Labyrinth for the dark fairy read online by alexandra cherchen. Labyrinth for the Dark Fairy Labyrinth for the Black Fairy

Mechanized tools 21.12.2020

I stood at the edge of the platform, clung to the column and peered into the distance. Alas, nothing interesting was noticed there. However, this did not stop for a moment to imagine himself as a commander, who, proudly straightening up and holding a mighty hand to his eyes for a better view, studies the horizon for the approach of the enemy.

However, aspirations were not given to come true, partly due to the lack of a horizon in this demonic cave and the thick gloom, and partly due to the fact that you cannot see my enemy in such conditions!

She sighed in frustration, plopped down on the nearest pillow and pulled the fruit platter to her. Propping her fist on her cheek, she began to study the already boring landscape.

I was sitting in a small building in the center of a huge cave. How more specifically to call this miracle of architecture, I could not think of. Too small for a castle, large for a mansion, I generally keep quiet about architecture.

The cave is lit by a strange lichen, which successfully crawled not only along the walls, but also managed to evolve into some kind of flying form. Apparently, the plant felt the change of day on the surface, and therefore its yellowish-amber glow either almost faded, or was bright enough for me to see the entire labyrinth surrounding my temporary refuge.

Very soon there will be fifty dark elves here, eager to marry me. Contrary to popular belief, I did not want to get married. Moreover, on such conditions.

Once again she looked at the splendor around me and sighed sadly.

But it all started so well!

I was spinning around the mirror with a joyful purr. An unprecedented enthusiasm and anticipation reigned in my soul. The reflection flashed at me with satisfied green eyes, straightening black hair, pulled into an intricate hairstyle of braids, and waving its wings.

Today is a special day! The day that I had to wait a year longer than all my contemporaries! Therefore, by the time of its onset, not the slightest fear remained, only the desire for everything to happen sooner.

I'm a fairy. The creature is known to be loving, but at the same time loyal. Yes, yes, such is the paradox.

Once a year, at the height of summer, the power of all fairies who have come of age this season reaches its zenith. And then a holiday and ritual is held. The sacred mystery of knowing a man and the joys of love. After that, the fairy is considered independent and can wander the world in search of her chosen one, helping everyone who did not manage to escape from the breadth of her nature.

Unfortunately, my strength did not reach the required level by the time I came of age, and I had to wait another year. This is probably why there was no fear of what was to come. Only impatience and anticipation!

Oh yeah! I spun around and adjusted my black and white negligee. She straightened the laces on her lush bosom and, casting a critical glance at the reflection, bent down, pulled up her stockings in a black and white diamond and tightened the garters decorated with crystals.

She squinted at the door and bit her lip.

Well, where is my light elf ?! I'm waiting for him here, but you know, no!

Of course, the appointed hour had not yet struck, but that still did not stop me from going crazy in anticipation. I turned around and slid onto the bed in one long jump, accelerating my wings.

She stretched out on a black bedspread embroidered with silver threads and sighed languidly. The skin was hot and sensitive, even the delicate silk fabric was sharply felt on it as never before.

Where is he?

I had known the elf assigned to me for almost a year and even managed to fall in love with him a little during this period.

Then the door creaked, and, throwing up, I stared at the newcomer with all my eyes and forgot about breathing.


Tall, showy. A black vest that is unbuttoned sets off his golden skin and reveals a delightfully wide and muscular chest. Sliding my gaze to the abs and below, I stared with interest at the line of golden hairs that hid behind the belt of black trousers.

There was so much promise in a low but melodic timbre with an exciting hoarseness ...

After wiping my forehead from the perspiration that had come out, I answered indistinctly:

Good night Dan ...

Are my ligaments still obeying me? Hurrah!

Have you been waiting for me? - asked the elf, making a couple of steps forward and slowly starting to pull off his vest.

Mommy wings, and what hands he has! Pumped up, and biceps so straight ... um straight!

I suppressed the urge to nod my dummy in response to a question and, with a vague wave of my hand, said:

The situation is appropriate. So yeah ...

Another step towards me and towards the bed ... I felt that my knees began to tremble, despite the fact that I was sitting!

That's good, ”he almost purred, tucking a lock of golden hair behind a pointed ear. “Leah, little Leah ... poisonous fairy flower. I'm so glad I got you. Tonight ... you're mine. All mine. From fingertips to crown. And I will do whatever I want with all this wealth!

I miraculously didn’t fall into a blissful swoon from such promises.

Yes Yes Yes! I almost clapped my hands! Just try not to do it!

Leah! - a vest flew to the side.

Dan! - I exhaled, looking with delight at the stunning male body, which is just five steps away - and will be at my complete disposal.

My fairy! - the elf growled, scorching with a str-r-raven look.

Yes! - Well, what can you do - in such a situation, unlike an experienced man, my vocabulary was lost.

Three steps! Ueeeee!

I had already prepared for fierce kisses and strong hugs and wondered how appropriate it would be now to open mine to him.

But still she decided to take a more quivering pose and lower her gaze.

Sweetheart ... - The bed sagged under the heavy body, and I finally decided that the night was clearly set.

I looked up and sighed intermittently.

The elf gave a short growl and, it seems, will now pounce on me. What a charm!

But, as you know, rarely what happens in our life exactly the way we want.

At this truly epic moment, my figure enveloped in a purple glow and ... disappeared.

The elf collapsed onto the bed, clutching the air that could not reciprocate.

And I ... I flew somewhere in the subspace, swaddled like a doll, alien magic and ... wildly evil !!!

Threw me out of the portal in some strange place. The great hall was lit by numerous stone bowls, in which blue fire splashed. Its blue reflections fell on the granite walls and faces of those around me ... and made the lines of the pentagram in which I stood sparkle.

Our chosen one has arrived! - there was a sonorous voice.

Everyone rustled approvingly, and I looked around in panic, trying to understand what I had been elected for and, most importantly, how I managed to miss this bright moment.

I looked around. She shook her head, trying to recover.

The dark elves were all around. There are a lot of dark elves who have definitely gathered here for some kind of event! And my priest unequivocally hinted to me that we would not like it very much and it would be time to make legs from here.

I tried to go beyond the luminous lines, but as soon as I touched them with my fingertips, my skin prickled, and I with a quiet "Oh!" jumped to the side.

I advise you not to rush, young lady! Greetings!

The one to whom you owe your presence here!

And he was clearly proud of this dubious achievement. Prematurely, by the way!

I looked at the speaker from under my tousled bangs.

Ahead stood a tall, handsome drow in dark purple ceremonial robes and a protective smile on his insolent face. For some reason, Erysipelas simply asked for a fist or something worse. As I understand it, this is the culprit for the fact that my night of love was not successful ?!

What is this ... place ... yours ... and who are you, demons ... are you ?!

Since there was no beautiful light elf nearby, my vocabulary returned to me in all its lexical ranges.

The drow's face is distorted. It seems that the boldness of my speech did not fit into his ideas about beautiful fairies!

All around were whispering, and judging by the sound, several especially impressionable fainted. They were quietly dragged behind the columns. Hmmm ... I heard, of course, that some dark, very quivering natures, even with all their tender love for torture and amusements of a very perverse nature, but did not think that to such an extent.

Chosen One! - The nasty guy in the chlamyd tried to turn back onto the path of solemnity. - You have been given a great honor!

I don't need your honor! - stated in response.

Can I speak more decently ?! I heard that dark fairies speak in a peculiar way, but I did not think that so, - the drow was indignant, flashing bright blue eyes at me!

Eyes like that ... so he belongs to the priestly caste. And the outfit fits into this theory.

If you don't like it, don't listen, but don't bother swearing! - I chopped off and shivered chilly. Still, it was cold to stand in one lace peignoir and stockings. - This is our folk slang!

© Cherchen A., 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2017


I stood at the edge of the platform, clung to the column and peered into the distance. Alas, nothing interesting was noticed there. However, this did not stop for a moment to imagine himself as a commander, who, proudly straightening up and holding a mighty hand to his eyes for a better view, studies the horizon for the approach of the enemy.

However, aspirations were not given to come true, partly due to the lack of a horizon in this demonic cave and the thick gloom, and partly due to the fact that you cannot see my enemy in such conditions!

She sighed in frustration, plopped down on the nearest pillow and pulled the fruit platter to her. Propping her fist on her cheek, she began to study the already boring landscape.

I was sitting in a small building in the center of a huge cave. How more specifically to call this miracle of architecture, I could not think of. Too small for a castle, large for a mansion, I generally keep quiet about architecture.

The cave is lit by a strange lichen, which successfully crawled not only along the walls, but also managed to evolve into some kind of flying form. Apparently, the plant felt the change of day on the surface, and therefore its yellowish-amber glow either almost faded, or was bright enough for me to see the entire labyrinth surrounding my temporary refuge.

Very soon there will be fifty dark elves here, eager to marry me. Contrary to popular belief, I did not want to get married. Moreover, on such conditions.

Once again she looked at the splendor around me and sighed sadly.

But it all started so well!

Chapter 1

I was spinning around the mirror with a joyful purr. An unprecedented enthusiasm and anticipation reigned in my soul. The reflection flashed at me with satisfied green eyes, straightening black hair, pulled into an intricate hairstyle of braids, and waving its wings.

Today is a special day! The day that I had to wait a year longer than all my contemporaries! Therefore, by the time of its onset, not the slightest fear remained, only the desire for everything to happen sooner.

I'm a fairy. The creature is known to be loving, but at the same time loyal. Yes, yes, such is the paradox.

Once a year, at the height of summer, the power of all fairies who have come of age this season reaches its zenith. And then a holiday and ritual is held. The sacred mystery of knowing a man and the joys of love. After that, the fairy is considered independent and can wander the world in search of her chosen one, helping everyone who did not manage to escape from the breadth of her nature.

Unfortunately, my strength did not reach the required level by the time I came of age, and I had to wait another year. This is probably why there was no fear of what was to come. Only impatience and anticipation!

- Oh yeah! I spun around and adjusted my black and white negligee. She straightened the laces on her lush bosom and, casting a critical glance at the reflection, bent down, pulled up her stockings in a black and white diamond and tightened the garters decorated with crystals.

She squinted at the door and bit her lip.

Well, where is my light elf ?! I'm waiting for him here, but you know, no!

Of course, the appointed hour had not yet struck, but that still did not stop me from going crazy in anticipation. I turned around and slid onto the bed in one long jump, accelerating my wings.

She stretched out on a black bedspread embroidered with silver threads and sighed languidly. The skin was hot and sensitive, even the delicate silk fabric was sharply felt on it as never before.

Where is he?

I had known the elf assigned to me for almost a year and even managed to fall in love with him a little during this period.

Then the door creaked, and, throwing up, I stared at the newcomer with all my eyes and forgot about breathing.


Tall, showy. A black vest that is unbuttoned sets off his golden skin and reveals a delightfully wide and muscular chest. Sliding my gaze to the abs and below, I stared with interest at the line of golden hairs that hid behind the belt of black trousers.

There was so much promise in a low but melodic timbre with an exciting hoarseness ...

After wiping my forehead from the perspiration that had come out, I answered indistinctly:

- Good night, Dan ...

Are my ligaments still obeying me? Hurrah!

- Have you been expecting me? - asked the elf, making a couple of steps forward and slowly starting to pull off his vest.

Mommy wings, and what hands he has! Pumped up, and biceps so straight ... um straight!

I suppressed the urge to nod my dummy in response to a question and, with a vague wave of my hand, said:

- The situation is appropriate. So yeah ...

Another step towards me and towards the bed ... I felt that my knees began to tremble, despite the fact that I was sitting!

“That's good,” he almost purred, tucking a lock of golden hair behind a sharp ear. “Leah, little Leah ... poisonous fairy flower. I'm so glad I got you. Tonight ... you're mine. All mine. From fingertips to crown. And I will do whatever I want with all this wealth!

I miraculously didn’t fall into a blissful swoon from such promises.

Yes Yes Yes! I almost clapped my hands! Just try not to do it!

- Leah! - a vest flew to the side.

- Dan! - I exhaled, looking with delight at the stunning male body, which is just five steps away - and will be at my complete disposal.

- My fairy! - the elf growled, scorching with a str-r-raven look.

- Yes! - Well, what can you do - in such a situation, unlike an experienced man, my vocabulary was lost.

Three steps! Ueeeee!

I had already prepared for fierce kisses and strong hugs and wondered how appropriate it would be now to open mine to him.

But still she decided to take a more quivering pose and lower her gaze.

- Sweetheart ... - The bed sagged under the heavy body, and I finally decided that the night was clearly set.

I looked up and sighed intermittently.

The elf gave a short growl and, it seems, will now pounce on me. What a charm!

But, as you know, rarely what happens in our life exactly the way we want.

At this truly epic moment, my figure enveloped in a purple glow and ... disappeared.

The elf collapsed onto the bed, clutching the air that could not reciprocate.

And I ... I flew somewhere in the subspace, swaddled like a doll, alien magic and ... wildly evil !!!

Threw me out of the portal in some strange place. The great hall was lit by numerous stone bowls, in which blue fire splashed. Its blue reflections fell on the granite walls and faces of those around me ... and made the lines of the pentagram in which I stood sparkle.

- Our chosen one has arrived! - there was a sonorous voice.

Everyone rustled approvingly, and I looked around in panic, trying to understand what I had been elected for and, most importantly, how I managed to miss this bright moment.

I looked around. She shook her head, trying to recover.

The dark elves were all around. There are a lot of dark elves who have definitely gathered here for some kind of event! And my priest unequivocally hinted to me that we would not like it very much and it would be time to make legs from here.

I tried to go beyond the luminous lines, but as soon as I touched them with my fingertips, my skin prickled, and I with a quiet "Oh!" jumped to the side.

“I advise you not to rush, young lady! Greetings!

- Who are you?

- The one to whom you owe your presence here!

And he was clearly proud of this dubious achievement. Prematurely, by the way!

I looked at the speaker from under my tousled bangs.

Ahead stood a tall, handsome drow in dark purple ceremonial robes and a protective smile on his insolent face. For some reason, Erysipelas simply asked for a fist or something worse. As I understand it, this is the culprit for the fact that my night of love was not successful ?!

“What is this… place… yours… and who are you, demons… such ?!

Since there was no beautiful light elf nearby, my vocabulary returned to me in all its lexical ranges.

The drow's face is distorted. It seems that the boldness of my speech did not fit into his ideas about beautiful fairies!

All around were whispering, and judging by the sound, several especially impressionable fainted. They were quietly dragged behind the columns. Hmmm ... I heard, of course, that some dark, very quivering natures, even with all their tender love for torture and amusements of a very perverse nature, but did not think that to such an extent.

- Chosen One! - The nasty guy in the chlamyd tried to turn back onto the path of solemnity. - You have been given a great honor!

- I don't need your honor! - stated in response.

- Can I speak more decently ?! I heard that dark fairies speak in a peculiar way, but I did not think that so, - the drow was indignant, flashing bright blue eyes at me!

Eyes like that ... so he belongs to the priestly caste. And the outfit fits into this theory.

- If you don't like it - don't listen, but don't bother swearing! - I chopped off and shivered chilly. Still, it was cold to stand in one lace peignoir and stockings. - This is our folk slang!

Something nasty flashed in the elf's azure eyes, and, impulsively turning to me, he again began to broadcast to the audience:

- Brothers and sisters! We are gathered here at the solemn hour! The dark fairy is in our hands, and after the worthy ones pass the Labyrinth, they will receive her as their wives! Thus, we will fulfill the behest of the goddess Lolth - the blood of the winged people will again flow in our veins! - The voice of the blue-eyed was again pouring molasses, enchanting everyone.

Only I stood and came in more and more shock. WHERE me ?!

And why are the worthy ones mentioned in the plural ?!

- Yes, you really …….?! - I emotionally expressed my attitude to the situation, I didn’t want to get married.

The priest only waved his hand, and a small ball flew in my direction, which, flying up, gagged my mouth!

“Stop disrupting the ceremony! If you're a good girl, I'll break the spell. I have to nod, agree and confirm everything, okay? "

"And if not?"

