Cinzano is the main competitor of martini among vermouths. "Cinzano": how to drink vermouth

Kitchen 28.02.2024

The famous brand of sparkling wines and vermouths “Cinzano” celebrated its 260th birthday in October 2017. On this occasion, in the homeland of the brand, in Turin, a grandiose exhibition was organized, which took place from October 5 to January 14 at the National Museum of the Risorgimento of Italy.

The exhibition featured bottles, glasses and even the first advertising illustrations of Cinzano vermouth. Everyone could visit the museum and trace the history of the origin and development of the Cinzano brand.

Also, on the occasion of the special event, “Cinzano” released Cuvée Vintage Alta Langa D.O.C.G. 2009.

Excursion into history

And it all began back in 1757 in the city of Turin. Vermouth was originally used as a tincture for medicinal purposes. Smoothly it turned into an aperitif, which was served in small glasses with a piece of ice.

And only when it entered the United States did it gain widespread popularity. It was there that they began to add it to all sorts of cocktails, the most famous of which, “Manhattan,” is still popular to this day.

Afterwards there was a time of oblivion for vermouth. But in the twentieth century it returned to its peak of popularity. The reason for this lies in the fact that people began to drink alcohol before dinner, whereas previously it was taboo in polite society.

Since serving alcoholic drinks began at 5 pm, bartenders were looking for a way to serve primarily low-alcohol drinks in order to “keep up appearances” and not cause discontent among the non-drinking population.

It was then that we remembered vermouth, which perfectly combined the softness of taste and interaction with all kinds of non-alcoholic drinks with which it was diluted. We can say that with the fashion for cocktails, the fashion for vermouth has returned, one of the best brands of which is Cinzano.

Today, Cinzano vermouth is sold in more than 100 countries.

What you need to know about Cinzano vermouth?

Vermouth is a product consisting of 75% wine, enriched by the addition of various herbs, the first of which is artemisia or, more simply, wormwood.

The combination of herbs is kept in the strictest confidence, as this is what distinguishes Cinzano vermouth from its competitors. Vermouth is usually based on white wines, but recently red wines have also been added.

The strength of wine is increased by adding alcohol and sugar, which is produced from grapes or raisins.

There are different types of Cinzano vermouth. They are distinguished by color: white, red and pink; and by sweetness: sweet, dry and extra-dry. Sweet vermouth must have a minimum alcohol content of 14.5%, dry vermouth must have a minimum alcohol content of 16% and extra dry vermouth must have a minimum alcohol content of 18%. Sweet types are usually called dessert.

How to drink Cinzano correctly?

The main advice is that once you open the bottle, you should store it in the refrigerator and consume it quickly.

When and how is the best time to drink Cinzano vermouth? This can be done both after and before meals, since vermouth helps awaken the appetite. That is why it is so popular as an aperitif in all kinds of cocktails.

Vermouth is most often served in cone-shaped cocktail glasses. Less often - in whiskey glasses.

What do you drink Cinzano vermouth with?

Many people prefer to drink Cinzano vermouth in its pure form. Some mix it with juice and vodka. Cinzano vermouth often serves as the basis for various kinds of cocktails. The glasses in which vermouth is served are usually decorated with pieces of fruit. They complement the drink perfectly.

Ice or frozen fruit is also sometimes added to vermouth cocktails to cool, dilute, and simply make the cocktail more appealing. How to drink “Cinzano” - in its pure form or in a cocktail, is up to you.

But according to statistics, 90% of vermouth consumption is in cocktails.

White vermouth “Cinzano”

The most popular of the Cinzano vermouths is white or, as it is also called, Cinzano Bianco. The secret of Cinzano white vermouth is the addition of chamomile, which makes its taste soft.

How to drink Cinzano Bianco without getting drunk right away? Because it has a mild flavor, you might mistakenly think that it is not very strong. In fact, the minimum alcohol content in Cinzano Bianco vermouth is 14.5%.

Therefore, it is best to dilute it with lemonade, soda or tonic.

What to drink Cinzano Bianco vermouth with? The best choice is a variety of fruits that can be attached to the edge of the glass, thrown into the drink, or served separately.

Red and pink vermouth

Both of these vermouths are sweet. There is no particular difference between them. Both were the result of an experiment in adding red wine to traditional white vermouth. Therefore, their most important difference is in color. This drink pairs well with white spirits such as vodka, whiskey, gin and rum.

This gives these cocktails an amazing amber hue. The result is a rather strong drink, so in order not to overdo it, you need to know how to drink Cinzano Rosso. Experienced bartenders most often dilute such cocktails with tonic and always add ice. Served in whiskey glasses.

But ultimately, how you drink Cinzano, neat or in a fancy cocktail, is up to you.

How to distinguish high-quality vermouth?

Cinzano vermouth is not a cheap pleasure. Therefore, if you come across a bottle of Cinzano at an exorbitantly low price, then most likely it is a fake. It takes at least 80 days to produce Cinzano wine, fortification and herbal infusion takes about another 50 days, after which the vermouth is filtered, which is another 20 days.

Vermouth is often aged in special barrels, and only then bottled and released for sale. The time and labor that goes into making this delicious Cinzano vermouth doesn't come cheap. On average, a liter bottle of this vermouth costs 12-15 euros (800-1000 rubles).

The taste of white should be soft, while that of red is more monotonous, since it is practically not used in its pure form.


How to drink Cinzano

Among the large assortment of vermouth, many connoisseurs highlight drinks under the Cinzano brand. This Italian company has been producing wines since 1757 and is reputable.

