Vis Vitalis - Woman. Take it and use it. "Woman. Take it and use it "Vis Vitalis About the book" Woman. Take and use "Vis Vitalis

Drainage 21.12.2020

The new book by Vis Vitalis, a renowned rap-funk musician and author of the bestselling Woman: Where's Her Button ?, is even more cynical and outspoken. She is entirely devoted to the practical issues of communicating with a woman - from choosing, picking up and putting in bed to raising and customizing for yourself. And although the position of the author may seem too harsh to someone, in general the text can be used by men as an instruction, guide or technical reference for communicating with the opposite sex.

The book is categorically not recommended for persons under the age of 18, women, the faint of heart and people without a sense of humor. By reading this book, you are fully and completely taking responsibility for all possible consequences. Claims are not accepted by the author and the publisher in any form.

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This book by the musician and director Vis Vitalis, author of the bestselling book “Woman. Where is her button? ”Is the second volume of the trilogy and is even more cynical and outspoken than the first. This work is devoted to the practical issues of communication with a woman - from choice and acquaintance to fine-tuning "for yourself." Although the author's position may seem too cynical and harsh, this text can be used as an instruction, guide, or technical guide to dealing with the opposite sex.

The work belongs to the genre Psychology. It was published in 2008 by Eksmo Publishing House. On our site you can download the book "Woman. Take and Use" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The rating of the book is 3.95 out of 5. Here you can also refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinions before reading. In the online store of our partner, you can buy and read a book in paper form.

In the music segment of show business, there is such a thing as "second album syndrome". This is when a new group "shoots" their record to platinum status, collects all the possible bonuses, makes good money, has all the available fans and rests on its laurels for a while. However, as time goes on, star status begins to need reinforcement. This is where the aforementioned syndrome arises: what if it doesn’t work like the first time, what if it turns out worse, and the project will be buried with all its shaky glory?

I experienced something like this syndrome when I started working on this book. After all, everything I could explain on the topic of the relationship between M and F, I have already done, leaving nothing in reserve, in my first two books ("Woman: where is her button" and "Woman: take and use"). The books turned out to be strong and rightfully became bestsellers, but why write further?

However, on reflection, I realized that in this topic there are still places where no human has gone before. There is also something to tell the boys. The third book may become such that it does not need to be compared with the first two on the basis of the criterion "better - worse". This one may be completely different from the first, but no less impudent, groovy and, most importantly, necessary.

And how I did it, you judge ...

Vis Vitalis

Moscow, October 2008

A man is a hunter who easily falls into all the traps of a woman.

As a renowned humanist, I must warn the reader that reading this book can be dangerous. Thinly sensitive and not very stable natures, after reading my text, may develop paranoia. In fact, I would generally allow this book to be issued, as well as a firearm, only after presenting a certificate from a doctor about complete mental health and the absence of various addictions.

Nietzsche characterized the woman as “a little dressed up lie,” and this is true. The woman is made up of manipulation. Some of them are carried out consciously, most of them are not. But, one way or another, a woman is constantly trying to manipulate a man. This is in her genes as a result of a long evolutionary process.

After reading this book, having learned to see these manipulations, you will be amazed at how many and how widely they are used by women. In the end, you may even fear or hate women for their (frankly, sometimes rather vile) behavior.

But don't. Let's say paranoia a firm no. It is still impossible to correct a woman. Yes, this is not necessary ... Therefore, just enrich yourself with knowledge, do not fool your head, do not get angry and get only pleasure from communicating with women!

Manipulation: theory

Welcome to the show

We women love sincere men who say about us what we think about ourselves.

Dorothy Parker

Women, like the deceased, love to be told only “good or nothing”. My previous books have become weighty cobblestones thrown into this swamp of feminine pathos and narcissism. Of course, after this broad gesture, I was subjected to the most, so to speak, picky criticism. The girls did not like it when what they used to hide was called by their own names. I was accused of misogyny and chauvinism, made assumptions about my mental health and (for some reason) sexual orientation, insulted, provoked and even pitied.

