Hero of the Soviet Union, Guard Colonel Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. The declassified diary of Momyshuly Biography of Momyshuly

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, Kazakh SSR, USSR

In 1940 he returned to Kazakhstan and worked as a senior instructor at the Kazvoenkomat.

In the battles of the Great Patriotic War from September 1941, as part of the 316th Infantry Division under the command of Major General I.V. Panfilov.

The skillful leadership of the battalion commander made it possible to delay the Germans at this line for 3 days. After which Senior Lieutenant Momyshuly brought the battalion out of the encirclement combat-ready.

The heroic combat path of the battalion under the command of Bauyrzhan Momysh-uly is described in the art-historical book by Alexander Bek “Volokolamsk Highway”.

Momysh-uly’s commanding abilities were noticed, and after a month of heavy fighting he was appointed regiment commander - personally by the commander of the 16th Army K.K. Rokossovsky.

Momyshuly on a commemorative postage stamp of Kazpost, 2000

Commanding the 19th Guards Rifle Regiment, on November 26-30, 1941, Momysh-uly in the area of ​​the village of Sokolovo, Moscow Region, together with his regiment, fought stubborn battles for four days, successfully repelling enemy attacks. On December 5, 1941, B. Momysh-uly was wounded, but did not leave the battlefield.

In 1944, B. Momysh-uly completed advanced training courses for officers at the Military Academy of the General Staff.

Soon B. Momysh-uly was awarded the rank of guard colonel, and an order was received for his appointment as commander of the 9th Guards Rifle Division.

From January 28 to May 9, 1945, Guard Colonel Bauyrzhan Momysh-uly commanded the 9th Guards Rifle Division of the 2nd Guards Rifle Corps of the 6th Guards Army of the 2nd Baltic Front.

In February-March 1945, northwest of the Priekule station (Latvia), units of the division skillfully led by him broke through three lines of heavily fortified enemy defenses. As a result of the division's offensive, 15 settlements were liberated and significant damage was inflicted on the enemy in manpower and military equipment.

In 1945-1948. - student of the Military Academy named after. K. E. Voroshilova.

In 1948-1950 - Deputy commander of the 49th separate rifle brigade.

In 1950-1955 - Senior Lecturer at the Military Academy of Logistics and Supply.

Since 1955 he was transferred to the reserve.

For his courage and heroism in the battle of Moscow, captain Bauyrzhan Momyshuly was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union in 1942, but was awarded it only posthumously on December 11, 1990.


  • "The Story of One Night"
  • “Moscow is behind us. Notes from an officer" (1962).
  • Biographical story about General I.V. Panfilov “Our General.”
  • Book of stories and short stories “Our Family” (awarded the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR in 1976).
  • Travel essays “Cuban meetings”.
  • Chronicle book “Psychology of War”.
  • Stories “I Remember Them”, “Platoon Commander Nikolai Redin”, “Back”, etc.


  1. - “Moscow is behind us” A heroic film story based on the books and materials of Baurzhan Momyshuly, “Kazakhfilm”, director Mazhit Begalin. In the role of Kauken Kenzhetaev.
  2. - "Volokolamskoe highway" . Film-play of the Gorky Moscow Art Theater based on the story by A. Beck “Volokolamsk Highway”. Directed by Vsevolod Shilovsky. In the role of Senior Lieutenant Momyshuly - Boris Shcherbakov.
  3. - Documentary film “Kazakhtyn Bauyrzhany” Legendary Baurzhan, “Kazakhfilm”, director Kalila Umarov.
  4. 2013 - Feature series “Bauyrzhan Momyshuly”, Kazakhstan, film company “Sataifilm”, director Akan Sataev. In the role of Erkebulan Dayyrov.