Cinzano vermouths are almost as popular as drinks under the Martini brand, and some prefer them. It is impossible to appreciate the subtle and rich bouquet of this vermouth unless you know how to drink Cinzano correctly.

There are general rules for drinking this type of alcohol, but there are also specifics.

Varieties of Cinzano

“Cinzano” is not just one vermouth, but a whole line of drinks. The company produces the following varieties of vermouth:

  • “Bianco” - white vermouth, has a sweet taste with bitter notes of wormwood, a delicate aroma of herbs and vanilla;
  • "Rosso" - red vermouth;
  • "Rose" - pink vermouth;
  • “Extra Dry” is a strong drink with a pronounced herbaceous aroma;
  • “Orancio” - a distinctive feature of this vermouth, produced only by “Cinzano”, is the orange flavor and aroma;
  • “Limetto” - in the production of this vermouth, lime and lemon zest are used; this drink is also produced only under the Cinzano brand.

When consuming Cinzano vermouth, its unique features are taken into account.

Features of use

The use of Cinzano follows the general rules for the use of vermouth, but certain types of drinks in this series are drunk in a special way.

  • Vermouths are not accompanying drinks; they are not served with dinner. “Cinzano” can be drunk as an aperitif or digestif, or without reference to a meal at all.
  • The best temperature for Cinzano vermouths, which allows you to appreciate the delicate bouquet and multifaceted taste of the drinks, is 8–12 degrees. You can cool the bottle in the refrigerator or using ice cubes by adding them directly to a glass of vermouth. Limetto vermouth can be cooled much more, some even freeze it to the state of ice chips.
  • Cinzano vermouths can be drunk from cone-shaped glasses with thin high legs, from which Martini vermouths are drunk. It would not be a big mistake to serve them in cognac glasses or thick-bottomed glasses, from which whiskey is usually drunk.
  • Cinzano vermouths are drunk pure or diluted with filtered still water. You can also dilute them with sweet carbonated drinks (tonic, soda), juice. Mixing with other types of alcohol is acceptable. Cola interrupts the aroma of vermouth and should not be used to dilute Cinzano.

Vermouth is drunk in small sips, without using a straw.

What to eat Cinzano

It is not necessary to have a bite of Cinzano vermouth, but it is acceptable. In this case, preference is given to light snacks. Best suited:

  • olives;
  • fruits;
  • fruit salad;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate;
  • shrimps.

If you drink orange or lemon Cinzano, it is logical to snack on it with citrus fruits.
If Cinzano seems too strong or, on the contrary, too light for you, try cocktails with these vermouths.

Cocktail "Admiral"

  • vermouth “Cinzano Extra Dry” - 40 ml;
  • bourbon - 20 ml;
  • lemon juice - 1 drop;
  • lemon - 1 slice;
  • crushed ice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Shake alcoholic drinks with ice in a shaker and strain.
  • Place a lemon wedge in the bottom of a cocktail glass.
  • Pour in the cocktail.
  • Add lemon juice.

The drink prepared according to this recipe is strong, but thanks to the pleasant herbaceous aroma of Cinzano and the light lemon flavor, it is quite easy to drink. Instead of lemon juice, you can use lemon Cinzano.

Cocktail "Adonis"

  • red vermouth “Cinzano” - 10 ml;
  • white vermouth “Cinzano” - 20 ml;
  • sherry - 20 ml;
  • orange slice - 1 pc.;
  • crushed ice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Pour white and red vermouth, sherry and orange Cinzano into a shaker glass. Add ice to taste.
  • Shake ingredients for 30 seconds.
  • Strain the drink and pour into a cocktail glass.

Serve the cocktail garnished with a slice of orange.

Cocktail "Amato"

  • vodka - 20 ml;
  • vermouth “Cinzano Extra Dry” - 20 ml;
  • tangerine or orange liqueur - 10 ml;
  • orange zest (spiral) - 1 pc.;
  • cubed ice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Fill the glass with ice cubes.
  • Mix three types of alcohol using a shaker, pour the resulting mixture into a glass with ice.

Orange zest is used to decorate the cocktail when serving.

Cocktail “Top of the Hill”

  • red vermouth “Cinzano” - 40 ml;
  • orange juice - 40 ml;
  • pineapple juice - 2 drops;
  • orange “Cinzano” - 1 drop;
  • orange - 1 slice;
  • crushed ice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Place all ingredients except the orange slice in a shaker container. Don't forget to add ice.
  • Shake the shaker for 30-40 seconds.
  • Strain the cocktail and fill it into a cocktail glass.
  • Place an orange slice on the edge of the glass.

The drink has a pleasant hue and is easy to drink. Ladies will love this cocktail option.

Vesper cocktail

  • vermouth “Cinzano Bianco” - 5 ml;
  • vermouth “Cinzano Rosso” - 5 ml;
  • gin - 40 ml;
  • vodka - 15 ml;
  • lemon zest - 2 g;
  • lemon slice - 1 pc.;
  • ice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Mix alcoholic drinks in a shaker.
  • Fill the glass with ice and pour in the cocktail.
  • Sprinkle with zest.

A lemon wedge is used to decorate the glass, but it can be placed along with ice at the bottom, then the drink will acquire slightly more pronounced citrus notes.

Cocktail "Ambassador"

  • vermouth “Cinzano Bianco” - 20 ml;
  • gin - 40 ml;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • banana liqueur - 40 ml;
  • crushed ice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Using a shaker, mix ingredients, including ice.
  • Strain the cocktail and pour into a chilled glass.

