Milk rice fungus. Tea, milk and rice mushrooms. Tibetan kefir in folk medicine

Children 26.08.2020

Kira Stoletova

Rice mushroom contains substances healing for human health. It belongs to drinking, is grown at home and is applicable for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

  • Composition and benefits

    The bacteria of the fungus called sea rice form a gel-like mucous mass (zoogley), consisting of individual transparent granules, similar in appearance to rice grains, from which the fungus actually got its name. By its structure, it is a symbiotic organism consisting of bacteria and other microorganisms, capable of synthesizing organic acids, enzymes and vitamins on the basis of sugar.

    Some distinguish varieties and attribute them to the same product. However, there are those who believe that their living conditions are slightly different:

    • indian rice mushroom: it multiplies in milk, dry milk powder diluted with water is suitable for its life, fermented milk is obtained during the life of an Indian mushroom;
    • chinese rice mushroom: activates and lives in sweetened water, to which raisins are added, which starts the fermentation process.

    The closest in chemical composition to this mushroom are the cultures of tea and kefir mushrooms.

    Due to the acidic bacteria in the composition, sea rice mushroom synthesizes acids and enzymes that are beneficial to health, therefore it is suitable for the treatment of a number of diseases:

    • due to amylase, which breaks down starch, the sugar level decreases, therefore it is suitable for the treatment of diabetes mellitus;
    • lowers and normalizes the level of blood pressure, acting as an effective remedy against hypertension;
    • has health benefits for the circulatory system and fights atherosclerosis;
    • the coenzyme contained in it has an active effect and helps to restore the cells of the heart muscle;
    • due to vitamins B12 and folic acid, which act as conductors of nerve impulses, it is applicable to stimulate the work of nerve cells;
    • due to the diuretic properties of citric acid, it helps to remove stones from the kidneys and gallbladder;
    • the glucuronic acid included in the composition acts as a neutralizer of toxic elements and cleanses the liver from toxins;
    • powerful antioxidants - chlorogenic and coumaric acids - slow down and stop the growth of cancer cells;
    • useful enzymes that regulate biochemical reactions, normalize digestive and metabolic processes, treat gastrointestinal diseases.

    Used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, the Indian fungus helps to weaken the severity of allergic reactions. It is recommended to use it as an effective remedy for improving overall tone. It has benefits in activating the internal reserves of the body due to the contained folic acid and a number of amino acids. It is applied for cosmetic purposes externally in the form of masks to increase the tone of the skin.

    A useful mushroom drink is not inferior to kvass in taste, and significantly exceeds it in terms of the number of incoming components and useful properties. Primary positive changes in the body are observed after 20-30 days.

    How to grow

    Rice mushroom comes in different sizes:

    • growing large "from scratch" is much more difficult, but its taste is soft, rich milk,
    • small to grow faster, but the taste is similar to a kvass drink and has an inherent pungency.

    The beneficial properties of the rice mushroom are independent of the grain size.

    The classic version of the infusion of a live Chinese fungus involves growing it in water, where dried fruits are added, while it is often permissible to take dried apricots, dried apples, pears or prunes instead of raisins.

    Growing process

    1 tbsp the mushroom is put in a glass container and 0.5 l of unboiled water is added, in which 2 tbsp is previously dissolved. Sahara. A handful of any dried fruit is also put in a jar to accelerate growth. They are placed in a dark place where the temperature is maintained at + 23 ... + 27 ° С. The higher the air temperature, the faster the infusion is prepared and the sea rice grows. At a constant temperature below + 16… + 18 ℃, the rice becomes smaller and may die. To avoid this, leave the jar near an electric kettle or stove.

    When the temperature drops to +17 ° C, the fungus stops growing.

    After 2 days, the ready-made infusion is poured through cheesecloth, the grains are filtered, the dried fruits are thrown away. The fungus is washed in running water, again 0.5 l of water, dried fruits are added and put to obtain a new infusion. The finished drink can be consumed within 4-5 days, provided it is stored in the refrigerator.

    Application and dosage

    The use of the drink depends on the purpose of its use:

    • fermented milk with mushroom is used 1-2 times a day in a course for 20 days, taking a break of 10 days, subsequently repeating the treatment;
    • medicinal liquid with Chinese rice mushroom is used 3 or more times a day, it is permissible to drink it throughout the year without intervals.


    They usually drink kvass according to the instructions, 100 ml half an hour before a meal. Depending on how you feel, the permissible single dosage is up to 200 ml. At the same time, a single dosage for children is not recommended for more than 50 ml of the drink.

