedy for fighting anxiety, irritability and insomnia. The tool has a fairly strong effect on the nervous system, therefore it has a limited period of use - no more than one week. The maximum daily rate is 6 tablets, which are recommended to slowly dissolve in the oral cavity, 2 pcs. three times a day.

It should be noted that the composition, in addition to active substances, includes lactose and sucrose. Therefore, people with high blood sugar levels (type 1 and type 2 diabetics), as well as those who have been diagnosed with hypolactasia, should use Homeostres with extreme caution. The drug is prescribed only for adult patients. It is contraindicated in children, pregnant and lactating women.

2 Rescue Remedy spray

Ambulance for stress. The most convenient way to use
Country: UK
Average price: 1293 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The homeopathic remedy produced by the British pharmaceutical company A. Nelson & Co. Limited is based on Bach's flower homeopathy - a direction of non-traditional therapy that helps the body with nervous stress. In Russia, the brand's drugs have passed mandatory registration by the Ministry of Health, so their use is officially allowed.

Due to its non-standard form of release, the Rescue Remedy sublingual spray has the fastest action, which is especially important for restoring the emotional background in stressful situations. Available in 10 and 20 ml bottles. The recommended daily dose is at least 4 puffs per day. The composition includes grape alcohol, so the spray is contraindicated in children under 3 years old. There was no particular effect of small doses of the drug on drivers or workers in other areas requiring increased attention. According to user reviews, "Rescue Remedy" is an effective "ambulance" that can save our nervous system in times of difficult circumstances.

1 Tenoten

Best homeopathic sedative
Country Russia
Average price: 217 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

According to the instructions, the drug has antidepressant, antiasthenic (reduces fatigue) and anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effects. Also, according to the manufacturer's assurances, the remedy strengthens the central nervous system, improves attention and memory and increases the body's resistance to stress. Approved for use in children from 3 years old.

Best Soothing Herbal Pills

Using herbal teas to relieve feelings of tension, anxiety and sleep problems is one of the oldest ways to strengthen shattered nerves. Despite the fact that these drinks are completely natural and contain only plant extracts, it should be remembered that in case of an overdose, they can cause serious pathologies that require urgent hospitalization. Therefore, before taking any soothing herbal teas, be sure to consult with your healthcare professional to avoid further harm to your health.

3 Herbal tea "Soothing with lemon balm"

Inexpensive natural herbal collection of broad action
Country Russia
Average price: 152 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Melissa has long been considered one of the most effective plants for the treatment of various pathologies of the nervous system. Tea with this aromatic herb has a mild sedative effect and also relieves muscle cramps (for example, during critical days in women). Herbal infusion with lemon balm is indicated for men with erectile dysfunction, its correct intake has a beneficial effect on reproductive function and reduces hyperexcitability.

In addition to the main component, the phyto-collection includes leaves of mint, motherwort, hop seed, valerian root, rosehip and hawthorn fruits. This herbal preparation has practically no contraindications, but it should be used with caution by people with a tendency to allergic reactions to herbs. “Phytotea with lemon balm” comes on sale in the form of dry raw materials in bags of 75 g. To prepare one serving, 1 table is enough. tablespoons of chopped plants, brewed with a glass of boiling water.

2 Phytosedan

An excellent herbal remedy as part of complex therapy
Country Russia
Average price: 76 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The soothing collection "Fitosedan" is available in disposable filter bags, which should be brewed with boiling water and drunk half a glass twice a day before meals. The drug is recommended to be taken in a course of 2-4 weeks, if necessary, repeated treatment requires consultation with a doctor. The natural remedy contains motherwort herb (almost half of the total volume), 20% hop cones, 15% peppermint leaves and the same amount of valerian root. All these medicinal plants are distinguished by their ability to reduce the excitability of the central nervous system, have a moderate sedative and spasmolytic effect.

As part of a comprehensive therapy, the collection helps to effectively deal with increased irritability and neuroses. However, with long-term use and non-compliance with dosages, "Fitosedan" can provoke a decrease in psychomotor reactions and loss of concentration, which should be taken into account by those who spend a lot of time behind the wheel.