“If not, then you go through the rest of your life with a gag,” he replied rudely. - Judging by your character, the one who is not lucky to spend years with you will only be glad of it!

“Take it off,” I replied after thinking for a second and added very sarcastically, “I'll be a good girl!”

"It's hard to believe ..."

But the spell was gone.

While we were mentally talking, this multifunctional type managed to completely zombify the crowd. The drow glowed with happiness and nodded in agreement.

Another long speech followed, during which I occasionally waved my pen and smiled. When the priest finished, he turned abruptly and, breaking the protective lines of the pentagram, picked me up in his arms and carried me to the exit from the hall.

I, numb with surprise, fell silent in the arms of the drow and tried to understand the range of my complex sensations.

Dark elves are usually short and graceful.

And he ... turned out to be tall. Very tall and very large. Two heads higher, large, although flexible. Her white hair was tied back in a heavy, low ponytail, and barely noticeable glowing tattoos snaked across his dark brown face. He smelled of water and ... a man. By force.

It was easier to be rude at a distance.

As soon as we left the cave and walked a dozen steps away, they shook me to the floor and took a step back. Then he looked at me with an indescribable mixture of disgust and male admiration and gave:

- What is this ... outfit ?!

- You should at least ask where you pulled your chosen one! - I barked in response, feeling a great desire to hide behind. But she stood straight! I have nothing to be ashamed of, let this bastard be ashamed!

He just shook his head, sighed and, pulling off the top cape of his ceremonial robes, wrapped me in it. The fabric softly wrapped around the body, unexpectedly pleasant and tender. The drow gave me an appraising gaze from dark braids with silver chains woven into black and white stockings. He sighed with a martyrdom and picked him up again.

I calmed down, sensibly judging that first the kidnapper should be listened to. And it’s doubtful that I will be able to knock out that hefty forehead and escape. At the same time, let's not forget that in underground palaces there are still very, very many similar hefty foreheads! And this one is also the priest of Lolth ... in this light it is still very fortunate that he is trying to marry me, and not to feed the goddess spiders!

Finally we came to some kind of room that looked like a living room. I was very carelessly thrown onto the sofa and almost jumped behind the next one. Then they looked around nervously, noticed a decanter of water on the table and rushed towards it.

I watched with increasing interest as the drow poured water into a glass, tested it with magic, and only then drank.

She got up, threw off her robe, in which it became hot, and stretched with taste.

The elf looked me up and down and reached for the water again.

- Thirst tortured? - asked the man sympathetically.

I was not answered. They cast a look full of contempt, which lingered on the bust, and again drank some water.

On the third glass, the peasant felt better, and he became ready for a dialogue:

“So… winged, you have been given a great honor! Reach for the most worthy of the dark elf people! Among the contenders for the hand there is even the crown prince and ...

- And what is the benefit of the winged? - I insolently asked, interrupting the elf.

They looked at me so that there was a desire to wrap themselves in wings and hide.

But nothing! The man exhaled, smiled affectionately and said:

- Strength, power, wealth and high status among the people of the dark elves!

- I have it all at home. - I shrugged. - Moreover, without the need to go into some kind of marriage!

- Drow! - I laughed in response. And already peacefully asked: - Let's disperse amicably, eh? You will return me, and no one will be tormented, maybe even to death, hurt. And then I’m mad at you, by the way!

- Why is that? They pulled out a half-naked, barefoot, and even promised a rich groom, and the beautiful maiden is unhappy? - the priest joked.

- I need your suitors! You know what kind of man is waiting for me there ?! Mmm!

They looked at me for another long look, it seems, starting to understand why the chosen one is in such a peculiar form.

The drow's face turned to stone, and he said softly and harshly:

- Beauty, I have to disappoint. You have no options. "Mmmm what a man" will have to be left in a past life. Here you, perhaps, will organize more than one, do not worry. And I inform you that from now on you belong to the Schwach-Barbach family.

I almost burst out laughing. Schwach-Barbach ?!

Drums, damn it ...

- What?! And you have not beguiled anything ?! I am Lillian - the daughter of the head of the Black Moon and White Rose clan! Do you understand what my parents will do to you ?!

- For the successful marriage of your daughter? Gifts and dowry will be sent, I suppose, - the priest answered evenly and calmly. “Because even those who are not part of her cult will not go against Lolth's will.

I stood with my mouth open and closed. I clearly realized that I had nothing to oppose to him.

- All clear? The elf asked harshly.

- Yes, - I answered the most logical in this situation and asked with a mockery: - What is the name of my ... benefactor?

- Sol tu Ersh Shvakh-Barbakh.

- So you sent me to your family ?!

- First, you. And secondly, yes. Agree, dear lady, this is logical. It is the priests who will prepare you for the test in the Labyrinth.

- You, or what ?!

- Of course no. My honorable mother.

I wonder how he even thundered to the position of a priest? There, it seems, only women are taken, and in general, from the drow matriarchy, and the place of the peasant in the kitchen and in the bed, and between that - in battle.

By the way, about the bed!

- Question!

- Yes? The dark elf asked cautiously.

- In listing all the benefits that will fall on my head, for some reason there was no happiness in my personal life. And you, by the way, pulled me out of the coming-of-age ritual!

"Um ... coming of age?" You're fifty-one, honey. No need to deceive an adult uncle, ”the drow betrayed with a patronizing expression on his sophisticated, handsome face.

- Yes! But the strength has only reached its peak now!

- That is, you did not pass ...

- And, accordingly, they are not ready for the election of a life partner, - the priest finished the logical chain.

- Right! - I rejoiced at a ray of hope. - Will you bring me back now?

I did not doubt the answer! Well, why am I to him now? You can't give me such a marriage, I won't bring good luck!

I had already drifted into sweet dreams of reuniting with my wonderful light elf.

"No," the drow brought me down from heaven to earth at once.

- That. You stay.

- But why?

“I'll decide what to do with this… problem. - He waved his hand vaguely and - oh, miracle! - blushed a little.

I looked at the dark one with the utmost suspicion. What options did he come up with ?!

Apparently, my bad thoughts did not remain a secret for him.

The dark elf tugged at his clothes, gave me a contemptuous look and said:

“For your information, I am a priest!

Probably, this should have told and explained a lot to me?

- And? - I decided to clarify incomprehensible. - Does this cancel the fact that you are a man?

- No, of course! But I'm a priest!

- Did these crazy people castrate you, or what? - I was horrified.

“Well, the high priestesses of the spider goddess.

- Girl, you confused me. - Finally disoriented unfortunate rubbed his temples. - And about our problem ... I'll think of something.

- Our problem? - well, I asked very sarcastically.

- Ours! - the priest persisted in delusions.

Getting to know the Schwach-Barbach family turned out to be interesting. I would even say epic.

Probably the mother of the Honorable Sol tu Ersh had a weak heart. For when her son brought me to their house, and I accidentally did not keep the rag in which he carefully wrapped me, a shocked breath escaped not only from the priest, who is primarily a believer, and then a man, but also from a dark lady.

She clutched at her heart, sank into a chair and asked in a weak voice:

- And where ... the winged chosen one?

“I'm for her,” I said gloomily, wiggling my wings exponentially and even gracefully turned around so that I could be better seen.

Shvakh-Barbach turned pale, blushed and threw a cloak that had been thrown off at me. The robe covered my head, and while I was getting out, Sol managed to drag his mother somewhere.

But I didn't have time to look around and run away. A dark elf, evil, like three thousand demons, appeared on the threshold.

- How much can you?

- What can you do? - I asked innocently and wrapped myself in a raincoat more tightly.

Above, maybe, and denser, but the legs in stockings in rhombuses are now visible just fine!

"Lolth, why am I punished?" The dark one asked tiredly at the ceiling.

- For the initiative, - I answered kindly instead of the goddess, who, you see, was busy.

- All! I'm over it!

- Will you send me home? I hoped.

- No, - the dark one answered gloomily. - I went home. And I'll be back tomorrow. And so that you, ladies, are quiet, sweet and ... dressed!

He turned on his heel and flew out of the room. The door slammed deafeningly.

- Business ... - I sighed sadly.

A cough was heard from the other side of the room, and a melodious voice said:

“Lady, please go to your apartment.

I resigned myself to the fact that before escaping I must at least get dressed.

I managed to get dressed. But to escape - no.

I was caught by stern guards who did not succumb to provocations and did not speak to me at all.

The next day Schwach-Barbach did not show up. Every other day too. I was already starting to worry!

But his mother and three aunts paid a lot of attention to me. Everyone spoke of a great honor, from which I cannot get away, and instructed how the chosen one should behave correctly.

The chosen one did not want to. The chosen one was under stress! And so she dragged wine from the cellars, drank it and sang songs. Periodically she called the men, but no one came. It's a shame!

True, if they came, then what to do with them, I would not know either ...

As it turned out a day later, I shouldn't have called the men! For the goddess Lolth heard me and ... sent down, let's just say!

Sol tu Ersh nevertheless honored the modest house of the Shvakh-Barbakhs with his visit. And not alone!

I am sitting, which means I study the rules of good manners, behavior and etiquette. Mother Sola brought a whole stack of books. Here the doors open, and the priest resolutely enters the living room. Such ... you can immediately see that something will happen now!

Without greeting, Mr. Sol declares:

- I invented everything!

- What? - I asked cautiously, fencing myself off from him with a stack of books on etiquette, and so on, just in case.

- All! - the elf frightened me even more and, turning to the door, shouted: - Come in!

Hmm ... it and ... went.

On the threshold I drew something oiled, slicked and rubbed with oil, in which I hardly recognized the representative of the theoretically stronger sex. It coquettishly made me a pen. Bracelets rang ...

- What's this? - I was not too lazy to ask.

- The man! - Shvach-Barbach proudly told me.

- Well ... for this!

- Or rather? - I frankly scoffed, stroking the book in a good tone.

“You understood everything perfectly,” the priest blushed sweetly again. - We need the first man. I brought!

- Is that a man? Not simular!

“This is the best,” Sol assured me.

- Yes, yes, sweet lady, I really am the best ... man, - the presented ... male... - Madam, you can do whatever you want with me!

- And beat?

- Yes-ah! - He held out enthusiastically and ran his hand studded with rings across his chest. - I'll take it all! I will do everything!

- So ... - I looked at Shvakh-Barbakh. - Where did you get this miracle?

“Where do our women usually get men… for a couple of times,” the drow told me.

I had a vague suspicion ...

- In a brothel?

- In the best brothel!

- So ... - I began to tensely sort through the books on etiquette and manners, looking for those that are heavier.

A man of the oldest profession took a more enchanting pose and declared:

- I'm an elite worker, by the way!

- Drummer? - I asked gloomily and growled: - Tr-r-gun of the sexual front!

- Like? - happily clarified my personal Shvakh. - Now we will decide everything!

The first volume entitled "The Behavior of a True Lady" flew into this impudent face.

- You brought me a male prostitute and you think that we will decide everything ?!

“But, lady…” The priest dodged. The guy had a good reaction. But I had a lot of books!

- That's right, that lady! - The second book flew into the quivering something, which with a squeak, ringing bracelets, earrings, washed off somewhere in the corridor.

Sol tu Ersh was more resilient! He decided that our problem with him would be solved by dialogue.

- But, Lillian ... if you don't like this one, can we choose another?

“S-s-so, so,” I hissed no worse than a drow, slowly approaching this suicide. - Did I understand correctly ... To me, a girl from a high clan, moreover - elected of your people, claimed by the Crown Prince himself ... slipping something from a brothel to stop being a virgin ?!

The dark one lowered his blue gaze to the carpet. He twirled the book he had caught, on which it was expressively written "How to behave with young ladies," and shrugged.

- Leah, in your mouth it somehow sounds completely obscene.

- This is exactly what it is, dear Sol tu Hersh! “I did my best to make the drow understand from my voice that he was not respected by any demon!

Sol jumped up and angrily launched an innocent book across the room, and it easily and smoothly entered the free space on the shelf. My eyes widened impressively. Hmmm, my winged mother ... This is how to calculate the force of the throw, trajectory and rotational impulse? .. It seems that our humble priest is much more interesting than one might suppose at first glance. However, before that there were many mysteries in it.

- Leah! - Sol began harshly with such intonations that I immediately realized that the dark would say nasty things, only nasty things and nothing but nasty things!

- Yes? - I smiled sweetly and took another step towards him. By the way, I can't help but mention that he looked amazing. And not only outwardly, although the priestly robe was clearly sewn from expensive high-quality fabric and fit perfectly on a fit figure. He was a strong, domineering man, and this painted him better than any other delights. He was also not a rock-solid rock that would have nullified all of Sol's admiration. He is ... lively and frank in his emotions. The cold that fetters the feelings, souls and hearts of the older representatives of the ancient races has not yet had time to take root in this dark elf. And I loved it. I liked it very much. So much so that almost all the time that I was here, my thoughts were not occupied at all by the light who was not left on the bed of love. And now ... There is an angry priest at the door. Tells me something, by the way. Gestures actively. The eyes are burning, the facial expressions are lively, the blonde hair has emerged from the low tail and frames a sharp but beautiful face. Probably ruined his hair when he dodged books. My gaze slid below. A strong neck, broad shoulders, a narrow waist, tied with a belt ... legs are not visible, but I was sure that they were not crooked at all, let alone hairy! Meanwhile, the drow turned sideways, and I, bowing my head, meticulously examined the butt cleverly draped into the robes. Good! In general, I enjoyed the beautiful and did not think about the vile! But it is very much about me, as it turned out.

- Leah, are you listening to me? Sol's irritated voice burst into his mind.

- Nope, - I honestly admitted and added frivolously: - but you can repeat! This time I'll give you a little more attention. Probably…

Schwach-Barbach narrowed his eyes. So indicative. To make it immediately clear that now everything will be very serious and it would be better for me to be a goody. I mentally happily clapped my hands and plopped down on the sofa. I made myself comfortable, throwing my legs on the armrest, and was not a bit embarrassed that the slit on the dress had spread out to its full width and now did not hide my long beautiful legs at all. Of course, presented in the most favorable light. Good! Definitely good! And I chose high-quality stockings! The pattern is abstract, the garters are pretty ... I even admired it myself. The drow generally had a glassy stare. Accurately the garter is appreciated. The dark man, almost without looking, groped for a bottle on the mantelpiece next to which he stood, tore the cork out of it, and, without taking his eyes off me, took several sips. Then he exhaled intermittently and tried to collect his thoughts. Apparently, it turned out badly.

“Come on, lord priest, who is first of all a believer, and only then a man,” I almost purred. - I am listening really carefully! - Yes Yes! Announce your "nasty things, only nasty things and nothing but nasty things" there!

The believer growled angrily and, pulling off his robe, dumbfounded me with a furious question:

- But who are you so shameless?

The chlamydah flew right in my face. I even shied away from surprise.

- To mom and dad! - barked in response, pulling off a purple cloak from her head. - Demons, do you think that if this rag closes my eyes, you will not be so ashamed ?!

- I missed!

- You recently threw a book in the right place with one throw! I’m even wondering what brought you into such a mental and, first of all, physical discord?

- So. The man exhaled. - We're not talking about that now. We're on business!

- Yes? - I became genuinely interested and, twisting the mantle in my hands, threw it over my shoulders. She moved her feet in shoes no less beautiful than garters and added innocently: “But it seemed to me that we were about feet.

Sol rolled his eyes, quickly crossed the distance separating us, and, yanking us up by the armpits, put him on the floor. Then he sat on the sofa. Like a decent lady. I admired the knees covered with a hem. He covered them on top with a mantle and, finally, was satisfied. I watched these throwing with increasing interest. And then she leaned back on the back of the sofa, stretched so that the neckline slid a little lower, exposing the hollow between the breasts, and, fanning herself with her hand, stretched out:

- It's hot here ...

- Fairy, I'll either kill you, or ... - in some very calm voice began a dark one.