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    • It is usually recommended to have two servings of sea rice at home: while one is "working", the second is in a glass dish in the refrigerator at this time - "resting".
    • Do not forget that a drink prepared from the first time seasoned with Indian rice will be weak in saturation and carbonation.
    • An infusion based on dry sour apples will be weaker in its healing qualities than one prepared using figs, dried apricots or raisins.

    If you are going on vacation, it is natural that you cannot leave Indian rice in "working" condition. How do I save it? To do this, use the following tips:

    1. Drain the infusion and rinse the sea rice thoroughly.
    2. Drain it from the water so that it is practically dry.
    3. Place the sea rice in a food container (jar, container), close the lid tightly and place on the lower shelf in the refrigerator.

    In this state of "sleep", it can be stored without damage for a month. When you return, rinse the rice to remove the resulting acetic acid and then season as usual.


    Rice fungus drink has contraindications:

    • insulin dependence (type I diabetes);
    • peptic ulcer (stomach, duodenal ulcer);
    • chronic kidney disease.

    The drink is not capable of causing harm to health, however in some cases it causes side effects:

    • temporary disorder in the digestive tract;
    • strong diuretic effect;
    • discomfort in the upper respiratory tract.
  • In comparison with Tibetan and kombucha, Indian sea rice (popularly also called sea mushroom, rice mushroom, "live rice") belongs to the medicinal drinking mushrooms with a minimum of contraindications. Mushroom tincture is used in folk medicine for medicinal purposes, it is a mushroom grown in a jar from Indian sea rice - zoogley. Rice mushroom drink is drunk for weight loss, treatment of joints, rice kvass infused with fungi by fermentation is used externally in cosmetology, taken internally as an elixir of health for more than 100 diseases.

    Rice mushroom (Indian sea rice) is considered one of the most popular healthy drinks, it is easy to prepare it at home as a drinking infusion based on Indian sea mushroom. Sea rice is infused with water, in comparison with, and Tibetan kefir, cooked with milk fungi, is the safest medicinal medicine in comparison with other types of zoogley.

    Advice from the Miracle Chef. According to adherents of proper nutrition, sea rice (Tibicos), especially in the treatment of certain diseases, is better than kombucha, Tibetan milk mushroom. To date, there is no scientific evidence which of the three types of zoogley is the most useful. Rice, tea infusion, etc. have healing power.

    Zooglea - what is it: the history of the appearance of sea rice

    Zoogleia are called mucous formations resulting from the vital activity of bacteria, secreting mucus or having mucous capsules. The chemical composition of zoogley is polysaccharides and nitrogenous compounds. As you know, the most common types of zoogley are Kombucha, Kefir mushroom, Indian sea rice.

    Indian sea rice is called differently in every country. In Russia, it is known as sea rice. The definition means that the product is overseas, imported to Russia from an overseas country. The second history of the emergence of the name for the Indian living medicine indicates the similarity of the mushroom to the grains of boiled rice. Due to its similarity to rice, the sea mushroom most likely got its name.

    Sea mushroom, Indian sea rice, rice mushroom, Indian mushroom, Chinese mushroom, Japanese mushroom, Chinese sea mushroom, Indian rice, live rice - this is the name of the type of identical microorganisms - zoogley.

    Unlike ordinary rice grains, sea rice is drunk, the drink is insisted on a sea mushroom grown in a jar, the healing tincture tastes like kvass. The infusion of Indian rice is very useful, pleasant to the taste and the most medicinal drink, according to connoisseurs of traditional medicine, is more curative of all zooglei mushrooms. The folk healer imported from India is usually referred to as mushrooms, but living microorganisms are not exactly mushrooms in the usual sense of the word - they are mucus in the form of a film that appears after fermentation, or vinegar.

    Living medicine is successfully used in folk medicine to treat a large number of ailments of various kinds, it helps with mild colds and serious chronic diseases. But in addition to the benefits brought to the human body, sea rice can be harmful if the recipient of the mushroom infusion has contraindications to the use of rice kvass.

    The benefits of the rice mushroom for the human body have been scientifically proven, it is the rice mushroom that is one of the most healing types of zoogley. Although it has a number of useful properties, a unique composition, in practice it can be used, like any folk remedy, for serious diseases only in combination with the main therapy prescribed by the attending physician. Before consuming Indian rice by mouth, you need to consult your doctor. There may be contraindications for taking mushroom infusion.

    Indian sea rice: contraindications

    There are few contraindications for the use of sea rice infusion. But sea rice has a number of contraindications for use, it is contraindicated:

    1. Suffering from diabetes mellitus with insulin dependence.
    2. With a stomach ulcer.
    3. With diseases of the duodenum.
    4. Chronic kidney disease.
    5. Kvass is contraindicated for children under 1 year old.