1 Enerwood Valery Tea Drink

The best combination of pleasant taste and health benefits
Country Russia
Average price: 330 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Enerwood teas and natural drinks are well known to many healthy lifestyle enthusiasts and those who prefer to maintain their well-being with the help of “gifts of nature”. Valery's soothing tea drink optimally combines taste and health. It contains herbs that have long been known for their mild sedative effect - motherwort and chamomile, and thanks to additives in the form of cinnamon and pieces of dried apples, the tea acquires an incredibly pleasant and bright aroma. The raw materials underlying this herbal remedy are distinguished by environmental safety and a high concentration of useful substances, since they were collected at the peak of their biological activity.

According to reviews, Valery tea promotes better sleep, relieves nervous tension, and also helps to maintain adequacy and calmness in stressful situations (for example, during check-ups at work or exams at school). For the manifestation of the maximum effect, the course of phyto-collection should be from 10 days to 2 months.

Increased physical activity, constant stress and problems at work cause neurological disorders. A person becomes nervous, insomnia appears, which reduces overall performance.

In such a standing, it becomes necessary to take special sedatives. However, after consuming most of them, a person can feel sleepy. In order not to cause such negative consequences, you should take sedatives for stress that do not cause drowsiness.

The main types of drugs with a sedative effect are distinguished:

They are the most gentle for the human body. They do not cause negative consequences for the functioning of internal organs. Such products contain only natural herbs. They have a calming effect, both individually and in combination with each other. Most pharmacies sell various teas of a similar effect, as well as herbal teas. Some of them are even prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. However, before starting treatment with such funds, you should read the contraindications for each component. Most often, the collections contain Valerian, Motherwort Tincture, Peony Tincture and Passionflower. So, before starting the reception, contraindications and side effects of each individual sedative should be taken into account.

If herbal sedatives are the safest to use and have little effect on the body, then drugs for alcohol allow you to achieve a more pronounced result. They also help calm the heartbeat. They come in the form of drops and are diluted in a little water. Due to the peculiarity of influencing the state of the heart rate, they are often called drops from the heart. The main representatives of this group of drugs:,. They have an effect on the nervous system, allow you to quickly cope with insomnia. These drugs with a hypnotic effect are prescribed for patients with cardiovascular abnormalities, as well as with VSD. Such drugs are not recommended for the treatment of children under 3 years of age, women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the detection of liver and kidney pathologies.

They contain both herbal and chemical components. With this combination, you can achieve the most pronounced soothing result. These include: Motherwort forte, Deprim forte. These sedative pills are prescribed to patients during periods of nervous stress, strong emotional shock. The main contraindications for taking funds are intolerance to the components from the composition, as well as renal failure.

For the nervous system, they are used for pain in the uterus and intestines, due to the peculiarity of relieving spasms. In addition, the need to use such medications arises with severe neurological abnormalities. Some drugs are injected into the body. With a certain dose, you can achieve sedative effects, and if you increase the amount of the drug, then it acts as a sleeping pill. An overdose of sleeping pills can completely poison the body. These include:. These types of medicines are dispensed in pharmacies strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

Known as non-hypnotic drugs. They are prescribed even to young children and pregnant women. The advantages of these funds are that they do not harm the human body and have a budgetary cost. In addition, these medications are not addictive. They are made by combining a sweetener with natural ingredients. These include: Notta, Passidorm, Valerianochel, Passiflora Edas. Although these products are safe and non-addictive, some types should be used with caution due to the alcohol content.

Produced on the basis of herbal extracts, which have a soothing effect. However, it is recommended to use them just before bedtime, because they affect the body as a sleeping pill. Do not forget that most of the drugs from this group are absolutely incompatible with the intake of alcoholic beverages. Otherwise, there will be a depression of the brain. Due to the resulting drowsiness, the patient is not recommended to drive a vehicle while taking the drug. This is also indicated in the instructions for medicines. The most common types of drugs include: Morpheus, Bayu bai. They help to promote healthy sleep.

