The so-called “Gospel of Andrew” and “The Samaritans. Why was the Gospel of St. Andrew the First-Called banned? Gospel of Andrew Chapter 5

Pest Control 23.02.2024
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Logically, Jesus' first disciple should have known more than anyone else. If only because he was with the teacher the longest.

Maybe because it was not possible to “cut this gospel” the way it was done with others?

Where is the Gospel of Andrew (the First-Called) in the Bible?


Chapter 5 of the Apocrypha from Andrew begins:

Andrew, His disciple, asked: “To which nations should we bring the good news of the Kingdom of Heaven?”
Jesus answered: “Go to the nations of the east, to the nations of the west, to the nations of the south,
to where the children of the house of Israel live. Do not go to the pagans of the north, for they are sinless and do not know the vices and sins of the house of Israel...”

This book was simply not included in the Bible. There are four Gospels there. From Matthew, from Mark, from Luke and John. There really is no Gospel of St. Andrew the First-Called in the Bible.

The Bible does not include all the gospels, but only those that were selected by Emperor Constantine and his assistants to fulfill the tasks assigned to them.

The rest of the gospels were simply rejected, since they interpreted far from what they needed and were beneficial. And even those that were selected were considerably edited according to the situation of new times and the establishment of Christianity as the state religion.

From 364, when the New Testament was established as such, until the first edition of the Bible, the text was also edited several times. Plus translation inaccuracies played a role.
After all, the Bible was written in Hebrew, a small part in Aramaic, and the New Testament in Greek. So the first printed book, published in 1455, was already a significant difference even from the one edited in 364. Plus adjustments that were made subsequently.

As a result, we have what we have. And yet, a lot of valuable and necessary things reached people. And again, if we talk about the gospels, then in addition to those canonized by the church, there are dozens of apocryphal gospels.

In 1946, an entire library of works by Gnostic Christians was discovered in southern Egypt. There, among other literature, they discovered the so-called Gospels of Thomas, Philip, Truth, and the Apocrypha of John. And earlier, excerpts from unknown gospels, written in different versions, were found on papyri in Egypt...

Another problem here is that even the apocrypha is divided into “permissible” and so-called “renounced”.

The “abnegates”, of course, tried to destroy them. By the way, the first official list of “renounced” books was compiled in the Eastern Roman Empire in the 5th century AD.

Naturally, after such “vandalism,” descendants received only the names and quotes given in their works by Christian writers of the 2nd-4th centuries who argued with these books.

Some of these books were indeed valuable because they reflected the true Teachings of Jesus as he gave them. Therefore, they did not leave a single human soul indifferent, for the true Teachings of Jesus made people truly free from all the fears of this world.

They began to understand that the body is perishable, the soul is immortal. People ceased to be hostages and slaves of the illusion of the material world of existence. They understood that only God was above them.

They realized how short life is and how temporary the conditions into which their current body is driven are. They knew that this life, no matter how long it may seem, is just one moment in which their soul resides. They understood that any earthly power, be it politicians or religious structures, is limited to just power over bodies.

The rulers bow before their “god”, who is given power on Earth, over its matter, but not over its soul. For the soul belongs only to the true One God. And the first followers of Jesus, who professed His Teaching (and not the religion that it became later), they lost fear of this life.

They began to feel and understand that God was very close to them, closer and dearer than anyone else, and He was eternal... Such true freedom of people terribly frightened those in power.
Therefore, the latter began collecting and carefully processing the written sources already available by that time about the Teachings of Jesus. A lot was destroyed after selecting the information they needed to create a new religion, implanted by those in power, as they say, from top to bottom.

In general, the Gospel of St. Andrew the First-Called was rejected because it did not fit in with the “cutting and sewing” of the new religion. Mainly for two reasons.

Firstly, it was too freedom-loving and truthful, for the true words of Jesus were written there, as they say, first-hand. And the very style of presentation of the Teachings of Jesus was too simple, wise and intelligible.
Andrei also described details from the real life of his Teacher, that Jesus was in the East in his youth, which again did not fit into church dogma. And, besides, the mention of the lotus seed put their “Majesty of the censors” into a complete dead end.

After all, this already smacked of such religions as Buddhism and Hinduism.

No one wanted to mix such bright foreign symbolism into their own religion. So this became another stumbling block, disputes and strife between those who decided in what “colors” the ideology of a given religion should be maintained.

That’s why they removed the Gospel of St. Andrew the First-Called, as they say, away, “out of sight.”

