Anna kotelnikova - lessons of fortune-telling with maria lenormand. Tarot Lenormand. The most detailed guide and layouts Fortune telling on cards lenormand anna kotelnikova

Pipes 21.12.2020

Anna Kotelnikova with the novel Lessons of prediction with Maria Lenormand for download in fb2 format.

This is a valuable guide to the study and application of the divination system of Maria Lenormand, the personal fortune teller of the Empress Josephine. The book will teach you how to read cards and speak in the language of images. It will serve as a good help not only for the student who first took the cards in hand, but also for the master who is looking for the Truth.

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To date, a large amount of electronic literature is posted on the Internet. The publication Lessons of Divination with Maria Lenormand is dated 2012, belongs to the genre "Esoterics" in the series "---" and is published by the publishing house Tsentrpoligraf. Perhaps the book has not yet entered the Russian market or has not appeared in electronic format. Don't be upset: just wait, and it will definitely appear on UnitLib in fb2 format, but for now you can download and read other books online. Read and enjoy educational literature with us. Free download in formats (fb2, epub, txt, pdf) allows you to download books directly to an e-book. Remember, if you like the novel a lot - save it to your wall on a social network, let your friends see it too!

Anna Anatolyevna Kotelnikova

Fortune telling lessons with Maria Lenormand

Gateway to the world of maps Lenormand

Once (it was a long time ago) I saw a small elegant deck of cards in the hands of a foreign colleague. By that time, I had already mastered the Arcana of the Tarot and knew many of their varieties, but I had not yet come across this one.

- What is it? - I asked.

- Lenormand, - the colleague answered succinctly, obviously implying that this concept should be known to everyone.

I did not know it. Intrigued, at the first opportunity I got myself such cards - and spent many hours getting to know new drawings, images and interpretations. And, frankly, I got great pleasure.

No, I have not abandoned the Arcana of the Tarot. I just realized that Tarot and Lenormand are different systems, and each has its own charm. Not "advantages and disadvantages", but its own taste, like in Eastern and Western cuisine.

Different systems of divination correspond to different human characters. Or a different mood. Or, finally, the specifics of the question being asked. In general, a professional fortune-teller should own several systems, if only in order to check and clarify the answer.

Maria Lenormand's cards are easy to use, easy to interpret and can create a good mood. They give a lot to both the disciple, who first took the cards in hand, and the master who is looking for Truth.

Now I do not part with the Lenormand cards, as, indeed, with the Tarot, and together with other readers I rejoice at the new books in which the system of the famous French fortune teller takes on a new life. The author of this book, Anna Kotelnikova, has been working with this deck for a long time, teaches courses and gains her own experience - independent, independent of foreign tradition, meeting the conditions of life and the laws of social consciousness in the modern Russian-speaking area. Moreover, this is not the first book where Anna explores the Lenormand system, gives examples of layouts and interpretations.

Her new book differs in that it is structured like a textbook, that is, in the form of a sequence of lessons "from simple to complex." This is a tutorial that you can use to master the Lenormand system step by step. And although it is, of course, easier with the teacher, it will take the reader of the book only a little more work and time for the images of the deck to "speak" to him in his language.

In principle, the Lenormand deck, both Large and Small (in this book we are talking about the so-called Small deck, 36 cards), is as deep and "multi-layered" as the Tarot or any other good fortune telling system. With its help, both a deep psychological analysis and a philosophical interpretation of public life in any given country, and the study of karmic problems are possible.

However, it is not for nothing that the author adheres to the path “from simple to complex”. Without understanding the simplicity of Lenormand's cards, one cannot penetrate their complexity. And this requires not only familiarity with their predictive values \u200b\u200bat an ordinary level, but also a creative approach, that is, trust in your intuition and practical experience, which everyone will have to accumulate on their own. This explains the structure of the book as a textbook and self-help guide.

This book opens the gateway to the world of Lenormand maps for the reader, the rest depends on himself - and to some extent on the author of this book too. A start has been made, but what's next? In a few years, when will the students master the basics of the system and want to deepen their knowledge? Further, new books will be needed (as well as, probably, courses and seminars) to reveal the next, more complex levels of meaning of Lenormand maps, to show their role as a means of meditation and self-organization, and maybe teach people to independently "live" each the image, combining it with music, color, aroma - no wonder Maria Lenormand herself was so fond of this! - and ultimately help people realize their role in the world around them.

Therefore, I would like to express my gratitude to the author of the book not only for the good creative work that personifies the modern approach to these old maps (and, by the way, quite worthy to be on a par with the works of the best foreign authors), but also hope that she will continue her research and that we will be able to continue our acquaintance with the Lenormand system through its future books.