- Or? I asked enthusiastically. No, well, I have to bring him up to condition, eh? For all the scenarios, just a little more - and at least they will pester me! And if you take into account the impetuosity of this type ... oh-oh-oh, how passionately they will pester me! I stared expectantly into the darkened eyes opposite. Come on, my dark one ... come on! After all, one of the erotic fantasies of any woman necessarily includes violent sex with a stranger! And here we even seem to know each other. And also ... this martyr is certainly not allowed. A priest, after all. That is, there is a vow. And if he breaks it, then it will be possible to force this die-hard guy to help me escape. Most likely, all the other high clans will not praise him if he is the chosen one ... of that.

“Or I'll whip,” the priest promised grimly. - Leah, behave yourself.

Ops! A fish has fallen off! Well, nothing, one bite - not all fishing. We will still eat at this place!

- And what I get for this? - I almost resigned myself to the lack of hot sex.

"Whatever you want within reason," the drow surrendered.

“Then I'll tell you what I want,” I blossomed into a joyful smile. - And now ... I'm behaving decently. - I got up, wrapped myself in a robe from head to toe and even threw a hood over my head. She sat down and said in a grave voice: - I listen to you, about dark brother!

Uh-huh. She ran away, scampered against the wall and did. And then I did it again! And did it again! And so, until someone gets bored. In short - uh-uh-right now! I run and lose my chlamydas.

“I'm listening to you,” I repeated.

- So we have no way out! - the priest began pompously.

“Apparently, you have no way out. And you are trying diligently to make your problems OUR, - I answered phlegmatically, throwing off my shoes and climbing with my feet on the sofa. The drow cloak, by the way, turned out to be soft and nice. I didn't even want to give. He also smelled of sandalwood and some kind of spices. Such a good cloak, a great smell, and such a disgusting drow. Pf-f straight!

- You do not understand…

“It’s you, Sol, you don’t understand,” I chuckled. - My virginity does not bother me a bit. And in general, maybe I'm in love, huh? Maybe I have there, in a cold bed, the love of my life, and I passionately long to return to his arms in order to merge in a burning ecstasy? Feel strong hands on the body, and a solid and large h ...

- Do you know how to think about something other than ... intimacy ?! The dark man flared up, his cheekbones reddened imperceptibly again. - And how, well, HOW a decent girl can talk about it at all! And even innocent ...

- Yes Easy! - I answered honestly. - Not a bit shy, by the way. I have an impressive theoretical base.

“So… that's it. We are not about that. Rather, you're not talking about that!

- Like this? - I was even offended. - About the essentials, Sol! About sex! By the way, I have a proposal.

Alexandra Cherchen

Labyrinth for the dark fairy

© Cherchen A., 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2017

I stood at the edge of the platform, clung to the column and peered into the distance. Alas, nothing interesting was noticed there. However, this did not stop for a moment to imagine himself as a commander, who, proudly straightening up and holding a mighty hand to his eyes for a better view, studies the horizon for the approach of the enemy.

However, aspirations were not given to come true, partly due to the lack of a horizon in this demonic cave and the thick gloom, and partly due to the fact that you cannot see my enemy in such conditions!

She sighed in frustration, plopped down on the nearest pillow and pulled the fruit platter to her. Propping her fist on her cheek, she began to study the already boring landscape.

I was sitting in a small building in the center of a huge cave. How more specifically to call this miracle of architecture, I could not think of. Too small for a castle, large for a mansion, I generally keep quiet about architecture.

The cave is lit by a strange lichen, which successfully crawled not only along the walls, but also managed to evolve into some kind of flying form. Apparently, the plant felt the change of day on the surface, and therefore its yellowish-amber glow either almost faded, or was bright enough for me to see the entire labyrinth surrounding my temporary refuge.

Very soon there will be fifty dark elves here, eager to marry me. Contrary to popular belief, I did not want to get married. Moreover, on such conditions.

Once again she looked at the splendor around me and sighed sadly.

But it all started so well!

I was spinning around the mirror with a joyful purr. An unprecedented enthusiasm and anticipation reigned in my soul. The reflection flashed at me with satisfied green eyes, straightening black hair, pulled into an intricate hairstyle of braids, and waving its wings.

Today is a special day! The day that I had to wait a year longer than all my contemporaries! Therefore, by the time of its onset, not the slightest fear remained, only the desire for everything to happen sooner.

I'm a fairy. The creature is known to be loving, but at the same time loyal. Yes, yes, such is the paradox.

Once a year, at the height of summer, the power of all fairies who have come of age this season reaches its zenith. And then a holiday and ritual is held. The sacred mystery of knowing a man and the joys of love. After that, the fairy is considered independent and can wander the world in search of her chosen one, helping everyone who did not manage to escape from the breadth of her nature.

Unfortunately, my strength did not reach the required level by the time I came of age, and I had to wait another year. This is probably why there was no fear of what was to come. Only impatience and anticipation!

- Oh yeah! I spun around and adjusted my black and white negligee. She straightened the laces on her lush bosom and, casting a critical glance at the reflection, bent down, pulled up her stockings in a black and white diamond and tightened the garters decorated with crystals.

She squinted at the door and bit her lip.

Well, where is my light elf ?! I'm waiting for him here, but you know, no!

Of course, the appointed hour had not yet struck, but that still did not stop me from going crazy in anticipation. I turned around and slid onto the bed in one long jump, accelerating my wings.

She stretched out on a black bedspread embroidered with silver threads and sighed languidly. The skin was hot and sensitive, even the delicate silk fabric was sharply felt on it as never before.

Where is he?

I had known the elf assigned to me for almost a year and even managed to fall in love with him a little during this period.

Then the door creaked, and, throwing up, I stared at the newcomer with all my eyes and forgot about breathing.


Tall, showy. A black vest that is unbuttoned sets off his golden skin and reveals a delightfully wide and muscular chest. Sliding my gaze to the abs and below, I stared with interest at the line of golden hairs that hid behind the belt of black trousers.

There was so much promise in a low but melodic timbre with an exciting hoarseness ...

After wiping my forehead from the perspiration that had come out, I answered indistinctly:

- Good night, Dan ...

Are my ligaments still obeying me? Hurrah!

- Have you been expecting me? - asked the elf, making a couple of steps forward and slowly starting to pull off his vest.

Mommy wings, and what hands he has! Pumped up, and biceps so straight ... um straight!

I suppressed the urge to nod my dummy in response to a question and, with a vague wave of my hand, said:

- The situation is appropriate. So yeah ...

Another step towards me and towards the bed ... I felt that my knees began to tremble, despite the fact that I was sitting!

“That's good,” he almost purred, tucking a lock of golden hair behind a sharp ear. “Leah, little Leah ... poisonous fairy flower. I'm so glad I got you. Tonight ... you're mine. All mine. From fingertips to crown. And I will do whatever I want with all this wealth!

I miraculously didn’t fall into a blissful swoon from such promises.

Yes Yes Yes! I almost clapped my hands! Just try not to do it!

- Leah! - a vest flew to the side.

- Dan! - I exhaled, looking with delight at the stunning male body, which is just five steps away - and will be at my complete disposal.

- My fairy! - the elf growled, scorching with a str-r-raven look.

- Yes! - Well, what can you do - in such a situation, unlike an experienced man, my vocabulary was lost.

Three steps! Ueeeee!

I had already prepared for fierce kisses and strong hugs and wondered how appropriate it would be now to open mine to him.

But still she decided to take a more quivering pose and lower her gaze.

- Sweetheart ... - The bed sagged under the heavy body, and I finally decided that the night was clearly set.

I looked up and sighed intermittently.

The elf gave a short growl and, it seems, will now pounce on me. What a charm!

But, as you know, rarely what happens in our life exactly the way we want.

At this truly epic moment, my figure enveloped in a purple glow and ... disappeared.

The elf collapsed onto the bed, clutching the air that could not reciprocate.

And I ... I flew somewhere in the subspace, swaddled like a doll, alien magic and ... wildly evil !!!

Labyrinth for the dark fairy

Alexandra Cherchen

Witchcraft worlds

Question: what happens if you kidnap a dark fairy? Young and tender as a razor, as beautiful as a hundred barracuda, and harmless as a poisonous snake. And not just to kidnap, but to steal on that very sacred night, when a joyful girl who has been waiting for this moment for a year must get to know a man. And then throw it into the Labyrinth of Dark Elves ... Fakes are nasty creatures, and evil fakes are doubly nasty. Will the Labyrinth hold out and will the dark elves survive?

Alexandra Cherchen

Labyrinth for the dark fairy

© Cherchen A., 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2017

I stood at the edge of the platform, clung to the column and peered into the distance. Alas, nothing interesting was noticed there. However, this did not stop for a moment to imagine himself as a commander, who, proudly straightening up and holding a mighty hand to his eyes for a better view, studies the horizon for the approach of the enemy.

However, aspirations were not given to come true, partly due to the lack of a horizon in this demonic cave and the thick gloom, and partly due to the fact that you cannot see my enemy in such conditions!

She sighed in frustration, plopped down on the nearest pillow and pulled the fruit platter to her. Propping her fist on her cheek, she began to study the already boring landscape.

I was sitting in a small building in the center of a huge cave. How more specifically to call this miracle of architecture, I could not think of. Too small for a castle, large for a mansion, I generally keep quiet about architecture.

The cave is lit by a strange lichen, which successfully crawled not only along the walls, but also managed to evolve into some kind of flying form. Apparently, the plant felt the change of day on the surface, and therefore its yellowish-amber glow either almost faded, or was bright enough for me to see the entire labyrinth surrounding my temporary refuge.

Very soon there will be fifty dark elves here, eager to marry me. Contrary to popular belief, I did not want to get married. Moreover, on such conditions.

Once again she looked at the splendor around me and sighed sadly.

But it all started so well!

I was spinning around the mirror with a joyful purr. An unprecedented enthusiasm and anticipation reigned in my soul. The reflection flashed at me with satisfied green eyes, straightening black hair, pulled into an intricate hairstyle of braids, and waving its wings.

Today is a special day! The day that I had to wait a year longer than all my contemporaries! Therefore, by the time of its onset, not the slightest fear remained, only the desire for everything to happen sooner.

I'm a fairy. The creature is known to be loving, but at the same time loyal. Yes, yes, such is the paradox.

Once a year, at the height of summer, the power of all fairies who have come of age this season reaches its zenith. And then a holiday and ritual is held. The sacred mystery of knowing a man and the joys of love. After that, the fairy is considered independent and can wander the world in search of her chosen one, helping everyone who did not manage to escape from the breadth of her nature.

Unfortunately, my strength did not reach the required level by the time I came of age, and I had to wait another year. This is probably why there was no fear of what was to come. Only impatience and anticipation!

- Oh yeah! I spun around and adjusted my black and white negligee. She straightened the laces on her lush bosom and, casting a critical glance at the reflection, bent down, pulled up her stockings in a black and white diamond and tightened the garters decorated with crystals.

She squinted at the door and bit her lip.

Well, where is my light elf ?! I'm waiting for him here, but you know, no!

Of course, the appointed hour had not yet struck, but that still did not stop me from going crazy in anticipation. I turned around and slid onto the bed in one long jump, accelerating my wings.

She stretched out on a black bedspread embroidered with silver threads and sighed languidly. The skin was hot and sensitive, even the delicate silk fabric was sharply felt on it as never before.

Where is he?

I had known the elf assigned to me for almost a year and even managed to fall in love with him a little during this period.

Then the door creaked, and, throwing up, I stared at the newcomer with all my eyes and forgot about breathing.


Tall, showy. A black vest that is unbuttoned sets off his golden skin and reveals a delightfully wide and muscular chest. Sliding my gaze to the abs and below, I stared with interest at the line of golden hairs that hid behind the belt of black trousers.

There was so much promise in a low but melodic timbre with an exciting hoarseness ...

After wiping my forehead from the perspiration that had come out, I answered indistinctly:

- Good night, Dan ...

Are my ligaments still obeying me? Hurrah!

- Have you been expecting me? - asked the elf, making a couple of steps forward and slowly starting to pull off his vest.

Mommy wings, and what hands he has! Pumped up, and biceps so straight ... um straight!

I suppressed the urge to nod my dummy in response to a question and, with a vague wave of my hand, said:

- The situation is appropriate. So yeah ...

Another step towards me and towards the bed ... I felt that my knees began to tremble, despite the fact that I was sitting!

“That's good,” he almost purred, tucking a lock of golden hair behind a sharp ear. “Leah, little Leah ... poisonous fairy flower. I'm so glad I got you. Tonight ... you're mine. All mine. From fingertips to crown. And I will do whatever I want with all this wealth!

I miraculously didn’t fall into a blissful swoon from such promises.

Yes Yes Yes! I almost clapped my hands! Just try not to do it!

- Leah! - a vest flew to the side.

- Dan! - I exhaled, looking with delight at the stunning male body, which is just five steps away - and will be at my complete disposal.

- My fairy! - the elf growled, scorching with a str-r-raven look.

- Yes! - Well, what can you do - in such a situation, unlike an experienced man, my vocabulary was lost.

Three steps! Ueeeee!

I had already prepared for fierce kisses and strong hugs and wondered how appropriate it would be now to open mine to him.

But still she decided to take a more quivering pose and lower her gaze.

- Sweetheart ... - The bed sagged under the heavy body, and I finally decided that the night was clearly set.

I looked up and sighed intermittently.

The elf gave a short growl and, it seems, will now pounce on me. What a charm!

But, as you know, rarely what happens in our life exactly the way we want.

At this truly epic moment, my figure enveloped in a purple glow and ... disappeared.

The elf collapsed onto the bed, clutching the air that could not reciprocate.

And I ... I flew somewhere in the subspace, swaddled like a doll, alien magic and ... wildly evil !!!

Threw me out of the portal in some strange place. The great hall was lit by numerous stone bowls, in which blue fire splashed. Its blue reflections fell on the granite walls and faces of those around me ... and made the lines of the pentagram in which I stood sparkle.

- Our chosen one has arrived! - came a sonorous

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Everyone rustled approvingly, and I looked around in panic, trying to understand what I had been elected for and, most importantly, how I managed to miss this bright moment.

I looked around. She shook her head, trying to recover.

The dark elves were all around. There are a lot of dark elves who have definitely gathered here for some kind of event! And my priest unequivocally hinted to me that we would not like it very much and it would be time to make legs from here.

I tried to go beyond the luminous lines, but as soon as I touched them with my fingertips, my skin prickled, and I with a quiet "Oh!" jumped to the side.

“I advise you not to rush, young lady! Greetings!

- Who are you?

- The one to whom you owe your presence here!

And he was clearly proud of this dubious achievement. Prematurely, by the way!

I looked at the speaker from under my tousled bangs.

Ahead stood a tall, handsome drow in dark purple ceremonial robes and a protective smile on his insolent face. For some reason, Erysipelas simply asked for a fist or something worse. As I understand it, this is the culprit for the fact that my night of love was not successful ?!

“What is this… place… yours… and who are you, demons… such ?!

Since there was no beautiful light elf nearby, my vocabulary returned to me in all its lexical ranges.

The drow's face is distorted. It seems that the boldness of my speech did not fit into his ideas about beautiful fairies!

All around were whispering, and judging by the sound, several especially impressionable fainted. They were quietly dragged behind the columns. Hmmm ... I heard, of course, that some dark, very quivering natures, even with all their tender love for torture and amusements of a very perverse nature, but did not think that to such an extent.

- Chosen One! - The nasty guy in the chlamyd tried to turn back onto the path of solemnity. - You have been given a great honor!

- I don't need your honor! - stated in response.

- Can I speak more decently ?! I heard that dark fairies speak in a peculiar way, but I did not think that so, - the drow was indignant, flashing bright blue eyes at me!

Eyes like that ... so he belongs to the priestly caste. And the outfit fits into this theory.

- If you don't like it - don't listen, but don't bother swearing! - I chopped off and shivered chilly. Still, it was cold to stand in one lace peignoir and stockings. - This is our folk slang!