Thank you, dear ladies, all this was good for me. The bulk of your letters confirmed my conclusions, which only added to my confidence. Not to mention the fact that I finally understood: gender fascism really won unconditionally. The bulk of modern women really consider themselves a superior race, believing a man to be the simplest unicellular, Untermensch, and a hybrid of a vibrator and an ATM. That this kind of thinking is now extremely common is a sad and indisputable fact, as well as the fact that women adhere to a policy of double standards that is fashionable in our time and allow themselves to say and do what even in thoughts they will not allow you and me, brother.

Most men, however, do not see such an attitude towards themselves. Go to any bookstore and see which books are more in demand by women in the field of relationship psychology. You will not see manuals there on topics such as "How to Become a Good Wife", "Relationships without Conflicts", "Loving and Understanding a Man". Well, in short, some positive progress. On the other hand, such opuses are presented in abundance as "50 ways to manipulate a man", "Secrets of training men" (the cover shows a kneeling man and a woman with a whip), "How to make a man do whatever you want", "Drive a man like a car "," Man: selection and exploitation ", etc. This is not to mention the multivolume" Library of Bitch ", where the word" bitch "is written with a capital letter.

All these books (the names are slightly changed so as not to promote this waste paper) are more or less similar in style and set of techniques.

All of them are based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unconditional superiority of a woman and a disdainful attitude towards a man (for example, in one opus they call us nothing more than a "two-legged animal", "a trained pet" or simply "a pet").

All of them are designed to teach the reader to one degree or another dirty tricks of manipulation in order to turn her into a puppeteer, and you, my friend, into an obedient doll.

Many women (for the sake of justice, I will clarify that after all, not all) take this information with interest and use it in their own interests. They take it for granted and are confident that men, in full compliance with the policy of double standards, should not be given any opportunity to resist this onslaught.

… Many men believe that "being upskirt" is an extreme degree of humiliation. Alas, you are mistaken, our precious ones! If you are allowed under the skirt, you are unexpectedly lucky. This is the highest male happiness! And we are certainly glad that some of you have already begun to understand this.

J. Golubitskaya, "Man as an Object"

Like this. Some of us have even begun to understand this. Let us honor their memory with a minute of silence: although they still remain in the world of people, they have already left the world of men.

So, it is clear that the modern woman has long considered a man as an object for control, manipulation and training. The modern man, as usual, shows an inexplicable splendor and does not pay much attention to it, becoming more and more vulnerable under the onslaught of theoretically savvy bitches. It would seem that here they are, the maps of the enemy headquarters - freely available in any bookstore! Read these women's manuals, draw conclusions and do not let yourself be cheated, because you are a man, you simply have to be smart and independent! But ... in bookstores, boys usually do not go beyond science fiction and computer literature departments, so they do not even suspect the scale of subversive work that is openly being conducted against them.

But - calmly.

After all, I'm on your side.

Knowledge can only be contrasted with knowledge.

A woman who wants to be your puppeteer deserves to become a doll herself.

Well, future Master of puppets, are you ready? ..

Then welcome to the show!

What is this book about

Every woman should remember that a man is looking for a companion of his life, not her mistress.

The Center for Modern NLP Technologies is one of the most respected educational institutions in its field. For more than 20 years, the NLP Center has been successfully operating and offers its services in the field of neuro-linguistic programming, as well as Ericksonian hypnosis. At the center of modern NLP technologies, you will find certification courses in all possible NLP disciplines: "NLP Practitioner", "NLP Master" and "NLP-Trainer". Also, the center regularly conducts a course "Ericksonian hypnosis", after which students receive international certificates. Such certificates are issued to all graduates of the center who have successfully completed the chosen course.

  • In the learning process, our NLP Center always uses the most modern, new NLP technologies;
  • Our courses are taught by professionals, authors of books on neurolinguistic programming and unique models NLP;
  • The colossal experience of our trainers allows us to make the learning process not only amazingly effective, but also incredibly interesting;
  • The training always covers all the necessary information, which is provided for by the full programs of the Interregional Association of Centers NLP;
  • The lessons take into account all the individual expectations and requests of the participants;
  • The practicality of using neurolinguistic programming techniques is at the forefront of the courses of our NLP center. Ease of use of NLP in everyday life is the main task of learning.