With a lack of any vitamins and minerals, a person often suffers from neuroses, frequent depression. Along with sedatives, he is prescribed taking vitamins... Most often, for such problems, Magne B-6 is included in therapy. With the help of vitamin B6, magnesium will be more efficiently absorbed in the body, and the lack of this element causes neurological disorders.

Help normalize brain activity. These drugs include those prescribed to people after severe head injuries, as well as during the rehabilitation period after a stroke. This nerve sedative has no side effects or addiction. It is prescribed for patients of all ages, and is also not prohibited for motorists. Because it does not provoke hypnotic effects.

IMPORTANT!Before taking sedatives from any of the stress groups that do not cause drowsiness, you should have a complete medical examination. This is because some of them can, in an individual case, provoke destructive side effects.

Rating of sedative sleeping pills that do not cause drowsiness

Refers to a group of sedatives that do not provoke a lack of coordination in space. In addition, this drug that does not cause drowsiness can be stopped at any time, without negative consequences for the body.

It belongs to a group of effective herbal stress relievers.

It is used when a mild neurological disorder is detected and for prevention. It is used when there is a need to cancel tranquilizers.

TO pluses refers to the fact that the drug does not cause a hypnotic effect. On the downside, that does not bring results in case of serious deviations.


  1. She suffered from insomnia, after she began to accept the problem disappeared.
  2. I tried all the best and most effective means and made a choice in favor of Persen.

If the budget does not allow you to purchase this remedy, then it can be replaced with an analogue such as valerian extract.


The drug has become known for its hypnotic properties. Suitable for patients with sleep disorders.

This sedative has a natural herbal composition with a minimum amount of chemical impurities.

Intended in order to calm the human nervous system. The drug does not have any disadvantages and side effects, except for individual intolerance.

Price a sedative drug ranges from 1000 to 1100 rubles.


  1. I take a pill of this remedy every day, I noticed an improvement in sleep.
  2. A very good drug, prescribed to a child with insomnia.

Analogs remedies consider various tinctures based on natural herbs.

A new generation drug with sedative properties. It was produced in Russia.

Has a natural composition, is not addictive. Not suitable for people with allergic reactions to ingredients.

Price medication, on average about 1000 rubles.


  1. I chose this one among other sedatives. I am happy with the result, my sleep has returned to normal.
  2. The drug does not allow for addiction, I use it periodically.

It has a high cost, so it is sometimes replaced by analogues: Dreamzzz.

Herbal preparation for the normalization of the cardiovascular system. Effective for light and severe heart pathologies.

The advantages of the drug include the fact that it not only has a calming effect, but also has a beneficial effect on visual functions.

The main disadvantage of the product is that it contains alcohol. This can cause dizziness in some cases.

Contraindicated in gastrointestinal disorders, in particular peptic ulcer disease. Not applicable during pregnancy and lactation.


  • My grandmother suffered from insomnia, they were already treated with different means, unfortunately, the result was temporary. This drug helped to cope with the problem.

If necessary, the drug is replaced by analogues: Ginkgo Biloba, Ginkoum, Bilobil.

Combined sedative drug.

The pluses include the fact that it does not allow for addiction.

Contraindicated in violation of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as if there is an individual intolerance to the components.

Of side effects isolate only sensitivity to any component of the composition.


  • These are the best stress pills. I have been drinking them for 2 years.
  • Recently I got acquainted with the drugs of this group. Now I would never trade them for others.

The medication can be replaced by similar means: Glycine, Notta.

Refers to a group of drugs that do not cause side effects on concentration.

The advantages include the fact that it allows you to fight neurological disorders of a psychosomatic nature.


  • The best remedy for irritability. I have been drinking it for 6 months.

If the need arises, the remedy can be replaced with analogs: Anvifen, Mebikar.


Homeopathic medicine for neurological disorders.

Its main advantage is that it increases brain activity and fights insomnia.

The disadvantages include what is not prescribed for the treatment of children under 3 years of age. In addition, this homeopathic remedy can change color and smell over time, because it has a natural composition.

Contraindicated in case of an allergic reaction to the herbal components of the composition.


  • Prescribed to a child aged 14 years. These tablets do not cause any side effects.