Something nasty flashed in the elf's azure eyes, and, impulsively turning to me, he again began to broadcast to the audience:

- Brothers and sisters! We are gathered here at the solemn hour! The dark fairy is in our hands, and after the worthy ones pass the Labyrinth, they will receive her as their wives! Thus, we will fulfill the behest of the goddess Lolth - the blood of the winged people will again flow in our veins! - The voice of the blue-eyed was again pouring molasses, enchanting everyone.

Only I stood and came in more and more shock. WHERE me ?!

And why are the worthy ones mentioned in the plural ?!

- Yes, you really …….?! - I emotionally expressed my attitude to the situation, I didn’t want to get married.

The priest only waved his hand, and a small ball flew in my direction, which, flying up, gagged my mouth!

“Stop disrupting the ceremony! If you're a good girl, I'll break the spell. I have to nod, agree and confirm everything, okay? "

"And if not?"

“If not, then you go through the rest of your life with a gag,” he replied rudely. - Judging by your character, the one who is not lucky to spend years with you will only be glad of it!

“Take it off,” I replied after thinking for a second and added very sarcastically, “I'll be a good girl!”

"It's hard to believe ..."

But the spell was gone.

While we were mentally talking, this multifunctional type managed to completely zombify the crowd. The drow glowed with happiness and nodded in agreement.

Another long speech followed, during which I occasionally waved my pen and smiled. When the priest finished, he turned abruptly and, breaking the protective lines of the pentagram, picked me up in his arms and carried me to the exit from the hall.

I, numb with surprise, fell silent in the arms of the drow and tried to understand the range of my complex sensations.

Dark elves are usually short and graceful.

And he ... turned out to be tall. Very tall and very large. Two heads higher, large, although flexible. Her white hair was tied back in a heavy, low ponytail, and barely noticeable glowing tattoos snaked across his dark brown face. He smelled of water and ... a man. By force.

It was easier to be rude at a distance.

As soon as we left the cave and walked a dozen steps away, they shook me to the floor and took a step back. Then he looked at me with an indescribable mixture of disgust and male admiration and gave:

- What is this ... outfit ?!

- You should at least ask where you pulled your chosen one! - I barked in response, feeling a great desire to hide behind. But she stood straight! I have nothing to be ashamed of, let this bastard be ashamed!

He just shook his head, sighed and, pulling off the top cape of his ceremonial robes, wrapped me in it. The fabric softly wrapped around the body, unexpectedly pleasant and tender. The drow gave me an appraising gaze from dark braids with silver chains woven into black and white stockings. He sighed with a martyrdom and picked him up again.

I calmed down, sensibly judging that first the kidnapper should be listened to. And it’s doubtful that I will be able to knock out that hefty forehead and escape. At the same time, let's not forget that in underground palaces there are still very, very many similar hefty foreheads! And this one is also the priest of Lolth ... in this light it is still very fortunate that he is trying to marry me, and not to feed the goddess spiders!

Finally we came to some kind of room that looked like a living room. I was very carelessly thrown onto the sofa and almost jumped behind the next one. Then they looked around nervously, noticed a decanter of water on the table and rushed towards it.

I watched with increasing interest as the drow poured water into a glass, tested it with magic, and only then drank.

She got up, threw off her robe, in which it became hot, and stretched with taste.

The elf looked me up and down and reached for the water again.

- Thirst tortured? - asked the man sympathetically.

I was not answered. They cast a look full of contempt, which lingered on the bust, and again drank some water.

On the third glass, the peasant felt better, and he became ready for a dialogue:

“So… winged, you have been given a great honor! Reach for the most worthy of the dark elf people! Among the contenders for the hand there is even the crown prince and ...

- And what is the benefit of the winged? - I insolently asked, interrupting the elf.

They looked at me so that there was a desire to wrap themselves in wings and hide.

But nothing! The man exhaled, smiled affectionately and said:

- Strength, power, wealth and high status among the people of the dark elves!

- I have it all at home. - I shrugged. - Moreover, without the need to go into some kind of marriage!

- Drow! - I laughed in response. And already peacefully asked: - Let's disperse amicably, eh? You will return me, and no one will be tormented, maybe even to death, hurt. And then I’m mad at you, by the way!

- Why is that? They pulled out a half-naked, barefoot, and even a rich groom was promised, and a beautiful

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the virgin is unhappy? - the priest joked.

- I need your suitors! You know what kind of man is waiting for me there ?! Mmm!

They looked at me for another long look, it seems, starting to understand why the chosen one is in such a peculiar form.

The drow's face turned to stone, and he said softly and harshly:

- Beauty, I have to disappoint. You have no options. "Mmmm what a man" will have to be left in a past life. Here you, perhaps, will organize more than one, do not worry. And I inform you that from now on you belong to the Schwach-Barbach family.

I almost burst out laughing. Schwach-Barbach ?!

Drums, damn it ...

- What?! And you have not beguiled anything ?! I am Lillian - the daughter of the head of the Black Moon and White Rose clan! Do you understand what my parents will do to you ?!

- For the successful marriage of your daughter? Gifts and dowry will be sent, I suppose, - the priest answered evenly and calmly. “Because even those who are not part of her cult will not go against Lolth's will.

I stood with my mouth open and closed. I clearly realized that I had nothing to oppose to him.

- All clear? The elf asked harshly.

- Yes, - I answered the most logical in this situation and asked with a mockery: - What is the name of my ... benefactor?

- Sol tu Ersh Shvakh-Barbakh.

- So you sent me to your family ?!

- First, you. And secondly, yes. Agree, dear lady, this is logical. It is the priests who will prepare you for the test in the Labyrinth.

- You, or what ?!

- Of course no. My honorable mother.

I wonder how he even thundered to the position of a priest? There, it seems, only women are taken, and in general, from the drow matriarchy, and the place of the peasant in the kitchen and in the bed, and between that - in battle.

By the way, about the bed!

- Question!

- Yes? The dark elf asked cautiously.

- In listing all the benefits that will fall on my head, for some reason there was no happiness in my personal life. And you, by the way, pulled me out of the coming-of-age ritual!

"Um ... coming of age?" You're fifty-one, honey. No need to deceive an adult uncle, ”the drow betrayed with a patronizing expression on his sophisticated, handsome face.

- Yes! But the strength has only reached its peak now!

- That is, you did not pass ...

- And, accordingly, they are not ready for the election of a life partner, - the priest finished the logical chain.

- Right! - I rejoiced at a ray of hope. - Will you bring me back now?

I did not doubt the answer! Well, why am I to him now? You can't give me such a marriage, I won't bring good luck!

I had already drifted into sweet dreams of reuniting with my wonderful light elf.

"No," the drow brought me down from heaven to earth at once.

- That. You stay.

- But why?

“I'll decide what to do with this… problem. - He waved his hand vaguely and - oh, miracle! - blushed a little.

I looked at the dark one with the utmost suspicion. What options did he come up with ?!

Apparently, my bad thoughts did not remain a secret for him.

The dark elf tugged at his clothes, gave me a contemptuous look and said:

“For your information, I am a priest!

Probably, this should have told and explained a lot to me?

- And? - I decided to clarify incomprehensible. - Does this cancel the fact that you are a man?

- No, of course! But I'm a priest!

- Did these crazy people castrate you, or what? - I was horrified.

“Well, the high priestesses of the spider goddess.

- Girl, you confused me. - Finally disoriented unfortunate rubbed his temples. - And about our problem ... I'll think of something.

- Our problem? - well, I asked very sarcastically.

- Ours! - the priest persisted in delusions.

Getting to know the Schwach-Barbach family turned out to be interesting. I would even say epic.

Probably the mother of the Honorable Sol tu Ersh had a weak heart. For when her son brought me to their house, and I accidentally did not keep the rag in which he carefully wrapped me, a shocked breath escaped not only from the priest, who is primarily a believer, and then a man, but also from a dark lady.

She clutched at her heart, sank into a chair and asked in a weak voice:

- And where ... the winged chosen one?

“I'm for her,” I said gloomily, wiggling my wings exponentially and even gracefully turned around so that I could be better seen.

Shvakh-Barbach turned pale, blushed and threw a cloak that had been thrown off at me. The robe covered my head, and while I was getting out, Sol managed to drag his mother somewhere.

But I didn't have time to look around and run away. A dark elf, evil, like three thousand demons, appeared on the threshold.

- How much can you?

- What can you do? - I asked innocently and wrapped myself in a raincoat more tightly.

Above, maybe, and denser, but the legs in stockings in rhombuses are now visible just fine!

"Lolth, why am I punished?" The dark one asked tiredly at the ceiling.

- For the initiative, - I answered kindly instead of the goddess, who, you see, was busy.

- All! I'm over it!

- Will you send me home? I hoped.

- No, - the dark one answered gloomily. - I went home. And I'll be back tomorrow. And so that you, ladies, are quiet, sweet and ... dressed!

He turned on his heel and flew out of the room. The door slammed deafeningly.

- Business ... - I sighed sadly.

A cough was heard from the other side of the room, and a melodious voice said:

“Lady, please go to your apartment.

I resigned myself to the fact that before escaping I must at least get dressed.

I managed to get dressed. But to escape - no.

I was caught by stern guards who did not succumb to provocations and did not speak to me at all.

The next day Schwach-Barbach did not show up. Every other day too. I was already starting to worry!

But his mother and three aunts paid a lot of attention to me. Everyone spoke of a great honor, from which I cannot get away, and instructed how the chosen one should behave correctly.

The chosen one did not want to. The chosen one was under stress! And so she dragged wine from the cellars, drank it and sang songs. Periodically she called the men, but no one came. It's a shame!

True, if they came, then what to do with them, I would not know either ...

As it turned out a day later, I shouldn't have called the men! For the goddess Lolth heard me and ... sent down, let's just say!

Sol tu Ersh nevertheless honored the modest house of the Shvakh-Barbakhs with his visit. And not alone!

I am sitting, which means I study the rules of good manners, behavior and etiquette. Mother Sola brought a whole stack of books. Here the doors open, and the priest resolutely enters the living room. Such ... you can immediately see that something will happen now!

Without greeting, Mr. Sol declares:

- I invented everything!

- What? - I asked cautiously, fencing myself off from him with a stack of books on etiquette, and so on, just in case.

- All! - the elf frightened me even more and, turning to the door, shouted: - Come in!

Hmm ... it and ... went.

On the threshold I drew something oiled, slicked and rubbed with oil, in which I hardly recognized the representative of the theoretically stronger sex. It coquettishly made me a pen. Bracelets rang ...

- What's this? - I was not too lazy to ask.

- The man! - Shvach-Barbach proudly told me.

- Well ... for this!

- Or rather? - I frankly scoffed, stroking the book in a good tone.

“You understood everything perfectly,” the priest blushed sweetly again. - We need the first man. I brought!

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exactly a man? Not simular!

“This is the best,” Sol assured me.

- Yes, yes, sweet lady, I really am the best ... man, - the presented ... man exhaled languidly. - Madam, you can do whatever you want with me!

- And beat?

- Yes-ah! - He held out enthusiastically and ran his hand studded with rings across his chest. - I'll take it all! I will do everything!

- So ... - I looked at Shvakh-Barbakh. - Where did you get this miracle?

“Where do our women usually get men… for a couple of times,” the drow told me.

I had a vague suspicion ...

- In a brothel?

- In the best brothel!

- So ... - I began to tensely sort through the books on etiquette and manners, looking for those that are heavier.

A man of the oldest profession took a more enchanting pose and declared:

- I'm an elite worker, by the way!

- Drummer? - I asked gloomily and growled: - Tr-r-gun of the sexual front!

- Like? - happily clarified my personal Shvakh. - Now we will decide everything!

The first volume entitled "The Behavior of a True Lady" flew into this impudent face.

- You brought me a male prostitute and you think that we will decide everything ?!

“But, lady…” The priest dodged. The guy had a good reaction. But I had a lot of books!

- That's right, that lady! - The second book flew into the quivering something, which with a squeak, ringing bracelets, earrings, washed off somewhere in the corridor.

Sol tu Ersh was more resilient! He decided that our problem with him would be solved by dialogue.

- But, Lillian ... if you don't like this one, can we choose another?

“S-s-so, so,” I hissed no worse than a drow, slowly approaching this suicide. - Did I understand correctly ... To me, a girl of a high clan, moreover - the chosen one of your people, to which the Crown Prince himself claims ... they slip something from a brothel to stop being a virgin ?!

The dark one lowered his blue gaze to the carpet. He twirled the book he had caught, on which it was expressively written "How to behave with young ladies," and shrugged.

- Leah, in your mouth it somehow sounds completely obscene.

- This is exactly what it is, dear Sol tu Hersh! “I did my best to make the drow understand from my voice that he was not respected by any demon!

Sol jumped up and angrily launched an innocent book across the room, and it easily and smoothly entered the free space on the shelf. My eyes widened impressively. Hmmm, my winged mother ... This is how to calculate the force of the throw, trajectory and rotational impulse? .. It seems that our humble priest is much more interesting than one might suppose at first glance. However, before that there were many mysteries in it.

- Leah! - Sol began harshly with such intonations that I immediately realized that the dark would say nasty things, only nasty things and nothing but nasty things!

- Yes? - I smiled sweetly and took another step towards him. By the way, I can't help but mention that he looked amazing. And not only outwardly, although the priestly robe was clearly sewn from expensive high-quality fabric and fit perfectly on a fit figure. He was a strong, domineering man, and this painted him better than any other delights. He was also not a rock-solid rock that would have nullified all of Sol's admiration. He is ... lively and frank in his emotions. The cold that fetters the feelings, souls and hearts of the older representatives of the ancient races has not yet had time to take root in this dark elf. And I loved it. I liked it very much. So much so that almost all the time that I was here, my thoughts were not occupied at all by the light who was not left on the bed of love. And now ... There is an angry priest at the door. Tells me something, by the way. Gestures actively. The eyes are burning, the facial expressions are lively, the blonde hair has emerged from the low tail and frames a sharp but beautiful face. Probably ruined his hair when he dodged books. My gaze slid below. A strong neck, broad shoulders, a narrow waist, tied with a belt ... legs are not visible, but I was sure that they were not crooked at all, let alone hairy! Meanwhile, the drow turned sideways, and I, bowing my head, meticulously examined the butt cleverly draped into the robes. Good! In general, I enjoyed the beautiful and did not think about the vile! But it is very much about me, as it turned out.

- Leah, are you listening to me? Sol's irritated voice burst into his mind.

- Nope, - I honestly admitted and added frivolously: - but you can repeat! This time I'll give you a little more attention. Probably…

Schwach-Barbach narrowed his eyes. So indicative. To make it immediately clear that now everything will be very serious and it would be better for me to be a goody. I mentally happily clapped my hands and plopped down on the sofa. I made myself comfortable, throwing my legs on the armrest, and was not a bit embarrassed that the slit on the dress had spread out to its full width and now did not hide my long beautiful legs at all. Of course, presented in the most favorable light. Good! Definitely good! And I chose high-quality stockings! The pattern is abstract, the garters are pretty ... I even admired it myself. The drow generally had a glassy stare. Accurately the garter is appreciated. The dark man, almost without looking, groped for a bottle on the mantelpiece next to which he stood, tore the cork out of it, and, without taking his eyes off me, took several sips. Then he exhaled intermittently and tried to collect his thoughts. Apparently, it turned out badly.

“Come on, lord priest, who is first of all a believer, and only then a man,” I almost purred. - I am listening really carefully! - Yes Yes! Announce your "nasty things, only nasty things and nothing but nasty things" there!

The believer growled angrily and, pulling off his robe, dumbfounded me with a furious question:

- But who are you so shameless?

The chlamydah flew right in my face. I even shied away from surprise.

- To mom and dad! - barked in response, pulling off a purple cloak from her head. - Demons, do you think that if this rag closes my eyes, you will not be so ashamed ?!

- I missed!

- You recently threw a book in the right place with one throw! I’m even wondering what brought you into such a mental and, first of all, physical discord?

- So. The man exhaled. - We're not talking about that now. We're on business!

- Yes? - I became genuinely interested and, twisting the mantle in my hands, threw it over my shoulders. She moved her feet in shoes no less beautiful than garters and added innocently: “But it seemed to me that we were about feet.