Andrey Zinovievich Sinelnikov

Gospel of Andrew

Andrei shook off the memories, as always at this place, and looked at the river. The sun setting behind the hills cast bright flashes on the waves.

- Andrey!! - they called him from below, from where the longboats stood ready for the journey. He looked down at the shore. In the setting rays of the sun, all those who had gathered with him on a long and unknown journey gathered around the fires. Even in the evening haze he recognized them all. Old acquaintances who came with him from distant lands, but who had already become relatives in these lands, and new ones. The natives of these places and those who came to them under the walls of their fortress.

- Andrey! – again it was heard from the very bottom, from the water’s edge, “Come down to us!”

He recognized the voices of the scribe Joseph, who had accompanied him from the very first day. Next to him, he distinguished two old warriors, old not by weather, but by their knowledge of military combat. Firs and Cosmas became friends already on their trip here. Firs joined Andrei's squad one of the first, back there, on the Gallic coast in Rousselon, and Cosmas joined them in Brittany, but it seemed to him that they had known each other since childhood. Sitting around a nearby fire were his new acquaintances, who had already become family to him during their time living near the slow waters of this calm river. Sil was a local warrior, and Lukoslav was more of a sorcerer than a warrior, but he knew how to hold a sword no worse than anyone else. Separate from everyone, but not shying away from the gang, sat Elisha, who came from that same mysterious northern Hyperborea, the land of magicians and wizards. They had already become accustomed to him, despite his appearance as an undead or resurrected dead man. These were his closest people who would go with him on the leading boat. Drakkar, as the Varangians from the fighting squad call it. Sitting next to them were several new students - future brothers. Among them, Sergius stood out with his height and faith burning in his eyes. Andrei waved his hand at them, and judging by the response wave, he realized that they had seen and were waiting.

“Well, it’s time to approach them,” Andrei said out loud, got up from the hill and confidently began to go down to the fires on the shore.

Memories pursued him like racing dogs. As he walked, the walking man turned around. He carefully looked straight into Anton’s eyes and said clearly.

- The oars are behind the stone in the depths of the cave. Behind the stone.

Anton woke up. The day was in full swing outside. The hot midday sun was shining into the cave. Pavel was still sleeping. Anton came to the threshold of the cave. Not far away there was a small black sand beach. On it lay their boat, half pulled out of the water and tightly tied to a pine tree. He ran to it with a jump, took out the tent and things from it, laid it out on the grass in the sunshine to dry. He returned to the cave, took off his half-dried clothes and also laid them out in the clearing. I remembered the dream. He walked carefully into the depths of the cave and looked behind the stone. There stood two old oars, blackened by time. He grunted. He took out a flask of alcohol from his backpack, taken for special occasions, and took a long sip. The alcohol rolled down like a fireball and exploded inside, pouring a hot wave over my head and whole body.

- That's it! – Anton said loudly to himself, – That’s it!!! - And took another sip.

- Will we be hungover in the morning? – Pavel, who woke up, asked sarcastically.

- Morning!? It's working afternoon! Sonya! And let's not have a hangover, but celebrate a birthday!

- Our! Get up! I found the oars!

-What did you find? – Pavel, half asleep, did not understand.

- Oars!

– Have you seen Andrew the First-Called? – already waking up, Pavel sarcastically clarified.

- Andrei?... - Anton remembered that the man in the dream was called Andrei, and he was very similar to the ghost that pulled their boat to the island - Andrei!? Saw!

“You can’t drink alcohol on an empty stomach,” Pavel wheezed edifyingly, pulling off his wet clothes, and then his gaze fell on the oars, “What is this???”

“These are oars,” Anton was now sarcastically speaking.

- Where?

– From Andrew the First-Called...Treasure!!! – Anton suddenly remembered his grandfather’s story.

- What's the treasure?

– Grandfather said that Andrei revealed to him where the treasure lay. Get up, sleepyhead. Let's go look.

– What to look for?

- Treasure. Let's go look for the treasure.

– We need to drink less Antoshka. Especially in the morning. Especially without snacks. Let's eat.

“Okay,” Anton agreed, coming to his senses and gaining sobriety, “Let’s eat, dry off and get on with the search.”

He busily took out cans of stew from his backpack and carefully laid out soggy biscuits with buckwheat porridge on the stone. He skillfully opened the cans with a knife. He put the mugs down and poured alcohol into them.