    Despite the fact that sea rice is actively used in folk medicine to treat diabetes mellitus, tincture is contraindicated for insulin-dependent patients. In case of insulin-dependent form, diabetics must always consult with their doctor.

    Side effects

    At first, taking the infusion inside can cause side effects:

    1. Disorder of the intestines, which disappears after a few days of taking sea rice. In case of discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to reduce the dose of the healing drink consumed.
    2. At the beginning of the intake, rice kvass can have a strong diuretic effect. Recommendations for use - reducing the amount of tincture taken.
    3. When treating diseases of the upper respiratory tract - bronchitis, asthma, tonsillitis - unpleasant sensations can be observed in certain organs. After a while, these problems disappear.

    Side effects in the first days of taking - evidence that sea rice has a healing effect on the human body - restores and cleanses organs in problem areas, acts locally in the affected organs.

    The benefits of Indian sea rice are incomparable with the harm, the beneficial composition of translucent rice grains, due to their unique chemical content, made rice infusion, a drink made from grains, a healing elixir of health. The beneficial properties of this living medicine make it possible to use rice as a natural remedy in the fight against numerous diseases.

    Indian sea rice: beneficial properties and medicinal

    Indian sea rice , kombucha, milk mushroom, it is difficult to compare in terms of usefulness, each individually and for specific cases benefits a person. The beneficial properties of sea rice, like other types of zoogley, appear precisely after fermentation. As a result of fermentation, rice kvass becomes a healing infusion with a complex chemical composition. Vitamins, minerals, organic acids, a complex of useful organic compounds, the high content of a number of yeast fungi and microorganisms in Indian rice, determines the high value of the product. The composition of the rice infusion contains useful substances:

    • Vitamin A, B vitamins - B1, B2, B6, B12.
    • Vitamins of group PP, vitamin C, D.
    • Acids: glucuronic, chlorogenic acid, p-coumaric.
    • Tannins.
    • Enzymes: amylase, lipase, protease.
    • Acetic acid bacteria.
    • Polysaccharides.
    • Alkaloids.
    • Glucosides.
    • Aldehydes.
    • Antioxidants, including the most powerful antioxidant, Coenzyme Q

    Indian sea rice, the beneficial properties of a living product are due to the chemical composition of the sea rice infusion, prepared at home as a result of fermentation of a rice mushroom. Rice kvass has unique beneficial properties, has a healing effect:

    1. Antimicrobial. Destroys microbes that cause tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, upper respiratory tract diseases.
    2. Immunomodulatory. Strengthens the immune system. It removes poisons and toxins from the body, normalizes the work of internal organs, cleanses the liver of toxins and poisons.
    3. Hypotensive. Reduces blood pressure.
    4. Anti-sclerotic. Prevents the development of anti-sclerotic plaques.
    5. Metabolic. Improves metabolism. The infusion of rice mushroom is widely used for weight loss.
    6. Diuretic. Infusion based on sea mushroom promotes the excretion of salts from the kidneys and bladder.

    Kvass based on rice mushroom will help to cope with insomnia, relieve migraines, allergic reactions. After taking the rice mushroom, the work of the heart is activated. The live bacteria that make up the drink have a healing effect on all digestive organs, strengthen the entire body as a whole.

    1. Regular intake of Indian rice infusion normalizes the acidity of the stomach, the drink cleanses the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.
    2. Indian sea rice is able to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin, prevent the growth of malignant cells, and heal a runny nose during epidemics of flu and colds.
    3. With complex external use and internal use, it improves the health of patients suffering from rheumatism, arthritis, radiculitis and osteochondrosis.
    4. Helps those suffering from diabetes mellitus in mild and moderate form, except for insulin-dependent diabetics, for whom there may be contraindications for drinking infusion.
    5. Effective in dentistry: for stomatitis, periodontal disease.
    6. It is used for problems with the genitourinary system: with adnexitis, renal failure, prostatitis, pyelonephritis, ovarian cysts, to increase potency.
    7. It has a beneficial effect on the body of those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases: hemorrhoids, constipation, colitis, pancreatitis, duodenitis, flatulence, cirrhosis of the liver, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcer, gastritis, cholecystitis.
    8. The infusion can be drunk regularly for general diseases: overweight, metabolic disorders, constant fatigue, migraines, headaches, people with meteorological dependence.

    The list of useful properties is endless, but something else is important. Unlike pharmacy synthetic drugs, live medicine, taken in certain doses for each specific ailment, is harmless and absolutely safe for human health, all family members.

    Where to Buy Indian Sea Rice

    You can buy Indian sea rice or buy rice mushroom in online stores in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan. Where to buy sea rice in Russia for making rice kvass, as well as where to buy rice mushroom in Ukraine, search engines will prompt.