Sol rolled his eyes, quickly crossed the distance separating us, and, yanking us up by the armpits, put him on the floor. Then he sat on the sofa. Like a decent lady. I admired the knees covered with a hem. He covered them on top with a mantle and, finally, was satisfied. I watched these throwing with increasing interest. And then she leaned back on the back of the sofa, stretched so that the neckline slid a little lower, exposing the hollow between the breasts, and, fanning herself with her hand, stretched out:

- It's hot here ...

- Fairy, I'll either kill you, or ... - in some very calm voice began a dark one.

- Or? I asked enthusiastically. No, well, I have to bring him up to condition, eh? For all the scenarios, just a little more - and at least they will pester me! And if you take into account the impetuosity of this type ... oh-oh-oh, how passionately they will pester me! I stared expectantly into the darkened eyes opposite. Come on, my dark one ... come on! In the end, the number

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erotic fantasies of any woman necessarily include rough sex with a stranger! And here we even seem to know each other. And also ... this martyr is certainly not allowed. A priest, after all. That is, there is a vow. And if he breaks it, then it will be possible to force this die-hard guy to help me escape. Most likely, all the other high clans will not praise him if he is the chosen one ... of that.

“Or I'll whip,” the priest promised grimly. - Leah, behave yourself.

Ops! A fish has fallen off! Well, nothing, one bite - not all fishing. We will still eat at this place!

- And what I get for this? - I almost resigned myself to the lack of hot sex.

"Whatever you want within reason," the drow surrendered.

“Then I'll tell you what I want,” I blossomed into a joyful smile. - And now ... I'm behaving decently. - I got up, wrapped myself in a robe from head to toe and even threw a hood over my head. She sat down and said in a grave voice: - I listen to you, about dark brother!

Uh-huh. She ran away, scampered against the wall and did. And then I did it again! And did it again! And so, until someone gets bored. In short - uh-uh-right now! I run and lose my chlamydas.

“I'm listening to you,” I repeated.

- So we have no way out! - the priest began pompously.

“Apparently, you have no way out. And you are trying diligently to make your problems OUR, - I answered phlegmatically, throwing off my shoes and climbing with my feet on the sofa. The drow cloak, by the way, turned out to be soft and nice. I didn't even want to give. He also smelled of sandalwood and some kind of spices. Such a good cloak, a great smell, and such a disgusting drow. Pf-f straight!

- You do not understand…

“It’s you, Sol, you don’t understand,” I chuckled. - My virginity does not bother me a bit. And in general, maybe I'm in love, huh? Maybe I have there, in a cold bed, the love of my life, and I passionately long to return to his arms in order to merge in a burning ecstasy? Feel strong hands on the body, and a solid and large h ...

- Do you know how to think about something other than ... intimacy ?! The dark man flared up, his cheekbones reddened imperceptibly again. - And how, well, HOW a decent girl can talk about it at all! And even innocent ...

- Yes Easy! - I answered honestly. - Not a bit shy, by the way. I have an impressive theoretical base.

“So… that's it. We are not about that. Rather, you're not talking about that!

- Like this? - I was even offended. - About the essentials, Sol! About sex! By the way, I have a proposal.

- Will you bring me back to my fair elf? - I suggested innocently. - There is a quick ritual, bang-tibidoch, as they say, and I'm blowing to you! To the Labyrinth, to the crown princes and other men! Oh, to wealth and influence yet.

- I don't like this idea. Moreover, there is an assumption that you are now kidding.

Oh, how quick-witted you are, Shvakh-drums!

- Well, okay, - I "resigned". - No, no.

- Fairy, I want you to clarify the situation a little, - Sol smiled sweetly at me. - The chosen one has two paths. Or to the Labyrinth and, accordingly, to the marriage altar later. Or also on the altar. But to Lolth. Would you like to get to know the spiders of the goddess better?

Yeah, and here are the threats. And I already thought where they are, beloved. It should be noted that Sol did not waste time on trifles, but immediately laid out all the big trump cards in all their ugliness. Some not too rosy alternative! Are there any more options? And then spiders are not only eight legs and chelicerae, they are also a certain amount of valuable digestive enzyme and a healthy appetite! Well, them to the demons, such prospects!

- I realized…

- That's wonderful. It means that now we are going out, you choose the performer and go ahead ... to fuck-tibidoch, as they say, - the man sarcastically parodied me. Bastard! Gad! You bastard!

- So you don’t lose hope of putting a brothel under the workers ?! - growled, slowly rising, I, feeling how the wings previously hidden by magic appear behind my back. The mantle, with a soft rustle, sank at her feet.

- It is necessary. Primarily for you, fairy.

- True? - I whispered, taking another sliding step towards him. “And I have options, my dear drow.

- What are they? - clarified the dark and, judging by the look, was no longer glad that he sat down in a deep armchair. I was already standing very close, and he could not get up.

- And they are. - I threw up my hands and unbuttoned the first button on the bodice. “We need a lack of innocence, right? To you ... my dear Sol. You. So why not hurry up yourself? There was deep shock in the blue eyes.

- Leah ... I can't, - the dark man shook his head, immediately realizing what he was facing in the near future.

- True? - I inquired cheerfully and, leaning forward, shoved him in the chest, putting an end to the attempt to get up. And then she slid onto his knees, saddling them. Almost immediately, she crawled down to narrow hips and shifted, feeling the characteristic hardness under her butt, and laughed softly. - You can. You can very well. And, it seems, you really want it too!

“So…” He glared at me and squeezed my waist, trying to force me to move away. However, this was not a particularly successful maneuver, judging by the way the man's pupils dilated. I slid back and forth once more, simultaneously pressing my chest against Sol, and whispered softly in my sharp ear:

- So? Or maybe like this? - blew on the dark skin and gently kissed the lobe. He jerked in surprise, and I just laughed.

- Play it out, fairy ...

“You know perfectly well that this is exactly what I want.

- You’ll get through to another.

The voice of the dark man sat down and now sounded with such an exciting hoarseness, which, like velvet, passed over the skin. Oh ... despite the bravado, I felt very vulnerable. The very posture, the realization that it is worth unbuttoning his pants and pulling up my skirt - and what I might have been trying to achieve ... but I never ceased to be afraid. And in general, in theory, they should persuade me, and not vice versa! He breathed often and heavily, still tightly squeezing his fingers around my waist, forcing me to remain motionless.

- Do you want to leave marks on my body? I asked quietly, running my hand through my blonde hair and loosening the knot on the silk ribbon that was tied around it.

- What are you talking about?

“Mmm… specifically now about those bruises that will appear on the waist. In general ... in general, traces after love are different. Lips swollen from kisses, reddened skin from too impetuous touches, and, of course, traces of seme ...

- Shut up! He growled, interrupting me. - Shameless, depraved ... virgin, so you!

- I will be silent only in one case. If I act, ”confirming my words, I bent down and covered the elf’s lips with a kiss. To be honest, at that moment I felt anything but confidence in my goals. Still, whatever one may say, a man is not a woman, and it is very difficult to persuade him to intimacy, especially if he does not want to. And ... have you seen the teeth of the dark elves ?! What if it snaps? .. Probably, under such conditions it wasn’t worth to go to the lips. The ear is a wonderful sensitive organ, rich in nerve endings and is favorably distinguished by the complete absence of teeth! And the neck is even better, it not only allows you to push the drow to the desired solution, but also does not yet

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lets the dark one open its teeth! But what's done is done. We'll have to work with what to eat. However, if anything, it is never too late to return to previously developed territories. Wow! So I just clung to him and froze for a few seconds, not knowing what to do next. It didn't take long to think. My lips were pressed together with a greedy, urgent kiss, and the drow's hands flew upward, tangling in my hair and not allowing me to turn away even if I wanted to. But I didn't want to, demons take it! Did not want! Because ... because it was incredible!

I was not completely naive and innocent girl. And in the last year, I was so completely aware that I want this side to appear in my life. The light elf assigned to me, too, was not only making eyes all this time. But, creator, I've never been kissed like that. All feelings sharpened at times, all bravado and confidence disappeared into nowhere ... all emotions turned into desire. And it flowed like molten gold through the veins, igniting the blood and awakening the need for more.

Drow seems to have had good practice, unlike the theoretically savvy me. The man's strong arms knew exactly where they wanted to be. One hand slid from the back of his head to his neck, squeezing it for a moment, and stroked the vein that was furiously fluttering under the skin. I breathed out intermittently and felt the dark lips quiver in a grin.

“What, little fairy…” A hot whisper burned his ear. - When the game does not go according to your rules, are you not so sure of yourself? - My chest was squeezed, as if confirming the words.

I thought about it. Hmm, how would it be more tactful to inform the dark that everything is going exactly as I wanted? He fell through and I am delighted with the results.

However, when I felt Saul's fingers on bare skin in the strategically important area between the garters and panties, I somehow got excited!

Another long, maddening kiss knocked all unnecessary thoughts out of my head. Only feelings remained. Feelings of a heavy body next to me, hot hands on my skin, which confidently threw aside the chlamydas and now pulled off the dress. Only desire remains. The craving for his kisses, the craving for dark skin and the temptation to know what it tastes like. I fumbled for the buttons on the priest's shirt and began to unbutton. To the touch it turned out badly and for a long time ... and now I was not very patient. Dash - buttons leap across the marble floor and the fabric rips to the sides, revealing a broad, muscular chest. I, rather rumbling, spread my palms on her and playfully scratched flat nipples. The drow let out a shaky breath and jerked my bodice down. Well ... I tried. Everything was more complicated for me. Lacing on the back!

- How is this filth removed? - the dark man growled, desperate to find the ties.

“A servant,” I squeaked, watching with square eyes as a narrow curved dagger appeared out of nowhere in the man’s hands.

- We will not call her, - the dark man grinned and lightly slapped me on the shoulder. “Turn around… and bend a little.

I made. Sol's blue eyes darkened, and my corset was ripped open in two strokes. Immediately evident - an impressive experience! In possession of sharp objects ... And I'm thinking, will he even be blackmailed? Or am I all in vain? But in any case, my first time would be better with this strong, intelligent influential and - what can we hide - the desired man. Remembering the recently proposed alternative, I was finally convinced that I was right!

The bodice, sent by a powerful drow hand, flew to the side and hung from the back of the sofa like a flag of surrender. I preferred to think that the dark one had surrendered here. Proudly straightened, realizing that I have something to be proud of. A beautiful bust of the third size was no less impressively wrapped around a bustier, and I sincerely hoped that it would be treated more tenderly than a corset.

The sharp-eared gaze darkened almost to blackness, and he, reaching out his hand, gently touched my neck, slid his fingers below, outlining the border of my underwear, and finally a large hand lay on my chest, squeezing it. I exhaled intermittently with excitement and desire.

They looked at me with a completely frenzied, hungry look and ... raising their hands under the ass, went down with me to the floor. They laid them out on a successfully scattered chlamyd, intercepted their hands and pressed them over their heads.

I lay there, feeling small, tender and vulnerable. Partly because now that the dark one was pressing his hips against me so tightly, I realized very clearly that he was everywhere ... a big boy.

- How I like it when you are silent, - the drow breathed and, you see, for the sake of reliability, closed my mouth with a kiss.

I sighed intermittently, arched under him and threw my leg over the man.

Further ... Then there was madness, during which the dark shirt flew away to the side, and the skirt on me rose nowhere higher. But for some reason he was in no hurry to take off the bustier, writing patterns over black lace and lightly nibbling the skin on the neck and below. I went crazy and even tried to free my hands in order to finally pull off this annoying rag. He laughed and did not let go, easily holding both my wrists with one hand.

Everything was wonderful. Wonderful and incomparable, consider it divine. Until the doors banged open and the loud, indignant voice of Mother Sol thundered through the room:

- What's going on here?!

What, what ... I'm lying down, and your son is kissing me, can't you see, or what?

The man froze. From blue eyes the haze of desire slowly left and enlightenment returned, so to speak. Almost horror from what he had done! The drow's disbelieving gaze darted to his hands. So what? One is holding me, the other is lying on a beautiful bust. All right!

- L-l-los! Sol groaned and got up swiftly.

The priest's mother did not calm down:

- I'm asking what's going on here ?!

- Like what? - without waiting for help from the dark, I got up myself and straightened my skirt, which was lifted up to the most. - Preparing me for great honor, of course!

“But… but… but not Saul! The well-bred dark elf howled and, pressing her fingers to her temple, leaned on the doorframe. - The same is impossible.

In my humble opinion - if you really want to, then it's not just possible, but necessary. And Shvakh-rear and I obviously wanted to. I just shrugged.

“Mother…” The Dark One hastily pulled on his shirt. - I…

- Can you explain? The drow asked in an extremely skeptical tone.

- Can. But I won’t, ”the priest answered in a suddenly chilled tone, staring intently at his mother.

And she was confused and looked down. Hmm ... this is unusual for a matriarchal order. And suspicious.

The drow coldly stated that he did not have to make excuses. I listened with interest to the conversation. Interesting. And if you consider that the dark elves have matriarchy, then it is doubly interesting.

The question is, who am I now actively seducing and what will I get for it?

Sol picked up his long-suffering cloak and, without looking at those present, slowly left the room. We were left in a resonant, piercing silence, in which all the accelerating steps of the priest along the corridor and the fact that he switched to a run on the stairs were perfectly audible. I just smiled predatory. The tough nut is definitely cracking. The fish got off the hook but pecked. The beast became interested in the bait. The mouse has practically entered the mousetrap! In general - the priest got it, if someone did not understand from the previous metaphors!

However, I was not allowed to rejoice for a long time. Yes, the man ran away meanly. And here is his mother and

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the aunts did not even think of following this glorious example.

- Leah! - angrily began Lady Sherishsha, who is Shvakh's mother.

- Yes? - I smiled innocently, taking off my bodice from the back of the sofa and critically examining the scraps of lacing. - Hmmm ... need new tapes.

- And what happened to these? Lady Nirrena asked. Barabakh's aunt, as you can understand.

“Sol cut it,” I willingly shared the information.

Sherishsha staggered, and she was supported under the elbows of her sister, who looked at me with shock in their family blue eyes.

“He’s a good boy,” Saul’s mother moaned. - How could?!

“Of course good,” I admitted. - Judging by recent impressions, you have it oh-ho-ho! True, the fact that he is a bastard and a bastard - this, of course, does not negate.

“Leah, go get dressed,” Nirrena almost asked me. “In the meantime… we'll calm Sheri down.

I just shrugged and headed to my room.

I wonder why Mother Sola was so alarmed? Can't he be with a woman? Right now it's absolutely impossible? .. Yes, I can't believe it!

Vow? So there are also no death sentences for those who disobey. They certainly aren't sent to Lolth's altar, and they don't feed her spiders. Or are the relatives of lord tu Ersh so afraid of losing those privileges that give them the priestly status of Sol? It seems like he took a hereditary position ...

In general, while everything is very muddy. Very direct.

When I changed clothes, the maid arrived with a bow and announced that the winged lady was expected for supper. The winged lady became interested in the wording and therefore asked:

- That is, I have to materialize the wings while eating?

“I don’t know,” the young drow lowered her eyes.

I just waved my hand.

I thought about it. She went to the lancet window and pressed her forehead against the forged vine, gracefully wrapping around the opening. Yes, they tried to disguise the bars. However, it turned out beautifully and did not spoil the girl's bedroom. The metal cooled the hot skin and even helped to think.

Fairies. Fairies are magical creatures. We can materialize the wings at will. Although in most cases we do not hide them. They are durable and flexible, and in the houses of the fairies everything is adapted specifically for the winged people. But at the Tu Ersh residence, I rarely spoiled the owners with the sight of my wings.

And then ... such a requirement. A request to a captive is precisely a demand.

She shook her head and snapped her fingers, simultaneously releasing magic that weaved into the butterfly's wings.

Let's see what the dark ladies want from a cute fake.

When the tall warriors opened the doors to the dining room for me and I caught sight of the high society gathered there, I slowed down slightly. If only because Sol was there ... And the sight of the man, whom I had hoped not to see for at least a day, was slightly disorienting. But I quickly came to my senses!