- What is this for? – Pavel pointed to the mugs.

- And this is so that the fever doesn’t make you sick. Drink!

They ate. They pulled on dry clothes. They took an ax and a revolver with them and went to explore the island.

The island was tiny and somehow gloomy. This impression was probably created by the blood-gray rocks that jutted out at every step, and the black beach covered with black-metallic sand.

“Such sand must be in the underworld,” Anton joked gloomily. And I choked on this joke myself.

In the very corner of the beach, near a huge boulder, the remains of a log pier were visible, almost completely hidden by the water. Pavel went up to it and picked at it with an axe. The logs were like stone. He bent down, took a handful of sand, poured it into a bag and put it in his pocket.

– I’ll give it to you for analysis at home. What kind of black sand is this?

From the pier, it was now visible, a path went into the interior of the island, framed by two rows of fir trees that stood out against the background of pines, not only in color, but also in some kind of denseness. They confidently walked along the path.

The path soon led them to the remains of an old boulder foundation, overgrown with red currant bushes. A stone well was visible not far from it. Friends approached him. Anton saw some inscriptions. Taking a knife, he cleared a piece of the wall. The Hagel rune was clearly visible on the boulder. A spider or snowflake falling on a stone. The same rune as on the motor of their boat. Symbol of the SS division "Nord". However, an even more ancient inscription could be seen below. Anton cleared further.

- These are no longer runes. “It’s in Old Church Slavonic,” Pavel muttered, squatting down.

-Are you a philologist? - Anton faked it out.

– My first wife was a Slavic philologist. She annoyed me with these inscriptions,” Pavel answered reluctantly, “It’s not even Cyrillic, it’s Glagolitic.” Clear it up. And I'll copy it.

They puffed for two hours. The inscription was large around the entire well and in three rows. Anton cleared it out, and Pavel carefully copied it.

- Well, what’s there? What is written there? – Anton could not restrain himself, – About the treasure?

– Fuck knows what’s written here. I'm not an academician of linguistics. “I didn’t understand anything,” Pavel admitted honestly, “We’ll see at home.” I know who to show it to.

- Well, did you at least understand something? – Anton drawled sadly.

- They are talking about some small island. Everything I could understand. Leave me alone Antoshka. Ask the First-Called!

They found nothing else on the island. We climbed down a rope into a well. They climbed the entire foundation, apparently of an old monastery. We dug here and here. Nothing. We climbed out to the very top of the island. They found an old sacrificial stone there with a depression in the very center. From the height of the old temple, a small island lying about a hundred meters from their island to the east was clearly visible. And to the west the first islands of the Valaam archipelago were visible. They were no more than a kilometer away. And there is not a cloud in the sky.

- Pash, let's swim to a small island?! – Anton looked pleadingly into his friend’s eyes.

- Let's go, Antoshka, let's go. It swims like crap,” Pavel remembered the lesson. “Let’s go.”

They quickly reached the island by oars. From the northern part they were met by steep banks covered with cranberries. No matter how hard they looked, there was no way to get in here. They came from the south. Long stone slabs went straight into the water, as if they had been specially made for mooring boats. Rusty barbed wire curled along the shore on steel supports, just as rusty as it was. Behind it were old rifle cells made of boulders. A half-collapsed communication line stretched from the cells. They walked along it, past the remaining foundations of the barracks and collapsed dugouts. The progress was rising. At the highest point of the island, two gun courtyards for long-range guns have been preserved. Between them, from the ventilation holes, one could guess underground bunkers carved into the rocks. They began to look for the entrance. Finally, in one of the concrete vestibules, Pavel saw collapsed steps leading down. Anton turned on the flashlight, and they carefully descended into the bunker. There were gun magazines, living quarters, a radio room and a command post. Another floor could be guessed under the top floor. The staircase led into it from the command post. They descended a rickety, rusty staircase into the cave below. This was the officer's room. Anton examined her in the beam of a flashlight. Table, bunks, stool. Everything is withered and rotten. Even the fishermen, who burned everything here for firewood, did not make it here. Apparently the hatch just rotted recently, and before that it was not seen under the rubble. There was a locker in the corner. More precisely, a metal gun box. Anton wiped the dust off him. The first thing he saw was the already familiar spider of the Hagel rune.

“Look Pash, the SS men from Nord were stationed here,” he showed, opening the box.

Who was the first fisherman called by Jesus? Andrey was called. That's why he was named Andrew the First-Called.