If desired, the drug can be replaced with similar means: Glycine, Novo-passit.

Soothing drops of a homeopathic type, applied under the tongue.

They help with anxiety, overwork, and also for the treatment of neurological diseases.

Due to the natural composition in such products, it does not cause side effects.

Only sometimes there were cases of individual intolerance to a particular substance.


  • The drug is sold without a prescription, so I bought it for myself to improve sleep. This is the most gentle and effective medicine.

Replaced by analogs: Notta, Nervohel.

These drops of the homeopathic type are used to relieve nervous tension of a different nature.


  • I couldn't sleep well every night. Only these drops helped to cope with the problem.

Can be replaced with similar means: Rengalin, Nervohel.

The main disadvantage is that it has not been revealed how the drops affect the child's body.

Contraindicated during pregnancy, kidney pathologies, as well as in acute heart failure.

Side effects appear only in individual cases. Dryness of the mouth occurs.


  • I used this drug in combination with other sedatives. The result was not long in coming. Anxiety and anxiety disappeared.


Drops with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. They have a general calming effect on the human body.

The advantages include the fact that the medication helps to improve sleep and relieve pain spasms.

The disadvantages include the fact that during long-term storage a sediment appears at the bottom of the bottle.

Contraindications include intolerance to one or more of the herbal components from the composition.


  • Since childhood I have suffered from VSD. Appointed to use these drops, I feel much better.

Replaced by similar products: motherwort extract, peony tincture.

A sedative based on magnesium and vitamin B6. Allows you to replenish the lack of a trace element in the body.


  • With age, she began to feel bad, anxiety appeared. I started taking this drug and all problems were resolved.

The drug can be replaced by similar means: Magnelis B6, Magnistad.

IMPORTANT! In each individual case, the body can react in its own way to a particular drug. Especially with caution, you should use sedatives for children and pregnant women.

Stressful situations and sleep problems are known to everyone. When neglected, they become sources of many serious diseases. If signs of disturbances in the activity of the nervous system are detected, some take a short vacation and try to solve this issue on their own. However, this approach does not always give the desired result. Then medicines come to the rescue, which will be discussed in our rating of the best and most effective sedatives.

Classification: what are they and when they are assigned

Constant difficulties at work or in the family can cause emotional stress. In order not to start the situation, many resort to the help of sedatives. They are divided into two groups:

  • synthetic.

Representatives of the first category are made from natural raw materials, these include all kinds of tinctures and herbs. You can buy them at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

The effect will not be noticeable immediately, but only after a week of regular use of such drugs. They do not harm the body while taking. The result from their use is preserved for a long period.

Peony extract, St. John's wort, lemon balm, chamomile, as well as collections, in which several types of plants are present at once, have good soothing properties.

Valerian is very popular. She, according to numerous reviews, perfectly copes with nervous tension and relieves irritability. This remedy is also recommended for migraines, insomnia, heart problems.

Synthetic medicines can only be purchased at the pharmacy. In most cases, they are sold by prescription only. Fast-acting substances have a relaxing effect. Moreover, their long-term use can cause addiction and adverse reactions.

There are the following types of this group of medicines:

  • tranquilizers (prescribed to eliminate anxiety and depressive disorders);
  • antipsychotics (recommended for patients with depression, delirium, hallucinations, and brain dysfunctions);
  • mood stabilizers (normalize the emotional state of people with mental disorders).

It is important to understand that taking sedatives without control can be accompanied by irreversible changes not only in the body, but also in the brain. It is for this reason that it is necessary to consult a specialist before starting the course.

Non-prescription sedatives for men and women

Many people are used to self-medication. Once in a critical situation, they strive to find a way out of it themselves. In this case, it is important to know what is not only effective, but also as safe as possible. The information presented below will help you better navigate in modern psycholeptics. Having studied the composition of the drugs, their method of application and side reactions, you can avoid unwanted complications.

Representatives of the stronger sex are not used to sharing their problems. Often they try to survive the stressful state on their own, which is accompanied by nervous tension and a decrease in brain activity. Men can use the following medicines: "Novo-passit", "Dobrokam", "Valemidin", "Mens formula anti-stress".