For the first time I saw the whole Barabakh family in one place. And, judging by this, you can expect something interesting. Should you be on your guard? Perhaps.

I smiled slightly and, picking up the flowing hem of the purple sparkling dress, sat down in a curtsy and sang:

- Good evening!

- Hello young lady. Glad to see you in my house, - a tall, almost dystrophic old woman at the head of the table nodded haughtily. As I understand - the head of the clan?

Mother Sola rose and said with a bow:

- Grand Lady Harissa tu Hersh Schwach-Barbach, let me introduce you to our guest. Lillian of the Black Moon and White Rose clan.

“Glad to welcome you, Grand Lady,” I replied seriously, and bowed deeply.

- Have a seat. - Thin dark lips quivered in a smile, and a thin hand with a single large ring on the index finger circled the table.

I was asked to sit down next to Sol. The drow sat upright, with a stony expression on his face and looked straight ahead. A statue, not a living being.

I sat down, fleetingly noting that for such a rare visitor, the Barabakhs had managed to get our folk fairy piece of furniture with a very narrow back somewhere. I made myself comfortable and looked around high society.

The society sat in a huge dining room decorated in black and silver colors. Massive chandeliers of blackened silver hung from the ceiling, white flames quivering in their horns, casting glare on the drow's faces.

Luxuriously. Exquisitely. Pathetic.

And silence. It became uncomfortable.

The Grand Lady reached for her glass, and in this grave silence, even the subtle ringing from the contact of the metal of her ring and crystal was clearly audible.

- Do you like our house? - the head of the clan innocently asked, taking a sip of ruby-red wine.

I looked directly into the faded but still light blue eyes of the elderly lady.

- In the house, yes. But the fact that I am not here of my own free will is depressing.

I looked expressively at my neighbor and loudly admitted:

- Don't worry, he's already trying!

A kind smile escaped the face of the grand lady, and she said imperiously:

- My grandson has already regretted his deed.

- About which one? - I insolently clarified, not a bit regretting that I started at the table not at all a table topic. - At the moment he was guilty almost everywhere and only once behaved like a man. But ... I didn't finish it! So you and I may have very different concepts of regretful acts, grand lady!

If they want the perfect lady, they've got the wrong lady! Now I am absolutely not in the mood to play the drow's favorite game of "courtesy always and everywhere." I'm a fairy. I am insane by definition and opinion of most races! I - by all the same opinion - have very vague notions about etiquette and generally no about subordination. Therefore, I will correspond. Very diligently. With all the zeal!

- All at once. - Harissa chuckled coldly and offered: - But let's not talk about business at the peaceful table. Why don't we do justice to the dinner that Lolth sent?

All those present readily turned their eyes to the dishes. They were nicer to look at than talking to the grand lady.

However, personally, I did not manage to pay due attention to all dishes. Alas, the setting was not conducive to awakening the appetite of one little fairy. But my neighbor doesn’t care. Sits, muzzle is still stone, but eats with enthusiasm.

As I have noticed, in general, there is very little that can discourage a man from craving for food.

At the end of the evening, all the ladies present decided that it would be nice to entertain the dear guest with a conversation on abstract topics. Sol, as the only man in the company, was not even asked. I entered the conversation, discussing with interest the latest fashion trends with dark ladies. At least they agreed on something.

The priest was stuck in the far corner of the living room, boredom and then indifference reigning in his clear eyes. I suppose he found something to keep his mind busy. There are many interesting techniques. And ... it's a sin to make the brain bored.

Finally, the female part of the Barabakh family came to the decision that it was time to talk about the case.

- So, Lilian ... - The first lady of the Shvakhova family gracefully walked around the room and after a few seconds decided where she wants to place herself, radiant.

She lowered herself onto the sofa, artistically arranged an inky-blue dress around her skirt and, being satisfied

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composition, drew attention to the rest of those present.

Total - there is no more space left on the sofa. The entire space was occupied by a sheer drow and her dress. The only furniture in the room was a pouf at the feet of the grand lady and two armchairs opposite her. The latter were clearly targeted by the mother and aunt of my personal Barabakh.

After assessing the situation, I quickly sat down in the chair opposite Harissa. I didn't succeed in repeating the trick with straightening the skirts due to the small number of them, but I was not upset.

The old lady and I looked at the remaining beautiful ladies with equal interest: both the little fairy and the old drow wondered how these honorable men would get out.

It did not work to put me on the ottoman "at the feet" of the eldest, and, apparently, this was what was intended. There is only one chair left. Which of the sisters recognizes their lower status? Reflections of the dark ladies did not take long. Mother Sola sat down on the only free seat, and Nirrena stood over her shoulder.

Decent solution.

No one remembered Sol. I glanced sideways at the priest, who calmly propped up the wall, and mentally smiled sadly. Here it is - matriarchy in all its glory.

- Dear Lily, - the head of the clan smiled softly, looking at me with a truly maternal gaze. - Will you let me call you that?

I held her gaze, in which a steel bottom was guessed under the layer of molasses, and replied:

- I prefer the full name, madam.

"Whatever you say, Lillian," the drow nodded graciously, an expression of universal tolerance on her thin face. As if the kids were playing pranks here and persist in little things, and she wisely decided not to argue over nonsense ... And, what is most interesting - a moment of awkward silence, one reproachful look and a barely audible sigh - and I felt like that very unreasonable girl. I wanted to respectfully bow to the grand lady. At what level is the psychological and mental adjustment going? I did not feel any influence on my mind, but this does not negate the possibility of pinpoint strikes. If the mental magician is very skilled, then he can change the mind of his opponent very quickly.

I also realized one important thing. Practically vital. You cannot enter into open confrontation here. With her - contraindicated. You can scandal with my personal Barabakh as much as you want, you can also play with his mother and aunt, but in the presence of Harissa you have to smile and agree, leaving yourself room for maneuvers if possible.

“So what did you want to talk about, grand lady?

- That you should soon enter the Labyrinth. And get out of there with the groom.

- Must? - I raised the curb. Well, you need to shake yourself for order, otherwise the spider will creep in doubts that everything is going as it should.

“A dear young lady, unfortunately, she really should,” Harissa smiled at me with feigned sympathy. “Neither you, whom Providence has chosen for this honor, nor we, who is entrusted with taking care of you, have a choice. But I can please. From now on, we are your family and kin in the drow realm. You can rely on us and count on us in everything!

All three ladies broke into truly crocodile smiles, which they apparently considered affectionately kindred. I felt sick!

- In the sense of relatives ?! I have mine!

“Of course there is,” Sol's mother threw up her hands. - Nobody is forcing you to give up your blood relatives.

- Okay. I massaged my temples with pressure. - Back to the essentials. Why should I marry those indicated by you?

A lengthy speech followed, during which it became clear that, of course, I owed nothing to anyone and the Barabakhs could let me go even tomorrow and bless me with the name of Lolth. But the problem is that I will leave before about the first drow I meet, who or who will drag me into his house with a joyful cry and declare that they are my relatives now. And I still have to get married. As I understand, the bride's relatives then rely on all kinds of buns.

She glanced at the serene dark ones. They won't help me. Moreover, if we recall Sol's threats, I will exit from here, either jumping by jumping to the Labyrinth with the suitors, or forward with my feet towards the altar of the spider goddess.

In general - while everything is somehow very complicated and cerebral. Need to think. Until then ...

- I realized! - I beamed with a completely stupid smile.

- What? - the drow inquired warily, who, you see, did not expect such a quick enlightenment from the dull fake.

- All! I assured them happily. - I really want to get married!

“That's good… but what about… obstacles?

Are they talking about maiden honor?

“We’ll decide everything,” I squinted at the priest, who nervously swallowed, with a mean smile, and the distant expression finally disappeared from his face. - Here, Mr. Sol boasted that he had many options!

- Sol? - the granddaughter of the grandmother demandedly looked.

- Well yes.

- Well! The old lady clapped her hands and stood up. - A month before the opening of the Labyrinth. During this time, you need to prepare Lillian!

“We will try,” assured her mother and the priest's aunt.

- That's wonderful! - The head of the clan nodded graciously and finished: - Now let me leave you. Good evening!

From the living room she swam like a black swan. I enviously watched the stately figure and hoped that in her years I would be the same.

As soon as the grand lady left the room, Sol peeled away from his wall and quietly said:

“Mother, aunt… I think you have many other things to do.

“But, son…” Sherishsha began.

“My ladies, I insist,” said well, a completely powerless man.

And strong, strong-willed and intelligent women, representatives of the matriarchal system nodded and left the room, leaving me alone with Mr. Tu Ersh, eager for communication.

Then I sharply wished to join even the spiders of the goddess!

“Well… Lily,” Sol began ominously. - Now we'll talk!

- About you and your duty to the new family! - the priest told me pompously, who in a completely shameless way collapsed on the sofa recently abandoned by the head of the clan. Digging through the chlamys, the drow found a thin pipe that would fit a lady more than a massive priest. He lit it and exhaled blue smoke.

- I told you, - I innocently clapped my eyelashes. - I'm ready!

The priest choked on another puff. He, of course, was aware that everything in the world is fleeting, but he did not think that to such an extent.

“You… what?

- Ready, - straightened the folds of her skirt, looking at him with an innocent look. - But I have one small condition.

“Who would have doubted,” the priest grumbled. - I'm listening.

- Even two! - I decided to correct myself, since Barbakh is in good spirits today. Despite the fact that I almost raped him two hours earlier ...

- I will choose a man myself. - Catching a skeptical blue look, I hastily added: - I promise not to be too picky. And really choose.

"Acknowledged," Sol agreed with a sigh. - Further?

- Since we choose ... hmm ... a performer, shall we say, from houses of a certain kind, I would like to see the entire assortment in place.

- What for?!

- Mister tu Ersh, - blushing, I looked down and finished in a half-whisper: - I am afraid that our tastes for men are somewhat different.

I tried very hard not to laugh in a completely vulgar way. Fairies are gentle and airy creatures

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we laugh somehow not comme il faut.

A pipe falls from the weakened fingers of the indignant dark and rolls along the floor with a soft thud. I hear him breathing furiously and gripping the armrest. I hope he doesn't tear the upholstery with his teeth - it's expensive. Somehow I even started to care for the safety of my relatives' property!

- What-oh-oh-oh ?! The drow who finally came to his senses roared like a mad beast.

- I did not like the one you chose, - I readily explained and decided to finish off: - I, of course, understand, the passive role for men in your society has long become the norm, but this does not suit me.

- That is, you thought that I was interested in men ?!

“You shouldn't be ashamed of it,” I said quite sincerely and even sympathetically. - Everything is quite clear and natural. And what do you like ... you like that is also understandable and natural. Let me tell you a secret - they look like women of the upper world. Maybe you should try them somehow? Judging by what we had with you, everything is not as hopeless as I thought at first!

So what do we have?

And we have one evil type who was accused of specializing in his gender. In theory, right now, losing my pants, they should jerk to prove my male viability. Well? I stared at Schwach expectantly.

He was still choking on smoke and was in no hurry to rush to the little fake, losing his chlamydas. Hmmm ... annoying. But nothing! In the end, my mother told me that you can't believe women's novels!

With some inner frustration, I returned to my old business theme:

- The second condition.

- Yes? Sol asked hoarsely.

It seems that the priest had just regretted for the hundredth time that he had got me as the chosen one, and dreamed of getting rid of the dubious honor as soon as possible. Needless to say, not all dreams come true?

“I want to know more about the manners and customs of the drow.

- Commendable.

- And I think so! - I continued enthusiastically, actively gesticulating and depicting an extreme degree of puppetry and cretinism on my face. - In the end, I live here! I want to get to know the city, explore it ... not only by walking to the brothel and back.

- You will show!

- And I say no! - Mister tu Ersh finally blew up from the sofa, but rushed not towards me, but from me. - That's it, I'm tired of you, dear fairy! I just can't stand more communication!

- And I say yes! One mischievous fairy in my face insisted.

- Lillian! I don't know what you are up to, but no!

- But what about family, honor and duty to the state? I asked sarcastically.

The dark elf's face was visibly sad. Apparently, he was happy to send all these metaphysical concepts to hell, but did not have such an opportunity.

“I don’t want to communicate with you, you nasty fairy,” the priest said honestly.

It could be recalled that quite recently he really wanted to, and not communicate at all, but did not aggravate. We will remember this later. Alone. In a similar recent situation.

And now we have to put the squeeze on! After all, my blue-eyed nightmare will run away, and that's it. It didn't suit me! I clearly realized that I don't want any more light elves!

I want this. Very ... What obstinate, eh? And with all this - a real man! Many do not even hold a candle to him! But, alas, at the moment this real man wanted to run away with all his might from a real woman, that is, me. This was not part of my plans.

It was easier in ancient times. I contrived, threw a stone on a carelessly walking man - dragged him into a cave and tame him slowly! Now they have become more cunning!

“Sol, stop pushing,” I said amiably. - You yourself understand that I can walk up to the grand lady with these little requests. Then they will not only hand you over to me, but they will also tie you up with a gift ribbon. And in addition, you will be puzzled with a list of ideas that need to be planted in my silly, but - oh, happiness! - a winged person. Extra complications, don't you think?

However, imagining completely naked, but with Sol's ribbon, I thought that maybe it is worth going to Harissa. The picture is very attractive.

- Are you stupid ?! Barracuda!

- The donkey himself, - I was offended, a small and tender fake.

I got up, sat down in a curtsy and said:

- And now I will leave you. In the meantime, make a list of the city's top rated brothels. Let's go on visits!

- Lillian!

I no longer listened, dancing with a gait along the corridor. Ay yes I am, yes?

I've always wanted my morning to start with a man. You know, it's wonderful when the morning begins with a man! Sounds great! But in fact, some fakes should not be lazy and somehow detail the picture, and not get rid of the abstract "morning - man". In this phrase, one sees a hot body nearby, strong hands slowly sliding over your skin softened by sleep ... Or you can hear the aroma of fresh coffee and quiet steps of bare feet on the parquet, and then you feel the bed sagging under considerable weight and warm fingers touch your shoulder.

In general, everything looks very rosy in our imagination.

The final chord is simply obliged to follow the phrase "Honey, wake up" and a kiss ... yes, a kiss somewhere, I'm not picky!

Again, this is the perfect picture. Detailed. My reality was in no hurry to become perfect.

It all started well.

The door creaked, and heavy footsteps were heard in the room, muffled by the carpet, followed by a lighter tread.

- Mr. Saul, you can't come here!

“Yes,” the guard stammered.

- But we won't tell anyone, will we? The priest drawled in a very sensual tone.

I frowned, because I didn't really like that Barabakh was flirting with the maid. In my bedroom, by the way!

- Yes, we won't.

- That's wonderful. Now go ...

The door creaked softly and closed almost inaudibly.

I, without opening my eyes, smiled broadly and slightly moved, taking a pose more attractive.

Sol is here! A couple of steps from my bed! On which, by the way, lies an attractive fairy from all sides in one peignoir, which hides little.

Oh, what will happen!

Unable to resist, I opened one eye and squinted it at the priest standing near my bed. Hope the lashes are long enough to cover what I'm peeping at.

The man stood with his arms folded across his chest and looked at me thoughtfully. Hmmm… glanced at the drow figure. At the moment, he was in no hurry to feel me with a thirsty gaze and to tear off his clothes. However, I have already understood that in this case it is not necessary to wait for such an easy victory. But can you dream?

The dark elf sighed softly and took a step forward. I quickly closed my eyes and suppressed a shiver in my body. Yet it is not always subject to reason. And the imagination was completely provocatively drawing in my head various options for the further development of events. Completely indecent, as you might guess.

I had already reached the point where the half-naked Sol rips off my peignoir when a commanding voice rang out overhead:

- Leah, get up!

I didn’t think. Slowly, without opening her eyes, she stretched ... feeling how the collar of the shirt crawls lower and lower and the lace lingers on the sharp top of one of the breasts, now covering it purely symbolically.

