Herceg of All Courland

Plaster products 21.12.2020

Polyakova Margarita Sergeevna

Duke of all Courland

Polyakova Margarita

Duke of all Courland

A small country, a child's body, a distant past ... an unfortunate alignment for a victim. And the fact that you are the son of a duke only exacerbates the situation. Too strong neighbors want to profit from your lands, friends in politics do not exist, but one day you realize that the reality around you is quite different from what is written in the history textbook. And now it depends only on you whether you take this chance.


My knowledge of the history of Courland leaves much to be desired, so take the opus as a complete alternative. Professional specialists in this area need not read this book so as not to get annoyed.

The sales will be irregular and rare - about two chapters a month.

Please do not touch modern politics in the comments and do not offend citizens of other states.

Otherwise, comments, criticism and remarks are welcome! I try to listen to my readers, but please remember to be polite.

As the case draws to a close, the beginning went into rework.

Chapter 11

Friedrich Kettler

I was doing it! It seems that even Jacob's iron patience has come to an end. My father decided to send me to hell. Like, so that the eyes do not callous and find out how much a pound is dashing. No, there was nothing extraordinary in the very idea of \u200b\u200btravel. Voyages to European countries were made by many heirs. And here it was relatively close to go - it was supposed that I would visit my own uncle, the Great Elector. And I wouldn't even mind, honestly, he has a lot to learn. But not right now!

For the coming year 1667, I had too many plans. And no trips were included in them. However, I knew perfectly well how to solve this problem - it is worth attracting my mother to my side. And play for time. Until I sorted out everything I thought of, I won't move. The fact is that I have already sent submissions to both Stenka Razin and Alexei Mikhailovich. I'm not sure if I will be able to stop the uprising (about preventing and not deluding myself at all). But I am simply obliged to use it to my advantage.

We found good managers in the colony on the Cape of Good Hope, but there are clearly not enough dashing people there. So far we have good relations with the Dutch. But who knows how the story will turn in the future. I would not want to risk it. Well, in Tobago, people who are ready to repulse the pirates would not hurt. Far from their native places and their native language, at first the Cossacks will simply have to cooperate. Well, then they will get used to it. How many there Razin originally gathered for the campaign? Something like two thousand? Even taking into account all the losses, enough for two ships.

And I rely mainly on ordinary Cossacks. Stepan himself, judging by the historical chronicles, is a contradictory nature. And exuberant. Thanks for saving one historical character already. After Habakkuk, I don't want to get involved with anyone else. Moreover, with a person to whom blood is like water. The capture of Farabat by the Razins and what they were doing there is sufficient proof of this. No, thanks. I would have someone more sane. Such as Vasily Us turned out to be. He is serious, responsible, and keeps his fists in his fist.

The question was how to submit information. You can't say that I see the future. Artamon Matveyev can not understand this. And Alexei Mikhailovich even more so. The only chance to deal with the uprising before it grows is to press the Cossacks near Rasht, after they were battered by the Persian Khan. This is one of the few times when the situation can be influenced. Further, the point of no return will be passed. And the Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless, will be drawn in all its glory.

Not to say that I had any particularly strong feelings for unfamiliar Cossacks. Simply, having lived in a country where there is a constant lack of human resources, I learned to appreciate it. And he began to understand papa, who was deeply parallel to the religious beliefs of his subjects. By the way, this was an unprecedented progress for the 17th century. And by the way, my Uncle Friedrich, who is the Great Elector, followed the same rules. However, he had identical problems. Only our country was pinched by the Swedes, and it was a 30-year war and a bunch of smaller conflicts.

In short, the execution of people seemed to me an unthinkable waste, yes, yes. I freaked out myself when I realized what I was thinking. Still, the 17th century influences me greatly. Or maybe the past essence of Frederick periodically wakes up. I myself am not bloodthirsty. Probably. Anyway, until I was pissed off. And I can vouch - I never looked at people as a resource before. And salvation for the sake of profit would not consider. Brrrr! I don’t like who I’m becoming. I would not go too far. And do not go to waste.