Evgeny Kolesov (Het Monster)

September 2000

Our first book on the predictive system of Maria Lenormand was published in 1997. The interest in her surpassed all expectations. The book went through several reprints and many pirated reprints. Answering readers' questions, it became necessary to systematize and put in order the material accumulated over the years of teaching and working with this amazing predictive system. This is how the idea came about to publish a large textbook on working with maps by Maria Lenormand, which could be a good teaching aid for beginners and a book containing interesting ideas and practical advice for specialists.


From the bottom of my heart I thank all the caring readers of the previous books ("The Coveted Deck of Maria Lenormand" and "The Golden Heritage of Maria Lenormand") for the expressed wishes and comments. I am also very grateful to everyone who completed full-time and part-time studies and used the books as a study guide - their comments and suggestions were of invaluable service.

I would also like to thank Evgeny Nikolaevich Kolesov for help in preparing the materials, Alexey Lobanov for warm support and Alexander Kovalev for discussing the materials and interesting ideas.

I thank my husband, Alexey Kotelnikov, for his understanding and patience, for his lively participation in the creation of this book, for the love that illuminates my life.

All material in the book is divided by topic into twelve lessons in the same order as it is in face-to-face training. Only the material on the meanings of the cards is collected in one lesson, although it is usually studied over several lessons. This is done to facilitate the work with the book.

For successful assimilation of information, theoretical lectures alternate with practical exercises, so that you can immediately apply the knowledge gained in practice.

By carefully studying each topic and completing your homework, you can study the basic principles of working with the Lenormand predictive system in a few months and use the knowledge gained in everyday life.


The life and work of Maria Lenormand. How to get started with maps

The great French fortune teller and her maps

Fortune telling is a rather ancient occupation, and there is no such people on earth that would not have their own tradition of foreseeing the future. People always wanted to know what would happen to them. From the very time that a person gained intelligence, looking into the future has become one of the most important needs. The unknown is painful for the spirit: there is nothing worse than the unknown. The attitude towards fortune-tellers and soothsayers has always been ambiguous - they were feared and adored. At different times, they were both burned at the stake and exalted, honoring as intermediaries between God and people. In any case, the attitude towards them was special, they were always singled out from the crowd of "mere mortals". The names of many soothsayers have sunk into oblivion, but the life stories of some of them have been preserved in the memory of their descendants.

The most famous soothsayer of the XIX century. was a Frenchwoman named Marie-Anne Adelaide Lenormand (Le Normand). She was born on May 27, 1772 in Alençon, on the outskirts of Paris, in the family of a wealthy manufacturer of manufactures. The arrival in the world of Mary was not the most successful - at the eighth month of pregnancy, the manufacturer's wife fell. This injury posed a threat to the child's life. But the girl miraculously survived, although she was left with severe physical disabilities. It is said that one leg was shorter than the other, and her left shoulder was higher than her right. She was often tormented by headaches, which portended either a change in the weather or someone's misfortune. Maria-Anna felt early that she was different from all other children. A different world was opened to her, inaudible and invisible to those around her. Visions were often intertwined with reality, and her mother had serious concerns for the health of her child. Nevertheless, Maria successfully completed her studies at the parish school at the Church of Notre-Dame de Bon-Secourt, and, as soon as the girl passed through the ordinance of the first communion, her parents sent her to continue her studies at the Benedictine monastery.

Staying at the monastery had a decisive impact on the formation of philosophy and relationship with the world of Mary-Anna. Unlike her peers, Lenormand spent all her free time in the monastery library among the old manuscripts and treatises. The girl mastered the Latin language, learned the Old and New Testaments, learned the secret symbolism of numbers, and got acquainted with the secrets of plants.

She predicted the execution of Marie Antoinette and the wedding with the crowned special Josephine Beauharnais, the future wife of Napoleon, the Russian emperor Alexander I listened to her advice with attention. This great woman created her own fortune telling system and her predictive deck, which became one of the most popular in the world.

This book will help you make incredibly accurate predictions. You will be able to compose a detailed description of future events (for a day, week, month, year, several years), find answers to complex and controversial questions, predict the development of any relationship, find out what people are around you and what they think of you.

In the book you will find many layouts for different occasions and their detailed interpretation. In the book you will also find cards that can be cut and used for divination.

On our website you can download the book "Tarot Lenormand. The most detailed guide and layouts" by Simone Lefebvre free of charge and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy a book in the online store.

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