Others NLP centers is very different from our center that the programs NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis have a pronounced applied character. More precisely, our NLP programs are focused on the practical real use of the acquired knowledge and skills, as well as on solving problems in any sphere of life: business problems, personal relationships, personal growth problems. Not all NLP centers are ready to offer the same applied course orientation.

Our NLP Center gives you an absolute guarantee that the courses contain all the necessary and additional elements provided by the programs of the Interregional Association of NLP Centers. Due to the fact that in our center training NLP always takes place using the latest NLP technologies based on Confinement Modeling, the effectiveness of training in our center is an order of magnitude higher than others can offer NLP centers, and this allows students to master a much larger volume of material, spending much less time on training.

Neuro-linguistic programming ( NLP), just like a huge number of other directions, began their path to development with the fact that they were looking for opportunities to find out how people who are successful in something achieve this success. NLP its main task was to identify the structure of success, a visual structure of mastery. NLP has every reason to believe that if there is at least one person who knows how to do something certain, then another person is able to learn it. It is this structure of experience that NLPso that the person has the opportunity to teach the desired skill to himself and others. This is the main task NLP... Moreover NLP strives to ensure that this training is truly masterful, so that even experts cannot tell the difference between what has been done by a newly trained student and a professional master.

The Interregional Association of NLP Centers is headed by its President - Timur Vladimirovich Gagin, who is a trainer NLP international class, the developer of a fundamentally new technology of system modeling, the author of numerous books on NLP, doctor of psychology, professor.

Absolutely all leading NLP courses in our center have higher education (and often more than one), tremendous experience, both individual counseling and conducting group classes, plus each has significant experience in practical business and leadership. The applied orientation of NLP programs and Ericksonian hypnosis programs of our center favorably distinguishes it from those services that others can offer NLP centers... Programs involve the analysis of specific real-world problems proposed by the course participants, and the solution of these problems using techniques NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis. Tasks can relate to any sphere of life - personal growth, business tasks, self-development.

For those who want to explore the field NLP in more detail and from unusual angles, our NLP Center offers a number of specialized author's trainings. Such trainings are recommended for attending both those who have long and successfully engaged in NLP or hypnosis, and those who are far from this topic, but with pleasure comprehend new horizons for themselves.

Collocation "Neuro-linguistic programming "(sometimes used without a hyphen, which is not an error), or abbreviated NLP formed from the English "Neuro-linguistic programming" and is a complex of techniques, models, and operational principles that can be applied as a developmental approach to a personality that uses the modeling of effective mental and behavioral strategies.

We offer you a large assortment of books, articles and real stories about techniques neuro-linguistic programming and how to use it in everyday life.

As for Ericksonian hypnosis, it is based on the use of the natural, inherent in all people without exception, the ability to plunge into an involuntary trance. This state has a beneficial effect on a person, because it is trance that allows the human unconscious to actively engage in the work and help its owner in achieving his goals. Right-brain resources are most vividly revealed in a trance, intuition, the ability to be creative and to solve various life problems and business tasks are activated.

In the modern world, Ericksonian hypnosis is popular at once in many areas of human activity. After all, Ericksonian hypnosis is a universal tool that everyone can use according to their needs. The most popular way to use Ericksonian hypnosis is self-hypnosis - in other words, restoration of mental and physical strength, getting rid of pain and unpleasant experiences, putting yourself in a good mood, etc. The most talented hypnotists with experience manage to master various hypnotic phenomena, such as , change in the course of time, the discovery of previously unknown reserves of the body. One way or another, Ericksonian hypnosis allows a person to learn to use those hidden abilities that previously existed only in his imagination.

A person who is a virtuoso master of any skill (speaking to an audience, driving a car, building a personal life, writing articles or stories, making money, treating people, drawing pictures, composing music, or something else) can teach this to other people as well. After all, if someone once did something, then the other person can not only repeat, but also perform it as masterly as the master himself.

For those who are interested in the most detailed information about the techniques and methods of NLP, we recommend the section of our site "Articles on NLP". We draw your attention to the fact that the articles only allow you to get acquainted with some theoretical information, but are by no means able to instill any stable skills. You will not become a good judoka without a real coach and you will not be able to confidently ride a snowboard just by reading a book with instructions for this sport, only the practical classes of our NLP center will allow you to learn real NLP skills and make it interesting, effective and easy.

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