The taste and aroma of this cocktail are unique; both women and men like it.

Cinzano vermouths are available for sale in a large assortment. The line includes drinks that are produced only under this brand. If you drink Cinzano correctly, you will only have good impressions from drinking this drink.


What should you drink vermouth with?

Expensive alcohol requires the right attitude towards yourself. No one bothers you to knock back a glass in one gulp, thereby demonstrating your brutality. But this is not why famous French and Italian brands were created. To truly enjoy the tasting process, it’s a good idea to know what enlightened Europeans drink vermouth with.

How to drink vermouth correctly?

Despite the variety of brands of this drink, the main rules for its use differ insignificantly. Basic recommendations for use:

  1. It is recommended to drink it cool, but not cold. The temperature of the liquid ready to drink should range from 8 to 12 degrees. Therefore, it is recommended to take it out of the refrigerator at least 15 minutes before drinking;
  2. If the bottle was stored at room temperature, then add a few ice cubes to the glasses;
  3. The very specific taste of some varieties, especially bitter ones, may prompt the need for dilution. A salvation in the situation can be mango juice, which is added in a 2:1 ratio in favor of juice;
  4. Among the variety of snacks, preference is given to light options in the form of nuts, sweets and dashing fruit mixes. Often the drink is swallowed without eating anything;
  5. The choice of tableware for connoisseurs has sacred meaning. For this purpose, glasses are prepared in the form of an inverted cone. Allegedly, it is in such dishes that one can best taste the aroma of the legendary Italian vermutte.

What do you drink Cinzano vermouth with?

Cinzano has been produced on the Apennine Peninsula for almost 300 years. Currently, it is made not only in Italy, but also in many other countries, including Russia. But no matter where it is produced, the ritual of eating it remains the same:

  • It goes perfectly with juices (orange, peach, cherry, grapefruit). Preference should be given to natural, freshly squeezed, rather than store-bought varieties (the latter add a lot of sugar);
  • Some sparkling water will not be amiss. Depending on individual preferences, you can add Schweppes, Sprite or even Fanta. Despite the abundance of dyes and artificial flavors, soda is not able to drown out the spicy additives;
  • The choice of snack can be limited by only one rule: there should be little sugar in it. Otherwise, you can not restrain your imagination and eat excellent Italian wine with anything: from olives to fish and salted peanuts.

In this video, alcohol connoisseur Alexey Popov will tell you what you should drink Cinzano Bianco vermouth with:

Vermouth “Cinzano Bianco”: what to drink it with?

« Bianco" is the most popular variety of the Cinzano brand. Therefore, you cannot ignore it and the rules for drinking it:

  • It is considered good manners for representatives of the stronger sex to drink the drink undiluted. Thus, the man emphasizes his brutality and strength. True, taking care of your image can harm your health, especially if you have stomach problems;
  • The manufacturer "Bianco" is positioned as an aperitif, which should be consumed immediately before a meal. Sweet and tender, the drink perfectly tones salivation and stimulates digestion;
  • Exotic lovers can try quite unusual combinations, such as: with water, vodka, various types of juices;
  • The possibilities for experimentation with Bianco are quite limited. It is quite self-sufficient in itself and only requires dilution if the specific taste seems cloying to someone.

How and with what to drink Milagio vermouth?

The wine drink "Millaggio" is the Russian answer to the Italian brand "Vittone". Like its European counterpart, the domestic product has the following qualities:

  • Pleasant aroma. Notes of wormwood and other bitter herbs are clearly felt;
  • Soft, enveloping taste;
  • Color can vary from light straw to golden;
  • When shaken, small bubbles appear.

Contrary to popular rumor, Millagio is not vermouth: it is made from fruity wine material with the addition of acidity regulators and flavorings that replicate the taste of expensive branded products.

The price for a liter bottle, reaching a maximum of three hundred rubles, also has nothing in common with the famous brainchildren of the European continent.

According to the manufacturer, the ideal way to drink it is very chilled or with ice cubes.

Compatibility with strong alcohol

Those who like it hot can add high-proof alcohol to the already strong alcohol:

  • Vodka. Mixing it with Martini is considered a classic, since it actually became one of the integral elements of the films about the English spy James Bond. A strong cocktail should contain 4 times more vodka than wine;
  • Genie. The glass is filled 30% with ice cubes and only then alcohol is added;
  • Rum. The drinks are mixed in a 1:1 ratio and the glass is decorated with a slice of lemon;
  • Absinthe. This very strong drink is added to gin and Martini in a 1:6:1 ratio, topped with a spiral of orange peel;
  • Fancy options with cognac, brandy and other alcohol are also possible. Garnish the mixture with several olives.

Suitable for cocktails only dessert varieties, the minimum proportion of sugar in which is 1/10. It is customary to eat such mixes with a bar of expensive dark chocolate.

Snack options

When choosing a snack, you need to pay attention to a specific variety. Each of them requires its own unique approach:

  1. If the sugar content of alcohol does not exceed 5% (dry varieties), then it is ideal for drinking before meals with a few pieces of olives, crackers or olives. Sometimes the menu can be diversified with slices of hard cheeses and sandwiches with salmon or dried fish. An excellent choice would be salads without adding sauces;
  2. As the sweetness doubles, the choice of snacks narrows. In this case, fried fish, citrus fruits and olives are considered the most preferable;
  3. As soon as the share of sugar crosses the 15% mark (grade Rosso), you need to make every effort to overcome the cloying taste of the drink. Therefore, nuts, salted cookies or ham are served at the table. Berries, fruits and sweets will discourage you from drinking this alcohol;
  4. Bitter varieties are drunk after meals to aid digestion. Along the way, you can throw some potatoes or meat into your mouth. To the detriment of the taste of alcohol, you can eat a piece of cake or pastry.