I smiled and exhaled:

- Good morning to you too. A

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i don't want to get up.

- Exactly? The dark one busily specified.

- Yeah-ah, - I purred. - But you can join ...

What? I opened my eyes in shock and even managed to raise myself on my elbows. And in all its glory to catch the moment when the drow, with the most villainous expression of courageous physiognomy, overturned a jug of water over me.

The room shook with a wild screech. Doors slammed, voices and the sound of boots were heard, and after a few seconds several heavily armed guards appeared in my bedroom, looking around with wild expressions and purple eyes. They climbed under the bed, ran to the bathroom, found no one and looked expectantly at the entertaining composition "a wet fairy on the bed and the owner of the house with a jug in his hand."

The dark one patiently waited for me to run out of air and inserted:

- Why so loudly express your joy at the wonderful morning, young lady?

One of the girls straightened the sling with the scabbard and, stepping forward, clicked her heels and asked:

- All right?

“Yes,” I muttered hoarsely, grasping my shoulders chilly.

- Yeah ... - held out the guard. - Why then shouted?

“The sun welcomed me,” I grumbled, getting out of the damp blanket. - We, fairies, it is so customary, you know.

- Yeah ... - repeated the same guard. - And is it often accepted? They hadn't yelled before.

- As the mood finds the sun to greet, - I barked and grabbed the robe from the back of the chair. - And now everybody out, be so kind!

The drow bowed, turned and, almost marching, disappeared through the doors. That's what I understand - the military! Well done! Of course, the priest did not even think of dumping in the same orderly way and now stood, smiled and, apparently, felt completely happy.

I could not resist:

- Do you need an additional invitation to exit ?! - I nervously wrapped the robe and tried to tie the belt. It turned out badly. The arms were shaking, the body was trembling from the cold, cool streams of water flowed from the hair by the collar and this added "pleasant" sensations.

“Mmm… dear Leah,” the drow began in a very soft and gentle voice.

- What? I asked cautiously.

He scares me today. It scares me right in the morning. Where is my dear, modest, sweet, slightly dull Barabakh ?! What is this malicious atrocity that grins in an amiable smile ?! I do not know where the priest managed to lose all his shyness, but today it is gone.

- Dear Lillian, I am happy to see you in this beautiful ...

- Stop threatening me! - I declared resolutely and returned to unyielding strings. - You can already go to the topic!

- Suggest to skip the intro of molasses? - the dark elf raised a light eyebrow.

- I propose to begin with clarifying what you are doing here.

“I fulfill your wishes, winged lady,” the priest bowed in a gallant bow. - What else can my humble person do?

Mock the unfortunate winged lady? Maybe he knows how, he practices ...

- When did I want an ice shower in bed ?!

- This impromptu is my initiative. As far as I remember, fairies have always been fans of a healthy lifestyle. Tempering, vitamins ... winter swimming!

Bastard. And a vindictive bastard. I realized this, looking into the blue eyes opposite, in which the promise of unforgettable days ahead shone.

And I ... I guess I'm crazy. Because I even liked it! Inspired! Playing with someone who plays with you ... um ... it adds to the spice. Brings emotions to the next level. Adds spice to opposition. In general, I liked the new chosen one more and more!

Clever drow. Strong drow. Sly drow. How lovely, isn't it?

I answered him with an almost mirror image of his grin and, twisting a wet lock of hair around my finger, agreed:

- Yes, my people really love all of the above. But without fanaticism and not as surprises. I ask you to take this into account in the future when you start making me ... gifts, dear Sol.

The corner of the mouth of one cunning and clever twitched with displeasure.

I smiled and, waving my hand, walked past him with the words:

- And now I have to leave you, since you are in no hurry to leave the young lady alone.

The robe ties came apart under my hands even before I reached the bathroom door. He slowly slid off his shoulders, and then off his hands, freezing on the floor in an azure-blue silk puddle.

I froze in the doorway, curving up and running one hand through my hair. Lifting a heavy mane, exposing a neck, along which a drop slowly rolled. She ran her fingers over it, smearing it over the skin, and thanked, casting a sly glance at the petrified man:

“Thanks for waking up… honorable priest.

“You're welcome, winged lady,” the elf replied dully.

I just nodded and took a few steps forward. The lacing of the negligee quickly gave in to my hands. A moment - and I stood naked.

I did not close the door. As well as to turn around. I didn't know if he was there or had already left. I didn’t know… I didn’t guess… and I didn’t even understand if I want it. Eh, I went to the bath. We need to get warm. And then you can get sick from an unexpected winter swimming!

There were hurriedly retreating footsteps in the bedroom, and the front door truly slammed deafeningly, cutting me off from Sol tu Ersh.

I smiled contentedly and threw back my head, exposing my face to a tight stream of hot water.

We'll play some more, dear priest. Let's play.

Coming down to breakfast, I wondered what the coming day would bring me. Shoes banged on the steps. A palm slid along the polished wooden railing, and one of the guards moved almost inaudibly behind.

The silent convoy was annoying.

I didn't like to get irritated. I didn't like bad emotions at all, because ... you can even get used to them. And the bad is much easier to get than the good. And the most disgusting - the negative, as a rule, leaves a much brighter mark in the soul. So I preferred modestly. Either good or very good! As a last resort, just calm.

So now I, too, thought about what such wonderful thing the drow capital and the priest in accompanying can bring to me.

A surprise awaited me in the dining room.

The aforementioned priest in splendid isolation. There was no one else at the long table. There was only one device opposite the man, clearly demonstrating that no one else was expected.

Sol got up and moved towards me with a welcoming smile:

- Hello again, dear Lillian!

And at that particular moment, for some reason I suspected that everything would not be as great as I was used to. And that a man is not always good. Even a chic, passionate and intelligent man is sometimes very bad. In general, Sol tu Ersh also did not shy away from the "shock therapy" tactics.

But I quickly came to my senses. Milo turned pink (well, I hope it's cute), lowered her eyes and held out a kissing pen with the words:

“Right, and good morning again, my lord.

So for you. "My Lord".

The pen hung in the air for a split second, but then long dark fingers wrapped around my palm, and the drow bent down, brushing his wrist with dry, hot lips.

The pulse under the thin skin seemed to freeze for a moment, and then began to beat twice as fast.

Is it any wonder that I sat quiet for most of breakfast,

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peaceful and periodically choking under the mocking gaze of the dark?

The reins of event management were slowly but surely falling into the wrong hands, and I didn't like it. However, who am I kidding? Immediately! And so quickly that I hardly had time to recover. But anyway, I didn't like it.

So, Leah, come to your senses! And then they will hand you over to the valiant workers of the erotic front in operation, and you won't have time to wave your wings! And we need to surrender into strictly defined hands and by no means the clutches of the workers of the brothel front.

- How do you like our cuisine? Sol asked innocently when we finally got to dessert.

I was just washing down a piece of cookies with tea and did not expect that the silent priest would suddenly speak. Choked. She coughed.

- Lillian, is everything okay? The man asked with such concern that he wanted to swear again.

At the same time, he did not even think to get up and pat the unfortunate me on the back. I didn't even offer water! Ham.

However, I was a little hasty. Mister tu Ersh got up and, filling his glass with fruit drink, handed it to me with the words:

- Drink, dear guest. Very refreshing.

I drank it all in one gulp, not taking my gaze away from the drow, designed to show everything I think of him. I thought badly. But he was not embarrassed, but only blossomed even more.

- Why are you all silent, Lily?

- I have no words - I grunted in response.

- From what? - This bastard did not fail to clarify and smiled broadly.

In a table conversation, it would be wrong to answer him in paints, as well as using my entire obscene lexical range, so I did it neutral:

- From your hospitality, dear. I have been impressed for several days now and I still can't come to terms with how ... lucky I am.

- Nothing, they quickly get used to everything good, - the priest "consoled" me and, returning to the feast, asked: - Would you like a cake? I want to note that our cook cooks them superbly.

- If in their composition there is nothing ... superfluous, then, perhaps, I want to, - I agreed reluctantly, who had already looked sideways at the custard baskets, which, as luck would have it, were lying on a dish not far from my companion. For some reason, pride did not allow me to ask.

The dark elf only smiled and, putting the coveted dessert on a saucer, handed it to me. I took it with some apprehension. Uncertainly, she touched the lush top of the cream with a spoon and scooped it up. She brought it to her mouth, sniffed, and only then ate it.

Sol tu Ersh watched this with such interest that I even felt embarrassed. I licked my lips nervously. The drow looked away, and I grinned contentedly, regaining my former confidence. Apparently, the priest was already embarrassed. Or a little uncomfortable in tight pants?

My mental villainous laugh was interrupted by a maid who appeared in the refectory with a tray on which lay a single letter. Approaching the dark, she stood with a bow in front of him. The man took the message and gestured to the maid. He opened the envelope and ran his eyes over the text.

I studied with interest the wax seal, now dangling on a string, and the stamped paper through which an interesting symbol shone through. Our dear priest did not write from the Temple, as one might think. The seal was of the royal house. Very interesting. Especially in light of the fact that, as far as I remember, lately the political line that the Queen of the Dark Elves has been leading has not always found support from the Temple.

- The bad news? - I asked innocently, because such curiosity is quite acceptable within the framework of the conversation.

"For you, yes," the drow replied curtly. “The Queen wishes to host a ball in honor of our distinguished guest.

Shit ...

I rubbed an eyebrow, imagined the perspectives in paints.

Do I need it? I am not going to stay here, and therefore, acquaintance with the local community will be more harmful than beneficial. In the case of the drow race, the fact that all their aristocracy will know me in person is more a minus than a plus. I don’t remember all of them in beautiful faces, but they certainly don’t remember me. And it is not known how our possible meeting will end in the future.

- I will not go.

- How so? - even slightly taken aback by the drow.

- But like this! I do not want.

- I'm afraid that we will have to discuss how to take into account the refusal. Do not you drag me there by force? Mind you, I will shout and push back.

- You are rude boor! - the man spat on all the frames of etiquette.

- Look who's Talking! - I was indignant. - You yourself are no better, and this time. Two - you kind of like matriarchy, and therefore I am in my own right.

- To humiliate men? - raised a light eyebrow priest.

- Yes, when did I humiliate you ?!

“Last night, for example,” the priest answered dryly. - Your actions humiliated me.

I mentally returned at the indicated time. I realized that it was he about how we had a good time on the carpet before the appearance of maman Barabakh.

I understood ... and felt anger rise from the depths of my soul.

- Or maybe your reactions humiliated you ?! So this is not for me, dear Sol, but for your own physiology! And in general ... you are not at all embarrassed by the fact that shortly before your "humiliation" you dragged me, the distinguished guest, and so on, not someone, but ... and ...

I even suffocated from an excess of feelings. In vain he started it! Oh, in vain!

The answer was a slightly surprised look in blue eyes, and then ... a sincere laugh. Disrespectfully crumpling a letter from the royal house in his fist, this bastard with feeling, plainly, relish and arrangement is completely vulgar and not in a noble way ... neighing.

- Oh, dear Leah ... - The priest even wiped a tear that came out. - What in your head all revolves around sex?

I stumbled and began to blush slowly, gradually realizing that I might have misunderstood everything and my attacks were funny. Judging by the reaction, they are really funny ... But she answered in the most dignified way:

- Don't you think that this is all because the whole plot of our acquaintance around this topic is tied ?! This, one might say, is the motto of our history!

- In general, yes, that's right, - the dark man nodded and got up from the table. - I suggest leaving this topic. She is hopeless and leads to a quarrel. And we don't need this at all. The day is wonderful and promises to be very busy.

- We still go for a walk?

“That's right,” the dark man nodded and, coming up to me, extended his hand. I hesitated and accepted it. - Lillian, will you walk in this outfit or would you prefer to change?

- In that. - I did not see anything wrong in my dress, and the shoes were comfortable enough even for long walks.

- Great.

And we marched to the exit from the dining room. Already going down the stairs, I asked:

- And what is our program for today?

“Cultural,” Sol replied succinctly.

- This, of course, is wonderful ... But can you tell me more?

- Why not? - We reached the end of the stairs, and Barabakh gave me his hand, helping me down the last step. - You have expressed a desire to get acquainted with the city and its history, and therefore we will go to the Royal Museum, and then we will walk and have lunch. And then ... on business.

- What

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business? - I looked suspiciously at the priest.

- Lily, don't make me say it out loud!

- Right today ?! - I was horrified and even slowed down, resting my heels on the floor. “I'm not ready… right now!

“Just look around today and choose a candidate,” the priest reassured. - Don't worry so much.

Uh-huh. Why, "don't" ...

Lord tu Ersh accepted the cape from the hands of the servant and kindly helped me put it on, then the butler opened the doors for us. I looked gloomily into my "bright" future.

The day started off amazingly. Stalwart Sol poured water on me early in the morning, then ruined my appetite at breakfast and is now taking a walk. To the museum, and then to the brothel.

Awesome cultural program! Brave, unusual, with a twinkle!

I just don't want to thank this creative person at all.

Out on the ... hmm ... street, I looked around in surprise.

We ended up in a cave. The high vaults were lost in the twilight, and the floor, paved with light marble, ran forward like a path.

- Where are we? - I asked, puzzled.

- What exactly are you interested in?

- Yes, everything, - I honestly admitted and explained: - The fact is, dear Sol, that from the window of my room there was a good view of the underground city. And leaving the door, we found ourselves in a very narrow space, where there is no smell of space.

- Maybe because the windows overlook the central area of \u200b\u200bSartash, and we are now in one of the side caves? We have these streets, dear lady.

- Is this Sartash ?! - I was doubly surprised.

- Yes. And in honor of what such a shock?

I just shook my head, mentally annoyed with myself. Well, yes, where else could a man become a priest, if not in the city of magicians? The only drow city where the stronger sex was able to win for themselves at least the illusion of equality.

“I thought we were in Ashrishan. The capital of your kingdom.

- In honor of what were such conclusions made?

I thought about it. And really, why did I decide by default that I was transported to the drow capital? After all, even a shadow of doubt did not arise during these couple of days.

Probably because on the first day I actively protested and did not even try to realize the fact that I was here for a long time. And after that Sol appeared with a strange little man by the arm and shocked me with the final threatening prospects.

“The thing is, you mentioned the prince,” I finally decided.

- Leah, for you not only the prince, for you all the heirs of ten cities will fight, as well as other worthy candidates, - the priest grinned and gave me his hand. We crossed to the other side of the street. I twisted my head, noting how bizarrely the facades of houses in the walls of the cave were carved. And the living quarters themselves were probably located in the thickness of the rock.

- Why am I so successful?

- We have a kind of custom. Once every fifty years, a winged maiden comes to us, and the best of the best compete for the right to introduce her into their family.

- So the best of the best or the best of the noble? - I asked somewhat maliciously.

“The best of the noble,” the elf returned the grin. “No one will allow a winged lady with magic in her veins to be the wife of a simple drow, no matter how powerful.

- Does the custom have ... origins? The root causes, so to speak.

“Perhaps the best I can answer is:“ I don’t know, dear lady, ”the priest broke into a completely vile, self-confident smile again.

I looked at him gloomily, and then ... then I remembered one nuance:

- You have practically no female magicians ...

- That's right, - agreed the dark one.

“And only a female magician who is chosen from among the most worthy pretenders can inherit the throne. And to be even more precise - from among the ten rulers.

“Right-a-avilno,” Sol drawled contentedly, almost muttered, glancing at me with interest.

- Winged for you - an infusion of fresh blood. Magic blood. After all, it has long been known that races that have wings almost always pass on a magical gift to descendants.

- Lillian, you delight me!

I just waved my hand, deciding to ignore the last phrase. She fell silent, looking in front of her and intently pondering everything.

They will not let me go. They definitely won't let you go. I'm not just a winged lady. I'm a fairy. And now it is doubly clear why they tend to attach my virginity to someone. After that, my magic will blossom and increase several times. I will also become a full-fledged fairy. That is, I will bring good luck to my family.

Luck is always good. At any social level.