In the life of women, one of the main roles is played by an unstable hormonal background, which can cause headaches and anxiety. The following sedative medicines are recommended for them: "Sympathil", "Phenibut", peony tincture.

Rating of the best sedatives in terms of effectiveness and customer reviews: top 10

The list below has been compiled based on customer reviews. It contains the highest quality medicines that calm the nerves, eliminate attacks of aggression and relieve irritability.

  1. Fitosedan.
  2. "Persen".
  3. "Tenoten".
  4. "Deprim".
  5. Afobazol.
  6. "Herbion".
  7. "Novo-passit".
  8. Phenibut.
  9. "Pantogam".
  10. "Glycine".
Category A place Name Rating Price
Best sedatives for adults 1 Phytosedan 9.3/10 70 RUR
2 Afobazol 9.3/10 450 RUR
3 Persen 9.2/10 250 RUR
4 Peony tincture 9.0/10 10 r
5 Negrustin 8.8/10 250 RUR
6 Herbion 8.5/10 300 RUR
7 Novo-passite 8.0/10 200 RUR
Best sedatives for children 1 Phenibut 9.5/10 350 RUR
2 Pantogam 9.3/10 500 RUR
3 Glycine 9.1/10 70 RUR
4 "Bunny" syrup 8.9/10 200 RUR
5 Hipp baby tea 8.9/10 300 RUR

Best sedatives for adults

Trouble at work, difficult family relationships, dissatisfaction with your life, and a number of other factors can lead to stressful situations. They are accompanied by the following psychological symptoms: causeless anxiety, depressed mood, internal tension. The following medications can help you cope with stress.


This product of natural origin is a mixture of herbs: medicinal valerian, oregano, creeping thyme, motherwort. It is used to eliminate increased excitability, normalize sleep and lower blood pressure.

The infusion has a beneficial effect on the emotional state and the nervous system. Gathering helps to relax, while taking it does not cause drowsiness. It consists entirely of plant materials, has a delicious smell and pleasant taste.


  • Natural composition
  • Nice smell
  • Calms the nerves
  • Cheap
  • There is a convenient form of release - filter bags


  • Not suitable for long-term treatment
  • May cause drowsiness and weakness when used frequently


Anxiolytic commonly used to relieve anxiety and feelings of inner tension caused by stress. It does not affect higher mental functions and does not cause drowsiness. The medicine belongs to the group of tranquilizers and is available in tablets. The dosage is individual. In most cases, doctors prescribe 30 mg per day. The duration of therapy is from a week to one month. The effect is noticeable after a couple of days.

Indications for taking are the following symptoms: anxiety, smoking cessation syndromes and alcohol withdrawal symptoms, sleep disturbances. Experts recommend using the medicine only for people over 18 years of age.


  • Fights stress well
  • Compatible with alcohol in moderate doses
  • Not addictive


  • Not suitable for treating children
  • Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
  • The high cost of the drug


It is of vegetable origin and contains valerian, lemon balm, peppermint. The drug is recommended for use in case of increased excitability, insomnia, decreased concentration. When taken in the morning, there will be no feeling of drowsiness.


  • Made with herbs
  • Keeps feeling awake
  • Copes well with increased nervous excitability
  • Helps Relieve Insomnia
  • There is a special version for sleeping


  • Contraindicated in children under 12
  • Not suitable for patients with lactose and fructose intolerance
  • Not to be taken during pregnancy
  • The high cost of medicine

Peony tincture

This remedy will help bring the nervous system back to normal. It is also prescribed in such serious situations when the patient has frequent epileptic seizures. The tincture has the following effect on the body: it speeds up metabolism, improves the functioning of the central nervous system, sleep, eliminates feelings of tension and anxiety.


  • Long-lasting soothing effect
  • Eliminates insomnia
  • Simple and natural composition: rhizomes, peony grass and ethanol
  • Cheap
  • Can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription


  • Cannot be used by children under 12
  • The result appears only a few days after the start of treatment
  • Pungent alcohol smell


This antidepressant is made from plant materials and has antiphobic properties. The active ingredient is St. John's wort extract. The result from the reception appears after about a month. The medicine should be taken in strict accordance with the instructions of the doctor.