Before answering the question of what vermouth is drunk with, you need to clarify the specific type of drink. The taste of different varieties can differ significantly, as will the choice of food on the table, as well as the ingredients for the cocktail. But there are no strict rules here, and no one has the right to prohibit carrying out daring experiments.

: rules for serving vermouth to the table

In this video, bartender Kira Nenasheva will tell you how and with what to serve this drink correctly in order to fully enjoy its taste:


To make it delicious: how to drink Bianco vermouth

Bitter wormwood wine vermouth has become popular in our country relatively recently.

In the Soviet Union, such herbal tinctures were made from the cheapest, discarded wine, which was a pity to pour into a ditch. Therefore, such drinks had a corresponding reputation.

Only a few had the opportunity to try authentic Italian or French options, and only very recently the situation changed dramatically.

The most famous type of such a drink can be considered white, that is, infused with white wines. Due to the lack of experience and practice, many are interested in how to drink Bianco vermouth correctly, because that is what we are talking about. Let's figure out together how to approach the issue correctly so as not to lose face in decent society.

Why and why: what is it and how to drink Bianco

Before going into detail about how and with what to drink Bianco vermouth, you should find out its history, find out how it differs from other types of drink, as well as what aromatic and taste qualities it has.

It is the taste and smell of alcohol that directly determines when, with what and how it should be consumed. It wouldn’t even occur to anyone to drink vodka first thing in the morning, and even snack on it with candy. This strong alcohol requires a cheerful feast and a dense, salty and even fatty snack.

Likewise, it is better to drink “Bianco” according to the rules in order to fully enjoy the unusual tart taste and unique aroma.

Worth knowing

Vermouth is a wine that, using a special technology, is infused with a mixture of spices, herbs and herbs, which give it a special smell and taste.

The basic component of the plant material used to prepare such a drink can be called wormwood, which can amount to forty percent or more.

Other herbs may also be included: juniper, cardamom, yarrow, elecampane, immortelle, black elderberry and nutmeg.

White sweet vermouth: features

Such alcohol has been known for quite a long time, more than two thousand years, and many are inclined to consider Hippocrates as its inventor, although there is no reliable evidence for this.

They say that he infused wine with medicinal herbs to obtain a medicinal potion against many diseases. Today, the list of spices for infusing Bianco vermouth, and for other varieties, includes about one hundred and fifty items.

Most often, 20-30 of them are added to the drink, the main one being wormwood. There are many types of vermouths on the market today.

  • White vermouth "Bianco" (Bianco) is sweet, has a sugar content of 10-15%, with a strength of 15-17%. It has a pronounced sweetish taste, as well as the aroma of vanilla and cinnamon.
  • Rose is made from a mixture of red and white wines. Its sugar content is 12-16%, at the same strength.
  • Red “Rosso” is made from red wine, it is very sweet, more than 15%.
  • Dry vermouth “Secco” or “Dry” (Secco, Dry) usually has a strength of no more than 4%, but most often this figure reaches only 2-2.8%, with a strength of a full 18%.

This type of alcohol is made, regardless of the manufacturer, from white grape varieties, and it involves a long, painstaking process.

In our homeland, it is customary to drink Bianco vermouth in its pure form, as this is how it opens best. However, not everyone will like the strong enough bitterness.

Therefore, it is diluted and mixed with a huge number of a wide variety of drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

Probably no one except a native Italian or Frenchman will be able to constantly consume such a bitter drink in its pure form.

And they get tired of this amazing bitterness, which is why more than five hundred recipes for a wide variety of cocktails have been invented that will help you discover any vermouth from a completely different, new and unusual side.

Let's figure out how and with what they drink Bianco vermouth, regardless of its characteristics and manufacturer.

  • The drink is not usually served during lunch or dinner. Ideally, vermouth is an aperitif, that is, a wine that stimulates the appetite by causing the secretion of gastric juice. It “works” best if you drink it about an hour before a meal, during a pleasant conversation in the company of friends and family.
  • After eating, about half an hour to an hour later, you can also serve white Bianco. It will work perfectly as a digestif and will help the body digest food and absorb useful elements.
  • You can pour the drink in its pure form into whiskey glasses or any other glasses that have some expansion at the bottom. All cocktails based on this alcohol are served either in tall wine glasses or in triangular “martins” with a high stem. It is not customary to serve it in shot glasses, glasses or shots; this can be perceived in society as bad manners.
  • In most cases, white vermouth is served chilled. Depending on the variety, the optimal temperature can range from 8-15 degrees Celsius. If it is not possible to slowly lower the temperature of the contents of the bottle, you can first cool the glass and then pour crushed ice into it or throw in frozen fruit.
  • Wormwood wine should not be drunk in one gulp; this may lead others to think of a lack of culture and upbringing. It needs to be carefully “pulled” in tiny sips throughout the evening. Ideally, spread out just one glass over several hours; in extreme cases, two glasses.
  • It also doesn’t hurt to find out what to eat with Bianco vermouth. Hard cheeses and deli meats, salted crackers and nuts, such as pistachios, are ideal.