The question is, where is the Gospel of Andrew in the Bible? No, it was banned. And why? Because chapter 5, the so-called apocryphal “Gospel of Andrew,” begins:

“And Andrei Ionin, His disciple, asked: Rabbi! To which nations should we bring the good news of the Kingdom of Heaven? And Jesus answered him: Go to the nations of the east, to the nations of the west, and to the nations of the south, where the children of the house of Israel live. Do not go to the pagans of the North, for they are sinless and do not know the vices and sins of the house of Israel.”

(Gospel of Andrew, chapter 5, vv. 1–3).

That is, Jesus forbade going to the north. Not just to the northern countries, but to the north of Israel. In the Gospel of Matthew He said, “Do not enter the city of Samaria.”

“Samaritans” are Aryans themselves, that is, they live by their own laws. There's nothing to do there.

Who was the first fisherman called by Jesus? Andrey was called. That is why he is named Andrew the First-Called. The question arises, where is the Gospel of Andrew in the Bible? No, it was banned. And why? Because chapter 5, the so-called apocryphal “Gospel of Andrew,” begins: “And Andrew Ionin, His disciple, asked: Rabbi! To which nations should we bring the good news of the Kingdom of Heaven? And Jesus answered him: Go to the nations of the east, to the nations of the west, and to the nations of the south, where the children of the house of Israel live. Do not go to the pagans of the North, for they are sinless and do not know the vices and sins of the house of Israel” (Gospel of Andrew, ch. 5, v. 1-3). That is, Jesus forbade going to the north. Not just to the northern countries, but to the north of Israel. In the Gospel of Matthew He said: “Do not enter the city of Samaria.” “Samaritans” are Aryans themselves, that is, they live by their own laws. There's nothing to do there.

Apocrypha as a source?

Folk etymology as a method of cognition?

Geographical error

about the apocrypha so beloved by critics of Christianity

A very sensible general assessment of the apocrypha:

The first attempts to give a literary and artistic interpretation of the Gospel are almost as old as this book itself. They appeared in Egypt and Syria before the New Testament was fully formed.

The authors of the ancient apocrypha sought to give their own version of the life and teachings of Christ, to conjecture episodes, scenes and dialogues that, as it seemed to them, were omitted by the evangelists. In addition to the Gospels themselves, the Old Testament, ancient novels, biographies, as well as collections of aphorisms and legends that have long existed in the East and West served as models for the apocrypha. In general, apocryphal literature can be called “secondary”, since in one way or another it came from the canonical Gospels.

Antiquity often gravitated towards the supernatural. Comparing the apocrypha with their prototypes, it is easy to notice that those who created them not only introduced fictional details into the fabric of the story, but with particular zeal discovered spectacular, amazing miracles. From the apocrypha we learn that already in childhood Jesus demonstrated supernatural power at almost every step, that the mystery of the Resurrection took place in the presence of many shocked witnesses, etc. In a word, the strict and chaste restraint of the evangelists was replaced by rampant fantasy, folklore patterns, and sometimes complex metaphysics borrowed from Gnostic theosophy.

Despite this, and partly, perhaps, thanks to this, the apocrypha gained wide popularity and was reflected in the fine arts. And yet they were not accepted into the biblical canon. This revealed the amazing instinct of the compilers of the canonical set of New Testament books.

Leaving aside the problem of authenticity (the abundance of anachronisms in the apocrypha is striking), it should be admitted that from a purely artistic point of view they are decisively inferior to the works of the evangelists. The distance between apocryphal literature and the New Testament is as great as between a crude imitation and a great original. The effort to surpass the evangelists ended in monumental literary failure. And in this sense, the apocrypha anticipated the fate of subsequent attempts of this kind.

That is, the apocrypha, first of all, have value precisely as fiction. This was precisely the reason that they were not canonized, and not some information that they allegedly wanted to hide from people, as they are now trying to convince us.

The Bible, according to neo-pagans, has been rewritten, but literature secondary to the Bible is already a revelation for them.

about the myth that “Apocrypha = forbidden to read”

None of them are prohibited.

Here is the definition from the Church Dictionary: “hidden, that is, books published unknown from whom, or what, are not publicly read in the church, as the Holy Scripture is usually read. Such books are all those that are not in the Bible.”