Contemporaries about Baurzhan Momyshuly

  • One of the academy’s students, I.M. Golushko, recalls Momysh-uly’s extraordinary teaching talent in his memoirs “Soldiers of the Home Front”:

Speaking about the positive influence of the best teachers on our audience, I cannot help but remember first of all a man who is semi-legendary in our eyes. We are talking about Colonel Baurdzhan Momysh-Uly, who taught a course in general tactics. Many of us learned about him from Alexander Beck’s book “Volokolamsk Highway”, in which Baurdzhan is featured as the central character. Our interest in this man increased even more when it became known that the colonel himself wrote talentedly on war topics and had already published several short stories and short stories in a local publishing house. We, of course, immediately took them out, read them and recognized this “test of writing” as very promising. We always looked forward to Momysh-uly’s lectures with interest. He presented any material clearly, often resorting to diagrams rather than notes, and supporting each thesis with instructive examples from combat experience. He knew how to somehow simply, without distinction in rank, and at the same time be demanding of all listeners. While analyzing complex issues of tactics, he gradually taught us to think independently. For this purpose, he could interrupt his story in the most unexpected place to ask: “What does Captain Ivanov think about this?” or “What would Comrade Petrov do in this situation?” And the listeners were constantly ready to report their decision and justify their course of action. Constant contact between the teacher and the audience forced students to creatively comprehend all the material being studied.

At our academy, Colonel Momysh-uly was loved by both students and teachers for the simplicity and directness of his judgments, for his honesty and cheerful disposition. He knew how to talk captivatingly about the difficult battles waged by their Panfilov division and about the exploits of his fellow soldiers. The most interesting were his memories of the battle near Moscow, in which Baurdzhan took an active part as a battalion commander, and of the battles at the end of the war, when he was already a division commander.

  • In 1963, an interview with Fidel Castro was published. To the question: “Who would you call a hero of the Second World War?” Castro replied:

Soon Bauyrzhan Momyshuly was invited as a personal guest of Cuban Defense Minister Raul Castro.

  • Colonel General I.M. Chistyakov in his book “Serving the Fatherland” wrote about Bauyrzhan Momyshuly:

I knew the commander of the 1073rd Infantry Regiment, Major Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, even before the war from joint service in the Far East. He was a young commander, Kazakh by nationality, with a tough and stubborn character and handsome appearance. I knew that I.V. Panfilov valued him very much for his special courage and ingenuity. Near Moscow, his battalion, being surrounded and without contact with the regiment for several days, fought with superior enemy forces. In fierce battles, the guards destroyed 400 fascists within two days, delayed their advance along the Volokolamsk highway and then, maneuvering through the forest, broke the encirclement and reached their regiment. After this battle, Panfilov kept Momyshuly’s battalion with him as a reserve, sending it into battle in the most difficult cases. I liked Momyshuly’s one more quality - truthfulness. No matter how hard it was for him, I knew that he would always tell the truth; he demanded the same from his subordinates.

  • A letter written by the commander of the 8th Guards Rifle Division, Colonel I. I. Serebryakov, and the head of the personnel department of the 8th Guard Division, Major Kondratov:

"TO THE PRESIDIUM OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE UNION OF THE USSR Copy: TO THE SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE KAZAKH SSR (for information) I consider it my duty to report: In July 1941, I arrived in Alma-Ata to the post of chief of staff of the 316th Infantry Division, commanded by Major General Panfilov. The division was subsequently renamed the 8th Guards Rifle Division and was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and the Order of Lenin for the battles near Moscow. I was the chief of staff of this division for a long time and during the offensive battles, from March 1942 to October 1942, I commanded this division At one time, neither General Panfilov, nor General Chistyakov, who commanded the division at that time, and I, as their first deputy and subsequently division commander, due to a number of circumstances, were unable to note the well-deserved feats performed repeatedly in battle by one of the veteran officers of the Panfilov division , who grew up in battles from senior lieutenant to colonel, now living Baurdzhan Momysh-Ula. The duty of justice requires me, having outlined in this letter the feats he accomplished, to turn to you with a request. Baurdzhan Momysh-Uly, with the rank of senior lieutenant, was appointed battalion commander of the 19th Guards Rifle Regiment. As a battalion commander, he fought 27 battles in maneuver defense conditions near Moscow in 1941. Breaking away 5 times from the division behind enemy lines, in order to carry out special tasks set by Major General Panfilov in conditions of encirclement, he skillfully led his battalion and the units assigned to it from the encirclement, preserving manpower and equipment. 1. On October 26, 1941, Comrade Momysh-Uly, being a battalion commander, brought 690 people, 18 artillery harnesses, 30 carts from encirclement to Volokolamsk after stubborn fighting on the right line, conducting an organized battle to withdraw the battalion from encirclement on intermediate lines on over 35 km. In these battles, the battles given to the division in the area of ​​Safatovo, Milovani, Ryukhovskoye and Spas-Ryukhovskoye were of particular importance for the division, when the battalion crashed into the tail of the German columns advancing on Volokolamsk, which contributed to gaining time and separating the main force of the division from pursuing the enemy and delaying for 2 days the main enemy forces in the Volokolamsk direction. In the battles for the city of Volokolamsk in the period from October 27, 1941 to November 15, 1941, the Momysh-Uly battalion was repeatedly distinguished by its actions in defeating the German invaders. For all these exploits in the period from October 16, 1941 to November 15, 1941, General Panfilov on November 7, 1941 presented senior lieutenant Momysh-Uly with a government award - the Order of Lenin. The fate of the award list is still unknown, and the well-deserved exploits of Comrade Momysh-Ula remained uncelebrated. 2. From 11/16/41 to 11/20/1941, the battalion under the command of Momysh-Ula fought under conditions of encirclement in the area of ​​the village of Goryuny on the Volokolamsk highway, the Matrenino railway station, cutting off the main routes of movement of the main enemy forces advancing on Moscow. At this time, parts of the division were retreating to the next intermediate line, and the actions of the Momysh-Ula battalion ensured that the main force of the division was separated from the advancing enemy force and occupied the next line. In these battles, the battalion destroyed up to 600 Nazis, 6 tanks and captured trophies: 6 heavy machine guns, 12 light machine guns, 2 guns, 8 radio stations, 2 staff vehicles with documents, including many “owls.” secret documents” deciphering the main forces of the Volokolamsk enemy group. On November 20, 1941, the battalion, having broken through the ring, fighting repeated battles behind enemy lines, joined its regiment by November 23, 1941. He brought with him 300 people, 2 guns, 16 carts, 4 heavy machine guns and again joined the division as a combat-ready unit. 3. In the area of ​​the village of Lopastino - Desyatidvorka Momysh-Uly, on November 25, 1941, with one anti-tank gun, two mortars, two heavy machine guns and half a platoon of soldiers, he made a night raid on the enemy’s location, where up to 200 German soldiers were destroyed. This feat also remained uncelebrated. 4. From 11/26/41 to 12/7/41, senior lieutenant Momysh-Uly commanded the 1073rd Rifle Regiment, now the 19th Guards Rifle Regiment. a) In the area of ​​the village of Sokolov, from November 26, 1941 to November 30, 1941, the Momysh-Uly regiment fought stubborn battles for four days, repulsed enemy attacks four times, despite intense air bombing; b) In the battles for the station and the village of Kryukovo, the regiment was in the center of the division’s battle formation and fought stubborn battles from 11/31/41 to 12/7/1941. 12/5/1941 in these battles comrade. Momysh-Uly was wounded and, knowing that there was nowhere to retreat further and that a small number of people remained in the regiment, he refused to leave the battlefield and continued to lead it until December 7, 1941. In the Kryukov battles, up to an infantry regiment, 18 tanks and many others were destroyed equipment, and together with other units of the division, on December 8, 1941, the regiment launched a counteroffensive. This heroic act of the young officer also went unnoticed; c) During the winter offensive of 1942, comrade. Momysh-Uly, with the rank of captain, with one and a half battalions of riflemen, in a bold night raid, defeated the reserves of the SS division “Totenkopf”, destroying 1200 Nazis and capturing a junction of six roads with settlements: Borodino, Barklavitsa, Troshkovo, Trokhovo, Konyusheno, Vashkovo, and thereby 6 . 2.1942 ensured the fulfillment of the division's mission, depriving the enemy of the ways and opportunities to supply reserves and ammunition to the Sokolov group, which stubbornly defended the village of Sokolovo for three days; d) 8.2.1942, finding ourselves with a platoon of scouts that had accidentally separated from the regiment in the Bol area. Sheludkovo, came across retreating enemy units: a column of up to 600 people and 8 tanks. In a sudden fire raid, the platoon destroyed up to 200 German soldiers and captured important operational documents. 5. From 2/27/1942 to 5/13/1942, occupying defense in unfavorable conditions, in a wooded and swampy area on a wide front, in the area of ​​​​the villages of Dubrovka, Kobljaki, being in the fire bag of the 1st, 4th, 5th air-ground German regiments, the Momysh-Ula regiment repelled up to hundreds of attacks, without conceding a single meter of ground to the enemy, inflicting heavy losses on him. Taking into account all the above military merits of Momysh-Ula, in August 1942 I issued an award sheet for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, whose fate is still unknown. While outlining far from fully the exploits of Momysh-Ula, I consider it my duty to inform you and ask, on the basis of the above, in accordance with the statutes of the orders of the USSR, to honor Comrade Momysh-Ula within the limits that you consider possible, for justice requires this of me. Guard Colonel Momysh-Uly, born in 1910, Kazakh by nationality, member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) since 1942, participant in the Patriotic War since September 1941. In the Red Army since 1936, seriously wounded on December 5, 1941 in the Kryukovo area. Residence: Moscow, Kropotkina street, 19, Academy of the General Staff of the Red Army named after Voroshilov. Former commander of the 8th Guards Rifle Division of the Guard, Colonel Serebryakov. Head of the personnel department of the 8th Guards Division, Major Kondratov.