Ideally, all Bianco vermouths mix well with lemon and other citrus juices; they can be diluted with tonic or soda. In addition, men usually like stronger treats, so they prefer to dilute the drink with vodka, rum, whiskey, gin and even tequila.

Manufacturers: how to drink white vermouth correctly

The production of bitter vermouth wines is available in numerous countries in Europe and Asia, including in our homeland, today quite a lot of different products are produced.

Of course, it cannot be called authentic, but the quality is quite high, at a much lower cost.

The world leaders in the production of Bianco, which is considered the most popular and sought-after type of drink, are Italy and France, whose history of distilling goes back to antiquity.


The most famous drink of this type on the world market, without a doubt, is Martini Bianco. The production of Martini & Rossi was opened in the second half of the nineteenth century by two winemaking friends, but the white variety came into circulation only in 1910.

The alcohol is a sweet white vermouth, which was originally called Bianchissimo (whitest). For more than a hundred years, the drink has been based on wines such as Trebbiano and a composition of 25 bitter herbs.

The final recipe of the original alcohol is not disclosed; it is a trade secret of the manufacturer.

  • It is customary to drink Martini Bianco vermouth as an aperitif, that is, approximately an hour before meals. It is quite light, not cloying and pleasant to the taste, with a slight unobtrusive bitterness.
  • It is ideal to serve this alcohol in its pure form, not in the usual Martin glasses, but to use antique rocks or old-fashioned glasses for this. It is good to add a slice of lemon or lime to the liquid, which will significantly improve its taste.
  • It is important to understand what to drink this drink with. Olives or black olives are usually served as an appetizer, which is not the same thing. The former are harvested before they ripen, and the latter after the fruits acquire a dark blue color, which becomes almost black when preserved. You can choose crackers and cheese, deli meats for a snack, the main thing is that the food is not plentiful, overly filling and fatty, since by default the main meal awaits ahead and suppressing your appetite is not the best option.
  • Cocktails based on Martini Bianco vermouth are drunk with lemon and lime juice. Sometimes it is diluted with orange, apple, grape, cherry juice or grenadine.
  • Diluted white Martini is best served in special triangular conical glasses on a high stem with an olive.
  • Men can dilute Martini with stronger alcoholic drinks, for example, whiskey, gin, vodka or tequila. Then the proportion will be three parts of strong alcohol to one part of vermouth.

This drink is served chilled to a temperature of 10-15 degrees Celsius. This is how the taste and smell of unusual alcohol are revealed in the best way. If there is no way to lower the temperature of the bottle, you should simply throw frozen fruit or regular ice into the glass.


Another very popular vermouth in the world is Cinzano Bianco, so let’s find out what it is and what to drink it with. The quality of this drink of Italian origin is no different from that described above, and its cost is much more affordable. It is better to use it as an aperitif, but the drink is also acceptable as a digestif.

The history of production stretches back almost three hundred years, so it is not surprising that this alcohol is considered the main rival of Martini in the market, and in the hearts of real gourmets. In the early nineties of the last century, the brand was bought by the Campari Group, but it was decided to leave the trademark, name and logo the same.

  • The optimal serving temperature for such alcohol is 8-11 degrees Celsius. The drink is somewhat stronger than Martini, so it should be cooled a little more.
  • This alcohol can be served neat in rocks glasses or whiskey glasses, and when diluted, it can be poured into tall wine glasses and martins.
  • You can drink Cinzano Bianco vermouth with juices, diluting one part vermouth to two parts juice. Orange, mango, pineapple, apple and grape are suitable, the main thing is to pre-cool them to the desired temperature.
  • This drink is usually consumed without an appetizer, but for variety you can serve seafood, for example, shrimp, crabs, mussels, oysters, seaweed and much more.
  • Hard elite cheese and olives are suitable as an appetizer for any type of vermouth, as they help bring out the maximum flavor of the drink.

Original technology and unique components, unknown to anyone except the manufacturer, make the drink perfectly recognizable and beloved among true connoisseurs of beauty. This vermouth is based on white wine aged on herbs.

As a result, the alcohol is slightly vanilla, rich, with the aroma of fruits and flowers.

It is interesting that in addition to the five standard types of wormwood wines, Cinzano additionally produces two more of its own: Limetto and Orancio, with lemon and orange zest in the composition.


When figuring out what to drink Mondoro Bianco vermouth with, you should first find out that this trademark belongs to the Campari Group brand, just like Cinzano. Production has been open since the second half of the nineteenth century in the vicinity of Turin, but the drink we are interested in began to be produced only recently.


Translated from Italian, the word Mondoro means “gold of the world.” In relation to Bynko vermouth, we can say that this name is really appropriate. The drink has a golden color, slightly turning greenish. Its taste is less vanilla than Martini or Cinzano, but more spicy and bittersweet.

  • The drink should be cooled to 8-10 degrees before serving. This is the optimal temperature so that the tongue does not freeze and the receptors allow you to enjoy the indescribable taste filled with the freshness of Italian vineyards.
  • The ideal appetizer for “Mondoro Bianco” is olives and black olives, and you should focus on them. You can, for example, prepare a variety of sandwiches on skewers with these fruits, light salads, or you can simply “eat up” with olives.
  • It is better to drink the undiluted drink from glasses, but cocktails go well with wine glasses and martins.
  • Men often make cocktails with stronger ingredients and vermouth. You can take vodka, tequila, gin, rum or whiskey.