The cruel 17th century dictated its own rules of conduct, and it was difficult to resist. There is even a saying that fire, water and copper pipes are the most difficult tests for a person. I would also add impunity. The conviction that you can do whatever you want, and you will get nothing for it, seriously tears the tower down. Moreover, the life of the same peasants was worth nothing. The heir to the duke was obliged to observe external decency, and those around him turned a blind eye to many of his antics.

In principle, I could disappear on the hunt, have mistresses and play living soldiers. My wishes would be limited only to the amount that the Duke would allocate for my maintenance. And then, pressing on the pity of mother, it could be increased. Fortunately, my projects brought in enough money that I could support my own whims and not beg for money from my father. Even if it was not a mistress and a hunt, it was as if no more finance was spent on science.

And the strengthening of fortresses? The old castles, built by the orders, were gradually decaying, and in many ways did not correspond to the new methods of waging war. They performed poorly their most important function - to protect. And we had to do something about it. Better, of course, to invite a specialist, but where can I get one? The only one I know is Vauban. But he is at the moment in business - he is already building fortresses. And this year, several Belgian fortresses will also force them to surrender. It is clear that no one will part with such a valuable specialist. And it will hardly be possible to lure him away.

At one time I read a book by Vauban on the attack and defense of fortresses. But when was it? And who could have known that it would be useful to me? And waiting for this book to come out in this century is useless. It was published from afar after Vauban died. So I had to force my memory and turn to the help of specialists with a smaller caliber. Father supported this initiative in every possible way and looked for reliable people who would be responsible both for the course of reconstruction and for possible defense.

Incidentally, I closely followed this process, recalling some of the events of the same Razin uprising. Tell me what you need to do with the voivode, who, when the enemy approached, did not shoot none a gun? Not alone at all? The figs need such Unkovsky, who will then tell everyone that the enemy has spoken (!) All the weapons, and that neither the saber nor the squeak of this enemy is taken. In fact, such behavior is, at least, undermining the morale of subordinates. It is no wonder that Razin had been a bandit for so long. The fact that he is unconditionally talented cannot be taken away. But with due attention to the emerging problem on the part of Aleksey Mikhailovich, the suppression of the riot would be much faster and less bloody.

Thanks to Artamon Matveev, we managed to organize our representative office in Moscow. And now, albeit with a slight delay, the most important news reached us. Father, for example, was very pacified by the news that they were in no hurry to give the tsar's daughters not only to us, but also to anyone else. And it was much more interesting for me to understand the serpentarium that was organized at the throne of Alexei Mikhailovich. It was necessary to understand who was friends with whom and against whom. And also to establish connections for the future. This is an expensive occupation, I can tell you. But if I want to somehow influence the policy of Russia in the future, I should hurry up now.

Well, I know that Ivan Mikhailovich Miloslavsky will be much more fortunate than Matveyev. He will be able to stay at the throne, and will influence both Fedor and Sophia. So what? What does it give me? Miloslavsky is a very rich man. His uncle is the head of the Great Treasury Order. Essentially the Minister of Finance. And in the future, Ivan Mikhailovich himself will take this position. And what can you offer this person? I only hope that our people will tell something about Miloslavsky. Not compromising, so weak point. Of course, not to blackmail (what was still missing, it is better not to infuriate such people) but to get at least some opportunity to pour in.

The cruel 17th century dictated its own rules of conduct, and it was difficult to resist. There is even a saying that fire, water and copper pipes are the most difficult tests for a person. I would also add impunity. The conviction that you can do whatever you want, and you will get nothing for it, seriously tears the tower down. Moreover, the life of the same peasants was worth nothing. The heir to the duke was obliged to observe external decency, and those around him turned a blind eye to many of his antics.

In principle, I could disappear on the hunt, have mistresses and play living soldiers. My wishes would be limited only to the amount that the Duke would allocate for my maintenance. And then, pressing on the pity of mother, it could be increased. Fortunately, my projects brought in enough money that I could support my own whims and not beg for money from my father. Even if it was not a mistress and a hunt, it was as if no more finance was spent on science.