M Omysh-uly Baurdzhan - battalion commander and commander of the 1073rd (from November 1941 - 19th Guards) rifle regiment of the 316th, from November 1941 - 8th Guards Red Banner Rifle Division of the 16th Army of the Western Front.

Born on December 24, 1910 (January 6, 1911) in the village of Urak-Balva, now the Dzhuvalinsky district of the Dzhambul region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in a peasant family. Kazakh. In 1929 he graduated from 9 classes. He worked as an economist at an industrial bank, secretary of the district executive committee, head of the district police, and instructor at the Alma-Ata city military registration and enlistment office of the Kazakh SSR.

In the Red Army from 1932 to 1934 and from 1936. In 1933 he graduated from the regimental school.

In the battles of the Great Patriotic War from September 1941, as part of the legendary division under the command of Major General I.V. Panfilov. Member of the CPSU(b)/CPSU since 1942.

As a battalion commander of the 1073rd Rifle Regiment (316th, from November 1941 - 8th Guards Rifle Division, 16th Army, Western Front), senior lieutenant Momysh-uly participated in 27 battles during the defense of Moscow.

During the second general offensive of the Wehrmacht on Moscow from November 16 to 18, 1941, the battalion of senior lieutenant Momysh-uly, separated from the division, heroically fought on the Volokolamsk highway near the village of Matronino. The skillful leadership of the battalion commander made it possible to delay the Nazis at this point for 3 days. After which senior lieutenant Momysh-uly led the battalion out of the encirclement combat-ready.

As the commander of the 19th Guards Rifle Regiment, on November 26-30, 1941, Guard Captain Momysh-uly in the area of ​​the village of Sokolovo, Moscow Region, together with his regiment, fought stubborn battles for four days, successfully repelling enemy attacks. On December 5, 1941, B. Momysh-uly was wounded, but did not leave the battlefield. During the battle in the village of Dubrovka, Moscow Region, he was again seriously wounded and was in the hospital until March 1944. In the same year he graduated from the Officer Improvement Course at the Military Academy of the General Staff.