It is sold in the form of hard gelatin capsules and solution for internal use. The main feature of the drug is its cumulative effect. In situations where you need to quickly eliminate stress, it will not help. However, its use throughout the whole course normalizes mood for a long time.

An antidepressant is prescribed for apathy, manic-depressive disorders, a constant feeling of fatigue, a mild form of depression. After taking, addiction does not occur.


  • Made on the basis of St. John's wort
  • For a long time brings the general nervous state in order
  • Does not cause lethargy and addiction
  • Not an expensive tool


  • The treatment effect is very slow.
  • Cannot be taken in combination with alcohol


This effective sedative comes in drops. It is recommended for patients with increased excitability, sharp bouts of irritability and anger, feelings of fear and internal tension. Contains exclusively natural herbal ingredients that have a mild relaxing effect on the body.

The liquid is diluted in a glass of water and taken orally after a meal. The total therapy time is about 30 days. Reception is contraindicated during the period of gestation and breastfeeding.


  • Has a calming effect on the nervous system
  • Promotes normal sleep
  • Composition based on valerian, hops, mint and lemon balm


  • Not suitable for treatment during pregnancy and lactation
  • Contraindicated in stomach ulcers
  • Long-term use of the drug can be addictive


This is perhaps one of the most popular drugs. It contains 7 different herbs (lemon balm, valerian, St. John's wort, hawthorn, passionflower, hop fruits, black elderberry), as well as a semi-synthetic component of guaifenesin. The medicine is able to eliminate the anxiety state after the first use. For this reason, it can be used once.


  • Copes with mild forms of insomnia
  • Eliminates fatigue and irritation
  • Soothes the nerves quickly
  • Available in tablet and syrup form


  • Long list of side effects: nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, dizziness, decreased concentration, allergies
  • High price

Which sedative is best for children

Very often, even babies also need psycholeptics, and this need arises from an early age. They often cannot quickly calm down after new impressions received. Some crumbs do not adapt well to changing their familiar surroundings, for example, going to kindergarten or school. Regardless of the factor causing the overstrain, it is very important to choose the right anxiolytic that will help eliminate the problem and will not harm the child's body.


The nootropic drug is widely used to treat adults and young patients. After the end of therapy, the child's memory and attention increase. As an active ingredient, the manufacturer added aminophenylbutyric acids to the composition, which have a calming effect and relieve anxiety.


  • Helps Relieve Cramps
  • Eliminates headache
  • Improves blood flow to the brain
  • Promotes Healthy Deep Sleep


  • May adversely affect stomach function
  • Only suitable for children over three years old


Another nootropic that is designed to improve blood circulation in the brain. It is sold in the form of syrup and tablets. Medicines can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription.

The benefits of a sedative include no adverse reactions and low dosages. The medicine can be prescribed to persons with asthenic-vegetative syndrome and developmental delays.


  • Calms the nerves
  • Increases concentration
  • Strengthens memory
  • Harmless to the body
  • Provides a long-lasting cumulative effect


  • High price
  • Does not work immediately
  • In the first days of admission, excessive excitability is possible.


A mild sedative, also with prolonged use, normalizes the metabolism in the nervous system, reduces anxiety and irritability. It is indicated for use in times of stress and in case of excessive mental stress, for example, during preparation for exams. Also, the drug helps to cope with aggression, normalizes sleep and fights low mood. The positive aspects include the absence of adverse reactions.


  • Eliminates irritability and anxiety
  • Easy to find in pharmacies
  • Is cheap
  • Pleasant taste
  • Regulates hyperactivity
  • Stroke and Cancer Preventive


  • Potential kidney damage with frequent use
  • May cause allergies, drowsiness and nausea

"Bunny" syrup

It is prescribed for children over 3 years old. The composition includes herbal ingredients:

  • thyme;
  • chamomile;
  • fennel;
  • mint;
  • oregano.

It is sold in the form of a syrup with a pleasant fruity taste, which, according to the instructions, is diluted in a small amount of water.