And the strengthening of fortresses? The old castles, built by the orders, were gradually decaying, and in many ways did not correspond to the new methods of waging war. They performed poorly their most important function - to protect. And we had to do something about it. Better, of course, to invite a specialist, but where can I get one? The only one I know is Vauban. But he is at the moment in business - he is already building fortresses. And this year, several Belgian fortresses will also force them to surrender. It is clear that no one will part with such a valuable specialist. And it will hardly be possible to lure him away.

At one time I read a book by Vauban on the attack and defense of fortresses. But when was it? And who could have known that it would be useful to me? And waiting for this book to come out in this century is useless. It was published from afar after Vauban died. So I had to force my memory and turn to the help of specialists with a smaller caliber. Father supported this initiative in every possible way and looked for reliable people who would be responsible both for the course of reconstruction and for possible defense.

Incidentally, I closely followed this process, recalling some of the events of the same Razin uprising. Tell me what you need to do with the voivode, who, when the enemy approached, did not shoot nonea gun? Not alone at all? The figs need such Unkovsky, who will then tell everyone that the enemy has spoken (!) All the weapons, and that neither the saber nor the squeak of this enemy is taken. In fact, such behavior is, at least, undermining the morale of subordinates. It is no wonder that Razin had been a bandit for so long. The fact that he is unconditionally talented cannot be taken away. But with due attention to the emerging problem on the part of Aleksey Mikhailovich, the suppression of the riot would be much faster and less bloody.

Thanks to Artamon Matveev, we managed to organize our representative office in Moscow. And now, albeit with a slight delay, the most important news reached us. Father, for example, was very pacified by the news that they were in no hurry to give the tsar's daughters not only to us, but also to anyone else. And it was much more interesting for me to understand the serpentarium that was organized at the throne of Alexei Mikhailovich. It was necessary to understand who was friends with whom and against whom. And also to establish connections for the future. This is an expensive occupation, I can tell you. But if I want to somehow influence the policy of Russia in the future, I should hurry up now.

Well, I know that Ivan Mikhailovich Miloslavsky will be much more fortunate than Matveyev. He will be able to stay at the throne, and will influence both Fedor and Sophia. So what? What does it give me? Miloslavsky is a very rich man. His uncle is the head of the Great Treasury Order. Essentially the Minister of Finance. And in the future, Ivan Mikhailovich himself will take this position. And what can you offer this person? I only hope that our people will tell something about Miloslavsky. Not compromising, so weak point. Of course, not to blackmail (what was still missing, it is better not to infuriate such people) but to get at least some opportunity to pour in.

Polyakova Margarita Sergeevna

Duke of all Courland

Polyakova Margarita

Duke of all Courland

A small country, a child's body, a distant past ... an unfortunate alignment for a victim. And the fact that you are the son of a duke only exacerbates the situation. Too strong neighbors want to profit from your lands, friends in politics do not exist, but one day you realize that the reality around you is quite different from what is written in the history textbook. And now it depends only on you whether you take this chance.


My knowledge of the history of Courland leaves much to be desired, so take the opus as a complete alternative. Professional specialists in this area need not read this book so as not to get annoyed.

The sales will be irregular and rare - about two chapters a month.

Please do not touch modern politics in the comments and do not offend citizens of other states.

Otherwise, comments, criticism and remarks are welcome! I try to listen to my readers, but please remember to be polite.

As the case draws to a close, the beginning went into rework.

Chapter 11

Friedrich Kettler

I was doing it! It seems that even Jacob's iron patience has come to an end. My father decided to send me to hell. Like, so that the eyes do not callous and find out how much a pound is dashing. No, there was nothing extraordinary in the very idea of \u200b\u200btravel. Voyages to European countries were made by many heirs. And here it was relatively close to go - it was supposed that I would visit my own uncle, the Great Elector. And I wouldn't even mind, honestly, he has a lot to learn. But not right now!