Since January 21, 1945, Guard Colonel Baurdzhan Momysh-uly commanded the 9th Guards Rifle Division of the 2nd Guards Rifle Corps of the 6th Guards Army of the 2nd Baltic Front. In February - March 1945, northwest of the Priekule station (Lithuania), units of the division skillfully led by him broke through three lines of heavily fortified enemy defenses. As a result of the division's offensive, 15 settlements were liberated and significant damage was inflicted on the enemy in manpower and military equipment.

Z and for the courage and heroism shown in the battle of Moscow, Captain Baurdzhan Momysh-uly in 1942 was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but it was awarded to him only on December 11, 1990 posthumously...

After the war, the brave officer continued to serve in the Armed Forces of the USSR. In 1948 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff. Since 1950 - senior lecturer at the Military Academy of Logistics and Supply of the Soviet Army. Since December 1955, Colonel Momysh-uly has been in reserve. Lived in the city of Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan). Member of the USSR Writers' Union. Died on June 10, 1982. He was buried at the Kensai cemetery in Almaty.

Awarded the Order of Lenin (December 11, 1990, posthumously), 2 Orders of the Red Banner (06/6/1942; ...), Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree (06/6/1945), Red Banner of Labor (01/15/1971), Friendship of Peoples ( 12/23/1980), Red Star (...), “Badge of Honor” (01/3/1959), medals.

In Kazakhstan, streets are named after the Hero in the cities of Almaty, Dzhambul, Guryev (now Aterau), in the village of Assa, Dzhambul region; sports complex in the regional center of Burnoe, Dzhambul region; secondary schools in the cities of Almaty (No. 131), Dzhambul (No. 44), Shymkent (No. 42); Military boarding school in Almaty; state farm in Dzhuvalinsky district. The monument to Baurdzhan Momysh-uly was erected in front of the school building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Shymkent city).

Bauyrzhan Momyshuly is an outstanding personality in the history of Kazakhstan. Hero, writer, extraordinary personality. The author's books are imbued with patriotism. They became the first literary works of the military genre in the history of the country. How did the writer live and work? What significant events has he seen? What awards did you receive for your achievements? Read in the article.

Bauyrzhan Momyshuly: biography

The future writer and Hero of the Soviet Union was born on December 24, 1910 into a family of nomadic villagers. He lost his mother early. Raising the child fell on the shoulders of close relatives. From a young age, Bauyrzhan Momyshuly lived in several boarding schools. At nineteen, the young man graduated from school. Since 1928, Bauyrzhan worked in the district executive committee and changed several positions. In 1932 he was drafted into the army. The very next year he graduated from college and became an officer.

At the end of the 1930s, life took the writer to the Far East. Here he was listed as the commander of an artillery battery. Fought with the Kwantung Army. From 1939 he served in the Carpathians for several months. After a short visit to his homeland, he returned to the front in 1941.

Shoulder to shoulder with the writer, hundreds of his compatriots heroically fought and died in the battles near Moscow. He commanded a battalion, then headed a division. Today his experience is being studied in military educational institutions in Israel and the USA. The writer created essays in the barracks, in the trenches and surrounded by others. Written field notebooks containing gunpowder, drops of blood of compatriots and smoke of war became the basis for the creation of heartfelt works that were republished in several countries. The outstanding achievements of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly were noted by government and state awards and orders. Named after the hero:

  • Schools.
  • Sport complexes.
  • Dozens of streets in cities and villages.
  • District center in Zhambyl region.

His family and descendants are proud of his achievements and cherish the fond memory of his exploits. During his life, the writer was married three times. His first wife gave him an heir. Momyshuly Bakhytzhan, that was the name of the first-born, became a writer and followed in the footsteps of his famous father. In recent years, Bauyrzhan lived in, where he died in the summer of 1982.