Unlike previous manufacturers, today the Italian brand Mondoro exports Bianco vermouth exclusively to Russia and the CIS countries. Perhaps this will change in the future, but for now this is the situation.

how to drink Bianco vermouth correctly

All the advice that we gave for this drink also applies to another Italian vermouth, Gancia Bianco. This product is less tart, has only a slight bitterness, but it is fresh and not very sweet, very light, slightly golden in color.

True, all these drinks are quite expensive, especially the most famous ones in the world. For those for whom the price seems prohibitive, it is worth finding out what to drink with the domestically produced Delasy Bianco vermouth.

Of course, in terms of quality, bouquet and ingredients, it can hardly replicate the legendary Martini, but it is quite aromatic, sweet and simply irreplaceable as a base for cocktails.

If you're interested, check out the video review below if you really want to know more.

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30.11.2017 Sommelier Dmitry Bychkov 0

Vermouth: rules and traditions

The product appeared as a perfume, then it was a medicine; today vermouth is drunk mostly by ladies, but 200 years ago it was a purely men's drink. Wormwood wine is considered the most ancient tincture on the planet. During this time, many ways to use it were invented.

The first written recipe for a wine infusion of wormwood is considered to be one written by Hippocrates in the 5th–6th centuries. BC. He used it to treat nervous disorders and stomach ailments.

From Ancient Greece, the drink spread throughout the world and became popular as a disinfectant. In Arab countries, perfumes and scented candles were made from it.

The modern name was given to it by one of the kings of Bavaria at the beginning of the 15th century; from German Vermut means wormwood. But the history of the production of the drink we know today dates back to 1786, when the first industrial line for the production of ready-made tincture opened in Turin. A couple of years later they began to cook it in Lyon, France.

Since then, vermouth has been considered a drink in two countries - Italy and France. Accordingly, it is labeled - Italian vermouth or French vermouth. There are several characteristic differences in their composition and production.

French or Italian

The main difference is the amount of sugar. Italian vermouth is very sweet, with a slight bitterness and intense aroma. It is made from any wine and even a mixture of them. This species is considered female.

The French prepare their drink only from aged white wine, adding virtually no sugar. This is why it becomes bitter, with a sharp aroma of sherry. Even the producers themselves rarely drink it without diluting it.

How to cook

To make the base of the drink, white, red, black and even green grapes are used. Mixing different varieties and degrees of maturity is often used. After distilling the wort, the wine is left to mature in wooden barrels, often with access to air.

After fermentation, the wine is decanted, then either herbs are infused on it or combined with plant extracts. The main raw material - wormwood - remains unchanged. From there, each distillery can improvise.

There are varieties that may contain more than forty plant elements. Some types of vermouth are sweetened after infusion:

  • sugar;
  • honey;
  • fructose.

You can find varieties with spices - allspice, cinnamon, ginger and even mustard. Often these drinks are made with citrus or rose water.

Depending on which wine became the basis, vermouth can be:

  1. Secco (or Dry). Men fell in love with it for its dry and cloying taste. Sugar - only 4%;
  2. Bianco. Sweet and light women's vermouth. With a fairly high sweetness - up to 15%;
  3. Rosso. Very sweet (more than 15%) drink with a rich red color;
  4. Rose. Soft pale pink with sugar from 10 to 15%;
  5. Bitter. It has a high proportion of sweetness - more than 35%, and a specific taste of medicine. This species is used exclusively for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Also presented only as a digestif.

Sweet types of the drink are made white and red. Their color depends on the amount of color - from straw yellow to brown; from pink to dark burgundy. In turn, all red varieties have a more pronounced aroma and intense taste.

Dry varieties are exclusively white. They have a more subtle and delicate smell. Fewer plant extracts are added to them. And they don’t add any sugar at all.

How to submit correctly

Vermouth is served as an aperitif. The main effect of wormwood is that it stimulates the appetite. Since it precedes a meal, a snack is light cheeses, snacks or canapés.

Before drinking, the drink needs to be cooled quite strongly, to 8-12 0C. Otherwise, the taste of any type will become unpleasant.

In its pure form it is drunk from small glasses with a high stem. One serving - 30-40 ml. While enjoying small, frequent sips, you should not drink vermouth in one gulp - this will prevent it from revealing its taste and aroma.
Etiquette allows you to drink vermouth at any time of the day.

Should I mix?

Wormwood wine is the most common ingredient in cocktails. Over the last century alone, more than a hundred of them have been invented, and in total there are almost 700 recipes.

The preparation of such drinks depends on the desire of the consumer. Some people prefer to simply mix equal amounts of vermouth and orange juice. For some, it is necessary to add strength and mix it with vodka.

A common mistake is mixing vermouth with very sweet carbonated drinks (Coca Cola or Pepsi). Not only are they able to completely neutralize herbal notes, but also the strength of such cocktails is invisible. Sugar quickly introduces alcohol into the systemic bloodstream, causing the drinker to get drunk faster.

The classic is to mix white vermouth, Sprite or Schweppes. Recently, the refrain of the Mojito cocktail, where rum is replaced by fortified wine, has become popular.

There is no general principle on how to drink or prepare cocktails correctly. Vermouth is good in many formulations. On the islands that were under French protectorate - Martinique or San Martin - it is customary to dilute, but not mix. First, fortified wine is poured into the glass, then juice, then topped with fruit. The ingredients are mixed as you consume them.