    You can order granules of sea rice through the selected online store by courier delivery to your home or pick up the sent goods yourself at the point of issue at the address indicated in the order.

    How to Grow Rice Mushroom from Indian Sea Rice

    We bought sea rice, brought the purchased sourdough product home, but how to grow a drinking mushroom at home? Before preparing an infusion based on Indian sea rice, you must first propagate, grow a rice mushroom. When growing, the sea mushroom at the initial stage of reproduction grows from small grains about 5 millimeters in size and turns into large large flakes-grains up to 5 centimeters, resembling translucent ice floes in appearance.

    To prepare the first sourdough from Indian sea rice for growing drinking sea mushroom for sourdough, you will need:

    • sea \u200b\u200brice - 4 tablespoons;
    • glass jar with a capacity of 1 liter;
    • dried seedless raisins - 15 pcs.;
    • granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons;
    • boiled cold water - 1 liter;
    • medical gauze.

    Sourdough recipe for rice kvass

    1. Place four tablespoons of washed sea rice and raisins in a clean glass jar. It is allowed to replace raisins with plums, pears, any dried fruits.
    2. Cooking in a separate bowl. A solution consisting of three tablespoons of sugar dissolved in a liter of water must be made in advance so that the sugar has time to completely dissolve in the water. Do not allow sugar to get on the rice, the fungus will start to hurt and may die.
    3. Pour the prepared sugar solution into a jar of sea rice. Cover the neck of the jar with medical gauze folded in several layers to protect it from insects entering the starter culture.
    4. We place the jar with Indian sea rice in a dry warm place, protected from direct sunlight. We infuse the drink for two days in winter at room temperature, in summer it will take one day to prepare the leaven.
    5. We filter the drink through cheesecloth into a clean dish, and the infusion is ready. For one person, the resulting infusion is enough for two days.
    6. We wash the rice overgrown during fermentation with clean boiled water, separate the required amount of rice from the sourdough, and use it to prepare the next portion of the drink.


    How to make an Indian sea rice infusion

    It is more convenient for the whole family to prepare a healing drink, like in a three-liter jar. To prepare an infusion based on Indian sea rice, the fungi are taken in proportion with water and sugar per 3 liter jar. The second and subsequent strained live kvass turns out to be healthier and stronger in terms of the useful properties of the first.

    Ingredients for making rice kvass for a 3 liter jar

    • sea \u200b\u200brice - 10 tablespoons;
    • granulated sugar - 7, 5 tablespoons;
    • glass jar with a capacity of 3 liters;
    • boiled cold water - 2.5 liters;
    • any dried fruits;
    • brown bread crust.

    Recipe for making rice kvass

    1. Dissolve sugar in boiled warm water. Cool the solution of sugar and water.
    2. We put sea rice in a three-liter jar, fill it with a sugar solution, add dried fruits, a crust of bread, to get a beautiful color in the kvass from the fungus.
    3. Cover the jar with gauze and put it in the kitchen to light for infusion. After 1-2 days, the kvass is ready.
    4. We strain the kvass into a clean jar and drink it regularly for medicinal purposes.

    Tincture of Indian mushroom turns out to be not only healing, delicious kvass, perfectly quenches thirst on a hot day. The infusion tastes like. Breeding Indian rice, growing mushroom from sea rice at home, caring for it does not require special knowledge and expensive products.

    Sea mushroom: how to take, how much to drink

    You should start taking the infusion with small doses, gradually increasing the portions and bringing them to the daily norm. It is necessary to take a healing tincture for medicinal purposes three times a day, drink 100 ml 20 minutes before meals or in between meals.

    Drinking an infusion based on sea mushroom must be fresh. After the use of mushroom infusion for medicinal purposes, improvement in well-being occurs, as a rule, after a month of regular intake of sea rice. The minimum course of treatment is three months.

    After a month of the treatment course, the work of the gastrointestinal tract improves, blood pressure stabilizes, an increase in performance in men is observed, a surge of strength in women, and headache recedes.

    Slimming Sea Rice

    Indian sea rice, thanks to a unique enzyme capable of breaking down fat, which is part of the infusion, is actively used for weight loss. Sea rice, a mushroom drinking infusion made from the Indian miracle fungus, has become popular among the people as an effective natural remedy for weight loss.

    Such an overweight problem as obesity is simply solved if the daily intake of 100 ml of sea rice drink 3 times a day is combined with the use of low-calorie foods, use a dietary diet, and eat right for quick weight loss.

    Thanks to the regular use of rice kvass, the metabolism will be restored, due to which weight loss will begin, extra pounds will go away, and the weight will return to normal. Rice mushroom for weight loss must be drunk in courses of 3 months, at least 300 ml per day, after each course, a week break is required. Drinking should be resumed after a break.