Bauyrzhan Momyshuly: books

An outstanding writer - a participant in the battle for Moscow and other important battles. All his works are inspired by the experiences of participating in military battles and tell about that difficult period in the life of the people. They describe real events and comrades who fought side by side with him. Let's look at the author's most famous books that we recommend reading:

“Moscow is behind us”

"Our family"

A valuable collection of works on military topics from a historical point of view. The documentation of the events is beyond doubt. The story centers on the liberation of villages and towns from the German occupiers. Bauyrzhan Momyshuly said that any goal in life is achieved only through struggle, and isolation serves as the main obstacle to achieving a dream. It reflects the personal qualities and life dilemmas of a strong-willed person. In 1976, the writer was awarded the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR precisely for this work.

"Psychology of War"

This is a collection of lectures and speeches by the writer. In them, the author shares his life wisdom and teaches him to courageously withstand all the trials of fate. The author's statement about youth most accurately characterizes the book. He said that the new generation should be brought up in noble traditions. It should be remembered, Bauyrzhan Momyshuly convinced, that tradition is not a tribute to the past:

This is a mighty weapon of war, forged and honed in the past for the great battles of the present and future.

Bauyrzhan Momyshuly is the author of other books: “Front-line meetings”, “The Story of One Night”, “An Officer’s Diary”. They have become a significant asset of the literature of Kazakhstan and have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. Learn to better understand war, its nature and causes with the help of clues that the writer left on the pages of books.

Thanks to his achievements and iron principles of life, Bauyrzhan Momyshuly became the hero of Alexander Bek’s war novel “Volokolamsk Highway”. His life and work were studied by Kh. S. Mukhambetkaliev, K. Serikbaev. Their works include journalistic works of the war years, declassified archival sources and interesting facts from the life of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly.

The celebration of the 90th anniversary of the writer’s birth was attended by government officials and the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. His speech characterizes the life and role of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev stated: “The son of the Kazakh land Bauyrzhan Momyshuly remains a common compatriot for all the peoples of the Commonwealth. A soldier and a national writer, he left us all the main thing - a bright faith in man, in the strength of his spirit.” Thirst for life, bright style, authenticity in the smallest details - this is what characterizes the works of the famous Kazakh artist.

Bauyrzhan Momyshuly is a legendary name. On December 24, 2000, he would have turned 90 years old. A famous writer, a famous warrior of the Great Patriotic War, a true people's hero.

Bauyrzhan Momyshuly was born in 1910 in the Dzhambul region. While still a young man, he worked as a teacher, secretary of the district executive committee, financier, and chief of police. In 1936, he was called up for active military service and forever linked his future with the Soviet Army. During the Great Patriotic War, he was the only Kazakh division commander. He went through the entire long war, first with the rank of senior lieutenant, and at the end of the war as a colonel. He commanded a platoon, battalion, regiment and division.

The battle of Moscow occupies a special place in Momyshuly’s biography. He fought as part of the 316th Infantry Division, formed in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in the summer of 1941 under the command of General I.V. Panfilova. Then for the first time they started talking about B. Momyshuly as a talented commander. For heroic battles in the Volokolamsk direction on November 7, General Panfilov presented Senior Lieutenant Momyshuly with the Order of Lenin (the highest award in the country at that time). But the fate of the award sheet is still unknown.

The famous writer A. Bek wrote a wonderful story “Volokolamsk Highway” about the feat of the soldiers and commanders of the Panfilov division, in which many pages are dedicated to the courageous warrior, Kazakh officer, our fellow countryman.

There were many other glorious pages in Momyshuly’s military biography: just listing them would take a lot of time. Considering Momyshuly’s significant military merits, his other commander, Colonel I.I. In August 1942, Serebryakov nominated Bauyrzhan for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

It is also unknown what happened to this award sheet. The subsequent military deeds of our fellow countryman were not adequately noted. Momyshuly was awarded a total of three military orders - the Red Banner, the Patriotic War, 1st degree, and the Red Star...