But if at least for a moment we imagine that absolute success in all undertakings and even the most daring adventures will accompany someone of a very high rank ... It is clear: here they will grab hold of me with their hands, feet, teeth and everything they can grab onto.

In general, another confirmation that I am not allowed to go to the ball.

I looked pitifully at the imperturbable drow walking beside me. The one that started it all! The look from the plaintive turned to thirsty for revenge. You-s-s-s ... It's all your fault! And you will answer! They say that only a fool with initiative is worse than a fool ... But I’ll tell you this: even worse is a fool with the possibility of its implementation. This is me now about myself so self-critical, yes.

In the meantime ... While we are walking.

And we'll think about how to be later. Because, unfortunately, my idea failed to achieve intimacy with the priest and make him help me escape. For celibacy or not, he will not let go of a valuable fake.

Breaking free from the captivity of heavy thoughts was not as easy as thought at first. The mood was irrevocably ruined. Even the panorama of the center of Sartash, which appeared before our eyes when we went to one of the observation platforms, did not cheer us up. Beautiful, impressive, interesting ... but I was absorbed in myself. However, the natural craving for beauty soon took over, and while we were going down the narrow stairs, I almost came to my senses.

Saul portrayed the courteous guide in a "look left, look right" style. I commented.

“So, dear Lillian, I see that you are impressed by the magnificence of Sartash. - The man looked around the city with such a look, as if he personally did not build something - he designed and gouged out every pebble from the rock. Moreover, judging by the pride in the dark gaze, the rock resisted only. Desperate.

“Impressed,” I said readily. - I can't come to my senses that day.

“I always knew that women have a weak nervous system, but I didn't think that to such an extent,” Barabakh drawled with ostentatious sympathy.

- Yes? - I responded phlegmatically. - And it seemed to me that, obeying both women in general and representatives of your own family in particular, you should have studied this long ago.

Sol darkened, looking at me with unconcealed malice in his blue eyes. I smiled serenely, not even trying to hide the triumph that splashed in my eyes. Wanted a winged lady? Get it.

“Dark elves are different from surface women,” the drow finally gave birth.

- Yeah, - I nodded in response and asked a counter question: - And you know that we, unbalanced women of the surface, without the sun, the character generally deteriorates. Strong. Exponentially, Lord Priest!

Apparently, the lord priest did not want to react in any way to this information, as he silently picked me up by the elbow and led me along a long terrace encircling the bowl of the valley of the center of Sartash.

- So, on the right you can observe the magnificent palace

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To the Supreme Mother Sartash. Isn't that impressive?

“True,” I agreed. - She has a harem of a hundred men, whom she makes every day to fight for the right to warm the bed of the mistress?

Sol gritted his teeth. It was not customary to talk about this in a decent society. And I knew that very well.

- Leah, you are confusing something. Mrs. Sartasha has never been engaged in such ... entertainment. And her harem is not as big as the rumors blown by word of mouth.

“Perhaps,” I nodded and looked seriously at my companion. - True, rumors, unfortunately, are more tenacious than cockroaches.

- Probably, this is why smart people do not believe everything that they are told?

- I would say that smart people take note of everything they hear. And do not reject the opposite point of view. And don't let stereotypes poison your thinking.

I very transparently hinted that this particular drow is very stereotyped! Although ... on the other hand, I try to comply with them, so there is nothing to blame the dark.

“It’s strange from you, Lillian, to hear such reasoning,” Sol returned the hairpin to me.

- You are a living example of my statement, - my harmful essence did not fail to remind about myself. - And you don't get tired of confirming this.

They looked at me wearily. And then the unexpected sounded:

- Lily, do you have to be such a thorn?

- Um ... - I was even taken aback by such drastic changes. - I do not understand what are you talking about.

- I mean that we are walking now. And it would be nice not to complicate everything. I'll tell you frankly, dear fairy. I was not joking when I said that you tire me very much. And I have a lot of negative factors outside the house. Therefore, I have a proposal - let's live peacefully at least for the next few hours? You don't bite, and I will do my best to make this walk magical. As well as the following.

- In general - you propose to conclude a truce? - I asked. - During walks in Sartash.

- Of course, I would very much like you to always behave well, but I perfectly understand that this is unrealistic. The situation in which you find yourself is really not rosy, and therefore protests are expected.

- If expected, why do you react so nervously?

“Because you manage to protest in such a way that it pisses me off,” the drow admitted honestly.

I just smiled and looked away. We stood at the railing of the terrace. Sartash lay at his feet, shimmering in the dim light of the lichen growing on the vaults of the cave. Beckoning new, unknown ... Girls are curious creatures who are drawn to look into a box with a secret. Saul has the key. So why not?

She turned to the dark, patiently waiting for an answer and held out her palm with the words:

- I agree!

- That's wonderful. A satisfied grin slid across the elf's lips. Long fingers wrapped around my arm, and, slowly bending down, he touched my knuckles with a weightless kiss.

The man straightened up, and I was once again amazed at what hefty moose grow in the kingdom of the mountains. And in theory, the dark elves should be short ... A couple passed us, clearly confirming this. They were even slightly lower than me. Interestingly, on what compound feed did the Barabakhs grow up this calf? Elite!

- Where do we start? I asked.

“I think we'll just go downstairs. The center is not that big, you can get around in a couple of hours. I will tell you what is there, and you will already decide what you want much more.

- Suitable, - I nodded decisively and asked: - Since we have peace, maybe we will again be on "you"?

He froze, casting a sidelong blue gaze at me. The silence lasted only a few seconds, but for some reason they seemed eternal to me. Ugh, why did I blurt it out at all ?! Let it go as it went! Well, so what if during the quarrels "you" didn't even smell? Quarrels are an increased emotional intensity and a lack of part of the bonds of self-control. And in a calm atmosphere, distance is so dear to us ...

A wide, slightly rough palm unhooked my foot, which was convulsively clinging to the balcony handrail, and placed it on its elbow.

“A-ah-ah… yes,” I drawled absolutely pointlessly, in a slight shock from such impudence of the one who until recently was so fixated on the ceremony.

“We're down,” Saul said the obvious. - The stairs are in a couple of tens of meters. There is not much time, so it is better to reflect when we return to the residence of the clan.

And we went down!

The direct rays of the streets fell under our feet, my heels clattered on the marble slabs of the road, and the drow walking towards us looked curiously at our pair. I didn’t materialize my wings and looked like an ordinary human being. Judging by the way their heads were turned at us, the couples "man and priest" did not run around here ten times a day. Hey, they don't know yet about our extremely cultural and versatile program!

Sol tu Ersh received perplexed looks, and I - contemptuous. Of course, as soon as I take my true form, everything will change. But why? I am a smart fairy and reasonably believed that in this case there would only be more problems.

So I ignored the locals and looked at the city. Sartash was handsome. The cave was carved into a mass of sharnite - a stone that absorbed light and began to glow softly on its own. The buildings were made of it, and a crystal shone at the top of each tower. Its light was absorbed by the walls of houses and caves, and therefore the eternal dusk reigned underground. Handsomely…

We stopped in front of a large building with columns.

- Museum? I asked.

- He is. The drow's thin lips quivered slightly. - How did you guess?

- You know, for some reason, the repositories of the cultural heritage of any race are distinguished by their rare ... pomp. “I finally found the right word. - In any case, almost everything that I saw.

“Unless the mountain goblins have it differently,” Mr. Tu Ersh supported me. “They have all of their cultural heritage dumped in a distant cave and sold out as needed.

- And then it is taken from the buyers, until they descended from the mountains, - I laughed.

“Sometimes customers are quick enough to sneak out before part of the goblin community catches up with them. Well, or dangerous enough to fight back.

“Hmm…” I surveyed the massive figure of the priest with a searching glance. - Did you run fast or did you fight well?

- When I was young I ran quickly, and then I fought well. Sol replied with a sincere, infectious smile that was impossible not to respond to. - Well, let's go to the museum?

I just nodded and put my foot on the first rung of the stairs.

The man walked slowly, measuredly beside me, adjusting to my pace.

And I admired. A museum building, shining with a soft purple light, making the sculptures, incredibly skillfully carved from smoky transparent quartz, seemed almost alive. Touch - you will feel the warmth.

And I also admired the priest, who looked very natural and organic in this surreal place. Tall, powerful yet lithe, white hair is silvery and skin almost black. Awesome Elk!

My blissful state was interrupted very rudely. The gatekeeper stopped us and politely addressed

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“Blessed by the great Lolth, I’m afraid we’re not allowed to go to the museum with the animals.”

I turned to the lower one, judging by the scarlet eyes, the drow looked bad.

No, I, of course, knew that the drow are still snobs and consider themselves the highest race, but I did not think that to such an extent!

- Since when has the human race been officially recognized as equal to animals? Sol asked in a kind and gentle tone.

So kind and affectionate that even the frost pushed me down my spine.

But the guard turned out to be less impressionable.

- Official recognition has not yet come out, but you yourself understand ... You can't let monkeys into the museum. What if she ruins something there ?!

All. This is too much.

I stepped forward to clean the bastard's face. I don’t care that I am tender and quivering, now this representative of the great and terrible drow will become very familiar with marble slabs! Face.

I was gently held by the sleeve. She looked at the priest.

“Lady Lillian, I am your beau for today. So let me figure it out, ”the most opaque dark elf in the world told me softly.

I allowed it. She allowed it and watched with great pleasure as the guard was hung on the nearest gargoyle. And the gargoyles, by the way, are studded with thorns of considerable length! The boor's clothes were strong, so they did not break immediately, and therefore, swearing, he hung on the stone fear-man and could not go down. At his feet, the priest laid down the weapon that he had taken from the guard a little earlier. After all, I was again offered my hand, and I accepted it with pleasure.

When we went into the hall and there we were met by the elderly Curator of the Museum, the priest politely said:

“I want to point out that you need a new gatekeeper.

- What happened to the old one? - the keeper was concerned.

“Hanging on a gargoyle at the entrance,” Sol replied politely and explained, “He made insulting remarks about my lady.

The elderly dark man just chewed his lip and asked a single question:

"Glory Lolth," the old man breathed in relief. - Forgive the boy, honorable priest! Young still ... no brains.

- Nothing. But a grain of mind should be invested. His next opponent may not be so kind, and your protege will have to hang, perhaps, not on clothes, but on his skin or ribs.

- I understand. Thank you! The old man bowed deeply. - You and the lady wanted to visit the museum? I can provide you with a guide and ...

“Not worth it,” Sol interrupted. “I know the history of many of the exhibits well enough that I can enlighten my lady.

- As you say, - another bow of the Guardian. - Then I wish you a good evening.

Walking through the museum was entertaining. Sol really knew a lot, moreover, he turned out to be a good storyteller.

Sartash is a city of magicians. It was founded in an array of sharnite deposits, which absorbed not only light, but also any magic. So the city itself became an indestructible stronghold. It didn’t need thick walls or numerous traps to protect it, although, of course, the dark elves were not squeamish for the sake of safety. Paranoid, what can you take from them.

Sharnit was the seat of power. Artifact city. City of power in the truest sense of the word, because all magic can be released. Needless to say, this stronghold was a tasty morsel for very, very many.

And that is why a small coup succeeded here several centuries ago. The drow wizards were predominantly men who really wanted freedom and at least some kind of rights. And the queen really did not want to lose Sartash. And she didn't need a split between the elves either.

Listening to all this, it became more and more interesting what status my guide has. Mage-priest in Sartash. High-ranking priest, since it was he who performed the ritual of summoning the great chosen one in my person.

- Sol, what is your status? - I decided to ask.

“Mmm… does it change anything? - he drawled, looking sideways at me.

- I'm interested.

- And if you are tall? You, dear Leah, will immediately stop being rude, swearing, abruptly respect me and begin to listen to every word with trepidation?

I thought about it. After everything that has already happened ... nope!

This is what I voiced.

He just smiled and quietly asked:

- Well, then what is the point in this knowledge, little fairy? It won't change anything.

“I'll be a little more afraid of you.

- You wanted to say, "I'll start to be afraid a little"? The drow corrected my phrase with a laugh.

I just looked down with a smile.

We did not have time to develop the topic, although I suspect that even if we could, it still gave me nothing.

- And here is the most interesting room for you, - Saul said when we moved into another huge room from the suite of the same. - Hall of the Winged History.

- Ltd! - I drawled, looking around with curiosity.

Statues, portraits, manuscripts under the protection of enchanted glass or floating in the air in a cloud of enchantments, shimmering and transparent ribbons entangling scrolls ...

I wanted to rush in all directions at once!

- Better start from here. - I was correctly hooked under the elbow and dragged along.

We stopped in front of a scroll of monograms inscribed in the old dialect of the dark elves. I did not know these runes ...

She looked pitifully at Mister Tu Ersh. He, realizing what I want, said:

“This tells how Lolth appeared to her children during the bloody turmoil, when the drow could not resist the magic of the light elves, and suggested the right path in the darkness.

- To steal the winged and marry your rulers? I asked ironically.

“Not just winged ones, but winged ones of a noble family,” the priest smiled cynically. - You know what your dowry is?

I knew. The rich lunarium mine, which was located on the border with the lands of the drow, many magical artifacts and, in fact, by default - the support of relatives.

And if they received so much for each winged one ...

"Sol, hasn't anyone tried to go against your system?" Judging by the portraits, whoever you did not steal! From angels to demons, from fairies to dragons! And really no one, absolutely no one went against this arbitrariness?

“You forget about Lolth's will, Leah. Believe me, the goddess knows how to impress even those who are not adherents of her cult. And he knows how to punish too. And then the survival of the race was at stake.

- In short, in the end you have a bunch of family ties, a rich dowry and high-quality heirs, - I summed up. - Well settled!

- We pay a lot for this too ...

- With what?

- The third son of every family.

- Sol, your birth rate is minimal! What are the third sons ?!

“Don't forget that“ family ”is not a specific couple. It's a genus. My family, for example, includes several dozen elves and even more elves. And every third son dies on the altar upon reaching maturity.

- You don't mind the boys?

- We feel sorry for everyone. We grow up together, play, then kill and go to power together too. After all, who exactly is the third of us becomes known only on the day of the second majority.

- And why?..

- Because up to this point, the doomed may well benefit his people. Why is it useless to scatter valuable personnel when they can still serve a good cause?

I fell silent. Yes ... Somehow it is completely unhappy. Lolth has a lot to ask for the salvation of his own children.

In the picture in front of me, the appearance of some demoness was captured. The first one seems to be winged.

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The same ritual. A priest in purple next to a girl in a pentagram, and a crowd of people in the vaulted hall.

- Who is it? - pointed a finger at the priest.

Sol just rolled his eyes.

- I will not say.

- Listen, and so it is clear that you are some kind of a bump, so why hide something ?! - I could not resist.

“Of natural harm,” Sol answered calmly. - Have you seen enough? Let's move on?

I nodded.

Then everything went even more curious. Brief Biographies of the Winged Maidens. And what is interesting ... There was a lot about some of the girls, and several husbands stood next to their throne. And about some only a couple of words and one small portrait.

Why such difference? Couldn't put yourself right? Or is it just that your husband got really disgusting? In general, the life of the winged elite developed in different ways. For such thoughts we walked the whole hall.

- Let's take a walk or round off? I suggest having dinner somewhere in the city.

- Let's wrap it up, - I answered reluctantly, knowing full well that wandering in the museum endlessly will still not work. We'll have to go and choose a candidate. Eh, what a life, eh? ..

“Eat,” I said decisively.

We had dinner in a nice restaurant where the staff was much better trained. In any case, no one told us that it is impossible to enter this worthy institution with monkeys.

But everything could not end well, of course. We couldn't even walk normally to the brothel! There are no pleasures in life!

As soon as we started dessert, a short and graceful dark man with red-orange eyes appeared at the table. Despite this obvious sign of low birth, he was very well dressed. I would even say exquisitely. The man clearly loved luxury and circles. The camisole is red, fits perfectly, the wrists are drowning in the foam of lace, there are rings on the fingers, the haircut is fashionable, the hair ... obviously styled!

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