Comment from Wikipedia: That is, the apocryphal books for the most part were considered very good, edifying, containing certain grains of revealed teaching, but they cannot be generally recognized as divinely inspired (for example, due to too strong an element of human wisdom).

more about apocrypha

The Apocrypha are not just good books that were not included in the New Testament, but books that are distorted, despite the good text, they can lie.

Apocrypha (Greek - secret, hidden) - works of Jewish and early Christian literature, compiled in imitation of the books of the Holy Scriptures about sacred persons and events, mostly on behalf of the characters of the Holy Scriptures, not recognized by the church as canonical.

What are apocrypha? Those apocrypha, which will now be discussed, claim to be the genre of the Gospel, but the church either rejects their apostolic origin or believes that their content has been significantly distorted. Therefore, the Apocrypha is not included in the Biblical canon (simply put, the Bible) and is not considered a spiritual and religious guide to life, but rather literary monuments of the era when the first generations of Christians began to come into contact with the pagan world. The main apocryphal texts appear much later than the canonical New Testament books: from the 2nd to the 4th centuries - all researchers today agree with this fundamental fact, regardless of religious beliefs.

All New Testament apocryphal books can be divided into two large groups: the first is a kind of folklore, that is, apocrypha, in an unimaginably fantastic form, telling about “events” from the life of Christ that are not in the canonical Gospels. And the second is the “ideological” apocrypha, which arose as a result of the desire of various mystical and philosophical groups to use the outline of the gospel history to present their religious and philosophical views.

about the original “Gospel of Andrew”

There is a lot of information about the Apocrypha, but science knows nothing about the “Gospel of St. Andrew”. More precisely, there is a mention of it in the so-called “Decree of Pope Gelasius”, 5th century AD. (Decretum Gelasianum), but “Evangelia nomine Andreae” itself has not reached us in any form, and is known, apparently, only to A. Khinevich.

about the method of folk etymology

"Samaritans" are the Aryans themselves

The word “Samaritan” does not go back or even come close to the Russian “Aryan himself.”

Any adequate philologist and linguist will tell you that the Samaritan goes back to the name of the country Samaria, in Hebrew - Shomron. Even if we do not take into account that Semitic and Indo-European are different groups of languages ​​with completely different lexical composition, it still becomes clear how far-fetched this argument is. The arguments with other “roots” and parts of words are similar. As for the origin of the word “Shomron”, only those who benefit from imposing something on you (the authors of the film, for example) will speak with absolute certainty. No real philologist or linguist will “as if by the way” talk about something that does not correspond to the truth. According to the Bible (1 Kings 16:24), “Shomron” came from Shemir (Semir), the former owner of the mountain where the city of Samaria was built. We can only guess whether Shemir was an “Aryan”.

All the linguistic “delights” of “Games of the Gods,” as far as I understand, go back to one amateur etymologist - Valery Chudinov. For example, V. Chudinov says in one of his lectures that the Etruscans are actually Russians. As an argument, he gives the following: “If you want to own the east, then call the city “Vladivostok”, if - the Caucasus, then “Vladikavkaz”, if the world, then call the city what? That's right, Vladimir. So, nothing will change if we omit the word “own”. So what remains? The word “peace” remains. The Etruscans founded the city of Mir, and since they used to read from right to left, it was read as Rome.” Any person who is at least somewhat familiar with the languages ​​of the Romano-Germanic group will tell you that Rome is everywhere read as Roma or the like. There can be no talk of any “world”, especially since the word “world” did not previously mean the Universe.

In the case of Samaria, there is also a substitution of concepts at the neuro-linguistic level, forcing one to agree with what these people say.

Also in other parts of “Games of the Gods” there is a method of folk etymology, which I called “zadornovism”. Zadornov, having no linguistic education, tries to convince people of what is not true. Let's say a satirist says that "ra-" is an ancient Russian root meaning "light." Hence the god Ra of the ancient Egyptians. Therefore, in Russian there are words with “ra-” such as “joy”, “k-ra-sota”, “ra-zum”, “ve-ra” “u-ra”, “po-ra”. I will not refute each case individually, content with the fact that Ra is correctly read as “Rah” or “Ree”, and the ancient Egyptian language belongs to the Afroasiatic group of languages, not to the Indo-European one.

Conclusion from the statement: folk etymology is one of the most vile ways of imposing one’s opinion. Therefore, listen less to Zadornov or people like these pagans.

about geographical error

“That is, Jesus forbade going to the north. Not even just to the northern countries, but to the north of Israel"

Galilee, where Jesus preached for 3 years, is located north of Samaria (map).

about the people "Samaritans"

The name of the people “Samaritans” (in Hebrew, Shomronim) comes from the name of the city of Samaria (Hebrew: Shomron) and, accordingly, the area of ​​Samaria (Shomron), which is so called because one of the kings of Israel once acquired this land from a man named Semir (Shemer).