If vermouth, or cocktails based on it, are served along with hot dishes, then it is better to eat it with poultry or fish. And after a meal, such a drink does not require a snack.

There is no need to combine vermouth and cheeses with a strong smell. This way you won’t get the taste of both the drink and the snack. Some dry varieties of vermouth are suitable for smoked meat products. But mostly it is customary to drink it with chocolate or fresh fruit.

In Italy, Cinzano Martini is always served with prasciuto - melon with pieces of jamon. And in France - seafood. Tasty is a subjective concept. The Spaniards will offer salted nuts or dried fish with vermouth.

Use in cooking

Fortified wines are often used to prepare various dishes. Moreover, for all categories of food, from marinating meat to soaking cake layers.

The interesting thing is that even the heaviest tasting bitter is suitable for adding flavor. This vermouth is used to prepare aromatic pastries, thick soups and pickles.

Vermouth Bianco is an essential ingredient in tiramisu cake. And the mondoro recipe was invented specifically for Russia and Ukraine.

Some types

In total, there are more than two thousand varieties and varieties of vermouth. From the most affordable - 1-2 euros per bottle, to elite ones, the price of which is more than ten thousand.

However, they are not supplied to all countries. There are species that can only be tasted in the country of origin. 20 types of vermouth have been released to the Eastern European market.

Particularly common brands:

  1. Cinzano is a classic Italian brand. It includes all types of vermouth, except bitter;
  2. Martini - Cinzano's main competitor, also produces all types of vermouth. In addition, its assortment includes sparkling types of vermouth, for example, Martini Rose;
  3. Lille is the oldest French manufacturing concern. Its bitters are considered the official cure for intestinal disorders in Europe;
  4. Dolin - has been producing not only vermouths, but also liqueurs based on them for more than two hundred years;
  5. Salvatore is a Spanish distillery. They produce only extra type vermouth - very dry, with a high alcohol content;
  6. Delasy. Relatively young brand. Co-production between Russia and Spain. Pink, white and green vermouths are produced. Due to difficulties in transcription, their products can be found under the name Delasit.

Vermouth is not tied to historical boundaries; it is also produced in:

  • Moldova;
  • Argentina;
  • India;
  • Japan.

Often, introducing their own national characteristics into it. For example, in Bulgaria, dried tomatoes can be added to it, and in South Korea, dried squid powder can be added.

The drink gained particular popularity in the middle of the last century. With the development of cinema, a stable image of a beautiful life appeared - a convertible, a martini and freedom of choice.

Some facts

When drinking vermouth in any form or composition, you need to remember that it is primarily an alcoholic drink. Therefore, it is forbidden to give it to children and pregnant women.

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • mental disorders;
  • psychiatric diagnoses.

This plant, in addition to its beneficial properties, is also a rather strong drug. Some types of vermouth are quite strong. Due to the essential oils and other compounds they contain, removing them from the body is somewhat difficult.

Therefore, do not plan to travel by car for at least 8 hours after such a cocktail. And if you drink 2-3, the alcohol test will be positive until 16:00.

It is definitely forbidden for alcoholics and drug addicts to drink vermouth during the period of drug remission. There is also information about the negative effect of the drink on the regulation of manic-depressive periods in schizophrenic patients.

Cinzano is an aromatic Italian vermouth known since 1757, with a huge number of fans in more than a hundred countries. Cinzano is distinguished from the famous Martini by its original refreshing taste of fresh herbs, lemon and spices, as well as its unusual composition, which sets it apart from the entire line of vermouths. When buying this drink for the first time, before drinking it, you need to find out what to drink Cinzano with, and then your first acquaintance with this original vermouth will be more interesting and impressive.

Whatever the quality of Cinzano, its temperature should be between 8 and 12 degrees; this is one of the most important requirements for drinking this drink.

All varieties of Cinzano can be enjoyed as an after-dinner drink or as an aperitif. One of the properties of this drink is to stimulate appetite and improve digestion. In cases where Cinzano is served before a meal, it should be served a variety of savory snacks. Such snacks may include fruits, roasted nuts, shrimp, green olives and lightly salted salmon, as well as salted almonds.

The difference between different types of drink lies in their taste and aroma. For example, Cinzano Bianco with a light aroma of vanilla, spices and flowers is most often used as a delicate aperitif, and Cinzano Rosso smells very pleasant. Cinzano extra dry is a drier vermouth, which is recommended to be consumed as an independent drink, which has not been diluted or mixed with anything. Cinzano Rose has a pleasant fruity flavor, Cinzano Orancio tastes like wine with orange zest, and Cinzano Limetto is prepared with lemon zest extract and has a corresponding taste and aroma.

Cinzano is a completely universal drink that can be consumed in its pure form or with the addition of various components, among which soda water is the most popular. In addition, Cinzano can be used as a good base for alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails. Vermouths, in general, are considered the most successful components of cocktails; today it is known about 500 different vermouth-based cocktails . For example, the original taste is obtained from Cinzano mixed with juice and ice. Ice helps to reveal the aroma of vermouth faster and more fully. Cinzano fans especially recommend trying this vermouth with grapefruit juice. It is recommended to add a few drops of lemon juice or a slice of orange to vermouth. Of the alcoholic drinks that go best with Cinzano, vodka, cognac and gin.

In its pure form, Cinzano is drunk from a whiskey glass, taking small sips, stretching the pleasure received from the drink over a long period of time, up to the whole day. But we must remember that Cinzano is an alcoholic drink that can harm our health, so it should be consumed in limited quantities.