    Application in cosmetology

    Rice tincture has proven itself in cosmetology for skin care and for medical and cosmetic purposes for external use. The natural remedy refreshes the skin of the face, smoothes wrinkles, tones, and delicately cares for problem skin.

    On the basis of the infusion of Indian rice, lotions are made for the care of the skin of the face, natural rinses for hair, they are included in the composition of masks, deodorants for the body. Live kvass is used with maximum benefits for cleansing the skin, improving the body externally, curing ailments in the internal organs.

    Home storage rules

    You can store the remaining rice in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. The shelf life of the finished drink on the refrigerator shelf is no more than 48 hours. The drink infused according to the recipes proposed above turns out to be moderately sweet, the mushroom grows quickly in a sweet environment. If you want to slow growth and make less sweet rice kvass for weight loss, cut the amount of sugar in your recipes by half.

    Drinking a healing drink from a drinking mushroom - a rice fungus native to India - is needed throughout the year to get the maximum benefit and improve the body. Be patient, and the results will surely surprise and delight you.

    Under the mysterious name, the Tibetan rice mushroom is a type of bacterial activity. Despite the appetizing name, the substance of the mushroom is not associated either with rice or with the usual look and taste of mushrooms, and the bacterium itself was awarded the cereal name due to its external resemblance to ordinary rice. By the way, the taste of the rice mushroom is directly related to the rice variety: large round rice will give the mushroom a fruity and milky taste, and small varieties will provide it with sourness, reminiscent of the taste of bread kvass.

    The spread of the rice mushroom is not limited to Tibet, where it was first discovered. In view of its own, which contributed to the development of traditional medicine in Tibet, the mushroom has become widely known all over the world and in each country it has its own name. Mexicans call the mushroom "tibi", the ancient Romans called it "posca", and on the territory of Russia the overseas product is often called sea rice or Indian, since it was from India that the way of rice mushroom to the tables of compatriots opened, supplementing the diet with a portion of healthy microorganisms.

    Beneficial features

    Since ancient times, the Tibetans have endowed the mushroom with healing powers that can heal many serious diseases and minor ailments of a person. The modern scientific community was very intrigued by the unusual properties of the fungus and conducted a number of deep studies, the results of which confirmed the assertion of the healers of Tibet: the fungus really has a positive effect on patients with certain forms of diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis, is beneficial for the cardiovascular system, is recommended for hypertensive patients, fights arthritis and helps people with obesity problems.

    The beneficial properties of the Tibetan mushroom have a wide range of effects on the human body:

    • promote the elimination of toxins, deeply cleansing the entire body
    • normalize and improve metabolism
    • are able to cure, and in the early stages they successfully neutralize inflammation
    • are actively involved in the breakdown of fats
    • increase the efficiency of the body and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system
    • slow down the formation and growth of malignant tumors

    In connection with the development of pharmacology, it is very difficult to find a sea rice mushroom in the house now. And in vain, because its medicinal properties replace a lot of expensive drugs. The correct name for the mushroom is Indian sea rice or zooglea. Let's explore its useful qualities.

    Sea rice mushroom - medicinal properties

    Once this product is in your home, give it time to adapt and start producing a healthy drink. At first, the healing properties will be weakly expressed, but this is only the first time.

    Rice mushroom activates the immune system well, affects the production of interferon and protects the body from viruses. Traditional medicine advises using it both for prevention and directly for treatment. A useful infusion acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and treats a disease such as sore throat. In this case, they are gargled.


    Reviews say that sea rice really improves all health. The woman managed to get rid of the neglected thrush, her symptoms began to disappear on the 4th day. The infusion helps to eliminate the common cold in both children and adults. Ambiguous reviews about its cultivation. Some people like the taste and smell, if done on raisins and dried apricots, others - on prunes. But all those who used it noted its benefits and ease of cultivation. The main thing is that the folk remedy is of high quality: white with a mild odor.

    Sea rice mushroom medicinal properties and reviews about the use are also negative. This is more about taste. For some, the taste has caused nausea and vomiting.

    Indian rice mushroom - beneficial properties and how to grow?

    As the observations of doctors show, Indian rice perfectly restores the microflora and does not need to use any other means. If you take an infusion of 500 ml three times a day, you can cure various ulcers and inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract.

    The healing properties of Indian sea rice product improve blood formula and kill cholesterol cones. Thus, blood vessels are cleaned and heart diseases are treated.