1 Kings 16:24: And Omri bought Mount Semeron from Semir for two talents of silver, and built up the mountain, and called the city which he built Samaria, after the name of Semir, the owner of the mountain.

The Samaritans consider themselves descendants of the tribe of Joseph. Religion at the time of Christ - Judaism with slight deviations from the Jewish traditional. They still exist. They have nothing to do with pagans.

Why was the Gospel of St. Andrew the First-Called banned?

Who was the first fisherman called by Jesus? Andrey was called. That's why he was named Andrew the First-Called.

The question is, where is the Gospel of Andrew in the Bible? No, it was banned. And why? Because chapter 5, the so-called apocryphal “Gospel of Andrew,” begins:

“And Andrei Ionin, His disciple, asked: Rabbi! To which nations should we bring the good news of the Kingdom of Heaven? And Jesus answered him: Go to the nations of the east, to the nations of the west, and to the nations of the south, where the children of the house of Israel live. Do not go to the pagans of the North, for they are sinless and do not know the vices and sins of the house of Israel. For when the pagans, who do not have the law by nature, do what is lawful, then, not having the law, they are a law unto themselves.”
(Gospel of Andrew, chapter 5, vv. 1–3).

That is, Jesus forbade going to the north. Not just to the northern countries, but to the north of Israel.
In the Gospel of Matthew He said, “Do not enter the city of Samaria.”
“Samaritans” are Aryans themselves, that is, they live by their own laws. There's nothing to do there.

The Bible does not include all the gospels, but only those that were selected by Emperor Constantine and his assistants to fulfill the tasks assigned to them.

The rest of the gospels were simply rejected, since they interpreted far from what they needed and were beneficial. And even those that were selected were considerably edited according to the situation of new times and the establishment of Christianity as the state religion.
From 364, when the New Testament was established as such, until the first edition of the Bible, the text was also edited several times. Plus translation inaccuracies played a role.

After all, the Bible was written in Hebrew, a small part in Aramaic, and the New Testament in Greek. So the first printed book, published in 1455, was already a significant difference even between the one edited in 364. Plus adjustments that were made subsequently.

As a result, we have what we have. And yet, a lot of valuable and necessary things reached people. And again, if we talk about the gospels, then in addition to those canonized by the church, there are dozens of apocryphal gospels.

In 1946, an entire library of works by Gnostic Christians was discovered in southern Egypt. There, among other literature, they discovered the so-called Gospels of Thomas, Philip, Truth, and the Apocrypha of John. And earlier, excerpts from unknown gospels, written in different versions, were found on papyri in Egypt...

Another problem here is that even the apocrypha is divided into “permissible” and so-called “renounced”.

The “abnegates”, of course, tried to destroy them. By the way, the first official list of “renounced” books was compiled in the Eastern Roman Empire in the 5th century AD.

Naturally, after such “vandalism,” descendants received only the names and quotes given in their works by Christian writers of the 2nd–4th centuries who argued with these books.

Some of these books were indeed valuable because they reflected the true Teachings of Jesus as he gave them. Therefore, they did not leave a single human soul indifferent, for the true Teachings of Jesus made people truly free from all the fears of this world.

They began to understand that the body is perishable, the soul is immortal. People ceased to be hostages and slaves of the illusion of the material world of existence. They understood that only God was above them.

They realized how short life is and how temporary the conditions into which their current body is driven are. They knew that this life, no matter how long it may seem, is just one moment in which their soul resides. They understood that any earthly power, be it politicians or religious structures, is limited to just power over bodies.

The rulers bow before their “god”, who is given power on Earth, over its matter, but not over its soul. For the soul belongs only to the true One God. And the first followers of Jesus, who professed His Teaching (and not the religion that it became later), they lost fear of this life.

They began to feel and understand that God was very close to them, closer and dearer than anyone else, and He was eternal... Such true freedom of people terribly frightened those in power.

Therefore, the latter began collecting and carefully processing the written sources already available by that time about the Teachings of Jesus. A lot was destroyed after selecting the information they needed to create a new religion, implanted by those in power, as they say, from top to bottom.