For the coming year 1667, I had too many plans. And no trips were included in them. However, I knew perfectly well how to solve this problem - it is worth attracting my mother to my side. And play for time. Until I sorted out everything I thought of, I won't move. The fact is that I have already sent submissions to both Stenka Razin and Alexei Mikhailovich. I'm not sure if I will be able to stop the uprising (about preventing and not deluding myself at all). But I am simply obliged to use it to my advantage.

We found good managers in the colony on the Cape of Good Hope, but there are clearly not enough dashing people there. So far we have good relations with the Dutch. But who knows how the story will turn in the future. I would not want to risk it. Well, in Tobago, people who are ready to repulse the pirates would not hurt. Far from their native places and their native language, at first the Cossacks will simply have to cooperate. Well, then they will get used to it. How many there Razin originally gathered for the campaign? Something like two thousand? Even taking into account all the losses, enough for two ships.

And I rely mainly on ordinary Cossacks. Stepan himself, judging by the historical chronicles, is a contradictory nature. And exuberant. Thanks for saving one historical character already. After Habakkuk, I don't want to get involved with anyone else. Moreover, with a person to whom blood is like water. The capture of Farabat by the Razins and what they were doing there is sufficient proof of this. No, thanks. I would have someone more sane. Such as Vasily Us turned out to be. He is serious, responsible, and keeps his fists in his fist.

The question was how to submit information. You can't say that I see the future. Artamon Matveyev can not understand this. And Alexei Mikhailovich even more so. The only chance to deal with the uprising before it grows is to press the Cossacks near Rasht, after they were battered by the Persian Khan. This is one of the few times when the situation can be influenced. Further, the point of no return will be passed. And the Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless, will be drawn in all its glory.

Not to say that I had any particularly strong feelings for unfamiliar Cossacks. Simply, having lived in a country where there is a constant lack of human resources, I learned to appreciate it. And he began to understand papa, who was deeply parallel to the religious beliefs of his subjects. By the way, this was an unprecedented progress for the 17th century. And by the way, my Uncle Friedrich, who is the Great Elector, followed the same rules. However, he had identical problems. Only our country was pinched by the Swedes, and it was a 30-year war and a bunch of smaller conflicts.

In short, the execution of people seemed to me an unthinkable waste, yes, yes. I freaked out myself when I realized what I was thinking. Still, the 17th century influences me greatly. Or maybe the past essence of Frederick periodically wakes up. I myself am not bloodthirsty. Probably. Anyway, until I was pissed off. And I can vouch - I never looked at people as a resource before. And salvation for the sake of profit would not consider. Brrrr! I don’t like who I’m becoming. I would not go too far. And do not go to waste.

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Polyakova Margarita Sergeevna

Duke of all Courland

Polyakova Margarita

Duke of all Courland

A small country, a child's body, a distant past ... an unfortunate alignment for a victim. And the fact that you are the son of a duke only exacerbates the situation. Too strong neighbors want to profit from your lands, friends in politics do not exist, but one day you realize that the reality around you is quite different from what is written in the history textbook. And now it depends only on you whether you take this chance.


My knowledge of the history of Courland leaves much to be desired, so take the opus as a complete alternative. Professional specialists in this area need not read this book so as not to get annoyed.

The sales will be irregular and rare - about two chapters a month.

Please do not touch modern politics in the comments and do not offend citizens of other states.

Otherwise, comments, criticism and remarks are welcome! I try to listen to my readers, but please remember to be polite.

As the case draws to a close, the beginning went into rework.

Chapter 11

Friedrich Kettler

I was doing it! It seems that even Jacob's iron patience has come to an end. My father decided to send me to hell. Like, so that the eyes do not callous and find out how much a pound is dashing. No, there was nothing extraordinary in the very idea of \u200b\u200btravel. Voyages to European countries were made by many heirs. And here it was relatively close to go - it was supposed that I would visit my own uncle, the Great Elector. And I wouldn't even mind, honestly, he has a lot to learn. But not right now!