    A healthy rice mushroom will grow easily, even when you only get 1 spoon. The main thing is to create the right conditions for him. Fill a three-liter jar with unboiled water at room temperature, add 6 tbsp. l. sugar and wait until it is completely dissolved. Then settle the mushroom at the rate of 4 tbsp. l. 1 liter of water and put dried fruits, cover with gauze. Grow in a dark place for about 3 days. After cooking, strain the drink through cheesecloth. Rinse the mushroom in gauze under running water and use it again.

    Reviews on the use of Indian rice mushroom

    Not a single person noted that the drink is good at removing toxins and toxins, and also helps to lose weight. Many women use it for cosmetic purposes. The healing properties remove dead skin layers from the face and promote regeneration. If you rinse your hair with it, it will become silky. The Tibetan mushroom has earned accolades from men. Thanks to him, it was possible to cure such diseases as impotence and stones in the bladder.

    Sea rice mushroom medicinal properties

    Zooglea has several types. This is an Indian mushroom, Chinese milk and. They are different in appearance and method of preparation, but they have the same useful substances. Acetic acid bacteria are good for the whole body. Zooglea is able to improve the work of the digestive tract, eliminate dysbiosis and putrefactive processes. If applied externally, purulent wounds can be healed. Another drink fights insomnia well.

    Reviews of doctors about the use

    Doctors treat Indian rice well. The professors themselves recommend drinking an infusion with kidney stones, especially if they reappear. It is also recommended for frequent constipation. Many doctors in this case note its greater benefit than from laxatives. But doctors also point to contraindications.

    Chinese rice mushroom - harm and benefit to the human body

    The healing properties of zooglea cure more than a hundred ailments. They are indicated for arthritis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and elevated acetone. Often, zooglea helps with cancer. Still, sea rice can be harmful.

    It categorically cannot be taken in case of insulin dependence and hypotension. In the first days, a person may feel discomfort in the body, most likely they will be associated with a large dose of intake.

    Healthy Rice Mushroom Recipes

    This tool is used not only in traditional medicine, but also in cooking and cosmetology. Usually in food they replace liquid. You can also make a dairy treat - cottage cheese.

    Soup, porridge and noodles recipe

    In the soup, zooglea completely replaces the broth. It is better to use it for cold soups so that heat treatment does not spoil the healing properties. Okroshka based on such "kvass" is very tasty. Burning soup is no exception.

    Consider his recipe.

    Dilute the healing drink in half with water, if you don't like harsh tastes, but you can use it in its pure form. Bring to a boil, add large chopped potatoes, carrots and broccoli. As the vegetables are cooked, serve onions, herbs and a little butter. Put a quarter of a boiled egg in before serving.
    Cook porridge and noodles according to your favorite recipe, only on the basis of a healthy drink. Such food must be given to children.

    Rice mushroom: how to care and eat?

    Taking care of zooglea is quite simple. She loves warmth, the optimum temperature is 25-27 degrees. But in no case is it unnecessary to put it on the window, the rice mushroom does not tolerate sunlight. It is kept in the shade, or better in a closet. You also need to ensure that undissolved sugar does not get on the raw material itself. Otherwise, the zooglea will start to hurt and shrink.

    After each infusion, the rice needs to be washed. Immediately you can drink a glass of 3 r. / D 20 minutes before a meal. In the sultry heat, some of this drink completely replace water.

    How to grow a rice mushroom from scratch?

    There is nothing difficult in the initial cultivation. At 4 st. l. rice you need to take a liter of water and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Add a few prunes, raisins and dried apricots if desired. After 2-3 days, the medicinal infusion is ready. The miracle remedy multiplies quickly. After a month, you will start distributing it.

    It is possible to maintain the beauty and health of the body not only with the help of professional cosmetics and procedures, but also resorting to traditional medicine, the principle of which is based on the naturalness, safety and healing properties of the products used. So, the useful Indian rice mushroom contributes to the overall health of the body, helps to get rid of most diseases, including severe ones. The advantage of this "medicine" is the fact that it can be grown and prepared by yourself at home.

    Composition and useful properties

    Indian Rice Mushroom is a sea rice tincture with raisins. Such a drink is infused for a certain time and acquires in its composition:

    • Yeast fungi, acetic acid bacteria.
    • Acids - organic and inorganic.
    • Ethyl (small amount).
    • Polysaccharides (cellulose).
    • Aldehydes, alkaloids, glucosides.
    • Healthy fats.
    • Resinous and tannins.
    • Vitamins C, D and Q.
    • Natural active enzymes.

    It is a symbiotic group of bacteria of the zooglea species (they also include tea and kefir mushrooms). As a result of the vital activity of microorganisms, mucous grains are formed, resembling rice grains in appearance.