  • The drug is created on the basis of herbal collection
  • Sweet taste
  • Relieves agitation, eliminates tearfulness
  • Soothes pain
  • The course of admission is only two weeks
  • No contraindications


  • Only for children over three years old
  • Not a drug
  • Quite high cost

Hipp baby tea

By agreement with the pediatrician, it can be given from the first month of life. Contains linden, lemon balm and chamomile. The tea is completely natural and does not contain harmful colorants or flavor enhancers. Mothers note that babies drink it willingly.

If you are interested in the rating of sedatives for children, you can also choose the best option in the "Goods" catalog. For example, “Altai Mix-2” fructose syrup or herbal “Baby. Backfill ".


  • Suitable for children of all ages
  • Pleasant herbal taste
  • Helps baby sleep


  • With regular use, a jar of tea does not last long
  • Can provoke tooth decay

The best drugs of synthetic origin

If natural herbal medicines do not give the desired result, doctors prescribe stronger medicines to treat various disorders of the nervous system. Let's consider the most popular ones below.


These drops have a sedative effect and relieve pain in the heart. The composition includes such active substances as ethyl bromisovalerianate and phenobarbital. Indications for use are insomnia, emotional stress, neuroses, heart palpitations. On the positive side, a good calming effect and lack of addiction are noted.


  • Soothes the nerves effectively and quickly
  • Promotes concentration of attention
  • Can be used as a hypnotic
  • Suitable for long-term treatment


  • Cannot be used by people with kidney disease
  • Contraindicated in pregnant women and women during breastfeeding
  • Wide list of side effects in case of overdose


Implemented in the form of drops. The result appears already after 20 minutes after administration: insomnia disappears and the mental state stabilizes. If you take drops on a regular basis, blood pressure readings will decrease, as well as pain in the heart area. It contains extracts of motherwort, valerian, hawthorn and mint.


  • Acts very quickly
  • Ensures sound, healthy sleep throughout the night
  • Eliminates nervousness and irritation
  • Able to relieve pain
  • Contains natural ingredients


  • Forbidden for people with impaired liver and kidney function, heart failure
  • Not recommended for children under 18

The best plant-based remedies

Pharmacology does not stand still, new tablets are constantly appearing that are able to quickly eliminate the negative influence of adverse factors on a person. However, many people prefer traditional treatments and exclusively use herbal remedies. Natural medicines have practically no side reactions and have a milder effect on the body.


The active ingredient is St. John's wort extract. This component is used in the fight against mild to moderate depressive disorders. Prescribe a medication for adults and children from 6 years old. To avoid overdose, do not take it at the same time as other sedatives. Recommended for sleep problems, anxiety and mood loss.


  • Made on the basis of natural ingredients
  • Fights depression well
  • Suitable for treating children and adults
  • Brings mental state back to normal


  • The effect of the reception is not noticeable immediately
  • Will not help with advanced depression

Also pay attention to the series "Healing Gift of Altai" and the dietary supplement "Stress Shield", which you will find in the "Goods" catalog.

The best homeopathic remedies

Indicated for disorders in the nervous system. Homeopathy has many proponents, while some do not take it seriously. However, if used correctly, these additives will not do any harm.


It is sold in the form of tablets for the treatment of neurotic and neurosis-like conditions, stress disorders, irritability. Its reception has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, increases the body's resistance to the influence of adverse factors and improves cognitive functions. It can be prescribed for adults and kids from 3 years old.


  • Soft action
  • Doesn't cause drowsiness
  • Improves mood


  • Forbidden for pregnant women and women during lactation
  • Addictive with long-term use

How to save your nerves without medication

  1. Start an active lifestyle. Sign up for a gym or pool, and do regular physical activity.
  2. Spend more time outdoors.
  3. Get a pet.
  4. Observe a sleep and rest routine.
  5. Meet friends you haven't seen for a long time.
  6. Take a trip and visit new places.
  7. Do what you love.
  8. Try to smile more and look at the world positively.

Remember, no matter what the top 10 best sedatives include a drug, it should be taken with caution and only after consulting a specialist.

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