For the coming year 1667, I had too many plans. And no trips were included in them. However, I knew perfectly well how to solve this problem - it is worth attracting my mother to my side. And play for time. Until I sorted out everything I thought of, I won't move. The fact is that I have already sent submissions to both Stenka Razin and Alexei Mikhailovich. I'm not sure if I will be able to stop the uprising (about preventing and not deluding myself at all). But I am simply obliged to use it to my advantage.

We found good managers in the colony on the Cape of Good Hope, but there are clearly not enough dashing people there. So far we have good relations with the Dutch. But who knows how the story will turn in the future. I would not want to risk it. Well, in Tobago, people who are ready to repulse the pirates would not hurt. Far from their native places and their native language, at first the Cossacks will simply have to cooperate. Well, then they will get used to it. How many there Razin originally gathered for the campaign? Something like two thousand? Even taking into account all the losses, enough for two ships.

And I rely mainly on ordinary Cossacks. Stepan himself, judging by the historical chronicles, is a contradictory nature. And exuberant. Thanks for saving one historical character already. After Habakkuk, I don't want to get involved with anyone else. Moreover, with a person to whom blood is like water. The capture of Farabat by the Razins and what they were doing there is sufficient proof of this. No, thanks. I would have someone more sane. Such as Vasily Us turned out to be. He is serious, responsible, and keeps his fists in his fist.

The question was how to submit information. You can't say that I see the future. Artamon Matveyev can not understand this. And Alexei Mikhailovich even more so. The only chance to deal with the uprising before it grows is to press the Cossacks near Rasht, after they were battered by the Persian Khan. This is one of the few times when the situation can be influenced. Further, the point of no return will be passed. And the Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless, will be drawn in all its glory.

Not to say that I had any particularly strong feelings for unfamiliar Cossacks. Simply, having lived in a country where there is a constant lack of human resources, I learned to appreciate it. And he began to understand papa, who was deeply parallel to the religious beliefs of his subjects. By the way, this was an unprecedented progress for the 17th century. And by the way, my Uncle Friedrich, who is the Great Elector, followed the same rules. However, he had identical problems. Only our country was pinched by the Swedes, and it was a 30-year war and a bunch of smaller conflicts.

In short, the execution of people seemed to me an unthinkable waste, yes, yes. I freaked out myself when I realized what I was thinking. Still, the 17th century influences me greatly. Or maybe the past essence of Frederick periodically wakes up. I myself am not bloodthirsty. Probably. Anyway, until I was pissed off. And I can vouch - I never looked at people as a resource before. And salvation for the sake of profit would not consider. Brrrr! I don’t like who I’m becoming. I would not go too far. And do not go to waste.

The cruel 17th century dictated its own rules of conduct, and it was difficult to resist. There is even a saying that fire, water and copper pipes are the most difficult tests for a person. I would also add impunity. The conviction that you can do whatever you want, and you will get nothing for it, seriously tears the tower down. Moreover, the life of the same peasants was worth nothing. The heir to the duke was obliged to observe external decency, and those around him turned a blind eye to many of his antics.

In principle, I could disappear on the hunt, have mistresses and play living soldiers. My wishes would be limited only to the amount that the Duke would allocate for my maintenance. And then, pressing on the pity of mother, it could be increased. Fortunately, my projects brought in enough money that I could support my own whims and not beg for money from my father. Even if it was not a mistress and a hunt, it was as if no more finance was spent on science.

And the strengthening of fortresses? The old castles, built by the orders, were gradually decaying, and in many ways did not correspond to the new methods of waging war. They performed poorly their most important function - to protect. And we had to do something about it. Better, of course, to invite a specialist, but where can I get one? The only one I know is Vauban. But he is at the moment in business - he is already building fortresses. And this year, several Belgian fortresses will also force them to surrender. It is clear that no one will part with such a valuable specialist. And it will hardly be possible to lure him away.

At one time I read a book by Vauban on the attack and defense of fortresses. But when was it? And who could have known that it would be useful to me? And waiting for this book to come out in this century is useless. It was published from afar after Vauban died. So I had to force my memory and turn to the help of specialists with a smaller caliber. Father supported this initiative in every possible way and looked for reliable people who would be responsible both for the course of reconstruction and for possible defense.

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