Economic development of Kazakhstan in 1960-1980

Having condemned voluntarism and subjectivism in resolving all issues of domestic and foreign policy at the October 1964 Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, the new leadership of the country paid primary attention to restoring the functionality of the party and the party-state apparatus. On November 16, 1964, the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee curtailed the party reform of 1962 and decided to return to the territorial production principle of building party organizations and their governing bodies as provided for in the party charter. Over the next month, industrial and rural regional and regional party organizations were united. At the same time, unified Soviet bodies were restored.

In 1965, the focus was on the country's economic issues. It was decided to strengthen economic relations in society, encourage material interest as a stimulus for social production, and begin stabilizing the economy and agriculture.

On March 24-26, 1965, the plenum of the CPSU Central Committee discussed urgent measures to develop agriculture in the USSR. L.I. Brezhnev made a report on the main issue. He noted errors in leadership that brought agricultural production to the pre-crisis level: violation of economic laws and principles of material interest; subjectivity in planning, financing and lending to agriculture; small capital investments; unreasonable restructuring of governing bodies; numerous template instructions from above on agricultural technology, structure of sown areas and other issues; ignoring the knowledge and experience of specialists.

The rise of collective and state farm production was called a vital task. The March (1965) plenum of the Central Committee instructed the USSR government to take urgent measures. Prices for agricultural products were raised, premiums were introduced for their above-plan sales, the material base of collective and state farms was strengthened, and tax policy was changed. Measures were also taken to introduce self-financing in agriculture, providing for labor incentives. The Plenum recommended that collective farms develop a new model charter for the agricultural artel to replace the 1935 charter. The plenum passed over in silence the issues of developing private farming.

A stable long-term plan, good prices, government loans - all this led to a temporary acceleration of agricultural production and a decrease in the severity of the food issue.

But the problem of the village still remained unresolved. Even the transfer of a number of farms to economic accounting in 1967 did not lead to a radical change. Increased personnel turnover led to the regular use of army and townspeople in agriculture, as well as the invitation of labor from other republics. Thus, during the harvesting work in 1968, 16 thousand combine operators and several thousand military personnel were sent to Kazakhstan. The use of labor of pupils and students in agricultural work has become traditional.

In 1963, Cuban leader Fidel Castro gave an interview to a Spanish-language newspaper, during which he was asked which World War II hero he considered his idol. The educated and well-read Fidel called the Soviet officer from Kazakhstan Baurzhan Momysh-uly his idol. The head of Cuba read about the feat of this serviceman in Alexander Beck’s story “Volokolamsk Highway,” which described the heroic actions of the 8th Guards Panfilov Division. Baurzhan was the main character of the book, but now few people remember him. Next, we suggest finding out what made the man whom Fidel considers his idol famous for.

A stately and handsome young officer went to serve in the Red Army several years before the Great Patriotic War. During this time, he managed to train as an artillery officer, took part in battles in the Far East with the Japanese army, and participated in the campaign in Bessarabia. Afterwards he went to serve in Alma-Ata, where the war found him. In the fall of 1941, he asked to volunteer for the front, just at that time the 316th Infantry Division was being formed in the city. Already at the creation stage, it was assumed that this unit would be one of the most combat-ready - adult men who had an understanding of the war were sent to it, all of them were volunteers. In the unit, Momysh-uly was appointed battalion commander. The very first assignment of the division threatened to become the last - the military unit was sent to protect the approaches to Moscow. The command understood that the advancing Wehrmacht units would simply sweep away the 316th, but it was necessary to hold the capital until the Far Eastern armies arrived. The matter was complicated by the fact that the Soviet command literally prohibited the study of defensive concepts in the army; it was assumed that the Red Army should win through offensive operations on foreign soil. For a different point of view, one could lose one's position.

But Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov, who happened to command the 316th division, resorted to a trick. He developed the tactics of spiral warfare. In his opinion, given the numerically superior enemy, acting with the usual methods was suicide. Thus, his division had to hold a front more than 40 kilometers long, although according to all wartime standards they could only defend 12 kilometers. In such a situation, any concentrated enemy strike would break through the defenses. And then Panfilov proposed to act as follows. The unit did not need to set up an entire defensive front. Instead, it was necessary to strike a moving enemy column, and, after a short battle, move away from the advancing enemy. Along the way, small ambushes and pockets of resistance were organized behind the retreating division, which lured the enemy towards the retreating ones, simultaneously delaying them. After the enemy stretched out, the division abruptly changed direction and returned again to strike the main forces. Such harassing blows greatly stretched the enemy's forces, which greatly slowed down his advance. As a result, the division not only survived, contrary to all forecasts, but also did so heroically, for which it was renamed the 8th Guards Panfilov.

It is noteworthy that Panfilov developed only a theory, but it was the battalion commander Momysh-uly who brought it to life best of all. Having entered the battle in mid-October 1941 as a battalion commander, in November he already led the regiment, although he remained an “old man.” The significance of his merits can be judged by the fact that Panfilov’s defensive theory was called the “Momyshuly spiral.” Colonel General Erich Hoepner commanded the 4th Panzer Group, and it was he who had to deal with the tactics of the young Kazakh. During the offensive, he would write in his reports to Hitler: “A savage division, fighting in violation of all regulations and rules of engagement, whose soldiers do not surrender, are extremely fanatical and are not afraid of death.” The only wild thing about the International Volunteer Division was that they were not familiar with the German plans. Instead of dying heroically under the tracks of German tank armadas, the Momysh-Uly regiment chose life and victory.

The tactics of the “wild” Kazakh can be judged from several episodes. On his first day at the front, the lieutenant suggested to the regiment commander that he create a detachment of one hundred volunteers and make a night sortie with them. He took only the most experienced with him and at night he approached one of the villages occupied by the enemy. In less than an hour of battle, three hundred enemies were destroyed. Near Demyansk, the senior lieutenant’s regiment had a chance to meet with the SS division “Totenkopf”. Here he again had to fight a numerically superior enemy. He targeted six villages occupied by the enemy. Twenty detachments into which the regiment was divided alternately attacked all targets at once under the cover of darkness. As soon as the enemy organized a defense, the detachment retreated, and a few minutes later another squad attacked the village from the other side. And such hell went on in all six directions for several hours. The famous division with a great name held out as best it could, but was confident that it was holding back the main offensive of the Soviet army. They had no idea that they were fighting with one battered regiment. During the night, the loss of Momysh-uly fighters amounted to 157 soldiers, the SS division was missing 1,200 soldiers.

As we see, the starley adhered to the tactics of Alexander Suvorov - to always maintain the initiative in the offensive. However, modern realities also had to be taken into account. Panfilov's men could not fight one general battle. After that. How they defeated one German unit. Several others attacked them. Momysh-uly repeatedly found himself surrounded, but each time he broke through, while keeping his battalion, regiment and division in full combat readiness. The 30-year-old lieutenant began his legendary journey in October 1941 as a battalion commander, a month later he was already commanding a regiment, and in February he headed his native division, while still remaining a senior lieutenant. Only a few months later, one by one, he was awarded extraordinary ranks up to colonel. At the same time he was nominated for the title of Hero of the USSR, but was refused.

The delays in rewards were influenced by his peculiar character. Colleagues described him as a cheerful, cheerful person who always told the truth. This became the cause of many frictions with management. This caused a rather comical situation in the future. According to the stories of Momysh-uly’s stepdaughter, her adoptive father rarely used his connections and influence, but he loved to read about himself in newspapers. He learned how highly Fidel Castro and Che Guevara appreciated his exploits and immediately sent them an invitation to visit. During their visit to the USSR, the Cuban guests immediately stated that they would like to meet the legendary “wild” Kazakh.

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