In general, the Gospel of St. Andrew the First-Called was rejected because it did not fit in with the “cutting and sewing” of the new religion. Mainly for two reasons.

Firstly, it was too freedom-loving and truthful, for the true words of Jesus were written there, as they say, first-hand. And the very style of presentation of the Teachings of Jesus was too simple, wise and intelligible.

Andrei also described details from the real life of his Teacher, that Jesus was in the East in his youth, which again did not fit into church dogma. And, besides, the mention of the lotus seed put their “Majesty of the censors” into a complete dead end.

After all, this already smacked of such religions as Buddhism and Hinduism.

No one wanted to mix such bright foreign symbolism into their own religion. So this became another stumbling block, disputes and strife between those who decided in what “colors” the ideology of a given religion should be maintained.

That’s why they removed the Gospel of St. Andrew the First-Called, as they say, away, “out of sight.”

A response came from a reader:

Alien_xs: Anton, I enjoy reading you. But there is an obvious distortion here! Find and watch the full video interview with the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Patriarch has nothing to repent for. This speech related to the West’s opinion of Russia, and the Ukrainians were carefully cut out of context and sold to the masses.

Thanks for the comment. Regarding my supposed cringe. Let's try to figure out this scandalous interview together.

You tell me that “this speech related to the West’s opinion of Russia, and the Ukrainians carefully cut it out of context and sold it to the masses”.

I reviewed and listened carefully to this entire recording of the speech of the Patriarch of All Rus' and saw and heard the same thing.

The Patriarch did not say that in the West they say about the Slavs that "they were barbarians, second-class people before the arrival of the enlightened men Cililla and Methodius", he personally told us all this in the first person.

Here is his speech: "in a sense, we are the church of Cyril and Methodius. They came out of the enlightened Greco-Roman world and went preaching to the Slavs. And who were the Slavs? These are barbarians, barbarians, people who say incomprehensible things, these are second-class people, this almost beasts! And so enlightened men came to them, brought them the light of Christ's truth, and did something important. They began to speak to these barbarians in their language! They created the Slavic alphabet, Slavic grammar, the Slavic language and translated the word into this language God!"

When head of the Russian Orthodox Church in your own words shocked me even journalists and a videographer, calling the Slavs barbarians, second-class citizens, with the dexterity of a magician, he tried to verbal bowel movements put on top verbal "oil": “This tradition lives so deeply in our church that for us all peoples are equal and there are no barbarians among them! Because we were once barbarians, but in fact we have never been barbarians!”

So, does this stop the smell of verbal stench?
Of course not!

It's not even about this insult now. The presence of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Slavic world is a direct violation of the commandment of Christ the Savior!

Open the entire Bible now, find these words there and comprehend them!

1 And calling His twelve disciples, He gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out and heal every disease and every kind of infirmity.
2 And these are the names of the twelve apostles: first Simon, who was called Peter, and Andrew his brother, James Zebedee, and John his brother,
3 Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew the publican, James Alphaeus and Lebbeus, called Thaddeus,
4 Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Him.
5 These twelve Jesus sent and commanded them, saying: do not go on the path of the pagans, and enter not into the city of the Samaritans;
6 a go especially to the lost sheep of the house of Israel...
(Gospel of Matthew, chapter 10).

This is the main thing that it makes sense for all Slavs to think about! Christ spoke clearly and unambiguously DO NOT go to the Slavs for your students, whom the West called pagans for their way of life and for their special attitude towards their native language. For for the Slavs the words language And people were synonyms. They understood that language is the soul of the people, it stores the memory of generations! If someone changes the language or distorts it, then the people are deprived of their ancestral heritage!

Therefore, think at your leisure what the words of the Patriarch are worth that the two apostles - Cyril and Methodius, who came from the "enlightened Greco-Roman world" gave to the Slavs - Slavic language?!

They perverted the Slavic language! - you can somehow believe this.

Let us once again read the words of the Gospel and think about it. In the direct speech of Jesus Christ it is clear indicated to the apostles, disciples of the Savior, "Go especially to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" and save them!

Why did the Jews have to be saved and why?

Why, it’s not difficult to understand. Initially, since the time of Moses, the house of Israel was a leper colony. Yes Yes! Israel has never been a "holy land" as is now claimed. It was originally the land of lepers!