    The people call the rice mushroom "a cure for 100 diseases", since such a composition has a positive effect on the entire body, and in particular:

    • Improving the work of the gastrointestinal tract: maintaining the intestinal microflora and the level of acidity in the stomach.
    • Prevention of the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
    • Renewal of blood composition, acceleration of metabolism.
    • Protection against the appearance of cancer cells, increasing immunity.
    • Rejuvenating the body, slowing down the aging process.
    • Stabilization of the nervous system, getting rid of chronic fatigue.
    • Treating skin conditions such as acne.
    • Strengthening the musculoskeletal system.
    • Regeneration of damaged tissue and joint cells.
    • Blocking free radicals.
    • Prevention of uric acid stones, excretion of sand from the kidneys and bladder.
    • Healing of wounds and ulcers, anti-inflammatory effect on tissues.
    • Decreased blood pressure and heart rate.
    • Splitting and removing harmful fats from the body, reducing hunger, helping to lose weight.
    • Facilitating the transfer of diabetes mellitus, lowering blood sugar levels.
    • Dissolving blood clots, preventing the risk of stroke and heart attack.
    • Improving the absorption of amino acids in the body.
    • Providing active "respiration" of tissue cells.
    • Relief of pain in cardiovascular diseases.
    • Increasing stamina and endurance during illness, body performance.
    • Restoration of potency.
    • Prevention of certain dental diseases.
    • Respiratory diseases treatment.
    • Reducing the intensity of allergic reactions.
    • Removal of toxins and toxins from the body.
    • Disinfecting action - getting rid of many microbes and viruses.
    • Getting rid of insomnia, migraines, depression, stuttering, epilepsy and other serious illnesses.
    • Skin care: toning it up, removing dead cells, sebum, narrowing pores, smoothing fine wrinkles.
    • Effective thirst quencher.
    • Getting rid of edema during pregnancy.

    How to grow your own rice mushroom from scratch

    To grow a sea mushroom at home, we need:

    • Glass jar.
    • Pure water (unboiled).
    • Clean gauze.
    • Sugar (preferably brown) - 2 tbsp l.
    • Raisins - one handful.
    • Dried fruits - optional.

    The technologies for growing Indian rice, tea and kefir mushrooms are approximately the same
    1. Add sugar to half a liter of purified water and stir until completely dissolved.
    2. We put 1 tbsp. l. rice mushroom (grains of white and cream color), which you can buy even on the Internet, on the bottom of the jar and pour half a liter of water with sugar.
    3. Add a handful of raisins, a couple of dried apricots or other dried fruits to "feed" the mushroom.
    4. We close the neck of the jar with gauze and leave it for 2-3 days in a space protected from sunlight at a temperature of 23 ° C to 27 ° C.
    5. After the appointed time, carefully drain the tincture where the mushroom was grown into a separate bowl. The drink is ready. For lovers of more acidic drinks, you can leave the mushroom for a longer time, but after three days it will acquire a rich sour taste. The finished mushroom can be stored in the cold for no more than four days from the moment of draining.
    6. To prepare a new tincture, the rice at the bottom of the jar must be removed, separate 1 tbsp. l., rinse well and repeat the procedure with a new "top dressing" and clean water.

    Video on how to grow correctly

    How to drink tincture

    A ready-made drink made from half a liter of water is enough for one adult per day. The mushroom should be eaten three times a day, 200 ml 15 minutes before meals. The first result will be noticeable after 3-4 weeks of systematic use. Children under 14 years of age are advised to take the tincture in the same order, but 10–20 ml at a time. In adolescents, the dosage remains the same as in an adult.

    It should be noted that older people need to take the evening dose with caution, since at this age it is not recommended to drink a lot of fluids at night. Therefore, dinner should be at least 2-3 hours before bedtime, then taking the mushroom is not dangerous.

    With diseases

    Despite the fact that the tincture of sea rice does not harm the body, it is imperative to consult a doctor before using it. The drink has healing properties and is used for diseases:

    • Of cardio-vascular system. Healing and restoration of heart muscle tissue, getting rid of the consequences of a heart attack, heart failure, renewing blood composition and lowering cholesterol levels. In this case, the mushroom must be infused with the addition of apples and prunes, consumed three times a day, 200 ml half an hour before meals for 1.5 months.
      It is from apples that the heart gets the maximum of substances useful for its work.
    • Gastrointestinal tract. Maintenance of beneficial microflora, healing of ulcers on the surface of the tissues of the stomach and intestines, anti-inflammatory effect, treatment of colitis, normalization of digestive processes. You can infuse with the addition of dry apples to achieve a mild laxative effect, you should use 100-200 ml (children - 10-20 ml) three times a day one hour before meals for 1-4 months, depending on the severity of the disease.
    • Nervous system. Influence on the emotional and mental state of a person, stimulating nervous tissues, providing a sedative effect. In this case, it is necessary to insist with the addition of pitted white figs, dried apricots or pears, use 200 ml three times a day one hour before meals for 1.5 months.
      In addition, white figs improve gastrointestinal function
    • Endocrine system. The tincture will not relieve you of diabetes, as it is an incurable disease, but if used correctly, it will make life much easier: accelerating metabolism, reducing fatigue, lowering blood sugar levels, improving vision. With such serious diseases, the course takes place in three stages, the first of which is the cleansing of all organs and tissues of the body, the second is the use of a mushroom, the third is a diet without eating meat. You need to drink the tincture three times a day, 300 ml (for children - 100-200 ml) 15 minutes before meals for three two-week courses with breaks a week.
    • Musculoskeletal system. Relief of joint pain, restoration of damaged bone tissue cells, strengthening of the skeleton. It is necessary to insist with the addition of some dried fruits: pear and sour apple - 6 slices each, dried apricots - 3 pcs. for 3 liters of liquid. It should be taken in stages: 300 ml three times a day before meals for three weeks, and then 200 ml twice a day before meals for three courses with breaks a week.
      Dried apricots help in the restoration of joint tissue
    • The immune system. Providing antiviral and antimicrobial action, strengthening immunity, increasing the stamina and endurance of the body. It should be consumed as a preventive measure, 300 ml three times a day 15 minutes before meals for a week.
    • Respiratory tract. Cleansing the mucous membrane, providing oxygen, providing anti-inflammatory action, removing mucus from the respiratory system. Drink should be throughout the entire period of illness.
    • Oncological focus. Prevention of the formation of cancer cells with the systematic use of the drink for preventive purposes.
    • Proctological orientation. Providing anesthetic action, healing cracks in intestinal tissues and treating hemorrhoids. During the first week, you need to do enemas daily (1 tbsp. L. Infusion for 50 ml of water), during the second week - every other day.

    Slimming benefits

    Tincture of Indian rice mushroom in its composition includes lipase - an enzyme that is responsible for the rapid breakdown of heavy fats that enter our body in the form of food. Despite the fact that lipase is produced in the body from the moment a person is born, a poor environmental situation, improper diet, and disturbances in the diet can cause the cessation or inhibition of its production. In this case, all unbroken fats go under the skin, provoking excess weight gain. Taking sea mushroom tincture prevents these processes, normalizing metabolism and preventing heavy fats from being deposited "in the sides".

    Approach weight loss comprehensively: without exercise, you won't lose weight on one Indian mushroom!

    It is necessary to consume the drink three times a day, 200 ml before meals, in order to provoke the production of lipase, respectively, to speed up the process of breaking down fats.

    Indian mushroom as a cosmetic

    Rice mushroom serves as a natural skin lotion, restoring normal acidity and water balance. That is why deodorants, face masks and hair conditioners are often made on the basis of this drink. It is also helpful to add a little tincture to a hot bath as it has the effect of sea salt, relaxing and softening the skin. The internal intake of the drink refreshes the tissues, visibly cleansing the pores from impurities, sebum, narrowing them, thereby preventing new dust and dirt from entering them. The action of the fungus is aimed at exfoliation of dead tissue cells and their removal from the surface of the epidermis.

    Sea rice tincture is effective as a skin care product. Lubricate problem areas of the skin with a drink daily, after washing your face, to effectively cleanse the fabric and refresh it, leave it for a few minutes until it dries completely (you do not need to rinse it off). After the procedure, you can apply a nourishing cream, as all the pores will be cleansed and the beneficial substances of the cosmetic product will better absorb. There are also special masks to combat problem skin.

    Against oily skin

    • Mineral sparkling water - 100 ml.
    • Rice mushroom tincture - 100 ml.

    The mineral water contains a complex of substances that give the skin elasticity and firmness

    We mix the ingredients and apply the mask on pre-cleansed skin daily two hours before bedtime using a sponge or apply a cotton napkin soaked in the mixture on the face for 10 minutes. You do not need to wash your face after the procedure.

    From blackheads and blackheads

    • Glycerin - 50 g.
    • Rice mushroom tincture - 100 g.

    We mix the components and apply the mask to the problem skin until it dries completely. We apply it daily before bedtime.

    Against dryness

    • Cream (fat) - 250 ml.
    • Egg (chicken) - 1 pc.
    • Pure water - 0.5 cups.
    • Rice mushroom tincture - 0.5 cups.

    Beat the egg and add the rest of the ingredients to it, mix thoroughly. We apply the mask on the face every day at the beginning of the shower. After the end of the procedure, rinse with water and pat the skin with a terry towel.

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