Vermouth is a special type of wine product prepared with the addition of medicinal herbs and spices. Its main ingredient is wormwood, which gives the drink its characteristic bitterness. Vermouth was originally created as a medicine for the digestive system. Later, having assessed the prospect, they began to produce it as a separate alcoholic drink. The most famous brands of vermouth are Cinzano and Martini.


Cinzano(Cinzano) is an Italian brand founded in 1757. Known throughout the world as one of the best vermouth producers. This is the first company to start producing sparkling wines in Italy. The product line presented includes six types of vermouth and one sparkling wine – Cinzano Asti.


Martini(Martini) is an Italian alcohol brand. The first vermouth was released in 1863. For a long time he remained the only one. At the moment, nine types of vermouth and three sparkling wines have been developed. Martini also produced the famous Red wine & gin - red sparkling wine. In 1992, Martini&Rossi merged with Bacardi.


There is no significant difference between Cinzano and Martini. Both brands (longtime rivals) occupy leading positions in the production of vermouth.

The technology and recipe of vermouths are kept in the strictest confidence. Skillful use of extracts, spices, herbs is the basis of production. Only a few are allowed to participate in this sacrament.


A significant advantage for Martini is its unique line of sparkling wines. Not being a typical representative of this family, Martini Asti has won many awards at international exhibitions. Martini Asti, like Cinzano Asti, are sparkling wines made from white Muscat grown in the province of Asti.

More significant differences can be found only with a detailed comparison of all types of vermouths separately.

Conclusions website

  1. Cinzano is more than 100 years older than his compatriot.
  2. Martini is a leader in sparkling wine sales. This was facilitated by the presence of red sparkling wine Red wine & gin in the wine line.
  3. Cinzano vermouths have a more intense aroma and taste due to their complex recipe.

Cinzano is a vermouth from Italy, famous since 1757, which is popular in a huge number of countries. Cinzano differs from the famous Martini in its very fresh taste of lemon, herbs and spices, as well as an aroma that is original for the entire line of vermouths. Before purchasing this exquisite drink for the first time, you should familiarize yourself with how to use it correctly, so that your acquaintance with vermouth becomes more pleasant and memorable.


There are several varieties of Cinzano vermouth:

  1. Bianko is an ordinary classic white vermouth, the manufacturing technology of which is known all over the world;
  2. Rosso – red vermouth, for the preparation of which the best red wines are used;
  3. Extra Dry – dry and very strong vermouth, which is most often used for cocktails;
  4. Rouse - Cinzano pink vermouth, which is made by mixing red and white wines; it has a very soft and pleasant taste;
  5. Orangio – in addition to herbs, this vermouth contains orange zest;
  6. Limetto – this vermouth has a yellow tint: it is added with lime and lemon.

All these varieties differ significantly in their taste, aroma and appearance. For example, Cinzano Bianco smells pleasantly of vanilla and has a delicate flavor of flowers and spices. Cinzano Rosso has a soft and unobtrusive aroma and is easy to drink. The Extra variety is very strong, which is why many people like to drink it like vodka. Rose will surprise you with the rich taste of fresh fruit, and Orangio will give you the taste of ripe orange. Light and aromatic Limetto is perfect for refreshing on a hot day.

Cinzano consumption rules

  1. Temperature for serving vermouth. Cinzano goes best with ice at a temperature of 8-12°C.
  2. Combination with other drinks. If the significant strength or specific bitterness of herbs does not suit a person, this alcohol can be diluted with juice in a 1:2 ratio. Sparkling sweet water goes well with vermouth. There are fans who dilute Cinzano with cola, but the unique aroma of the drink can be lost. Cinzano is also good to combine with other alcohol - the result is quite original cocktails.
  3. Snack. Vermouth is best paired with light snacks such as olives, lemon, shrimp, nuts and chocolate. You can serve Cinzano with fruit or vegetable salad and assorted cheeses. But most often they don’t eat vermouth at all.
  4. Glasses. This vermouth is served in low cognac glasses () with a strong and thick bottom or in special triangular glasses that perfectly reveal the aroma of the drink.
  5. Submission rules. Cinzano is not an accompanying alcohol, so it would be wrong to serve it during a feast. This drink is best served to guests before the main meal or after it as a small dessert.

Cocktails and serving

Cinzano is a versatile alcoholic drink that is delicious to drink either undiluted or in combination with other interesting ingredients. This vermouth is an excellent base for many interesting alcoholic cocktails.

  • This vermouth has a very pleasant taste when mixed with juice and ice. At the same time, ice not only cools, but also helps to reveal the amazing aroma of the drink. Connoisseurs of Cinzano recommend drinking it with grapefruit juice. Mango, Sicilian blood orange, pineapple and lemon juice also work well. It is recommended to add a slice of orange and a few drops of lemon juice to the vermouth itself.
  • Regarding strong alcohol, Cinzano can be mixed with gin in a 1:1 ratio. First, a third of the glass is filled with ice, and only then alcohol is poured.
  • Cinzano can be used for those cocktails that require the presence of vermouth or martini. For example, in the favorite drink of the famous James Bond - vodka martini - the last component can be safely replaced with Cinzano. It will turn out very unusual.
  • This vermouth goes well with cognac or brandy. You should take one part brandy (or cognac), two parts Cinzano Bianco and four parts tonic for every taste. This cocktail is served with olives and crushed ice.

Cinzano is an original and aromatic alcohol that is good in many forms. All you have to do is find your option and enjoy.

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