Evidence of this is this entry: “There were also many lepers in Israel during the time of the prophet Elisha.” (Luke 4:27). But the most important evidence of this fact is the modern picture Jewish diseases . Literally every fifth Ashkenazi Jew is a carrier of at least one genetic disease, inherited from parents to children! This sad fact can only be explained by this terrible fact described in the Bible. God punished the Jews for the terrible sins they committed in ancient times. Actually, leprosy (leprosy) was previously called “God’s curse.”

The essence of the coming of Christ the Savior to the house of Israel was precisely to help "to the house of Israel" gain salvation: explain to Jews the cause-and-effect relationship between illness and sin, call them to repentance and deviate from their sinful path associated with murder, deception, false witness and other abominations.

This is confirmed by the direct speech of Christ the Savior: “It is not the healthy who need a physician, but the sick; I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” (Mark 2:17).

A clear example of how Jesus explained to the Jews cause-and-effect relationship between disease and sin, is this episode. I quote from the Gospel of John, chapter 5:

1 After this there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus came to Jerusalem.
2 Now there is a pool in Jerusalem at the Sheep Gate, called Bethesda in Hebrew, which had five covered passages.
3 In them lay a great multitude of the sick, the blind, the lame, the withered, waiting for the movement of the waters,
4 For the angel of the Lord from time to time went into the pool and disturbed the water, and whoever entered it first after the water was disturbed was healed, no matter what disease he was afflicted with.
5 There was a man who had been sick for thirty-eight years.
6 When Jesus saw him lying down and knew that he had been lying there for a long time, he said to him, “Do you want to be healthy?”
7 The sick man answered Him: Yes, Lord; but I do not have a person who would lower me into the pool when the water is troubled; when I arrive, another has already descended before me.
8 Jesus saith unto him, Arise, take up thy mat, and walk.
9 And he immediately became well, and took up his bed and walked. It was on the Sabbath day.
10 Therefore Jews They said to the healed man: today is Saturday; You shouldn't take the bed.
11 He answered them: He who healed me said to me, Take up your bed and walk.
12 They asked him, “Who is the man who said to you, Take up your bed and walk?”
13 But he who was healed did not know who He was, for Jesus was hidden among the people that were in that place.
14 Then Jesus met him in the temple and said to him: behold, you are healed; Don’t sin anymore, lest something worse happen to you.
15 The man went and announced Jews that the one who healed him was Jesus.
16 And they began Jews persecute Jesus and they were looking to kill Him because He did such things on the Sabbath.
17 And Jesus said unto them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.
18 And they sought even more to kill Him Jews because He not only violated the Sabbath, but also called God His Father, making Himself equal to God.
19 To this Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing in Himself, unless He sees the Father doing; for whatever He does, these the Son also does likewise...

In this story we also see that fierce enemies Jesus Christ (and Jews too) there were Jews(written in the Bible with a capital letter). It was religious and political leadership of the Jews, which was interested in the Jews always remaining who they were the tool the Jews needed to take over the world.

Nothing else, no other purpose can explain the appearance of these commandments in the text of the Bible and the Jewish Torah:

Think about it! What God could dictate To Moses this is “Deuteronomy”?!

Finally, comprehend the words of Jesus the Savior, which he said in this very Jews with a capital letter: "Your father is the devil, and you want to do the lusts of your father..." (John 8:44).

Look now what we have now, not there in the "house of Israel", and here in Russia!

The Jews, the fierce enemies of Christ, are today the masters in our Fatherland! They have a close friendship with Kiril Gundyaev, who is appointed to serve as the head of the Russian Orthodox Church!

And this werewolf, a friend of the Jews, tells us today: " Who were the Slavs? These are barbarians Barbara, people who say incomprehensible things are second-class people, they are almost animals! And so enlightened men came to them, brought them the light of Christ’s truth, and did something important. They began to speak to these barbarians in their language! They created the Slavic alphabet, Slavic grammar, the Slavic language and translated the word of God into this language!"

What was it like word of God, I showed you all with an example from the Gospels. And I showed you all who were Jews(written in the Bible with a capital letter). And now you can guess why Jews came to us, the Slavs, "barbarians", "almost beasts" from a distant land to teach us wisdom...

They came to us to conquer us, to turn us into their slaves. And, unfortunately, they have already made many of our people like this, robbing them of their minds...

faken_magda: Hello Anton. I wanted to ask how you are doing with your writing? Are there any new books coming?
And if you don’t mind, please provide links to your old books, which you consider the most important. I decided to read your books.

blagin_anton: Hello, Magda! Please:
"Geometry of Life" (1998).

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